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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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Rate your interest in this type of fed/show
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-12-2018, 03:51 PM

If a show that focused heavily on playing along with and reacting to the storylines/events/etc that the staff assigned you or threw you into during the results, who would be interested?

A few examples:

-Staff tells you (the handler) that your character needs to turn face at the upcoming show and we want your character to be the top face of the show within a month from that turn. Your job now is to develop that change through your RPs, segments, and any changes in wrestling style/moves that would make sense to help you transform into the x-treme face/hero type of character... NOT a character who is cheered for swearing, excessive violence, etc... but a convincing hero/honorable type instead. (because maybe we told a different writer we want them to be the "Asshole" face)

-You end up in a segment on the show that sees your character get poisoned. Now it's up to you to correctly react and address this as well as play out what happened after the show, with doctors, etc... whatever it takes to sell that shit to the sky and make us believe your character almost died. None of this BS where you RP about how it hardly hurt you, or acting like you're invincible as soon as we see footage of you in your RPs that follow. If the CHARACTER is the type that would try to save face and lie about how hurt they were, then you need to be able to show us BOTH sides of that... we need to see what really happened and how damaging the effects were, how hard recovery was, etc... BUT then you can of course have your character lie straight to our faces about how "it was no big deal" or whatever. YOU (the writer) MUST sell what happened even if your CHARACTER wants to no-sell it verbally.

-You see that your character during a show was pushed in a direction that you didn't previously have them going in, but now you have to play along. For example, we might have your character have a run in with somebody else with NEITHER of you knowing OOC ahead of time it was going to happen. It unfolds into a brief brawl or altercation, and now those two writers are expected to immediately focus on each other above all else going on. We just gave you your next fued.

There's a lot more than can happen in such a show but I just want to sum it up as it being an e-fed version of you (the writer) being the performer we hired and are now IN CHARGE OF, and as we give you material, pushes, changes, etc... YOU have to turn them into gold and make them work. Much like in WWE, you'd be able to come to staff with ideas if you really aren't feeling your current angle/story but ultimately it will be up to us to decide how much freedom (if any) you have to change away from an idea.

Let me know your thoughts and if you'd be someone who would enjoy such a show. Definitely need to be more open to "Selling" things you maybe didn't want to have happen to you, and embracing them to make yourself even better. RPs, IC posts, segments, MATCH SPOTS, etc... are all things you'd use to your advantage. Winners and pushes would be judged by FAR more than just the usual RP scoring.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Rate your interest in this type of fed/show - by Carver's Sheath - 02-12-2018, 03:51 PM

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