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Luca Arzegotti wishes he was that clever.
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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07-09-2013, 01:12 AM

Quote:Luca: Unknown Soldier? I out thought him every step of the way. Here's what I did to him, in case you're a fucking rook. I made him give up his title to the Crimson Dong, crushing its credibility later on when Gilmour started to brag about it, all because I made a big deal about the title that I didn't even care about. I already had my 24/7 briefcase, which is the upside to the title in the first place, so if he shined it with his frostbitten dick, it made no difference to me. Then I got my partner, The Wraith, to distract him with a one sided brawl that gave the time I needed to beat Ann Thraxx and win the match for our little team.

Soldier, I don't need to be better than you in any way, shape, or form. All I need to do is the one thing you're incapable of.


Unknown Soldier: "Oh Luca, turning the tides on the truth to make yourself sound intriguing and important. Much like I put to shame when the two of us stood in the ring. You made me give my title to Crimson Dong? Is that right? Way I remember it was me taking the pin and GIVING THE TITLE to Crimson Dong after you tried to blow smoke up everyone's ass about how you were going to 'win back the title you lost.' You don't remember all those rants you had about how you were going to get that belt back and THEN ME not YOU smashed it's credibility. I'm sure they just disappeared and suddenly you've warped your mind into believing that the schemes I pulled over YOUR eyes are your own. I've done plenty of 'thinking' Luca. and you know what I 'think?' It sounds like your trying to stroke your own ego through MY ACTIONS and calling them your own. Scott Charlotte and everyone else in that match knows how humiliated you must have been. Hell, you thought it was good enough to regurgitate just moments ago in your promo. Maybe you were hoping I wouldn't catch attention to this so you could just avoid it and act like it's your own. Don't come out here and say now that you weren't balls deep into the thought that you weren't going to reclaim that title back from me before I pawned it off on Crimson Dong. You fucking hypocritical piece of trash."

Unknown Soldier: "It's not enough you have to sit over my shoulder and cackle like a horny giddish school girl when I destroy Hunter Payne earlier. I saw you offer me some 'whiskey' beverage. Come on, everyone knows I'm a vodka lover! Now here you are plagarizing your own humiliation after I dispelled it all on you. Maybe you thought nobody would notice. I did. Hey, maybe my verbal assaults will work wonders against John Madison huh? Best thing to do to beat him would be to reiterate the way I humiliated you. Madison taught you well. Do what Soldier does and then you'll finally get some notoriety around here."

Unknown Soldier: "Originality... All I need to do is the one thing you're incapable of... "

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

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56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
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2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Luca Arzegotti wishes he was that clever. - by Unknown Soldier - 07-09-2013, 01:12 AM

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