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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Anger Level?!?!?!
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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11-22-2016, 12:00 AM

Bring yourself back to a more peaceful time in your life when things made sense and the world wasn't a huge chaotic mess of shit and slop. When things didn't seem like a lost cause and everything ran in an oblivious happy-go-lucky circle as you woke up each day feeling relieved, comfortable, and ready to tackle those long time life goals. Then, wake up November 10th and realize that entire life is now a shadow of a lost cause more worse and DEPLORABLE than anything you could have ever imagined or even dreamed about. Hillary Clinton has lost. It's a sad day across the United States and many parts of the world like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as more than half, in fact the majority of the country, sits around crying and acting like a Ghost Tank on his period. The Hillary Clinton camp, closely tied in with the SATAN! network, is in shambles trying to re group and figure out just what the fuck happened. We bring you immediately to this dreadfully woe driven time, as we look back upon that fateful night and see just what exactly transpired after John Podesta took the stage, putting the pity party into full effect. We bring you now, back to a trip in time a few weeks ago when Mr. Podesta was standing at the podium prepared to address the sad and pathetic Hillary Clinton supporters. We see him now, standing at the podium fidgeting and trembling like a crack head preparing to speak as a lonesome bead of sweat drips down the edge of his face and off his eye brow.

John Podesta: "Alright everyone, we're still tallying votes so why don't we all head home now and call it a late night and get back to things in the morning."

The sad crowd slowly meanders it's way out of the building like a herd of cattle being led to their slaughter. Mr. Podesta tries to keep an earnest smile on his face, but it's obvious that deep behind those turned up lips is a quivering soul far too lost in the shadow of it's own stupidity to even make reference to anything anymore. A lone tear makes its way down his face immediately when he turns to make refuge in the room behind him with the rest of his democratic cronies. As he pulls back the curtain he immediately receives a phone call, to which he answers very reluctantly and brings to his left ear to answer. He is immediately greeted with loud enraged screaming. So high pitched and ear splintering loud that he can barely even fathom continuing to hold the phone to his ear. On the other line, is of course, his boss Madame Secretary herself, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Mr. Podesta can't stand the shrilling nature and horrible implications of her voice so he hangs up, knowing that his possible imminent death awaits when he arrives back at SATAN! HQ! Another democrat thug of his, an arab in full towel gear but with a nicely made American suit, walks past and seems perturbed by the situation. He immediately inquires to Mr. Podesta about his current state of affairs.

Arab Democrat: "Sup bro, are we fucking doomed or what?"

John Podesta: "I think so my friend, I think it's best we move immediately to Plan B!"

Mr. Podesta pulls two small 9 mm pistols out of his pockets and hands one to his Arab friend. Mr Podesta holds the gun to his head and pulls the trigger, killing him instantaneously and spraying a load of blood onto the wall that ironically spells out the word "Donald" on the side of the wall. The Arab friend of his takes up his pistol to do the exact same thing, but before he does he whispers to himself silently.

Arab Democrat: "Praise be to Allah!"

The Arab goes through with the same dastardly fate as his leader and counterpart Mr. Podesta. The blood splatter on the wall from his head shot, as you could have already guessed, reads "Trump."


Our next scene opens up to once again the large hovering tower barreling high over the New York city skyline. Trump tower for some miraculous reason is now overshadowing the fearsome tower that once stood higher than all the other towers in the entire world combined. We know this to be the long time headquarters of both Mrs. Hillary Clinton and the one half tag team champion of the XWF himself, Unknown Soldier. It is here where they have both been plotting their despicable schemes to conquer the world together and rule the galaxy for a thousand years. Even E-T and his homeboy aliens wanted Hillary to become president and it failed, can you fucking believe it? None the less we zoom in closer to find ourselves in the heart of the tower, the very center, and also we are immediately tossed into the heat of the moment. As we can clearly see that we are placed in a room full of glass. That's right, everything inside this room is made completely of glass from the ceilings, walls, and even the furniture. It's immaculate and clean and one could see their reflection in almost every surface area in the entire room. Peace and tranquility prevail for the most briefest of moments, that is, until the door to enter the room goes crashing down while bits and pieces of glass go flying all over the place.

The wicked Witch of the West Wing of the white house, you know her well as the loser of the presidency, Mrs. Hillary Clinton. Is on what can only be assumed to be a massive rampage. Balling like a baby and in an ultimate rage fest that could even put Peter Gilmour to shame. She lifts up one of the glass chairs and throws it against the walls, shattering glass everywhere and also making it rain down from the ceiling. Cutting her face and neck but this seems to leave little to no response from her. You'd even be willing to bet she has more testosterone fueled in her soul at this very moment then her husband when he's trying to fill secretaries vaginas full of it. She picks up another chair and heaves it at the glass ceiling that has a picture of Donald Trumps face on it crossed off with an X over it and many small holes where it was apparent someone was using his face as a dart board.

Glass shatters everywhere once again, opening up bigger and thicker wounds as it falls on her face. Ironically enough so does the Donald Trump picture, and in fact, it lands right on her lips as if in some kind of miraculous irony it kisses her. This enrages her further, thus she grabs the picture and rips it up into a million pieces. Her fuming rage is evident, almost so much so as in those cartoons when they get pissed off and steam starts to pour out from her ears. At that very moment, our demonic do-badder Unknown Soldier comes strolling into the room. Doing it in a very somber way as if none of the insanity that surrounds him is even taking place. Skipping and flolicking and actually looking like he's in somewhat of a good mood. This, naturally gets Hillary fuming even more so and she immediately questions his upbeat attitude after the disastrous election results.

Hillary Clinton: "The hell are you so happy about. Didn't you see what just happened, my love?"

Unknown Soldier: "Nah, what the fuck happened, did you find out Bill is having another affair?"

Hillary Clinton: "No, you nitwit, I just lost the election! Donald Trump fucking won!"

Unknown Soldier: "You'e fucking kidding me, I thought that was impossible."

Hillary Clinton: "Were you not paying attention! What the fuck you're supposed to be my boyfriend!

Unknown Soldier: "Sorry bitch, I got more important things to worry about. Like my Universal title match and my tag title match coming up next Warfare."

Hillary Clinton: "Seriously?!?!?! Stupid fucking wrestling!"

Unknown Soldier: "Whoa bitch, take it easy now, XWF is far more important than some silly bullshit presidency. UNIVERSAL CHAMPION! Maybe you didn't hear me quite right? You know what, all this nonsense has actually got me thinking. I think we need some time apart Hill-dawg! It's clear to me that your some kind of loser. I mean, you lost the presidency to a misogynistic dip shit after all. I can't have that kind of loser mentality hanging around me anymore. It probably has something to do with why I lost the X-treme title in the first place. I mean, for SATAN! sake it can't be my fault I lost. I'm the fucking man with two briefcases. I should have known it had something to do with you, fuckin' dumb ass woman!"

Hillary Clinton: "I don't think so! Nobody leaves me! Do you hear me! NOBODY!"

HIllary looks really fucking pissed now and whistles and motions for a crew of thugs to come storming into the glass room. They grab Unknown Soldier and make off with him into the tower.

Hillary Clinton: "Mine now, AND FOREVER!"

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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[-] The following 7 users Like Unknown Soldier's post:
(11-23-2016), (11-22-2016), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (11-22-2016), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-22-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-22-2016), Tommy Gunn (11-22-2016), Vincent Lane (11-22-2016)

Messages In This Thread
Anger Level?!?!?! - by Unknown Soldier - 11-22-2016, 12:00 AM

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