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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Announcements & Important Info
The XWF Tag Team Division
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Gaybe Lincoln Offline
XWF Intern

XWF FanBase:
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05-01-2017, 09:04 AM

Hello Everyone!

I have been brought into the fold by Vincent Lane to help establish a tag team division in the XWF. My character is going to be an XWF Intern trying to obtain a job with the company but he can only do so with your help.

If we as a community are able to establish a tried and true tag team division then Gaybe will be hired on full time by the XWF IC. OOC it means I will get to stay around for as long as the tag team division exists.

Neither the character nor I are part of the XWF Management team. I have simply been tasked with helping out a specific aspect of the fed.

So to that end I would like to mention a few things and then solicit opinions.

First and foremost the tag team titles, as well as the trios titles are defended under the freebird rules.

What are freebird rules you ask?

Quote:"The Freebird Rule" – which allowed any two of the three members of the team to defend the title on any given night.

That is how the Freebird Rules worked in real wrestling. Here in the XWF we are going to extend that out to be any members of an established trio/stable can defend the tag team and trios titles.

An example would be The Kings and AX3. Any two members of those stables can defend the tag team titles, and any 3 members can defend the trios titles. It does not need to be the members involved in whatever match won the titles for those groups.

For instance, Doctor D'Ville was the original tag team champion, he successfully defended those titles with John Samuels. However the next time The Kings defend the titles, neither have to be involved. They can be but they do not have to be.

Now that I've explained the how, allow me to explain the why.

Why are we allowing the freebird rules? It's pretty simple actually. We want to increase the frequency of tag team title defenses and by allowing for this rule to be in effect it should make it easier for teams to defend their titles.

At minimum the tag team titles are to be defended monthly. It would be great if we could do the same with the trios but right now that is a project for a later date.

Something else the fed recently allowed was for a person to sign up a tag team account. What that means is that if I wanted to create a tag team, say the New Age Outlaws. I could create one account as well as one roster page for the tag team.

This will save you the trouble of having to create a separate account or roster page for each member of said team.

A current example of this would be The Revival.

Seen here.

One roster page. One account.

Now if your next question is, "What are the roleplay rules for a solo account tag team?"

And the response would be "In these scenarios the tag team would be have to follow the same roleplay rules as everyone else except that it's doubled.

By that I mean, if this solo account tag team is booked for a match on Warfare, then instead of being able to post a max of 2 roleplays per day they can post 4. Just like their opponents could do.

Keep in mind that for Warfare the anti flood rules do still apply.

If the team was booked on Savage then the tag team could post a max of 6 roleplays for the week instead of three.

Make sense?

Mr. Lane has also informed me that he will also work on creating a special "tag team" ribbon that will appear on a persons account. Much like the gray ribbon that shows up when you click on a GM's profile. This would happen for both solo team accounts as well as solo wrestlers who team up.

Now that you know all the background information I would like to solicit some ideas from you the community on how we can really get a tag team division going?

From what Mr. Lane told me he and the other GM's are not in favor of randomly pairing people together for tag team matches.

They would rather the teams be formed organically via alliances or match stipulations that you all come up with.

Mr. Lane has seen in the past several examples where randomly paired teams usually do not work out well short or long term so we would rather avoid that all together.

What can the fed do to help make the tag team division a reality?

What would you like to see?

What would make you more willing to team up with someone to go after the tag team titles?

We are open to any and all ideas.

Thank you.
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Messages In This Thread
The XWF Tag Team Division - by Gaybe Lincoln - 05-01-2017, 09:04 AM
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re:The XWF Tag Team Division - by Jane Carver - 05-02-2017, 05:57 AM
re:The XWF Tag Team Division - by Vincent Lane - 05-02-2017, 06:05 AM
The XWF Tag Team Division - by Cadryn Tiberius - 05-02-2017, 06:09 AM
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re:The XWF Tag Team Division - by Theo Pryce - 05-02-2017, 08:26 AM
The XWF Tag Team Division - by Gaybe Lincoln - 05-03-2017, 10:18 AM
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re:The XWF Tag Team Division - by Gaybe Lincoln - 05-03-2017, 03:35 PM
The XWF Tag Team Division - by Jane Carver - 05-03-2017, 04:48 PM
The XWF Tag Team Division - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 05-03-2017, 08:09 PM

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