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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Date Night - Vol. Two
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SolemnIncline Offline
Solomon Kline AKA Son of A...

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

8 hours ago

Solomon Kline just finished a date with an amazing woman (ok, it was a daddy/daughter date. Cute, I know.) He walks outside the restaurant with his daughter and finds new champion Dominick Strife heading into the same restaurant. He asks his daughter to hold his leftover box and blindsides Strife with a spear. Pin!
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[-] The following 4 users Like SolemnIncline's post:
Charlie Nickles (Today), Dolly Waters (Today), Dom Strife (Today), Scoops McGee (Today)
Dom Strife Online
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Green as Grass

(sloppy in the ring; botches moves regularly; shows up when fans are hoping for anyone else)

2 hours ago

(8 hours ago)SolemnIncline Said: Solomon Kline just finished a date with an amazing woman (ok, it was a daddy/daughter date. Cute, I know.) He walks outside the restaurant with his daughter and finds new champion Dominick Strife heading into the same restaurant. He asks his daughter to hold his leftover box and blindsides Strife with a spear. Pin!


Dominick barely gets his shoulder up before the count of three!

"Ouch! Fuuu-" Dom catches a glimpse of Kline's daughter out of the corner of his eye. "-uuudge! What the fudge, man?!"

Yet Dom's protestations go without being heard, as it's not exactly going to stop the elder Kline from continuing his onslaught on his quest to become the NEW-er X-Treme Champion!

Covered in bandages and gauze, Dom fights back the best that he can. That is, until, he reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a piece of... rope?

Dom shows the referee that he's holding onto the rope! The referee steps between Kline and Strife, calling for a rope break! 

Kline struggles to get past the referee, who starts counting to five! Solomon reluctantly breaks free. Allowing Dom to, once again, straighten his clothes and fix his hair.

"Come on man, I just came here to celebrate with Iz-"

Isla rolls her eyes. "You knew it was coming. Don't act all surprised. You wanted this."

"I knew Charlie was coming. No wait. Scratch that." Dom peers at Kline's little girl. "Hey sweetie, cover your ears, would you please?"

Dom glares back at her Father, still being held back by the referee. "Nice try, goof. That really fucking hurt. But I'll have you know that I'm going to hold onto this rope all night. Now here's a fiver. Make sure to buy the kid some ice cream. My treat."

Dom takes Isla's hand, and the two of them head into the restaurant. Dom holds up his rope break rope in hopes that, at least for one celebratory dinner, they'll leave him the fudge alone.
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[-] The following 3 users Like Dom Strife's post:
"The Bashmaster" Barry Masterson (Today), Madison Dyson (Today), Scoops McGee (Today)

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