04-28-2020, 08:17 PM
We see JB coming into the room, where he looks at the new X-Treme champion beaming his eyes at Glimour. Then he noticed the former alien turned emo black parade front man. Then he stumbles upon that video he played, and laughs.
"Damn Mr Jones, you know to find some quality material on the tubes. I didn't mean to interrupt your one night stand with everyone's resident bitch boy Glimour. But i want to tell you this, i don't expect Glimour to anwser your question; he's too afraid to get his ego knocked down a peg by a guy like you."
Then he observes his newly gotten strap.
"Shit you managed to ice cream your way into that strap, and managed to hold your own nuts up against Glimour's words. When I heard that rebuttal, i knew you that mafuker that would scare Glimour. He's afraid of you, Mr Jones; so i doubt he's gonna want to play relevant roulette against you. But i might be wrong, he might want to get that vapors from a man like you."
He walks off but before he leaves he looks at Azreal.
"....Really bruh, i guess Glimour is your best friend. That's why Mr. Jones had to ether you with that clip, he don't want you involved with his affair against the man who called him out for his pin attempt. So if i were you Azreal, stay outta of it if you know what good fo ya."
JB walks off, as the stench of Gilly sweat fumed the room.