03-30-2019, 08:13 AM
I burnt out hard as Engy and ended up angling the Uni off of him because I felt like I couldn't compete at that level for much longer. It absolutely does start to wear on you. And, like many of you, I to have a bevy of real life commitments (one and a half jobs one of which has weird as hell hours, a sick father I try to make time for, a significant other who's kind of long distance, various geek hobbies including running the show at my LCS for a card game, etc....).
My feeling after March Madness, and this is absolutely no slight against like Lacklan at all, but holy fuck I never want to do that again. Not ever. Like, yeah, it's my fault I let myself get sucked in again, but good God. It's also why I've only booked myself on Savage since starting up with Lux. Lux was going to be my PT (mostly retired) baby, but then that tournament happened.
I am all in favor of doing away with No Limits RP'ing. Let's face facts, hardly any of us are kids anymore who have nothing but free time to sit around and jack off on the internet. I am absolutely ok with any idea permutation of idea that does away with no limits RP'ing (although I am sympathetic to keeping the Uni that way). I would prefer there to still be some back and forth allowed, just maybe with word limits. For the record, I'm totally ok with Savage as it is now.
The administration here is one of the most responsive I've ever seen to the players, so I trust them to handle this well also, regardless of the tack they take.