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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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Where the hell did [you] come from?
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Karl_Cross Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-03-2015, 03:26 PM

When did efedding become such a trap for talented writers? It feels like every time I click a link I'm met with pieces that are fantastic.

When I started almost 15 years ago this world was full of people posting generic "interrupt a house show" stuff with no real direction and a lack of any character development. A lot of you guys are worlds apart from that.

I just want to say that the pool of talent here in XWF is breath taking at times.

[Image: fUGWRkz.jpg]
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(04-03-2015), DMX-Factor (05-18-2015), Doctor Louis D'Ville (04-03-2015), Game Girl (04-03-2015), Goat Face Killa (04-04-2015), Guppy Parsh (04-04-2015), Mandii Rider (04-04-2015), Maverick (04-03-2015), Ozymandias (04-03-2015), TJ Wallace (04-06-2015), Unknown Soldier (04-03-2015)
Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-03-2015, 04:48 PM

(04-03-2015, 03:26 PM)Karl_Cross Said: When did efedding become such a trap for talented writers? It feels like every time I click a link I'm met with pieces that are fantastic.

When I started almost 15 years ago this world was full of people posting generic "interrupt a house show" stuff with no real direction and a lack of any character development. A lot of you guys are worlds apart from that.

I just want to say that the pool of talent here in XWF is breath taking at times.

It truly is.

It's kind of why it still baffles me when people complain about losing. It happens less frequently these days, but it still comes up. Since I've been here (right around when you took off, I think) I've continuously been blown away by the dedication of those to the characters they've created. So much quality shit out there week in and week out. Its just one reason why I love it here so much.

I could face a guy on one occasion and beat them fairly well one week (at least on paper) but they come out swinging and step their game up to higher levels a few weeks later. Or face a guy that's had moderate success and really, really step their game up and make a real contest that few saw coming. It's truly fascinating to me to watch it all unfold.

I think we take a good bit of pride in having a wide array of talent. What makes me smile is when one that is perceived as a bit of a lesser talented writer than others works hard to overcome their shortcomings and starts going toe to toe with those that are perceived as better writers and if not defeating them, certainly makes it close.

No one should ever be ashamed or angry about losing to someone else. First of all its just a game, but secondly, on any given day anyone really can beat anyone. I just love it.
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Guppy Parsh (04-04-2015)

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04-03-2015, 05:44 PM

It's certainly amazing... most Feds I was ever involved with were usually ran by one guy who structured the entire story himself and chose winners and champions based off whatever he thought were the best for HIS story.

So when I found this place a couple of months ago I was just taken back... I mean this entire fed runs on the great writing of many great individuals. Made it such an attractive place for me to do some work.

A little bit about me

I posted this in the OOC a few weeks back, I just wanted to reiterate how much fun I had working with you Karl and how much everyone here has helped me grow in what has really been my rookie season for Efedding, because anything I ever done in the past- I consider fake. XWF is the real deal and I'm happy to be a part of it

Some of the best, most underappreciated writing found right here! XWF is awesome
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04-03-2015, 07:57 PM

Pest started off as a joke. A massive joke, as evidenced by my first few matches. But, because of advice, and the reactions I got, he was able to become so much more. I mean, the massive reaction from one particular week's work, and things Duke had told me, helped Pest become something so much more. As Lane put it, he went from caricature to real. I've never fedded before, and from what I hear, lot of places won't foster that kind of growth.
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


04-03-2015, 08:38 PM

Sorry but how does this have anything to do with me

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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04-03-2015, 08:59 PM

I think part of what sets us apart from other feds is the way we handle staff. It's not just 1 or 2 dudes who are writing, judging, and updating the website. Fuck that. We've got a team of 7 right now who are on that shit.
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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-03-2015, 09:51 PM

OOC: Thanks for using the "you" script on this, ya asshole. I heard about efedding on /r/SquaredCircle, so I looked up "Efeds" on google. I got a list of E-Feds, and I chose XWF. Profit.

IC: I don't know, my mom left me at that place with zero information, just my name. I started to train in MMA when I was 17, and I began wrestling in 2011. I could go into details, but my story is pretty boring. I plan to give myself more of a story here in XWF.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
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04-04-2015, 09:20 AM

(04-03-2015, 09:51 PM)Lucius Fyre Said: OOC: Thanks for using the "you" script on this, ya asshole. I heard about efedding on /r/SquaredCircle, so I looked up "Efeds" on google. I got a list of E-Feds, and I chose XWF. Profit.

IC: I don't know, my mom left me at that place with zero information, just my name. I started to train in MMA when I was 17, and I began wrestling in 2011. I could go into details, but my story is pretty boring. I plan to give myself more of a story here in XWF.

Fixed it for ya.

I've done a couple efeds before and this is the first one where I actually felt like I 'fit in.' Staff is great, there's some absurdly talented guys like Maddy, Soldier, Vinnie, Doc and Theo, and there are a lot of guys, like Duke, who you can tell aren't very far away from being pretty good.

I can safely say there wouldn't be another fed for me after this one, nothing would compare.

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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[-] The following 7 users Like John Samuels's post:
(04-04-2015), Gator (04-04-2015), Goat Face Killa (04-04-2015), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (04-20-2015), Guppy Parsh (04-04-2015), Ozymandias (04-04-2015), Unknown Soldier (04-04-2015)
Paul Heyman

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04-04-2015, 10:04 AM

Is that a joke? Sad
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04-04-2015, 10:41 AM

If you read some of Duke's different characters and compare it to Sebastian, you can tell dude has range. Just look at how different Hero Extreme is from Duke. Hard to believe he's both.
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-04-2015, 10:48 AM

Spreading misinformation I see.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Sebastian Duke's post:
Ozymandias (04-04-2015)

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04-04-2015, 12:56 PM

You're not hero? I thought you were showing off your massive skill and variety. I stand corrected.
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Kirk MacClay (04-07-2015)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-18-2015, 07:32 AM

LOL thought this was actually about me for a second was so confused considering this was made before I even joined haha.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
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October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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