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Some March Madness Updates 2-16-21
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-16-2021, 11:49 AM

A few folks have reached out and suggested that instead of drawing the round 2 names in two separate groupings the way we had originally planned that we put all 16 names into a hat and do it that way. Well the GM team discussed and we've decided to do just that.

So what we are going to do is this, the Savage card for the 3-13 show will still go out in 2 phases. Phase 1 will be for anyone who opted into that show and is not part of the tournament. That part of the card will likely go up on the night of 2-27/morning of 2-28.

Phase 2 of the card which will include ALL of the winners from round 1 of the tournament, including the matches that occur on the 3-3 edition of Warfare go up on either the evening of 3-3 or morning of 3-4. What that means is that anyone who advances to round 2 of the tournament will have a truncated RP window for that show. What we will do, and this will be listed on the card very explicitly is extend the week 1 deadline a few days and shorten the week 2 rp period. You'll have 9 days to do 2 rps. Not ideal but not awful either.

So that's the lead in to the PPV. Now for the PPV itself.

We were hoping to enter the PPV with only 4 participants left in the tournament however that will not be the case. So what will happen is that we will enter the PPV with the Elite Eight.

The Elite Eight matches will be the first 4 matches of the PPV. Then we will likely have the Hart Title Match. Then we will have the 2 final four matches. Then the tag title match. Then the 2nd chance Battle Royale which will involve everyone who was eliminated from the tourney in the first two rounds as(if you wish to opt in) and the participants eliminated in the Elite 8 and Final Four Rounds. Then we will have another match, possibly the Universal or some other title match. Then the March Madness Tournament Finals Match. So...the card will look like this:

Elite 8 Match
Elite 8 Match
Elite 8 Match
Elite 8 Match
Hart Title Match
Final Four Match
Final Four Match
Tag Team Title Match
Second Chance Battle Royale
Universal Title or Other Match
Tournament Finals Match (triple threat)

EVERYONE who enters the tournament as a member of the Elite Eight will be have the following RP rules: 4 rps/3k word max.

If you opt in for the Second Chance Battle Royal as someone who previously lost in the tourney prior to the PPV it will be 3 rps/3k word max.

If you opt in for the PPV to be booked at our discretion the rp rules will be listed on the card based on the match you are booked in.

If you are wondering how you can be in the Second Chance match and potentially win the tournament while having to do 1 less rp allow me to explain how we are judging for this show.

First we will grade and rank everyone in the second chance battle royal to determine the winner. Whoever has the highest grade 0-100 will be the winner.

Then we will grade and rank everyone who enters the tournament as part of the Elite 8. We will then slot in the winner of the Second Chance BR into that ranking effectively giving us 9 overall grades thus putting everyone on equal footing and also further illustrating that here we look at quality over quantity when determining winners.

The next and hopefully last thing you are probably asking yourself is how will we determine the Final Four matches since there won't be a random drawing for it.

Well, in a perfect world I can get in contact with someone the day of the show to do a quick video that we can throw into the results to determine the matches. If I can't do that then what I will likely do is reach out to two different members of the roster probably via Discord to select the match ups. What I would do as an example is message say Alias a list of names listed 1-4 and then ask someone in the general chat channel to list out 2 numbers 1-4, that will be the first pairing and the remaining 2 numbers will be the second pairing. This way it is completely out in the open for all to see. Again that is if I am unable to get someone to do a quick video.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Some March Madness Updates 2-16-21 - by Theo Pryce - 02-16-2021, 11:49 AM

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