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Hey Thunder Knuckles, Hold Meh Beer: The Sequel
Author Message
Lacklan Offline
World's best at making murderhobos cry

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-12-2020, 06:43 AM

Sarah blinks several times as Atara mumbles in front of her, swaying on her feet, the stench of shitty beer wafting in her face. She looks left and right down the Federweight Hall, sees no one, and shrugs.

"Kick out?"

She shrugs her shoulders again.

"I mean, she didn't actually try to pin me? Ya know what? Whatever."

She stretches out her neck, cracks her knuckles, puts her hands on her hips JUST RIGHT so that they pop, and flashes her Billion $$$ Smile.

Hey, Atty! Know, I can totally see that you're a teeny bit tipsy on cheap booze, and therefore likely have spent the night wallowing in the pity that is your floundering career AND social life, so I won't take this personally. I mean, I've hit a bark patch a time or two, too, and have lashed out at others, so I kinda know what it's like. Well, not EXACTLY like this, of course, because MY dark patch was when I was a world champ, and not some random lowercard act who everyone excuses how often she loses because she's pretty, like you, but still, I can at least TRY to understand how the rabble feels, right?

N-E-Ways, if you are going to toss around that "ermahgerd Anarchy" nonsense at least do a little homework! I'm not saying do a deep dive into the annals of when this place had class and it was CREATIVE and FUN, but just a year ago! Anarchy was new and fresh and hip and needed a face! Needed a Queen! And that was me. And when I left....and caused a BUNCH of people to pass and moan in the apparently became "Beat up Ruby Every Week!" And that just won't do! Beating up that dummy is MY job, and if ANYONE is gonna to knock some sense into her, it's gonna be me.

Along with the "ermahgerd Anarchy" take, you also want to bring up Vinnie, huh? Do you know how many times I've publicly stated that he's an idiot? That he's a shit boss? That I know he just uses me for ratings? Dude's a DICK and I hate working for him! Believe you me, I'm on the right side of his canonically-established 5 incher by being nowhere near it!

As for your boyfriend and his title? I want nothing to do with whiney, mopey, crying bitches. I had enough of THAT with the LAST Universal Champ! But I know that that's the kind of thing that gets you off, so I'll leave him to you. After all, your bag is all about forgetting to go to work, hastily getting in front of the XWF camera crew half dressed and with your hair still in a mess, blathering through half a promotional video, jobbing out to Green-level morons like the MadClan, contemplate ending it all, and then joining 27 new companies five seconds later. You guys would be a hell of a Main Event!

Oh! And! Another thing! Pigeons>Doves

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re:Hey Thunder Knuckles, Hold Meh Beer: The Sequel - by Lacklan - 07-12-2020, 06:43 AM

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