Peter Fn Gilmour
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08-10-2013, 04:53 PM
i watch both and both are ok in equal ways.. but ROH is the best PURE WRESTLING around today!
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JTC (08-10-2013)
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08-10-2013, 05:24 PM
word. Wts ROH?
Mr. Radio
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08-10-2013, 05:34 PM
WWE in my opinion is more watchable and has a better Roster. TNA has only 2 people that I'm a huge fan of. Those two are Austin Aries (of course) and Bobby Roode. TNA has shitty story lines, so does WWE but WWE can be entertaining when it wants to be. TNA is in the state of no return right now with Hogan and Eric Bischoff.
John Msdison 2.Faggot
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08-10-2013, 05:39 PM
TNA doesn't even come close to what WWE is putting on these days. Hell, I'm pretty sure I get more enjoyment out of NXT at the moment.
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08-10-2013, 05:51 PM
Well i havent been watching WWE since Rock / Cena 2, so i wouldnt really know how its been... im just favorable to some of the moves they do.. and my fav is Samoa Joe dats my dude
Jason E Smith
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08-10-2013, 05:53 PM
Have to agree with Gilmour both are equal and both have unique qualities
WWE have had better days but with some of the talent they have like Daniel Brian, CM Punk, All members of the shield, The Wyatt Family, Sami Zayn and well let's face it most on NXT... WWE could have an amazing future with great matches and to me they are already showing signs of that
TNA, I do like show and I want it to be competition but they are starting to get on my nerves, like the bound for glory series is great and puts on some great matches but everything that is not bound for glory is horrible at the moment
As for ROH recently over the past year just started to get into it and I would recommend you see an episode or PPV or maybe even both in fact if I'm honest if they did a wrestling matters campaign I would believe that they are telling the truth
Peter Fn Gilmour
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08-10-2013, 05:54 PM
troy.. 3 words for u
that is all
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08-10-2013, 05:55 PM
I gave up on TNA when they tried to push two old men to wrestle and make it a huge deal even though one of them couldn't take certain bumps to his back I believe (Hogan). Then there was that one time, they had one of their top signings show up to the PPV main event intoxicated (Jeff Hardy) and ruin the event. Then there was that one time we were all hoping they signed Paul Heyman but they never did. Then there was that one time WWE did an Undertaker return promo and fans thought it would be Sting. And when it wasn't, TNA pretty much copied the same fucking video for Stings return. I can think of more reasons why I stopped watching if i think hard enough.
I think the biggest problem with ROH is that I can never find it on! lol. The only time I watch an ROH match is on Youtube every once in a while. But I am a fan. The first time I seen ROH on TV it was KENTA vs Rodrick Strong. Holy shit that was an awesome main event!
WWE isn't as bad as they used to be (See: Daniel Bryan push). So yeah WWE by a landslide.
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John Austin (08-12-2013)
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08-10-2013, 06:04 PM
WWE Does waste talent (Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel, The Real Americans, and the list goes on for miles. TNA however... they fire everyone! Who do they use that money on? Rampage Jackson and Tito Ortiz...ROH has a decent roster, you could be bigger but it still has awesome matches.
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08-10-2013, 06:04 PM
TNA has only 10 wrestlers that i like that are not WWE or WCW guys
Samoa Joe
Austin Aries
Robert Roode
Christopher Daniels
AJ Styles
James Storm
Chris Sabin
Peter Fn Gilmour
the man with the SUPER DICK
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08-10-2013, 06:07 PM
u can watch ROH TV on sign up for the membership. its either $96 for a year plus a ton of special stuff or $7.99 a month for ringside members (im a ringside annual so I get all the perks.. SUCKA!)
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08-10-2013, 06:07 PM
I like both. Professional wrestling is professional wrestling to me.. I'll watch anything. But I agree with Gilmour(oddly) but ROH is fantastic. In fact, your a Samoa Joe fan..and no doubt you know punk, bryan, aries, and styles.. so check out them guys in ROH on youtube if you can find..You WILL not be disappointed I promise. Styles was fuckin crazy back then...But back to the topic at hand. TNA can put on good matches when they want (see Styles vs Aries) from a couple weeks ago.. This next week should be pretty good too. And like TNA, WWE has their hits and misses. I like the fact that Bryan is getting a push. But yeah wrestling is wrestling as long as Hogan doesn't try to wrestle in TNA again I'll always watch least till TNA flops and loses everything. lol
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Hunter Payne (08-10-2013)
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08-10-2013, 06:12 PM
i have a couple Indy federations i like
Resistance Pro Wrestling
Full Impact Pro
Cross Fire Wrestling
Peter Fn Gilmour
the man with the SUPER DICK
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08-10-2013, 06:21 PM
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08-10-2013, 07:02 PM
(08-10-2013, 06:04 PM)MattWard Said: TNA has only 10 wrestlers that i like that are not WWE or WCW guys
Samoa Joe
Austin Aries
Robert Roode
Christopher Daniels
AJ Styles
James Storm
Chris Sabin
Agreed.. and i really dont know what the whole Rampage Ortiz shit is about, i understand An8's Vs MEM. but within that is Rampage Vs Ortiz just too much.
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08-10-2013, 08:57 PM
I enjoy WWE for the Stories and fresh faces that they are pushing. TNA wins when it comes to all out wrestling. Anytime you can see AJ Styles vs Austin Aries, you get more than your money's worth. TNA just does some really stupid shit. Rampage and Ortiz? They could have done something awesome with the AUG. 1 warnings segment, but no, they being in Tito Ortiz. I think a guy like MVP or maybe Pope would have been an awesome addition for TNA.
Ring of Honor is great pure wrestling. The stories are great, except for the Matt Hardy angle, I personally hated it. Hardy had so much going for him and now it's like he can't even wrestle. He doesn't even move around the ring very well any more. He's all clumsy and shit.
But I started watching ROH about 2 years ago. Great stuff. Steen is great, I like watching Michael Elgin and Tommaso Ciampa. You should really check it out Troy.
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08-10-2013, 09:08 PM
(08-10-2013, 07:02 PM)TroyTurner Said: (08-10-2013, 06:04 PM)MattWard Said: TNA has only 10 wrestlers that i like that are not WWE or WCW guys
Samoa Joe
Austin Aries
Robert Roode
Christopher Daniels
AJ Styles
James Storm
Chris Sabin
Agreed.. and i really dont know what the whole Rampage Ortiz shit is about, i understand An8's Vs MEM. but within that is Rampage Vs Ortiz just too much.
Rampage vs Ortiz is for bellator so bellator has a partnership with TNA so impact is using them to help get them over by trying to use them in TNA.
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08-10-2013, 09:48 PM
hopefully for a real UFC fight but thats still super-risky i just dont get
The Fucking Career Killer
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08-10-2013, 10:13 PM
(08-10-2013, 05:54 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: troy.. 3 words for u
that is all
WHOA! im half way in on the Top 95 Kevin Steen moves.. This dude is a beast my new favorite wrestler lol u didnt lie man Kevin FUCKIN Steen!
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Peter Fn Gilmour (08-11-2013)
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08-10-2013, 10:22 PM
OMG this dude is killing people, no way to prepare yourself for these bombs lol wow
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08-10-2013, 11:03 PM
Chikara, although WWE are really trying, give em 5 years and if they dont mess what they have going up they are going to be a world wide version of all the sick ass indy shows that are being put on in front of 200 people in a gym. They are finally going through and picking out the best and they aren't holding them and not letting them go after 4 years, the shield are up and running and the wyatts have arrived, Caesaro has given swagger the kings of wrestling xfactor, we have ohno, neville and zayn all ready to go and then we still have CM Punk, Dolph, Bryan and hell the push may be because of some dumb TV show but the uso's have been burning shit down since MITB. To me Chris Sabin's world title win is trash given as some token thing probably so he wouldnt go join shelly and kushida in japan and the fact the dropped the never get a title shot stipulation on the cage match just tells everyone Bullys winning that or what the hell was the point of a year of the sons of eights type anarchy aces
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LJ Havok
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08-12-2013, 07:31 AM
hey I kind of like the aces&eights angle.. they have drawn it out for a REALLY long time, but really Bully Ray has come into his own. He has gotten way better on the mic at the very least. He's more watchable than he used to be. But I agree the Sabin title win is trash. He's gonna drop it to Bully next week more than likely because I don't see Bully NEVER getting a title shot again. He still has several years left in him. I will say this though, A.J. Styles should still be the centerpiece of TNA and the X Division should be WAY more prominent. And as far as the Ortiz and Jackson thing goes.. Its all publicity and it backed fired big time. I have talked to several people that said they will probably never watch Impact again..and those were diehards. TNA needs to get their shit together and sign actual professional wrestlers.
Archie Lawson
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08-12-2013, 07:34 AM
WWE IS FAR more entertaining. There's a better chance of Dixie Carter sucking me off then there is of me ever watching TNA again.
If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
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08-12-2013, 07:46 AM
LOL if you were to meet her and she did suck you off. then bribe her to let you write for that crapfest.
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08-12-2013, 07:48 AM
The guy everyone needs to be watching is Dean Ambrose. I trained with him for a bit as he was coming up in HWA as John Moxley. Dude is a beast. And the way WWE is using his, with that crazy style he wrestles with, there is a reason he is the US champion so quickly. And I hear Vince is super high on him.
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08-12-2013, 07:58 AM
I'm a fan of both really. WWE hit a little slump for a while but is starting to go back up. TNA was high up for me but is starting to go back down hill now that Rampage and Ortiz are involved. Anybody remember when Pacman Jones was in TNA? DISASTER! If y'all wanna check out a cool Indy promotion check out MCW. Maryland Championship Wrestling, it's got a lot of awesome wrestlers there. TNA let's their guys wrestle there too, I've seen Christopher Daniels there, Sonjay Dutt. I've even seen Y2J and Matt Hardy there. Check their stuff out though its intense.
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08-12-2013, 08:25 AM
The last time I watched TNA was when it first went live against WWE, which was over a year ago at this point... Until they get rid of Hogan and other useless talent I won't be watching (or if they file for bankruptcy whichever one happens first)
LJ Havok
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08-12-2013, 08:35 AM
(08-12-2013, 08:25 AM)Cam Lang Said: The last time I watched TNA was when it first went live against WWE, which was over a year ago at this point... Until they get rid of Hogan and other useless talent I won't be watching (or if they file for bankruptcy whichever one happens first) actually their first live show against RAW was in 2010. They couldn't compete with Bret Hart being on RAW and burying the hatchet which is why they made fun of the Montreal Incident that night. And the week that followed with Stone Cold being the guest host TNA had to give up their competition aspirations. But maybe TNA will wise up and whoever mentioned Pac-Man Jones is absolutely right. That was a mistake as well. Ortiz and Jackson will be no different but I am hoping to be proven wrong.
Archie Lawson
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08-12-2013, 08:36 AM
Issue is I think most people here could write better stories for TNA and WWE
If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher
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08-12-2013, 08:54 AM
I'm kinda getting tired of the aces & eights and the main event mafia. The only big group I liked in TNA was in the beginning of TNA with Jeff Jarret and all the people he had with him. I also don't like the new AJ Styles, he doesn't fit that character at all.
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LJ Havok
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08-12-2013, 09:21 AM
at least he can still wrestle at least.. and i liked jarrets very first group.. also i miss Raven. I loved the pay per views. Raven cut some legendary promos that seem to have been forgotten
Cam Lang
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08-12-2013, 11:25 AM
(08-12-2013, 08:35 AM)ljTheSavior Said: (08-12-2013, 08:25 AM)Cam Lang Said: The last time I watched TNA was when it first went live against WWE, which was over a year ago at this point... Until they get rid of Hogan and other useless talent I won't be watching (or if they file for bankruptcy whichever one happens first) actually their first live show against RAW was in 2010. They couldn't compete with Bret Hart being on RAW and burying the hatchet which is why they made fun of the Montreal Incident that night. And the week that followed with Stone Cold being the guest host TNA had to give up their competition aspirations. But maybe TNA will wise up and whoever mentioned Pac-Man Jones is absolutely right. That was a mistake as well. Ortiz and Jackson will be no different but I am hoping to be proven wrong.
Geez it's been that long, I think I made a mistake the last time I watched it was I believe around the end of 2011 or beggining of 2012... it must of been TNA first 3 hour show? Or it was a special occasion where it basically went head to head with RAW but yeah, the wrestling in TNA will always be as good or better than WWE however the storylines are in my opinion just not that good.
LJ Havok
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08-12-2013, 11:38 AM
i liked the very beginning of Immortal in TNA and then it just got ridiculous. Heel Jeff Hardy was a beast.. The Antichrist of professional wrestling..really good stuff. but still WWE has them by the balls right now. And considering RVD is back in WWE I imagine it wont be long for Jeff. Just as long as he gets his personal shit straight
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08-12-2013, 11:43 AM
I guess I am the only one who likes this version of AJ Styles? I think it fits his evolution. I hated when he was running with Flair. That felt forced upon us.
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LJ Havok (08-12-2013)
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08-12-2013, 12:11 PM
The aces and eights piss me off because it seems TNA can't have a feud without aces and eights being in it. It's actually pretty annoying. Plus aries and roode seem to be getting misshandled. I don't see Why Aries can't just leave TNA and go work with his roh buddies. Danielson, punk, and Aries together again. Even though they weren't a team, they were just the top guys of roh. Hell we could even see an Austin Aries vs Seth Rollins (Tyler Black) rematch! My life would be complete If aries went over to wwe.
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08-12-2013, 12:14 PM
I think he would do well in the "NEW" version of WWE. These smaller, faster guys are getting pushed. I think the WWE is starting to get a broader view of what a good wrestler is and who can be marketable. Thanks HHH and Stephanie .
LJ Havok
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
08-12-2013, 12:24 PM
Lol i agree with you.. And I definately think aries is being misused and underused, but at the same time..Roode's new approach to the BFG series is pretty interesting.. Roode isnt being mishandled in my opinion
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08-12-2013, 05:52 PM
TNA try to be TOO original. The main reason characters work in WWE is because they are allowed to act as themselves to a certain extent.
If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
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08-12-2013, 05:57 PM
I RARELY watch TV as it is but when I do and if I have to choose between either TNA or WWE .... WWE.
I will watch TNA from time to time but not like I use to
WWE is meh to me, I have been watching it (not literally) but for 23 years and counting, might as well not stop now
I usually just stick to old school wrestling 50s-90s with the countless dvds I have or internet vids....if I want a "wrestling" fix
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