XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
Before Dolly shoots we're greeted with a friendly public service announcement from a decaying Bob Barker hooked up on life support.
Spay and neuter your 'necks.
Now, on to the shoot.
Hi, I'm still Dolly Waters and coincidentally enough, I'm still a cunt.
I know the cliquish human-centipede shit eaters around here haven't got much faith in anything but their own agendas, but I must say I concur with their unsung feelings: fuck the greater majority of the roster, they're all shit.
They're not up to snuff to challenge much of anything, let alone a seventeen foot, mouth to ass sewn slong shaped spit puddle of super friends- and trust me, the pseudo brass likes it that way. They balk at parody. They squirm at the thought of a real fight.
So they troll and treat like shit anyone who has a mustard seed of love for this and desire to be something until all that's left is a merry-ol-band of pompous cock knockers who think their shit doesn't stink.
A voice chimes in from off screen,
Dolly! Why is there an extra lithium in your pill bottle!?! Are you skipping your fucking meds again?
See? This is ALL a part of their fucking plan. Ignore the fight and sedate the truth. It's because I'm a goddamn gypsy tailwind fluttering like a box fan feather in a trailer park window when the humidity has eighty feeling like a hundred. The fuck does that mean? FUCK YOU! Yer' all a bunch of bitch made impostors and anti-psychotics are fer' the weak.
I want John Madison at King of The Ring.
If I can't have Madison I want his sister.
If I can't have her, I want Theo Pryce.
If she's unavailable well then I've completely and utterly lost my mind and not only is this a delusion, but it's all fer' naught and I need a fucking Doctor and a shot of narcan.
As a lost resort though, I suppose I'll take whatever in the fuck that Lane decides to book me in- but just know boys, Dolly's coming for whats hers and I don't mind swapping spit with a mildly attractive transgender if the timing is right.
Dolly is quickly wrestled to the ground by what appears to be several orderly's as the feed cuts back over to Bob Barker.
Spay and neuter your 'necks
4x XTreme Champion (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion
4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16