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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Announcements & Important Info
Tag Team Tournament - Where Do We Stand
Author Message
Gaybe Lincoln Offline
XWF Intern

XWF FanBase:
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06-25-2017, 10:41 AM

Hi Everyone!

So the tag team tournament started at the Pay Per View and we saw The Purebred Killers and Maddy/Engy advance.

We also had a tag team tournament match this past Savage(thought it was not billed as such) that saw the newly formed Motherfuckers defeat BX3.

Which means we have 4 teams that have thus far advanced to round 2.

I know that Thomas Nixon has a partner and that team will get a chance to compete in the tournament, as will the team of Trax and Jim Caedus.

Unfortunately we have had some teams drop out/break up/disappear etc etc so at this point I am looking to schedule the two teams I mentioned above in a round 1 match up and then from there begin round two.

This is also a LAST CALL for anyone who would like to partake in the tournament.

Round One has not been completed yet. If you would like to partake and have a partner then let me know below.

Note: If you were on a team that was already eliminated but have a new partner, you may compete again.
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Tag Team Tournament - Where Do We Stand - by Gaybe Lincoln - 06-25-2017, 10:41 AM

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