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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
The Trial to Survive
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Ned Kaye Offline
per cogitabat, per facis

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-25-2020, 11:16 PM

January 16th, 2020

"When is this guy supposed to be here? I don't have all night!"

Ethan Davis uncomfortably fidgets in the backseat of the taxi he and Dewey Main are in, ignoring the badgering of the cab driver.

"He'll be here."

The cabbie throws a hand up in a bit of aggravation.

"You know, we've waited long enough. I want y'all outta m-"

"There he is!"

Ethan finally relaxes a bit as Ned comes into sight, escaping from the Simmons Bank Arena, dressed as a SWAT officer. Kaye tosses the helmet off to the side, carrying some bags with him as he rushes towards the cab. The driver gets out, shouting towards Ned.

"Look fella, you and your buddies here really have been hogging up my night, so I'm gonna have to ask y'all to get a different driver!"

Ned ignores him somewhat, dropping his bags towards the back of the car. Walking over to the cabbie, he hands him two hundred dollar bills.

"Sorry about the wait. Hopefully this'll cover your wasted time. Can we still get that ride?"

The cabbie looks at the money in awe before walking towards the trunk. He grumbles slightly as he gives his answer.

"...Get in the damn car. Airport, right?"


Ethan gets out of the backseat, letting Ned take the space in-between himself and Dewey. The three sit scrunched in the taxi as the driver renters and starts heading towards the airport. After an extended silence, Kaye speaks up.

"That was crazy enough to work!"

"Don't jinx it, man."

"Well, work up to this point."

"Work's a tricky term," Dewey interjects, "and going to the Clinton Airport is not my idea of a plan going well."

"Look, just relax! This is either gonna end with us in Australia or in federal prison and the least we can do is ride the tide 'till then, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Ned."

Dewey shrugs, pulling a cigar out of his coat. The other passengers don't notice as he brandishes his lighter and lights his cigar, taking a puff before Ned sniffs.

"Is that... are you smoking? In the cab?"

"Fuck off, kid! It's how I relax!"

"You can't smoke in a cab without getting ejected! Put that thing out!"

"He was like this the wholeeee time I had to stay with him..."

"You were no princess, neither! And I didn't sign up for this gig to do some babysitting on the side!"

"I barely spoke to you!"

"Yeah, you barely listened, too!"

Ned raises his voice, visibly baffled.

"Can we stop this?"

"Why we need to stop?"

"Not you! You two! I am dealing with quite a lot right now, guys, and I'd appreciate it if we calmed down for one damn second!"


"As you wish."

Dewey goes to puff on his cigar again when he's met with a glare from Ned. Rolling his eyes, Main puts out the cigar in a small red drink cup he has nearby.

"I'll just smoke when we get on the airplane. Austria, yeah?"


"Don't know why I let you talk me into this, kid. Why the hell are we stepping foot into Australia?"

"Because Fuzz is the big winner and forgot that he was throwing Aussie jokes when it was convenient at Steve Jason. Now, because of his bad taste in tag partners, all of a sudden it's his favorite place."

"You know a lot 'bout this guy, huh?"

Ned shrugs, thinking a bit.

"Well, of course. He's been wrestling a long time and I've even watched some of his matches with Ethan when he was younger."

"How you gonna beat him? Sounds like he's been 'round long enough to expect kids like you."

"Well, I'm gonna have to do it through talent and passion and knowledge. Fuzz isn't the kind to just lay down. But he's kinda like me, y'know? He's had to struggle to survive in this business."

"What kinda struggle? I've seen a lot o' shit, boy, and you go through a surprising amount of it."

"Well... typically he waits or finds some way to mitigate it, but he's struggled."

"Wait, wait. This guy ain't struggling then! I can hardly put up with you, but you face that stuff head on. Sounds like this fella's as soft as his name."

"He's still managed to survive-"

"So fuckin' what? The Queen's managed to survive this long and she hardly lifts her ass. Survival don't mean a damn if you're not fighting for it."

Ned ponders Dewey's words for a moment, realizing the indirect compliment. He smiles slightly.

"Thanks, De-"

"For example, I was a survivor back when I was investing in Banquet meals."

Ethan and Ned begin to groan.

"Everyone else was sleeping on em, but I knew-"

"That the microwave meal bubble was rising-"

"And it wasn't going to burst until they discovered another wave to cook food."

They give Dewey a look as he uncomfortably stares back, turning away after.

"Damn straight."

Ned and Ethan peer through the window, keeping quiet for a bit. The pressure of the past few weeks is still heavy on them, but it's beginning to feel like that weight could be lifted, though they're still uncertain.

"Nate called."

Ned cocks his head to the side, frowning somewhat. He hadn't been able to tell his brother goodbye before he left. Despite their history, Ned did want to persue a stronger connection with his brother. Which was going to be harder now.


"Your mom's doing better. Still sore from the fall, but better."

That's when this started, wasn't it? Ned had tried to stream for a day to avoid the stress over worrying over his one remaining parent and it had backfired stupendously. Ned looked upward, wondering if he'd see his mother again. If-


Ethan interrupted the thought.

"It's okay."

Ned hesitated.

"I think you're right."


In an unspecified Australian hotel room sits The Notorious One. He has one hand holding a few notebook papers and his other on his chin. His expression is a mixture of disappointment, uncertainty, and a righteous fierceness. Running a finger over a few of the words on the pages in front of him, he eventually just shakes his head and stares upward at the camera.

"You know, Centurion had warned me about Fuzz's ability to trash talk. He made certain to hammer into my head that Fuzz could weave these intricate insults that would demoralize me, so when his promo dropped, I braced myself for impact and I was met with..."

"A synopsis of my XWF career primarily sourced through wikipedia and drunken Noah Jackson texts, a bunch of James Raven and APEX Prophecy anger added for padding, and one of the oldest and laziest cliches in the book of professional wrestling: "I chose you for an easy match." This is what a Champion chose to come at me with. This king of trash talk. This Lethal Lottery winner. This isn't arrogance with low effort, this is what happens when someone tries to eschew any effort at all."

"I had actually written down some topics to cover when I addressed him, but it seems my fans out there preferred it when I got off the cuff and passionate. So, here's what we'll do with these notes."

Ned lifts up the papers and tears them in half, dropping the scraps to the floor.

"I didn't really need them anyway because, unlike Fuzz, I fully understand my opponent. So let's have a glance at his career in all of its grimy glory. This has been a long time coming."

"Now, some people might be thinking that I'm just upset because you're underestimating me. Not quite. I'm appalled because you are the one doing it and you should know better. Let's think of a few names: Ace Vincent, Big Shank, Steve Jason. What do they have in common?"

"They are all huge names that you once had a bone to pick with because they all looked down on you and wrote you off. That thought you wouldn't amount to half of what they were. Big Shank took your help at the 08-08-08 Supershow to fight off Black Order, but he didn't care that it was you. He pocketed your credit with a big, toothy grin and cast you to the side. Ace had so little respect for you that he didn't even bother to record a promo for your match at XX. Yet look at yourself now! You beat Ace with minimal effort! And Shank, a man who thought about as highly of you as he does the dirt that sticks to his shoes, you made eat his words after eleven years of being subjected to his naysaying and dismissal! And then what do you do? You throw those same assessments at me. At that instance is when it clicked for me that your Afterthought persona was truly dead. You didn't care about people overlooking talent, you were just petty about being left out."

"And you were so quick to emulate those who put you down that I wonder if your ego is just getting out of hand or if you were foaming at the mouth for a chance to be in their shoes. I also understand that for a lot of newer XWF fans, this may all sound incredibly unbelievable. That this risen legend wasn't always this mythical figure he markets himself as, but that his persona shifted and changed with time. And if you had done the slightest bit of actual research on me, Shawn, you would've known that I am and have been an XWF fan since I was just a kid in Brooklyn with a dream and few bruises on his chest! You don't even have an actual opinion on me as that would require you to have spent a minimal amount of time learning about my short career in the XWF. Researching the better part of a year isn't too hard compared to the sheer breadth of your time here, but I still possess an aspect you are letting dry out in you by the minute and that's passion. I care about showing up, I put in the time and thought because I want to win and compete while you've let your arrogance consume you to the point where, as a goddamn Champion, you have no desire to fight for a victory and instead opted to just take what you thought was the easy way out! I mean, for God's sake Fuzz, war is in your name and it used to be in your blood! Where did that go?"

Ned's voice gets more intense as he stares into the camera, hands clenched tightly together.

"But I suppose that should be expected, right? You always were a slimy guy when given the chance, so it's only logical that it would adapt with your new reliance on your image. I mean, you win a belt that prides itself on forcing the holder to be ready every minute of every day and what do you do? You build a safe room. A small box to lock yourself in so you don't have to do what's expected of you when you carry the X-Treme title. Paint it as intelligence and careful planning all you'd like and I'll call it for what it is: cowardice. The same fragile egotism that manifested itself years ago when you were faking paralysis for months instead of fighting. And it now takes the form of your avoidance of "The Engineer" and choice of facing me. How does it feel to know that, not only, is someone you're choosing to dismiss so quickly is willing to face someone you're avoiding like the plague because you're scared that they'll rip this indulgent little moment out of your hands. I've already said what my plans for the Universal Title are and, unlike you, I'm not going to jump in after a match for an easy run. On the contrary, I announced my plans well beforehand and everyone here knows I'll be incredibly forthcoming when it comes to the actual match. Is that a result of me getting a big head because Robert Main thinks I'm a star in the making? Is that stupidity on my part or some cosmic miscalculation I made? No. It's because I hold myself like a Champion despite never having been one. When someone beckons me for a match, I ask "where and when?" Meanwhile, you are a Champion and you respect your position and belt about as much as you do me!"

"Hell, let's not leave any of this on the table! You're more than just a Champion right now! You're closest thing to Mr. XWF we have outside of a science fiction wet-dream with a penchant for homicide using the ring name of a dead man! And you're cowering! But what about the last time you were Mr. XWF, back when you owned this company? You had bumped heads with Jonathyn Brown because how he had run the place, however, instead of attempting to change the XWF for the better, you ran it into the dirt. And when you were all done and had ruined whatever good will you had by squandering your ownership, did you own up to it? No! You lurched off into the shadows without so much as an apology and only slithered out to go to WGWF in the hopes that no one would remember your failures. I'd call you a snake, but that would be an insult to one of wrestling's true legends and cold-blooded reptiles everywhere."

"Say what you will about the rough spots I've hit in my time here because even as frustrated as I get at myself, I jumped into the main roster and made everyone know why I got my nickname on the indies. I would've thought that you could respect that, considering you were one of the first people to see James Raven as real talent when he was still on Saturday Night Impact! I suppose your eye for talent has narrowed to yourself and those willing to feed your insatiable ego. Let's be frank here, you wanted to bring up James Raven. You needed to, Shawn, because that's who you've really been fighting this whole time. APEX Prophecy isn't dead, Fuzz, but you desperately need it to be. Because it's Raven's. And somewhere down the line you realized that James will always be respected more than you because he's better. And that shrivels you up inside. I mean, look at you, Shawn. Throwing your own show? Trying to become a king of trash talk? Fuzz, you're not Raven's greatest rival, you're his biggest fan! You can't keep his name out of your damn mouth with how envious you are of him. You want to be James Raven so badly, but you're not. I don't want to be James or Robert or Drew or Centurion or Steve Jason or Shawn Warstein. I am proud to be Ned Kaye. Proud to be the man who could compete against his idol and his father's favorite wrestler-!"

Ned's voice begins to crack, his eyes welling up.

"From back when he was just sitting on the couch with the best father a guy could ever ask for!"

Ned's emotion overcomes him as tears fall down his face, pausing as he places a hand over his mouth.

"E-excuse me..."

Calming himself down and wiping his tears away with a hand, he takes a deep breath and continues.

"Even as highly as I think of James, he did prove my point about how you "legends" view these belts and main event spots. The X-Treme holds this company's name and he was off using it as a foot rest or something and you don't even have enough respect for it to choose opponents you view as worthy. All because you remember it to be one way."

Ned stops, reflecting on his words.

"Memories... are powerful. They can transport you to the lowest and highest moments of your life. And how you confront and live with them shows your character. So, why am I willing to know my past and admit I've had missteps and struggles and you've seperated so much from yours, Fuzz? It's fear. You don't want to be that person again, so you've distanced yourself mentally, but that doesn't change your actions, nor does it redeem them. It's just like the safe room, the wheelchair, or this match. A comfort to make the fear go away for a little without confronting it. And you know the really pathetic thing? I'm scared, too. I'm scared about how people will view me if I lose. I meant every word I said during the stream, I do consider you great. But you're not a myth. Hardly a legend. Regardless of how high up on the ladder you are, you're just a man, scared of uncertainty. That's why I don't believe you have any control in your own destiny. Fear has defined you for decades Fuzz, just looming under all of that ego. And while you're looking down at your fun little party, certain that no one will take you down from the ladder as long as you avoid "The Engineer" long enough to do a cowardly cash-in, I'm climbing. And when you step into that ring, certain of the outcome, doing an Apollo Creed-esque dance, that's when it will sink in. You'll look behind you and see my hand on your ankle. And that's when I will drag you, kicking and screaming, back to Earth, letting you hit every rung on the way down. You don't think I'm good enough to wind you? You're convinced I'm not good enough to take that belt from you or to be on your level? So be it. Think that all you want, Shawn. Think it while the Lacklans are pummeling your sore ass. Think it all day on commentary."

"I know I'm good enough."

"You can't run from yourself."
[Image: riNkNZw.png]
Wins | Losses | Draws
59 | 37 | 4

Indie Darling Eternal

#33 on The XWF Top 50(2021)
1x Tag Team Champion[with Isaiah King](Current)
2x [Image: CbviDqC.png] (Former)
1x X-Treme Champion(Former)
The Final Supercontinental Champion
1x Television Champion(Former)
Star of the Month - April 2019 | March 2021 | December 2022
RP of the Month - March 2021 (Void of the Mind)
Winner - Leap Of Faith Rafter Match 2019
1x 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Winner - War Games 2023(With Mark Flynn, Isaiah King, & Crash Rodriguez as G00D-B01)

All Time Career(Interfed)
Wins | Losses | Draws
61 | 39 | 4
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[-] The following 4 users Like Ned Kaye's post:
Atara Raven (01-25-2020), B.O.B. D (01-26-2020), red-x (01-26-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (01-26-2020)

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The Trial to Survive - by Ned Kaye - 01-25-2020, 11:16 PM

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