Date: August 2, 2015
Arena: Madison Square Garden
City: New York City, New York
Jim Ross: "Welcome to the final night of the XWF Relentless PPV! I am your host Jim Ross and I am joined by my colleague Bobby Heenan."
Bobby Heenan: "Hey kids and hot moms out there."
Jim Ross: "Well that was only slightly creepy. Which match are you looking forward to Bobby?"
Bobby Heenan: "Well after the weird ordeals that have circled around the first two matches, I have to think the main event is the best match on the card as a whole, not just this night."
Jim Ross: "You may very well be right. I'm receiving word that we have an interview set-up with a very interesting personality. Sending it to you, Tiffany!"
In the back we see a young female interviewer looking very nervous on the camera. She was wearing a dress while shaking and twitching on the camera as she spoke.
Tiffany: Uh hello XWF, this is...shit, can we
Camera man: We're live girl!
Tiffany: Okay, shit... i'm here in the MSG building in New York, and I'm here to do introduce a guest before the first match in the card--
John appears in a suit after his Scramble match in LA. He smiles at the female as she questions him.
Tiffany: You aren't those boy who are going to face one another in the first match, right?
JB: Do you think i'm a Hispanic Shark Boy or a really bad pirate impersonator?
Silence was in a midst for a moment...then she speaks again.
Tiffany: What are you doing here than, John...making another riot here?
JB: i'm here to tell you that you need to snort a line of pepper to keep yourself awake, because you can not interview anyone for shit.
Tiffany: What ever Black, say your speech before time runs out.
John looks at the clock on his Rolex and it shrugs at her.
JB: Hey maybe the camera could focus on us both instead of those terrible fucks who couldn't wrestle out a bag, let me tell you this; what I did on July 31 is something I want everyone in the federation be placed on hold for. I know Maverick is now having million guys in the back jacking his ego. So for him to tell me to prove my worth to him, is kinda discouraging.
Tiffany: How so John?...you seemed pissed you had to lose to him via submission.
JB: Hey, either Peter's love of his life had to be end gamed or Snap's secret obsession with Peter had to be sacrificed in that match. I was caught up in Maverick's bullshit that I could have broken before the last minute, but wasn't able to.
Tiffany: Since you weren't able to break his hold, what was up with all those guys surrounding the arena in LA that day? You seemed to calm down over those few short days.
JB: Maybe I wanted to let the audience know how much I despise this company, most noticeably Madness. I was placed in this scramble knowing full well that I wasn't going to be in any shape to be the last man standing. I went on tirade and once my mic got cut off I ended up having my army of hooligans go at with the people who participated in that scramble.
Tiffany: I thought that was cool you blur your reality of being underrated to mixing it up with having to cause a chaotic mess with no reason, what were you trying to prove with x'ing out the Hart Title in the first place?
JB: The belt was already dumped after the match by Dong, who then was blamed by Maverick knowing full well he would have done it to mark it up like a dog he is. But, the thing is I would have smashed the belt to pieces with a hammer. I would have not cared about Maverick crying over his belt getting smashed to pieces, while I would have duck taped it with his name on it.
Tiffany: Well that would have been nice to fix it for him, you know for a angry mean guy, you seem such sweetheart underneath it all.
John then gets really close to Tiffany, and we see JB punching the camera man away until it went into blank.
Canvas Tarp, the grouping of Bourbon Men consisting of Diamondback, Cyberjaw, Robo-Rob, and Clyde, greatest cover band in the world, come out after we come back from commercials! They stand on the entrance stage and begin to play Captain Ayy-Hab's entrance music LIVE!
The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as the entrance music of the self-proclaimed Pirate King of the XWF, Captain Ayy-Hab begins to play, and his pirate ship appears on the ramp. He stands on the bow, arms spread like Jesus on the cross, soaking in all the adoration as the ship makes its way down the ramp. But wait, there's someone else on the ship and whoever it is, is charging after the good Captain!
Jim Ross: "Who the hell is that?"
Bobby Heenan: "Whoever it is, they're attacking the Captain!"
The attacker clubs the Captain in the back, before tossing him overboard! The Captain lands on the ground below with a thud, and a spotlight shines on the bow of the ship, revealing El Tiburon! The crowd once again erupts into a chorus of cheers for the sharkmang.
Jim Ross: "How could they be cheering this?"
Bobby Heenan: "This New York crowd appreciates ingenuity, JR."
Tibs climbs down the side of the ship and approaches the kneeling Captain, before giving him a big knife edge chop that sends the Pirate King stumbling back into the guardrails. In the ring, the ref isn't sure what to do, so he rushes over to the side of the ring facing the ramp and shouts for both men to get their asses in the ring. Of course, since he's a stupid fucking striped shirt, neither the Pirate King nor the King of Sharkness listen to that dumb ass cracker. Instead, Tibs delivers another big chop to the Captain. He pulls his arm back for a third but this time the Captain delivers a punch to the stomach that doubles Tibs over and sends him stumbling back. The Captain grabs Tibs by the hand and throws him into the barricade!
Jim Ross: "These two are just brawlin' at this point!"
Bobby Heenan: "And the crowd loves it JR!"
The Captain drives his shoulder into Tibs' stomach, shoving him kidneys first into the barricade! Tibs spasms a little and falls forward when the Captain backs away. He drops to his knees, and the Captain kicks him in the chest. And another kick-- NO! Tibs catches this one! He sweeps the Captain's other leg out from under him and collapses on top of him, delivering big punch after big punch, while the Captain is... putting up no defense?!
He's laughing! His face is battered and bruised, his nose is bloody, but he's laughing! Tibs, seemingly as unnerved as the crowd is, just continues pounding, hoping to either shut him up or kill him, whichever comes first.
The Captain shoves Tibs off of him! He then scampers up the ramp to buy himself some time to get back to his feet. Tibs uses that time to take a breather.
Jim Ross: "What the hell is Captain Ayy-Hab doing?!"
Bobby Heenan: "Something stupid, probably."
The good Captain is back to his feet, and he's grabbing onto his beard! He pulls it off! Then his mustache! And his eyepatch! Oh my god, he's taking it all off! Who is it under that costume?!
Bobby Heenan: "WHO THE FUCK IS PRINGLE BOI 187?"
Everyone in the crowd is losing their shit! Captain Ayy-Hab just revealed himself to be Pringle Boi 187 (whoever that is) and holding two guns! What could he possibly be planning to do here?!
He puts the rifle thing on the roof of his sick car that just appeared on the ramp out of nowhere, and points the pistol at Tibs! Tibs has his hands in the air screaming "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT MANG!"
Pringle Boi 187 pulls the trigger! And an airsoft pellet smacks against Tibs' left man titty!
He jumps up and stomps around, clearly feeling the impact from that brutal shot from the airsoft pistol!
Jim Ross: "This is just pandemonium!"
El Tiburon
- vs -
Captain Ayy-Hab
Singles Match |
The ref finally rings the bell and signals for the start of the match! Pringle Boi 187 slides the pistol underneath his sick car and takes off towards the ring! But wait! Tibs trips him! Pringle Boi 187 falls face first to the ground before grabbing on Tibs' ankle so he can't make a break for the ring!
Tibs pulls Pringle Boi 187 to his feet and throws him into the barricade again!
He delivers a series of big punches!
With Pringle Boi 187 dazed and confused, Tibs looks to the ring, before deciding he wants payback for getting shot in the man titty. He backs up a few steps before delivering a big lariat that takes both men over the barricade into the crowd!
Both men get back to their feet and start brawling through the crowd. One overzealous fan slaps Pringle Boi 187 on the back to which the Boi with all the Pringles responds by PUNCHING HIM IN THE FUCKING FACE! The man goes down, the back of his head hitting the chair he was sitting in and is out like a light. Tibs takes the momentary distraction to deliver a huge Backstabber that fucks Pringle Boi 187 up!
However, he's just as fucked up as Pringle Boi 187 is! Both men are on the floor, struggling to get back up!
Tibs is up, so is Pringle Boi 187! Tibs kicks the Boi in the face before taking off towards the barricade!
Pringle Boi 187 pulls out a button? And presses it?
Jim Ross: "BAH GAWD!"
Bobby Heenan: "The car just exploded!"
That's right, the sick ass car just blew up, also blowing up the ship! Debris is everywhere, blocking Tibs from climbing out of the ringside area!
Tibs, clearly pissed off by Pringle Boi 187's antics, ascends some of the wreckage and looks right at the still prone Boi of Pringles! He leaps!
Jim Ross: "Get the paramedics out here!"
Bobby Heenan: "I'm still confused. What the hell just happened?"
The referee calls the match a no contest as paramedics rush to the ringside area to check on not only the wrestlers, but fans injured in the explosion.
After the carnage is cleared from the ring, there is a young lady by the name of Melissa Elizabeth Santos in the center of the ring.
MELISSA ELIZABETH SANTOS: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to introduce to you, the man who did this.
We cut to the X-Tron, which shows a replay of night one in Los Angeles.
Relentless Night 1 Said:Game Girl begins to power up, glowing with another aura! Robbie grabs Game Girl, who's glowing, and begins to beat the beast with her! Energy shoots off from both Game Girl and the beast like fireworks with every swing Robbie delivers to the beast! Finally, he takes Game Girl's face, and plows it into the beast's nose! The beast roars as blood gushes out onto the mat! Robbie drops Game Girl and jumps onto the beast's face, jamming both his fists into it's eye sockets! The beast thrashes as Robbie gives it an impromptu lobotomy!
MELISSA ELIZABETH SANTOS: New York, let's hear it for Robbie Bourbon!
The crowd goes absolutely ape shit as La Gazza Ladra starts to pipe in and echo throughout the Garden. Out steps Robbie Bourbon, dressed in a suit, but still wearing his normal mask. He's got two black eyes. He raises his arms at 45 degree angles and then starts to walk down to the ring. The fans begin to chant.
Robbie calmly walks into the ring and up to Melissa.
ROBBIE BOURBON: Hello, New York!
The crowd roars.
Robbie points straight into the camera, like he's trying to make eye contact with everybody watching at home. The Garden is deafening.
ROBBIE BOURBON: FUCK YEAH! My fucking people in the house tonight! Now, I come to you empty handed. I couldn't get the title off of Game Girl. Little minx smashed me in the face with a motherfucking hammer. I lost, and I'm man enough to admit it. But let's get to the meat and bones of what's going on. Some yankee doodle dickhead who pisses into his own fucking mouth and calls it macaroni has been having fun with me, it looks like.
So here's the scoop; it's open season on any of you fuckers that used to run with that fucking symbol. Congrats, Maverick, you won your Hart Championship. Good luck holding it. Finding you won't be hard, stud, all I have to do is sniff until I get closer to the stink of shit. Fuck, you're the second worst smelling motherfucker in the god damned XWF behind Ethan Bird, the shit stained savior of the streets. Jesus.
Scully, I'm coming straight for you too, pal. I really urge you to look into a phrase called "Guilt By Association". You should learn it, because you live it. What this means is you made bad friends in the past. You ran with the wrong crowd. Now your wrong crowd is responsible for stirring up a fucking hornets nest. Your bad decisions are now coming back around on you. With ouchies and boo-boos. BIG ouchies, BIG boo-boos.
And the old man, you are going to slink into whatever hole you want to live in. Fester. Putrefy. Become worse. You'll come out when everything is darkest, and you think that the extraordinary light of the sun is far from reaching you, keeping you cloaked. That's fine. It just mean's you're coming. When you get here, though, it won't be to finish something, it won't be to gain something, and it won't be something you'll be able to walk away from.
I might not have that title, but I've certainly drawn some vile shit out into the light of day, and now you have my undivided attention. Congratu-fucking-lations. I'm going to cripple you, Pest.
The crowd roars at the thought!
I'm not just talking about taking away your resources and the very ground you stand on. I truly mean I'm going to make it so you can go into the big stalls in public fucking bathrooms without anyone making a fuss kind of crippled. I think I'll do it by ripping out your lumbar vertibrae. Do you know what that means, old man? It means you don't have feeling from your navel down. Goodbye XWF career, goodbye using your dick as a weapon, goodbye Pest.
So sit, and stew, and think, and plot, and do whatever it is the fuck you want to do. I'm going to get you one day. And that will be my day.
We return as “The Spirit of The Radio†by Rush comes to an end with Avery Martin Alden pacing up and down the ring.
“Starset†by Carnivore plays |
Justin Roberts: "Introducing next from Gold Coast, Australia, weighing in at 220 lbs... AUSSSSTINNNN FERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNANDOOOOOO!"
As the theme song hits the ring and part of the crowd cheers while the other half jeers. Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.
He smirks while staring at Avery.
The referee calls for the bell.
Austin Fernando
- vs -
Avery Martin Alden
Singles Match |
Avery wastes no time, running at Austin who side steps him. Avery puts his breaks on as he reaches the turn buckle and tries to run up the turnbuckle but is caught in mid-air by Fernando who grabs him by the head and executes a powerful mid-air STO. This one could probably be over already!
Austin lifts up his opponents shoulder before the three count can be made. The fans are split on his decision, some feeling he is arrogant while the others demanding that Avery suffers more.
Austin Fernando whips his opponent into the ropes and then hits him with a jab, jab, jab, uppercut, jab, jab, hook. Avery falls to the mat and then groggily gets back to his feet. Fernando whips him across the ring again, bounces off the rope himself and catches Avery with a running swinging neckbreaker.
Austin points to the top turnbuckle and suddenly the crowd seem to be a little bit more on his side. He calls for the elbow.
Flies through the air….
Perfectly executed Flying Elbow drop to the chest of Alden.
Austin pulls him up to his feet and flings him into the corner. Fernando sprints at him and hits him with a big splash in the corner before catching the groggy Alden by the neck, lifting him up and planting his back on his knee before turning it into a deadly neckbreaker.
Jim Ross: “A perfectly executed Identity Crisis by Austin Fernando! I’ve seen this man wrestle several times but never with such conviction as here tonight!â€
Fernando covers him.
Again Austin pulls his opponents shoulder, wanting to inflict more damage before ending this one.
He grabs Avery and lifts him up into a vertical suplex position and then spins him around into a cutter!!!
Jim Ross: “That right there is… THE END OF THE ROAD!!â€
Bobby Heenan: “It doesn’t look like Austin is done there though!â€
After almost a whole minute Avery has managed to climb to his feet. Austin then kicks him in either knee, knocking Avery down to his knees. Fernando then plants two kicks to the chest with either boot, huge power! Then he hits a final kick to the jaw, Avery is out cold!!!
Jim Ross: “By gawd somone stop the damn match!â€
The referee calls for the bell! Avery cannot move and the referee has no choice but to end the match.
The match is over but Austin picks Avery up and flings him shoulder first into the turnbuckle before lifting him up and executing another ‘End of the Road’.
“Is this the best that this roster can offer me at one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year? Pathetic.â€
Austin hits another stomp to the head before placing his boot on Avery’s chest and raising his arms up into the air.
CJ is walking through the catering room in the arena when he turns and sees Drew Archyle nibbling on an ear of corn and under it is 3 plates filled with food
CJ: You hungry there buddy?
Drew: (Mouth Stuffed) Yeah kind of....
CJ: Well don't hurt yourself...
CJ walks out of catering into a corridor.
CJ: So.... I am finally booked! Against a Michael McBride. I don't know who he is but I do know that he is going to get wrecked at Relentless! He will feel the fury of CJ Sharpe! You will not get out of that match Safe let alone with the W. So with that I've gotta go get ready.... See ya!
CJ walks away into the corridor and turns a corner.
The scene fades to a commercial.
"Gardenia" by Kyuss plays |
Justin Roberts: "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following contest is the Main Event of the evening and it is a Triple Threat match for the Universal Championship! Introducing first, making his way to the ring, weighting in at 245 pounds, from Manchester England The Walking Disastor, GATOR!"
Gardenia by Kyuss plays as Gator walks out, he drops to one knee, with his head down and beats his chest 3 times,on the 3rd chest beat Gator quickly stands raising his arm as his stage pyro goes off. Gator then walks slowly down the ramp, he slides into ring and climbs one of the corners and points to the Relentless sign. He steps off the turnbuckle and relaxes in the corner, patiently waiting for the ref to start the match.
"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister plays |
Justin Roberts: "And his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Tampa, Florida, Loverboy VINNNNIIIEEE LANE!"
The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle, strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.
"House of 1,000 Corpses" by Rob Zombie plays |
Justin Roberts: "And last, weighing in at 233 pounds from Sulphur, Louisiana, He is the King of the XWF, He is the Higher Power, he is the current Universal Champion, Doctor Louis D'Ville!"
The lights go out in the arena followed by an eerie red glow. Smoke rises from the entrance way and the Doctor emerges from it. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out among the crowd, then slowly begins walking towards the ring. The Doctor climbs the ring steps and into the ring, he stands on the second turnbuckle and holds his arms into the air as the lights flash back on.
Three different paths. Three different stars. Three different stories. All come to a collision for the biggest prize in the XWF, the Universal Championship. As the three stand in a triangle shape in the ring, the crowd is going crazy for all three.
Crowd: Vin-nie Laaaaane Vin-Laaaaane! Gaaaaaa-tor Gaaaaaaaa-tor! Doc-tor D'Ville Doc-tor D'Ville!
Jim Ross: "This is about to be an absolute barn burner!"
Bobby Heenan: "You got that right, JR."
![[Image: hT5N3ij.png?1]](http://i.imgur.com/hT5N3ij.png?1)
Universal Championship
Doctor Louis D’Ville ©
- vs -
‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane
- vs -
Special Guest Referee: Luca Arzegotti
Triple Threat |
And with the ring of the bell, we are underway. The crowd is going crazy here tonight for these three superstars. Gator and Vinnie immediately starts the assault on Doc. Gator uses his strength to toss Doc to the turnbuckle. Gator charges at Doc and hits a quick clothesline. Doc walks out of the corner only to meet a running knee to the head by Vinnie. Doc falls to the ground, the ropes being the only thing that keeps him from falling to the mat. Gator drags Doc up and elbows him in the side of the head. Doc stumbles back into Vinnie and Vinnie gives Doc a punch to the jaw sending him into Gator. Gator grabs Doc and hits him with a scoop powerslam with ease! Doc crashes to the mat, and Gator rolls to his feet, only to stare in the eyes of Vinnie. Gator then looks down at Doc and kicks him out of the ring, leaving him and Vinnie with a staredown for the ages. The crowd is going berserk for the two.
JR: "Look at this. The crowd is going crazy for these two."
They lock up, Gator using his slight strength advantage to power Vinnie to the turnbuckle. Gator with a punch, and another! Gator with a elbow to the side of the head and he whips Lane to the opposite corner. Gator charges and hits Lane with a clothesline. Vinnie stumbles out of the corner and Gator hits him with a quick belly to belly suplex sending Vinnie crashing to the mat. Gator walks over to Vinnie and drags him to his feet. Gator with another Irish whip but Vinnie counters sending Gator to the ropes. Gator comes back on the rebound to eat a clothesline from Doc out of no where. Doc slithers his way back into the match! Doc and Gator are now at it. Punch by Gator! Now Doc, Gator, Gator, Gator, Gator charges with a clothesline but Doc ducks and Gator clotheslines Vinnie instead. Doc grabs Gator from behind and German Suplex! The move sends Gator across the ring. Doc walks over and drags Vinnie to his feet by his luscious locks. Doc with a quick snap Suplex. Doc rolls to his feet and leg drop to Vinnie! Doc drags Vinnie to his feet and whips him to the turnbuckle. Doc walks over to the turnbuckle and starts choking the life.out.of Vinnie. Vinnie's gasping for air. And Gator with a forearm to the back of the head of Doc. Gator turns Doc so that he's face to face with The Walking Disaster. Gator with a knife edge chop! Wooooo! Gator with a punch to the head to Doc. Doc's stunned and backs into the turnbuckle, leaning on Vinnie who's also in the same turnbuckle. Gator backs into the opposite turnbuckle. He charges and body splash onto the two men! Doc hits the floor and rolls out of the ring. Gator with the pin to Vinnie!
Jim Ross: "A quick kickout by Vinnie!"
Bobby Heenan: "Yes. Very even match as we get things going."
Vinnie with a kickout! Gator pulls Vinnie to his feet, but Vinnie pushes Gator away and hits Gator with a quick clothesline. Gator stumbles back, and Vinnie hits Gator with a scoop. followed.by ab elbow drop to the midsection of Gator. Vinnie rolls to his feet and notices Doc climbing in the ring. Vinnie charges at Doc, but Doc counters with an elbow to the jaw. Doc climbs in the ring and hits Vinnie with a swinging neckbreaker sending Vinnie crashing to the mat! Doc walks over and drags Gator to his feet. Doc with a body slam! Now Doc jumps in the air and stomps directly on the knee of Gator! And again! Gator is screaming in pain, and Doc is smiling. That sick bitch. Vinnie crawls to his feet and charges at Doc but Doc effortlessly throws Vinnie out of the ring and Vinnie smacks the floor hard! Doc grabs Gator by the leg and drops an elbow right to the knee of Gator! Doc rolls to his feet, and he does it again! And again! Doc applying every move with precision and accuracy. Doc drags Gator to his feet and whips Gator to the ropes, Gator comes on the rebound and Doc with a dropkick to the knee as accurate as they come! Gator falls to the ground in pain! Doc once again picks up Gator and he’s got him in a fallaway slam position. Doc drops Gator on his knee not once, but twice! Then hits a fallaway slam after the second. A barrage of assaults coming from our King. And now Doc with the pin!
Gator kicks out, but barely!
Jim Ross: “Doctor D'Ville is opening up an Oklahoma City can of whoop ass on Gator here tonight, folks!â€
Bobby Heenan: “Wait, look at Vinnie!â€
Doc rolls to his feet and Vinnie smacks him in the back with a steel chair! All legal tonight folks! Vinnie with another shot from the chair and Doc falls to one knee. Vinnie with another shot and Doc drops to the other knee. Vinnie with a final shot and Doc slams onto the mat. Vinnie tosses the chair to the ground and drags Gator to his feet. Vinnie with a sit-out powerslam to Gator! And now Vinnie picks Gator up and he tosses him outside. Vinnie follows Gator as he rolls out of the ring. Vinnie pulls Gator.to his feet and whips him to the barricade. Vinnie charges and Gator with a back body drop, tossing Vinnie across the barricade into the fans. Gator looks down at Vinnie and reaches over the barricade to drag Vinnie to his feet. Vinnie a cheap punch to the chin and Gator stumbles back turning around and eating a clothesline from Doc as Doc sends himself as well as Gator the crowd!
Bobby Heenan: “We're about to have an all-out arena brawl here tonight.â€
Or not as Vinnie tosses both men across the barricade, and then into the ring. Vinnie begins undressing the announce tables, pulling off all the equipment. Wonder what he has planned? Vinnie rolls himself back inside the ring and now he picks up Gator once again and he attempts a suplex, but Gator counters, locking his legs with the Rock and Roll Megastar! Now Gator lifts Vinnie in the air for a suplex! Whoa what strength a stalling suplex all the blood rushing to Vinnie's head. Gator being that show off that he is bends his knees a little showing more strength and Doc with a spear to Gator out of nowhere sending Gator and Vinnie crashing to the mat. Doc drags Gator to his feet once again Lobotomy! Doc nails the move that has put down so many before! Doc with the pin!
Gator kicks out! Doc is furious!
Jim Ross: “This is turning jnto a real sloberknocker, Bobby.â€
Bobby Heenan: “Absolutely, I don't know how long either of these men can hold out!â€
Doc drags Gator to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Gator comes back on the rebound and eats another dropkick to the knee sending Gator to the mat once again! But now Vinnie's up. Vinnie is taking the fight to Doc. Punch by Vinnie, punch, punch, punch, Vinnie with a whip to the turnbuckle and now Doc comes on the rebound and Vinnie with a jumping knee to the head of Doc, sending Doc crashing to the mat. Vinnie starts to take the protective cushion off of the turnbuckle. This can only end badly. Vinnie drags Doc over and now DDT to the metal turnbuckle! Doc is out, blood gashing from his forehead! Vinnie showing no signs of ring rust here tonight folks as Doc rolls out of the ring and onto the ground. Vinnie drags Gator to his feet, and he tries to do the same but Gator pushes Vinnie into the metal and then Disaster Drop! Vinnie is down! Gator rolls out of the ring and picks Doc up, but Doc uses his strength and pushes Gator away. Gator charges at Doc but Doc side steps him, sending Gator crashing into the announce table. Doc rolls Gator on the announce table and he gets on there to. Doc drags Gator to his feet, but Gator counters with a shot to the midsection then a kick to the temple, sending Doc to the floor. Gator jumps off the table and look! Vinnie is starting the chant, as he drags himself up and climbs to the top turnbuckle. The crowd is going insane for Vinnie as he flies off the top rope, but Gator catches Vinnie and Disaster Drop through the announce table! HOLY BALLS
T: Way to play Gay.........tor!
Jim Ross: “An absolute barn burner this is an absolute barn burner here tonight folks!â€
Gator rolls to his feet and Doc charges at Gator sending both men through the barricade! All three men are down, and our ref, Luca Arzegotti who has been relatively quiet rolls out of the ring. He drags each man to their feet and puts them in the ring. Luca rolls himself back in the ring and he rolls Lane to his feet. He looks at Lane and Get Away Driver! What the fuck Luca! For what? Luca laughs at his work as Doc slowly rolls to his feet. Doc drags Gator up and Loto-NO! Gator counters! Gator with a knee to the gut and now a back body drop. Gator looks down at Doc and he backs into the turnbuckle. Doc slowly gets to all fours and Gator charges and Threes and Sevens! Doc's head crashing into the mat! Gator drags Vinnie to his feet and Gator with a whip to the ropes, Vinnie comes back on the rebound and Gator attempts a clothesline, but Vinnie ducks and Vinnie attempts a superkick, but Gator grabs the foot and Gator Throw! Gator sends Vinnie across the ring!
T: Gator you rock!
Like I didn't know that. Haha. Make sure you're getting my good side, Todd!
And now Doc grabs Gator and German Suplex! Damn. Just when Gator was getting momentum our King makes another calculation move! The blood rushing from his face. Doc drags Gator to his feet and he kicks Gator in the knee. Gator drops to his knee and Doc with a DDT! Doc starts to stomp on the leg of Gator and Vinnie charges at Doc, but Doc predicted it and sends Vinnie into the turnbuckle. Doc starts to choke the life out of Vinnie! Wait. Look at Roxy! She climbs to the apron!
STOP! You're trying to kill him!
Roxy screaming and Doc drops Vinnie. Doc grabs Roxy by her hair and drags her inside the ring! Doc pulls Roxy to her feet and now. Doc and Roxy face too face! Doc sets her up for the Lobotomy, but Vinnie quickly crawls to his feet and superkicks Doc. Sending Doc crashing to the mat. He runs over to the aid of his fiancé, and slowly helps her out of the ring. Vinnie turns back and now Bad Medicine Knee Driver to Doc! Doc's blood painting the ring white and red. Vinnie starts to punch Doc, the blood all over Vinnie's hands. Gator drags Vinnie off of Doc, but Vinnie with a superkick to Gator and Vinnie returns to punishing Doc's face! Vinnie grabs the chair and starts to slam the metal against the body of the Doc! Doc is writhing in pain and Vinnie drags him to his feet. Doc has made it personal with our Rock and Roll Megastar! Vinnie, Black Label Driver! He drags Doc to his feet and another Black Label Driver! Doc is out! Vinnie with the pin.
Gator drags Vinnie off of Doc! Gator rolls Vinnie to his feet and Disaster Drop! Gator nails his finisher once again! Gator grabs the chair and wedges it onto Doc's knee!
Gator screams as he jumps high in the air and stomps on the chair, causing Doc to scream in pain! All the shit Doc has done. All his bad karma. Coming back to him tonight. Gator looks at both men as they both lie on the mat. So much damage done here tonight folks. Gator grabs Vinnie and Choke Sermon! Gator has it locked and Vinnie is in pain! Gator releases the hold! Gator rolls out of the ring and now.....he's getting a ladder! Gator puts the ladder in the ring. Gator, sets the ladder up and now he picks up Doc! Gator starts to climb the ladder, and he's dragging Doc up with him! Gator reaches the top and now, Vinnie is up and he's climbing the ladder! All three men are at the top! Gator with a punch to Vinnie! Doc with a punch to Gator, and Vinnie with a punch to the gut of Doc. Vinnie grabs Doc and TOSSES HIM OFF OF THE LADDER AND CRASHING SPINE FIRST INTO THE BARRICADE! DOC COULD BE FUCKING DEAD! And now Gator grabs Vinnie and DISASTOR DROP OFF OF THE LADDER! HOT DAMN AND BALLS! THIS IS CARNAGE! All three men are down. Their bodies broken and battered to pieces.
Jim Ross: “This...This is insane. An all-out sloberknocker barn burner. It's gut wrenching having to sit here and watch these men inflict so much pain on one another.â€
Bobby Heenan: “Yes and it’s all for one thing, the Universal Championship.â€
Gator staggers to his feet as he trips backwards into the corner. Breathing heavily, Gator is exhausted. There is a rip in his suit on his neck that appears to be bleeding from some point in the match. Gator looks before him to see the broken shambles of ‘Loverboy’ before him. He looks towards the apron and that’s when he sees it. The cold, piercing gaze of Doctor Louis D’Ville. Doc climbs up to the apron as he is shaking himself. His teeth are exposed but not in the usual ominous grin. This time they are exposed with the intention to rip Gator apart much like he did the snozz of Peter Gilmour.
Doc and Gator meet in the center of the ring as Gator slaps the doctor across the face. The Doctor smirks and punches Gator in the abdomen roughly forcing him to buckle over. Gator is then lifted by his mask as Doc has his mouth opened far larger than what should be acceptable for a face.
Jim Ross: “He’s going to take a huge chomp out of the mask of Gator!â€
Bobby Heenan: “I’m not so sure he’ll stop at the mask…â€
As his razor sharp fangs approach the mask….
Lane connects with the boot that shuts the jaw of Doctor D’Ville and knocks him into the ropes. Lane slowly gets to his feet. The ‘Loverboy’ and Doctor share a glance. The Doc’s eye has turned icily cold as his patience has now left. Lane’s face contains nothing but courage and determination. Doc literally begins to growl at Lane in a ferocious tone. Lane doesn’t seemed fazed by it. Instead of backing down, Lane strums his air guitar and leads it into a crotch chop!
This brings a smile to the face of Doc as he lunges across the ring at near impossible speeds! Lane knows this all-too-well…
Lane falls to the ground and Doc tumbles across the ring for the lunging clothesline!
Jim Ross: “These men know each other so well. Lane and Gator are probably two of the only men who can figure out Doctor Louis D’Ville.â€
Doc gets up wincing and holding his ribs. He turns around and takes another superkick! Lane pulls him in and…
Doc isn’t budging! Lane goes for the pinfall on the champ!
NO! Gator interrupts it at the LAST moment!
Gator grabs Lane up and pulls him onto his shoulder for the DIS- no! Lane won’t allow it!
Lane pushes Gator into the ladder and the ladder collapses over. Lane goes to grab Gator, but Gator grabs Lane and hits…
The inverted neckbreaker does its damage. Gator grabs the downed ladder and sets it on top of Doc. He brings Lane to the corner and pulls him to the top rope! He lifts Lane up onto his shoulder and eyes the ladder!
Jim Ross: “Oh my god! No he can’t do this! Not a Disaster Drop on the ladder with Doc underneath!â€
Bobby Heenan: “Get up Doc! There is still hope! Kill these men! Keep the title!â€
As Gator is about to jump, he begins to tremble. Is it the toll of the match? Is it Gator’s inability to do top rope maneuvers? Regardless, Lane gets out of the precarious position and nails a solid right hand to the face of Gator knocking him for a loop! Lane lifts the heavy dead-weight of Gator onto his shoulder before eyeing the ladder now. He lifts him up for a front suplex and leaps!
The sounds of audible gasps emanate throughout the arena in horror!
Jim Ross: “What… what did we just witness?â€
Bobby Heenan: “They’re DEAD!â€
Lane turned the maneuver into his patented Operation: Mindcrime driving Gator’s head into the ladder with both of their weights coming down on top of the flattened Doctor D’Ville beneath!
Everyone is laid out, but Lane manages to get an arm draped across the chest of Gator!
As the bell sounds, ‘I WANNA ROCK’ fills the speakers as Roxy climbs into the ring to help her man to his feet.
The crowd cheers him on as Lane raises his hand into the air while holding his back with the other. Roxy is gleaming with pride. The referee exits the ring to grab the title when suddenly the referee is ablaze! From underneath the ladder a single arm is extended towards the referee seemingly casting an inferno!
After a few moments they resume to show the grotesque and crimson mask of Doctor Louis D’Ville. He doesn’t seem finished by a long shot. In his claws is the Universal Championship which he is holding intensely. Gator is now to his feet for this intense stand-off. Gator seems tired of it as he charges Doc knocking the title from his grasp! Doc throws Gator away as he glares at Lane. He extends his arm as it begins to glow and shoot another fiery blaze towards Lane! Lane grabs up the title and it deflects it away!
Gator is caught by the rebound, however! Gator is a flaming ball as he runs towards the ropes and trips over them and out of the ring where Todd is cooling him off with a fire extinguisher.
D’Ville looks back to purpose as he shoots another towards Lane! This one is deflected once more upwards into the screen above the ring showing the capacity audience the match! The crowd gasps as the screen begins smoking and sparking! Both men look up to the see the enormous screen come careening downwards to the ring! Lane grabs Roxy as the leap out of the ring!
The entire arena shakes as the screen explodes leaving only fragments in the ring. The entire ring is a fiery scene as Lane walks up the rampway holding his title in one hand and his woman in another. As the flames begin to die down, only a single object is left in the ring.
A crown.