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XWF Presents: War Games 2022
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-31-2022, 05:55 PM




Jenny Myst
Raion Kido
Elijah Martin
Angie Vaughn

- vs -

Ned Kaye
Jason Cashe
Mac Bane
Ring Master

Latina Submission Machina
Unknown Soldier
Tommy Wish-o

- vs -

Money Oswald
Bobby Bourbon
Marf Chris Page
Cholo Dick Powers

Game Girl
Hanari Carnes

- vs -

Peter Vaughn
Dolly Waters
Savannah Knightly Thaddeus Duke

Survivors From Match 1

- vs -

Survivors From Match 2

- vs -

Survivors From Match 3

HHL: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Saint Jakob Park in Bern, Switzerland. I am your host joined as always by the best color man in the business Pip Collins.

PC: I am the best aren't I Heather?

HHL: That's just what they pay me to say Pippy.

PC: Wait!?! What?

HHL: Hang on a second I'm getting word that we are going backstage.

As the scene fades to the backstage arena, we find Lexi Gold walking around the hallway clearly on a mission. She is decked out in an all leather outfit which consists of leather pants, a laced up corset, and thigh high boots. Judging by her facial expression, she does not seem too happy, replacing that emotion with a serious look to her. Her pace is rather fast, determined to find something or rather someone. Finally, she turns a corner and a smile forms on her face, the searching is over.

Jenny was in a corner holding Artie and talking to Goldi, who was placed on a chair across from her. Something about how Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the best non-fruity cereal and she wouldn’t hear any more nonsense otherwise!

Lexi marches towards her, then the two meet up eye to eye. Lexi fuming over what happened on Madness, a couple of weeks back, where she caused Lexi to lose a match due to a distraction. She looked her up and down with a pissed off look on her face.

Lexi Gold: Did you not expect me to show up here when I clearly said I would? Unlike some people, I don't run away from my problems. I confront them and you and me? We got a big problem on our hands.

Jenny looks up at her and smiles.

JENNY: LEXX!!! OHH EMMM GEEE! You made it! Have you met Gol–actually I think she’s changing her name. And Artie, too. I’m sure ya’ll have met! And you’re right, we DO have a big problem on our hands. They RAN. OUT. OF. CAPRI. SUN. Someone needs to talk to HR about this, STAT!

Lexi chuckles, not impressed by her humor in the slightest, as she gazed at her belt, then back at her.

Lexi Gold: That's the least of your problems. Let's talk about real ones, shall we? The first one is obvious. You showed up on the last Madness show, played your mind games with your meat clown and caused me to lose the match. If you wanted to confront me face to face, you should have done that, but instead you continue to duck me and my challenge I issued. Secondly, the only reason why you chose Elijah Martin on your team is to get under my skin. While we may not be romantically linked together anymore, I still care for him, and I want him to succeed. I also know how you operate around here, so trusting you is something I learned not to do.

JENNY: All this talking, still no Capri Suns. Look, Lex….I drafted Elijah because he’s talented. Yea? I drafted him cuz he takes no prisoners, that mean streak he has in him. It’s refreshing. Sure, I don’t play well with others, that’s a known fact, but to win this game, you need to get along with your team. No gum in the hair. No stealing crayons and hiding them. You need to be a cohesive unit. I wanna win this thing just as badly as anyone else. You know how much I adore games. So don’t worry, your little heartbreak will be just fine.

As for Madness, I think it was clear. Clear that you’re pretty dense. Clear that behind those blue eyes is an open abyss. That WAS my answer, dum-dum. You want me? You’re welcome to lose to me anytime, anywhere.

Lexi Gold: So what you're saying is that you are finally accepting my challenge?

Jenny closes her eyes, letting out an exhale. She squeezes Artie. She picks up Gold—er—Soon to be named differently–and put her over her shoulder. She opens her eyes back up and her demeanor has changed completely. Her eyes narrow into slits.

Jenny: That is exactly what I am saying, you insolent trouser stain. I played a game in madness, and cost you a win. If that doesn’t scream “hey, I’d like to have a chance to kick your ass a second time and this is my way of telling you” then you must be as deaf as you are dumb.

She gets nose to nose with Lexi.

Jenny: Anytime, anywhere. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a war to win.

Lexi smirks and rubs her hands together.

Lexi Gold: Absolutely. Anytime, anywhere, so enjoy your quality fun time with your meat clowns, or whatever, because when we face off, it ends and this time I will be walking away as your winner. As far as tonight is concerned, I'll be keeping a close eye on your match, and do my homework on you, so I can pick apart all your weaknesses. One by one. Good luck…

She curls a lip before it flips to a smile. She pats the belt then walks past, leaving Lexi standing there.

"The In-Between" by In This Moment begins to play as Jenny Myst proudly wearing her Goldi around her waist. Following her out from behind the curtain are Elijah Martin, Angie Vaughn and last but certainly not least the NEW XWF Universal Champion Raion Kido. The team makes their way down to the ring with all members of the team ascending the stairs and climbing through the ropes of the first ring and standing in it's center while the music dies down.

The crowd erupts in cheers as "Burning Bright" by Nine Inch Nails hits the airwaves. The first two out from the back are Mac Bane and Ring Master which tempers the crowds reaction a bit only to see it rise again as Ned Kaye and Jason Cashe, two - thirds of The Trilogy appear from behind the curtain. Liek the team that entered before them they squad of four walk down to the aisle and climb into the ring. The teams take up two opposing corners and wait for the ref to call for the bell.

HHL: So for those who don't remember the ref will signal for the bell at which point one member from each team will meet in the center of the ring. Doesn't matter who it is, it will just be one member from each team. Then a two minute timer will start at the end of which someone new will enter the ring and the entrants will alternate based on who enters first. We won't know the order until the first two minute timer expires. You get all that Pip?

PC: Not really but I'll figure it out.

Jenny Myst
Raion Kido
Elijah Martin
Angie Vaughn

- vs -

Ned Kaye
Jason Cashe
Mac Bane
Ring Master

HHL: Well here we go with the team of the Meat Clowns going up against the Notorious Alliance.

PC: Looks like Angie Vaughn is starting off for the Meat Clowns and Jason Cashe will represent the Notorious Alliance.

HHL: What a great way to start off War Games! This one has all the makings of a true war.

PC: Isn’t that…why we call in War Games?

HHL: …shut up…

The referee calls for the bell as Vaughn and Cashe step towards one another. They eye one another up and then lock up in the middle of the ring. Cashe slowly begins to force Vaughn backwards until they’re into the corner. The referee separates them and Cashe shoves Vaughn while backing off. The fans boo while Vaughn looks surprised. She comes out of the corner and they lock up again. As they wind up in the corner again, Vaughn slips under and as Cashe turns he is struck with a slap to the face that ignites the crowd.


Furious, Cashe lunges forward with a violent clothesline attempt but Vaughn dodges under and as soon as Cashe turns around he eats a beautiful standing drop kick for his troubles. Cashe rolls over and then under the ropes and into the other ring before getting to his feet in frustration. Vaughn runs and hops onto the middle turnbuckle and then dives over the ropes into the other ring. She lands on Cashe looking for a swinging DDT but Cashe manages to use her momentum against her and counters into a thunderous spine buster. He hooks a leg as the referee scrambles for the count.



Kick out by Vaughn!

HHL: What an impressive counter from Jason Cashe there!

PC: He needs to keep Angie grounded to control her speed here.

HHL: That’ll be easier said than done once those two rings are filled with eight different bodies vying for the win.

PC: Yeah I know that, I was just saying!

HHL: …shut up…

Cashe gets back up and motions for Angie to bring it while she rolls to the ropes and pulls herself up. The fans begin to countdown from ten with the timer for the next entrant. Cashe stops and looks over before focusing back on Vaughn. He walks over to her and throws a stiff kick but she manages to grab his leg, step over it and then connect with a spinning heel kick. They both drop to the mat and roll away from one another. Vaughn steps through the ropes and enters the other ring again while Cashe keeps an eye on her while the time runs out.




The Notorious Alliance: Mac Bane

The buzzer blasts through the arena to signal our next entrant. The enemy by Godsmack hits and Mac Bane begins to make his way out. Vaughn shoulders slump for a moment as she sighs and readies herself. Cashe looks over and nods as he spots Mac Bane heading to the two rings.

Cashe walks over and leans on the ropes between the two rings and stares down Vaughn while she sizes up the two men.

HHL: This does not bode well for Angie, out numbered early on!

PC: Should be interesting to see if she can hold on for the next two minutes and get a partner.

HHL: Easier said then done with Mac Bane and Jason Cashe. Big opportunity for them to give their team the early lead.

PC: Two brutes against a strong, independent woman…I’m sure our sponsors just love that…

Mac Bane slides into the same ring as Vaughn but she keeps him grounded with a low drop kick. She gets up and just barely dodges a running clothesline from Cashe as he enters the ring too. She jumps up and surprises him with a snap neck breaker to take him down. Vaughn pops up and turns around right into a belly to belly suplex from Bane. He gets up and grabs Vaughn. He sets her up for a powerbomb and yells at Cashe to assist. As Bane hauls her up, she slips behind him into a roll up. She barely gets a one count before Cashe drills her in the back with a nasty kick.

Cashe pulls Vaughn back to her feet and lifts her into a standing suplex. Cashe shows off his strength by slowly walking around the ring with her hoisted in the air. Cashe yells something at Mac Bane before turning and dropping Vaughn forward. She hits the ropes and Cashe lifts her back up and spins before dropping forwards again. She lands stomach first across Mac Bane and he quickly spins and drops her with a stunning power slam. The fans pop in appreciation of the unique combination of moves. Bane hooks both legs for the cover.



Kick out by Vaughn!

HHL: Close call for the Meat Clowns there!

PC: What a combo from Cashe and Bane!

HHL: Meat Clowns were almost down a body already!


PC: Will you stop saying their name!? I don’t know what’s worse, the name or the graphics for them. Probably the graphics…the person who made that must be a real twisted individual!

Mac Bane gets back up and signals to Cashe for another double team. Bane grabs hold of Vaughn’s feet and sets her up for a catapult while Cashe sits on the top turnbuckle and waits. Mac Bane drops and catapults Vaughn up towards Cashe. He jumps off the the turnbuckle but Vaughn manages to contort her body in mid air and nails Cashe with a flying forearm instead in mid air. Cashe drops to the mat with Vaughn as the crowd pops at the crazy counter. Vaughn looks to cover Cashe but then moves as Mac Bane goes to drop an elbow onto her. Vaughn rolls out of the way and slides into the other ring as the crowd counts down once again.




The Meat Clowns: Elijah Martin

The buzzer sounds and Blueprint 2 by Jay Z hits. Elijah Martin makes his way out and points directly at Cashe and Mac Bane. Martin sprints down to the ring and slides under the ropes as Cashe and Bane are waiting on him. They both begin to stomp on Martin before he can get back to his feet. Angie Vaughn suddenly springboards from the ropes and tackles Cashe to the mat. Bane turns to grab her which allows Martin to pop up to his feet. He grabs Bane from behind and takes him down with a belly to back suplex.

HHL: Elijah Martin evens things up here!

PC: Cashe and Mac Bane need to regroup!

Vaughn and Cashe are both back to their feet. Angie goes for a running clothesline so Cashe ducks under and walks right into a T-bone suplex from Martin. Vaughn gets Martin’s attention and he nods. She runs to him and he gives her a boost into a step up moonsault on to Cashe. Mac Bane recovers and starts climbing to the top rope. Vaughn looks over at him and Martin follows her gaze. Martin runs over as Bane gets to the top. Martin looks for a top rope belly to belly but Bane knees him in the balls and simply tosses Martin off the top rope and to the floor while the crowd cries out in horror.


Martin falls awkwardly before smashing into the edge of the crowd barrier. Martin is in a heap on the floor and not moving while Bane stands on the top rope admiring his work. Vaughn runs over and knocks his legs causing Bane to fall, hit the ropes and fall into the other ring. Vaughn looks at him and is about to attempt a springboard when she notices Cashe running up behind her. Vaughn spins and grabs the rope as she drops. Cashe misses her and tumbles over the lowered ropes and into the other ring with Bane. Vaughn gets back to her feet as the crowd begins another countdown.

HHL: What a horrible fall Elijah Martin took, he may need medical attention! Vaughn is all alone for now…

PC: That was a career threatening type of fall…no way he gets back into this match, he very well may miss time because of this…

HHL: Very scary landing…




The buzzer sounds and Burning Bright by Nine Inch Nails hits. Ned Kaye makes his way out now as Angie Vaughn shakes her head in disbelief.

The Notorious Alliance: Ned Kaye

HHL: Oh what a bad turn of events for Angie Vaughn here!

PC: That’s two thirds of trilogy and Mac Bane against her…the odds are definitely not in her favor.

HHL: At this rate the entire Notorious team might be out before anyone else is here to help Angie!

PC: Elijah Martin still hasn’t moved from that nasty fall, time for three men against one woman…I smell another me too movement in the works…

HHL: …shut up…

Ned Kaye closes in on the ring Vaughn is in while pointing to Bane and Cashe. He’s too busy shouting instructions so Vaughn suddenly runs and dives over the ropes and comes crashing down onto Kaye, taking him out on the floor. Cashe goes for a baseball slide but Vaughn moves out of the way. She kicks him in the knee and then hits a snap DDT on the floor. The fans rally behind her as she pops back up and climbs onto the apron. She goes to enter the ring but Mac Bane grabs her and drapes her over the middle rope before dropping her with a DDT of his own. He hooks a leg to finish her off.



THR…NO!!! Kick out by Vaughn!

Mac Bane slams his hands on the mat in frustration before getting back up. He drags Vaughn back to her feet and goes for a suplex. Vaughn somehow manages to slip behind him instead. Bane spins and looks for a short discus clothesline but Vaughn counters it into a jump swinging DDT from out of nowhere. The fans pop again at her will to survive. Ned Kaye slides into the ring as she starts pulling herself back up. No sooner is Vaughn back on her feet Kaye levels her with a nasty step up enziguri. Vaughn drops to the mat and Kaye makes the cover.



3..NO!!! Vaughn narrowly gets a shoulder up in time to break the count!


HHL: Angie somehow survives!!

PC: Yeah but how much gas does she have left in the tank here?

HHL: If she eats another big move before another partner arrives that could be the end of Angie Vaughn’s night.

PC: It is stunning that she hasn’t given up yet, her will is unreal!

Ned Kaye stands up as Cashe finally gets back into the ring. Kaye directs Cashe and Mac Bane to pull Vaughn back to her feet. They oblige and haul her up slowly. Kaye motions for them to send her over and they shove her forwards. Vaughn stumbles into Kaye and he grabs hold of her. Kaye sets her up and then nails the Notorious Knee on her. Vaughn crumples to the mat while Cashe cheers his stablemate on. Kaye points at her body while leaning on the ropes. Cashe makes the cover while Mac Bane begins to count along. The crowd starts counting down with the timer as this is happening.




NO!!! Vaughn just gets a foot on the ropes in time!!! The fans finish the countdown as Ned Kaye starts yelling at his teammates.




The Meat Clowns: Raion Kido

The buzzer goes off once again and Soldier Dream by Root Five blasts over the PA system now. The fans pop as the reigning Universal champion Raion Kido makes his way out to the ring next. Ned Kaye and Jason Cashe look out and see Kido headed towards them. They nod and look over to Mac Bane to tell him it’s under control.

HHL: Finally another member of the Meat Clowns!

PC: But also, the third member of Trilogy!

HHL: I can’t imagine Raion will stand back while they pummel Angie Vaughn.

PC: And I can’t imagine Kido trading fists with his Trilogy partners.

HHL: …shut up…

Cashe and Kaye both applaud Kido as he slides into the ring. The universal champ nods at his friends while eyeing the downed Angie Vaughn. Mac Bane nods at Kido and grabs Vaughn. Kido suddenly explodes and levels Bane with a running lariat. Mac Bane scrambles back to his feet but Kido takes him right back down with a sling blade. Cashe and Kaye trade looks while Kido jumps back up and roars to the delight of the crowd. Vaughn starts pulling herself up with the ropes while Kido stares at Cashe and Kaye.

The crowd begins to roar at the stare down while Vaughn makes her way over to Kido. She smacks his shoulder and yells at him to do something. Kido cocks his head towards her and looks annoyed. Cashe rushes forward suddenly and boots her in the gut. He throws her into Kaye who sets her up for a powerbomb. The three men eye each other and then Kido and Cashe suddenly help Kaye. They lift Vaughn up and drill her to the mat with a triple powerbomb. Trilogy celebrate in the ring before Kido turns and yells out to the crowd. He turns back around and is nailed by a double superkick from Cashe and Kaye. Kido hits the mat and Kaye makes a quick cover.



Kick out by Kido!


HHL: No alliance is safe during War Games!

PC: Knowing the integrity of those three men, they probably discussed it beforehand.

HHL: Whatever you say chief.

Cashe looks over and decides to make a pin attempt on Vaughn.



Kick out by Vaughn!


Mac Bane gets to his feet and looks over and spots Kido trying to pull himself up. He marches over and drives a double axe handle down hard across Kido’s back. Bane stomps on the champ a few times before hauling him back up to his feet. He lifts him into a slam position before turning and tossing Kido with a powerful fall away slam. Cashe and Kaye bring Vaughn back to her feet and lift her up with a double suplex. They bring her down hard to the mat while Bane drags Kido over and then slams him on top of Vaughn. Kaye backs both men up before making the double pin attempt.



Kick out by both Vaughn and Kido!

HHL: Perhaps a bit too cocky with that attempt.

PC: It was worth a shot!

HHL: Time is ticking!

PC: Who is coming out next!?




The Meat Clowns: Jenny Myst

The buzzer hits and the lights immediately go out. The in between by In This Moment blasts out and the lights flicker for a moment before coming back on. Jenny Myst is perched on the top turnbuckle while Cashe, Kaye and Bane look at the entrance in confusion. Myst screams hello and as soon as Cashe and Kaye turn around she leaps off the top rope. Myst crashes onto both men and takes them down. Kaye tries to get up but Myst puts him right back down with a Blissful curb stomp. She turns around and hits a Blissful curb stomp on Cashe as well.

HHL: Wait a second? What is Myst doing out here? It wasn't Meat Clowns turn to enter the match. This should have been Ring Master's turn.

PC: Well clearly Jenny Myst doesn't give a crap about the rules Heather.

Myst turns and Mac Bane flattens her with a running avalanche. Bane pops up and yells at the downed Myst before turning around right into a shotgun drop kick from Kido. He grabs Bane and pulls him right back up only to put him right back down with a dragon suplex. Kido moves out of the way and gestures towards Jenny Myst. She smiles and waves before hitting a standing double knee drop onto Bane. Myst follows it up with a standing moonsault into a double knee drop onto Bane before making the cover.



Kick out by Mac Bane!

HHL: Well Jenny Myst has certainly changed the complexion of this match!

PC: Now we’re starting to see the chaos unfold! Wait a minute! Oh my god!!! Elijah Martin is actually getting to his feet!

HHL: I cannot believe this! For him to get up after a fall like that…what a warrior!

Ned Kaye rolls out of the ring attempting to regroup and walks right into Elijah Martin. The two start trading punches on the floor until Martin slowly gains the upper hand. No sooner does Martin get a few shots in a row, Kaye takes his eyes. Jenny Myst suddenly comes sailing over the ropes but Kaye sees her in time and moves. Myst winds up crashing onto Martin, knocking him out once more. Kaye grabs Myst and throws her at the ring post. Myst counters by grabbing hold of the ring post, swinging while sliding under the ropes and then slides back out and takes Kaye down with a baseball slide.

In the ring, Kido brawls with Mac Bane until they’re backed into one of the corners. They trade blows until Cashe comes running in and squashes them both with a huge running avalanche. He turns around as Myst has entered the ring again. She comes running at him and Cashe goes for a sidewalk slam. Myst counters it into a spinning head scissors but Cashe reverses it after a few spins and brings Myst down with a vicious back breaker. He goes for the cover.



Broken up by Kido!

HHL: Uh oh, Cashe does not look happy about that.

PC: And the rowdy crowd has begun another countdown.

HHL: This match has already had it’s fair share of insanity, what next?

PC: We’re about to find out Heather!

HHL: …shut up…




The Notorious Alliance: Ring Master

The buzzer sounds once again and Rollin’ by Limp Bizkit starts playing. The Ring Master comes running out and makes his way quickly to the rings. Kido takes Mac Bane down with a modified judo throw as the Ring Master slides into the ring. Cashe yells at Kido still for breaking up the cover. Kido turns and shoves him. Ring Master runs over and wipes Kido out with the Ring Train running body block. Vaughn suddenly comes flying from the ropes with a cross body but Ring Master catches her. Jenny Myst jumps from the middle rope and then splashes onto them so they both take Ring Master down.

Cashe grabs Myst by her hair to pull her up while Mac Bane does the same thing to Vaughn. Kido gets to his feet and takes both men down with a running clothesline. He turns around as Kaye enters the ring and drills him with a jumping calf kick to the face. Kaye gets up and yells out to the crowd while everyone is down around him. Amazingly, Elijah Martin has climbed to the top rope and dives off. Kaye turns and gets taken out by a huge moonsault from Martin as the crowd pops.

HHL: Martin from out of nowhere!

PC: His body is going to be broken by the end of this!

HHL: Both teams are out there, this is what it’s all about!

PC: Absolute chaos!

Martin pulls himself back up with the help of the ropes and stares down at Ned Kaye. He turns as Ring Master is back up and running towards him. Martin hits a low drop kick to his knee and Ring Master falls face first into the corner. Martin gets back up and then gets leveled with a double clothesline from Cashe and Mac Bane. Kido comes racing over right after and hits his own double clothesline on Bane and Cashe which causes all three men to go tumbling over the ropes and to the floor. Martin tried to get up but is run over by Ring Master and a meaty clothesline.

Vaughn and Myst grabs hands and go for their own double clothesline on Ring Master but he clasps his hands together and brings a huge double axe handle down to separate their linked hands. Myst throws a kick that gets blocked. She immediately follows through with an enziguri but Ring Master catches her somehow and then tosses her over the ropes and into the other ring in a wild display of strength. Vaughn throws a close elbow but Ring Master counters it into a full nelson before hauling Vaughn into the air and drilling her with the full nelson slam.

Ring Master turns and grabs Martin as he is trying to pull himself up once again. Ring Master knees Martin before hoisting him up into the air. Ring Master holds him there, looking for the Slam of Fury but Martin counters at the last second into a huge DDT taking the big man down. Martin once more begins to drag himself back to his feet somehow. Outside the ring Cashe is still down while Kido and Bane start trading punches. Martin turns around into the sneaky Ned Kaye and eats a Notorious Knee from out of nowhere. Kaye with the quick cover.




Elijah Martin eliminated by pinfall from Ned Kaye!

HHL: Wow just like that!

PC: What an effort from Elijah Martin!

HHL: Unfortunately the Meat Clowns are now down a member.

Ned Kaye gets up and once again yells out to the crowd while raising his arms. The crowd give him some respect while Jenny Myst is quietly watching him from the other ring. She quickly runs over and ascends the top rope before leaping off with a stunning shooting star press. Kaye looks up too late as Myst crashes down on top of him. She gets up only for Ring Master to turn her inside out with a powerful discus clothesline. He roars while grabbing hold of Myst and hoisting her up for a powerbomb. She manages to roll over him and drop into a roll up combination.



Foot on the ropes for leverage suddenly…


The Ring Master is eliminated by pinfall from Jenny Myst!

HHL: Jenny Myst evens the score!

PC: I was not expecting that!

HHL: Neither was the Ring Master.

The Ring Master argues with the referee for a moment but to no avail. Myst pulls herself up and smiles while waving goodbye to him. The Ring Master boots Jenny Myst in the face before leaving the ring. She’s laid out as Cashe slides into the ring and makes the cover.



Broken up by Vaughn!

HHL: That cheap shot from the Ring Master nearly cost the Meat Clowns!

PC: Seriously, stop saying it!

HHL: …shut up…

Outside the ring Raion Kido and Mac Bane are still brawling. Kido catches Bane with a knife edge chop that echoes loudly. He lifts Bane up but Mac Bane drops out behind him. He shoves Kido hard towards the ring post. Kido just stops himself, uses a leg to push off the post and hits a back elbow to take Mac Bane down. Kido runs up the steps and then jumps off the apron with a splash but Bane rolls out of the way. Kido hits the floor with a nasty thud while Bane slides back into the ring. Bane eats a low drop kick from Vaughn to the face which sends him rolling right back out of the ring and to the floor.

Vaughn turns as Cashe gets up and throws a shuffle side kick at her. Vaughn avoids it while kicking out Cashe’s other leg to knock him down. Kaye gets to his feet and goes to take out Vaughn from behind. Myst suddenly grabs Kaye and goes for a suplex but Kaye reverses it right into another Notorious Knee from out of nowhere. He screams in Myst’s face but before he can get back up, Angie Vaughn runs over and hits him with the Vaughnemous soccer kick to the head. Vaughn drops down and makes the cover before Cashe can stop her.




Ned Kaye is eliminated by pinfall from Angie Vaughn!

HHL: Angelica Vaughn is putting on a show tonight!

PC: That is a high profile elimination for her!

HHL: And she’s given her team the edge now!

Angie Vaughn slowly gets up and helps her fellow Meat Clown teammate, Jenny Myst back to her feet. The crowd tries to yell out to warn them but it’s too late as Mac Bane is back in the ring and takes them both down with a big double spear. Bane goes for a cover but is immediately dragged off of Vaughn by Kido. Both men get up and Kido goes for another swift chop. Bane blocks the attempt and pulls Kido in for a belly to belly suplex. Kido manages to counter right into the Lightning Plasma punching combination that finishes with a nasty overhand strike to the skull. Bane drops to the mat and Kido makes the cover.




Mac Bane is eliminated by pinfall from Raion Kido!

HHL: The champ with his first War Games elimination!

PC: How many strikes did he just land on Bane!?

HHL: That was a violent knockout blow for sure!

PC: And now it is a three on one advantage, Jason Cashe is in big trouble!

Raion Kido gets up and roars to the crowd after his impressive elimination. He backs up right into Cashe who jumps in the air and nails the U.T.I back to back cutter on his Trilogy partner. The fans pop in shock and awe and even Cashe stares in disbelief at what he just did. He shakes his head before slowly dropping back down and making a cover.




NO!!! Broken up at the last possible second by Angie Vaughn!

HHL: Wow! That was…

PC: …unbelievably close!

Vaughn slowly gets back to her feet while Jason Cashe drags himself up as well. Vaughn goes for a quick roundhouse kick but Cashe blocks it and grabs her and starts setting up for a Russian leg sweep. He stops as Jenny Myst comes running over with a flying drop kick attempt. Cashe shifts and Myst winds up hitting Vaughn instead. Myst scrambles to her feet but Cashe boots her hard in the gut and pulls her in. He nails the Scrap Action Driver in the middle of the ring before hooking both legs.




Jenny Myst is eliminated by pinfall from Jason Cashe!

HHL: Jason Cashe finding a way to stay alive here!

PC: He might be able to be the sole survivor!

HHL: Raion Kido is still down and who knows what condition Angie Vaughn is in by this point…

Jason Cashe rises back to his feet as Angie Vaughn starts pulling herself back up at the same time. Both of them are breathing heavily, their bodies battered from being in this since the start. They nod at one another as the crowd rallies behind them both out of respect. They lock up in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers them on. Vaughn manages to grab an arm and switch into a wrist lock. Cashe throws a back elbow but Vaughn ducks and then rolls Cashe up into a modified small package.



Kick out by Cashe!

Both of them get back to their feet and Cashe strikes first with a clothesline attempt but Vaughn ducks underneath and bounces off the ropes. She comes back with a bicycle kick that Cashe somehow catches. Vaughn fires an enziguri attempt but Cashe avoids it while holding onto Vaughn’s other leg. Once she hits the mat Cashe wrenches the leg into a tight ankle lock. Vaughn yells out in pain and reaches for the ropes but Cashe uses his power to drag her right into the middle of the ring.

HHL: Angie is in trouble, how much will can she possibly have left?

PC: Jason Cashe has that locked in tight.

HHL: Can she hold on and make it to the ropes?

PC: I just said the hold is locked in tight!

HHL: …shut up…

Jason Cashe torques the leg of Angie Vaughn some more and applies even more pressure. Vaughn screams out in agony while Cashe leans in, the leg ready to snap. Raion Kido pulls himself up and sprints over suddenly. Kido steps over Vaughn and nearly caves in Cashe’s head with a picture perfect shining wizard. Blood explodes from Cashe’s nose as he drops to the mat. The crowd pops in surprise at Kido taking out Cashe. Vaughn rolls away and immediately clutches her ankle, still moaning in pain but amazingly never giving up.

Raion Kido gets up and checks on Vaughn for a moment before turning back to Cashe. Kido slowly runs his hands through his hair while looking down at Cashe and the blood soaking the mat around him. Kido’s eyes are filled with regret as he looks like he isn’t sure what to do. Cashe slowly gets to his knees and looks up at Kido, blood still streaming from his possibly shattered nose. It looks like he tells Kido something while trying to get to his feet. Kido paces back and forth for a moment as Cashe rises to his feet shakily. Kido roars out in frustration and then lunges forward and hits Cashe with the Lightning Bolt! Cashe drops to the mat and Kido looks down at him sadly before making the cover.




Jason Cashe is eliminated by pinfall from Raion Kido!

Advancing To The War Games Main Event:

Angie Vaugh
Raion Kido

HHL: Wow…just wow…Raion Kido finishes off Jason Cashe for the win.

PC: What will this mean for Trilogy going forward?

HHL: Absolutely nothing Pip. If what we've heard is to be believed The Trilogy isn't about egos or personal agendas.

PC: Have you ever met Theo Pryce? Like ever? Even once?

HHL: I have Pip. Maybe he's a changed man? Maybe not. But what I do know is that Raion Kido and Angie Vaughn are moving on to represent the Meat Clowns in the finals!

Kido reaches down and immediately helps Jason Cashe up to his feet as Ned Kaye the third member of The Trilogy roles back into the ring. Cashe and Kaye give Kido a fist bump and a pat on the back and wish him good luck in the finals before exiting the ring as the show goes to commercial break.

The bustling backstage at War Games was expected to be intense. Down to the assistant Camera people, the lower tier workers who are basically interns doing whatever jobs the producers or manager or caterer is telling them to do. Everyone was busy is what I'm getting at!

Yet in all the commotion, Jason Cashe is calm and collected as he looks like he is unloading a box from the Food Drive. Instead of loading the box. Out in the open hallway, he was building a small pyramid using Pepsi Minis, another display was made up of Bite Sized Kit-Kats.

Whistling as she comes around the corner, Josslynn Spencer stops in her tracks as she sees Cashe building a pile of cans and candy. She approaches from behind him and gives him a whack against the tushie.

Josslynn Spencer: "What ARE you doing?!"

Jason Cashe: "Setting a trap. I was at catering last show, before I got attacked by the Wee Littles Ones.. I noticed that they have regular sized everything. Soda, candy, everything is normal sized!"

Josslynn Spencer: "So?"

Cashe stops building his displays.

Jason Cashe: "So? So, no wonder the Minis are angry! Can you imagine how miserable life would be if you had to hold a can of soda with TWO hands? Look at these Kit Kats! A normal one is like a footlong to them.. Probably.."

Josslynn shook her head. How could she even be surprised?

Josslynn Spencer: "So your trap is to give them appropriate sized drinks and candy and hope they become nicer?"

Scoffing a few times, snarkly Ha'ing as he stands up and faces her for the first time in this segment. Cashe shakes his head to show she had it all wrong.

Jason Cashe: "No.. No, see I want them to feel comfortable with size appropriate cans and candy. Then I will SMASH them like bugs!"

He brings the hammerfist of his right hand down into the palm of his left. His eyes staring off into a world of imagination where his plan unfolds without a hitch. A smile forms on his face.

Josslynn Spencer: "Yeaaaah.. I'm gonna go find Theo because you've lost your mind."

She kisses Cashe to the cheek and leaves. Cashe doesn't stop her or say anything to try and change her mind. The wheels were turning, the plan was in motion. Looking at his display of bait, he was happy with his plan. It just needed to be executed. He had to wait..

HHL: Welcome back from commercial and after a fantastic opening match we are back for our second match of...

The lights in the arena go out as a green light is shown on the tron. Black letters appear on the green background.

"1 YEAR in the MAKING"

"Stoner Thoughts" by Billy Bueffer begins playing as a silohuette is seen with smoke rising up from a lit blunt. A light clicks on as we see Geri Vayden, a smirk on her face. She looks into the camera.

"Did ya miss me XWF?"

She blows smoke into the camera as the following words appear.


HHL: Well isn't that something. Geri Vayden is going to be coming back to the XWF but when?

PC: Who cares?

HHL: The XWF universe cares Pip. And I care you bitter old bastard.

PC: Hey! I am NOT old!

As soon as LSM's theme music hits the speakers the crowd starts cheering for their favorita luchadora. As the bass bumps through the arena the crowd chants along to the music. A spectacle of green and red pyrotechnics shoot up twenty five feet from the entrance platform. A complimentary arrangement of pyro shoots up through the four turnbuckles of the ring.

Who's this?

Mach-ina Mach-ina!

Latina Submission Machina pops out onto the entrance ramp alongside an additional burst of pyrotechnic fireworks. The crowd pops hard for the former 24/7 freestyle champion as she is joined on stage by her teammates for the night, Mercy, former Universal Champion Unknown Soldier and CURRENT 24/7 Freestyle champion Tommy Wish. Like in the previous match all 4 members of the team make it down to the ring and await their opponents.

The well known theme of the Grand PoohBoB "Godzilla" by the Blue Oyster Cult brings the crowd to their feet. The first one out from the back is indeed the Grand PoohBoB himself Bobby Bourbon followed by fellow Bastard Money Oswald and then after a few seconds the replacement players XWF Legend "Chronic" Chris Page and Dick Powers.

Latina Submission Machina
Unknown Soldier
Tommy Wish-o

- vs -

Money Oswald
Bobby Bourbon
Marf Chris Page
Cholo Dick Powers

The bell rings. The door slams and is locked. And the timer for the next entrant into the match begins counting down.


Mercy growls and leaps from the cage at CCP, who swiftly rolls out of the way, leaving Mercy to smack against the canvas. He runs behind her as she pulls up on her rear and kicks Mercy directly in the spine. She howls, and Page kicks her again, by the third kick though Mercy has turned around, launching herself at Page and his third kick lands with little damage to her shoulder. Mercy powers through onto Page, ramming a thumb in each of his eyes, grasping his head with an unnaturally strong squeeze and tackling him down to the mat.

Dyson laughs on the outside while PAges squirms around frantically, sending knees up into Mercy’s stomach, but they do little damage. Mercy begins rolling Page around the ring, slamming his head into the mat, all while still keeping her thumbs buried in his eye sockets. She lifts him to his feet, smashing him with a headbut that immediatley opens an old wound on his head, blood spills everywhere as Mercy begins shaking in an orgasm. Page is able to break free with an incredible show of strength! He’s desperate! He spins!


HHL: The spinning elbow smash lands clean on Mercy’s jaw!


She crumbles to the mat and Page falls on her for the pin



Mercy forces the stunned Page off from her and crawls on him again like a spidermonkey. Wrenching his neck and smashing him in the skull with repeated elbow strikes. The damage Page is receiving is considerable. But the old ring veteran out maneuvers Mercy, wrapping around her with a waist lock and smashing her into a cage wall with a release German Suplex.

He should have a moment to catch his breath, but that freak Mercy has absorbed the damage, and is barrelling straight toward CCP. As Page turns around his met with a swinging powerslam that plants him into the mat. Mercy doesn’t go for the pin though, instead she…

PC: My god, Heather!

HHL: Mercy has her teeth sunk into Page’s nose! She’s going to bite it off

Page hollers out in pain. Grabbing Mercy by the throat and trying to power her off, but she’s every bit as strong as Page and the two are forced to stand. Mercy, pushing Page against a cage wall, still with his nose in her mouth and with his hands still squeezing as hard as humanly possible around Mercy’s neck. A knee from Page to the gut does nothing. But a second knee bends her down some, and a third knee breaks the bite on his nose. Page looks like Rudoloph as some of the skiing on the tip of his nose is gone. He wraps Mercy up, but she overpowers him, grabbing his head and slamming it ear first into the heavy support portion of the steel cage. CCP slides down the steel, a streak of blood following down with him as he settles down on his rear between the ropes and the steel cage. He looks out of it.

PC: Page is in desperate need of some reinforcements here!

HHL: Well it looks like help is on its way!

As the timer is about to count down, Maddison Dyson screams on the outside of the ring, drawing attention from the refs, who are now no longer able to direct which team enters the match next. As she’s lying on the arena floor, clutching her knee, she darts her eyes at one of her teammates and screams at them to hurry up and enter the ring. He does so before anyone can notice.

Viewer Desecration Advised: Tommy Wish

PC: I think that was supposed to be Sudden Death’s turn!

HHL: What a crafty move by Dyson there! She’s called one of the best managers in XWF history for a reason!

PC: Looks like things are going to get a lot worse for CCP!

HHL: Parental Discretion is Advised.

Tommy quickly joins Mercy in trading licks onto Page’s head, beating it into the cage wall. Mercy lifts Page up and angrily slings him over the top rope and back into the ring. He looks awful, and already Tommy Wish is on top of him landing a perfect leg drop, and picking Page up, ready to pildrive him. But Mercy shoves Tommy Wish down and warps the falling Chris Page up again. A chokeslam from Mercy! Is countered! Page bashes Mercy in the jaw with two back to back elbows. This frees him, the crowd comes to life. Page hits the ropes, CLOTHESLINING TOMMY WHO TRIES TO STOP HIM BEFORE SNATCHING MERCY UP WITH A RUNNING BELLY TO BELLY!


Page stands, Tommy is running at him again, but the veteran superstar flips Wish over his back, turns and connects right in the mouth of Mercy with another Judas Effect. He and Mercy both falls to the mat as the crowd rises to their feet in anticipation for

Sudden Death: Big Money Oswald

The team captain commanded that he be next to enter the fray.

PC: Chris Page surviving the two on one onslaught could prove to be huge here fro his team, as now some help has finally arrived!

Oswald charges into the ring like an unleashed bull. Tommy is grabbing at CCP’s leg, going to put him in an ankle lock, but his ran down with massive shoulder block from Oswald. The giant man picks Tommy up and easily throws him into the cage wall. As Tommy tries scrambling back up to his feet, between the ropes and the steel, Oswald is already there, crushing Tommy with a running body smash into the steel.


Mercy leaps onto Oswalds back and sinks her teeth into his neck, while also locking in a sleeper and wrapping her legs around him in a vise. Oswald takes off running backward, full head of steak, smashing Mercy into the turnbuckle, but Mercy is relentless. She holds on, even through a second smash into the turnbuckle. Tommy is up and runs over to kick Oswald in the stomach, but he’s wiped out by a running DDT from Page. As Oswald smashes Mercy a third time, Page is there also sending some kicks into her ribs. She’s forced to break the hold on Ozzy. Page picks Mercy up and plants her back down with a turning powerslam. Oswald follows right behind his teammate with a huge kneedrop on Mercy’s face. PAge goes for the cover, but Tommy is there before the ref can even get started. He breaks the fall, but does little elser, as Money Oswald stands and easily chokeslams Tommy down to the mat.,

Viewer Desecration Advised: Unknown Soldier

The highflying hardcore legend storms the ring with a stantic laughter. A running dropkick smashes high into Ozzy’s chin, crippling the big man as Soldier blasts right through Ghost Tank and snatches Chris Page up by the face. He whips Page into the ropes and flies at him, connecting with a beautiful spinning heel kick. Page is down, and Soldier is running at another set of ropes, springboarding backward from them and landing on Page’s stomach with a corkscrew body splash.

Soldier covers CCP



Money Oswald delivers a knee to the back of Soldier’s head, but that's all he can do as he’s quickly tackled down at the legs by Mercy after a chop block. Mercy has climbed on Oswalds face, thrashing him with strikes, while Soldier is getting to his feet and preparing to leap on Page again. But CCP grabs Soldier’s leg and starts pulling up. Only long enough for Tommy Wish to dive back in and spear Page from the side. He and Soldier proceed to pick CCP up and run him into the ropes. On the rebound he’s met by a forearm smash from Wish that crumbles him and then is smashed by a standing moonsault from Soldier.

Sudden Death: Bobby Bourbon

The arena comes unglued as Bobby Bourbon enters the ring, and just in the nick of time to even the odds.


Soldier is lifted off of Page by his tights


Bobby turns and that freak Mercy is laeping at him, howling out in a murderous rage. Bobby overpowers her intially, setting her up in prime position for a Bobby Bomb, but Mercy fights through. Causing the big man to struggle. In the mean time, Page has dragged himself over the down Tommy Wish



SOOOOOOO CLOSE! But Tommy had just enough time to recover from the Bobby Bomb.


Page then crawls over onto Soldier.



ONCE AGAIN! Soldier just barely kicks out.

With Bobby still struggling, holding Mercy on his shoulders as she begins ramming her thumbs into his eyes, Oswald is up, his face mangled from a similar assault, and bashes Mercy in the spine with a haymaker. The sheer force alone sends her body limp.


Viewer Desecration Advised: Latina Submission Machina

Bobby covers Mercy!


Dyson is screaming on the outside


LSM is charging, but Oswald is there to grab her!


LSM baseball slides under Ozzy’s legs, while also using the sliding kick to smash Bobby in the face and break up the pin!

Oswald turns around to grapple LSM, but she’s already up, dancing around him with punches and kicks to the kidneys. They’re stiff and effective as the big man begins teetering. Soldier is up , he flies at Big Money and cracks him in the face with a backflip kick. The move is devastating, but Ozzy is still on his feet somehow. Tommy is up and charges in with a dropkick of his own, but it only blasts Oswald back to the set of ropes between the two rings. LSM, Soldier and Tommy all look at one another and charge Oswald together to take him out once and for all.


With an arm reaching out clotheslining and stopping both Tommy and Soldier, his body splashes into and crushes LSM. The crowd explodes with excitement at the heroic display. But Bobby has little time to celebrate or make his next move as Mercy is already there attacking Bourbon, and displaying supernatural strength to the amusement of Madison Dyson. A sick headbutt is followed by a chokeslam from Mercy to Bobby. But the big man was able to lessen the fall, using his weight to pulldown Mercy with him, as he absorbs the chokeslam and now has Mercy and a vise lock of his own. The two struggle and roll around the mat until Chris Page dives in, tackling Mercy in her ribs and rolling ontop of her, punching her in the face. Bobby joins in and the former BOB brother have Mercy down, and in a bad way as they trade licks on her skull.

Sudden Death: Dick Powers

PC: And that's everyone, folks!

HHL: Wait a second, look!

Just as Dick grabs along the steel frame of the cage door to enter the ring, the door slams on his hand. Twice, three times, four times, over and over behind the enraged screaming of Madison Dyson. Dick thrusts away pulling his hand from the door and looking upon it in horror. His fingers mangled and broken.

“I’ll never play guitar again, you stupid cunt!” he roars in Dyson’s face.


Dyson has a chair and smacks it into Powers knee and begins assaulting him at ringside!

Meanwhile, Oswald has picked the motionless Tommy Wish up by the throat and has him suspended in the air, squeezing the life from his lungs while CCP and Bobby continue to work on Mercy. But LSM is there, a diving shoulder into Ozzy’s knee. Followed by a flying spear from Soldier. Ozzy hits the deck, and Soldier pops to his feet. He runs across the ring hitting the ropes, LEAPS OVER the ropes separating the rings, rebounds again and springboard from the center ropes!


Soldier covers!







The announcement sounds out through the arena, and Bobby’s face snarls in anger. He jerks the lifeless Mercy up to her feet and Bobby Bombs her for good measure before covering Mercy again. Only LSM is there to break it up immediately with a devastating knee to Bobby’s face. She’s ontop of him now, locking his arm into submission. On the outside of the ring, Dyson is kneeling over Dick Powers mocking him as he lies a bloody and broken mess against the apron and the ring steps.

“What good are you now Dick?”

Powers smiles at Dyson, blood covering his teeth and spits in her face.

“I can still use my left hand to finger a cunt!”

With that Dick leaps to his feet and pokes Dyson in the eyes, rendering her blind for the moment, but the follow up haymaker from Powers lifts Dyson into the air spinning as she crashes over the Spanish announce desk. With blood oozing from Dick’s head, he limps his way into combat. But before Dick goes all the way in, he looks back, spotting his trusty guitar that he’ll never be able to play again. There’s an emotional moment, as Powers nods looking at the hellish war in the rings, and grabs the guitar, bringing it into war with him. The first person he spots is Soldier, who is crab walking toward him, his eyes rolled in the back of his head and saying words in reverse.

“The fuck?”

Powers lifts the guitar and slams it over Soldier’s stomach before Tommy Wish pounces on him. Dick and Tommy begin exchanging blows. But Dick spins with a discus punch that sends Wish reeling, right into the waiting arms of Chris Page!!!!








Chronic Chris Page is Eliminated


HHL: Just like that, Sudden Death is in serious trouble, down two to four against Parental Discretion!

Powers wretches out in pain and rips his bleeding heel from the sharp teeth of Soldier. He turns and grants Satan a kick right to his chops. Tommy Wish is already up from his feet and Jumps on Dick’s back. The two struggle as Tommy tries locking in a sleeper. Powers flings the two of them into the ropes between the two rings. This loosens Tommy’s hold where Powers can flip him off his back. When Tommy lands on his feet, there’s a superkick from Powers flying towards his head, but Wish is able to duck underneath! Only he wasn’t expecting a follow up enziguri! Tommy crumbles to the mat as Powers springboards from the ropes and lands a beautiful moonsault across Tommy’s body.

He goes for the cover, but is immediately stopped by Soldier who’s bleeding from the mouth. Soldier pulls Dick up by the hair. BUT DICK FIGHTS BACK!


Tommy is up and attacking! HIDEYANECK DDT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dick whips Tommy into the corner and gives him


He covers Tommy!





Tommy Wish Has Been Eliminated

But still, Soldier is there to club Dick in the back of the head as he mounts Powers and begins thrashing him. Over in the other ring, after successfully breaking LSMs hold, Bobby has found himself being on the losing end of a two against one. Mercy and LSM have him pinned up against the cage wall teeing off with kicks and punches. Bobby absorbs a couple of blows and shoves Mercy away. When LSM goes to strike again, Bobby catches her with a right cross, followed by an eye rake. Bobby lifts LSM up into a vertical suplex but he’s speared by Mercy from the side. Bourbon folds inward, dropping LSM but before he too can fall, Mercy lifts the big man up again!!!! But loses her grip!

SHROYUKEN FROM BOBBY TO MERCY! The spinning uppercut lifts Mercy from her feet before she slams down in an awkward position on her neck. LSM goes to attack but she too is met with a spinning uppercut, only her much smaller frame than Mercy’s almost touches the top of the cage.










Unknown Soldier Has Been Eliminated

PC: THe heroics of Bobby Bourbon and Dick Powers have evened the odds!

HHL: We cannot forget about Chris Page either, the damage he was able to endure, to give his this team time to rally was paramount!

Bobby steps over Soldier and walks toward the other ring, where Dick Powers is down, a beaten and bloodied mess in the ring still sporting a mangled right hand. Bobby helps Dick to his feet and slaps him around a little bit. He points at Dick and then points to the down LSM who is just starting to recover, before bobby start to move toward Mercy.

Powers grabs his guitar from the mat and hobbles through the ropes, Bobby as it his flank, closing in on Mercy. In a partially blind, and agonizing rage, Dick swings the guitar at LSMs head just as she stands. Luckily she gets her forearms up and eats the blow that way, but she still takes considerable damage. She howls out being pushed back from the strike into the corner where she falls on her rear.


But LSM rolls out of the way. Dick’s crotch wraps into the steel wall and ring post. LSM is pouncing behind him as he groan out in agony, wrapping him up into some type of submission vise, but Powers scrambles and scurries onto his rear quickly breaking the hold while biting onto one of LSMs fingers. She jerks her hand away and scouts back from Dick, shifting her feet back and forth before circling him, ready to grapple. Dick positions himself, ready to grapple as well! They dive toward one another to lock up, only Dick fakes the top hold and dives his shoulder directly at LSMs knee. Flipping her into the air. She smacks the mat hard, but quickly pops to her feet.




LSM uses the headstand scissors to bury Dick’s head into the mat before rolling him up!


Bobby Bourbon breaks away from Mercy and charges LSM and Dick.




Dick Powers Has Been Eliminated

PC: We’re down to the final three!

HHL: Bobby has been a one man wrecking crew all night, but can he keep it up against Mercy and LSM?

Bobby struggles to get free with Mercy latched onto him, and now LSM is up running in and shotgun dropkicking Bobby in the chest. He falls back into the cage with Mercy, both of them gripping the steel wires as now the…

PC: What in the hell?! The cage is lifting up!

On the outside of the ring, Madison Dyson has commandeered the controls to the cage (the person who usually holds the controls is knocked out at her feet with a chair lying beside him) and is laughing as Mercy and Bobby begin lifting toward the ceiling. LSM throws her arms up, looking back at Dyson, and then Bobby…





With LSM standing, the fall and the impact was even more violent looking. Like a plane wreck. LSM is flattened and motionless. Bobby is not much better for the wear, but still manages to cover LSM.

PC: This is it! Bobby is about to get even, and swing this match back into the favor of Sudden Death!


Dyson is screaming at Mercy


Who growls the words: KiLl! kIlL! as she leaps down from the cage wall and blasts Bobby in the back of head with a falling knee, knocking him unconscious.

The pin is broken up, and the animalistic Mercy incredibly lifts Bobby above her head, into a lift up power bomb!

The Faded!

As Bobby’s unconscious head lashes violently against the mat, Dyson cheers gleefully as Mercy growls in Bobby’s face. She doesn’t go for the pin, instead turns him over and locks in her Motre Noir rolling submission hold. Only there’s no struggle. Bobby doesn’t move at all as his head is being wrenched away from its shoulders.

The ref moves in, spots that Bobby is defenless and calls for the bell.

Bobby Bourbon Has Been Eliminated

Advancing To The War Games Main Event:

Latina Submission Machina

HHL: A fantastic match put on by Sudden Death and Viewer Desecration Advised but I think it's pretty safe to say that LSM and Mercy really deserved this one.

PC: Bobby Bourbon got robbed. What the hell was that guy supposed to do with deadweight like Dick Powers and that geriatric jerkoff turned GM Chris Page to say nothing of Money Oswald.

HHL: Hey Money Oswald is a fellow Bastard and one of Bobby's closest friends.

PC: Don't remind me.

A NEW show coming to you on NETFLIX...Possibly. Probably not though.

"Hi ho, Hi ho.. It's off to work I go.. With razor blades and hand grenades, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I g–"

The whispering song of Jason Cashe abruptly ends as he is standing inside of a room, peeking out of a door that he has barely opened. Someone in the hallway caught his attention.

Jason Cashe: "Soon, more of you will join your friends.."

Smiling as he turned to look into the depths of the room he was in, he wasn't alone. All four members of the Knight Terrors were bloody and looked more like used tampons as they lay sprawled out on the locker room floor. Cashe meant business.


A wild, goofy and high pitched laugh screeches through the hallway. Cashe snaps back to the door that was open just enough to see outside. There, he laid eyes on Tremble The Clown. Easily one of the ones he wanted to get his hands on.

Jason Cashe: "I am NOT afraid of clowns!"

As if there was someone with him he was trying to convince.

Jason Cashe: "Nobody LIKES clowns.. This one is about get helium up his ass and blown the fuck up like a balloon animal.."

Timing his move, Cashe yanks the door open to pounce but is stopped in his tracks as Quentin Quinn stands in the doorway, looking up at Cashe. Behind him are his newest Minis. Tiny, Tini, Tiné.

Quentin Quinn: "Jason, Jason, Jason.. We are not hard to find! If you wanted something.. You only needed to ask for more!"

Eyeing every miniature person standing on the opposite side of the doorway, Cashe comes back to Quentin.

Jason Cashe: "I bet ya'll are AMAZING at Hide and Seek!"

Cashe laughed. None of the Minis did.

Quentin Quinn: "It's a shame.. You normies never learn."

Snapping his vienna sausage sized fingers, Quentin steps aside.

Quentin Quinn: "Get em boys!"

Suddenly the hallway filled with Minis and Cashe wasn't sure where their car was parked but he knew they carpooled to the Arena. A few of them had pillow cases and were loading the Pepsi Mini cans into the pillow cases. It was safe to say that Cashe's plan had, at least in part, backfired. They swarmed the doorway, entering the locker room as Cashe started swinging low.

Jason Cashe: "Fuuuuck Yooooou! Come get you some Wee Little Ones! I'll take all of you on!"

A big boot crashes against the masked face of Dodecahedron but Hubcap was punching high and catches Cashe to his pecker regions. Stumbling, dropping down to a knee, Cashe was still taller than anyone else but it was looking like Gulliver's Travels as they surrounded and overwhelmed him like an avalanche! The DiOGee was getting dog piled by the Minis like a scene out of World War Z.

Quentin Quinn: "I'll leave you gentlemen to it.. Jason? It's been real. Good day!"

He says knowing Cashe was occupied at the moment. Still, Quentin tips a Pepsi Mini towards the ruckus, takes a sip of the beverage and casually walks out of the scene. In his moment of a comeback, Cashe's growl begins to grow under the pile of Minis. He bursts up from the bodies, arms stretched out at his sides. He face plants and shoves one, one hand throws another. Dragging a few who were biting at his ankles, Cashe was trying to leave the locker room.

Jason Cashe: "Quuuueentin!!"

He wanted the Boss. He wanted the Puppet Master who controlled the Dolls that were attacking him. Why was Cashe singled out? What did they have against him? He meant to find out as he grunts, kicks away and punches down at the overabundance of Midgets. He was sure there were more than what had previously been advertised. Getting free as he breaks out into the hallway, he comes penis to face with Tiny, Tini, Tiné.

Jason Cashe: "Bout to be the easiest teabagging I've ever done!"

As he goes to lunge forward, his feet don't move. Looking down at his legs, Cashe is being waved at by Mini Morbid who has secured a zip tie around Cashe's ankles. Binding them together before Cashe can escape.

Jason Cashe: "You sneaky little turd!"

He reaches down but Mini Morbid is slippery and fast. The three members of Tiny, Tini, Tiné rush forward and at once, plow into Cashe like a Triple Pounce and he tilts. The locker room begins to pour into the hallway as the collection of Wee Ones all begin to chop away at Cashe. One of them even yells 'Timber' as he finally collapses and slaps against the hallway floor.


Theo Pryce comes rushing down the hallway. Ned Kaye and Josslynn Spencer were with him. Josslynn really went and got Theo, what a snitch but also probably a saving grace. Ned picks up Li'l Elvis by the back of his mullet and tosses him backwards. Josslynn grabs The Puzzler even though he isn't fighting but instead is seen riding in circles on his tricycle. She runs him down the hallway, his squeals were mixed with a creepy laughter until he crashes hard into a wall and falls off his three wheeler.

A sound similar to Minions fill the hallway as the Minis begin to scatter. Ned kicks another Mini in the butt as he scoots along and leaves with his fellow Wee Ones. Theo laughs as Cashe reaches down at the zip tie around his feet.

Theo Pryce: "How is it you find yourself in these situations?"

Josslynn Spencer: "He's right, first Bing Bong and now Midgets?"

Breaking the zip tie, Cashe throws the remains to the side. Ned offers him a hand and yanks Cashe to a standing position.

Jason Cashe: "I didn't start this but I will damn sure finish it.."

Theo pats Cashe on the back shoulder as Josslynn hugs against his side. He puts an arm around her, reaches to fist bump Ned for the assist.

Jason Cashe: "I've never seen that many at once before.. It was magical."

Ned Kaye: "Magical?"

Theo tries to stop Ned but he already said too much.

Jason Cashe: "Magically delicious? Lucky Charms?"

This new beef was far from a Main Mission but it was a Side Quest that Cashe would damn sure take part in moving forward. The lines in the sand have been drawn.

Glass breaks and the Top Gun Anthem begins to play! Smoke fills the entrance and Calypso emerges from within it with purple lights shining down and flashing all around him. He slowly heads towards the ring praising the crowd on his way. He heads inside Ring 1, climbing up on a turnbuckle partway.

HHL: Calypso is starting things off for his team! This is something a true team captain would do!

PC: I disagree completely. If you’re the captain, you can’t afford to be the first one taken out. You have to be there when all the entrants are finally in there, to lead the charge. Calypso should’ve sacrificed Game Girl or NKWC.

HHL: Calypso would never send someone else into harm’s way. He’d have to turn in his hero badge!

PC: He has a hero badge??

HHL: It wouldn’t surprise me if he does…

The lights in the arena go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd. After a few seconds, Peter Vaughn's face appears on the big tron, darkly smirking down at the fans.

"This Time... It's Different."

After Vaughn finishes speaking, he begins to laugh. His laughter carries on as the Tron video overtakes his image, beginning with "This Time It's Different" by Evans Blue. Sparks begin to erupt around the stage, showering nearby fans who feel like they're a little too close to the action. As the fireworks die down, a figure appears through the smoke and haze. Peter Vaughn walks forward, smirking at the reaction he’s getting from the fans. He stops at the top of the ramp, surveying the hatred from the crowd. From Vaughn's reaction, you'd think they were chanting his name, as he walks down the aisle with a cocky smile. He stops at the apron for a moment, studying his opponent, before entering the ring.

HHL: So while Calypso is starting as the team captain, Mastermind has sent the XWF Supercontinental Champion in to try to run the table.

PC: Hey, it’s clear he has faith in Vaughn to get business done. He’s probably expecting several wrestlers to be eliminated by the time he gets there. Mastermind is such a genius!

HHL: Well, that remains to be seen. If Vaughn goes down early, Mastermind made a terrible mistake.

Game Girl
Hanari Carnes

- vs -

Peter Vaughn
Dolly Waters
Savannah Knightly Thaddeus Duke

PC: So we’re starting things off with a rematch from the main event of Wednesday Night Warfare!

HHL: In that match-up, Vaughn was able to get out with the Supercontinental Title intact. But tonight, Calypso is hoping to even the records.

PC: Yeah, but Vaughn’s got to have the mental advantage going into this. He’s beaten Calypso once, and I’m sure he thinks he can beat him again!

Vaughn and Calypso are both standing in Ring 1 now, with Vaughn saying something over to his opponent. Calypso is shaking his head, disagreeing with whatever Vaughn said. They exchange a few more words, but then turn to the referee, who checks with both of them before calling for the bell. The match is now official!


Calypso sets himself, heroically ready to lock up with Vaughn. But The Mechanic is already moving away from him, stepping through the ropes and ending up in Ring 2. He turns back towards Calypso, smirking as he challenges Calypso to join him.

Calypso, never one to back down, immediately hurries to the ropes and steps through into Ring 2… as Vaughn jumps over the ropes and lands on his feet in Ring 1. Calypso, now annoyed, shakes his head at Vaughn, who is just smirking as the boos comes in.

HHL: I expected Vaughn to be blood-thirsty right from the get-go, but he’s surprisingly stalling so far!

PC: When you think about it, it’s brilliant. Vaughn is running out the clock, keeping himself healthy until more teammates get in there.

HHL: But what if Calypso gets another teammate instead?

PC: Good point. This could backfire severely.


Vaughn is jumping back and forth on his feet, as if ready to fight now, so Calypso follows him back into Ring 1, coming through… and Vaughn once again goes over the ropes and hops into Ring 2, raising his arms at the reaction from the crowd. But behind him, Calypso is already reversing himself back into Ring 2, popping up behind Vaughn!

As Vaughn turns, Calypso points at him, having trapped him! Vaughn raises his arms, surprised, then tries a swing, but Calypso ducks under his fist, twisting around Vaughn and taking him down with a quick reverse neckbreaker!! The crowd pops, even as Calypso makes the first cover of the night, desperately hanging onto the legs…



And Vaughn kicks out cleanly, avoiding the fall! He pushes himself up, clearing his head as he turns back to a rising Calypso… who grabs him and pulls him back down into a Schoolboy pin! The ref’s right there again…



And Vaughn’s out again!!

HHL: Calypso almost put away the Supercontinental Champion with two quick pins!

PC: That would have been an absolute shocker! I don’t know if Vaughn could have lived that one down.

HHL: It’s clear that Calypso is extremely focused on getting some eliminations for his team.


Calypso is fired up as Vaughn stumbles into the corner, trying to regroup. Calypso doesn’t give him the chance, however, leaping into him with a Stinger splash! Vaughn slumps in the corner, with Calypso getting him with a couple of elbows, trying to really wear down the champ.

He climbs up partially on the turnbuckle, getting to the middle one before raising his hand up. He starts swinging away as the crowd counts along, doing the entire 10 count. He then hops off the turnbuckle, accepting the cheers that are coming his way as Vaughn leans against the pads, hurting. Calypso then turns back to Vaughn, grabbing him and pulling him out of the corner.

Calypso sets Vaughn up, grabbing him by the head, as if to go for the Calypsonator!! But Vaughn pushes him off, then lands a desperation superkick, knocking Calypso down! Vaughn rolls away, grabbing at the ropes, as the fans begin to count down the final seconds.


HHL: Who’s coming in next?

PC: And from which team?

The buzzer sounds, as everyone turns towards the entrance.

War Masters: Dolly Waters

HHL: That’s bad news for Calypso!

PC: And great news for Peter Vaughn!

Waters is making her way quickly down towards the two rings, as Calypso struggles back to his feet.


Calypso steps through the ropes into Ring 1, bracing himself. He seems ready to meet Waters as she comes into the ring. But this allows Vaughn to come from behind, driving a forearm into the back of Calypso’s head! He falls forward to the mat, cradling his head, as Vaughn nods to Waters as she enters. They exchange a fist bump, showing that they’re unified, at least for now.

Vaughn grabs hold of Calypso, pulling him up, with Calypso fighting to get free of Vaughn’s grip. But as he pulls away, Calypso is met by a spear from Waters! He crashes down, his ribs killing him, as Waters sits up. Vaughn, not one to let an opportunity slip by, moves in, stomping away on Calypso.

PC: This could be a slaughter. Calypso needs to try and hide under the ring if he wants to stick around.

HHL: Calypso would never hide, it’s not in his nature.

PC: Well, if there was ever a time to readjust his ‘nature’, it’s now.


Vaughn has brought Calypso back up now, holding him up by the head as Waters hits the ropes. She comes back, landing a flying clothesline as Vaughn quickly gets out of the way. Calypso’s down, kicking his feet into the mat, as Vaughn comes around on his side. He grabs Calypso by the head, giving him the Insult To Injury into the canvas!! But Waters doesn’t let it go for long, quickly stopping Vaughn by pulling him away.

As Vaughn looks at her, annoyed, Waters gestures towards the still ticking clock. Vaughn, understanding, nods, grabbing at Calypso and bringing him up again. He lifts Calypso up for an atomic drop, even as Water jumps to the ropes, springing up off of them. As Vaughn lands the atomic drop, knocking Calypso forward, Waters nails him with the Ode To Joy springboard European uppercut!! With Calypso out on the mat, Waters makes the cover.



TH- And Calypso manages to kick out!

PC: Waters correctly pushing Vaughn so that they can eliminate Calypso here before more wrestlers come down!

HHL: Quite frankly, I’m surprised that Calypso was able to kick out there. That was a nasty double-team maneuver.

PC: He got hit in the head, no surprise it didn’t stop him.


With Calypso not done yet, Vaughn pulls him back up. He insults Calypso, smacking him in the head, but Calypso immediately fires back, trying to get back into it! But Waters joins in, with the two able to keep Calypso contained. Vaughn then gets a sit-out jawbreaker, staggering Calypso, and allowing Waters to come flying in with a springboard DDT!

Calypso rolls in pain, trying to find a way to escape, but Vaughn stops him with a kick, then positions himself and leaps with a standing shooting star press, landing it perfectly onto the hero! He makes the cover, hanging onto the trunks.



THR-No! Calypso kicks out of the pin!


Vaughn immediately rolls to the side after the pin attempt, getting out of range, as Waters comes flying in with a frog splash!! She covers…



THRE-NO!! Calypso kicks out again!

HHL: Somehow Calypso refuses to stay down, despite taking plenty of punishment!

PC: Waters and Vaughn are trying everything they can to lower the numbers early!


Calypso tries to drag himself away to Ring 2, looking for any respite in a storm. He doesn’t get it, as Vaughn grabs his legs, drags him backwards into Ring 1, and drops onto him, applying a crossface submission hold! Seeing this, Waters steps in and grabs an ankle, working away on it as well to combine two holds, with Calypso desperately shouting out in agony!!

The referee checks on him, seeing if he’s going to tap out, but Calypso is still refusing to stop, gasping as he frantically turns himself, looking towards the dropping clock.

PC: Calypso is notorious for his low pain tolerance… why hasn’t he tapped?

HHL: Maybe we’re seeing the brand new Calypso here tonight! Can he hang on for 10 more seconds??


Vaughn and Waters both wrench their respective body parts, trying everything to make Calypso tap out with his free hand. Both are yelling at Calypso, telling him to give it up and fight another day. They’re demanding that he give up on War Games, that he be a quitter.

But Calypso keeps telling the ref no, somehow putting the agony aside, weakening badly but refusing to give up on the team he put together! He gasps, in terrible pain, as the countdown clock finally finds its way to zero. The buzzer sounds…

Speed Run: Game Girl

HHL: Here comes some help for Calypso!

PC: He could still tap before she gets there, don’t let go!

Game Girl is racing down the aisle, as Vaughn tries once more to get Calypso to tap out. Waters has already dropped the ankle, bracing herself.


As Game Girl slides through into the ring, Waters goes to attack her, running in with a spinning back first. But Game Girl is already dropped to the mat, getting a low sweep that takes Waters down! Vaughn, releasing Calypso, comes at the rising Game Girl, but she pops upwards with a High Kick, knocking Vaughn backwards to the ropes!

She raises up her robot arm, preparing herself for a Raging Uppercut. She sets, but Waters is back, grabbing hold of her from behind. She spins Game Girl around… who leaps into a Backflip Kick!! Waters falls backwards, as Game Girl turns back to Vaughn, leaping towards him with the Raging Uppercut, but Vaughn manages to avoid it, then dives forward, chop-blocking Game Girl’s knees out from under her!

PC: Game Girl comes in extremely strong, but it was still two-on-one!

HHL: But she may have bought Calypso the time he needed to get back into this one.

PC: She certainly saved him! No way does Calypso survive in those submission holds for another two minutes!


Vaughn is rejoined by Waters, as they double-team Game Girl, trying to slow her down. They punch away, with Waters trying to hold back the robot arm. But Calypso is back up now, running with a limp as he charges in, crashing into Vaughn and knocking him back through the ropes into Ring 2! The two roll away, both trying to recover from the impact, as Waters, shocked, looks in their direction. That allows Game Girl to pull free, slugging Waters with the robotic arm!

The two women wrestlers fight back to the corner, with Game Girl swinging away. Meanwhile, in Ring 2, Calypso fights to his feet, grabbing hold of Vaughn and dragging him to the side. He gives Vaughn a European uppercut, sending him staggering back into the corner. Calypso comes over, starting to climb up on Vaughn once again, but Vaughn lashes out with a quick shot, causing Calypso to collapse backwards to the mat, gasping.

HHL: I think he hit Calypso with a low blow!

PC: No, I think it was just into the lower mid-section…

HHL: Oh, come on, the way Calypso reacted? Vaughn should be disqualified!

PC: That’s the ref’s call, and clearly he didn’t see it.


The ref appears to be questioning Vaughn, who’s denying anything illegal. He grabs Calypso by the leg, twisting him around into a half-Boston crab. Back in Ring 1, Game Girl has retaken control, landing a Kirākikku to knock her down. She picks Waters back up, clutching at her, before taking her over with a Bimmy To Jimmy belly-to-belly suplex! Game Girl stays on top, making the cover, as the second referee comes over.



TH-and Waters gets her shoulder up, keeping herself in the match! Game Girl applies a reverse chinlock, holding her down, as we cut back to Ring 2. Calypso has managed to free himself from the one-legged Boston Crab, using the ropes for leverage. As Vaughn staggers back, Calypso manages to leap into him with the Guns For Hire press, taking Vaughn down! Calypso lands some slaps afterwards, trying to keep the man down.

HHL: We’ve really got two matches going on in two separate rings.

PC: I don’t see that continuing for long, if we keep adding more and more bodies.

HHL: No doubt, if the eliminations don’t pick up, it’s going to get more and more crazy.


Game Girl has Waters on the mat over in Ring 1. She goes up on the turnbuckle, looking like she’s having a fantastic time being back in the XWF. She takes a moment to aim, nodding to herself, before leaping into the air with the Romper Stomper double foot stomp!! But Waters is no longer there, as Game Girl misses, crashing into the mat!! She does a flip, landing on her back, holding her hurting legs after the miss. Waters, meanwhile, takes the extra moment to recover, rolling to the side.

In Ring 2, Calypso, seeing Game Girl down, leaves Vaughn and immediately goes to his teammate’s aid. He goes through the ropes and enters Ring 1, checking on her. Waters gets to her feet, seeing what’s going on, and starts to come at Calypso, swinging at him. Calypso ducks under it, though, then lifts Waters up as if to deliver an atomic drop variation. But Vaughn reaches over from the apron, grabbing Waters and pulling her backwards, saving her! She lands on her feet, with Calypso spinning around, stunned, even as Vaughn springs himself over the ropes into Calypso with a springboard splash! He lands on top, making the cover…



And Game Girl breaks it up, kicking Vaughn in the side!

HHL: The more people we have in the match, the harder the pinfalls are going to be!

PC: That’s what the two rings are for! Separate and conquer!


Vaughn struggles to get up, holding his ribs, as he turns towards his opponent. Game Girl smiles at him before lashing forward, landing an Atomic Headbutt!! Vaughn falls to his back, knocked senseless, as Game Girl has to steady herself from the strike. She starts forward… and Waters crashes into her with a shotgun dropkick!!

Game Girl flies away, landing to the side of Ring 1, as Waters gets back to her feet. She staggers towards Game Girl, but now Calypso is back up and leaping at her, scoring a flying forearm!! Waters is down, as Calypso gets upright, looking pumped up. He starts moonwalking, setting up the Moonwalk Elbow… and Vaughn launches himself forward, catching Calypso by surprise with a hurricanrana! All wrestlers are down now, breathing heavily from the pace of this one, as the fans begin counting down.

HHL: We’re more than halfway!

PC: And nobody is gone yet!


As the buzzer sounds, the wrestlers all are crawling in different directions, trying to recover. The cameras turn to the entrance…

War Masters: Thaddeus Duke

HHL: The late entrant to this match has arrived!

PC: Duke took Savannah Knightley’s place due to COVID, and boy, you’d think the War Masters added a fifth and sixth wrestler the way people complained!

HHL: Thaddeus Duke is one of the all-time greats. You can’t help but look at him as an upgrade for this squad!

Thad enters the stage with his hood up. Standing on stage, Thad gives his messiah pose as a triple pyro shot from the top of the X-Tron toward the ring. When it bursts, it reveals a sparkling golden image of a roaring lion above the ring, bringing cheers from the XWF Universe. He then starts on his way to the two rings, showing no rush as the wrestlers are still recovering.


As Game Girl gets to her feet, looking around as she tries to readjust her robot arm, Duke climbs up onto the apron. Seeing him, Game Girl charges, punching at him, but Duke avoids it, grabbing Game Girl’s robot arm and dropping off the apron, doing some damage to it! Game Girl stumbles away, holding onto it, as Duke quickly comes into the ring and catches her with a spinning neckbreaker!

Game Girl rolls away, as Calypso tries to rush forward, wanting to stop Duke’s momentum. But Duke just catches him and spins, landing a Double A spinebuster! Calypso arches his back in pain, but he’s pushed back down as Duke goes for the cover.



THR-and Calypso just barely kicks out in time!

PC: Duke’s immediately making a heavy impact.

HHL: I think everyone expected that coming into this one.

PC: I do want to say, I admire Mastermind’s planning here. He’s coming in last, after Duke, Vaughn, & Waters destroy all the competition!


Waters is back up now, with Duke directing traffic, telling her to get Vaughn and take down Game Girl. He continues to work over the weakened Calypso, lifting him up to deliver the Three Amigos suplexes! Afterwards, rather than go for the pin, Duke applies a grounded hammerlock, doing some more damage to Calypso, as Waters and Vaughn grab Game Girl and double-team her, launching her over the ropes and into Ring 2!

The two wrestlers follow her in, with Vaughn tugging Game Girl off the canvas. Game Girl tries to fight back, but Vaughn blocks it, then lifts Game Girl up, delivering a cobra clutch bulldog! Game Girl flops over onto her back, as Waters goes up onto the turnbuckle. She positions herself and leaps into the air, scoring the Serenity Fall!! Waters rolls away in pain after the landing, but Vaughn grabs her and rolls her back the other way, getting her to make the cover on Game Girl…



THRE- No!! Game Girl gets out in time!!

HHL: How did Game Girl kick out of that? I thought it was over!

PC: She has to be using a cheat code. There’s no other answer.


Duke is currently giving Calypso the Garvin Stomps, working his way around the team captain as he works him over. He knows that Calypso has been in there the longest for his squad, and is intent to remove him from the equation. As Calypso rolls to his knees, trying to struggle to his feet, Duke waits next to him, watching him with a calm demeanor. He then grabs Calypso by the head, set for Shellshocked… but Calypso blocks it, pulling free from a shocked Duke, and he quickly pulls Duke down from behind, rolling him up!!



And Duke kicks out!

PC: Wow!

HHL: That would have been an incredible upset!

PC: Did you see him grab the tights? What a cheater!

HHL: Who, Calypso? He didn’t have the tights, that was a clean pin!

PC: You… you just couldn’t see from your angle…

HHL: …. We’ve got the SAME ANGLE!!


Duke is back on the attack now, not letting the close surprise pin get to him. He hammers onto the wounded Calypso, working him over for nearly rolling him up. In Ring 2, Game Girl has been hung up in the corner, as both Waters and Vaughn kick away at her, doing more damage, using their numbers advantage to the fullest.

They bring Game Girl out of the corner, setting her up for a double suplex. They nod to each other and lift her up… and she reverses it into a double DDT!! The two wrestlers roll away from each other, as Game Girl just lays there, exhausted. In Ring 1, Duke is unaware of his teammates being down, as he’s now got Calypso locked into an elevated Texas Cloverleaf!! Once again, Calypso is watching the clock, desperate, as he tries to get free. The crowd is counting down again, as the clock is coming to an end…


The final seconds tick off, as the crowd begins to get excited…

Speed Run: Hanari Carnes

HHL: We’re up to a three-on-three contest!

PC: By now, I’d be on the way to the hospital. I don’t know how Calypso and Vaughn are still in this!

Carnes spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flagpole over his shoulder.


Carnes makes his way quickly down the aisle, handing off the flag to an alert ringside attendant, before diving into the ring. Duke lets go of Calypso to come after him, but Carnes catches him moving, delivering a thunderous German suplex that sends Duke tumbling under the bottom rope and out of the first ring!

The wrestler then heads for Ring 2, seeing Waters and Vaughn getting back to their feet. He grabs a surprised Vaughn, lifting him up and delivering a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!! Vaughn’s spine twists from the pain, as Carnes gets back to his feet. Waters tries to come at him, but Carnes is too fresh, lifting Waters into the air and delivering an electric chair drop! As Waters rolls away, Carnes gets up, turning to the ropes and giving the ladies at ringside a few swings of his hips, pointing towards them with a finger gun gesture.

PC: Hanari Carnes has made an immediate impact!

HHL: Being one of the fresher wrestlers really makes a difference. Carnes hasn’t been taking a beating for over 8 minutes.

PC: Luck of the draw, Heather, luck of the draw!

HHL: Or Calypso’s plan being extremely successful…


Calypso is back up now, striking away at a returning Duke in Ring 1. Game Girl manages to get up as well, gesturing to Carnes to work with her. They both lift up a weary Vaughn, with Game Girl unleashing a massive Super Combo on him!! Vaughn gets thrown around, beaten up, before finally left staggering back up to his feet, only for Carnes to come in and score a Punta Cana Kick!! Vaughn might be out, as Carnes makes the cover.



THRE- And Dolly Waters comes diving past Game Girl, managing to break up the pin!

PC: What a save by Dolly!

HHL: I was ready to cross our first name off the list, and what a shocker that would have been!

PC: The way all of these wrestlers are fighting, I think the first elimination is going to be a shock no matter who it is!


Waters struggles to pull Carnes off of Vaughn, but she’s soon sent flying by Game Girl, who hits her with a Spear Step! They fight off to the side, as Carnes gets himself up, bringing Vaughn with him over towards the ropes. He twists Vaughn over them, applying a rope arm guillotine hold!! Vaughn yells out, trying to pull away. The ref moves in, not for a check of Vaughn, but to administer a five count to Carnes for the illegal move. He drops it at 4, letting Vaughn fall to the mat.

In Ring 1, Calypso has Duke in a chin lock, trying to keep him on the mat long enough for Calypso to rest up himself. But Duke is starting to fight his way up, with a weary Calypso in trouble. He opts to pull Duke closer to the ropes between the rings, yelling out to a rising Game Girl. She sees what’s happening and leaps into action, getting close enough to the ropes so she can blast Duke with a Rocket Propelled Fist!! Duke tumbles backwards, with Calypso hanging on for the cover attempt…



And Thad kicks out with authority!

PC: Duke’s still got plenty in the tank!

HHL: Maybe, but the Speed Run team is showing that they can work together perfectly, which has given them the upper hand!

PC: Only for the next 20 seconds or so. We’re due another participant, and we know who’s left!


With some urgency, the Speed Run team members double up, with Game Girl and Calypso stomping away on Duke to try and find a way to eliminate him. Meanwhile, in Ring 2, Carnes has sent Waters flying over the top rope to the floor, removing her from the scene temporarily. We can’t see her anymore for the moment, but we can assume she hit hard.

He goes back to Vaughn, who is covering up his injured arm. Carnes shows no sympathy, pulling Vaughn towards him… and applying the Viva La Republic cross arm breaker!! Vaughn is suffering greatly, shouting out as he looks for any way out. He scoots painfully across the mat, reaching out towards the ropes… and Carnes pulls him back, keeping Vaughn from making the break! Vaughn starts to go limp, refusing to tap, but struggling to stay conscious from the pain… when the ref is pulled from the ring, dragged to the outside… by Mastermind!!

HHL: Whoa, wait a second!! Mastermind’s not in this one yet!

PC: Hey, what’s a couple of seconds when it comes to a match like this?

HHL: This shouldn’t be allowed! Mastermind’s supposed to be at the entrance!

PC: He’s not in the match yet, though, Heather… not for three... two… one…


The buzzer sounds, even as Mastermind pops up onto the apron and immediately enters Ring 2, charging at an unsuspecting Carnes.

War Masters: Mastermind


Before Carnes can do anything, Mastermind boots him in the side of the head, breaking his hold on the wounded Vaughn! Carnes staggers upwards, hurting, but Mastermind was just waiting for this. He dashes forward, getting Carnes with a running bulldog! The referee is back in the second ring now, yelling at Mastermind for his interference, but Mastermind ignores him.

Instead, Mastermind comes behind the recovering Carnes and grabs him around the head, applying the Mind Sleeper!! Carnes is immediately fighting against it, his arms flailing, as Mastermind laughs behind him, enjoying the sight of his recent foe losing his battle with oxygen. Across in Ring 1, Game Girl sees what’s happened and dashes over, coming through the ropes. She hits Mastermind from behind with her good arm, breaking the hold, but Mastermind no-sells the hit, turning towards a surprised Game Girl and taking her down with an RKO!! The cover is made…



THR- And Calypso breaks it up!

HHL: I still hate how Mastermind entered this one…

PC: He’s just given his team the best chance of victory. They need to take advantage of this last numbers advantage before it’s too late.


Calypso strikes away at Mastermind, trying to slow him down. He grabs Mastermind’s arm and whips him towards the ropes, no, Mastermind reverses so it’s Calypso who takes the ride. As Calypso rebounds and comes back, Mastermind catches him with a back body drop… throwing him on top of Game Girl!!

Carnes staggers forward from the corner and tackles Mastermind, striking away at him. But now Duke is there, catching Carnes by the head and pulling him away, beginning to give him a series of Gator Rolls!! In the meantime, Waters has returned from the outside, achingly pulling herself up onto the turnbuckle. She leaps into a moonsault, landing perfectly onto Calypso!! The crowd can’t help but pop, even as the ref makes the count…



THR- And somehow, against all odds, Calypso kicks out again!!

HHL: I’m starting to wonder if Calypso can be stopped at this point…

PC: Of course he can be stopped! He’s been stopped plenty in the past!

HHL: And yet despite the punishment he’s taken tonight, he’s still staying in this one! Being the team leader is definitely motivating him…

PC: We’ll see if that lasts to the end of this one…


As Waters keeps working over Calypso, we switch to outside the rings, where we see Vaughn taking a knee. He looks like he’s taking advantage of the fight in the ring to recuperate. He watches as Duke whips Carnes into the corner near him. Duke charges in, but Carnes throws an elbow, knocking Duke away. As Carnes starts to come back out of the corner, though, Vaughn grabs his leg, temporarily stopping him. Before Carnes can free himself, Duke comes right back with a dropkick, knocking Carnes down.

Duke then stumbles back away from Carnes, even as Vaughn gets up on the apron and starts to choke out Carnes with the tag rope hanging from the corner!! The referee doesn’t see, as he’s too busy with Mastermind taking it to Game Girl in the opposite corner. He’s punching away, ignoring the ref’s warnings as he tries to remove all of Game Girl’s energy bar. Duck, meanwhile, joins with Waters in landing some more hits on Calypso. They all stop, though, when they hear the final countdown…

HHL: It’s time to even the numbers!

PC: I don’t know, it might be smarter just to stay in the locker room…

HHL: Not a chance in hell.


As the clock ticks down, all of the War Masters come together, preparing for what’s to come. The buzzer sounds.

Speed Run: North Korean War Criminal

NKWC walks in perfect step to the tune of the North Korean National Anthem, wielding a ceremonial sword and immaculate military uniform. A wondrous orchestra of True Koreans trumpet out the beautiful melody any man could ever hear. Two cadets walk several paces after him wielding the glorious flag of True Korea, wavering majestically overhead, leading the way to a brighter future for all mankind. Wherever he is, the True Leader of the Free World, Kim Jong Un sheds a single tear of pride for the Greatest Warrior on the Planet, aside from himself.

NKWC sheds off the jacket of his military uniform at the aisleway entrance. The cadets catch the jacket and without letting it or the flag hit the ground and touching filthy North American soil, quietly scurry back up the ramp. The entire team of War Masters is yelling at NKWC, telling him to come inside the ring and fight. NKWC tells them to wait, as he must honor his True Leader. He turns away from the ring, saluting Kim Jong Un… and pulling a remote control from his pocket. He presses the button… and Ring 1 begins to gyrate, throwing all of the War Masters off-balance!!

PC: Whoa! What’s going on??

HHL: I think NKWC rigged the ring!!

PC: How’d he know which one to sabotage??

HHL: Knowing him, he probably had someone do both!

The ‘earthquake’ dies down, with all four members of the War Masters stumbling around, each with a different equilibrium at the moment. NKWC has turned and slid into the ring, attacking at a moment’s notice. He goes after Vaughn first, striking him a few times, before clotheslining Vaughn over the ropes and out of the ring! Waters stumbles towards him, grabbing at NKWC’s arm, but he pulls away from her, turning and kicking her in the gut, before taking her and tossing her over the ropes to Ring 2!

Mastermind and Duke both go after NKWC at once, trying to slow him down. They’re both punching away, but now reinforcements have arrived, as Carnes attacks! Carnes launches Mastermind into the turnbuckle shoulder-first, while Game Girl suddenly teleports behind Duke, nailing him with Nothing Personal, Kid! As Duke stumbles, Calypso comes in from the side, grabbing Duke’s head… and landing the Calypsonator!!! Duke stands straight up, his eyes clouded over, as NKWC grabs him from behind and rolls him into a School Man pin!!



Mastermind tries to get past Carnes, but can’t…


Thaddeus Duke by NKWC

HHL: Wow! And just like that, our first elimination takes place!

PC: I never expected Thaddeus Duke to go down first!

HHL: The Speed Runners had a plan, and they executed it to perfection!

PC: So let me get this straight, you’re condoning the ring gyrations, then?

HHL: No, but you can’t ignore that trickery’s effectiveness…

Carnes and Calypso go after Mastermind now, working him over in the corner. NKWC makes sure Duke gets rolled out of the ring. Seeing what’s happening from the outside, Vaughn looks disgusted. He slides through the ropes and immediately goes after NKWC, punching away at him, and the two start brawling back towards the turnbuckle. Game Girl joins in, making it a two-on-one on Vaughn.

They line things up with the other side of the ring, with the two whipping Vaughn forward, while Carnes & Calypso whip Mastermind the same way. They look like they’re going to collide, but Mastermind ducks down, while Vaughn does a flip over him, and the two men charge forward, attacking their surprised foes with clotheslines! Vaughn knocks Carnes aside, then fights Calypso, as Mastermind drives NKWC back their direction. It’s become a cluster on one side of the ring, with everyone brawling… and Waters is suddenly back, coming off the top with a Meteora splash into the group!!

PC: Let the bodies hit the floor!

HHL: The War Masters are doing their best to recover from the loss of one of their teammates!

PC: They can still turn this around!

Everyone is trying to recover after that massive collision, sending wrestlers scattered around Ring 1 and to the outside. Calypso struggles to get up, feeling the most fatigue of anyone there. He gets to his knees… and Waters comes rocketing in, nailing him in the head with Running Waters!!!! He’s down, as Waters makes the frantic pin, hanging onto his leg…



TH- and NKWC is there, kicking Waters in the back!! He pulls Waters up, lifting her bodily in the air, and brings her hard backwards with a German Bridge Suplex!! He hangs on, as Waters’ feet kick in the air…



And Vaughn comes leaping in with a double stomp, right onto NKWC’s chest!!

HHL: Everyone is fighting for their lives in there!

PC: Well, their careers, at least. Winning War Games can be a significant boost in respect!

NKWC rolls away, gasping, the air driven out of his lungs. Vaughn gets up, glaring down at him, but he turns as Game Girl charges at him. Vaughn sets himself for defense, but Game Girl surprisingly stops short, blasting him with a Light Bomb!!! Vaughn, blinded, staggers back, as Carnes reappears from the side, lifting the defenseless Vaughn up and delivering a fireman’s carry gutbuster!! He drops on Vaughn, as Game Girl runs defense…



And Mastermind nails Game Girl with a running dropkick, sending her crashing down onto Carnes to break up the count!! Game Girl rolls off of Carnes, who can’t get up quickly enough off of Vaughn. Mastermind takes advantage, quickly stepping over Carnes’ legs and applying the Mind Controller!!!! Carnes shouts out, feeling the agony of the submission hold, as Mastermind tries to get him to tap out!

Carnes’ hand hovers in the air…

But it doesn’t come down, as Calypso is suddenly there, catching the startled Mastermind around the head and dropping with another Calypsonator!!! Mastermind bounces up off of Carnes, landing on his side, as Calypso scrambles on top of him, rolling up both legs….



Vaughn and Waters both dive forward…


Mastermind by Calypso

HHL: The team leader of War Masters is gone!!

PC: The plan has fallen apart! There must have been shenanigans!!

HHL: No, sometimes that's just the way the match...


Waters and Vaughn look at each other, realizing they're not in a four-on-two situation. Carnes gets up, cocky, and comes towards Waters, swinging his hips. Waters and Vaughn look at each other, then react at the same time, landing a double dropkick that sends Carnes flying!! The two get up, with Vaughn immediately charging at a recovering Game Girl, leaping into her with a big splash, while Waters jumps with both knees into Calypso, knocking him out of the ring!!

Waters and Vaughn then turn and, running as if on the same wavelength, charge forward towards a rising NKWC, both leaping into him to knock the wrestler back over the ropes and into Ring 2! Showing their desperation, Vaughn is immediately scaling the nearby turnbuckle, getting himself upright and launching forward towards NKWC with the Plunge!!! He lands it, rolling away from NKWC, even as Waters leaps off the other turnbuckle with a frog splash!! She lands it, hanging on, as the referee slides in…



THRE- No!! Both Game Girl and Carnes come running in, kicking at Waters to break up the pin!!

HHL: Vaughn and Waters are both trying their hardest, but they’re severely outgunned at this point!!

PC: They needed that elimination on NKWC. I don’t see how they get out of this without handcuffing wrestlers to the ropes or something… which I wouldn’t put past Vaughn, really…

Game Girl and Carnes bring Waters up, kicking away at her. They knock her into the corner, but now Vaughn is back, clocking Game Girl in the back of the head with a forearm! He quickly tosses her over the top rope, but she lands on the apron, hanging there by her robotic arm. Vaughn turns back to Carnes, exchanging rights and lefts with him, trying to slow the man down. But Calypso is back now, catching Vaughn from behind and rolling him up!! He hangs on tightly as Vaughn’s legs kick wildly…



THR- and Vaughn escapes!

HHL: You know Calypso would love to be the one to pin the Supercontinental Champion.

PC: Well, he’s got to try harder then, because despite the odds, Vaughn’s still there. How long’s he been in there now? Fifteen, twenty minutes?

HHL: You could just check your watch…

PC: I didn’t write down when the match started, that’s someone else’s job…

Vaughn’s back up, but Carnes and Calypso are both attacking him, trying to get him down. He struggles to fight back, taking too many hits, especially when Game Girl joins in. They beat Vaughn down, putting him on the canvas, but Waters comes flying back into the group, crashing into all three with a springboard splash!! She gets up, determined as she goes at Game Girl, hitting a spinning mule kick to take her down! Waters drops on top, clutching at her legs…



And Carnes breaks it up! He pulls Waters into the air, positioning her into another Electric Chair… but Waters somersaults forward out of it, rolling down Carnes and twisting him into a pin!



And this time, Calypso breaks it up! He strikes at Waters, trying to get her to slow down, even as Vaughn pulls himself painfully up on the side, hanging onto the ropes. He turns towards Waters… and NKWC is there, running into Vaughn with a shoulderblock to knock him back over the ropes to the outside!! As Vaughn crashes and burns, Waters manages a calf kick that staggers Calypso, followed by a one-legged dropkick to knock him down. Waters turns towards NKWC, bracing herself… and Carnes is back, nailing Waters with the Punta Cana Kick!!! Waters collapses, with Carne dropping on top of her, hanging on as NKWC provides moral support…



Vaughn looks up from outside the ring, seeing the count…


Dolly Waters by Hanari Carnes

HHL: That’s it! We’re down to four-on-one!!

PC: It’s the Supercontinental Champion against the entire team of Speed Runners!

HHL: Why do I get the feeling that Vaughn isn’t going to stand for this?

As Waters painfully rolls out, landing on the outside, Vaughn stares over at her, then looks at the regrouping team inside the ring. He stays there, watching, as Waters is helped past him, heading towards the back with an extremely disappointed look on her face. NKWC rallies the troops, getting them ready, and goes to the ropes, gesturing for Vaughn to make his way in. After a few seconds, though, Vaughn shakes his head. He turns, ignoring the boos as he starts to walk away.

PC: Where’s he going??

HHL: Vaughn’s shown in the past that he can turn his back on teammates if the odds are too great. Now, it’s 4-on-1!

PC: Hell, that’s disappointing. I wanted to see if he could take them…

Vaughn starts heading for the ramp, as the referee leans out, counting away. The rest of WarGames WorldRecord SpeedRun 100% Any% seems relieved to have one less SuperContinental Champion they have to put down. But not everyone.

The sound of a microphone whirring to life.


Vaughn stops in his tracks. NK rolls back into the ring, microphone-in-hand.

“Peter Vaughn! You again prove what my comrades and I have said about you. What the wrestling world has said about you! That when the going gets tough, Peter Vaughn… Exits! …Exits? Is that the American colloquialism, comrades?”

Some of his teammates slice a hand across their throats like ‘dude, not now.’ NK instead leans over the top rope, shouting directly at the Mechanic.

“If you possessed the TESTICULAR FORTITUDE to battle under unfavorable odds. If you weren’t such a SPINELESS DESERTER… If you FINISHED YOUR FIGHTS… Perhaps some of the companies in which you EARNED your World Championships… Wouldn’t have FOLDED FINANCIALLY!”

PC: …..Ooooooooooh, that’s spicy.

HHL: War Criminal, implicitly putting the hiatus at Thunder Pro Wrestling directly on its World Champion, Peter Vaughn’s shoulders. If I know anything about the Mechanic, that’s gonna PISS HIM OFF.

Vaughn is shuddering as he still faces away from the ring, considering everything in front of him. His hands slowly grip into fists, and he turns around, looking back at NKWC, who is still leaning over the ropes, staring at him. Vaughn then starts walking forward, yelling at NKWC, furious. He begins to sprint, sliding into Ring 1, where NKWC greets him, the two men slugging away at each other as the rest of the team looks on, completely shocked!!

PC: It’s a brawl!

HHL: NKWC was able to convince Vaughn to return, even with the odds so heavily stacked against him! I never thought I’d see him stick around!

PC: NKWC hit right with a low blow right in the conscience, Heather. No man wants to feel like that!

Vaughn actually seems to be getting the upper hand on NKWC, punching him backwards, as Calypso watches on in amazement. He suddenly seems to realize that they need to get involved, ordering Game Girl and Carnes to grab him. Vaughn, though, spins on his heels, nailing Game Girl with a superkick! Carnes, stunned, tries to grab him, but takes a superkick as well!! Calypso reacts late, stepping forward, right into a third superkick!! Vaughn’s on fire, as the crowd starts to react, feeling his intensity.

NKWC comes back in, grabbing Vaughn by the back of the head, but he spins out of it, nailing NKWC with a kick to the gut, then locking onto him and dropping with the Key Holder!!! NKWC is down, stunned, as Vaughn drops on top of him, trying to take advantage of most of the wrestlers being on the ground…



And NKWC kicks out! Vaughn slaps the mat in anger, before getting up… and immediately getting attacked by Carnes!

HHL: We’re seeing a different side of Peter Vaughn right now!

PC: THIS is the guy who’s won Four World Titles, not the guy who’s been abandoning partners and turning on friends…

HHL: NKWC almost lost his shot at the finals due to motivating him this way, though…

PC: Strangely, it was a chance that NKWC was willing to take…

Carnes hauls Vaughn up, grabbing at his arm, knowing that it was previously injured by Carnes’ Viva La Republic cross arm breaker earlier. He moves Vaughn around, trying to get him back into position, even as Game Girl and Calypso both come in towards them. But Vaughn springs up, using Carnes as leverage to land a double kick to the two wrestlers, sending them falling away from them. The momentum causes Vaughn to gain more altitude, allowing him to readjust in mid-air…

And bring Carnes down with Revenged!!!!



NKWC recovers and starts forward, but…


Hanari Carnes by Peter Vaughn

HHL: Oh my god!

PC: He did it!! Vaughn eliminated one of the Speed Runners!!

HHL: He’s still got a heck of a long way to go, though!

PC: But his odds have definitely improved!

NKWC pulls Vaughn up, looking strangely pleased at the fight that the champion is putting up. This doesn’t stop him, though, from turning Vaughn around and dropping him with a reverse DDT, planting him on the canvas right where Carnes was before he rolled out of the ring. NKWC then makes the cover, holding onto Vaughn’s shoulders…



THR- and Vaughn somehow kicks out!!

NKWC nods and brings Vaughn back up, having no problems continuing the violence. He points to a rising Game Girl, who readies her robotic arm and charges it up. NKWC whips Vaughn in that direction, no, Vaughn reverses… and Game Girl nails NKWC with the Hyper Bomb!!! NKWC falls aside, as Game Girl looks devastated for a moment. She rushes at Vaughn, swinging, but he ducks under it and catches her, flipping her over with a back suplex, hanging on as he tries to bridge her up!



TH-And Game Girl kicks out! She rolls away as Vaughn kips up to his feet, somehow pulling energy out of thin air. Calypso rushes at him, going for the roll-up, turning Vaughn over, but Vaughn reverses it, continuing the roll so that it’s Calypso’s shoulders that are down!!



And Calypso gets free!! Vaughn pops up again, grabbing at Calypso… and NKWC hits a running boot to the head, knocking Vaughn into the ropes!! Vaughn hangs there, stunned, as NKWC quickly signals to Calypso to attack. Calypso does so, leaping into Vaughn and landing the Calypsonator!! Vaughn rebounds off the ropes, staggering forward, with NKWC spinning into a double-handed punch, crashing it into the side of Vaughn’s head!!

He still doesn’t go down, but the lights might be off. He wavers back and forth, as Game Girl returns, seeing her opening. She goes wild on Vaughn, swinging away, landing the ULTRA COMBO!!! With Vaughn down, Game Girl makes the cover, with Calypso and NKWC both standing around her…




Peter Vaughn eliminated by Game Girl

Advancing To The War Games Main Event:

Game Girl

HHL: Peter Vaughn fought like a madman, but there was no way to overcome the odds!

PC: The Speed Runners are looking like a dominant force right now. Will anyone be able to stop them in the finals?

As Vaughn slowly rolls to the apron, gasping for breath, NKWC follows him. He says something to Vaughn, but it doesn’t get picked up by the cameras. NKWC then leaves to celebrate with his teammates, leaving Vaughn to be checked on by the medics. We cut away.

Raion Kido is beaming after his victory over the Notorious Alliance. With he and Angie Vaughn both making it to the main event match later in the evening, he is feeling great about his chances of standing tall to close the show.

Kido pats his gleaming Universal Championship and hefts his 24/7 case as he walks up to his dressing room… but he sees something on the floor. It’s a fortune cookie?

Kido sighs heavily, recognizing right away that this must be some sort of dumb prank. He has often caught racist “Chinese Food” types of insults in the wrestling industry. Kido picks up the cookie, and when he bends over he sees another. And another. A line of fortune cookies leads down a hallway, so Kido smirks and follows it, ready for whatever attack he receives from whoever it is.

Kido ends up heading down a maintenance hallway which eventually leads to a dead end. No one jumps out at him. No one seems to have followed him.

Then, a noise catches his attention over his head. He looks up just in time to get buried in a pile of falling pink and blue rubber dildos! These things are thick and at least a foot long. They all say ‘Bing Bong 4 Life’ down the sides.

Screeching laughter echoes down the hall then, and MC C-Munqqquee and his twin brother Li’l Ca$h App emerge from a maintenance room. They are holding up a cell phone and filing Kido as he struggles to get free from the hundreds of massive sex toys.

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye check out Raion Kido, bro! He about to go VIRAL on TikTok, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…”

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e:"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, you know it. Look at this dumb bitch swimming in our replica pussy pounders, made to actual scale and now on sale to all the honies who love to watch us on hashtag Madness. Yo honestly I thought clowning the champion would be harder than clowning Jason Cashe’s punk ass, but Crayon here was easy as shit!"

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz: "You ain’t lyin’ bruhhhh. I guess he can go back to watching anime and building gundams or whatever. I bet he plays with a tomagotchi too! Meanwhile all you and me ever play with is money and huge titties."

Li'l Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e:"So much money and so many titties. As a matter of fact, lets go get some Swiss Titties up on our grill right now. I’m bored of embarrassing the so called best wrestler in the XWF! LMSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The Bing Bong Twinzz head off just as Kido frees himself from the dildos. He rushes to where they were but they are long gone, and Kido can just look around angrily, unable to find them.

”The following is the War Games Survivors Match… Currently in the ring, CALYPSO, GAME GIRL, and one-half of the XWF Tag Team Champions, NORTH KOREAN WAR CRIMINAL”

”Their opponents, the survivors of the Meat Clowns; the XWF Universal Champion Raion Kiddo, and Angie Vaughn!

The crowd pops as Kido and Vaughn emerge out to the top of the ramp and start to make their way toward the Caged rings. The surviving duo reach one of the entrances to the Cage and make their way inside.

”And the final survivors.”

”Mercy and Latina Submission Machina.”

Not much fanfare for LSM and Mercy as they make their way down to the ring. Once inside the cages, we are set for our Main Event of the evening.

Angie Vaughn and Raion Kido

- vs -

Latina Submission Machina and Mercy

- vs -

Calypso and Game Girl and NorthKoreanWarCriminal

The bell sounds as the Main Event is officially underway. Calypso, Game Girl, and NKWC are huddled off in their corner talking over strategy while in the other corner Kido and Angie discuss as well only to be blindsided by LSM and Mercy! The War games Cage surrounds the ringside floor where LSM hurls Vaughn out to the floor as Mercy lays in stiff shots to Kido. Calypso and company turn around to see LSM and Mercy doubling up on Kido and have to interject as the crowd roars seeing Mercy and LSM taking a shellacking from Game Girl, Calypso, and NKWC! We see NKWC bounce off the far side where he lands a suicide dive through the ropes onto Angie driving her back into the cage! In the ring, Kido is hurled over into Ring 2 by Game Girl leaving Calypso working over Mercy in a neutral corner. Calypso fires Mercy toward Game Girl which sees Mercy cut Game Girl in half with a Spear! Outside on the floor NKWC pulls out a chair and throws it into ring two, next comes a table that slides into ring two, next is a Ladder that slides into ring two before Vaughn recovers and sends NKWC face-first off the ring post and crumbling down to the floor!

Angie slides into ring 2 as LSM is getting back to her feet and Vaughn catches her with a backstabber! Angle looks for the cover!




LSM escapes with a kickout!

In Ring 1 Mercy sends Calypso over the top rope and out to the floor before turning attention back toward Game Girl who looks for a Superkick! Mercy catches the foot, pulls Game Girl in and delivers an exploder suplex! Mercy makes a cover.




Game Girls escapes with a kickout.

Mercy is back to whatever it is feet seeing Angie Vaughn with a mount position on LSM where she’s hammering down with right hands! Mercy makes its way over into ring two taking the steel chair where they waffle Angie across the back! NKWC can be seen climbing up on the ring apron where he climbs up to the top rope delivering a Missile Dropkick into the chair driving it into Mercy’s face! Kido sizes up Calypso as he scales up the turnbuckles from inside the ring where he leaps off with a flying cross-body block down on top of Calypso!

Kido slides back into the ring where he snaps a float-over suplex on Game Girl!




Game Girl escapes with a kickout!

Kido pops back to his feet where in ring two LSM has gotten back to her feet and is locking in an Ankle Lock on Angie while NKWC stomps away on Mercy! NKWCpicks up the steel chair and starts wearing out Mercy with shot after shot after shot while LSM locks in the Ankle lock! Kido springs into action as he looks to springboard off the top rope of ring one only to be crotched on the top rope by a recovered Calypso!

Angle is locked in the ankle lock as the referee asks her to surrender!

Angie counters the ankle lock with a roll through that sends LSM smashing face-first off the middle turnbuckle where Angie rolls her up with a small package.




LSM escapes with a kick-out. Both Angie and LSM are quick to their feet where they take each other down with a double lariat! In Ring 1 Calypso and the recovered Game Girl land a double powerbomb on Kido! Calypso makes a cover.




Kido escapes with a kick-out!

NKWC has the Ladder as he places it back in a leaning position against the turnbuckles before turning his attention back toward Mercy. NKWC looks to shoot Mercy into the Ladder, Mercy reverses and it’s NKWC that crashes off the Ladder staggering back out toward Mercy who boots him in the gut before delivering a running buckle bomb into the ladder!

Calypso and Game Girl enter ring 2 where they pounce on Mercy from behind with a double team.

They both lock a front face lock on Mercy and snap off a Suplex into the Ladder! Game Girl makes a cover on Mercy!




Mercy escapes with a kick-out. Kido is pulling himself up to his feet in ring 1 while in Ring 2 Calypso, NKWC, and Game Girl pair off with Mercy, Angie, and LSM. NKWC drives LSM back into a set of buckles where he lands several kicks to the ribs while Game Girl picks Angie up off the mat. Game Girl locks in a front face lock looking for a DDT when Kido springboards off the ropes of ring one with a flying forearm smash to Game Girl saving Angie in the process!
NKWC spins around where he’s met with a spear from Kido! Angie Vaughn blasts Calypso with a Running Mafia Kick sending him through the ropes and back out to the floor!

Kido makes the cover on NKWC!




NKWC kicks out of the near fall! Kido is back to his feet where he spins around and is run the fuck over by a mac truck named Mercy who is back in the mix with vengeance! Mercy turns toward LSM who is getting to her feet back in a neutral corner. Mercy charges with an avalanche splash crushing her against the buckles!

Game Girl is back up where she’s driven into the mat with a Sky High spinbuster from Mercy!

Mercy is back to her feet where Angie Vaughn has the chair and waffles Mercy in the face sending Mercy back into the ropes. Mercy staggers forward where Angie cracks it with a second chair shot dropping Mercy to one knee. Calypso slides back into the ring where he picks Kido up off the mat and hurls him over into ring 1 before going over after him. It takes Angie’s attention and allows Mercy to land a drop toe hold that sends Angie face-first off the chair and allows Mercy to transition into the Cattle Mutilation! Angie’s got nowhere to go as LSM and Game Girl both reach their feet seeing the position Angie is in but instead of making a save they opt to start trading right hands!

Angie Vaughn is forced to surrender!


Ring One see’s Calypso hammering down with right hands to Kido while over in ring 2 Mercy flattens both LSM and Game Girl with a double lariat. Mercy turns her attention toward ring one where they take the Ladder from the corner and throw it like a lawn dart crashing into the back of Calypso’s head! Mercy makes its way into ring one picking Calypso. Mercy sends him into the ropes, Calypso ducks under a clothesline, he bounces off the near side, Mercy spins around and into a Thess Press!

Calypso is back to his feet sizing up Mercy and it gets up Calypso moonwalks toward Mercy delivering a back elbow knocking Mercy silly!

In ring two LSM takes the upper hand on Game Girl as she locks in a Japanese Armbar! The referee is in a position to ask Game Girl to surrender! Game Girl refuses as LSM cranks on the arm and shoulder! Game Girl manages to roll through breaking the hold! They’re both to their feet with Game Girl charging toward LSM only to see LSM low bridge her with the ropes sending her spilling out to the floor!

Kido is back to his feet as Calypso makes the cover on Mercy!




Mercy kicks out!

Kido rolls under the ropes and into ring two where he’s back to his feet. LSM spins around where she’s met with the LIGHTNING BOLT from Kido! The crowd roars as the Universal Champion makes the cover!





Ring One sees Calypso make his way over into ring two where Kido is ready and meets him with a flurry of right hands mixed with kicks to the legs and quads followed by a spin kick to the midsection that doubles over Calypso! Kido locks a front face lock where he hoists him up in the air before driving him down with a brainbuster!

Kido executes a cover!




Calypso is saved by NKWC with a springboard leg drop across the back of Kido’s neck! NKWC quickly rolls Kido over making a cover!




Kido escapes to a huge pop from the crowd. We see Game Girl getting to her feet on the floor, she runs around the ring to ring one as Mercy can be seen getting back up to a vertical base. Game Girl retrieves a Kendo stick from under the ring before sliding back into the ring using the kendo stick to assist in a Side Russian Leg Sweep!

Game Girl looks for the pin on Mercy!




Mercy escapes with another kick-out! Game Girl pounds the mat out of frustration while over in ring two NKWC is starting to set the table up while Calypso looks to pick Kido up off the mat only to have Kido counter with an inside cradle!




Calypso kicks out of the near fall! Over in Ring 1 Game Girl rolls out to the ring apron where she pulls herself back up to her feet! She sizes up Mercy from the apron as Mercy is getting back to a vertical base! Game Girl springboards of the top rope looking for a seated senton!

Mercy catches Game Girl in midair!

Mercy lands THE FADED on Game Girl! Mercy has the cover!





The crowd boos at the elimination of the sentimental favorite being eliminated! We are down to Mercy, Kido, Calypso, and NKWC! NKWC has Kido where he drives him head first off the table before being joined by Calypso who rolls Kido on the table while pointing at NKWC to go to the top rope! Calypso holds Kido on the table as NKWC exits the ring to the apron and starts climbing up to the top rope!

Mercy comes over stepping through the ropes to the ring apron where she shoves NKWC off the top rope flipping toward the table!

Kido rolls off the table while yanking Calypso on top of it just before NKWC lands on top of him driving them both through the table! Kido covers Calypso!





We are down to three.




Mercy enters ring two immediately taking Kido and hurling him through the top and middle rope of a corner causing him to smack his right shoulder off the ring post! Mercy shifts attention to NKWC, she makes her way over picking him up off the mat setting him up for the sit-out powerbomb!

Mercy hoists NKWC up in the air only to have it countered into a sit-out facebuster!

NKWC scurries into the cover hooking the near leg.




Mercy kicks out to a gasp from the crowd.

NKWC starts getting to his feet where he turns his attention toward Kido who leans back against a corner clutching at his arm and shoulder. NKWC charges across the ring looking for a Helluva Kick that Kido evades and NKWC crotches himself on the ropes! Kido follows up with a shotgun dropkick sending NKWC crashing down to the floor!

Kido diverts his attention back toward Mercy!

Kido sizes up Mercy looking for the LIGHTNING BOLT!

Mercy catches the Heart Punch and forces Kido down to the mat where Mercy locks in a Crippler Crossface! The referee slides into position where he starts asking Kido to surrender! The Universal Champion refuses as he is locked down in the center of the ring! Mercy cranks on the head and neck as the referee continues to ask Kido to surrender! Kido pushes himself up off the mat where he rolls through the crossface while transitioning into a rolling knee bar! NKWC can be seen getting himself together on the floor! NKWC climbs back up on the ring apron where he scales up to the top rope! NKWC leaps off the top rope with a Mark Flynn like knee drop across the back of Mercy’s neck! NKWC rolls through getting back to his feet where he delivers a buzzsaw kick to the temple of Kido! NKWC covers the Universal Champion!




Kido kicks out to a pop from the crowd! NKWC quickly makes the cover on Mercy!




Mercy escapes with a kick out! NKWC gets back to his feet where he picks up Kido and sends him sailing over the ropes and into ring 1. NKWC shifts attention back toward Mercy, NKWC reaches down picking Mercy up where he drives Mercy back into a neutral corner. NKWC hoists up Mercy to seated position on the top rope! NKWC thumbs Mercy in the eye before climbing up on the middle ropes. NKWC locks the front face lock!

NKWC looks for a Superplex!

Mercy blocks by latching onto the top rope! NKWC looks for the Superplex a second time and again it’s blocked by Mercy! Kido makes his way back over into ring 2 where he rushes over to the corner and gets under NKWC! NKWC takes Mercy delivering the Superplex with Kido landing a Powerbomb on NKWC!

The crowd roars as the Universal Champion makes the cover on Mercy!




Mercy escapes with a kick out! KIdo pulls a NKWC as he immediately makes the cover on him.




NKWC pops a shoulder up off the mat at the last possible second to a gasp from the crowd! Kido gets to both knees questioning what he needs to do in order to put down his targets. Kido steps up to his feet as we see NKWC rolling out to the floor. Kido picks Mercy up off the mat where he shoots Mercy across the ring with an Irish Whip, Mercy bounces off the ropes catching Kido in mid leapfrog twisting him and powering him down to the canvass with a counter powerslam!

Mercy covers!




Kido escapes with a kick out to a huge pop from the sold out crowd. The crowd boos intently as Mercy gets back to her feet calling for the Sit-Out Powerbomb! Mercy stalks the Univeraal Champion, NKWC sneaks into the ring coming up behind Mercy with a SCHOOLMAN! NKWC hooks up the tights for additional leverage!





And we are down to NKWC and Kido!

Kido, unknowing of what has just transpired is working his way up to his feet where NKWC comes up from behind with a second SCHOOLMAN!




Kido kicks out as NKWC didn’t have a firm grip of Kido’s tights as the crowd roars! NKWC is back to his feet where he looks for a step up Shining Wizard to Kido! Kido ducks and NKWC lands on the mat. Kido steps up to his feet where he nails NKWC with a battering ram as he is getting to his feet! NKWC rolls under the bottom rope of ring 2 and under the bottom rope of ring 1 trying to create some space from the Universal Champion! The crowd is on fire for Kido as steps through the ropes and climbs up to the top rope where Kido sets sail with a diving elbow drop down on top of NKWC!

Kido makes the cover hooking the inside leg.




NKWC escapes with a kick out to a huge gasp from the crowd! There’s a chant of “KIDO! KIDO! KIDO!” as he starts to get back to his feet. Kido reaches down picking NKWC up off the mat rocking him with a right hand, followed by a second, then a third backing NKWC up into the ropes. Kido shoots NKWC across the ring, he bounces off the ropes where Kido lands a running leaping leg drop on the rebound!

Kido makes another cover!




NKWC kicks out at the last possible second to another collective gasp from the crowd as we see Kido getting back to his feet. He picks NKWC up off the mat where he fires him into a set of buckles! Kido rushes in after NKWC and eats a reverse elbow! NKWC steps up on the middle ropes delivering a blockbuster! Both men lay on the mat as the crowd gives them a solid ovation for the efforts on display throughout the night.

NKWC starts to crawl toward Kido draping an arm over the chest!




Kido fires a shoulder up off the mat to another massive ovation from the crowd! NKWC starts getting back to his feet where he steps through the ropes of ring 1 and into ring 2 where he picks up the steel chair. NKWC re-enters Ring 1, chair in hand. Kido is seen starting to push himself up off the mat where he reaches one knee. Kido steps up to his feet where he staggers and starts to turn around looking for NKWC who comes forward tattooing Kido between the eyes with a vicious chair shot that drops the Universal Champion!

NKWC drops the chair before dropping down making a side press with a leg hook.




The crowd explodes with Kido kicking out! NKWC gets to his knees as he complains about the count! He demands a faster count as he gets back to his feet. Kido’s eyes are glazed over as he starts to work his crawls toward the ropes, he reaches out grabbing the ropes using them to pull himself up to his feet. NKWC sizes Kido up and as he turns around NKWC looks to punt him in the nuts! Kido catches the foot of NKWC, he spins him around NKWC who then drives him down with a Rock Bottom!

Both Kido and NKWC are laid out on the mat!

Several seconds pass before we see Kido slowly begin willing himself up off the mat as the crowd gets louder and louder until he finally reaches a vertical base. NKWC isn’t far behind him and as he reaches his feet Kido explodes with a series of right and lefts to NKWC followed by a Judo Throw! Kido signals for the Heart Punch! The crowd is on fire for Raion as he reaches down picking NKWC up off the mat where he met with a green myst in the eyes!

NKWC gets the SCHOOLMAN with the tights and the ropes!





And the WINNERS of WAR GAMES 2022...

HHL: He's done it! NorthKoreanWarCriminal has outlasted everyone including current XWF Universal Champion Raion Kiido and delivering a victory for the War Games World Record Speed Run Team!!!

NKWC stands in the center of the ring his arms raised high as Calypso and Game Girl join him in the ring and lastly Hanari Carnes who came out from the back to take in the moment with the rest of his team.

PC: Sounds to me like NKWC has a legitimate claim to a one on one match with Kido at our next Pay Per View!

HHL: I think you might be right Pip. Well that's all the time we have for tonight folks. Have a great night XWF Universe!!!

Special Thank You To The Following:
Peter Vaughn
Chris Page
Dolly Waters
Geri Vayden
Angie Vaughn
Jenny Myst
Jason Cashe

And all you RPers out there, especially the replacements.

JOIN US ON SEPTEMBER 23rd, 24th and 25th...

LIVE FROM......................


AS WE GO....

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 18 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
ALIAS (07-31-2022), Ash Q (08-01-2022), Atticus Gold (08-01-2022), Dolly Waters (07-31-2022), Jason Cashe (07-31-2022), Jonathan Barrows (08-01-2022), Latina Submission Machina (07-31-2022), Marf (08-01-2022), Mercy (07-31-2022), Mr. Oz (08-01-2022), MrBig (07-31-2022), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (07-31-2022), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (08-01-2022), Raion Kido (07-31-2022), The Chameleon (07-31-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-31-2022), Tommy Wish (07-31-2022), Unknown Soldier (08-01-2022)
Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

08-01-2022, 05:34 AM

Game Girl spins a towel around in the air and celebrates like a caring soccer mom cheering on her son.

"WOOOOO! Go NK! So proud of my teammates and how hard they worked; good game everyone!"

[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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[-] The following 2 users Like Game Girl's post:
Dolly Waters (08-01-2022), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (08-01-2022)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-01-2022, 05:45 AM

Just wanted to take a second to once again thank the match writers of this show. Peter Vaughn, Dolly Waters, Marf and Chris Page. You ALL wrote fantastic matches, matches that at minimum half of the match couldn't be written ahead of time and yet you still had them in on time and of the highest quality. I've said it 1000 times before but this fed is what it is because of it's members and shows like this are a prime example of what I mean when I say it.

Thank you again.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 7 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
Dolly Waters (08-01-2022), Game Girl (08-01-2022), Marf (08-01-2022), Mercy (08-01-2022), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (08-01-2022), Peter Vaughn (08-01-2022), Unknown Soldier (08-01-2022)
NorthKoreanWarCriminal Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-01-2022, 06:05 AM

The closing image of WarGames is NK in the ring, wrapping his arms around his teammates, full-on joyfully weeping so hard they’re getting wet, is how proud he is of his team.


OOC: This show write-up was incredible from start-to-finish. How many little storylines and trashtalk points through the cycle were baked into the action in the ring? It shows how much love and attention the writers put into making this show great.

A+ work from the writers, from my teammates (who fucking crushed it), from all the RPers, from Ned Kaye who’s committed to putting out a Halloween-themed Update for The Heist.

Great show. WarGames is my very favorite event of the year ❤️

[Image: oZtyqya.jpg]
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[-] The following 3 users Like NorthKoreanWarCriminal's post:
Dolly Waters (08-01-2022), Peter Vaughn (08-01-2022), Theo Pryce (08-01-2022)
Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-01-2022, 07:49 AM

(08-01-2022, 05:45 AM)Theo Pryce Said: Just wanted to take a second to once again thank the match writers of this show. Peter Vaughn, Dolly Waters, Marf and Chris Page. You ALL wrote fantastic matches, matches that at minimum half couldn't be written ahead of time and yet you still had them in on time and of the highest quality. I've said it 1000 times before but this fed is what it is because of it's members and shows like this are a prime example of what I mean when I say it.

Thank you again.

Being trusted to play with everyones action figures is one of coolest privileges here, and I’m always honored to be able to dress them up, break their limbs, electrocute them, throw them from cages… you get it! Just like my old wrestling toys as a kid.

WarGames is a match writers dream come true. So I’m really happy that you all enjoyed it. These write ups were great, and worthy of all the incredible RPs

4x XTreme Champion    (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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[-] The following 4 users Like Dolly Waters's post:
Game Girl (08-01-2022), Marf (08-01-2022), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (08-01-2022), Theo Pryce (08-01-2022)
Mercy Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-01-2022, 07:59 AM

Echoing the writer praise, and the whole notion of rp elements making it into matches, like using Madison to heel it up during the qualifier. Very fun to read. Great job guys and great job to the winning team.

[Image: tumblr_pf5gevNFKB1s05hv8o3_1280.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Mercy's post:
Dolly Waters (08-01-2022), Game Girl (08-01-2022), Marf (08-01-2022), Theo Pryce (08-01-2022)

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