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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes Battle Royale RP Board
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Atara Raven Online
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

10-27-2020, 10:19 PM

[Image: nr9ccKH.gif]

XWF Arena Catering/Cafeteria Area
Sometime before Highstakes....Obviously

"Aphrodite Incarnate, as I Iive and breath...

She sat alone. Intentionally she sat alone much as Atara always had when amongst the general populace. There was a propensity amongst the roster to craft innuendo out of literally anything and the last thing the Grecian wanted to hear while enjoying a greek salad was comments on how far the fork when in her mouth. How an olive rolled on her tongue or whatever crass grade school BS they came up with. So, much to her chagrin, hearing her moniker wasn't exactly a thrill.

Silent, Atara attempted to give the go-by but present company seemed oblivious and when she looked up to take notice it became all apparent as why.


Steve Sayors, it was Steve Sayors. Nothing else needs really be said. Sat across from her, oblivious to the fact he was ruining lunch, he pressed on.

"Rumour was Madison had run you off for good. Locker room has all but written you off..

"Well, she's dead and the locker room can take turns eating your ass," Snapping, Atara was clearly irrate and maybe a touch hurt.

"I'm...uh, I'm sorry. Yeah, anyhow. You're here! You look I can't help but ask, you being here now..."

Atara glared lazers demanding with her eyes he come out with it. "Are you here for the Highstakes Royale?"

Snorting disbelief, Atara's rigid demeanor broke. Unable to keep from smiling she shook her head in protest. "Are you effin kidding me? No Steve. Big D mentioned Savage needing some help I am."

Sayors nodded and collected thought before posing yet another inquiry, "Why not? It's an open invitational. What's to lose?"

Now it was Atara's turn to nod and collect thought. A stern gaze found Sayors as she leaned slightly forward, arms folded across another at the forearm, before a question of her own was proffered. "Because Steve, the Universal title is unwanted shit waiting to happen. Either it's shit on or it shits on you. The last 4 Universal Champions haven't been met with the best of ends. To my recollection Lux was the last champion to rightfully earn it and I think that goes to show the integrity of the belt as whole. I'd rather take my participation trophy and parade on Twitter as the Internet Champion.

At the worst my feelings might get hurt, but that seems alot better than being made a vegetable by generic brand Chris Page or worse...

Besides, we all know I'm not committed enough to hold the highest title in the land.

Again Steve nodded and paused in thought. "Fair point, but still. It's an open invitational with a lot of time ahead of us. If you're not in it to win it I am sure someone is willing to play the numbers. Favors are hard to come by these days...and I dont know, consider it another means of upstaging of Myst."

Atara's brow perked and the gears were grinding at the possibilities, "Ok, Steve. Sign me up "

"Really?! NEAT! You still have to cut a promo detailing why you'll win!"

Atara threw hands up exasperated just wanting to finish her salad, "I don't effin know Sayors! What would Madison say?

"Because your pretty?"

"Go with that."

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[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
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1x PWV Anthem Champion
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B.O.B. D (10-28-2020), Barney Green (10-28-2020), Corey Smith (10-28-2020), HeavensToBetsy (11-19-2020), Johnny Legend (11-06-2020), Marf (10-28-2020)

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Maybe - by Atara Raven - 10-27-2020, 10:19 PM

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