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Redemption Chapter 5:
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-22-2021, 08:12 AM

Continued from: Redemption Chapter Four

While on this road to Saturday Night Savage since announcing my intentions of taking back the XWF Universal Championship I had to cross paths with Betsy Granger. I blame Betsy for this strange adventure that I have been on. It’s completely insane for me to think that I have actually crossed over into another universe. Why did I have to go looking? In what I call my “universe” Alias is the Universal Champion but in another universe, he is she waiting tables at a bar in Boston in the mid-eighties. Does the question then become how many universes are there? How many versions of ourselves are out there?

Fuck you, Betsy.

The Good Doctor has one last chance to convince me that this is a real thing. I mean for fuck sake there was a live studio audience at Cheers! You expect me to believe that shit wasn’t a goddamn dream and that I am not still sleeping? Everything about this screams scam; much like Alias title reign so far. To prove himself, The Good Doctor asked me to think of a place where only I would want to go. If he takes me to this place without being told a damn thing I will have no choice but to come to grips that perhaps time travel and dimension-hopping is a thing.

” We’re here.”

The Good Doctor states which draw a response from Page.

” Are you sure?”

There’s no doubt shown from the Good Doctor as he opens the door to the Tardis. Chris follows where he steps out and into a Penthouse Suite at a hotel overlooking downtown Atlanta, Georgia. Chris sees his black travel bag on the bed and across on a table rests his XWF Universal Championship. Chris walks around the bed where his eyes fixate on the Universal Championship. He reaches the table where he picks up the Championship in both hands. He looks down at the gold in all its beauty before raising his head looking over at the Good Doctor.

” Where’s the crew?”

Chris comes back around the bed, championship in hand where he opens the bedroom door of the suite looking for Jessica as he calls out for her.

” Jess?”

Chris looks throughout the dining and living area of the suite. She’s nowhere to be found. Only nowhere to be found but there are none of her travel bags anywhere within the room itself which is confusing to Chris.

” Where’s Jess?”

Chris storms back through the suite to the bedroom where the Good Doctor stands looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows at downtown Atlanta with both hands behind his back as Chris enters the room.

” I’m talking to you, hoss.”

The Good Doctor turns around facing Chris from across the room as he holds his arms out from his body.

” She isn’t here.”

” What do you mean she isn’t here?”

” Chris you asked for me to bring you to a reality that shows you with the Universal Championship, correct?”

Chris looks back down at the title as he holds it waist-high in his right hand before responding.

” Yeah…”[/img]

The Good Doctor lowers his arms to his side as he starts to take a few steps towards Chris while he responds.

” I hate to be the one to tell you… but for this reality to exist, you had to make sacrifices. This reality only exists if you make life-altering changes, Chris. You haven’t endeared yourself to a lot of people in high places. This is your chance to wash away a lot of the bad and use it for the greater good. The ultimate question then becomes just how bad do you want it? What does it mean to you versus BOB?”

[green]” This is some bullshit if there ever was some.”

” Is it, Chris?”

Chris lays the Universal Title on the king-sized bed next to his black travel bag.

” If you want this to be your reality you need to sit back and do an awful lot of soul searching, my friend. Throughout your life, you have taken every cutthroat measure you could take, crossed any friend you have made; and for what? Money? Fame and Fortunes? It’s not too late for you to turn things around not only in your dimension but for your other-selves as well. This is the only reality in which you are remotely successful. You poked fun at Alias Chambers but had you seen yourself in that reality Alias Chambers doesn’t seem that bad.”

” You’re telling me that my actions in my reality affect the other me’s in alternate realities? Not only that but for me to see this come to a reality that I must leave an organization that I played my part to build?”

” Like I said earlier, how bad do you want it?”

The word conflicted doesn’t begin to describe where my head is when it comes to this ultimate decision that rests in my hands. How badly do I want it? How badly do I want to be back on top? Am I willing to risk everything that I have helped build with BOB? Am I willing to turn my back on one more set of friends if it means stepping into another plain of XWF Superstar?

Two-time Universal Champion has a nice ring to it.

Has BOB hit its glass ceiling? Do they even need me anymore? Fuck man, all the questions and not nearly enough answers. It should be an easy series of questions to answer if history dictates the future. I have stabbed every partner in the back in some form or fashion.

” I feel like this is a crossroads for me; a test if you will. I mean on the one hand what if I do decide that leaving BOB permanently is the decision to make; I fall right back into that turning my back on my partners, which is something you just made mention. So how will I be learning anything? How will I be changing anything? On the other hand, say I don’t leave BOB longer than my intended hiatus? I cost myself the Universal Championship; which in a way, is the decision I wouldn’t typically make.”

” I never said it would be an easy decision. Keep in mind this is what I picked up from you. You can rationalize it as much as you wish. The long and short don’t matter, what matters is what you do with it from here. Every question has an answer much like every consequence has repercussions. If you want to wake up with that Championship you’ve got some choices to make.”

” You already know what I am going to do, don’t you?”

” Indeed I do.”

The Good Doctor states as he places his hand in the pockets of his dress slacks while walking past Chris and walking towards the bathroom door of the penthouse.

” Whenever you come to your decision we can go.”

The Good Doctor leaves Chris alone in the bedroom to his own thoughts.

Decisions play a crucial role in our day-to-day lives. One wrong decision could directly affect not only yourself… but affect those with who you surround yourself. Take BOB for example; removing myself from their ranks while on my quest to regain the title I should have never lost is one thing, to never return is a horse of a different color altogether. The Good Doctor is correct when he says this is my decision to make, and it’s a choice that will have ramifications regardless of how you slice the pie.

Strangely, it took this long for my eyes to open.

Chris looks down at the title on the bed.

” You have always been what’s motivated and driven me to be one of the best of the bests the business has ever seen, but at what cost? What do I have if I don’t have you? I have the love of an undying girl, I have a group of talent that have busted their asses to be the driving force across two separate companies.”

Do I leave it all behind?

Chris reaches down once again picking up the Universal Championship.

” Decisions, decisions.”

Chris slings his Universal Championship over his shoulder before he turns around and starts to walk into the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom he walks back into the Tardis.

... To Be Continued.

Words from the Stoned One:

Jesus fucking Christ Alias is about as dumb as a goddamn brick. Desperate people will do desperate things, and there’s nobody more desperate than the reigning defending XWF Universal Champion. I guess playing little kiddie games like Pokemon or trying to call out subtitle colors from the past is your style of cutting a promo when it is a desperate attempt to save some face little guy. Here’s a guy that is more entangled with Pokemon and puppets to see the writing on the fucking wall. How many times have you eluded to Thunder Knuckles? More importantly, something Thunder Knuckles has said? What the fuck does he have to do with me? What does he stating I joined BOB has to do with a goddamn thing? I guess since Thunder Knuckles said it makes it true? Page motions a not quite perfect jerking off hand genture

Get the fuck outta here with that lame-ass nonsense.

Go play with some puppets or choose your adventure because if anyone is predictable it’s Alias. Go back and look over this mother fuckers history; whenever his ass is in a crack he falls back on the same dumb shit. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Do you think you are seriously winning this war of the words? Brother, you haven’t hit me with anything that sixty people before you haven’t already used. You’re not cutting edge, you’re a cheap imitation. You’re a lesser Chris Page when it comes to being a Universal Champion that dared to call out my defenses when your biggest claim to fame is beating up on Atara… twice… It’s easy to deal with someone that you know you can beat. You’ve been eating table scraps within the scene while pretending to be something special. This is taking candy from a goddamn baby.

You have proven over the last week that you have no goddamn clue how to approach ME.

You can’t nor you won’t come at ME versus everything going on around me, and it’s a smart move to make until you’re called on it, but only a blithering cuck will continue that same route. Enter Alias. The one guy whose head is shoved so far up his ass makes me look like a saint. What’s cute is how you are delusional enough to think for one second that you are getting under my skin. You can’t rattle Chris Page, especially when he has your fucking number. You have been nailed dead to rights every step of the way. You downplay the heavy hits to that ego or better yet completely ignore it.

Do you know what else I love?

How you can’t carry a goddamn promo by yourself.

Love how you’re constantly having to rely on other people to boost your shit because you know what I know; Alias is bland as fuck that couldn’t carry a promo series on his own if his life depended on it. Sure, I have had appearances from others, so let’s break this down a little to the present time. How many people have appeared in your shit? How many have appeared in mine? Point proven. I am handling you by myself while it’s taken a quarter of the goddamn roster to HELP you try to be entertaining, failed there too. Brother to hear just how far you are having to reach, and the flat-out lies and fairytales you’ve been spewing has me and everyone that knows what’s up busting a goddamn gut with laughter. Much like I have said once before- you continue to make this about ANY and EVERYTHING that is not Alias vs Chris Page, I will continue to make this about you and me. I am so sorry that I have let you down though. It does touch me in my feels to know that you’ve been disappointed. Well, not really… I am not here to entertain you. I am not here to appease Alias in any form or fashion. It’s much like you bitching about the lack of fanfare around my rematch announcement; that that was a thing? SMH.

If anyone should be disappointed it’s me.

YOU should be strong enough to handle me but you’re not. You have proven within the first week of this showdown that isn’t man enough to tangle with me, little boy. It’s amusing to watch you try though. I’ve seen better fights out of Big Goddamn D than I’ve seen out of you; reference check and the fact that you walked right into that cements just how amateur you are. Are you that low on material that you reached that far? Why yes, yes you are. This is just one of the many things that separate the cream of the crop from the weak and the desperate, the men from the boys. You’re a little boy trying to play a grown man’s game. I said that there are Main Event-ers, there are legends, there are icons, there is God’s… and then there is Chris Page. You do not fall into any of those categories and never will. You have masked yourself so well with other people around you to hide your weaknesses. Fuck man, you’re a younger version of me! Eat the World? Mother Fucker you are a cheap imitation of Chris Page in the sense of doing whatever the hell you need to do to maintain what position you have; you associates that carry you, your friends you surround yourself with. That WAS me.

BOB is out of the mix.

Half of your dribble is meaningless while the other half reeks of nothing more than a lost little boy trying to dog paddle to keep himself afloat. You don’t have to like me, you don’t have to respect me, you don’t have to care, you don’t have to do a goddamn thing but show up on Savage with my title so I can go ahead and put you down… again. The only difference this go-around revolves around I will put your shoulders to the mat as opposed to throwing you over the top rope. That safety net of losing to Chris Page is going to be removed while I firmly establish one more time exactly why I am and will always be the man! I don’t have to convince myself of anything. My successes within this business for thirty years speak for themselves, and yet here I am thirty years later equally as relevant within Professional Wrestling. So to hear someone like Alias seriously try to convince whoever will listen the polar opposite makes me question if he ever realizes just who the fuck he’s fighting. Talk about being underprepared. What a fucking punchline. Your time is up little boy. It’s time for the grown folks to step back in and take over. You played your role, dismal at best. Safe to say the Alias experiment was a failure, can’t say that I am surprised.

You pride yourself on being a survivor, right?

I pride myself on winning when it matters, and make no mistake about it now is a time that matters the most. Defeating you right here, right now is my driving force… and to do it on my own is only going to make that taste of victory that much sweeter. It’s the icing on the cake to look back on this little song and dance knowing that I bested you on my own while you’ve been carried by supporting casts. Sucks to be you about right now. I have sat back and listened to you speak on the same goddamn things over and over and over again like the broken fucking record you are when you are outmatched and being outright dominated. This is the position that you have found yourself in, and while I could continue calling you on all of your bullshit what’s the point? You have it beaten into your mind your narrative just like I have in mine. The difference between them both is yours is predicated on lies while my history is all I need to completely discount the meaningless jabs that you so desperately think is cutting edge. Nah Alias, I am disappointed with the levels that you have had to reduce yourself to to try and keep up. It’s like listening to a child whine and cry for the sake of hearing themselves whine and cry. I am not the bad guy in this situation, you are. You are still the guy that waited for six people to do your job for you, you are still the guy that shows up once a month or so to get in the ring, you are still the guy that has to be carried through your segments, and you are still the guy that is a fraud.

Compare me to whoever the hell you want to if it helps you sleep better at night.

Discount me and what I bring to the table if you choose to but by doing so means that you’ve made the biggest mistake of them all in underestimating me. That’s a cool story bro.

The overhype that you bring to the table is going to be for nothing. I don’t have to do anything but put your shoulders to the mat for a three count. That’s it. You’ve been involved in ONE real match against ONE real opponent; that fluke win over King Doc has driven your ego sky high putting you in the mindset that you are as good as you THINK you are, yet you continue to make mistakes at every turn. Do you know who else THOUGHT they had my number? Who else thought they could topple Chris Page? Who else had something I wanted? Thad Duke. Someone that has carried that dead weight of yours a time or two over the last year, and while yes it’s a broken record of my own (see how you admit what you do so you aren’t a hypocrite?) yet it’s a very relevant one when you tack that Uni Title into the equation. The difference between myself, or Chaos, or Atty for that matter rests within how they do not know how to play the game as well as I do. I mean fuck, I’ve been doing this thirty years and remain relevant in my own right, again MY, not yours. Look at the next few shows if you want to see how someone like me is not as relevant as Alias wants you to believe.

Sanford Stadium- one hundred thousand fans.

Mercedez Benz Stadium- ninety thousand fans.

Whose name is attached to those events on top?

Whose name isn’t?

Nah, I’m not relevant though, right? The next thing you’ll tell me is without my name attached they’d still sell out. Get the fuck out of here; you’ve seen Savage lately? Three match shows? The moment I sign up and announce that rematch; you know, the one you got bent about because it wasn’t red carpet-worthy, the moment I announced Chris Page on this show the talent jumped on board causing the goddamn card to double! What the fuck you mean not relevant, brah? They see dollar signs because Chris Page is box office. Fact. What else could you possibly have for me that makes sense and is not a figment of your imagination? More importantly, I do want to know how you are going to feel with this old fossil, this rundown has been, this guy that NEEDS you so bad to keep his relevancy, this guy right here that “joined” BOB because someone said so, this guy right here that you care so little about yet has so much to say shows up in the great state of Georgia as a challenger only to leave as the two times XWF Universal Champion at your expense?

As I used to say…

That’s not a prediction.

It’s a spoiler.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
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