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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Madness Results
MADNESS: October 9, 2023
Author Message
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-10-2023, 07:42 PM

[Image: 9j6Fmzp.png]

Pyro explodes throughout the Spectrum Center as the Sound of Madness dies down while we’re joined by Jacuinde, the voice of Madness.

JC:  We are LIVE!  We are SOLD OUT!  Tonight!  We’re at the Spectrum Center here in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina!  And THIS!  IS!  MADNESS!

The cameras settle on the announce team.

JC:  Hello everyone, my name is Jacuinde and alongside me as always, my broadcast colleague, Damon Riggs.

DR:  Jacuinde, this crowd is manic!

JC:  Damon, we are hot off the heels of an impressive showing from the Madness brand on the grand stage of Relentless!

DR:  Let’s talk about that for just a minute, Jacuinde.  At Relentless, that was the first showing on pay per view from this rebirth, this reimagining if you will, of the Madness brand and so far, everything that Thaddeus Duke promised when he took over this show, has come true!

JC:  Indeed it has, Damon!  The man has lovers and haters, like anyone, but it's his leadership, his guidance that has brought Madness from the brink of extinction and Relentless was a showcase.

DR:  You’re absolutely right!  That man wanted to use Relentless, the biggest and most highly visible event on the XWF calendar to announce the arrival of Madness and our men and women did not disappoint.

JC:  And just to recap, in the night one main event, Myra Rivers successfully defended her World Heavyweight Championship against Penelope in an absolutely brutal casket match!

DR:  In hindsight, I feel like that match alone would have announced the arrival of Monday Night Madness as a premium brand of wrestling television.  That being said, it was an incredible match.

JC:  It was!  And while we were all duped in thinking Sahara was on her honeymoon with our esteemed General Manager, she arrived at Relentless intent in helping Penelope defeat Myra Rivers, only for Rivers to eliminate her from the equation and successfully retain.

DR:  She was on her honeymoon, Jacuinde!  I was at the wedding, I personally walked her down the aisle, but in speaking with them before night two, Sahara didn’t want to miss Penelope’s match so they left Japan a day early.

JC:  They tried but they failed to unseat Myra River and her incredible reign continues!  And speaking of night two, the vacant United States Championship was on the line as Chris Mosh attempted to become the first ever Grand Slam champion in Madness history, but in order to do it, he’d have to get through Enigma!

DR:  Enigma is without a doubt one of the most fierce and FEARED competitors in professional wrestling today.  Try as he might, it was Enigma becoming the NEW United States Champion!

JC:  But it wasn’t without controversy though as Elijah Copeland, who has been going through a bit of a change the last several weeks, he made absolutely certain that Chris Mosh wasn’t successful!

DR:  Those two are in action later tonight as Copeland teams up with Kevin Mears to take on Chris Mosh and Sean Parker!

JC:  Speaking of Mears and Parker, Damon… Since the moment that match came to its unfulfilling conclusion, I have been searching for words to describe what it is we witnessed on night three between those two men.

DR:  Quite simply, what you saw will go down in wrestling history as one of the greatest one on one, no gimmick contests that anyone has ever witnessed.  Those two men put on an absolute clinic and I’m positive I can speak for the General Manager because we’ve talked about it since, Parker versus Mears lived up to the hype, it lived up to the billing and it was fully deserving of being showcased on the show of shows on the third night.

JC:  Thaddeus Duke has gone on record saying that night three was what everyone wanted to see.  The first two nights, the fans talk about the main events and title matches, but night three is what everyone talks about.

DR:  Say what you will about Anarchy and Warfare, yeah, we know they’re the ones that brought all the eyes to the XWF, but I don’t mind saying that Madness stole the fucking show on night three.

JC:  I’m in total agreement on that one, Damon.  Despite the bellyaching Kevin Mears did leading up to Relentless that he was not awarded Sean Parker while the ink on his new contract was still wet, it’s almost as if Thaddeus Duke knew exactly what he was doing while he held off on that match until our Super Bowl.

DR:  Excuse the turn of phrase, but there is a method to his madness, Jacuinde.  We know how good Mears is.  We learned how good Parker is.  Putting those two on night three was a stroke of genius that he’ll probably never get credit for.

JC:  There’s a rumor that I haven’t confirmed, Damon.  Rumor has it that the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York was originally scheduled for tonight's show, but coming out of Relentless, someone wanted to test the Madness reach.  Madness was moved out of the northeast at the last minute so the company could see whether or not we were really gaining traction.

Damon pauses and looks around the Spectrum Center that is filled to max capacity.

DR:  Mission accomplished!

JC:  Speak of the devils!

DR:  Or one of them, at least.

JC:  Sean Parker, set to join us here tonight!

“Ken’s Theme” by ToxicxEternity blares throughout the arena and moments later, Sean Parker appears on the stage, still in his street clothes, to a massive cheer from the crowd. He grins from ear-to-ear, acknowledging the cheers as he makes his way down to the ring, slapping hands with fans on either side of the rampway as he does so. After a moment, he slides into the ring under the bottom rope and makes his way to one of the corners. Sean climbs up onto the second rope and raises his hands in the air which conjures another chorus of cheers from the sold-out crowd in attendance. As his music fades out, Sean leans out of the ring, through the middle and top ropes nearest the timekeeper’s table and motions for a microphone which he is duly handed.

JC:  I wonder what he wants to talk about!?

DR:  Who cares?  Like him, love him or hate him, Parker is money

He takes his place in the center of the ring, bringing the mic up and begins to speak.

Sean:  What’s going on, Charlotte? How are we doing tonight?

The crowd cheers once again at the pop for the city in which Madness is taking place tonight and Sean continues.

Sean:  Two weeks removed from the biggest three nights of the year for XWF and I won’t lie, I’m still feeling mixed emotions about what happened on Night Three.  Kevin Mears and I stole the show.  As the commentary team said, we put on one of the, if not the best match in this brand’s history.

DR:  Oh, Mr. Parker, you misheard!

JC:  What we said was, one of the best matches ever.  Period.

Sean:  I should be ecstatic, Charlotte…I should be on cloud nine.  In my first-ever appearance on an XWF pay-per-view event, eyes of all the brands, of the higher-ups on me, could this plucky, young Scottish kid that Thaddeus Duke plucked from obscurity, repay the faith put in him to shine on the big stage?

On one hand, I’m sure I’ve answered that question. I showed just how damn talented I am when I took Mears through thirty minutes of back-and-forth action, and you know what, before I go any further, I will give him his due.  I likely won’t ever break bread with him but Mears is an incredible in-ring competitor and it’s clear why Thad was keen to tie him down to a new deal and keep him on Madness because, like it or not, this place would be a helluva lot duller without him, and I wouldn’t have been able to put on the performance I did because to do that, it takes two…

The crowd gives a mixed response for Sean’s bigging up of Mears’ in-ring ability but it’s actually mostly positive.

JC:  Credit where it’s due, I like it!

Sean: Back to my point….Did I repay the faith put in me by Thaddeus Duke and Theo Pryce?  On one hand…yes. On another, I didn’t set out what I aimed to do and that was to put an emphatic personal marker down. I wanted so badly to win that match and had opportunities to do it and I let my own hubris get in the way of the task which was to win.

So, as much as I wanted to win, I didn’t. My shoulders were pinned to that mat for the referee’s three-count as well as Kevin’s….And now ENIGMA’s newly-won United States Championship remains without a number one contender and tonight, everyone embroiled in this little puzzle to determine who gets the shot is involved in a tag match tonight.

Mosh, you and I have never had any qualms since I arrived. I know what you’ve achieved in your career and you know I respect the hell out of that… it was shit you lost out on your opportunity to capture the U.S. Title because of what Elijah pulled at Relentless.

And Elijah, you and I have never crossed paths. We share the same employer here and another company outside of the walls of XWF but we’ve never met. I don’t know if you intend to be a fly in the ointment or what your aim is in the grand scheme of things but aside from this match tonight, if we stay in our own lanes, I’m sure there won’t be any trouble…just know though…Kevin is not beyond hanging anyone out to dry if he thinks a tag team partner isn’t pulling his weight…just a little FYI for you.

Sean looks like he’s about to leave the ring when he suddenly stops and his eyes widen slightly, as if he’s had some sort of light bulb moment.

Sean:  Oh yeah… I almost forgot, one more thing…I couldn’t help but notice that the next XWF pay-per-view extravaganza takes place on November 26th…Fire and Ice: Double Cross…in Edinburgh, Scotland….

The crowd gives another loud cheer which draws a wry smile from Sean.

Sean: Now…I’m assuming you’ve all figured out from my accent that I’m not from around these parts.

DR:  Whaaaaaaaat?

JC:  News to me, man!

Sean:  I was raised in the former ancient capital city of Scotland, a city called Dunfermline, just a half-hour drive from Edinburgh, the modern capital city of Scotland.  I’m proud to be British but I’m proud to be Scottish and one of the few Scottish professional wrestlers out there making waves….but the one thing I’ve never had the pleasure of is having a match in my home country on any stage, let alone with the grandeur of Edinburgh Castle, the most iconic structure in Scotland.

Sean gestures his hands in an almost calming fashion, holding his palms up.

Sean:  Now, I know...Fire and Ice isn’t a Madness event and XWF senior management wants us here on Monday nights to have our own path but, you cannot have an event in Scotland without your own only Scottish superstar appearing…so I’m not asking, or demanding…

Sean looks deep into the hard cam as it zooms in on his face, filled with raw emotion.

Sean: I am begging! Give me a match at Fire and Ice. I don’t care if they’re on Madness, Anarchy, Warfare, I don’t care if they’re even in XWF! Please! Someone step up and face me!

JC:  He’s correct!  XWF will hold its next pay per view extravaganza Fire & Ice from Edinburgh Castle in Scotland!

DR:  He’s also correct that the powers that be here in the XWF, aside from Relentless, aren’t keen to allow cross branded events.

JC:  And that keeps in line with Thaddeus Duke’s own vision for the Madness brand!  To let our shows stand on its own two feet!

Sean Parker starts to get a little restless, thinking no one will answer his call.  Parker gets set to leave and even begins to step through the ropes when music cues up, causing him to stop and back up back into the ring.

Scotland The Brave plays as live bagpipes and drums file out from the back to the entrance stage.  As the drums kick off, a short, skinny statured figure emerges from backstage.  Clad in a kilt to a pop from the Charlotte, North Carolina crowd is the adopted tweenage son of Lauren and Thaddeus Duke.

JC:  Young Frankie Duke!

DR:  My grandson!  Kinda!

JC:  If Frankie is here, I can promise you that his dad isn’t too far behind!

The unparalleled babyface of Frankie Duke, learning cues from his dad for the last few years, slaps hands with the fans on his way to the ring.  After climbing the ring steps, he turns to face the crowd and throws out his hands to roaring approval.

JC:  This kid… he’s arguably the most popular Duke in wrestling history!

DR:  Oh, there’s no argument, Jacuinde.  That is the absolute truth!

Scotland The Brave winds down as Parker, while smiling, stares down the little dude in front of him.  Frankie holds his hand out and Parker goes to slap him five.  Frankie pulls his hand back at the last second and motions for the microphone.  Parker laughs and peels away.

Sean:  Seems Duke the Younger has something to say!  Think I should let him?

Parker asks the hot crowd and they respond in an overwhelmingly positive fashion.  All smiles, Parker comes to Frankie, hits one knee to get on his level, then hands him the microphone to another pop.

Frankie:  You really gotta work on your cheap pops, man!  Do it like this…

Duke the Younger peels off toward the corner and hops to the second rope.





Frankie jumps back down to the canvas and returns to Sean Parker.

Frankie:  I’m only two-teen Sean, so it’s obviously not me.  That, and I’m not even trained but I do have a question for you…  Are you ready?

Parker doesn’t answer, but he noticeably chuckles.

Frankie:  Ladies and gentlethems…  THE LIONHEARRRRT!

Charlotte gives its approval as ‘Sirius’ strikes up.  In the ring, Parker is back on his feet and pacing some while he stares toward the entrance way.  Sirius transitions to ‘My Name Is Human’ before Thaddeus Duke emerges from backstage.  As is a common occurrence, he wears blue jeans and a hoodie.

In the ring, the music fades out as the fans continue to roar their approval.

Thanks for that incredible introduction buddy, he says as he slaps fives with Frankie.  Y’know I never get to come out here on Madness as Thaddeus Duke the wrestler so like… I dunno… that reaction, Parker here in the ring laying out stupid open challenges, my all time hype man here with me… it just feels good.

Parker goes to speak, but is immediately cut off by Thad.

No Sean, this is where you watch and learn.  This is where you stop and listen, he says as he starts to pace.  See, the thing about open challenges is that you never really know who you’re gonna get.  I guess that adds to the mystery of the whole thing, but before this goes any further, before this thing becomes official, you need to know exactly what you’re getting into.

Thad pauses his speech then stops pacing as he comes face to face with Sean Parker.

A couple years ago, I was the villain.  My opponent happened to be one of my best friends and our match happened to occur in New York City.  Despite being the villain, despite being the quote unquote bad guy, I was cheered and Smith was boo’d heavily.  It got into his head and threw him off his game.

He didn’t know how to play the villain.

See Sean, I know how to play both sides of that fence.  I know that doing this match on your home turf, near your home town inside your home country… I will absolutely be the villain.

No one in Scotland will want to see me win, no one in Scotland will want to see their hero fail.

Thad pauses as Parker takes in what he’s saying.

I have no problem with filling the villain role, but I have to warn you Sean… I need to warn you of exactly what that means.  As good as I am playing the heavily cheered favorite, I am undoubtedly stronger and better when I stand on the other side of that fence.

So you need to ask yourself Sean…  Are you willing to risk losing?  Are you willing to risk being defeated in what may very well be your only chance to fight in front of your countrymen?

I have no problem being the villain, but Sean… are you ready for what that means?

Thad gives way to Parker.

Sean:  I know how good you are on your worst day, Thad, when your back is against a wall, when you’re up against it. There’s not a person on this planet that you could place in front of me that I’d shirk away from facing at Fire and Ice.

I’d rather lose to you a thousand times over than wonder “what if”. What if I had the opportunity to compete in a once-in-a-lifetime match, in front of my friends, my family?  I live my life with no regrets, Thad and this is no different. But you have to ask yourself…are you ready for what’s coming in Edinburgh? You’ve been in hostile environments before, hell you’ve wrestled in a freaking ghost ship… but you’re going to be on my home turf, my countrymen creating a noise they’ll hear Stateside. Edinburgh Castle was once the greatest stronghold in Britain and the last time a foreign invader breached her walls, do you know what happened? Hmm?

Sean steps again towards Thad so they’re almost nose-to-nose.

Sean:  His head was hung from her walls as a warning to any man who dared to dream of thinking he could take her for his own.

Thad takes a step back and smiles while slowly pacing.

Britain… not Scotland, he began.  You wanna know the biggest difference between Americans and the Scots?

As an American, we’d rather die on our feet than ever live on our knees.

DR:  Shots fired!

JC:  I can’t believe he just went there!

Sean, you’ve been out there making a name for yourself.  I’ll never deny it.  That’s why I brought you here.  You haven’t disappointed even a little bit.  Mears is good, he’s great.  Kevin isn’t me.

He’s not in the Hall of Legends.  He’s not on the marquee banner on the XWF website.  He hasn’t been a main eventer every place he’s been.

That’s me, Sean.  That’s what I am.

I thank you for everything you have done and all the things you continue to do for Madness, but at Fire & Ice, I’mma make you a real fuckin’ star!

Thad drops the mic as Parker’s ‘Ken’s Theme’ plays.  Thad and Frankie Duke exit the ring and make their way to the back as we find ourselves once again with the ringside announcers.

JC:  The boss just dropped the proverbial mic!

DR:  Thaddeus Duke and Sean Parker at Fire & Ice!?  That is incredible news!

JC:  Fans, we kick off the action NEXT, on Madness!

JC:  We’re back here on Madness and kicking things off tonight, one half of the tag team champions Eren Hunt goes one on one with Li’l Cash App of the Bing Bong Twinzz and Damon, on the last Madness, it was the Bing Bong Twinzz prevailing in their bid to become the new number one contenders to the straps.

DR:  Say what you want about those two brothers, but they have proven time and again that they can be formidable when they really put forth an effort.  They’re still a relatively inexperienced tag team but with each success and with each failure, they’re learning.

JC:  The future challengers notwithstanding, do you think those two have what it takes to, when the time comes, take the straps from Landry and Hunt?

DR:  It’s the wrestling business, Jacuinde.  Anything can happen on any given night.  On paper?  No, probably not but wrestling matches aren’t contested on paper.  When the time comes, I have a feeling the Bing Bong Twinzz can and will shock some people.

RA:  The following singles contest is set for one fall!

RA:  Being accompanied to the ring by his brother!  From Jacksonville, Florida Li’l!  Ca$h App!

Da Bing Bong Twinzz bust out that back stage bitch like WTF and perp slash pimp walk to the RANG. You feel me?

JC:  I can’t like them, but they sure are entertaining if nothing else!

DR:  I don’t think they care if you like them or not!

JC:  They probably prefer I didn’t.

RA:  Their opponent!

RA:  Being accompanied to the ring by his partner, Gabriel Landry.  He’s from San Bernardino, California and weighs 217 pounds… he’s one half of the World Tag Team Champions…. ERRRENNN HUUUUUNT!

As "THRIFT SHOP" begins to play, Eren walks out of gorilla wearing his oversized fur coat and sunglasses. He makes his way to the ring, high fiving as many fans as he can before getting to ring side. He climbs the stairs in the corner, getting into the ring before going to each side of the ring, pumping up the crowd before making his way to his corner, removing his entrance gear and preparing for the match.

JC:  Hunt and Landry!  They won the tag team titles from the Bing Bong Twinzz at the end of August and so far so good, as they continue to roll on as champions!

DR:  Yeah well, these two little idiots are comin back for those straps sooner or later!

Li’l Ca$h App w/MC
- vs -
Eren Hunt w/Gabriel Landry

The bell rings and the match kicks off with both competitors locking eyes, Eren wastes no time in unleashing a barrage of boxing-style punches, open-hand strikes, and knife-edged chops on Li'l Ca$h App.

Li'l Ca$h App fights back, countering Hunt's assaults with his own flurry of brawling haymakers and calculated strikes. The momentum shifts back and forth as both wrestlers showcase their contrasting in-ring styles.  Throughout the match, Hunt displays his diverse move set, including European uppercuts, forearm shots, suplexes, and a variety of powerful kicks. Li'l Ca$h App retaliates with his own arsenal of moves, creating an intense back-and-forth battle in the squared circle.

As the match reaches its climax, the tension escalates. Li'l Ca$h App rolls out of the ring, feigning injury. As Hunt goes to follow him out, the referee stops from exiting the ring forcing him back but at the same time, on the outside of the ring, MC C-Munqqquee sneakily replaces Li’l Ca$h App who is still on the floor, unbeknownst to the referee. After the referee turns around, Gabriel Landry runs around to the other side of the ring, waving for the referee’s attention and points to Li’l Ca$h App, remonstrating and pointing to MC C-Munqqquee. The ref looks back and forth between the twins for a moment before the penny drops. MC C-Munqqquee argues his case, attempting to convince the referee otherwise but he’s not having it and orders him out of the ring. Meanwhile on the outside, Gabriel throws Li’l Ca$h App back into the ring and runs around the other side, pulling C-Munqqquee out of the ring as well, much to the delight of the crowd. Back inside the ring, as Li’l Ca$h App holds his head in his hands at the situation, Hunt drills him with the “San Manuel Spike" and pins him for three. The referee calls for the bell and Eren Hunt is announced as the winner, his hand raised in victory. Gabriel slides into the ring and hands Hunt his tag team championship belt and they celebrate with their titles held aloft.

WINNER:  Eren Hunt by pinfall (8:31)

JC:  Eren Hunt is victorious but…

DR:  I don’t think it’s over!

Their celebration is short-lived as Da Bing Bong Twinnz, frustrated by their defeat, unleash a vengeful post-match attack. They launch an ambush on Hunt and Landry from behind with respective low blows before snatching the tag team title belts and they proceed to smash the champs with Cancel Culture. Grinning in triumph, the twins drape the tag team championship belts across the fallen champs before they leave the ring to boos from the Charlotte crowd.

JC:  Damon you may be right!

DR:  Of course I am, Jacuinde!

JC:  The Bing Bong Twinzz with a measure of revenge here tonight!  Madness rolls on when we come back!

The camera catches up with Kevin Mears in his locker room as he’s leaned over and tying up his boot laces for his tag match later in the show. As soon as he notices the camera, he looks up and shakes his head.

Kevin:  I know what you want, so I’ll try to make this somewhat brief. Tonight, I’m in a tag match with Elijah Copeland, a man I have had zero interaction with outside of a triple threat a few months back where he pinned the blandest blonde woman you could ever meet. Random. I got zero issues with Elijah honestly and truly. Yeah, I know he screwed over Mosh. Honestly, I don’t blame him. Mosh has always been a clown, and what do you do with clowns but make them look like clowns? Are we tag partners? No, Random, like I said. And then there’s Sean Parker, who’s a mark for himself clearly.

He let out a very long exhale as he said that.

Kevin:  Here’s a guy who got a draw against me at Relentless about two weeks ago, and he’s getting off because one announcer said it was the best match in Madness history..or one of them. I’ve been here a lot longer than you, Sean. Trust me when I tell you it wasn’t a high bar to reach. Besides that’s one person’s opinion. I want you to list all your favorite matches you’ve seen that ended in a draw. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

He checks his wrist as though there’s a watch on it, which there obviously isn’t.

Kevin: Time’s up. A draw doesn’t mean shit to me. So what if some fans liked the match? Well good, happy day for them. You asked me the other day what do I want? Yes, I do have a new contract that pays me a lot of money. You’re right about that. Do you know how many people in this company since I got here have pinned me in the ring and gotten their hand raised? Zero. Not a fucking one. How many have made me submit? Zero. Not a fucking one. It’s been that way from the day I got here over a year ago. And what has it gotten me? One more random match after another. Just a litany of opponents who haven’t found the way to get their hand raised against me. Have I been the odd man out in multi-person matches? Yeah, quite often. But when you ask me what I want? What I want, Parker, is to be recognized for what I can do. You want to know why I leave early at these shows? Because XWF has never treated me like anything more than just another person on the roster. They don’t take me seriously, so I’m happy to return the favor. And being shoved into a #1 contender match against the new golden boy that Thad obviously wants to be a champion, that doesn’t qualify. Who else loses a tournament final but immediately gets put into a match for another title shot like a consolation prize? Much less that it’s me you’re facing for it? What about any of that should I be thrilled about?

He goes back to lacing up his boots as he continues.

Kevin: I said it on my X account the other day. I’m just here for the money. I’m not a ‘team player’ by any stretch when it comes to this company. I’m here to put on the best match on the card, and hit the door after I hit the shower. So tonight in this tag match, Elijah, I got your back. You can fuck with these two all you want, I’m fine with that. With the mood I’m in, I’ll probably help you with it. Mosh is a clown, Parker clearly smells his own farts and thinks they’re perfume. I’m the realest person on this roster because I’ll tell you exactly how it is because I have zero fucks to give what anyone here thinks about me…aside of maybe two people. And when you don’t give a shit, trust me when I tell you it gets a lot more dangerous for those who keep poking the bear. I am the Original Ace for a reason. There’s no one out there better bell to bell. And the precise moment that this company recognizes that, all I’m here to do…is collect the money for what very few months I have left on this new contract. Now you can leave.

Kevin looked up to the camera, and started to get up to go towards it before the cameraman finally was out of his locker room.

DR:  Pointed words!

JC:  Pointed words, indeed!

DR:  Mears and Parker stole the show and in fairness, that has as much to do with Parker as it does Mears!

JC:  I really don’t think the story between those two men is a one and done proposition.

DR:  Oh not by a long shot.

JC:  Folks, there’s more action when we come back!

JC:  Back here on Madness, folks!

DR:  Up next, the moment everyone has been waiting for!

JC:  The incomparable Sahara makes her long awaited in-ring debut coming up right now!

RA:  The following contest is set for one fall!

RA:  From Beverly Hills, California!  CARMENNN SANTANNNA!!!

The arena tron shows a shadowy silhouette against a California sunset. The arena lights go down, a dreamlike fog rains down from the ceiling as the lights come back on with a red tint as Carmen Santana emerges. She invites audience members to “keep dreaming”. She deliberately makes sure to stay out of reach of any common fans as she struts down to the ring. She gets into the ring slowly, about two seconds straddled on the middle rope and leaned forward.

JC:  Santana, one of the newer arrivals here on Madness and while she’s shown some impressiveness in the ring, she hasn’t yet put it all together and pulled out a victory.

DR:  She has the chance here tonight, but it’s a tall task to be sure.  People say a lot of things about Sahara and for the last couple years, she’s made a habit out of being an impressive specimen all on her own.

RA:  Her opponent!

RA:  From Chicago, Illinois now residing on Long Island.  Ladies and gentlemen… SAAAAAHARAAAAAAAAA!

it seems strange that my life should end
in such a terrible place…

As the lights dim, fog slowly rolls over the stage as if emanating from a dark beyond. The random sounds of a radio tuning through various stations floats over the arena as bright white lights suddenly shine up from beneath the stage, bathing the entryway in an angelic glow.


As the hard-hitting beat of In This Moment’s ‘Adrenalize Me’ begins pumping through the arena, The White Widow, Sahara Duke emerges through the ghostly fog...


As Sahara moves toward the center of the rampway, her rows of platinum braids shine from within the shadows. Clad in black and white attire, her one of her boots is emblazoned with the word White, and the other Widow. Her jaw is clenched tight, and her face etched with a permanent scowl of condescension. She slowly turns her gaze toward the fans before locking eyes on the squared circle...


As the music continues to tell her tangled tale, she slowly begins making her way to the ring…

DR:  The Queen of Wrestling!

JC:  Someone did it.

DR:  …

DR:  Miss Madness herself!

JC:  Someone did it.

DR:  …

DR:  The First Lady of…

JC:  Someone did it.

DR:  Shut the hell up, Jacuinde!  The Duke’s are the true First Family of Wrestling and I won’t hear it any other way!

Carmen Santana
- vs -

Sahara Duke and Carmen Santana engage in a competitive match. Sahara, known for her aerial maneuvers, faces Carmen, who specializes in striking attacks.

The match begins with Sahara showcasing her agility with a moonsault. Carmen counters with a series of strikes, including dropkicks and spinning wheel kicks. As the match progresses, both wrestlers demonstrate their resilience and determination. Sahara fights back with her own moves, countering Carmen's strikes with acrobatic maneuvers and well-executed strikes. Carmen retaliates with chest chops and high scorpion kicks, displaying her determination and skill.

The intensity of the match rises as Sahara gains momentum. She ascends to the top rope, preparing for a high-risk move. However, Carmen anticipates and knocks her off balance, thwarting the attempt. Undeterred, Sahara continues to display her aerial prowess, attempting a springboard meteora and diving clothesline. Carmen counters skillfully, evading the attacks and launching her own offensive maneuvers.

The match remains evenly contested, with both wrestlers pushing their limits to secure victory. Sahara and Carmen engage in a series of near-falls and close pin attempts, displaying their resilience and tenacity.

In the closing moments, Sahara summons her last burst of energy. With an impressive display of athleticism and timing, she finally executes the Venom Drop (Coup de Grâce) to Carmen's midsection.The impact leaves Carmen struggling to breath, curling up and clutching her midriff over. Seizing the opportunity, Sahara goes for the pin and the referee counts:




The referee calls for the bell, holding Sahara’s arm aloft in victory.

WINNER:  Sahara by pinfall (9:19)

JC:  That was a great match!

DR:  And I couldn’t be prouder!  She’s overcome so much just to get to this point tonight and there’s no better way to knock the ring rust off than with a great opponent like Carmen Santana!

The sound of heels clacking against the hard floor can be heard.  As the camera pans out the fans boo at the sight of the most “nerve-grating woman” on the planet, Marisol Vilaró.  Dressed in a black flared mini skirt, a purple v-cut top from Dolce and Gabbana, her trademark butterfly necklace around her neck, and leather high heel boots.  The Catalonian woman is clearly on a mission as she sauntered down the hallway, surprisingly alone without her muscle Cyrus Braddock by her side.  The backstage staff seemed to avoid her line of sight, likely to avoid Marisol’s talk of life-changing opportunities.  However, soon, there is a gleam in the eye of the Fitness Queen.  As she turns on her heel, the camera pans and spots the mighty and astonishing force, ENIGMA.  Soon, the young woman saunters over, approaching the big man. As she had her hand on her hip, her big bright smile that could light up an entire room soon crossed her features as she said in an almost bubbly tone.

Marisol Vilaró:  Enigma, this will only take a moment of your time; see, big guy, I have watched you for a long time, and you’re impressive; no doubt everything you’ve said has come true. I’m glad you won the United States championship, not that idiot Mosh.  I do feel, however, there is one thing that is holding you back from your true potential. That is Summer Page.

The fans cheer at the mention of the name, but they turn to boos at what Marisol is saying about her. However, Enigma stares directly at her as the CEO of Vilaro Fitness continues.

Marisol Vilaró:  Like, all the tools you have, all the ability you have, we all know that Summer likes to latch onto people who are more prominent names or have the potential to overshadow her.  Look at how she latched onto me then abandoned me in my time of need like I don’t want to see the same thing happen to you, and this business is filled with monsters and evil people.  I want to see you fulfill your full potential, no matter what because this business would be better off.

For a long moment, The Monster Machine stares at Marisol, the silence growing awkward before he breaks it by clearing his throat. That familiar raspy voice is calm, though a thread of steel is running through it.

Enigma:  Four championships, two of which will never be defended again and you believe my talents are being repressed?

His laughter is anything but amused.

Enigma:  I respect you, Marisol. Do not let this lead you to believe you’ve got free reign to run that famous mouth of yours. What you do not understand in this arrangement is that Summer has always needed me far more than I have ever needed her. Nothing has changed on that front – I would think that would be abundantly clear given the championship I claimed for myself at Relentless—all on my own. No help. No machinations. No need for any of that. I appreciate your concern. Truly. Even though it’s unfounded.

Marisol eyed him carefully as she soon spoke in a “concerned” tone.

Marisol Vilaró:  I believe you are being done a disservice by being at Summer’s beck and call. Summer always looks for those stronger, more talented, or more intelligent than her; look at how she used me to get a world title and then played the whole silent game while sucking up to others. It is what she does and will always do. Yel helped me see that just like I want to help you see. I saw what you did to Mosh, which was expected from my vantage point.

Enigma:  It’s a good story. I’ll give you that. But you are doing a lot of assuming where I’m concerned. From the moment my chains were broken, I became a willing monster. These hands…

He looks down, flexing his fingers.

Enigma:  They will rend and tear both friend and foe. They do not care about allegiances. About loyalties. This arrangement serves me more than you think. And the moment it does not, there is no need to worry, Miss Vilaro. You have already seen I can handle my own business.

Marisol maintained her gaze before looking down at her well-manicured nails but before looking up at the mountain of a man standing right before her. The Catalonian woman soon spoke again.

Marisol Vilaró:  I know you can handle your business; no one here is stupid enough to believe otherwise.

Marisol paused briefly as the gears in her head turned, and her voice rang out again.

Marisol Vilaró:  But as far as it being just a story, maybe now that is how you see it, and that is fine. But eventually, one day, you will see it for the truth and realize that Mari was right all along.

Enigma: It’ll be a cold day in hell when that comes to pass, for sure. Now, if you don’t mind–

Whatever he was going to say is cut off by the arrival of Summer Page.  Summer looks at Marisol, then looks over at Enigma, back at Marisol again, and back to Enigma.

“Spoiled” Summer Page: Is Mari trying to recruit you to her side, big guy?

Enigma:  Something like that. Not that she could afford my fee.

There’s something almost ominous in how he says it and how his gaze never wavers from Summer’s.

Marisol Vilaró:  I am just trying to warn him about how you tend to use your “friends,” but it seems he already has a general idea, and that is something you have to live with, just like you stole from me.

Summer smiles.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:  Typical Mari. You forget, girl, that  I was one of the very few that stood by you, and I know how you operate. Not that neither Enigma nor I owe you any kind of explanation, but he and I originally came together to form a business arrangement. Luckily, paying him what not only he asked but what he deserves wasn’t a problem for me. Fortunately for me, he has outperformed what he asked for, and I just hope the financial raises and perks are to his liking…

Summer quickly glances over at Enigma before turning her attention back to Marisol.

“Spoiled” Summer Page: This may just be wishful thinking on my part, but I hope what we have formed over the years is a bond that you can never understand, Mari. Because, unlike you and hell, I would say even like me that, Enigma is a good and honest man.

Marisol rolled her eyes at Summer’s statements as she spoke in a bitchy tone.

Marisol Vilaró:  A bond I can never understand? I believe he can speak for himself. Summer, that is the problem with you, you think you know how I conduct business? You have little idea; things have changed over the past year. Remember when you never answered your phone when I was trying to right the ship that you and Mosh broke?  Then you couldn’t have bothered to attend a simple business meeting I called, but I should have expected that. If it's not about you, it's a problem, and it’s always been that way.

“Spoiled” Summer Page: Never mind that when I just spoke of a bond between Enigma and I, it could just be wishful thinking on my part, but that would kill your narrative if you let the truth slow you down.

Summer shakes her head.

Marisol Vilaró:  My narrative, I speak from experience when dealing with you, what you’re like. It's not my fault; you want to force this whole “I am the victim” thing that Marisol is just mean and nasty and doesn’t care about anyone but herself; these statements are all wrong. Again, you’re the last one who gets to talk about narratives.

The big man takes in a slow breath, looking like the raised voices of the two women are giving him the worst headache.

Enigma:  While I appreciate your boldness, Miss Vilaro… and your concern for me, I think it’s time for you to go. Can you find your way out, or do I need to show you the way?

Marisol rolled her eyes; her face was red as she looked at them with a hint of fury.  Her voice got low and angry, as if the fire in her had burnt down to the core and then came back.

Marisol Vilaró:  Fine, have it your way. I was just offering you help, but you know what? Whatever, I hope you see the truth for yourself. E, break those chains.

Marisol storms off angrily, pushing past a staff member in her way, as her heels can be heard. The scene then fades to black, with Summer and Enigma looking at each other and then at the retreating figure.

JC:  And the plot between Vilaro and Page THICKENS!

DR:  Love her or hate her… hell, everyone hates her.  Anyway, you gotta admire her ability to stick to her own delusions that she makes up in her head.

JC:  Well, that’s one way to put it.

DR:  I’m in awe, really.

JC:  Keep it right here on Madness as Mosh and Parker team up to take on Copeland and Mears!

JC:  Back here on Monday Night Madness and these four men are set for battle so Damon, what you got for us?

DR:  Major, major championship implications can be had here tonight.  Mosh was on the brink of the Grand Slam when Elijah Copeland made sure it didn’t happen.  Mears and Parker?  They were competing for a contendership when they pinned each other.

JC:  I don’t think anything gets decided here tonight barring some kind of announcement from Thaddeus Duke, but I think tonights outcome could just aid the decision whatever it is.

Chris Mosh & Sean Parker
- vs -
Elijah Copeland & Kevin Mears

The bell rings and the match is underway. In one corner, Mosh and Parker talk some strategy, looking to be on the same page and after a brief conversation, nod to one another and fist bump and Mosh takes his place on the ring apron, indicating Parker will start things off. On the other side, it’s not as cordial as Copeland seems to have not even given Mears any say and makes it his intent to start the match too.

Parker and Copeland begin by trading blows and exchange some chain wrestling and reversals before Copeland gains the upper hand momentarily.  After a miscue, Parker tags out to Mosh who enters by unleashing a fury on Copeland, nearly getting himself disqualified more than once.

Now beginning to keep himself in check, Mosh tags out to Parker.  The two use quick tags and high impact offense to keep Copeland grounded for the time being.  More than once, Copeland has the opportunity to tag out to Kevin Mears but decides against it, at least momentarily enraging Mears.

For the time being, Copeland ignores Mears and continues his assault on Mosh before finally tagging out to Mears.  Mears takes his time getting in the ring, then misses an elbow drop as Mosh rolls out of the way and tags to Parker.  Mears immediately tags out to Copeland causing Charlotte to boo pretty hard.

Copeland re-enters and he and Parker go at it for several minutes before Copeland gains the advantage and secures a few near falls.  Copeland makes a mistake allowing Parker to tag out to Mosh as Copeland tags out to Mears.

Like their partners, Mosh and Mears go at it for several minutes with Mosh eventually gaining the upper hand and securing near falls for his team with Copeland breaking them up as he sees fit.

There comes a time when Mears makes the tag to Copeland.  Elijah resumes a vicious assault on Mosh and gains a near fall before Parker breaks it up.  The distraction allows Mears and Copeland to deliver a brutal double team assault on Mosh while Parker protests.  Parker eventually leaves the ring and Mears is the “legal” man.

Mears lands his finisher on Mosh and gets a near fall as Parker breaks it up.  On the outside, Copeland grabs a chair as Parker and Mears argue among themselves.  Parker retreats to the apron with Mears running his mouth.  Mosh recovers enough to lunge at Mears to drive him into the corner and tag Sean Parker.  Parker enters the ring as Mosh slowly retreats to the apron.

Parker and Mears are just about to lock horns when Copeland nails the recovering Mosh in the back with the chair causing the immediate disqualification.  He goes to hit him again but security rushes the ring to hold all four men apart.

WINNERS:  Chris Mosh & Sean Parker by DQ (17:53)

JC:  That was a hell of a match just completely ruined by Elijah Copeland!

DR:  There’s a part of me that wonders if that wasn’t by design, if that wasn’t planned from the start by Copeland and Mears!

JC:  You might have a point!  Kevin Mears did all he could to avoid tangling with Sean Parker!

DR:  And this thing between Chris Mosh and Copeland continues to heat up!

JC:  At some point, that things gonna have to come to a head!  STAY WITH US!

In the back, we see Hayley Fien, wearing her signature black lace top and leather pants along with her leather jacket. Her hair’s laid out as she has the X-Division Championship around her shoulder. She’s looking right at it and begins to speak.

Hayley Fien: Feels good to be champion again.

She smirks, knowing that she “won” the championship by taking it away from Jacki O’Lantern back a couple of weeks ago by attacking her.

Hayley Fien: I bet everyone’s upset about the fact that I did such a horrible thing when I came into this place a couple of weeks ago. I am so bad that I need a spanking.

She smirks.

Hayley Fien: Well, that’s only for my future husband ONLY!

She fixes herself along with the championship around her.

Hayley Fien: Anyways, it seems like Mr. Thaddeus wants yours truly to be a fighting champion and show my worth of being one. Has he seen what I’ve done in the past? I’ve WON championships that I defended with pride, and yet, he doesn’t think I’m a proper champion…

She rolls her eyes, obviously annoyed with this.

[color= #01A9DB]Hayley Fien[/color]: Because of this, I am in a Xtreme Rules match this week against Grimgor Ironhide and I must say that putting me in this match is one decision you’re going to regret!

She eyes the camera

Hayley Fien: If you heard of my supposed “toxic” reputation, I have a tendency to get violent in the ring. I have a tendency to destroy anyone that comes across me in this match. You can ask any opponents I faced off against. Hell, you can even ask Marisol Vilaro, who’s also here!

She rolls her eyes after saying that name again, obviously disgusted because they hate each other.

Hayley Fien: Bottom line is this, these types of matches are my forte. These types of matches I excel in and putting me in this was a mistake for my opponent!

Hayley takes one more look at her belt.

Hayley Fien: Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

She walks away to her match, thinking about what she said.

The cameras follow her for a brief moment before capturing Drake Hemingway on the other end of the hallway.  Drake is on his cellphone with somebody.

Drake:  Yes sir, I will………………..  That’s the end game?  To dominate every title division on Madness?

Drake smiles ever so briefly.

Drake:  Tonight?................  Consider it done.

JC:  Drake Hemingway seems to be getting instructions from somebody… but WHO?

DR:  Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.  I was just about to call Brody’s hotline at 1-900-999-9999!  I heard this week he has a real hot tip for us concerning those weirdos over at TRIAD!

JC:  Stop feeding him… anyway, Drake’s match is NEXT when we come back!

JC:  We’re back here on Madness and we’re ready to resume the action with Johnny Miami waiting in the ring!

RA:  His opponent!

RA:  From Salem, Massachusetts weighing 245 pounds…. DRRRRAKE!  HEMMMMMINGWAAYYYYY!

The lights go out. "Exciter" by Judas Priest plays from the loud speaker. Steam rises from the stage. Out walks Drake Hemingway. The spotlight shines on him as though he is an angel being given to us from the heavens, his aura tells a different story. He walks down to the ring. Drake walks up the steel steps, walks across the apron. He walks to the center of the ring as the lights come back on. He stands there stoically waiting for the match to start.

JC:  Drake hasn’t had the best of luck so far in his Madness run, but he hasn’t exactly had the easiest of opponents!

DR:  He got off the shnide recently though and notched his first victory in the win column.  What I know is that Drake Hemingway is extremely talented and while he was in a bit of a struggle, this match tonight seems like a prime opportunity to get on track and start stringing victories together.

JC:  I’m still curious as to just who he was talking to backstage.

DR:  Maybe Brody Goodman has the scoop!

JC:  Shut up.

Johnny Miami
- vs -
Drake Hemingway

Miami starts with reckless abandon as he tries to use his speed and quickness to outpace his larger more methodical opponent.  It does work in the early going but not for long as Drake turns the tide and starts using the brute force and power game on his overmatched foe.

After Johnny’s initial flurry of offense, it’s an absolute slaughter once the tide is turned.  High impact move after high impact move, slam after slam and suplex after suplex garners a near fall that Miami wasn’t smart enough to just stay down for.

Hemingway hits a savate kick and hangman’s neckbreaker before going for the kill with Mark of the Beast for the easy 1 2 3.

WINNER:  Drake Hemingway by pinfall (3:44)

JC:  Drake Hemingway with an easy victory tonight in Charlotte!

DR:  I’m tellin’ ya, Jacuinde!  This kid’s goin’ places sooner rather than later!

JC:  You could very well be…

Jacuinde’s commentary is cut off with static as the lights inside the Spectrum Center go out.

The X-Tron lights up and is accompanied by live shots of a darkened, rain soaked city.  Random figures appear from alleyways and briefly beneath street lights.  All of them seemingly headed in the same direction.  All of them wearing Guy Fawkes masks.

The live shots begin showing obvious landmarks.  The Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace.  Those figures, their destination is soon evident.

[Image: ICbOZbS.jpg]

[Image: t0KqLE0.png]

JC:  On November 5th!

DR:  Monday Night Madness is proud to bring you our very first ever Madness exclusive pay per view event!

JC:  From the 02 Arena in London, Madness will present Remember, Remember, the 5th of November!

DR:  The momentum this brand has is just unmatched, Jacuinde!

JC:  From the brink of extinction, to Relentless, to London for our first pay per view, Damon, I can hardly wait!

DR:  We all are!

JC:  Madness rolls on after this!

The cameras cut back inside the locker of  Marisol Vilaró, and the fans greet her with boos as she’s dressed in her wrestling gear, looking ready for the main event. It is an orange and black Vilarowear combo of blue workout-style shorts and a blue top with her hair in a ponytail, and she has her iPhone in her hand.  Flanking her is Cyrus Braddock, who stands not too far from her; after all, she is XWF Madness’s public enemy number one. Her loud, angry voice can be heard, likely amplified by what happened earlier with her former client, friend Summer Page, and Enigma. 

Marisol Vilaró:  Look, you saw what happened, the disrespect? Was it uncalled for? Right, like that bitch can have any nerve to say that to me?! I made sure she got opportunity after opportunity. She wouldn’t have had a shot at that world title if it wasn’t for me, and she should be thankful for that! 

The voice on the other end continues as the Catalonian businesswoman rolls her eyes. She soon speaks loudly.

Marisol Vilaró: You’re damn right. I'm taking it; personally,  the bitch has stolen from me, and tonight she will feel a sting worse than any “heartbreak.” She will discover that my brain and Cyrus's power will be more than a match...

Soon, a knock could be heard as Cyrus gets to the door, and Marisol sees who it is; she smiles brightly as if she expected this person. She soon spoke to the person on the phone quickly.

Marisol Vilaró: I am going to call you back.

She then ends the call as she motions for Cyrus to let in the person, and soon coming into view is a petite Canadian blonde in a pink plaid mini skirt, a matching color top from Gucci, and matching Dior high heel pumps; she has a big smile as she and Marisol embraced, the woman is none other than Nessa Wall.

Nessa Wall:  Mari, I am sorry I’m late; it's just that traffic in this place is obnoxious. I live in Toronto, but I forget how bad it is here. I never look forward to being in New York; too many sycophants and fakes call this place home for my liking. But as I said, I will always be there for you.

Marisol beamed proudly as she and Nessa ended their embrace. Marisol soon spoke in her loud, naturally obnoxious tone.

Marisol Vilaró: I am so happy you’re here. I can’t believe Engima; you’d think he’d see it as much as he says that Summer needs him more, and I believe him. Why would he continue with such a partnership? Then the gall to say  I couldn’t afford his fee? Has he not seen the growth of VilaroFitness?  The fact that I have the backing of the Niels Graham Foundation should tell him otherwise.

Nessa shook her head in annoyance as she placed her hand gently on the shoulder of her charge.

Nessa Wall: Mari, remember growth right now; he may not feel the time is now for any changes, but he understands what you mean. He isn’t stupid like Mosh or a parasite like Summer Page, so just focus on the match at hand for now. You will get through this; you have a monster here.

With her well-manicured finger, Nessa pointed at Cyrus as Marisol looked at him with pride; she then turned her attention back to her mentor, who soon spoke again.

Nessa Wall: Plus, I am now here, and just like in Reno, you have my brain and expertise. Enigma may be a force, but against what you have, it won’t be enough to save Summer after they lose this tag team match; he will begin to realize how right you were all along. Again, you are the future, and it's time for the future to be showcased.

Marisol nodded proudly, smiling at the words being said, especially the last part of the talk. As the Fitness Queen, she soon placed her hands on her hips and spoke proudly.

Marisol Vilaró: Once again, Ness, you’re so right, just that annoying the bitch stole from me! She then wants to act like she’s some sort of victim in this whole thing, like she didn’t start the entire thing. It’s gross, but you’re right. Cy is a monster, and they will find that out firsthand, and now that you’re here, it will be a real treat. I finally have some reliable people by my side.

Nessa Wall smiled as she said proudly.

Nessa Wall: Reliability is essential; there are too many flakes. You were right to cut the former tag team champions from your company; they didn’t deserve that honor or spot in the first place, and Madness belongs to those like us with the business sense to make it that way. That is something we have, so this brand belongs to us.

Marisol smiled as she shouted toward the towering man in the background.

Marisol Vilaró: Cy, can you be a dear Nessa? I have much to discuss here privately.

Soon, Cyrus moves toward the camera, getting them out of the locker room; as the scene fades to black, with the two ladies talking in the background, Marisol now has the legendary Nessa Wall to watch her back at ringside as well.

JC:  Nessa Wall has joined Vilaro’s entourage!

DR:  See?  This is exactly what I was talking about earlier!  This girl is steadily making moves, moving forward!  There’s a reason she’s must-see TV and few others can even measure up.

JC:  The Page and Vilaro plot continues to thicken here on Madness!

JC:  We’re back here LIVE on Madness and Damon, six weeks ago on this program, Hayley Fien debuted by attacking then-X-Division Champion Jacki O’Lantern backstage.

DR:  And four weeks ago a title match was scheduled but it’d never take place as right before match time, Jacki O’Lantern was found unconscious and as a result, Hayley Fien was awarded with the X-Division championship!

JC:  She might be the champion, but she never won it, Damon!

DR:  Whatever the case is, it doesn’t matter.  She’s the champion whether she earned it or not and tonight, she has a chance to legitimize it.

JC:  And she’ll have a stiff test as the giant… alleged super mutant… or whatever, I forget.  Anyway, he’s in the ring, he’s greenish and his name is Grimgor Ironhide.

RA:  And his opponent!

RA:  From Wildwood, New Jersey!  She is the X-Division Chanpionnn!  HAYLEYYYYY FIIIIIIIEN!

Never Dawn (instrumental) by Lacuna Coil kicks in as the fans boo at her. Out comes Hayley Fien as she’s looking down. She looks back up as soon as the heavy guitar part kicks and walks to the ring. Ignoring the fans boos, she blows past them. As the guys are trying to cat call her, she stops and mockingly blows kisses at them and says that she’s not in their league. Hayley rolls into the ring and stands in the middle of it. She eyes the crowd still booing at her.

XWF X-Division Championship
Hayley Fien ©
- vs -
Grimgor Ironhide
Xtreme Rules

Hayley took her time in the early going as she measured up her sizable opponent.  Grimgor is freakishly powerful and she knows it.  She uses speed and quickness to evade him for a time as she uses quick strikes and speed to keep the big man off balance.

Seizing an opportunity, she clips him behind the knee and he crumpled into a heap.  With her opponent nursing an injured knee, she introduces weapons.  Tables, chairs and kendo sticks are all strewn about the ring and ringside area.

The delay though, gave Grimgor time to recover and shake the pain from his knee.  While she was setting up a table, Ironhide muscles her up and slams her down through it for a near fall.  Grimgor would stay in control of the match for a few minutes with some timely devastating moves through, with, and on top of myriad weapons.

Grimgor would pick up another near fall but Hayley used a desperation tactic to turn the tide back in her favor as she nailed the green giant with a kendo stick in his nether regions.  The move stops him in his tracks, obviously.

Hayley fought back to her feet and nailed him relentlessly with repeated weapon shots culminating in a one-person con-chair-to.  With Hayley smelling victory, she locked him in a modified version of the Bitch Slayer.  Grimgor tried to power out several times but the pain was eventually too much for him.

WINNER:  and STILL X-Division Champion
Hayley Fien by submission (12:18)

DR:  Still the champion!

JC:  She tapped out that monster!

As Hayley celebrates in the ring with the booing crowd heavily booing her, a man in a hoodie jumps the rail and slides into the ring behind her.

JC:  Drake Hemingway!?

DR:  What’s he doin’ out here!?

As Hayley turns to make her exit, she turns right into a Savate kick that knocks her nearly unconscious.  Drake receives a mixed reaction from the Charlotte crowd as he lifts Hayley to her feet and plants her in the center of the ring with Mark of the Beast!

JC:  You’ve made your point!

DR:  Has he?  Because we don’t know why yet.

JC:  Well it’s clear as day that he was receiving marching orders on the phone earlier tonight!

DR:  I think you should just calm down, Jacuinde.  We don’t even know anything yet!

JC:  I don’t agree with how she obtained that title but sneak attacks on her doesn’t make it right!

DR:  It’s not your job to agree or disagree, Jacuinde!  Your job is to call the action and watch the chips fall wherever they may!

JC:  …

DR:  Send it to break.

JC:  Folks………. We’ll be right back.

Some pre recorded footage is shown of Myra Rivers holding the XWF World Heavyweight Championship on the couch of her living room.  She’s glancing at the match that she had at Relentless against Penelope and while she is watching herself win, her body language indicates that there just may be something bothering her.  She shuts off the television, reflects for a bit and then begins to express her thoughts.

Myra Rivers:  Throughout my entire XWF career… when you think of the names that I’ve faced along the way…

I’ve faced the likes of Lexi Gold.

I’ve faced the likes of Kieran King.

I’ve protected the championship that I hold today from the likes of Holden Ross, Sierra Silver and Elijah Copeland. There are some other significant names that I’ve gone up against during my time on Madness that I’ve beaten and through it all, there is no question in my mind that Penelope is the toughest opponent of all of them. That part didn’t surprise me. I expected her to be tough and I expected her to be my hardest opponent yet. When you consider that the match we had at Relentless was a match that was nowhere close to being up my alley, the odds seemed insurmountable, didn’t it?

I already knew going in that people were crowning Penelope before the match even started… or hell… before I even defended this title against Keiran King and it wasn’t even official that she’d be facing me at that point. Much of what I described… it doesn’t surprise me at all. Despite everything, I went into that match expecting to win and accomplish my goal of solidifying myself as the face of this brand and that’s exactly what I did. It may have been a surprise to most, but it wasn’t a surprise to me. Yet… there was ONE big surprise… well… to me at least…

Myra takes a pause as she thinks about some of the words that she said going into the match… particularly her words at Relentless. She doesn’t look like someone who is in any way proud of the attitude that she had going into it.

Myra Rivers: …I was both surprised… and dare I say… disappointed… in some of the words that I said going in. It’s not often, at least these days, for someone or something to trigger the worst in me and I fear that with what I said, some of that was triggered. I was making a bunch of references to having the odds against me and a bunch of references to how everyone expected Penelope to win and… I really know that I let myself down because that’s generally not me these days…

There was a time in my career where I used to worry so much about that sort of thing and there was a side of me from many years ago when I was lost to the darkness I once had in my heart where I would go to great lengths and do whatever it takes, even if it meant manipulating the rules, to get ahead at the expense of other people even if it meant breaking their spirits. But when I look back on that match, yes… I won… and I’m thrilled that I did. I’m thrilled that I accomplished my goal and yet I saw myself reach deep into that side of me that I locked away for good a few years ago and go to greater lengths than normal to keep this title. That match took a toll on me physically…

I’m not denying that.

But I have to acknowledge the fact that it took a toll on me psychologically…

And the psychological toll was just as much if not worse than the physical one…

I don’t know if it was the environment that I wrestled in… I don’t know if something about Penelope brought out the worst in me… but seeing my attitude going into that match and seeing how I was going about the match itself… it scared me. My daughter turns 10 next month. I’ve got to set a better example for her than that. What matters isn’t the opinions of other people, what matters is what you believe in and that’s literally the BIGGEST thing I learned 15 years ago that has defined my entire career and yet for one night, I completely forgot about that mantra.

I left Relentless with my mission accomplished… yet with that horrible, twisted feeling that Penelope isn’t in the rearview mirror yet. And if I know her the way I THINK I know her… then this whole situation with her is going to get worse before it gets better…

And I’ve got to do whatever I can do to be ready for whatever it is she’s planning…

For my own damn sake…

Myra holds onto the title and when she really looks into the reflection of herself that she’s able to see in the shine of the gold, there is some wonder in her eyes as to how, exactly, her recent Relentless experience affected her. From there, the scene fades.

JC:  The World Champion, Myra Rivers!

DR:  She can just keep that belt warm because she’s right.  Penelope isn’t done with her yet and Penelope has reached a height that Myra Rivers only wishes she could reach!

JC:  Oh praytell what height is that?

DR:  Her and Sahara are both Icon Status and I can’t begin to tell you what separates people like them and people like Myra Rivers.  It’s not something you can quantify.

JC:  You really are ridiculous, you know that?  Okay I get that maybe she’s not your particular cup of tea Damon, but that woman has carried Madness on her back for over a year!  She has held that title for nine months and and top of all of that, she’s unbeaten here on Madness!  Yet you really have the audacity to sit there and say she’s not worthy?

DR:  I never said she wasn’t worthy, Jacuinde!  You’re putting words in my mouth!  What I said was quite simply that Sahara and Penelope have reached icon status and Myra strives to be where they are.

JC:  She beat Penelope!  She did that while Sahara was trying to interfere!

DR:  And she damn near wilted beneath the pressure, Jacuinde!  If Penelope isn’t done with her yet, what is it you think is gonna happen?  Do you think she’s gonna play the same tune?  Nahhh man!  She’s gonna change it up and turn up the heat.  She’ll boil Myra Rivers like a hard boiled egg and watch her shell split open just to see what’s inside!

JC:  You are a sick man!

DR:  I’m speaking figuratively, you idiot!

JC:  We’ll be right back.

JC:  We’re back here on Madness and Brody Goodman is standing by backstage.  Brody, what’ve you got for us?

The screen flips to Goodman backstage and the wanna be televangelist complete with his exaggerated Georgia accent, joins us.

”Beatiful” Brody Goodman:  Jacuinde, Damon, I’m standing by right now outside the office of General Manager Thaddeus Duke.  Now, y’all know Beautiful Brody Goodman likes to get those inside scoops amirite?  But I normally don’t bug him…

DR:  Why not?

BBG:  Simple, Mr. Riggs.  He can fire me.

JC:  Well he still can so what makes this time different?

BBG:  I’m sorry, you’re breaking up.

Brody knocks on the door before entering.  Thaddeus is leaned back in his
Office chair staring intently at a television screen on his desk.

Thanks for stopping by Brody, Thad greeted him.

JC:  Of course he was invited.  That makes sense now.

BBG:  Anything for Madness, boss man, you know how I do.

What do you think of next Madness you and I take a little trip?

BBG:  …to where?  Leo always said you were generous, maaann.

It’s not a pleasure trip… well… it kind of is.

Thad nods toward his TV screen.  ZION wrestling is airing and Ricky Rodriguez is cutting a damning promo on ZION while sitting in their ring.

BBG:  Boss, they’re a competitor.

I don’t really think of them as competition, Thad says to him.  Same night, same time but I don’t make the mistake of not utilizing a talent as good as Ricky Rodriguez is.

BBG:  I think I’m pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down my man!  What do we do when we get there?

Well first we free him from that prison known as ZION and you interview him live on Madness… right in front of their venue.

BBG:  God damn Boss… You really got your finger on the nuclear codes.  Wait did he just mention XWF on ZION?


BBG:  How long you been workin’ this angle?

I spent about five minutes on it.

BBG:  I like the way your mind works.

Yeah… they prolly don’t.

JC:  Thad and Brody are headed to ZION!?


JC:  We’re back here on Madness and Damon, it’s been a hell of a night with the main event still to come.

DR:  Madness is slowly proving that it’s the place where hard workers want to be and the proof is in what we saw just before the break!

JC:  Well we’ll see what happens there in two weeks on Madness, but Damon, we’re just four weeks away from Remember, Remember the 5th of November and tonights main event will have some serious pay per view implications!

DR:  It certainly will as Marisol Vilaro teams with her assassin Cyrus Braddock to take on Summer Page and the new United States champion, Enigma!

JC:  In case you’ve been living under a rock, for three months Marisol Vilaro led her friend Summer Page down a twisting and turning path of finding out just who was behind the attack on Page back in May.

DR:  But as it turns out, it was Marisol Vilaro herself that masterminded the whole thing and those two are now set on a collision course!

RA:  The following tag team contest is set for one fall!

RA:    Introducing first!  With a total combined weight of 435 pounds… the team of Cyrus Braddock and MARISOLLLL VILLLARROOO!

JC:  These two have formed quite the formidable tandem since Cyris Braddock’s debut!

DR:  Big Cy is a man among men, loyal to a fault and he does whatever Marisol tells him too!  Not a bad guy to have watching your back!

RA:  Their opponents!

[lime]RA:  With a total combined weight of 395 pounds!  The team of Summer Page and the new United States champion…. EEEEEENIGMAAAA!

JC:  Damon, this is the most evenly matched mixed tag team bout I have ever seen!

DR:  It is, but what happens if Cy is in there with Summer Page?  Or Enigma with Marisol!?

JC:  This will be the first time in a sanctioned contest that Summer Page and Marisol Vilaro will be face to face and I can’t wait!

Summer Page & Enigma
- vs -
Marisol Vilaro & Cyrus Braddock

The main event is about to start and the fans roar in anticipation. On one side of the ring stands the newly-crowned XWF United States Champion, ENIGMA along with Summer Page. She has a fiery look on her eyes as she stares across the ring at Vilaro who stands cockily behind the ominous towering behemoth that is Cy Braddock. The two big bulls of either team haven’t stopped staring at each other either, the atmosphere palpable. Summer stands in front of the US Champion, patting him reassuringly on the arm, motioning that she’s got this and points at Mari, beckoning her to come forward. The two big men, still staring daggers at one another, step back through the ropes and onto the apron.

Summer, agile and quick, circles Mari warily. The two former friends come together with a traditional collar-and-elbow tie-up, jostling for superiority. Having the slight weight and height advantage, Mari initially has the advantage, raising her arms and shoulders up to leverage her strength and push Summer back. She grabs Summer by the hair at the back of her head, yanking it back as the referee admonishes her. Summer instinctively yelps out with the sudden discomfort of having her hair pulled and Mari uses this opportunity to push her back into their corner. Mari breaks the tie-up and lunges forward, attempting a corner clothesline, but Summer ducks and retaliates with a lightning-quick dropkick. The crowd erupts in cheers as Mari staggers back into her own corner, looking shocked, almost to the point of appearing offended, her mouth agape as she checks her lip for any blood. She tags in Cy who steps effortlessly over the top rope and walks ominously towards Summer.

On the other side of the ring, ENIGMA's massive frame seethes with anticipation, eager to step into the fray. He holds out his hand, beckoning for Summer to make the tag but she ignores it. She looks Cy up and down, deciding on her next move. She hesitates for a moment, aware of the enormous challenge ahead, but she steels herself and goes for a flurry of strikes.

Cy brushes off her blows with disdain, displaying his raw power as he effortlessly counters and grabs her by the head and throws her across the ring like she was an empty bag of chips. Summer writhes in pain, struggling to rise, but Cy is unrelenting. As Summer gingerly gets back to her feet, Cy almost takes her head off with a big boot that flattens her. Mari applauds in the corner and reaches over, tagging herself in, reveling in the chance to inflict more pain. She mercilessly pummels Summer, seizing the moment to teach her a brutal lesson. The crowd's boos intensify. Mari pulls Summer to her feet, raking her eyes before taking her down with a snap suplex. She goes for a cover and the referee drops to the mat to make the count:



But Summer valiantly kicks out, still looking very dazed from Braddock’s boot as well as the subsequent punishment from Mari.Summer's resilience starts to impress the crowd, their cheers growing louder in support of her. She fights to regain her bearings, using the ropes to pull herself up. Her face is etched with determination, refusing to give up easily. Mari, infuriated, drags her back up, taunting and demeaning her with words only adding fuel to Summer's fire.

With a burst of adrenaline, Summer manages to create some distance, landing a few quick strikes on Mari. However, her cunning nature shines through as she catches one of Summer's strikes, transitioning it into a cross armbreaker. Summer grimaces in pain, desperately trying to reach the ropes for a break. But before Summer can get too far, Mari transitions her hold, showing her athleticism by pulling her back to her feet again, still gripping Summer’s arm and hitting her with a hammerlock DDT.  Summer, fueled by sheer willpower, counters with a sudden small package pin out of nowhere.



The crowd holds its breath, the anticipation palpable.

Thre— no! Mari kicks out just in time, breaking free from the pin. As Summer gets back to her feet, she tries to get to her own corner to make the tag to ENIGMA whose hand is outstretched from his position on the ring apron. Just as Summer is about to make the tag, Mari cuts her off, taking her out with a chop block followed swiftly by an enziguri to the temple. Mari grabs Summer and goes for a swinging neckbreaker but Summer perseveres and rolls through it, countering it into a beautiful snap German suplex, planting Mari on the back of her head and neck. Summer turns around and launches herself towards her corner, making the tag to ENIGMA as Mari also makes the tag, bringing Braddock into the ring. The two behemoths stare at each other, face-to-face in the center of the ring before they explode into one another with hellacious lefts and rights. Neither man gives an inch as the crowd goes crazy for the titanic tussle before them. Massive fists swing, and thunderous blows connect. ENIGMA clatters Cy with clubbing overhand punches but Braddock, surging with adrenaline, absorbs them and tees off on the US Champion with bombing haymakers.

Neither man gives an inch, their wills clashing with the force of a raging storm. When it’s evident nothing will separate them, Braddock points to the ropes and motions for ENIGMA to give him his hardest. The big man doesn’t need a second invitation and uses the ropes for momentum, running off them and collides with Braddock with a big-time lariat but the mammoth enforcer barely moves, his eyes widening with a sick smile crossing his face. ENIGMA then reciprocates, telling Braddock to do the same. The giant launches off the ropes, throwing himself into ENIGMA with every ounce of strength he has but, same as before, he barely moves, shaking his head emphatically.

Braddock and ENIGMA lock eyes again, almost as if sensing a small semblance of respect for each other’s strength. Both men then have the same offer, running off the opposite sets of ropes and back towards each other.  With a mighty roar, they simultaneously charge towards each other, an explosion of power that shakes the very foundation of the ring. Arms outstretched, they slam into each other with a force that resonates through the arena with a thunderous double clothesline attempt.  Again, neither man falls. The crowd is in utter disbelief, struggling to comprehend the sheer resilience on display. Braddock and ENIGMA stand in a stalemate, their faces etched with determination when suddenly Braddock rakes ENIGMA’s eyes, immobilizing him temporarily as he digs a massive boot into his midsection, forcing his head down. Braddock brings a hard elbow down on the champion’s neck before showing incredible strength to lift him and drive him into the mat with a sidewalk slam. On the ring apron, Mari is actually begging for a tag and Cy looks at the prone ENIGMA and back to Mari before tagging her in. She climbs to the top rope and motions Braddock back over to her and he Gorilla Presses her above his head, launching her into the air and she lands onto ENIGMA with a frog splash. She makes the cover as the referee counts



But ENIGMA emphatically kicks out, to the point Mari is actually lofted into the air for a moment. ENIGMA gets back to his feet and Mari runs towards him as he is still on one knee. She cracks the big man with a shining wizard, hitting him in the side of the head and he wobbles slightly but more so because of his positioning rather than the impact of the move. She takes another shot at ENIGMA, at closer range this time and this time, the champion actually goes down. Mari lands a series of elbow drops onto his sternum before cockily going into a series of push-ups next to him. However her face drops when ENIGMA sits up, his face like thunder. Mari offers a sheepish smile as she creeps back, holding her hands in innocence. Before anything else, ENIGMA holds his hand out behind him and tags in Summer who races across the ring, taking down Mari with a vicious spear. She peppers her face with an equally-vicious flurry of punches before sprinting up to the nearest turnbuckle and launches herself off the top rope, connecting with a beautiful BME (Best Moonsault Ever). She floats into a cover seamlessly and the referee counts:



But Braddock storms in, grabbing Summer and launching her out of the ring to break up the pin. This brings ENIGMA into the fray and he bulldozes across the ring at full speed, hitting Braddock with a running body block that sends him crashing between the middle and top ropes and out to the floor as well. Summer has now managed to make her back into the ring and Mari cuts her off with a seated dropkick to the face. The referee is torn between trying to focus on the action in the ring and controlling the chaos on the outside. ENIGMA has followed Braddock out to the floor and throws Braddock into the barricade. He grabs him up to his feet and showcases his impressive strength by taking Braddock on the unforgiving floor with a T-Bone suplex. Back in the ring, Mari has Summer in one of the corners and sets her up for the Vilaró Experience but the finishing elbow hits nothing but the top turnbuckle pad as Summer wisely rolls out of harm’s way. Taking advantage of the opening, Summer nails Mari under the chin with the Total Knockout superkick, whipping her head back and she hooks her up into the Pure Perfection, bridging perfectly into a pin. However the referee is nowhere to be seen for the count as Braddock and ENIGMA’s brawl has made its way back into the ring, both men almost falling into the women as the count is interrupted.

The referee is starting to lose control as he tries to figure out what’s going on. Braddock grabs ENIGMA around the throat for a chokeslam but the champion shakes his hand off and staggers the bigger man with a massive headbutt right between the eyes. ENIGMA spears Braddock and the two continue their brawl, pounding the living shit out of each other with ferocious punches. On the other side of the ring, it’s a similar situation with Summer and Mari. Summer is in an MMA-style full mount on top of Mari, laying into her with punches, slaps and forearms before grabbing her by the head and slamming it off the mat with unyielding aggression. Eventually the referee has no choice but to call for the bell, signaling for a double disqualification

WINNERS:  Double DQ (21:42)

JC:  This match devolved into an all out war!

DR:  Those two big ol’ goons won’t stop hitting each other as they’ve brawled their way to the aisle!

JC:  And Page has ripped a handful of Vilaro’s hair from her scalp!


JC:  What?  Wait!?  Was that…?

DR:  Yeah, it was Thad.

In the ring, the girls continue to fight as in the aisle way, Cy Braddock drives Enigma into the fan barricade just as Thad emerges from backstage.

I said ENOUGH!

Braddock stops immediately allowing Enigma to get one more lick in.  In the ring, the girls want to keep fighting, but are held apart by a couple of officials.

Okay so this didn’t go exactly as I had planned, so here’s what we’re gonna do.  You two… he points to Cy and Enigma.  Next Madness you two will go one on one and Enigma, you’ll be defending that title you got.

Summer?  Mari?  I’m making it official right now that on the 5th of November, LIVE from the O2 Arena in London on pay per view, it will be one on one, it will be Summer Page taking on Marisol Vilaro.

But before you two start bitching or celebrating that announcement, whichever it’ll be… You know I will not be in Dallas for Madness as I have another matter I have to tend to, but I have a great set of eyes and ears sitting right at ringside in the form of Damon Riggs.  So in Dallas if the two of you so much as lay a finger on each other, I’m suspending both of you indefinitely.

JC:  Narc.

DR:  What!?  I didn’t have anything to do with it!

God damn guys, get a grip!

Thad makes a quick exit back through the curtain.

JC:  Thaddeus Duke came and laid down the law!

DR:  Two huge matches are set!  One for Madness and one for the 5th of November!

JC:  On Madness in Dallas, Enigma defends the United States title against Cyrus Braddock!

DR:  And Summer Page will finally get her one on one opportunity against Marisol Vilaro on the 5th of November!  Thanks for joining us, we gotta go!

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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