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Relentless, Day 2
Author Message
Mattael Cillio Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-01-2015, 10:09 PM

Date: August 1, 2015
Arena: Allstate Arena
City: Chicago, Illinois

JIM ROSS: We're here live in Chicago Illinois, for the second day of the biggest event of the year... RELENTLESS!

BOBBY HEENAN: Fuck yeah, this is where the boys become men, and the men become... greater men?

JIM ROSS: That's almost accurate Bobby, we've got in store for the people today a clusterfuck, a guillotine death match, an I QUIT match, a tornado elimination tag match, and most importantly, an X-Treme Title match where Trax will defend against former two-time Universal Champion Morbid Angel, and former tag team champion Scully!

BOBBY HEENAN: All that and more here on DAY TWO of RELENTLESS!

#1 Contender Match for the World Tag Team Championship
John Hilly & Reverend Tholomew Plague
- vs -
Gothic Richards & Death Rider
- vs -
Ghost Tank & Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII
- vs -
CM Punk & AJ Lee
- vs -
Michael McBride & CJ Sharpe
- vs -
Psychosys & Johnny Payne
- vs -
Lux Lyden & Dustin Diamond Drake
Ladder Tag Team Match
The first member to climb the ladder and obtain the contract will win for their team.
The winning team will then have the option of remaining partners or each member of the team will get to pick a new partner and turn the eventual Tag Team Title match into a triple threat.

John Hilly, Gothic Richards, Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII, AJ Lee, Psychosys and Johnny Payne start in the ring, most awaiting their teammates.

Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold

Justin Roberts: "Ladies and gentleman, our opening contest will be tag team ladder match, the winning team will earn themselves a Tag Team Championship title shot. Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Weighing in at 215 pounds. The Reverend Tholomew Plague!

The lights dim down as Bat Country hits the P.A. system, a lone spotlight shines at the top of the stage as Reverend Tholomew Plague appears at the top of the stage staring at the ground, he lifts his head up and pyro sets off and the lights come back on, he then casually walks to the ring as he receives a mixed response from the crowd

Dragonforce - Soldiers of the Wasteland plays

Justin Roberts: "From Chicago, Illinois, weight unknown, Death Rider!!"

"Burning fires, burning lives
On the long distant roads
Through the lost mountains endless
So far away from home"

The opening riff of Dragonforce - Soldiers of the Wasteland blares through the arena accompanied by the blast of bright blue pyro. The arena lights flash between the same shade of blue as the pyro and white, before cutting out altogether. After a few seconds of pitch blackness, two shining blue lights appear on the ramp. The lights come back on and the source is revealed. The eyes of Death Rider's gas mask. She sprints down to the ring and hops up on the apron, screaming. She slaps the mask a couple of times before climbing the turnbuckles closest to her, raising a tightly clenched fist in the air.

A Beast Am I by Amon Amarth plays

Justin Roberts: "From Chicago, Illinois. Weighing 332 pounds, the face of death, GHOST TANK!"

lysia begins to dance with juggling torches that have been lit. The lights get brighter, then darker, at least for a bit before the light darkens, and a strobe light begins its dance as Ghost Tank slowly makes his way out. Alysia would start to bring the torches closer to her body, lighting parts of herself and clothes on fire. The sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. At the top of the ramp, he lets out a primal roar, and begins to beat his chest.

A Beast Am I starts as Ghost Tank's arms fold across his chest, and then he throws his arms out hard, making a lowercase t with his body, and the bonds break apart. He then bends over, and rips the shackles off his ankles. He grabs Alysia, once free from his bonds, putting out the fire by hand. However, her outfit would be completely changed, as if the fire transformed her clothes. Letting her go after a kiss, he then ran to the ring, leaping from the ground and up to the top rope, which he grabs, using his power and agility to hold him straight upside down on the rope, then flips himself around, landing in the ring, onto his feet and facing the referee as he lets go of the rope, standing tall with his fists once more thumping against his flesh.

"This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage plays

Justin Roberts: "Also from Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at 218 pounds, C M Punk!!!

The song "This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage begins to resonate throughout the arena, signifying the arrival of The Straight-Edge Superstar, CM Punk. Within ten seconds of his theme music beginning,Punk casually walks out from the back with an arrogant smirk on his face. He looks out at the booing XWF Universe, many of whom are hurling obscenities the way of a man they now despise. Punk slowly begins to take a knee at the top of the ramp, running his hand along the stage before raising a clenched fist and gazing at his wrist as if checking a watch. Punk raises his hands to his mouth......and screams "It's Clobberin' Time!" as the fans boo him once again. Punk swings around and holds his arms out, taking a couple of steps backwards down the rampwhile displaying the back of his shirt. Punk turns back around and makes his way further down the ramp, not acknowledgingthe crowd whatsoever. He walks up the steel steps and climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle, screaming that he's the "Best in the World!" and raising his arms triumphantly.

Come Out Ye' Black And Tans by Irish Descendants plays

Justin Roberts: "From Wicklow, Ireland, weighing 240 pounds. Michael McBride!!!

Come out Ye' Black and Tans hits over the P.A. system. Michael walks out ready to fight as he checks his gloves. He walks down the ramp. He walks to the steel stairs and walks up them. Once at the top he stops and turns around and looks at the crowd and smirks before he steps between the ropes and leans back on the nearest corner and looks at his opponent with a smirk on his face.

Bring It - Trapt plays

Justin Roberts: "From Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing 198 pounds. C J Sharpe!!"

Bring it plays over the PA as CJ comes out with a hoodie. He gets on one knee and when the song picks up he gets up quickly and takes off his hood to a blast of pyro. He walks to the ring with his eyes dead set on the ring. He hops on the apron and jumps over the top rope. He gets on the top turnbuckle and throws his hoodie into the crowd. Then he backflips off and awaits the ring bell.

"It Never Ends" by Bring Me The Horizon plays

Justin Roberts: "Next, from Cape Vincent, New York. Weighing 175 pounds. LUX LYDEN!!!"

Lux Lyden's name spills out onto the tron in shiny silver and blue letters right as his entrance music begins to play. As the fans grow anxious and the seconds wear on, few could deny the exuberant energy that swells and stretches over the arena. Growing until finally an explosion of light and intense sound, erupts from the floor. A flash of outstanding pyrotechnics can be seen simultaneously as Lux Lyden is jettisoned upward through a trap door located on the floor near the entrance. Following this theatric display, he somersaults mid-air and lands perfectly on his feet before giving a smirk and a wink. Taking off like a jack rabbit shortly after, he rushes to the ring, slides under the ropes, bounces up to his feet with exuberance and quickly ascends to the top of one of the closest turnbuckles, while striking a pose and greeting the crowd with a clever smile. It's very clear he definitely enjoys this profession and the adoration/attention it provides.

"We Are One" by 12 Stones

Justin Roberts: "And lastly, from Blackpool, England. Weighing 265 pounds. Dusty Diamond Drake!!!!!!"

The lights Of the Arena Go Dark As The song "We Are One" by 12 Stones plays through the arena, as a wall of gold and silver Sparkles flares drops consumes the stage. Then the centre of the wall of gold and silver Sparkle flares stops and Dusty Diamond comes out onto the stage with his hands and arms held up and out to the sides looking up into the darkness of the rafters as the arena fills with smoke fog, then he lowers his head from looking up at the rafters, he then looks at the crowd howling out he starts to make his way towards the ring as gold and silver flares light the way down to the ramp to the ring area. When Dustin Diamond gets to the ring he walks ups the steel stairs and up onto the turn buckle and stands on the top ropes as he once again howls out holding his arms out to his side looking up as gold and sliver pyrotechnics rain down upon him showering him in gold and silver sparks. He then back flips into the ring landing on his feet, as the one last explosion of gold sliver flames go off around the ring.

The 14 men and women are in the ring as ladders line the outside, some discuss strategy as others stand there like mindless robots. The bell sounds and the ring becomes a war zone.

BOBBY HEENAN: "God damn! Everybody is getting hit! I can't call this JR, I'm not a magician."

JIM ROSS: "You're as good as a magician as you are a commentator Bobby."

BOBBY HEENAN: "Well I-HEY! Fuck you Jim."

Every competitor is throwing blows at each other, trying to get some space. Triple D knocks Gothic Richards out of the ring and he lands directly on his neck! Richards tries to crawl away but is crushed by Johnny Payne who was flung over the ropes by Michael McBride! Richards and Payne lay on the outside struggling to get up, but they're joined by a third body, Psychosys takes out both men as he too is flung over the ropes!

JIM ROSS: "It's like sailors jumping overboard!"

Goddess is knocked over the ropes by CM Punk, AJ Lee follows her to the outside with a mighty throw from Ghost Tank and lastly John Hilly is dropkicked onto the outside by Lux Lyden. Rev, Death Rider, Tank, Punk, McBride, CJ, Dustin and Lyden stand in the ring looking to one another. Tank makes the first move knocking Rider down with a clothesline and going full steam ahead into Rev, knocking him into the turnbuckle with a shoulder tackle! McBride pats Sharpe on the shoulder and both men go for the only other team standing, Lux Lyden and Triple D, meanwhile CM Punk slides out of the ring, making sure the leftovers are down for the count as he grabs a ladder and begins to slide it into the ring. McBride rushes Lux who side steps out of the way, Michael rebounds and takes advantage of Luc with a running swinging neckbreaker! CJ powers forward towards Diamond but is stopped short with a jump kick from Dustin.

Sharpe falls to the mat and Diamond begins to punch CJ in the head repeatedly. Back in the corner Tank has Rev pinned against the turnbuckle, his forearm against Rev's throat, Thomolew sends a knee into Tank's gut and gets some space, Tank responds with a kick to the gut but Rev catches his foot, with quick thinking Ghost Tank flips backwards and sends his toes into Rev's chin! Rev slumps against the turnbuckle clutching his chin. Death Rider crouches down waiting for Tank to turn around and as soon as he does she strikes his chest with a few hard Kobashi Chops! Tank clutches his burning flesh and puts his back against the ropes.

CM Punk is now in the ring with a steel ladder, he puts it over his shoulder and runs at Rider from behind but Death Rider ducks and the steel ladder goes right into Tank's mush! And he tumbles over the ropes onto the outside. Rev catches his breath and sends a kick into Punk's gut, forcing him to drop the ladder. Rider positions herself behind Punk and knocks him down with a beautiful half nelson suplex!

BOBBY HEENAN: "This is such a clusterfuck."

JIM ROSS: "For once we agree Heenan. But it's a great cluster-Yeah."

Rider kips up and Rev gives her a nod in approval before the two trade blows. Back to McBride and Lux, Lux has taken advantage and now has Michael on his knees after a hard stunner. Lux runs back into the ropes and rebounds almost knocking McBride's head off with a mighty punt kick! McBride rolls onto his back and looks up at the lights. Lux hops over McBride and begins to set up the ladder.

After setting it up, Lux sets up another ladder leaned up against it. It’s used seemingly as a guard against anyone else climbing up it. Lux is about to climb the other side when Death Rider is back and she connects with an enzuigiri! As Lux is staggered, she pulls him in and connects with a devastating brainbuster! Lux is laid out as Death begins to see an opening. She goes to climb up the ladder, but Rev is there.

He yanks her down and connects with a body slam. Death is back to her feet though. Rev leaps for a dropkick, but she sidesteps it and wraps his legs before catapulting him into the corner turnbuckle! Rev is clutching his chest as he turns around into a tazer!

He convulses for a few seconds before hitting the ground and being scooted out of the ring. Goddess enters the ring and takes a tazering. Hilly enters and is treated the same. Gothic Richards enters the ring and Death begins trying to get the fat lard to climb the ladder. Gothic is refusing as he seems terrified. Death shakes her head as her hands clench.

She tazes her partner! Gothic convulses before falling to the ground. Death pulls out a smoke pellet and starts the thing in Gothic’s mouth before scooting him out of the ring.

Death turns around for the climb only to see Dustin Diamond Drake! Triple D charges for a gore, but Death kicks him in the shoulder and connects with…


The butterfly brainbuster decimates her opponent. Death turns around again to see none other than Lux! Lux nails her with a ladder shot from a third ladder! She hits the mat in a heap! Lux sees the #1 Contendership hanging high above. He’s almost to the top…

CM Punk leaps out of nowhere onto the leaning ladder and begins running up it! As he gets to the top, he goes for a clothesline…. But…

Lux catches him with a stunner! CM Punk is laid out prone on top of the ladder. Lux reaches up and grabs the contract for the win! His theme music begins to blare through the arena as him and DDD celebrate, him on top of the ladder, and DDD below! The view fades out to the two with their arms raised in victory, and the tag title contract in the hands of Lux!

As the bell rings displaying Triple D and Lux as the winners. Kirk walks down to the ring with a large box. He enters the ring and sets the box down on a small table set-up by the ringside crew.

"Hello boys. I come with good and bad news. First off, let's ask. Do you plan on staying together as a tag team?"

The two men look at each other before shaking their head.

"Well that's the good news for you two. You will have the chance to win the XWF Tag Team Championship in two weeks on Warfare with your new partners against each other. With that, I introduce the bad news..."

Kirk opens the box to bring out the XWF Tag Team Championships.

"I actually was going to award you two the titles since you won this match, but since you decided to do your own thing in two weeks, you'll have to fight for it. Unfortunately, the XWF Tag Team Championships have been vacated due to the fact that the Brick Squad failed a drug test. Well, be prepared boys."

With that parting word, Kirk leaves the ring with the tag titles on his shoulder.

Axl VanHalen
- vs -
Plaster Pike Nike #411
Execution Match
The loser of this match will be EXECUTED via guillotine!

Jim Ross: Both men are already in the ring here, as we're set to get this EXECUTION MATCH started!

Nameless goons roll the Guillotine the the end of the ramp, and let it coast its way down to the announcer's table.

Jim Ross: "The ceremonial guillotine. Shane 's blood is still on it."

Bobby Heenan: "I don't like that thing."

The bell rings, and Plaster starts stretching, and gyrating his hips as he sizes Axl up. Axl charges at Plaster, and Plaster easily steps out of the way. The children in attendance cheer. He gives the kids a thrust before turning back to face Axl, and dropping to his legs and doing the splits. He throws a punch to the groin of Axl, right as Axl turns around. His eyes go wide, and Plaster gives them a quick squeeze. Axl tries to pull away, but Plaster twists, causing Axl to collapse. Plaster Nike gets to his feet, and claps his hands twice. His friend Kyle comes down to the ring, looking nervous. He sets a bag on the mat, and sets it on fire. Plaster claps again. Melissa comes running down, pushing a table. There's some brown lumpy stuff on it. Her and Kyle carefully get it into the ring, and then she sets it on fire. Both of them run out of the ring.

Jim Ross: "That is flaming shit!"

Bobby Heenan: "What is wrong with this federation?"

Frodo: "Your mom."

Plaster lifts Axl up, and pulls him towards the bag of flaming shit. He drops him with a DDT that spikes Axl's head into the bag of shit. Axl is literally now a shithead. He then lifts Axl up to Suplex him through the table. Plaster Nike has just suplexed Axl VanGaylen through a table covered in flaming shit after DDTing him into a bag of flaming shit! The children in the crowd go nuts and start yelling for Dean. They rattle their Plaster action figures in excitement. Mothers get concerned. Plaster is bored of this, and grabs Axl by the ear, and drags him over to the Guillotine. He slaps Axl's head in place, and then walks over and pisses in Axl's face before dropping the blade.

The head falls, Plaster picks it up, autographs it, and then hands it to a middle school kid sitting with his parents, making sure to leave his phone number on the head, as we fade out to a commercial momentarily.

- vs -
Thunderbolt X
I Quit Match
If Fontanna wins: Thunderbolt X becomes his man-servant.
If Thunderbolt X wins: TBX gets a title shot for any title of his choosing!

Over Under by: Egypt Central plays

Justin Roberts: "Ladies and gentleman, the following contest will be an 'I Quit' match, introducing first from Fort Wayne, Indiana, weighing 245 pounds... Fontannaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

The Light's in the arena go out! White strobe light's start flashing on the entrance ramp as "Over Under" by Egypt Central blares through the PA. Fontanna walks on to the stage...head bowed down. He walks to the ring not making eye contact with anyone. He stops on the ramp and then slowly turns his head towards the entrance...when "The Queen of Halloween" Nikkie Haven walks out onto the stage. Her face painted up like a pumpkin...she joins Fontanna on the ramp and the pair walk down to the ring. Fontanna slides in the ring...he offers his hand for Nikkie to climb into the ring! He kisses her hand and leads her back out of the ring as we await the start of the match...

On My Own by CFO$ plays

Justin Roberts: "And introducing second from Boston, Massachusetts. Weighing in at 214 pounds, Thunderbolt X!"

Thunderbolt X comes out and does an Adrian Neville turn. He gets up and goes from side to side with his arms forming a DX style X above my head. He gets to the ring and jumps on the apron like Brock Lesnar and does a few side to sides. He bounces off the rope and performs a Red Arrow style somersault. He lands on both feet and performs a DX Chop. Thunderbolt then performs a superhero crouch.

TBX and Fontanna square up to one another, and immediately start throwing punch after punch toward one another, the referee, holding the microphone, is visibly backing away as the two men duke it out in the centre of the ring, after a few moments of back and forth between the two, Fontanna gains the advantage and grabs TBX by the arm, before irish whipping him right into the ropes, he bends down in preparation for a back body drop, only to receive a solid kick to the face by TBX, Fontanna reels away, arms flailing, before TBX drops him with a superkick…


Fontanna ducks under the move, swaying away from the kick and spinning behind TBX.

JIM ROSS: Fontanna barely avoids the superkick!

Fontanna hit's Thunderbolt with a stiff DDT. He then rolls out of the ring and sets up a table. He then start's rubbishing underneath the ring...

JIM ROSS: What do you suppose he's looking for Bobby?

BOBBY HEENAN: I'm not sure Ross, but whatever it is, I'm sure it's going to hurt!

Fontanna finally finds what he was looking for and pulls it out from under the ring...

JIM ROSS: Those are thumbtacks!

BOBBY HEENAN: And not just your run of the mill thumbtacks either. Those got to be as big as a silver dollar!

Fontanna dumps the bag of tacks on top of the table. By this time Thunderbolt has gotten to his feet and has joined Fontanna at ringside. The two begin to exchange a series of punches before Fontanna gets the upper hand with a kick to the gut. He looks up at the crowd before sending Thunderbolt through the table. Thunderbolt reals from the pain as giant tacks are sticking out of his back. Fontanna lets out a sick laugh as the crowd gets on their feet!

JIM ROSS: This is just wrong!

BOBBY HEENAN: Get over it Jim, this is an I QUIT MATCH!

JIM ROSS: Speaking of, Fontanna is signalling for the referee, will Thunderbolt quit?!

The referee is holding the microphone right in front of Thunderbolt, who is pulling at his back in a vain attempt to try and get the tacks out, his face is contorted in pain and agony, but he subtly shakes his head, and the referee moves away.

JIM ROSS: He may not win very often, but you can’t deny this guy has heart!

Fontanna shrugs and sighs, before grabbing Thunderbolt by the head and forcefully lifting him up to his feet, he rolls his limp body back into the ring, before pulling out a wooden table with barbed wire hooked up over it from underneath the ring! He shoves it into the ring, and follows in right after.

JIM ROSS: What’s he thinking here?

Fontanna rushes up to the top rope, but TBX is quick to rush to his feet, realizing what is happening, he hops up onto the top rope too, and the two men begin to swing punches at one another again! This time, TBX catches one of Fontanna’s punches with his arm, securely blocking it before swinging a rocketing punch of his own that cracks off of Fontanna’s jaw, he wastes no time slamming more punches off of Fontanna’s skull! He swings one dastardly elbow into his cheek, cutting it open slightly, he then hops off the turnbuckle, leaving Fontanna stunned and helpless on the top rope, TBX sets up the barbed wired table somewhat near the corner, before rushing back up to the corner, and setting Fontanna up for what appears to be a Jumping Cutter through the table! He locks him up in cutter position, and leaps off the rope with Fontanna in hand…


The RKO-Like manoeuvre sends both men crashing through the table, Fontanna goes face first through the barbed wire, causing his already bruised and battered face to becoming a bloody mess as he lies in the wreckage of the table alongside Thunderbolt. Both men lie in the wreckage for what feels like an eternity, before Thunderbolt meekly begins to get up to his feet, standing up and stumbling momentarily before pointing at the referee and telling him to go to Fontanna.

BOBBY HEENAN: It might be over, the referee is asking.

Fontanna is barely responding to the referee, who is asking him if he wants to quit, Fontanna raises his head weakly, still looking like he isn’t quite sure where he is, something seems to snap as he brings his lips closer to the microphone.

Fontanna: That all you got, Thunderbitch?

TBX looks stunned from those words! He looks at Fontanna angrily and shoves the referee away, before grabbing Fontanna and bringing him up to his feet, Fontanna tries to stay down on his knees though, and succeeds by sending his forearm straight into the crotch of Thunderbolt, whose eyes go wide as he realizes what just happened! He clutches onto his crotch in agony, as Fontanna struggles to get to his feet, he manages to, and gives the barely standing Thunderbolt a crushing lariat that throws him down to the mat, TBX slowly gets back to his feet, and is dropped once again by a standing dropkick that hits him square in the chest, Fontanna then grabs him and lifts him up again, though struggling mightily as the match has taken a heap out of him, he leans TBX onto the ropes, and then clotheslines him out of the ring, he flings himself out of the ring too. Both men are down, but are trying to get themselves to their feet, neither man seems to have any type of advantage as they get back up to their feet, each looking equally damaged and exhausted.

Fontanna and Thunderbolt X are brawling outside of the ring. Fontanna kicks Thunderbolt in the gut and irish whips him into the steel steps. Before Thunderbolt can hit the steps, he amazingly jumps over the steps, avoiding any damage.

JIM ROSS: Wow, Thunderbolt is showing his resililancy here tonight!

BOBBY HEENAN: Thunderbolt X has a lot of athletical ability and he is now showing his creative solutions to dangerous problems! This guy is really impressing me!

Fontanna taunts to the crowd, not reliazing Thunderbolt is okay. Thunderbolt cocks his fist just as Fontanna turns around. Thunderbolt leaps off the steel steps and hits Fontanna with a Superman Punch that sends him flying into the corner of the barracade.

JIM ROSS: Superman Punch! Superman Punch! Thunderbolt X might actually win this!

BOBBY HEENAN: He has Fontanna realing here!

Thunderbolt X pulls apart the steel steps and places it in front of Fontanna. He runs at the steps and once again, leaps off of them, and hits a Roman Reigns style spear. However the impact of the spear didn't break the barrier, it only weakened it. Thunderbolt realizing this, climbs onto the apron and then lunges to the top rope. He makes a word life taunt.

JIM ROSS: What on earth is Thunderbolt thinking? Just put Fontanna through the barracade already!

Thunderbolt jumps off the top rope and hits him with a missle dropkick, which sends Fontanna through the barricade.

BOBBY HEENAN: Ooh, that would have hurt! But Thunderbolt is pulling out all the stops to achieve victory here tonight.

JIM ROSS: He is also showing his new dark side, that Drew Archyle unleashed, and quite frankly it is scaring me!

BOBBY HEENAN: And Fontanna is feeling the brunt of it!

Thunderbolt is looking prepared to finish it here, Fontanna is in the wreckage of the barricade and Thunderbolt isn't even bothering to bring the referee over, he's lifting up Fontanna and rolling him back into the ring, Fontanna is down on the ground, and Thunderbolt is stepping into the ring, Thunderbolt grabs Fontanna by the head... and gets kicked in the groin by Fontanna! Fontanna grins, although in obvious pain and disarray as he whips Thunderbolt into the ropes... as he comes back toward Fontanna...


The pop-up powerbomb completely obliterates Thunderbolt, leaving him spread eagle on the ground, Fontanna drops down beside him and then immediately starts to apply a crossface! Thunderbolt is in complete agony as he starts screaming and clawing at the ring floor, the referee moves in toward Thunderbolt quickly...


Thunderbolt waves his arm around as if saying "NO!", he tries to claw his way to the ropes, but it won't make a difference to the match even if he does get a hold of them, Fontanna drags him further back toward the centre of the ring, Thunderbolt's screams are clear to the entire audience now as his hand is still held up in the air, trying to fight back...!

Thunderbolt X: I... I...

JIM ROSS: He's fighting it! Is he going to quit here?!

Thunderbolt X: I QUIT!

His words echo throughout the arena as the crowd falls deadly silent... and then begin to laugh loudly as they realized what Thunderbolt just uttered! Even Fontanna is laughing as he struggles up to his feet, as the referee raises his arm up in victory!

JIM ROSS: THUNDERBOLT QUIT! HE GAVE UP! Fontanna walks out with the big victory here at RELENTLESS!

LJ Havok & Steve Davids
- vs -
Drew Archyle & Glisten
Tornado Elimination X-Treme Rules Match

“Enemy” by Sevendust plays

BOBBY HEENAN: Fuck yeah I’m ready for some action, here comes Drew!

JIM ROSS: This guy has been popping all over the XWF recently, especially in OTHER superstar’s promotional videos, have you seen that stuff Bobby?

BOBBY HEENAN: Fuck off Jim I don’t care about that, I just want to see this guy kick some ass!

Drew walks down to the ring and begins to F.S.U.

“Adults Only” by Thee Supsect plays

JIM ROSS: And now we have Glisten, who quite frankly has to be one of the weirdest members of the roster I’ve seen to date.

BOBBY HEENAN: Fuck you on about Ross? This is the XWF, everyone’s weird, except for me.

Glisten enters like some Gold wannabe .

”Aint No Place For No Hero” by The Heavy plays

Pyro hits the stage,and then the lights go out as "Ain't No Place For No Hero" By The Heavy starts playing. Then the lights come back on and LJ Havok is half-way down the ramp, walking cockily and grinning from ear to ear. He gets into the ring antagonizing the audience. He basically tells them to boo more.

JIM ROSS: Now we await the final man to enter the match, Steve Davids!

Hello Zepp – Charlie Clouser

BOBBY HEENAN: He’s gonna get fucking bodied by Archyle.

JIM ROSS: Don’t underestimate this man, Bobby, he’s a former X-Treme Champion, a former twenty-four seven briefcase holder, and a former Universal Champion! Glisten and Drew can’t get ahead of themselves here.

Darkness fills the arena and there is total silence. As the music picks up Steve emerges in the shadows, with one single beam of light shining down on him. He slowly makes his way down the ramp before grasping hold of the middle rope and pulling himself onto the ring apron. He climbs into the ring over the middle rope, and riles himself up for the match.

All four men now stand in the ring, staring at one another, Drew and Glisten on the right side, Havok and Davids on the left, Drew and Glisten give each other a solid nod and begin to advance onto their opponents, who meet them in the centre of the ring and start trading shots with one another! It doesn’t take long before Drew gets the advantage on LJ Havok, and proceeds to toss him out of the ring, Davids attempts to do the same to Glisten, but is caught by Archyle who gives him a clubbing blow to the spine, Davids reels forward and receives a shockingly quick uppercut from Glisten, Davids is then immediately picked up from behind by Archyle and slammed face-first into the canvas with a Chickenwing Facebuster! Archyle rolls him over and goes for the early cover, while Glisten waits near the apron, in case Havok tries to break the cover up.


Davids kicks out straight after the one count.

JIM ROSS: Surprising teamwork being shown here by Drew and Glisten, looks like they’re on the same page.

BOBBY HEENAN: Shut up, they just want to win the match like everyone else in this gawd-damn federation wants to.
Drew begins to pick up Davids, while LJ Havok gets back up to his feet out at ringside and leaps up onto the apron, Glisten is there to meet him, and he throws a solid punch, but Havok catches it and swings a sharp blow of his own that slams off the forehead of Glisten, Glisten looks shocked as he crumples to the canvas, as Havok smirks viciously as he looks at the pair of brass knuckles he has on his hand.

JIM ROSS: He just hammered him with the brass knuckles.

BOBBY HEENAN: This is X-Treme rules, it’s all legal, get over it.

Havok climbs into the ring, and begins to charge Drew Archyle from behind, who senses him coming and turns around, successfully ducking underneath the clothesline Havok had prepared for him, Drew rushes to the ropes and rebounds off them, picking up speed and charging toward the off balance Havok, but is caught by Steve Davids with a rolling elbow smash that crashes off the jaw. Drew flails to the mat and hits it hard, as Havok wastes no time rushing to the ropes, jumping to the second one, springboard off it and flipping in mid-air, landing a perfect lionsault on the fallen Archyle, he hooks the legs straight after the acrobatic move.


TW-NO! Archyle manages to quickly kick out, and tries to get back to his feet, but is stopped by Davids who begins laying the boots to him, Havok does the same, before moving over to Glisten, who is still a little stunned after receiving a pair of brass knuckles straight to the skull, he stumbles up to his feet, right into the arms of Havok, who hits him with a German Suplex…


Glisten lands on his feet from the suplex, Havok turns around and receives an impactful slap right to the face, he stumbles backward into the ropes, rebounds off them slowly and comes right back into Glisten, who hammers him downward with a spine buster! Glisten looks down upon Havok and is sizing him up…


He’s caught in the back of the head with a steel chair by Davids! He crumples down to the mat, while David’s stands above him with the chair in hand, he lines up another shock.


This one lands right into the spine of Glisten, who yells out in agony as Davids drops the chair and rolls Glisten over, hooking the leg for the cover.



Broken up by Drew Archyle!

JIM ROSS: That was close! Davids nearly had him there!

Archyle wastes no time in picking Davids up off the ground, and swings a few dastardly punches into his skull, Davids is forced backward by the barrage, as Archyle grabs his arms and irish whips him into the ropes, Davids hits the ropes and comes back quickly, Archyle looks like he’s going for something but is instead caught with a high knee by Davids! Drew hits the canvas hard and rebounds back up to his feet, looking slight stunned, Davids hits him with a forearm… Drew hits the ropes but rebounds in between the top and middle one, before coming back and hitting Davids with a horrific lariat that sends the big man craning down!

JIM ROSS: Magnificent Pendulum Lariat by Archyle their!

Davids is on the ground, with Drew looking down on him, he spins around just in time to see Havok swinging at him wildly with a steel chair from behind! Drew barely manages to sway out of the way of the strike, he immediately hits him with a snap DDT for his troubles, before pinning him!



THR-NO! Havok gets the shoulder up at two and a half!

Archyle looks visibly annoyed at this as he gets to his feet, he runs a hand through his fair as his lips purse together, before he rolls out of the ring altogether, Glisten is up to his feet now and is using his foot to choke LJ Havok in the corner, while Davids is still down from the big lariat. Archyle searches underneath the ring, quickly pulling out an assortment of weapons… including two kendo sticks, a monstrous looking ladder, a wooden table, another steel chair and a white bag that appears to be holding thumbtacks inside of it. He systematically begins to throw each of the weapons in, sliding in the table and ladder first, before tossing in the kendo sticks and chair carelessly, he personally grabs the bag of tacks and takes them in himself. Before dropping them as he realizes Davids is getting back up to his feet, he charges at the big man, but walks right into his grasp, Davids twirls him around and hammers him down into the canvas with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam! The move leaves Archyle groggy as Davids gets back up to his feet only to be met by Glisten, who hits him with a running bulldog!

JIM ROSS: What’s Glisten going to do with all these toys in the ring now?

Glisten sets up the table right in the middle of the ring, before grabbing the white bag of thumbtacks and pouring them all over the table and around it! He leaves the ladder where it is for the moment, instead grabbing one of the two kendo sticks and walking over to where he last left LJ Havok…

Except he’s not there anymore.

BOBBY HEENAN: Havok with the flying crossbody, finally this fucker does something productive in the match.

JIM ROSS: Havok hits the move and goes for the cover right away!




Havok gets back up to his feet as Archyle takes a swing at him, he blocks the blow with his forearm and hits a shot of his own into the gut of Archyle which doubles him over, Archyle clutches his gut and is visibly winded, but before Havok can go on the offensive, he is spun around by Glisten who hits him with an Inverted Atomic Drop… Havok clutches onto his groin while Glisten grabs him and lifts him up...!


The move absolutely destroys Havok, whose skull crushes up against the mat in a violent manner, Glisten lies over him for the cover.


Steve Davids is on his feet, and he’s crossing the ring to try and break up the pin attempt!


Davids is almost there… NO! Drew stops him at the last second!



Drew is sent flying backward by Davids who rammed him with a big boot, but left him unable to break up the pin, Davids looks pissed as he walks over to Glisten, sets him up, and hits him with a corkscrew neckbreaker, he is about to for the pin when he notices the table still set up in the centre of the ring, covered with tacks, Davids lifts Glisten up off the floor and smiles gruesomely as he wraps his right hand around the throat of Glisten, whose eyes go wide as he starts to flail his arms wildly!


Davids lifts Glisten up almost EFFORTLESSLY in the air, as he holds him precariously above the tack-covered table!



Splinters and tacks go spraying everywhere as Davids looks down upon Glisten, who is a mangled mess within the debris of the table, tacks cover his arms, back and legs, as he lay limp and lifeless inside the wreckage, Davids pulls him out and looks over at Archyle quickly, who is still recuperating in the corner, he hooks the leg of Glisten, while looking right at Archyle defiantly.





JIM ROSS: Former Universal Champion Steve Davids, evening up the odds here! It’s a one on one!

Drew is still seated in the corner, looking on as his partner Glisten rolls out of the debris, clutching onto his back in agony, he pops up out of the corner and rushes toward Davids, who hammers him with a strong uppercut, before grabbing him and slanting him horizontally across his body, and then tossing him backward over his head, slamming Archyle hard against the canvas with a fallaway slam! He crawls over to Archyle and goes for the cover...



THR-NO! Archyle manages to get the shoulder up at two!

Davids runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head vigorously, picking Drew up and then rolling behind him, before throwing him over his being once again, this time with a German Suplex, he bridges his body as he lands and holds Archyle on the ground for the cover.



THR-NO! Archyle with yet another kick out!

Davids looks visibly annoyed as he looks down upon Archyle, he lifts him up once again, but this time around he is caught with a few stiff punches from Archyle, who then rushes behind Davids and sits up on the top turnbuckle, Davids turns to pursue him, but is caught up in a headlock from Archyle, who then jumps off from the turnbuckle, spins around in mid-air with Davids in hand, and spikes his head into the canvas with a tornado DDT! This time it's Archyle who is hooking the leg, looking for the cover!



THR-NOT QUITE! Davids powers out before the three count.

Drew isn't quite sure what to do now, he looks at Davids in confusion and brings him up to his feet, both men are standing face to face, Archyle tries to lock Davids in once again but is caught with a kick to the mid-section, Davids looks at the doubled over Drew and then out toward the rest of the crowd, Davids smiles with evil intent for the second time in the match as he hooks his arm over Archyle's neck, lifts him up in the motion of a fisherman suplex... and then spins it right into a neckbreaker!



JIM ROSS: Davids has defied the odds, he could be walking out the victor!

Davids triumphantly rolls over onto the limp body of Archyle, who has no idea where he is after being obliterated by the hellacious move, Davids hooks the leg and points out to the crowd, as the referee slides in to count the cover.






JIM ROSS: Glisten was eliminated earlier in the match, get him out of there referee!

Glisten pulls Davids off of Archyle, and brings him to his feet, he hits him hard with an uppercut that snaps his neck back, before rushing over to the ropes and rebounding off of them, before charging right back toward the stunned Davids... who rams him away with a big boot! He looks down on Glisten for just a split-second...

And gets rolled up from behind from Drew Archyle!



THR-NO! Davids gets out of it, and both men are on their feet, albeit extremely groggy and worn out!

Davids swings a clumsy punch toward Drew, who ducks it hits Davids with a cutter! He doesn’t bother going for a pin, instead using all his effort to get to his feet, he looks down at Davids who isn’t responding at all, Drew looks toward the ladder he brought into the ring earlier, and smiles weakly as he walks over to her, and tries to heave it up, a few moments later he has the ladder set up tall in the middle of the ring. Drew realizes Davids is getting back up to his feet, so he rushes for a chair, he grabs it and hammers Davids in the spine with it! He looks around the ring and spots Glisten holding another chair in his hand, Glisten motions toward Davids and then slides the chair underneath his face, gesturing for Drew to whack him with the chair he has in hand!

JIM ROSS: What’s he doing here?

Archyle has a completely sadistic look on his face, he flashes a quick smile toward Glisten, as he raises the other chair he has in his hand high up into the air, and brings it right down onto the back of Davids skull!


A meaty smack echoes throughout the arena as Archyle drops the chair and looks down on Davids, who is now bleeding profusely from the con-chair-to! Glisten says something to Archyle who nods and drops down for the cover on Davids.




Both Glisten and Archyle nearly shout in surprise as they look oddly at the downed Davids, Archlye is clearly frustrated as he slams his fist into the mat. Glisten waves at him dismissively and points to the ladder, telling Drew to climb it, which h begins to, while Glisten rolls the limp Davids onto his back, whose face is a complete and utter mess. Archyle struggles to get to the very top of the ladder, almost losing his balance a few times as the wear and tear of the match reigns down on him, in one last ditch effort he gets to the top and looks down upon the bleeding mass that is now Steve Davids, he signals for the end as he shows his elbow to the entire crowd… before leaping straight off the ladder!

He falls…

And falls…

And falls…

And falls…

And falls…


His elbow connects right over the neck and chest area of Steve Davids, his legs flying up under the weight of Archyle and then falling back down to the ground, Archyle can’t even hook the leg for the pinfall as his body just hangs limply over David’s being, the referee slides in to count the cover. Glisten raises his hands up in victory!




JIM ROSS: Archyle and Glisten win it!

BOBBY HEENAN: Archyle delved into the pussy shit man, needing Glisten to help him win it.

JIM ROSS: While that may be true, it doesn't change the result here tonight.

BOBBY HEENAN: My opinion of Archyle has now degraded, I don't know if I can ever watch another Drew match after this.

JIM ROSS: Seriously?


Archyle and Glisten both get their arms raised by the referee, while looking down at the unmoving body of Davids, they both smile and nod toward one another, before exiting the ring and taking their leave backstage.

[Image: uQ1C79w.png?1]
X-Treme Championship
Trax ©
- vs -
Morbid Angel
- vs -
Cage of Death Match
The cage walls are on FIRE! The top of the cage has BARBED WIRE!
Escape if you can!

"Blacker The Berry" by Kendrick Lamar plays

Walks down to the ring in his attire and black hoody with jackie by his side, usual taunts the crowd on the way down to the ring, runs and slides into the ring when he gets halfway down the ramp, starts pacing and shadow boxing in the ring before standing in the middle and raising his arm, taking his hoody off and throwing it into the crowd then standing in the corner arms up on the ropes head cocked back with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down plays

Kryptonite by 3 doors down hits the PA as the arena goes red. After 20 seconds, The Scullanator comes flying out on a zip wire with his right arm facing forwards. Majority of fans cheer for Mr. Special. Skull flies over the ropes and into the ring. He comes to a halt, standing up with his hands on his hips. Skull waits for his theme to end.

God Gives Head in Heaven by Aeon plays

The lights go out…the crowd screams with anticipation for who is to enter! The rhythmic drumming sounding like a battle march gets louder. The lights slowly come on turning the arena red.

Double bass starts drilling as Aeon’s - God Gives Head in Heaven roars over the loud speakers!

Morbid Angel storms from the backstage area and flexes his massive arms for the crowd who screams with excitement!

Morbid stomps down to the ring and steps over to the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and flexes again!

The three men circle around the ring, a thick cloud of tension, hanging in the air.

Bobby Heenan: Alright! It's go time! Cage of Death match! X-treme Championship on the line! Mr. Fn' Dominance! Morbid Angel! Scully- or rather, the Scullanator! You ready for this, JR?

Jim Ross: Ah sure as hell am, Brain! This one is gonna be a bonafide slobber knocker!

After quite a bit of circling around, the Scullanator looks down at his feet and realizes he forgot to tie his shoes! He quickly bends down to tie them! Trax and Morbid look flabbergasted at the Scullanator, though Morbid quickly takes advantage of Trax's distracted state and launches a shoulder tackle at him. Trax hits the mat hard as Morbid launches a volley of punches Trax's way.

Jim Ross: Good Lord, Brain! Not even two minutes into the match, and already Morbid is beating down Trax like a scolded dog!

Bobby Heenan: Just like in the volcano death match, JR! Morbid realizes what he has to do to win, and he is seizing his opportunity. But, let's hope this match doesn't become a complete carbon copy of the volcano death match. I doubt any of the viewers want to see any more raining dildos.

The Scullanator has finished tying his shoes, and he gets right into the fray by clotheslining Morbid off of Trax, all of their bodies dangerously close to the walls of fire.

Trax manages to crawl back up right as Scullanator manages to bounce right back up to his feet, and then they meet back to the center of the ring! Their trading blows! Trax with a hard right! Scullanator with a couple of snap jabs! Back and forth, with neither one getting a clear edge!


MORBID LAUNCHES A MASSIVE CROSSBODY AT TRAX AND SCULLANATOR AT THE SAME TIME! All three competitors are down already! This match is getting off to a fast start!

All three competitors still have their fight in them, and they manage to get back to their feet at a reasonable pace. Then, they begin pacing around the ring once more, just like in the beginning of the match, trying to find a point they can exploit.

Bobby Heenan: So you mean all that brawling, and the big crossbody was all for nothing? Jeez, this is BORING.

Jim Ross: Oh, hush you. Personally, Ah think that was just a warm- up. And if that was the warm- up, we're in for a helluva fight.

All three competitors rush to the ring simultaneously! Trax and Morbid get to the center of the ring first! Trax lays out Morbid with a dropkick! Then Scullanator inserts himself into the fray, and trips over his shoes and falls over Trax, much to the crowd's delight! But as soon as Scullanator gets up, he gets blasted by a big boot from Morbid! But that leaves Trax to get himself up, and that allows him to turn Morbid around--

Jim Ross: Trap Silencer! Trax hit that move to perfection!

However, as Trax starts to wonder how the hell to get out, he gets turned around by Scullanator--

Bobby Heenan: The Scullanator! That is to say, the Scullanator used his self titled move! Trax is down! Morbid is down! Scully's all alone right now!

Scullanator looks all around the cage and for the first time, realizes that there is no escape from the cage! He stares, stupefied at the flaming and barbed wired cage. He slowly backs up towards the end of the cage, until he gets burned by the cage wall. Instinctively, Scullanator gets the hell away from the flaming cage wall. However, he bumps into Morbid, and Trax, both of whom are ready and spoiling for a fight!

Trax launches a Trax Flurry (lightening quick left and rights), hit to excellence! The Scullanator is now extremely groggy from the volley of blows, his senses keeping him from going down. Slowly, he bounces off the ropes, getting burned once more, right into Morbid, who takes down Scullanator with an effective as all hell GOTT IST TOT (Crucifix Powerbomb)! The Scullanator is down!

With the out of the way, Trax and Morbid lock eyes.

Bobby Heenan: Hey, JR, is it just me, or did things seem just a bit more... stormy?

Jim Ross: Ah know what you mean, Brain. It looks like business is about to pick up!

Trax doesn't wait for Morbid to make the first move, and he is on him like Donkey Kong! Left and rights are being pounded into Morbid's cranium, as he is steadily being pushed back!

All of a sudden, Trax manages to duck underneath one of Morbid's attempted blows... he hooks his arms around Morbid's waist...

Bobby Heenan: No way. There's no way Trax is going to be able to German Suplex Morbid Angel.

Jim Ross: Ah'm inclined to agree with you there, Brain. Ah mean, Ah'm all for miracles, but this is 6 feet, and 10 inches here, along with 450 pounds of pure muscle. There's no way Trax is lifting Morbid.

Trax tries once, and just barely gets Morbid's feet off the ground. Trax tries again, trying to stretch his strength to his limits, but Morbid is hardly moving!

Bobby Heenan: This is fucking boring.

The third time, could it be the charm?! Trax is trying, with all his fucking might. His veins are beginning to bulge..! Morbid is starting to rise now!

THE SCULLANATOR! He's back! He's running full sprint at Morbid and Trax! He clotheslines Morbid, giving Trax the push he needs to German Suplex Morbid!

Jim Ross: Oh mah Gawd! Morbid is out of it! Trax is out of it! Scully is out of it! Sheer pandemonium has emerged! Who's going to get up first?!

It seems as though no man is at least trying to get up right now. This has just been an all- out warzone!

But finally, Trax, showing the heart and soul that an X-treme Champion should, is beginning to crawl back up. He's clawing on the mat, trying to find something to push himself up on that isn't burning. Finally, he decides to use Morbid's downed form to push himself up... which was also the same exact thing the Scullanator was doing.

The two lock eyes. Center of the ring. Only those two were up right now, no Morbid Angel to interrupt their standoff.

Not even waiting to get back to both feet, Scullanator makes the first move.


Jim Ross: Good Gawd, get a load of that thunderous blow from Scully! He might have just rang out Trax's eardrums!


Bobby Heenan: Well JR, it looks like Trax just delivered one just of equal strength!





Jim Ross: Neither man is giving an inch here! They both want the X-treme title so badly! But only one man will be walking out of here with the strap around his waist!

Both men are now on their feet, brawling with every fiber of their being. Then all of a sudden--

Bobby Heenan: Ewwwwww!

Jim Ross: Oh, that is gross and despicable! Why would Scully ever do that?!


Trax is understandably grossed the hell out. As he tries to get Scullanator's saliva out, that gives Scullanator ample time to launch HIS SELF TITLED MOVE- REVERSED! Trax pulled off Scullanator's leg just in time before he could complete the Final Cut!

TRAP SILENCER- REVERSED! Scullanator pushed Trax's leg away just in the nick of time!

Both Scullanator and Trax back up a bit-- and that leads them to get double clotheslined by Morbid Angel! Scullanator and Trax bounce back up to their feet fairly quickly however, and they both look each other in the eyes, as well as Morbid's, who just stands there, eyes blazing with unbridled fury as he looks at the both of them.

Morbid rushes toward Trax and hits him with a Snap DDT, Scully tries to move in from the outside and get the jump on Morbid, who is surprisingly quick enough to get back up to his feet and ram the advancing Scully into the turnbuckle corner, he starts firing away at him in the corner, but Scully catches one of the punches and reverses their positions, Scully starts throwing a few shots of his own now, as he lowers his body and uses all his might to lift Morbid upward, seating him on the top turmbuckle!

Jim Ross: How in the world did Scully manage to do that?

Scully then climbs onto the second rope, only to receive a giant headbutt from Morbid Angel, who then locks his devilish grasp upon Scully... and sets him up for the Satan's Fall! He holds him right in position for the tombstone, as he looks out to the crowd, and then leaps off the turnbuckle with Scully in hand...


SATAN'S FALL LANDS! (Tombstone from the top Rope!)

Jim Ross: Morbid Angel... THAT IS BRUTAL![/white]

Morbid is up on his feet...


The superkick catches him right on the mouth, Morbid stumbles backward right into the flaming wall of the Cage of Death, Trax, without any moment of hesitation, charges forward and leaps into the air, hitting a flying crossbody that sends both him and Morbid... RIGHT THROUGH THE FLAMING CAGE! Both men hit the floor, but Trax's feet appear to hit first, Scully is still lying in the ring, unresponsive, and both Trax and Morbid are literally alight as a crew on deck extinguish the flames as fast as they can!

Confusion reigns momentarily as nobody is sure who wins, the referee watching on the outside of the cage wall is speaking with the announcer.

JIM ROSS: Who the hell won?

Justin Roberts: After speaking to an official, it has been confirmed that TRAX'S FEET hit the ground first, meaning that YOUR winner.... and STILL... X-TREME CHAMPION... MISTER EFFING DOMINANACE... TRAX!

The arena goes dark, as William Control's Prologue blasts over the PA system. The fans boo at the thought of the return of The God of Emptiness. The lights come on, and a teenage girl comes down to the ring in a black mini pencil skirt, with tattered fishnet tights, ending in a pair of red stiletto shoes, with a silver chain around her ankle, atop her torso is a jean jacket and a black tank top. She makes her way down the ramp to where Trax is only just getting up to his feet. She stops about five feet from him before reaching behind her and removing a small revolver from the back of her skirt. She raises it up, aims at Trax, and puts a hole in his shoulder. Trax goes down, and she walks over to him, before placing the long heel of her foot right on the wound, and aiming the gun at his face.

Girl: These two men?

She motions toward the limp bodies of both Scully and Morbid Angel.

Girl: They answer to someone higher than you. Scully is protected. Do you understand? He is coming for you, and you would best remember what transpired today. He will not be pleased if you forget.

She turns to look at Scully, who is on his side and looking at the girl curiously, her heel never leaving Trax's shoulder.

Girl: He will never abandon you. I trust you two kept the notes' content secret?

Without saying a word, she removes her heel from Trax's shoulder, and walks up the ramp towards the back. A security guard tries to stop her, she points the gun in his face, and moves past him.

Medical staff begin to rush down to the ring, many of them simply ignoring the fallen Scully and Morbid as they tend to the X-Treme champ, whose shoulder is bleeding profusely from the wound received from the revolver, they begin to support him out of the ring, eventually leading him to the backstage area...

Trax passes through the curtain into the production crew area where he's suddenly attacked from behind by DIM THE PROFESSER OF INSANETY!

Who is intercepted by Drew Archyle of all people, Drew charges out from behind a curtain, rushing out into the open and blasting Dim from behind! Dim staggers forward and falls to his knees after the blow, Rena Lesnar, who Dim brought along with him, is right behind Drew though, and is getting ready to attack him when...


She receives a superkick right to the jaw from Trax, who groans in pain as he clutches onto his wounded shoulder, which is now being wrapped up by medical staff, Drew on the other hand is securing Dim in a double underhook, before dropping him down on his face.


Dim lands face first on the concrete, nose busting instantly as Drew rolls him over and leaves him lying on the concrete floor, suddenly Drew hears commotion coming from down the hall, and spots a police officer from around the corner, he motions for Trax to hide, he does so, stuffing himself into a cabinet whilst the police officer comes rushing onto the scene.

"Officer White here, I got a call saying there's a dirty here who needs a beating."

Drew looks at the Officer in confusion, and shrugs his shoulder in an unknowing manner.

"Haven't seen anyone around here, but I think you might be missing something."

Drew points down toward the limp figure of Dim, the Officer's mouth opens in surprise before he is caught with another TRAP SILENCER from Trax, who popped out of the cabinet while Officer White was distracted.

Trax and Drew look at one another, give each other a nod, and proceed to fist bump, looking down on the fallen Dim and Rena Lesnar as the show fades out to darkness.
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-01-2015, 10:31 PM

Trax is in the back getting his wounded shoulder treated by XWF doctors.

Morbid, Scully, nice attempts at dethroning me tonight, great match, but like I said, the X-Treme Championship is out of your grasp, I am STILL the champ, this time there is no dispute on my triumph.

Also, I'm not sure who it is that sent that girl out that shot me, though I have my suspicions, whoever you are, be a man and reveal yourself.I don't fight cowards.

One last thing, Dim you're still a sore loser, go fuck yourself.

OOC: Awesome show guys, Morbid and Scully I had some serious fun RPing against you guys, thanks for giving me a hell of a challenge.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Dean Moxley McGovern Offline
Ahm Back, Jack!

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-01-2015, 10:35 PM

Looks like another one bites the dust, or I guess since this is XWF, bites the shit? Sorry to spoil your fun, Asshole TanGayline. Say hello to The Raycer and Zayne Vyper for me, poopoo brain. Tee hee hee!

OOC: Good stuff throughout the show. And Nice touch having the things I mentioned in my sig be what happens! Big Grin

XWF record: 11W - 3L

Current Allies
> The Dangerous Alliance
> The millions and millions of kids around the world

Top 3 XWF Infections
> The Raycer, via DDT into flaming bag of shit
> Zayne Vyper, via suplex thru flaming table w/ flaming shit on it
> Axle VanHalen, via DDT into flaming bag of shit followed by suplex thru flaming table followed by decapitation
(none of them have been seen since!)

Sights Set On
> Making fun of Darren Dangerous after taking his own stable from him in less than a week! w00t w00t!

Wrestler Info
Championships acquired in XWF

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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-01-2015, 10:36 PM

OOC: What happened to the ending of my match?

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Mattael Cillio Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-01-2015, 10:47 PM

There is an ending to your match.
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-01-2015, 10:50 PM

OOC: Yeah but Fontanna wrote one up as a segment!

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-01-2015, 11:06 PM

"Not only did I help you win the title in the first place, Trax. I also helped you retrain."

OOC: Great show. Enjoyed it Smile
Also enjoyed roleplaying against Morbid and Trax. Congrats on your victory forever haha
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 12:16 AM

Great Job Lux it was an honor Teaming with you tonight.

Dustin Diamond Drake walks over to Thunderbolt X.

You bloody quit mate what the hell.
The rest of the guys aren't going to like that.

I'm Sorry Mate.

Reform a tag team with me and you and I will make people forget what happened to you tonight.

Thunderbolt X it time to make a change. It's time become what you hate most about yourself.

Don't give me that look mate!
You know what I'm talking about.

(OOC: Good job to all those who role played for the Tag match we all were in. Damn good job on the results guys I can't wait to read Relentless Days three.)
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 12:47 AM

And what might that be?

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 01:11 AM

You got my cell mate.

Call me when your ready to make the change.

Dustin then shoves a contract in Thunderbolt's chest.

Just sign the Bloody Fuck'en Contract Mate!

[Image: LPeZK3m.jpg]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 01:20 AM

Make what change, Drake? Fontanna cheated to win and you believe him?!

I will sign the contract. on one condition! You face Fontanna in a match and If you win Fontanna must reveal he cheated at Relentless


I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 01:45 AM

If that is what you really want mate. You got it.
I don't know why you have to have me prove he cheated you.

You know I always got your back and always will mate.

The first thing we do though is get those Tag titles. Agreed?
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 01:52 AM

I'm not convincing you, I'm convincing them!

Now where is that contract?

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-02-2015, 01:59 AM

(08-01-2015, 10:36 PM)Thunderbolt X Said: OOC: What happened to the ending of my match?

You lost, that's what happened for the results. Better ask Fontanna for permission. To team up with DDD.

[Image: S3d7rKH.png]

[Image: ZT38ONc.png?1]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 02:03 AM

He put in an ending as a segment tho

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 02:10 AM

Sticking On your chest with that piece of gum i was chewing.

Dustin Points to the contract he shoved in TBX's chest earlier.

Now lets get the hell out of here and get a beer.
We can get you one of those Fosters you like.
Then again we could always get you a real beer like St Sebastiaan Dark Abbey Ale.
I know a great Place called the globe run by a Belgium Couple.
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 02:13 AM

Fontanna can suck a dick, Kirk, he cheated!

Drake, I know a great party going on across town, if your interested!

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 02:27 AM

Why do we have to ask Fontanna for permission it my right to choose my tag partner.
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 02:28 AM

We won't have to for much longer

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-02-2015, 03:06 AM

Backstage, Ghost Tank is seen, and the camera zooms in on his face, revealing a giant bruise upon his jaw, blood trickling from his lips. He growled like an animal and he looked to Alysia,

"That is what I get for trusting in my tag partner. I give her the benefit of the doubt and what does she do?! She fails to back me, like a fucking partner! She better stay away from this company, or else I will destroy her! I WILL BREAK THAT BITCH IN HALF AND SHE WILL FEEL THE POWER OF THE PALE RIDER! BE TORN BY DEATH'S SCYTHE AND REAPED!"

He growled as Alysia tried to soothe him, giving him the gentlest of kisses, which made him wince, but he still allowed them.

"I guess with me being out of the picture, we'll have time to plan our wedding some more. That bitch can go fuck herself."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-02-2015, 03:55 AM

There you go again Thunderbolt X! Fucking pulling stips out of your ass. I made you quit like a bitch and now I'm done with you!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 03:57 AM

I suggest you get a lawyer and talk to to my Agent/Manager, Storm De Silva!

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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The Reverend Tholomew Plague Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-02-2015, 04:27 AM

Ooc: Thunder if you had actually won the match do you think they would've used his segment

[Image: udr4SEL.jpg.]

[Image: 1309562639969_f.jpg]

Win/Loss record:2-3

Accomplishments: 1x Xtreme Champ (8/23/2015-9/2/2015(aired on 9/4/2015) Length:11 Days)

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The Manager Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-02-2015, 04:38 AM

Steve Davids and LJ Havok, my client would like to thank you for proving him right. Good luck to both of you in your future endeavors.
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-02-2015, 04:41 AM

(08-01-2015, 10:50 PM)Thunderbolt X Said: OOC: Yeah but Fontanna wrote one up as a segment!

Just to clarify, we try and use every segment that is sent in but sometimes what is submitted doesn't meet the standards we ask for or it just doesn't fit with the bigger picture. In this case we wanted to do something different for the ending than what we sent it simple as that really.

We appreciate all the work that you and Fontana put into your promos this week as well as the spots you submitted for the match.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 05:01 AM

Yeah but we had a deal on it and he broke it!

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-02-2015, 05:17 AM

We can finish this via PM's.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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The Reverend Tholomew Plague Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-02-2015, 05:26 AM

Thunder, Fontana didn't break promises by my knowledge, management just decided that ending didn't fit in with the bigger picture

[Image: udr4SEL.jpg.]

[Image: 1309562639969_f.jpg]

Win/Loss record:2-3

Accomplishments: 1x Xtreme Champ (8/23/2015-9/2/2015(aired on 9/4/2015) Length:11 Days)

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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-02-2015, 08:16 AM

"LJ, LJ, LJ... How you let me down...I would have single handedly defeated Glisten and Drew Archyle if it wasn't for that lame excuse of an individual named Glisten. I will hand it to you though Drew, you did what any winner would do, capitalised. Congratulations. Havok, never team with me ever again you piece of shit."

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 09:15 AM

Trax! You got shot! Are you ok?!

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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Drew Archyle Offline
Apex's Weakest Link duh

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-02-2015, 09:20 AM

Well it appears that our defending Xtreme Champion found himself some backup.

How fitting since the Hatriots seem to be a thing of the past.

Trax you ready to turn this place upside down?

[Image: mIFJDRA.png]


[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
w/ Robert "The Omega" Main and and James Raven "Apex" Longest reigning tag team champions in XWF history at 241 days.
[Image: nLYNvyj.png]
[Image: sxRvsd0.png]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

February 2018 Superstar Of The Month
March 2019 RPOTM For Captain Americhyle - The First Apexvenger
Winning Team War Games 2017 w/Apex
XWF Federweight Champion
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-02-2015, 10:54 AM

Trax, let me set the record straight. You did not beat me, you tied me which means you cannot beat me.

Before you go running around saying you beat the Mighty Morbid Angel you should also add that we tied and you retained the title because you are black and the NAACP wanted it that way.

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-02-2015, 10:56 AM

Davids, blame yourself. I did the best I could considering. I not only have a company to run, but I carried you for most of the match... I'm starting to think you threw the match. You are not dedicated to the cause. You're dedicated to yourself.

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-02-2015, 11:16 AM

(08-02-2015, 09:15 AM)Ginger Snaps Said: Trax! You got shot! Are you ok?!

I'm surprised you care considering I'm a "bully" and all according to you but yes... I'm fine, my wound has been cauterized and had ointment applied and been bandaged but docs are telling me to take it easy and avoid action for at least a month, not one to sit down on the bench however I'll narrow it down to two weeks at most.

(08-02-2015, 09:20 AM)Drew Archyle Said: Well it appears that our defending Xtreme Champion found himself some backup.

How fitting since the Hatriots seem to be a thing of the past.

Trax you ready to turn this place upside down?

Ha, I couldn't give a fuck about The Hatriots. They're a stable in name alone, clueless fucks wouldn't be able to work as a cohesive unit to save their worthless lives but to answer your question, yes I was born ready Mr Archyle, lets create some chaos.

(08-02-2015, 10:54 AM)♆♍ᵹŗᶀìȡ 卐 Ąᾗᶃḝᶋ ♆ Said: Trax, let me set the record straight. You did not beat me, you tied me which means you cannot beat me.

Before you go running around saying you beat the Mighty Morbid Angel you should also add that we tied and you retained the title because you are black and the NAACP wanted it that way.

Aww, Morbid...I offered you my congratulations at your efforts but now I'll just add you into the "Sore Loser" bracket next to Dim. My feet touched the floor first, we didn't tie, I BEAT you.Even if we DID tie, by your logic that means you can't beat me either, go back to the Motherland old man, theres nothing left for you here.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-02-2015, 04:28 PM

(08-02-2015, 10:56 AM)LJ Havok Said: Davids, blame yourself. I did the best I could considering. I not only have a company to run, but I carried you for most of the match... I'm starting to think you threw the match. You are not dedicated to the cause. You're dedicated to yourself.

"Oh I accept that Drew defeated me. How he did it is questionable, but he still beat me. You though LJ... You were the first one eliminated so how you can say you carried me is beyond a joke. I may have failed at taking them both down but I came awfully close while you flailed about like a magikarp with Down's syndrome, honestly. How is your business not going under? Also if that's on your mind when you're in the ring then perhaps you should reevaluate your priorities before you question mine. Also, I'm not dedicated to protecting management nor am I dedicated to fighting it. I'll put on a show for the crowd and I'll break bodies in the process. Give me a buzz if you want to be next."

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-02-2015, 04:41 PM

(08-02-2015, 04:28 PM)Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Said:
(08-02-2015, 10:56 AM)LJ Havok Said: Davids, blame yourself. I did the best I could considering. I not only have a company to run, but I carried you for most of the match... I'm starting to think you threw the match. You are not dedicated to the cause. You're dedicated to yourself.

"Oh I accept that Drew defeated me. How he did it is questionable, but he still beat me. You though LJ... You were the first one eliminated so how you can say you carried me is beyond a joke. I may have failed at taking them both down but I came awfully close while you flailed about like a magikarp with Down's syndrome, honestly. How is your business not going under? Also if that's on your mind when you're in the ring then perhaps you should reevaluate your priorities before you question mine. Also, I'm not dedicated to protecting management nor am I dedicated to fighting it. I'll put on a show for the crowd and I'll break bodies in the process. Give me a buzz if you want to be next."

"if you're feeling froggy.... I welcome it."

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-02-2015, 04:54 PM

You can add another loss to your unsuccessful career.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-02-2015, 04:58 PM

"If feel like you're just being lazy...But you know. You do realize I was only here for what sixth months the first go around?

And yet people remember me? Hmmm. I've been back for two weeks.. MAYBE at the most.

I have ring rust. Trust me, buddy that'll change."

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-02-2015, 08:48 PM

The cameras catches up to Fontanna in the back still covered in blood and obviously banged up...

I did what I said I was going to do, and that was make that son of a bitch say I Quit! I am beat up and bloody but non the less, I'm victorious! Now on to bigger and better things as I move up the ladder on the Madness brand!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


08-02-2015, 08:58 PM

Thunderbolt X will be at Madness to address a surprise gift to the XWF Universe before he leaves!

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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