Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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07-31-2020, 04:51 AM
(07-31-2020, 12:15 AM)Jim "the Jim" Jimson Said: Jim Jimson rolls up to a random tree with a bunch of pinecones under it, he starts grabbing a bunch of pinecones from under a tree and throwing them to a large Catalan man.
Jim Jimson: PASSADOR! Big D was right! There was a bunch of pinecone under this tree!
Passador: How did you find where the pinecones were if all Big D said was that he saw some pinecones under a tree?
Jim "the Jim" Jimson: You think I'd let a pile of pinecones go to waste?
Passador: Yeah, I should know that after you stole that giant penis-shaped pinecone statue from our old rival college
Jim "the Jim" Jimson (Jim): Ha! If you thought that was huge you should have seen my uncle's massive, throbbin-
??: Hey! I know him.. that's Jim Jimson
??: Oh yeah... I recognise him now..
Jim Jimson looks over and sees 3 kids, holding pinecones. These are the kids Big D was talking about
Allegedly named Jim "the Jim" Jimson (Jim): Oh, well... If you know who I am, will you let me take these pinecones for the great dolphin war
Kid 1: No,1You suck.
Allegedly named Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim" Jimson (Jim): HEY! I won last week
Kid 2: You beat Liam Roberts
Allegedly named Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim 'A verified Jimson' " Jimson (Jim): I beat you all couldn't beat him you rats!
Kid 2: My fart could beat Liam Roberts
Maybe Allegedly named Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim 'A verified Jimson' " Jimson (Jim): You really you think, I'm a weakling, well your about to learn that you messed with the wrong flipping Jimson, Passador beat these little kids asses up!
Passador: I maybe forever in debt to you, but I'm not going to beat up a bunch of kids
Maybe Allegedly named Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim 'A verified Jimson' " Jimson (Jim) Warning: possibly a dolphin fucker: Fine! I'll do it myself, who wants to go first
Jim starts to throw punches in the air at the direction of the children
2 punches later
Jim falls to the ground out of extreme exhaustion
Maybe Allegedly named Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim 'A verified Jimson' " Jimson (Jim) Warning: possibly, probably a dolphin fucker : You win this time you little rats, but I'll get you next time!
Kid 2: It's been like 2 seconds
The kids walk away and take the pinecones away from Jim
Kid 1:[color=#708090 I think we need a types+of+pins&rlz=1C1CHBF_enAU881AU881&oq=types+of+pins&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5j69i60j69i61.4261j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8">new hiding spot [/color]
Maybe possibly Allegedly named2Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim 'A verified Jimson' " Jimson (Jim) Warning: possibly, probably not a dolphin fucker : Who am I kidding, I'm a loser, I'm a nobody, you know3maybe it's time I finally hang up my boots and give-
Passador: I knocked out John Black.
Maybe possibly Allegedly named Jim " 'Simply Jim' the Jim 'A verified Jimson' " Jimson (Jim) Warning: impossibly, probably not a dolphin fucker : TIME TO WIN THE HEAVYMETALWEIGHT CHAMPINSHIP!
Passador drops John Black to the ground and crawls over to him
Whatever you see in gold, all are pin attempts....
Title: Time to reclaim my cham pinship throne
Discrpt: So, you ever find it weird that there are these long as fuck thread description that have nothing to do with the post, like why the fuck is this so damn long like holy shit can you just shut up you little bitch and let me get to the actual post /watch?v=W-0ZV9zXpc0 <---- sends a link to pins and shit
Sig: Heavy emphasis on champin on both belts... and even down to his message that "Maybe you should go check-up in the text for the pins"
Underneath his name: The man, the myth, the legend, the pin
If i missed anything...well, i suck and should just surrender the title, and never show my face here again in XWF.
JB quickly kicks out, and he gets on his feet, and pulls a large pinecone tree and wacks it over Jim's head until he fell on the ground, then he shakes the pinecones and bury him underneath it.
"Enjoy your pincones... you freak... you anit getting this title back anytime soon, beyotch!"
JB walks off with his title on the shoulder.