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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-03-2025, 05:28 PM

This time we open to a nightclub (on a monday??), and it cuts to Dom and Isla at a table chilling doing there thing. Then a song plays in the club, and they decide to buss it on the dance floor. An hour past, someone in a suit and a mask bump between them to pass, Dom tried to big league the man, but his girl stops him.  Some time passes, the same guy comes on the floor, but this time he offers Dom's girl a drink.

Dom then stops the man, and the man decides to do a dance off with Dom. Pretty much due to Dom having rhythm, the crowd ended up cheering him on, then suddenly one of the crowd emerges Tommy in his gear, this time he uses a Barbwire Bat on his body, then he does a 'hehe' and a twirl, then clocks him some more with the bat.

Then he looks at Isla, and he aims his bat towards her, but he decided to spare her. Then Dom gets on his feet, then Tommy decides to Fight For New York him on the pillar near the dancefloor as he slams his head there three times. As he laid on the ground, the dancefloor lights turn into Blue Hue ala Belly nightclub scene, then the masked man who was messing with the duo was Reggie.

"You think i should pin this guy?... i mean, do i really want to ruin his Monday night?... Do i need to kick him in the nuts and sell my soul to Thaddeus Duke?...." as Tommy looked at Reggie. 

"¡Simplemente agarra al tonto Tommy y salgamos de aquí antes de que llegue la policía!" as Reggie to him to pin Dom in the middle of the dancefloor, which Tommy does with such glee as he does the Cocky Pin with the flash photography, as they all counted.


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Dom Strife Offline
Natural Born Thriller
TITLE - X-treme Champion

XWF FanBase:
Green as Grass

(sloppy in the ring; botches moves regularly; shows up when fans are hoping for anyone else)

03-03-2025, 06:00 PM

(03-03-2025, 05:28 PM)Tommy Wish Said:

This time we open to a nightclub (on a monday??), and it cuts to Dom and Isla at a table chilling doing there thing. Then a song plays in the club, and they decide to buss it on the dance floor. An hour past, someone in a suit and a mask bump between them to pass, Dom tried to big league the man, but his girl stops him.  Some time passes, the same guy comes on the floor, but this time he offers Dom's girl a drink.

Dom then stops the man, and the man decides to do a dance off with Dom. Pretty much due to Dom having rhythm, the crowd ended up cheering him on, then suddenly one of the crowd emerges Tommy in his gear, this time he uses a Barbwire Bat on his body, then he does a 'hehe' and a twirl, then clocks him some more with the bat.

Then he looks at Isla, and he aims his bat towards her, but he decided to spare her. Then Dom gets on his feet, then Tommy decides to Fight For New York him on the pillar near the dancefloor as he slams his head there three times. As he laid on the ground, the dancefloor lights turn into Blue Hue ala Belly nightclub scene, then the masked man who was messing with the duo was Reggie.

"You think i should pin this guy?... i mean, do i really want to ruin his Monday night?... Do i need to kick him in the nuts and sell my soul to Thaddeus Duke?...." as Tommy looked at Reggie. 

"¡Simplemente agarra al tonto Tommy y salgamos de aquí antes de que llegue la policía!" as Reggie to him to pin Dom in the middle of the dancefloor, which Tommy does with such glee as he does the Cocky Pin with the flash photography, as they all counted.





Dom rolls his shoulder up to not only kickout, but to point towards the exit: ¡Oh, mierda, es la policía!


"Over there, pendejo estupido-"

He kicks Tommy Wish off of him, and while Reggie's back was turned, Dom grabs a bottle off of a nearby table and smashes it over the back of Reggie's head! Reggie drops like a ton of bricks, leaving Dom with the neck of the broken bottle to use as a weapon against the still ever-dangerous Tommy 'Death' Wish!

The DJ fires off a sick beat, you know, for vibes. 

Dom and Wish circle each other in a dance with their chosen weapons in hand. 

"Hey Tommy!" Dom says putting his hand up. "You like baseball? Well, how about we play a little... catch!"

Strife chucks the sharp neck of the bottle at Wish, but up high where he has to reach up to catch it. Wish drops the bat and snags the broken bottle out of the air! But Dom's foot comes in under his chin... dropping him with a sucker SHOOT TO THRILL on the center of the dancefloor! Dom rushes to grab Isla and his championship belt. 

"Hey," Isla says as he pulls her up by the wrist. "Where are we going?"

"I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill Charlie.He said, dragging her along toward the exit.

"That makes... like... no sense." 

"Well, it does to me. Let the policía deal with these putos. I'm too beautiful for prison!"
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