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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
The Unbreakable Negro
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-26-2021, 03:20 PM

[It opens up to his match with Page, mixed in with other matches he’s been on the losing side of it, including his loss against Ruby for the Anarchy Championship, then in between we see the room all in white with young girls dancing in an alien costume, then it cuts back to his only shot at the XWF Title against Big D, and Tommy at Snowjob, then it cuts back to the girl hitting a statue of Page with a baseball bat, and we see four young boys all in metal mask coming into the room and they come up to a statue of Ruby and Big D, and they all grab some bats and they just straight up break them into pieces. Then we see JB in a white hoodie, black jeans, and a bit more swoler from last time holding a bat. As he grins his maskless face, he see’s the kids are enjoying themselves, as he speaks.]

JB: Hello world, I have seek some time away from the scene, to get my head out of the water, and think I had a shot at being a champion. A champion of being a champion to say that I am the leading man in this company, I have to be honest with you all, I can’t lie… I wanted to get that belt, very badly. I didn’t even bother eating after-hours at a IHOP with my fellas, because I kept being reminded that I couldn’t break the unbreakable Page, and the same to the other two who these kids decided to destroy the statues of, as a sign of me letting go of the past. It’s time for me to realize, that the past doesn’t mean shit to me… if I could let go of my own crimes i’ve committed, then I could let go of whatever is holding me back.

[JB then walks up to the destroyed statue of Page, and he hands the girls each ten dollars, and they gleefully leave the area. Then he looks at the head of the caved in Page, and holds it like if it’s a scene from Hamlet or something.]

JB: Oh Page-ric, my dearest fair maiden… you have broken a broken man from the past, but you gotten busted open by me in that cage, if I had the choice to do it again, i would love to repeat that moment again, and again. Oh where art thou, championship of weed smoketh? It belongs where you and your broken body lay on the floor, shattered into bits and pieces. Page-ric….

[JB lays the head down and he smashes it into pieces, where some green like blood flowed onto the white floor, then he goes up to the four boys who were still destroying the statues of Big D and Ruby, he stops them, and he hands them the same amount of money, and they also leave the scene. Then JB stands over the remains of the broken statues of D and Ruby, he finishes the jobs and breaks them with the bat, where this time purple and lemon lime like blood flowed out outside their own bodies.]

JB: I don’t mean to be so vicious to these guys, but I need to let them all go. They had to be broken, since they aren’t as unbreakable as they thought they could be. Do I still feel salty of being caught in-between unsanctioned belt or being told I had a shot against a superhero chick?… not really, it’s was a worth while chance to prove to myself and to everyone, that I still got shit figured out. Now this time, I have to admit that, this one person, who’s statue is going to be spared… is a person I have a whole lot of love for, the same woman who’s going to be defending her Net title against me…

[Then he comes up to a statue of Atara Themis, in all her glory including holding her Net title on her waist and a belt that looked like the Shooting Star belt on her left shoulder. JB then comes around, and he cresses it with his hands, then he circles around it. Then he comes around her ear, and blows into it, then speaks to it.]

JB: What’s up Atara, you know from the first time I met you, I wanted to let you know that you had it going on. But, unfortunately me and my partner T had to fight you and your sister. To be real with you Atara, i’ve had my eyes on you since you stepped foot in this place, I know you got worshippers like Centy, Fuzzworth, or hell even Alias for the right price. You are the goddess among the roster, and I can’t help myself to break in front of you. But to be honest with you, Atty…

[JB then smashes the statue of Atara into pieces with his bat, until pink and red like blood flowed on the floor. Then JB looks at his multi colored bat, and he looks at the mess he made on the floor.]

JB: You and these statues don’t mean shit to me, I know I will never be a footnote in the company, but I am unbreakable, I am a man who’s going to take what is mines for the sake of me. I am going to take that Internet Title, and maybe be somebody with it, as you might forget about it and chase after another better belt. So consider this as a threat from me, you can’t break me into pieces. But maybe after the match, as a consolation price i’ll hook you up with some IHOP after I put the beating on you in the moon. So Atty, my baby mama numba 23… you going to see new side of JB, bitch!

[Then it simply cut to the logo of the LOF poster.]

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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Atara Raven (05-26-2021), Charlie Nickles (05-26-2021), JimCaedus (05-26-2021), Theo Pryce (05-27-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-26-2021)

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The Unbreakable Negro - by John_Black - 05-26-2021, 03:20 PM

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