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01-07-2017, 02:57 AM


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 Current XWF board time: 11-03-2016, 09:22 AM (time should display as Pacific time zone; please contact Admin if it appears to be wrong)

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yesterday, 08:32 PM

Post: #1


P A R A D O X | V O L . I

> You've been crawling on your belly. To feel the remorse of loss. Tearing open your abdomen. Until finally being able to be found. In your head you had drifted from the light you once sucked in. You became guilty of growing stale. Guilty of a sentence that you were unable to change. Clearing away the cobwebs made inner peace for a while. You could sleep again. Sort of. Enjoy the taste of food again. Sometimes. Finding yourself among the depths of your own whole. The entity you imagine that you were is gone. Pieces left aren't the same ones you have come to recognize as home. It is within the truth in loss that a frightening but necessary paradox exists. Not to scare you into differentials. Taking who you were then into who you are into who you will come to be. Contradictions live too inside these same walls. To confuse you. Control your thought process. Make you stale again. These safe walls were built over time and experience. They limit the very nature of what you should become. Then it is what you will settle for. When you are hungry you can eat. Tired means it is okay to sleep. Natural reactions are the very essence of what a living thing is for. Reproduction in the form of coitus between two mostly willing participants. Love to conquer the worst of the other feelings. Hate to conquer the best. Meaningless expression and exchanges while you drag that belly continuing to crawl. Rising from the ground has never been easy. If it was no one would ever touch it. Like Chaos and Nixon, it assumes recovery, victory, and triumph. An insecure illusion. <


The familiar voice of 'The Radical' begins speaking to a blank screenshot.

From the dawn of man... imagine a strikingly beautiful sunrise on the last day of the Mesozoic era, 66 million years ago. How the shafts of sunlight rake through the swamps and coniferous forests along the coast of what is now Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. Far from Pennsylvania. Well before the reign of professional wrestling took its rightful place in the forefront of modern history. The blood-warm seas of the Gulf of Mexico vibrant with life. Now, imagine in that context... Thomas Nixon being a . I mean really going at it with some of the wild life. Ass to mouth. His gay impact penetrates Earth’s crust to a depth of several miles, gouging a crater more than 115 miles across and vaporizing thousands of cubic miles of rock hard not gay terrain. The ass to mouth event setting off a chain of global catastrophes that wipe out 80 percent of life on Earth... including most of the dinosaurs. It was probably for the best, though... who wouldn't rather die than endure even one more day in his homoerotic prehistoric playpen.

The voice flutters away, as the sound of cursing and frustration with something not going right.

The lens panning at puffy clouds in the vast desert sky slowly descends to reveal a rusted chain fence with passing brown hills in the dusty distance from a car window. A wider shot opens up; the dark Crown Victoria now pulling into a parking lot with white vans in the back of the lot. The driver exits wearing black slacks and matching shirt and an open jacket with a shiny reflecting badge on the left of his belt beneath the coat. The passenger door creeks open as well… a woman rises from the vehicle, curly red hair just past the shoulder, and a long black dress accompanied by a badge pinned to her lapel.

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
I don’t like this place, Fair.

Looking back over the car at her, then at the building.

Special Enforcer Stephen Fair
I doubt this place likes you, Patty. Seems most don’t.

She looks at him sternly, he gestures toward the inside of the gate and begins walking toward it, she eventually follows, the gate automatically closing behind them. A large empty lobby with interlocked chairs and outdated magazines on every table comes into focus. Fair and Aeley walk in with the shot directly above them; Aeley rings the bell at the counter, meanwhile Fair smacks a dust covered magazine and then puts it back on the table.

Special Enforcer Fair
This place looks like it hasn’t been in service since Nixon was head honcho Patty.

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
Maybe their feather dusters were occupied.

An awkward moment as he cannot tell if she’s joking but plays it off as an attendant finally makes it to the desk.

Desk Attendant
Hello there, like I said on the phone… we are not active, we only keep the grounds as the county allows and still follow any laws that pertain to...

Aeley drops her gun on the counter in front of the attendant’s face; looking down with a viral scowl she puts a finger over her own mouth. The attendant looks on puzzled.

Special Enforcer Aeley
I’m Patty, call him Fair. Are you here alone now?

Desk Attendant
Yes, I…

Special Enforcer Aeley
That’ll do. Are you here alone normally?

The attendant looks up as Fair walks around the counter.

Special Enforcer Aeley
When did Thomas Nixon reside here, exact dates only.

Desk Attendant
Hmm, you know Patty I don’t have the exact…

Special Enforcer Fair
Then why don’t you find it for us. In the meantime, we’ll have a look around.

Fair takes the keys from the man’s belt, points at the computer.

Special Enforcer Fair
Go on.

The two Special Enforcer’s walk around the corner and go through a doorway. The shot reverts back to the parking lot. Another car pulls up taking notice of the blank plates on the black Crown Victoria the Special Enforcer’s pulled up in. The tinted window of the new car rolls from cracked to closed. Gabe Reno gets out wearing a full suit with a large gun bearing holster sticking out of his vest. The driver’s side door swings out as the man from the original scene last noticed rolling into a brick building gets out slamming the door behind him and pulling a pistol from his back waistband.

'The Radical'
Will, listen… the case isn’t open yet, right? If we do this right, they will never see the records, but if they draw on us, we have to put them down. Remember that. Don’t hesitate.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Gabe, for the last time there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m no spring chicken… fuckin’ prehistoric lurker. Let’s rock and roll.

Ernie pauses in gest then follows Reno into the lobby. The attendant looks up at Gabe and points in the direction Aeley and Fair headed in.

'The Radical'
Yeah? You sure?

Desk Attendant
No job is worth dying for, they went that way.

'The Radical'
Solid point.

Gabe and Ernie hurry into the corridor in a moment’s notice flanking each other a bit until out of sight. The scene cuts back to Fair clearing around a doorway with both hands on his gun. A piece of waded up paper hits Fair on the shoulder; he turns to see Patty signaling that someone is coming. Both seek cover quickly, Fair under a stairwell, and Aeley seeps seamlessly into the shadows. Will moves aggressively around the next bend, Ernie whispering to slow down.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Kid, just wait, we don’t know this place.

'The Radical'
Ernie, I know it well enough for the both of us, now try to stay close enough. I’m going to kill anyone.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
You think killing them will matter? We need info… this is the mission here that you chose to accept. I need to know how much they’ve got.

Aeley hears the voices and steps into the light with her gun in Ernie’s face. She quickly pulls his gun as Fair shakes down Gabe.

'The Radical'
Well, you got the drop this time… there really is a first time for everyth…

Special Enforcer Fair
Cut the shit, Reno. You two low life detriment to society no good losers are spending the night in jail.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
What, I am the Chief, you Special Assignment hob-cock-gobblin... I run this town! We need to work this case out, not blow it up, Fair, come on… Gabe keeps telling me how much of an asshole you are deep down as a person… and what stands before you but a golden opportunity to shove it in his face, what do ya say?

He winks at Gabe... Aeley bashes Ernie in the face with the barrel of her gun. Reno begins moving his hands a little.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Really Patty, I’m a war veteran too you miserable bitc…

Special Enforcer Aeley
Now now, before we all go sayin’ things we may regret… this is the only deal you’re going to get… now, or later. I can promise we have some eager judges that would volunteer for a case that could put away two of our main local problems.

'The Radical'
I have a deal, free my dick and I’ll choke you to death with it.

Patty smacks him across the face.

Special Enforcer Aeley
That is not appropriate, Gabriel… the deal… is… we get 50%.

Reno wiggles slowly free, picks up his gun and shoots Stephen Fair three times in the chest. Aeley moves around a hallway and runs back out to the lobby. Passing by the desk attendant who is down behind the desk.

Desk Attendant
Fuck this.

The clerk slips out the front door, Ernie now freed by Gabe enters the room… a single shot is fired resulting in Ernie on the ground and Aeley emerging from the side before kicking his gun away. She gets on top of him and puts her gun to his forehead.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
This ain't my first rodeo... gotta love Kevlar you cuntastic…

Gabe catches up as Aeley leans down and kisses Ernie on the mouth, Reno hesitates, She turns quickly and nails him square in the forehead as her empty clip falls to the ground. Ernie thrusts her off and gets up to his feet walking toward Reno.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
You stupid fuckin'…

Special Enforcer Aeley
He would have killed me Ern... plus, he should’ve knocked first. You should be thanking me, now you can take the reins...

Ernie grabs both of her arms.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Go, you were never here. Gabe will kill you. He will find out and he will make you beg right before he slides a screwdriver into your temple the ole fashioned way.

Special Enforcer Aeley
I’m an agent, he can’t just kill me, and who says I’d make it that easy. I plan on ending that opportunity, every man… or woman, for themselves…

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Yeah, yeah... make like a tree, and get the fuck out of here.

She looks at him for a moment before it dawns on her how genuinely scared he is about what could happen. Aeley stumbles out the door as Ernie looks around and sighs deeply before moving to cover up what’s taken place with Reno still past out from the hit to the forehead.

Gabe Reno's voice again takes center stage.

The chattering in the locker-room is at an all time high. The doubts, gleeful remarks, and tallying whispers of what will happen at Wednesday Night Warfare when three giants collide. Clique's forming in each corner. Whether it be for the Universal Champion and XWF torch bearer Chris Chaos. Or for the potential seen in the recently "Suspended" Television Champion and pride of Philadelphia Thomas Nixon. There are far less gathering in the corner of the former X-Treme Champion... me. A string of circumstances that formed in the way of losses against the two aforementioned Champions has left some in the black and blue halls wondering just how much ring rust was too much after ten years out of the business. Then Duke... people think they have me figured out. Some even question if such a rebirth against Duke was wise with so much new and advancing talent. Technology has taken leaps forward in conditioning and training methods over the years... can he keep up... they ask. Wrestlers now are on another level of taking care of their bodies with a balanced diet. Not many of them munch on potato chips. But there... lies the difference. While the questions pile up in my corner instead of supporters like in Chaos', and Nixon's... I am something this era cannot contain. It feeds me to be my best. Everyone wants to be politically correct. Don't say that or this someone might get offended; well, you know what... I like it that way! Tension building, anticipation ascending to a finer point, fans all over the building on the edge of their seats! You can point to loses for anyone and stir up doubts about them. This is a unique opportunity. To correct two wrongs with one fight. Maybe other things like title shots or respect could come from it too... but the truth is... rewriting history can be a tricky game.

The shot moves around as the cursing continues, showing blue denim, a steering wheel, and some ruffles on the passenger seat. Gabe presses buttons, the view now clearly from the camera of his cell phone.

Oh, Damnit... I said all that and I had it pointed in the wrong direction. Fuck me. Okay... let's try this again.

Adjusting the angle and primping his hair to perfection. Recording ****

When I think about this match... the defining match of Warfare... I think about Chris Chaos. And how his name is literal alliteration. Did he mean to do that... is his stage name his real name? Oh, right... Chris Jackson. A would-be partner in crime... who beat me once and went on to make the most of his time. All those accolades, and what does it spell... COLLAPSE. See the problem with getting to the top for Chaos, is that there is only one logical place to go... DOWN. Chaos is such a natural thing in nature. But even Chaos is at the forefront of some of the most sad disasters of all time... case in point: when it started on July 22nd, 2016 the Soberanes Fire along California’s Big Sur coast literally scorched 33,668 acres of land. A fucking disaster for the ages. It was the size of nearly two and third times the size of Manhattan. That is an enormous piece of horrible history. Along the way it destroyed sixty-eight structures and resulted in the death of one bulldozer operator. Chaos, fucking killed someone. That is pretty chaotic. More than five thousand firefighters battled the blaze, equipped with 511 fire engines, forty water tenders, fourteen helicopters, six air tankers, and sixty-seven bulldozers. None of it could stop the inevitable in time to prevent mass damage across the state. All the result of supreme chaos. Eight days later, the Soberanes Fire was only fifteen percent contained. It was completely out of control with no end in sight. Firefighters had to formulate a new plan to contain the chaos. One that would work in a dry landscape meant for brush to catch like a bucket of fresh meat at Thomas Nixon's bar mitzva. An intense objective, but one that would make its downfall inevitable. On the morning of July 23, after two solid days of the blaze, a thin plume of smoke was seen clearly streaming south... parallel to the coast. While the doubts circulated like then do for me at Warfare, they stuck to the plan. Day three, the plume begins to blow inland, and explodes toward the end of the day. Another wrench in the hope that chaos could be defeated. Making the new plan even harder to execute. A gray cloud layer filled some of the valleys. It was California’s famous coastal fog. Unexpected but welcomed... and chaos never even saw it coming. As the day continued, the temperatures warmed, the fog burned out, shrinking back out of the valleys toward the sea. Eventually the fire was put out. The fog had provided just enough cover to make the fire not get any worse... and their efforts were rewarded. But, chaotic climate change was blamed for leading to fire in fire-prone areas. A burgeoning development in the ‘red zone’... this trend of rising fire suppression presented a significant threat to the viability of all other services that support putting them out for the season. But California endured. They made it through 2016 just like they made it through all the years before. And though Chaos had reigned for a brief period in front of them; it fell prey to the same old adage every disaster does. When the desire of man it steadfast... and he is unwilling to submit. Man figures out a way, because he is smarter, and ultimately willing to take on more pain and agony to prevail when it counts. Chaos can never be sustained so long as man has the will to fight on. So long as men are willing to do Radical things to succeed... at any price.

End Video. Reno takes a few chips to the dome, then decides to get serious for a minute. The scene switches to a new plateau.

Ernie Parks sits at a small table with a drink in one hand and a newspaper in the other, his phone just beside him on the table. Far in front of him a waterfall and fountain with a few tables dabbled with bikini babes and aspiring surfer’s trying to get a noon piece. The waiter brings another drink even though his glass is full. Ernie slips the waiter a twenty dollar bill, then grabs the first drink and downs it; the waiter picks the glass, and continues back to the kitchen. The phone begins to ring, three times as he ignores it, continuing to read he laughs. The chair across from him pulls out.

Special Enforcer Aeley
So… what do we do?

Slowly the paper lowers, and Ernie shakes his head looking at the opposing seat in disbelief.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Tell me you are not still in town. You know Reno just tried to call me, he’s quick. The next step is he either shows up where ever I am, or somehow he figures out that you just went away. In either case, his first inkling has already happened, and the only thing that can save you is if by some hand of God assistance you are not figured to be involved even though your partner was at the scene. Oh, by the way, that, being him at the scene, you know, dead… means when Reno goes through back channels to check where you are at your office, and they say where you are; which I can only hope and pray is not here… what do you do? So, here we are… you come to me, in person, just about the only fucking thing that can prove we were both either there or in on something since no one would ever expect to see us together… now there’s a waiter, spectators… and whoever else saw your ‘should know better’ ass walk in here. Why? To ask me what to do next? Live. There’s your answer, now scat, kitty.

Special Enforcer Aeley
Or I could take you in for all of it… look, Gabe Reno isn’t showing up here and I won’t be long. I come here occasionally for cocktails; it’s not out of the ordinary I’d be seen here. Why aren’t you worried? I see the worry in your eyes, the anxiety about him finding me, and you even say it. But you don’t seem too worried about me telling him, or by some other mechanism of him finding out and offing you, are you that reassured and deprived of logic in the fucking head, or is there something you’re not telling me?

Parks puts down the paper altogether, and leans forward.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Gabe won’t kill me, he can’t. We’ve been friends for longer than we’ve been conscious of the world or this business. We came in together, we go out together… it’s a longstanding truth. What you don’t know that I do can be summed up by knowing who I’m up against… I’m not worried, and I’m not shaking in my boots. But you… you should be. Because him catching wind, means you gasping it, as in air, no more… immediately. He is ruthless and will stop at nothing. And much like he and I, Reno was in the same grouping of un-fucking-touchable’s. You did it to yourself sweetheart… I’m just trying to give you some friendly living advice, meow meow.

Special Enforcer Aeley
He’s sloppy anyway, you realize my life is studying and outsmarting guys like him? It’s how I get my satisfaction, darling.

He puts the paper down and leans toward her, she leans in, he grabs the back of her neck and holds her there.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
This isn’t some happily ever after love story. No one is walking off into the sunset, and you had better realize that some people…

Special Enforcer Aeley
Let go… now!

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Some people, no matter how much you study, plan, and think you have them beaten, will never stop. He will never stop. You see the fear reflecting in my eyes because I actually half care what happens to you, but I also know it’s not enough.

She pulls back after he releases and she gathers herself, then looks up and shrugs it off.

Special Enforcer Aeley
No one knows or will know, Ernie. But if you think you’re safe from a killer because he feels something about doing it, then you don’t know my side of the business… how a killer works. He will never stop, fine. No one said I was going to, either. Reno wasn’t meant to happen, but let’s be frank about it… he was a scumbag contributing to the downfall, and I filled that downfall with lead. If he or my dead ex-partner were so worried about relationships, they wouldn’t end people’s lives with no remorse and great regularity. I’ll call you soon little puppy, you better answer.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Hey. Don’t forget to write. If you still have hands... for now.

She leaves walking back toward the front of the restaurant. Gabe Reno is at the door walking in, she sees him and tucks into the ladies restroom. She peak’s out slowly as he walks by toward the table Ernie always uses. Reno disappears for a moment as the rounding angle comes back to Ernie resuming his paper and drink where he left off. He sighs mumbling under his breathe. Back inside Patty peaks out the door and see’s nothing, not wanting to chance it, she gets up on a railing and cracks the bathroom window; a tight squeeze.

Special Enforcer Aeley

Removing her jacket to fit, she pushes it through, then climbs slowly. He pant leg gets caught up for a moment on the railing.

Special Enforcer Aeley
Damnit… now, of course, now.

She eventually jiggles her leg back and forth; a tearing sound results in ripping the pant leg and rolling out the window on to a grassy yard to the left of the building. She gets up brushing off and looking up; in the not so distant distance, a little girl getting pulled out of the car by her mother before they enter the restaurant stares at her. Patty holds her hands out to her sides.

Special Enforcer Aeley

Back at Ernie, the waiter brings some chips and dip.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Thank you.

He reaches for one before the waiter takes the tray and smacks him in the back of the head with it. People look on, but continue their lunches.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
What the hell, Enrique?

His eyes rise from the second story on page seven to the waiter now sitting next to him with a threatening glare and a familiar outlook.

'The Radical'
Why did you lie? And, don’t even think about following it up with another one, Ernie. I swear …

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Gabe, hey… listen, I don’t know what you were told and I appreciate the concern but… that’s a private conversation.

Reno jabs the tray into his throat before he can finish his sentence.

'The Radical'
I don’t know what in our past makes you think I’m a sucker, but forget whatever idea delivered that sensibility… answer the question!

Holding his throat with his left hand and whispering an answer.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Fuck... Gabe, I can’t tell her everything, you know how it goes. Police business...

'The Radical'
You used me, this is different. Why can’t I get her on the phone?

'Chief' Ernie Parks
Agent Aeley?

Reno jabs the tray into his throat again. Ernie squirms as the angle under the table shows Gabe jamming a pocket knife into his thigh.

'Chief' Ernie Parks
For the love of…

Aeley emerges behind Gabe in the distance, she closes quickly over his shoulder, Ernie’s eyes leak the visual. Reno turns and tosses the tray at her face, she trips backwards into the waiter and falls into the running decorative fountain causing people to stand and gasp. Patty gets up brushing off staff and spectator help, she gets out of the fountain holding her neck and looking up to see Ernie and Reno gone.

Special Enforcer Aeley

Having trouble speaking, she tries to lip to the waiter her message.

Special Enforcer Aeley
Where did they go?

The waiter shakes his head looking at the empty table. Aeley looks around in disbelief trying to regain her breath. Finally, she turns to walk out as a staff hand tries to hand her a small towel; disgusted by it all she tosses it at his face. Looking back toward the fountain to pick up her shoe the incident had launched her out of, a small girl she’d seen in the parking lot before looks at her and shakes her head.

Back in the car, Reno has polished off his chips, and hits the button. Recording ****

As you can see, both ass to mouth, and chaotic plagues have ran rampant through society for longer than anyone can remember. Probably longer than any one man has ever lived. But the common thread and truth remains the same. They are defeated. Among the fetishes of Thomas Nixon, and throughout the potential disaster of a man like Chris Chaos... man has figured out a way to not only take it, but lash it out even harder the next round. I am that man. I am the one thing they have both pushed around and tried to show dominance over, but will never relent completely. I can be pushed and shoved. Nixon can try to fuck my will into submission with his special toy drawer and lubricant deep eyes... but I will fuck him harder and deeper... and baby, I won't even use lube. The eye of Chaos can consume me in a town in the middle of a hurricane the likes of which has never been seen. And as much as it may destroy, as much as we have to rebuild, we will. We will make it bigger, brighter, and better than even before in the face of all that has been destroyed. We will rise up as ONE and say FUCK CHAOS! The man who has tried to eliminated Radicality for the planet with he power and strength. He blows the win hard, but forgets that never does a blow-hard succeed. He says resistance is futile in the never ending fight against natural selection. But there is a flaw in the Universal thinking of a Champion who has left the fate of this match up to those who enjoy tinkering with the fate of natural law. The very body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct. Chris Chaos, is in fact, human. He is subject to the same natural law as any other man. His name may be fierce and strike fear in the hearts of men like Nixon. But we aren't all BITCHES. Some of us, like 'The Radical' run face first into storms with a mindset of taking what is ours, even if it kills us in the process. These things, are just a part of the paradox that engulfs the logic of Chaos and Nixon on the two week eve of this epic battle. They look at one another holding titles and see a challenge that could make their individuals reigns less if they were to submit to the other. Yet, the ultimate wild card in this match, is the same man that has been the thorn in both their sides on occasion. I establish doubt in my opponents. I go hard and fast, and as kinky at Thomas likes it, that makes his think prematurely, and act like a school-girl reacting on impulse, instead of intellect. I will win at Warfare. I will win against two of the most heralded prospects the XWF has ever seen. Because I know no other way, but to foil the erotic attempts, then run into the middle of chaos. Just you wait... because once I go to the top... the next fall you will hear will be of your own shoulders hitting the mat.

End video. To be continued...

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.

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RADICAL || PARADOX VOL.I || WF#1 - by R A D I C A L - 01-07-2017, 02:57 AM

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