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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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The Post-March Madness Media Scrum!
Author Message
Adam Anteum

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-19-2023, 02:22 PM

Good evening, XWF! My name is Adam Anteum and I would like to cordially invite you to the Post-March Madness media scrum! A press conference hosted by yours truly instead of that fossil Steve Sayors and a place for the competitors of the evening to answer a few questions from the media about their plans, thought processes and, if we’re lucky, a few of their competitors as well! Of course, the legal team has required me to inform you that no physical altercations are to be permitted at the press conference following the event, but they can’t stop me from telling you that we’d all love to see some violence! So sit tight and enjoy the pay-per-view! I’ll be in touch!

Ooc: Hey! This is a concept I’ve been wanting to try out a bit and I’m finally going forward with it. The plan for this first scrum is to have some of the wrestlers performing at March Madness appear and basically have a show thread full of essentially a collection of segments. I’ll provide a series of personalized questions for your character to answer and react to and we can start from there, including anything from outbursts to encounters with other talent if they’re interested in exchanging a few words or fists. Because we’ll have to wait for the show results to be posted prior, I’ll try and get any questions to you well in advance. If you’re interested or have any questions for me, please feel free to PM me on here and I’ll do whatever I can to help clear things up! Also, if you have a suggested question for another character, hit me up about it and I'll run it past them to see if they'd like to answer. Thanks for your time and I hope I can make this a concept worth revisiting!

Concept summary for clarification's sake:
-It will be ideally posted the day following the March Madness results being posted.
-The "show" will be a collection of interview/promo segments in front of the press to let you sell feuds, stories, and rivalries.
-I'll be providing the questions for you character to answer, although I'm fully supportive of you offering your own questions for the interviews.
-If you have any other ideas for what you'd like to do/how to handle something, just let me know. I'll be as hands on or off as you'd prefer!

Confirmed participants:
1. (Anonymous Guest)
2. Cadryn & Gravy
3. Dolly Waters
4. Noah Jackson
5. Ned Kaye
6. Dionysus
[-] The following 3 users Like Adam Anteum's post:
Dolly Waters (03-19-2023), T.H.U.G.S (03-19-2023), Theo Pryce (03-19-2023)
Dionysus Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-19-2023, 09:40 PM

Sure, I’m down.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Dionysus's post:
Prince Adeyemi Offline
The Lonely King
TITLE - Universal Champion

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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

03-20-2023, 02:05 AM

If I win the match, I'd love to get something started with Dolly as the no.1 contender!

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Vagabond Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

03-20-2023, 07:04 PM

I'm down if you need one (technically two) more. Vagabond and Wrekker.
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