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When I see you again...
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Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-07-2017, 06:09 PM Smile  When I see you again... -->

Late Monday Evening, April 3rd, 2017
...Frankfort, Kentucky, U.S.A...

"We're here Mam. That'll be 49 dollars."

Dolly startles out of her slumber in the back seat of the Uber driver's Chevy Malibu. She looks out of the window, squinting a bit as she looks at her friend Rhonda's porch. It's a fairly stereotypical Kentucky stoop; an old ratty set of wooden steps alongside a faded mahogany deck that leads to the door of a double-wide with an american flag hanging from the frame.


The driver asks again while handing Dolly a cellphone with one of those card sliders plugged into the earphone jack.

"Oh. Right."

Dolly slides her debit card through as the driver happily smiles and gets out of the vehicle to help her get her bags from the trunk. The sleepless looking Dolly limps her way up onto the porch, still banged up from her match at Lethal Lottery and gives the door a good knock. An array of dog barks and cat shrieks can be heard along with some heavy footsteps on the creaky flooring from behind the door.

The door swings open, it's Rhonda's father, Tommy; a large man in nothing but a white tank top and dirty underwear with a Miller Light can in his hand, scruffy red and brown beard on his face. He looks astonished at what he's seeing as he almost has to double take the image of Dolly standing on his porch.


He says with a gurgle and a belch while stepping out onto the porch. Tommy was actually a pretty decent guy, a bit of a drinker, but a hard worker who loved his family nonetheless.

"Hi, Tommy. Rhonda home?"

"What? How? We thought you were gone in prison..."

"Well... I was, but I got out. I've actually been back on wrestling for a few weeks now. The U.S. Senate cleared me of any wrong doing. All of those steroids claims?"

Tommy responds with a blank stare while nodding his head,

"They was all lies."

Tommy sighs deeply through his nose, moving away from the screen door and slowly closing it- he leans against the trailer, looking upward as he takes a long drink of his beer,

"So, where's Rhonda?"


His silence screams at Dolly as several tears begin sliding down his cheeks. Dolly's eyes twist with confusion as a sudden flushing feeling of trembles pours through her body, her heart rate increases, her right temple begins to pulsate- something isn't right and she can sense it,

"Rhonda is gone, Dolly."

The wounds of that tragic statement sound fresh as Tommy instantly squeezes the bridge of his nose with his fingers, a poor attempt at fighting back the tears that are rushing from the corner of his eyes now.

Dolly just stands there dumbfounded, in an utter disbelief she frantically nudges Tommy on his arm trying to get his attention:

"Gone? Gone where? Where is she?"

"Her diabetes, Dolly. She got sick. There were-"

The quiver of his voice intensifies, as does the disdain on Dolly's face,

"There were complications. She got ate up with the cancer. It took her quick."

"No... NO! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

Dolly storms into the trailer hollering for her friend as the cats and dogs follow her to Rhonda's room.


"Dolly? How did? Where have?"

Dolly blows past Rhonda's mother who she never much cared for anyway and charges into Rhonda's room. It's empty. Dolly collapses to her knees in the doorway and falls forward, face first onto the floor, gripping the thick shag carpet with her grimy fingernails as she bellows a muffled scream into the floor.

Tommy's husky and hairy arms wrap around Dolly's waist as he pulls her up from the floor, turning her around and petting her head as Dolly clubs her fists into his flabby chest.

"Shhh... here now, here now, Dolly."

Dolly pulls her face back from Tommy's chest, her face flushed and gaunt, the muscles in her chin trembling as tears began soaking her pale cheeks.

"Dolly. You always meant the world to our Rhonda. She loved you more than you'll ever know. She knew you so well and she was right about everything she was saying."

"What are you talking about?"

She demands while wailing out another round of vocal cries, digging her face into his chest again, moaning with the force of someone vomiting.

"Rhonda knew you was innocent. She started hatching all of these wild conspiracies saying that you got framed and all. We just thought it was the cancer and the medicine they had her on messing with her mind. I guess we was the ones who shoulda' been listenin too her more..."

This only makes Dolly sob louder. Rhonda was Dolly's best friend. Her only friend in fact. Dolly couldn't help but think about how cruel she would be to Rhonda at times- it was her way of keeping Rhonda in check. If she didn't allow herself to show how much she actually cared for her, then she wouldn't ever have to worry about being hurt if Rhonda ever were to betray her. Obviously it didn't work too well, because now she's gone from Dolly's life forever and what little piece of spirit our hero had left in her bones appears to be crushed to smithereens.

"She wrote you every day while you were gone."


She asks with her head still buried in his chest. Dolly never received any letters from Rhonda while in prison.

"I've still got them. They were all marked return to sender. I've wanted to bad to open them. Toward the end she was never talking to me and her Ma'... she was only writing you."

"Can I see them?"

Tuesday at Sunrise, April 4th, 2017
Franklin Cemetery


I really wish I'd hear back from you soon. The pain is getting worse, and the only thing I'm ever doing while I'm awake is throwing up.

I overheard the doctors telling my dad that I didn't have much time left, but I don't feel like I'm supposed to die anytime soon... Not til I see my Dolly-Polly-Wog again anyway!

<3 u girl.

I know that something has gone wrong. If you were doing something like steroids you would have told me, and I think I've bout figured out who set you up. Be expecting some solid evidence in my next letter. I actually have reasons to believe the sheriff was in on the whole thing.

All the kids at school always thought you were a freak because of the wrestling and all, and they really started talking trash once you got locked up. But... your my hero. I just want you to know. I really do love you. Your like the coolest person in the world even though people don't see it and I'm lucky just to be your friend.

You remember when we first met? It was kindergarten. I tried bullying you because you were so little and scrawny. You didn't back down. I thought you were the bravest person in the world, and even after that you weren't mad at me... you wanted to be my friend. You'll never understand how much that meant to me.

I know where ever you are that your still fighting. That's what gives me hope. When things get dark around me I think about that flame that is my best friend burning in the dark. It keeps me warm, Dolly. I can feel you out there. I know your still fighting.

Never stop fighting.



Dolly finishes reading the last of Rhonda's letters aloud, pulling the last one into her chest, a single tear running down her cheek as she rests her head back against Rhonda's tombstone sitting on the fresh dewy grass.

She opens her eyes as the rising sun dances across her face, a gentle breeze rushing through the grass and sending her matted hair rustling across her fair skin. Dolly stands and gather up the letters, sniffling her nose a bit she digs he backs of her hands at either eye drying them.

Dolly turns around and lowers to her knees in front of Rhonda's marker.

"I swear I'll never stop fighting... rest easy girl. I was lucky to know you."

Dolly leans down and kisses the ground as the scene fades.

Big Rhonda
July 9th 2003 - March 14th 2017

Its amazing the things we take for granted. Be it family who molds us, friends who hold us, foes who bestow our holes and scold until it grows us... the things we need most are often the ones most overlooked.


Gabe Reno loves irony but hates that Dolly was being ironic when calling him and his estranged love interest primadonnas while being the callous, unsatisfied little brat that I am- ironic.

Fuck difference does it make, Gabe? What did any of what you just said have to do with our match? What are you digging for with your little plastic hand shovel and sand castle pale that you pathetically try flossing up as intellect? Spoiler alert: Nada, bitch! You did make a claim that I didn't know how to win, that would be a great point to make if I were some winless newb, but my record suggests otherwise.

You saying I lack substance? While providing nothing substantive pertaining to our match? You really do love irony don't you? But this is what you get when you have a pseudo intellectual silver bullet club bitch trying to make waves in an ocean filled with blood thirsty sharks.

My record for working with a team suggests stronger than yours as well. In the lethal lottery I paired up with three perfect strangers and won each time. You got gifted a pairing with the person who is supposed to be your legitimate tag partner and y'all lost in round one. Maybe that speaks even more credence as to why Chaos is as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market at the idea that you two are actually a team.

You've took this shit for granted, Reno, thinking that just because you and Chaos are two of the top guys in the biz that y'all could just team up and make quick work out of any duo. ERnT!!! Wrong bucko! You thought that the names Chaos and Reno would automatically carry you through to wins and hopefully building a friendship that was meaningful. Obvious to see that neither of you two were ever concerned about being friends or teaming together- the ring isn't big enough for your shared egos. All you're worried about is the outcome and not the road of hard work that leads you there.

Me and Graves? Sure I was skeptical at first, but when someone shows me a willingness to want to work together then I'm in it 100%. You? You just thought that by being on a team with the Universal Champion would make you better, the only thing you were concerned about was Gabe Reno- and all you've gotten out of that entire iconoMASK fraudulent excuse of a team was figuring out Chaos well enough to be able to beat him. That's not a rare thing, Gabe. You're just one out of the seven who was able to pull it off.

Fuck me running, you're so far off base with your arguments one would fancy you a snotty little awol soldier fleeing because he's scared shitless of the prospect of true combat. Gabe Reno, a done-to-death, aimless ranting enigma talking in a dark room gimmick doesn't like Dolly's one-liners. They're over used. Well fuck you ! No one cares what you find entertaining, especially when you cut a boring ass promo providing no insight as to how you plan to out wrestle Dolly Waters. You're a chump who lucked up as being the one of the dozen people who could have knocked off Crissy Poo at Lotto.

Suck it, Gabe. You're flash in the pan, Dolly Waters is an everlasting flame on the stove cooking you bitches up like last night's leftovers. You can't match my speed or my tenacity, and you'll figure that out first hand when you're taking a mouth full of my knee tomorrow night. You think I'm afraid of you? Please. I've took on all comers and have done fairly well I might add.

You've taken me for granted and you've proven it by detailing zero preparation for what's to come when we square off. I mean I couldn't even get a Panda type promo dude? Don't I deserve better than the 'Worst of Gabe Reno vol. 27'? The Renoverse ain't gunna mean shit when you step into Dolly's Playhouse boo-boo, because Savage has and will be the house that Dolly built- it's just high time I remind the good folks in the stands and sitting at home.

I'm going to fuck you up Gaybe, that's just what happens when you come at The Phenom with some silky made pup baby backed diddly do shit. As for your tag team partner? Well good god almighty maybe you have influenced your tag team after al though, because Chaos is acting awfully soft here lately as well.

You see he's taking this match for granted too, thinking he can just waltz in on name alone and take me and Graves out? Puleeze. Chris per the norm will try uploading a double dip of weak garbage at the nth fucking hour on to the dot com because he's a pure blooded coward. Knowing full well that I'd feed him a spoon or two of whatever dogshit he'll be sure to spew.

Fuck you, Chaos. You talk about me letting my fans down? L-O-fuckin-l, cunt. What about all of the little Chaosmaniacs who had to watch their faux superhero get chumped out last week? Losing the one thing he cares about more than anything, something he took for granted; his precious Universal Championship. Does it hurt you to see that new design looking like it got thrown together by a short bus kid who loves scissors, glitter and glue?

You took Gabe Reno for granted last week, just like you are now... and it's going to cost you once again. That's what happens to smug fucking pricks who go on a little run and suddenly think they're a god or something. Chaos I've faced you, and I've faced folks better than you- I'm here to tell you, if losing the title wasn't enough of a wake up call then fear not homie, I'll be your huckleberry.

Where have you been dude? What have you been doing? Sending your whore Jenny to challenge on your behalf for a title that I already won back... that just proves how much you're overlooking the knee you'r pansy bitch made ass is going to eat from Dolly Freaking Waters. Chaos sitting around right now all Gump minded like: "Jin-naaaaay". Tard.

I'm going to shatter this little fable once and for all that Chaos is the alpha around these parts, and teach this to practice some humility.

The equalizer! He makes folks his equal!

The guy who considers people losing to him an embarrassment!

You dumb fuck.

Go ahead and blurt out an array of fantasy man on underage girl porn shit that you'll be coughing out of your cock sucker like a sick fuck- trying to say that I fucked Graves or whatever rebuttal you'll come up with. I gives zero fucks you brain dead pussiboi.

You're as invested in your team as Gabe is and that's going to prove problematic when I pounce and pound your pube free privates with my boot.

Chaos is all cock.
No brains.
No balls.
A grower- not a shower.

Unlike you two buffoons, I'm done taking things for granted... I've lost too much to not care about every waking second, every opportunity, every word uttered, every chance to be the best person I can be; no more complacency.

Me and Graves are going to walk into Savage and bodie you two. Know it. Understand it. Feel it. Then maybe you'll start taking this shit a little more seriously, because life is too short to spend it acting like the worlds biggest pair of jagoffs.

See ya at your marriage counseling session ladies.

4x XTreme Champion    (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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(04-07-2017), JimCaedus (04-07-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-07-2017)

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When I see you again... - by Dolly Waters - 04-07-2017, 06:09 PM

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