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Saturday Night Savage 12/12
Author Message
Karen Hunt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

12-12-2020, 09:39 PM


Tommy Wish
- vs -

- vs -
Hanari Carnes

Ash Quinn
- vs -
Tula Kealiʻi

Jenny Myst
- vs -
Rebel Star
Xtreme Rules

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Atara Themis & Betsy Granger
- vs -
Charlie Nickles & Jim Jimson
Tag Team Mud Match
Standard Tag but in a mud pit
Winners will receive a Tag Title shot to be used in the future

OOC: All matches are 2 RPs with 3k Word Limit. You must post 1 cold open RP before the soft deadline (Friday 4th 11.59pm board time) if you wish to post 2.

Atticus White is shown in his office, sitting at his desk, deep in thought; when Big D enters the room, a briefcase in hand.

ATTICUS: "What's in there, your resignation papers?"

D: "Resignation?! Ha! Far from it!"

Big D grasps the case with both hands and shows it off to his co-General Manager.

D: "This bad boy contains the future of, not only Savage, but the ENTIRE XWF as we know it!!!"

ATTICUS: "Is that so?"

Big D responds with a nod, causing Atticus to lean forward and reach out for the briefcase.

ATTICUS: "Well then, in that case, don't mind me..........."

Before White can actually touch the case, D pulls it away, lightly slapping his hand as he does so.

D: "Ah, ah, ahhhhhh! Wouldn't want you spoiling the surprise, now!"

Big D holds the briefcase close to his chest as Atticus rolls his eyes.

ATTICUS: "Are you gonna at least get some work done while you're here?"

D's eyes widen in an overdramatic way as he pats the case.

D: "What do you think this ISSSS?!?"

Atticus shakes his head before proceeding to mimic the Captain Picard facepalm meme.

ATTICUS: "Could you go be a jackass somewhere else?.............PLEASE"

D: "Planned on it!"

Big D turns around and heads for the exit, making one last statement before disappearing into the hallway.

D: "I gotta hype this thing up!!!!"

White lightly smashes his head against his desk as the camera cuts to the arena.

Savage fades in with Paul Heyman standing in the center of the ring. The capacity crowd at the MGM Grand is coming unhinged in anticipation.

HHL: Welcome to Savage ladies and gentlemen, hot off the heels of the unbelievable High Stakes pay per view!

PIP: Paul Heyman is here and in the ring, Heather. The man behind the rejuvenated, reinvigorated Lionheart!

"Ladies and gentlemen," he begins as the crowd finishes his famous opening line. "It is with great pleasure... it is with an overwhelming sense of pride that I now introduce to you... one-half of your new, reigning defending World Tag Team Champions and...






Heyman gets himself all revved up, and does circles around the interior of the ring as he continues.













HHL: This crowd is in an uproar!

PIP: Loudest. Crowd. Ever.

Thaddeus Duke doesn't appear on stage, but amid the crowd in the upper part of the lower bowl dressed in his customary jeans and gray t-shirt that simply reads "CONQUEROR" in gold lettering. With his foster son Frankie by his side and carrying the tag title, the newly minted custom Universal title proudly around Thad's waist. As they make their way down the steps toward the ring, fans gather near him for hugs, high fives and quick selfies.

HHL: It was a historic night in Tombstone! Thaddeus Duke walked out with not one, but two championships!

PIP: That kid is a big time player and if there were any doubts about that before, he's once and for all silenced them.

At the barricade, Thad lifts Frankie up and over who promptly runs and dives into the ring. Thad himself hops over the barricade and climbs the ring steps, before pausing. He takes a moment to look over his shoulder at the crowd before stepping inside the ring. Frankie steals the mic from Paul and goes on a little hype duty.

"SIN CITY MAKE SOME NOOOIIISE!" he shouts as he jumps up onto the turnbuckles, and as he insists, the Las Vegas crowd is more than ready to give him what he wants. Frankie hands the mic off to Thad and the man just stares out over the crowd, giving them a once over.

HHL: This is your moment, Champ! Take it in!

Duke looks ready to get started, and the camera zooms in on the custom Universal title.

[Image: frEDMwH.png]

PIP: What a work of art is that thing?

Finally the crowd calms down long enough for Thaddeus to start to raise the microphone towards his lips…

Suddenly the sold out crowd erupts into loud boos as the house lights dim and white strobe lights start to flash all over at the top of the ramp. A thick smoky haze engulfs the ramp and begins to rise up. Seconds later seen walking out through the thick white smoke is “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE..

[Image: 01303-15990888370840-800.jpg]

"I'm become, I'm become, I'm becominnng!

"Judas in!

"Judas in my mind!"

HHL: Your Universal Champion, ladies and gentlemen! Singing along with his arch-rivals entrance!

PIP: The back of Thad's shirt, it says 'Hug Me.' The Universe was more than happy to oblige!

HHL: They were and Pip, the history between these two men over the last four months is well documented and chronicled, and if history tells us anything it tells us security needs to be on standby because it’s about to get ugly.

PIP: I am very interested in hearing what one half of the FORMER Tag Champions has to say, but Heather, these guys have torn through referees, security personnel and the roster to get at each other in the past!

Chris reaches ringside as he looks through his shades at Thad who moves his Tag title off his shoulder to show Page the word CONQUEROR. There’s a smirk from Chris as he calls for a microphone, which one is brought to him as he takes it before climbing up on the ring apron.

HHL: I’ve known Chris Page for thirteen years; I’ve worked for him, we’re personal friends and I can tell you that he doesn’t take losing lightly and he’s never been more motivated than he is now.

Chris Page steps through the ropes and into the ring as the music fades away leaving a roar of boos from the crowd which causes Page to raise the microphone and spout out towards the fans.

” Trust me when I say the last place I want to be in Las Vegas is the MGM Grand…”

Immediate heat from the crowd erupts as Chris simply talks over them as he states.

” Thank God I’m not here for any of you….”

Chris turns towards Thaddeus as he continues while pointing at Thad with the index finger of his left hand.

” I’m here for you.”

Thad calls Page out to throw down but it’s Page’s index finger shifts into Page holding up his palm towards Thaddeus as he states.

” Bruh does it look like I came to pick a fight? Matter of fact…”

Chris draws is left hand towards his eyes where he removes his shades as he then states.

” Let me take off these shades and so you can look me in the eyes, and maybe you’ll smarten up and give me three minutes to say what I need to say before I go my way.”

Thad starts to calm down as Chris then states.

” You and I have had some wars throughout the last three months or so. We shed blood, we’ve put on clinics, you’ve kissed me, I buried your old man… I’ve been called many things; an asshole, a prick, a douche’ bag, a shitty father… and I might be all those things… but something else I am… A man.”

The crowd finally calms their asses down.

” Trust and believe you and I have unfinished business, but that’s not why I’m out here. What you did at High Stakes was something that damn near everyone but yourself counted you out, myself included.”

There’s a quick pause from Chris before he states.

” Not only did you end the undefeated streak of Cataclysm you also left as the Universal Champion.”

There’s a solid round of applause from the crowd before they breakout into the cliché’ YOU DESERVE IT! clap clap clapclapclap chant causing Chris to lower the microphone and allow the chant to continue before it dwindles away. Chris raises the microphone back up to his lips.

” Respect is a word that’s lost its meaning amongst the younger generation but to the old heads like myself it means more than any Championship ever could, and while you’ve yet to legitimately pin my shoulders to the mat, I flew to Las Vegas, Nevada for one reason… to look you in the eyes and tell you regardless if you want to hear it or if you even care to have it… you’ve EARNED it from me.”

There’s another quick pause from Page before he states.

” And while your dance card is filling up rather quickly, it’s just a matter of time before I come knocking on your door looking for a shot at that Universal Title… but in meantime this isn’t goodbye… it’s I’ll see you later.”

Chris lowers his right hand before dropping his microphone as he then takes a step forward extending his hand. In response, Thaddeus Duke starts jacking his jaw without the mic, because Thaddeus Duke.

HHL: What the hell is he saying?

PIP: I can't read that fast. Is he speaking German again?

He stops jawing at Page, then accepts the handshake before pulling Page into a little bro hug. A few moments later, the hug is released and Chris Page exits the ring and heads toward the back.

HHL: A little mutual respect from these two adversaries who have literally rewritten the book on what it means to tell a story between those ropes.

PIP: Two of the absolute best wrestlers this sport has ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

With Page now backstage, all eyes fall on Thaddeus Duke who stands in the center of the ring.

"For days," he begins. "Upon days, weeks upon weeks, months upon months, year after year, opponent after opponent has fallen back on trying to paint me as nothing more than just Sebastian Duke's kid."

He pauses as he gathers his thoughts.

"It's satisfying to me in a way I can't put into words that on this day, December 12th... Eight years to the very day that my dad had his first match in this company, eight years to the day he made his XWF debut on pay per view at 12/12/12. Eight years to the day... just Sebastian Duke's kid... stands before you, having just conquered the fuckin' universe."

He pauses, allowing the fans to react accordingly.

HHL: Hall of Legends member, father of the Universal Champion! The legendary King of Darkness!

PIP: Does anyone know if there's ever been another father son duo as Universal Champions?

"DUKE NATION!" he shouts as he hops up on the ropes, bouncing up and down and removes the Universal title from his waist. "WE DID IT!"

The universe reacts in kind before Thad steps off the ropes and throws the title up on his other shoulder.

HHL: Pip, when you face the Lionheart, you don't face just a man. You face an entire nation.

PIP: Duke Nation!

"The last couple weeks have been a humbling experience for me and it really isn't easy to humble a Duke. I've fielded phone calls and text messages and Twitter messages since High Stakes congratulating me on that amazing fuckin' night I had in Tombstone... From legends of the business like D'Ville, Lee Stone, even Unknown Soldier... to my best friends in the entire world Corey Smith and Dolly Waters, to..."

Thad starts to tear up and pauses, giving himself a second.

"To so many of the great field of competitors that I outlasted... even some acquaintances...

"Hey Shawn...

"Chris Page is right. The titles are great, being champion is a great feeling, but... nothing compares to earning the respect of your peers, earning the respect of the people you beat out, earning the respect of those that paved the way long ago and live on now only in archived footage, and for fucks sake earning the respect of the guys that sign your paychecks.

"There is no greater feeling in this business. If anyone says differently, they're lying, don't believe them."

Thad pauses as he gathers more thoughts.

HHL: Respect in this business is earned the hard way and this champion has done just that!

"I wanted to thank Doctor D'Ville and I don't honestly know if he's listening somewhere, or if he's on vacation in the fifth circle of Hell or what but... Look, I know what D'Ville is. Everyone does. It really shouldn't work between us, but it does and I'll be damned if that sumbitch didn't bring it to Cataclysm along side all of us!"

The faithful cheer in response to be included as "us."

"I've had six matches on pay per view since my return to the ring earlier this year. Not only have I won them all, but in half of those matches, I walked away with gold around my waist, so I guess just Sebastian Duke's kid is kinda clutch huh?

"And if y'all listening in the back thought I was mouthy and hard to shut up before..."
he eyeballs the Universal title and looks back at the camera. "I'm afraid I've got some bad news."

He pauses again.

"I've now won every title that means a damn thing in this company except one... So Ned Kaye... I know you're here, and I know you're listening because you told me you would on Twitter. You keep that belt real nice and shiny like because I'm coming for it next!"

HHL: Ned Kaye is the new Hart Champion!

PIP: And he's on the Universal Champions radar!

"I'm kidding.

"For now.

"Fact is, when this company was a shell of its former self after the fiasco that ended the year 2012, it was my father that put this company and its flagship on his back and carried it to its next golden age. Warfare is the House That Duke Built for that reason and Ned, I just wanted to congratulate you in public on my time, because I know how good you are. You're so much better than even you think you are and Ned, I know you're going to do the legacy of the Hart Championship proud, I know you're going to do the Warfare brand proud, I know you're going to do the XWF proud.

"And I mean that from the bottom of my heart."


Thad pauses with a smile as the Vegas crowd chants for Ned.


Donovan Blackwater emerges from backstage, mic in hand and a clever smirk upon his face.

PIP: Donovan Blackwater!

HHL: These two have a history!

"Well... well, Thad Duke. You did it! You made your mark. Paved your way and set your bar, rather high I might add. Too bad you couldn't beat me and have it happen then but now, look at your bad self. You did it. And as a son of a legend to another, I will not mock the break in the shadow of greatness... no I shall not, instead I will applaud your talent. I am grateful to have known you; in ring and outside, and there is no ill will between us, for I view you as a brother now, over the impudent child I initially came in contact with. You deserve all the praise you receive and with zero sarcasm, comes my congratulations. And please pardon my disruption but I simply had an urge to speak to you directly and honestly. Congrats Thad! May DUKE NATION rule!"

Donovan drops the mic, takes a bow, gestures fondly to Thad and exits, to much applause and fan fair.

”Ladies and gentlemen, the King of Mediocrity himself: Donovan Blackwater!” Thad jokes. "I'll be damned if I could have a moment without some asshole trying to get the rub and make it about themselves.

”I’m just playin’. Thanks Don, I appreciate your willingness to hold a win over my head from almost two years ago when I hadn’t wrestled in a year and a half.

“That takes guts, man.”

He pauses as he paces around the ring a little.

"So now there is a target on my back and I'm a marked man. Or at least, that's what everyone will say. While it is true, it’s also true that I have always been a marked man. You don't get to be the son of Sebastian Duke and the nephew of Theo Pryce, two guys that are in the Hall of Legends, choose to do what they did, and not have a target on your back. This isn't new to me. Thing is, no matter how big the target is, people just... always... seem to miss.

“Pressure creates diamonds... thats what Robert Main titled one of his promos and it's true, he's right. People will say the pressure is on now. I climbed to the top of the highest mountain there is to climb and I defied all the odds and the oddsmakers and won it all, but I have more news. No opponent has ever put more pressure on me to be the best than I have.

"I'm ready for this.

“I was born for this...

he shouts as he climbs the turnbuckle.

HHL: Oh!?

PIP: Oh my!

Thad steps off the ropes as he looks toward the entrance way. Emerging from backstage…

[Image: ZJnfh2K.jpg]

[Image: zTtfsFS.png]

HHL: Theo Pryce and Sebastian Duke! Two men that have both been instrumental in this young mans life!

PIP: Well I mean… one’s his uncle, the other’s his father!

HHL: They’re both carrying their own Universal Championships from years past!

Pryce and Duke make it to the ring. Thaddeus Duke, a bit overcome with emotion accepts a handshake from his uncle Theo as his dad puts his hand on the side of the new champions head. Thad chokes back his emotion as Theo Pryce and Sebastian Duke stand on either side of him and raise their Universal titles into the air.


Thad looks over at Frankie and holds out his left arm. Frankie takes his cue and climbs up onto Thad's shoulders. He then raises his own Universal title from his shoulder, and raises it to meet in the middle between his uncles and fathers as Frankie throws both arms in the air.


Pyro bursts around the MGM Grand.

PIP: This might be one of the most genuine and heartwarming scenes I have ever witnessed in all my years in this business!

HHL: You can not write a history book about the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, you can not tell the story of the XWF… without the names Pryce and Duke.

PIP: And the final chapter of that story... is yet to be completed!

Savage cuts to a commercial.

All Hail The Queen from the album GRL and the hit series Queen of the South begins to hit. The arena lights begin to flash. "All Hail The Queen" comes up on the screen every time the lyric is said in the song. The crowd looks towards the still empty stage as pink glitter begins to fall from the ceiling. The crowd dances with the beat.

Pink Pyro goes off around the stage and rampway.

[Image: bF3m7AK.gif]

At about the 1:30 mark, at the words "The Greatest" hit, the voices deepens, as if being chopped and screwed, and the lights go off. Big purple letters come up on the X-Tron.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Pip: "'s time for a commercial."

Heather: "Don't be silly! It's the QUEEN. She is in her hometown, in front of her home crowd. You KNOW this is going to be a big show!"

Pip: "But already?! We have to deal with this, with her, before we've even had a match?!?"

Heather: "As good a time as any."

[Image: 6EY6hhq.gif]

The Queen makes her way into the ring and grabs a mic.

Jenny: "Hello Las Vegas! I am back in my home town and kicking off this episode of Savage from the MGM Grand. Now a lot has happened since the last time court was in session. I have had a couple of successful title defenses, we have a new Universal Champion, new Tag Team Champions and a Televsion Champion, and we have a new crop of ladies who just can't stand to see Jenny Myst and this title belt! It makes them so mad! Like big mad! And I love it.

They hate to love me and love to hate me. I have said it before and I will say it again, its not easy, being queen.

I have been up over my ears with petty, jealous women who want to be on my level but can only watch from the nosebleed seats, that I have decided to go a different direction with Queen's Court from my home town. I was going to have the women's division on and rub this title in their faces, but since none of them will ever be champions, and we're in the city of champions, why not introduce one right now."

Pip: "What's she got in mind here?!"

The music hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the entrance ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the passion of the Christ. He seems absolutely unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience. As he nears the ring he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.

Heather: "It's Charlie Nickles! The XWF Television Champion Charlie Nickles is here in Las Vegas, and he is gonna be on Queen's Court!"

Charlie sits down, his belt over his shoulder. He is smiling a grin through some missing teeth.

Jenny: "I appreciate you coming to court today, Charlie. But I have to be honest, I cannot aren't the only guest I had booked....."

Heather: "Oh boy....The Queen has something up her sleeve here! Charlie needs to have his head on a swivel!"

Jenny: "Since this IS my hometown, I wanted to do it big. So let me introduce to you my co-guest, the 'legend', a FORMER Television Champion and most recently a FORMER Tag Team Champion............CHRONIC CHRIS PAGE!!!!!"

Pip: "WOW! The week he has had, and with that man in the ring.....this is a powder keg ready to explode in Vegas!"

Green and white strobes fill the arena as Page walks down the ramp. Jenny smiles at him as she watches his enter the ring, not taking his seething glare off of Nickles.

He sits down, picking up a mic.

Pip: "Chris Page is all business tonight!"

Jenny smiles, shifting her body weight in the chair towards Page. It appears she is going to start the interview with him.

Jenny:"So, Chris.....I'm so happy you agreed to be on the show, I truly am. You were just a bundle of laughs last time......"

She curls her lip with an eye roll.

Jenny: "But this is a championship caliber show and you're not a champion anymore.....are you?"

The crowd OOOH's a bit. Chris goes to speak but Jenny turns towards Charlie.

Jenny: "You, on the other hand, are........."

He cuts her off.

"I, on the other hand, am a [italics]generous[/italics] champion. Chris, you've had a tough month. You used to hold this belt right here." Charlie taps on the television championship slung around his waist. The Heavymetalweight championship rests gently on his left shoulder. Charlie unclips the belt around his waist and extends it out to Chris Page.

"You've had a rough month, ex-champ. I know when I'm feeling down, I always like to feel the gold. You wanna hold it? One last time?" Before Chris Page has the chance to respond Charlie yanks the belt away and cackles.

"I was never gonna let you hold it! Not a chance! No one is ever touching this title gold again, no chance! Just like Cruella D'Ville has got no chance at putting my beefy body down that chimney shoot. That old geezer is going to get his dentures bashed out and his knee brace torn asunder. He doesn't have the juice anymore, he ain't the same man he once was Jenz!"

Jenny and Charlie laugh together. Page is staring a hole through them both.

Jenny: ""So, tell me.....this squash match you want on the Christmas wanted to beat someone in less than 5 minutes. Doctor D'Ville answered the call. You having second thoughts now?"

"I feel a bit disappointed for the fans! They're going to watch me knock that bastard down in record time! Won't be much of a match at all, really. The old man just can't go like I can. He doesn't have the strength, not the stamina, not the passion! He's washed, and everyone knows it but him. They just don't want to admit it, but Jenz, I'm not going to give them a chance! When I beat the brakes off that tired academic, it's going to be made clear as day where that man really stands in this company."

Jenny smiles wickedly, she is loving this. She continues.

Jenny: "What is this I hear you have an entire month where you don't have to defend that gold?"

"I already had my first defense, Jenz! Ol' Jonathan Legend, donchu' recall? Knocked his ass flat in record time. So I guess it wasn't a real defense, huh?"

"Not really....but then again, neither was Quinn, Granger and Vayden."

"Look, I don't make the decisions. I don't make the calls. Vinnie and Theo just don't think there is anyone in the television division that can really go blow for blow with me, and they're not trying to field workman's compensation claims during this recession. They said when they find someone for me that I won't absolutely maim, they'll put them in there with me. Until then? I guess this baby just sits pretty around my waist."

Jenny: "What's it like actually holding a real belt...that, you know....matters.....?"

Charlie clips the belt around his waist once more, a prideful smirk stretching across his aged face.

"You asking me that as a personal question?" Charlie snickered as he gestured at Jenny's belt, because of the implication.

Jenny: "Mmmmmm....maybe"

She looks at Page, then back at Nickles.

Jenny: "Is there anyone you'd like to face as your first defense if you had to choose someone?"

Charlie stroked his bearded chin as he contemplated the question further.

"I'd give a shot to Boris. That slav is one bad motherfucker."

Jenny appears taken aback. Chris Page laughs sarcastically to himself. Nickles and Myst are making a mockery of him and the TV Title.

Jenny: "Boris......I see. Well, not the choice I'd think, but a choice none the less!"

Jenny: "So what does the future hold for Charlie Nickles? Where do we go from here? And better yet.....what do you think of.......this" she holds her Shooting Star Title up, flaunting it for her hometown crowd to see.

Pip: "Atara Themis has a match versus Nickles later in tag team action. Jenny is just rubbing it in right now! This has to be driving Atara crazy!"

Heather: "Shh! This is getting good"

"Well I'm going to beat the sluttiness right out of Atara, that's my immediate future. I might also take Becky's innocence while I'm at it. Long term?"

Charlie shrugs.

"Who knows. Haven't thought about it. When you wrestle the way I do, you never take any future for granted. But that belt you have right there? Meh." Charlie does a little back and forth tilting motion with his hand. "I guess it keeps you ladies busy, right?".

Jenny: "Its not easy being the best, is it?"

He shakes his head.

Jenny:"Tell us a little about yourself. What is your driving force, your motivation? What makes Charlie Nickles tick?"

"I love seeing blood run down my opponent's face. I love the look of it. I love the smell of it. But most of all: I love how it tastes on my tongue.

[Image: YofpdNB.gif]

Jenny: "So you're saying you're gonna soften Atara up for me? Beautiful. And let me ask......while we have you both here......are the tag titles in your future? You can't possibly thing you're going to be successful with Jim Jimson by your side. If you had to choose a partner to go after those straps, who would it be?"

"I got the second best wrestler in the business by my side already! The Dirty Dick Soldiers are going to take this tag division by storm. Just watch."

He and Nickles share a deadly stare as Jenny, loving this drama, spins her body towards Chris Page.

"So.....Mr. Page. That brings me to you. You know, I really appreciate your patience, sitting there like a good little boy while the true champions were speaking."

She smiles sarcastically. Page is seething.

Jenny: "Did you happen to see my Shooting Star Title Match? Some people are telling me it was a bit of a show-stealer. And the result of it......."

She taps her belt with a wicked grin.

Jenny: "Nice, isn't it?"

Jenny: "You and Thaddeus Duke both had quite opposite nights at High Stakes. Didn't ya? I gotta and the new Universal Champion came to blows after weeks and weeks of MTV quality build up. Duke got the best of you, didn't he Page? He kept his word and shocked the world at your expense, didn't he? Tell us, what happened?"

Her tone is condescending.

Pip: "She's pushing Page here....this may not be the best idea!"

” First…”

Chris turns his attention towards Charlie where he reaches over directly in front of Nickels face and throws up a middle finger to a surprising pop from the crowd before he turns that middle finger and uses it to poke the gold plate of the XWF Television Championship.

His focus still on Nickels as he states.

” You were saying?”

Chris draws his middle finger back before shifting his attention to the Queen as he then states.

” This is the part where I am supposed to make excuses, right? This is the part where I am supposed to whine or cry about how or why I lost, right? Who the fuck do I look like, Witness?”

There’s a momentary pause before Chris continues.

” What happened at High Stakes with the Tag Titles was simply a part of the game. Robert and I stood on top for so long, slaying all comers that dared step to us we came across a team that wanted it that much more than we did, and unlike Thaddeus Duke who will say he beat himself as opposed to putting over who he lost too I’ll admit the fact that Doctor Louie and Thaddeus, collectively, did the one thing that nobody else could do in over a year… beat Cataclysm.”

There’s a reception from the crowd which garners a head nod from Chris before he continues.

” Robert and I have an awful lot of haters that were all waiting to see that one moment where it came crashing down; congratulations you got to see it and I at least hope you got the most bang for your buck… but just know this, they have those belts, let’s see what they do with them.”

“Is that you’re way of saying that there’s not a rematch on the horizon?”

” I’m saying that I have a vested interest in what happens on December 23rd that will determine my next path.”

“ Can we talk about Thad?”

Chris rolls his eyes.

“I mean he did make you his bitch at High Stakes.”

The eye rolls shifts to laughter under his breath before he states.

” Listen, I understand it’s your job to stir the pot… and while you might be under the impression that I was his bitch, and while it would be easy for me to look at you and say it takes a bitch to know a bitch I’m not going to do that; instead I’ll reserve my right to do what say you would do and give you my in site on High Stakes… what I will tell you is to look at all the footage, look carefully because I’ve got more grounds than anyone might suggest.”

Jenny frowns a sarcastic frown.

Jenny: "Chris Buzzkill Page everybody! You know....when you were on, my very first edition of this show if you remember, you were tense. Dark. Brooding. I thought for sure you were gonna hit me. Now...I'd be more afraid of a house cat. And I'm dry as a bone. Maybe Thad really did take your manhood-----"

Charlie attempts to interject only to have Page turns towards him in his chair while pointing over at him.

” You shut the fuck up before your kids wake up tomorrow morning without a father…”

Chris immediately redirects to the antagonizing Jenny Myst.

” We both know there’s a darkness buried inside this body, a darkness that’s silenced many. There’s a Beast and a Monster… I assure you that you don’t want to wake either of them.”

Jenny-“ Or maybe I do! Maybe that’s what you need to get back a little bit of that respect you talk sooooooo much about!”

Chris has finally had enough as he stands and tosses his chair to the side as he stares down into the eyes of Jenny Myst before he spouts out into the microphone.

” You say Thad took my balls at High Stakes, right? What leads you to that logic, what? Because I don’t have a belt over my shoulder? Bitch please! Let’s talk about High Stakes for a minute and let’s talk about how I went to war with Thad and Doc for over thirty minutes in a Ladder Match, let’s talk about how I had enough time to get my head stiched up before turning around and doing another thirty plus minutes in a Battle Royale while the rest of this fucking roster watched from the sidelines; and by rest of the roster…”

Chris leans down into the face of Jenny.

” That goes for you too!”

Chris leans back up as then looks over towards Charlie.

”Goes for him too, I’m sorry Charlie I almost forgot you were even here… that’s what happens when a legitimate star in standing in the ring….”

"That’s enough! This is MY show. I control the dialogue!”

Jenny gets up from her seat as she looks up at Chris Page

Jenny: "I'm the draw here! I am the one with the hot talk show, the title with the most buzz around it right now, and the one who has defended, successfully, at back to back Pay Per Views! You're the one who made Thaddeus Duke..........relevant. Well, you and Chris Chaos. Something about that name, Chris. Regardless.....

I have a big announcement coming later tonight. An announcement that will change the landscape of the XWF. An announcement that will draw the battle lines, that will set me even further apart from the catty bitches in this division. When that announcement happens, the ONLY thing people are going to remember about Chris Page is that JENNY MYST was generous enough to give him 15 minutes of fam----

Suddenly Page snatches Jenny by her ponytails in midsentence causing her to drop the microphone…

Pip: "She's went too far here! Chris Page has a hand full of bleach blonde and this one may not end well for the champ!"

Jenny's eyes are wide. She is in disbelief. Page is staring a hole through her. Just then, Jenny pulls him in.

They lock lips, and neither one seems to be resisting.

Heather: "SHE KISSED HIM! Jenny Myst kissed Chris Page, and he's not pulling away!"

He legs go of her hair as she pulls away. She has a wicked smirk on her face as he looks like he has no idea what happened. Charlie is smiling big, lie a kid who just saw soft core cable porn for the first time.

Jenny's music hits as she rolls out of the ring and walks backwards up the ramp. Chris Page is still dumbfounded.

[Image: mn0SFDV.gif]

Pip: "Jenny did what she had to do to get out of that one. We'll see the Queen in action later tonight! But this announcement, what could this announcement be?! What a way to kick off Savage live from Las Vegas...... the Queen, the Universal Champion, a surprise from Big D, we haven't even had a match yet!"

[Image: wdAKFHz.gif]

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Tommy stands in the entrance way, looking around at the crowd. Then he walks down to the ramp, and fist bumps some of the fans. Then he walks down to the apron, and he rolls into the ring before getting on his feet, and leaning on the corner as his theme cuts

Blue and silver pyro pops as Addy walks onto the dark stage Then the spotlight searching the arena finds her and she poses as lights that look like flashbulbs pop. Smiling she makes her way down the ramp. She bends between the ropes slowly entering the ring. Stepping to the center she raises her hands as more pyro shoots off.

PC: "Addyson Rae looks absolutely wonderful inside that ring!"

HHL: "The bell hasn't even rung yet, Pip............"

PC: "So? What's that got to do with how she looks?"

HHL: "In THIS business??? Everything. She's not gonna be so pretty once Tommy plants her with a HideYaFace!"

PC: "IF he plants her with one."

The referee checks on both competitors, patting each of them down to check for foreign objects. Upon confirming they're clean, he proceeds to call for the bell.


Tommy Wish
- vs -

Addyson Rae meets Tommy Wish in the center of the ring, where he immediately kicks her in the gut and sets up for the HideYaFace DDT. Before he can hit it, though, Addy's able to slip out of it and deliver a swift kick to Tommy's midsection before taking off for the ropes. On the way back, Rae goes for a Running Knee Lift, only to get caught with a Powerslam by Wish, who hooks a leg for a quick cover.


HHL: "Quick start to this match, Tommy almost rearranged Addy's face right from the get go!"

PC: "Well, thank God he didn't! It should be a crime to harm such a beautiful creature!"

HHL: "Ugh, sometimes I'd almost rather work with Gilly than you.............almost."

Wish brings Addyson to her feet and Irish Whips her towards the ropes. On the rebound, Tommy goes for a Clothesline, but Rae ducks it and heads for the other side. She bounces off the ropes and back at her opponent, attempting a Flying Clothesline as she does so. Tommy's able to catch her, once again, but Rae swings her feet backwards and uses the momentum to drive Wish's face into the mat with a DDT.

PC: "It's not a HideYaFace, but it's just as effective!"

HHL: "We'll see about that; she's got a cover, will it be enough?"


Tommy tosses Addyson off him and tries to shake out the cobwebs, but she charges at him as soon as he makes it to his knees. Wish manages to lift Rae up by the side, but she uses this to her advantage and hits him with an Arm Drag. A dazed Tommy hurries back to his feet only to be knocked right back down by a beautiful Spinning Wheel Kick. Addy drops down and repeatedly slams the back of her opponent's head against the mat, eventually laying across his chest for a cover.


PC: "I wish she'd rattle MY marbles like Tommy's!"

HHL: "I.................. don't even know what to say to that."

Addy drags Tommy to his feet and whips him towards the corner, but he reverses it. Rather than toss his opponent into the corner, Wish pulls her towards him and connects with a Belly to Back Suplex, staying on her for a pin attempt.


HHL: "Rae isn't gonna roll over for the former Xtreme Champion, she's gonna make him earn it!"

PC: "I'd roll over for her!"

HHL: "At this rate, maybe I AM better off with Gilly!"

Tommy rolls Addy onto her stomach, before getting up and walking over to her feet. He bends down and grabs onto her ankle, locking in the Fetish Lock. Wish applies pressure, but Addyson is able to roll forward and escape, slinging her opponent towards the ropes. As Tommy bounces off of them, Addy pops to her feet and delivers a Sidewalk Slam, hooking a leg for the cover.


HHL: "Tommy isn't lying down for Addy, either!"

PC: "I'd lay down for........ .."

HHL: "Do you WANT your ass beat?"

PC: "......................yes."

As we hear Heather beating Pip with her notes, Addyson Rae sits Tommy up and positions herself for the Rosebud Lotus Lock. However, before she can fully apply the submission hold, Wish manages to turn into his opponent, pinning her to the mat in a rather precarious position.


HHL: "I'm sure Pip has alot to say about THAT pin attempt.............. but he's gonna keep it to himself, riiiiiiiight?"

PC(nervously): "I, uuuuuhhhhh, plea the 6th, or whatever Amendment you guilty Americans use."

HHL: "It's the 5th, Pip...............the 5th."

Tommy and Addyson make it to their feet simultaneously, with Wish being one step ahead of his opponent. He swings at Addy, who ducks under his arm and runs to the ropes. On the rebound, he scoops her up but she manages to twist her body into a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors.

PC: "This is it! A move that is absolutely true, Prettier Than You!"

Before she can hit the move, Wish is able to slip his head from between her legs and set Addy on her feet. As he does so, in one fluid motion, he's able to put her head between his arm and flatten her face on the mat with a DDT before rolling her over for the cover.

HHL: "Tommy reverses it into a HideYaFace!!! This could be all she wrote!"


Winner- Tommy Wish via pinfall

PC: "Nooooooooo! Addyson's poor face!"

HHL: "It's okay, Pip, I took plenty of DDTs back in the day and MY face turned out fine!"

As Pip proceeds to cry, Tommy Wish celebrates his victory in the ring for a bit, before making his way up the aisle.

HHL: "Impressive win for the former Xtreme Champion. If he can keep this up, we may be seeing him wearing gold again realllllll soon."

We see Big D walking down the hall, a smile on his face and briefcase in hand. He walks past a few random people before entering the lockeroom. As he does so, he calls out to the first person he sees.

D: "Neeeeeeeeeeed!!!!"

He takes a few steps forward as the person turns around, revealing themselves to be none other than Jim Jimson! The Jim looks at D, awkwardly, causing him to shrug his shoulders and rub his neck.

D: "Oh............. my mistake."

Jimson stares at D, blankly, for a moment before exiting the lockeroom. As he leaves, Big D pats him on the back and gives him some words of encouragement.

D: "Go job your heart out, Jim!.................. and try not to kill too many dolphins in the process!"

D thinks to himself for a moment, before shaking his head and muttering to himself.

D: "What am I saying? Jim Jimson not killing dolphins would be like............."

"Ned Kaye turning heel."

Ned walks into frame, his Hart Championship over his shoulder.

NED: "How ya doing, D? You didn't think I'd miss you after you hit me up, right? It's been too long!"

Ned extends a hand, but Big D bypasses it and embraces his tag team partner, who accepts the warm welcome.

D: "Oh, I knew you'd show, it was just a matter of findin' ya!"

D lets go of Ned and inspects his shiny new belt.

D: "So, how'd it feel to finally win your first Title?"

NED: "It's indescribable, D. And that's even before getting a shout out from the Uni Champ. A lot of things are finally looking up, but I can't get overconfident. The toughest challenges are up ahead. Enough about me, though! What's this big thing you were telling me about?"

Big D's face brightens as he holds up the briefcase.

D: "This may be the biggest thing to happen to the XWF since I made my debut!"

Ned studies the briefcase for a bit, clearly curious about it's contents.

NED: "Well, are you gonna let me see it or are you still waiting to surprise everyone? I can wait, but now you've got me stoked!"

Big D clenches the case tightly, thinking about it.

D: "Well, I probably SHOULD make you wait...................... but fuck it! After your Title win AND victory over Kenzi on Anarchy, I think you've earned yourself a sneak peek.............."

Big D cautiously looks around, making sure noone else is around, before popping the locks off and opening it just enough for Ned to peer in. As he does so, a golden light beams from it like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.

NED: "Is that-... That can't be what I think it is."

D: "It's EXACTLY what you think it is............"

Big D abruptly slams the case shut and locks it back up.

D: Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

In a stunned shock, Kaye attempts to blink himself awake, not convinced what he just witnessed was real.

NED: "A-absolutely. But I don't think anyone would believe me if I did slip up!"

Big D chuckles, giving Ned a pat on the back before making his way for the exit.

D: "You're probably right."

D walks out the door, only to return moments later and pop his head back in.

D: "But still! I'd hate to strip you of that beautiful belt hanging over your shoulder. Ha, ha!"

Big D disappears out of sight, leaving the Notorious One in the lockeroom by himself. Ned shakes his head, still bewildered. He adjusts the Hart Title to be more securely on his shoulder before stepping away.

NED: "Holy shit."

Greggo's client's theme plays over the speakers as Greggo makes his way through the crowd, occasionally stopping to make out with or grope various people in the audience; both male and female. He is wearing one of the cheap free face masks they give out at stores, so he's definitely being safe about this. The fans seem mostly disgusted by his attempts to molest them, but for all we know that could be due to Corona concerns.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

The bell rings and Hanari, back from injury with something to prove, explodes off the blocks. He is all over Greggo in the early going, and is able to sweep the leg with an MMA style take down and put on an ankle lock. Greggo scrambles to the ropes. Hanari smiles.

Pip: I don't think Hanari wanted to end it quick there. He wanted Greggo to get to the ropes. He wanted to show him that at any time, no matter how quickly, it could be over. Head games here from Carnes.

Greggo rolls out of the ring. Hanari follows. Greggo sees this and squeals a little, running around the outside of the ring. Hanari gives chase, untl the second time around when Greggo slides in, but Hanari had slid in previously so when Greggo gets up he is immediately beheaded by a clothesline.

Hanari picks Greggo up and whips him into the corner. Running, he splashes him and lets him stumble out to the middle of the mat.

Heather: To be fair, this...thing...Greggo...isn't even a wrestler. He's a manager, or thinks he is. Did anyone expect someone with Hanari's talent NOT to dominate this match?

Hanari lifts Greggo up and plants him with a scoop slam.

Coming off the ropes, he hits a leg drop.

He doesn't cover, however. Instead, he lifts Greggo up and whips him into the corner again.

Hanari is trying to prove a point. He sits Greggo up on the rope rope. He stands over him and looks out at the Vegas crowd. He then rains down punches to the head, and the crowd counts along.











Greggo is woozy on the ropes and Hanari locks him in for a superplex, and delivers. The crash to the mat.

Greggo is down.....but Hanari isn't done.

"Get up!" he yells. Greggo is stirring.


He kicks Greggo again.

"Chu wanna mess with me, hombre!"

Pip: Nobody is messing with him....nobody cares......

He picks up Greggo and puts im on his knees. He continues to taunt Sarah Lacklan's former manager when Greggo's eyes go wide. He licks his lips....then....


He's got a mandible claw type hold on the Latin Sensation's most prized area. He tries to take Hanari's tights off, sliding his shorts down around his hips. Hanari wiggles out. Greggo eventually lets go and the ref chastizes him.

Hanari is holding his junk and wincing. Greggo jumps up and down and claps like a .

Hanari crawls on all fours, grabbing the ropes. He is wincing still. Greggo mounts him from behind like a dog. Hanari immediately shakes him off.

Greggo turns his doggy position dry hump into a small package pin.



Hanari pops out. Greggo is smiling a crazy smile.

Hanari pops to his feet.


Hanari connects with the step up enzeguri and Greggo crumbles.

Hanari looks down at him, wincing and holding his balls. He puts a foot on Greggo's chest.




Winner- Hanari Carnes via pinfall

But instead of leaving the ring, he has a snarl on his face.

Pip: Impressive return for Carnes here, even though his opponent was....well....not up to par.

Hanari bends down.

"I want chu to give this message to Sarah Lacklan, ese."

He locks in the Viva La Republic arm bar. Greggo is squealing and tapping. Refs and XWF staff rush the ring. Hanari has no intentio of letting go!

Heather: He's gonna break his arm! As much as I hate that little slimeball, this isn't right! Someone get him off!

Hanari continues to pull until he is wrenched off by 5 or 6 staff members and an a few refs.

He snarls again and wipes his mouth as he rolls out of the ring, his music playing, as the camera fades to commercial.

Savage comes back from break to the announcer in the ring before the next match.

” Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall…”

The lights dim to almost darkness. Then up and down the ramp, the lights pulse red in time with the beat as smoke fills the stage. Ash and Baphomet come out cutting through the smoke, Ash looks to Baphomet, he nods and Ash starts running to the ring.

HEATHER: "Here comes Ash Quinn, she needs to get a win here tonight or risk becoming a laughing stock."

PIP: "You mean more of a laughing stock?"


Too Much starts playing. This makes Ash stop she's halfway to the ring. She turns and faces the entranceway. Baphomet is nowhere to be seen.

PIP: "What's this? Isn't that Melanie's theme song?"

Suddenly from both sides of the fences to her left and right, out of the crowd comes Melanie Crayzee Childs and Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson.

HEATHER: "It's Melanie and Scarlet, the members of the Misfits who haven't been in action for well over 3 months."

Ash doesn't react in time and is jumped on by both Melanie and Scarlet. They start beating her. She is outnumbered.

They start dragging her towards the ring.

HEATHER: "What the hell are they wanting with Ash Quinn?"

As they get to the ring, Ash looks in trouble, and they stand over her, and fist bumps one another. Using the Misfits fistbump. They grab her, and throw her under the bottom rope, and then disappear back into the crowd from where they originally came from.

” Introducing her opponent… TULA KEALI’I!”

Tula walks out to the top of the ramp and down towards the ring.

” Ash was just attacked and now here comes Tula!”

Tula slides into the ring and is up to her feet as the referee calls for the bell.

Ash Quinn
- vs -
Tula Kealiʻi


Ash gets to her feet where she’s met with a running cross body block by Tula taking her down! Tula starts laying in stiff forearms to the head and face of Quinn! Tula is quick to stop as the official starts laying the count to her. She is back to her feet where she reaches down picking Quinn up off he mat. Tula takes Ash back into the ropes where she sends her across the ring with an Irish whip, Quinn bounces off the ropes and into a spinning back elbow to the jaw that sends Ash crashing down to the mat. Tula drops down into a front press.




Quinn kicks out as Tula immediately transitions into a rear chin lock.

” Tula is taking full advantage from the attack of the Misfits because she’s been all over Ash in the opening moments.”

” The question becomes can Ash rally back and shift the momentum in her favor?”

The referee is in position asking Ash to surrender, she refuses as Tula cranks back on the head and neck while driving her right into the small of Quinn’s back. The referee asks again and again Ash refuses as she starts to work her way to a vertical base where she turns into the side headlock before backing Tula up into the ropes where an attempted Irish Whip only to see Tula maintain control of the headlock as she snaps Ash over to the mat forcing her shoulders down.




Ash counters with a head scissors! Tula gets free where he lunges on top of Quinn with a thess press that see’s Quinn roll transitioning into a Boston Crab!

” There’s a sweet counter from Ash and Tula now in a little bit of trouble!”

Ash cranks on the Boston Crab but Tula is way too close to the ropes and is able to snatch the bottom rope forcing the referee to call for the break. Ash releases the hold as she stands up. Ash starts stomping down on Tula before picking her up off the mat where she takes her towards the corner ad as she slams Tula’s head towards the buckle she throws her right boot up to the buckle smashing Tula’s face against it.

Tula staggers towards the center of the ring before immediately charging forward delivering a running knee to the face of Quinn which sends Ash crashing back into a neutral corner! Tula is back to her feet as she rubs her jaw while coming forward where she takes a front face clinch and brings Quinn out towards the center of the ring where repeated knee strikes to each side of the ribs!

Tula releases the front face lock as she takes Ash down with a spinning leg sweep followed up by a double stomp into the chest! Tula drops down making the cover.




Quinn kicks out!

” I’m shocked Quinn is still in this thing, like her or not she is showing some grit in continuing to kick out.”

” If you’re Ash Quinn you can’t afford to drop another match and expect to be taken seriously. She needs a win in a big way.

Tula is back to her feet where she reaches down to pick Ash up off the mat only to be countered with a jaw breaker from Quinn! Tula clutches at her jaw as Quinn capitalizes with a running single dropkick to the jaw of Tula taking her down! Ash pops back up to her feet where she sizes up Tula who starts to work her way to her feet and as she stands Ash explodes towards her with a Spear back into a corner!

Ash brings Tula out to the center of the ring with a snapmare take over followed by a shinning wizard to the back of the head knocking Tula forward to the mat! Ash rolls her over making a cover!




Tula escapes the near fall! It’s Ash who now locks in a rear chin lock. The referee starts asking Tula to surrender which she refuses as Ash cranks back harder on the head and neck. It’s Tula who now starts to work her way back to her feet where she turns into the side headlock and looks to deliver a side suplex, Ash counters by flipping over the back of Tula where she takes a back waist lock only to eat a reverse elbow to the temple that breaks her grasp of her waist.

Tula lands a spinning back fist followed by a jumping knee strike to the chin that rocks Ash back into the ropes. Tula charges forward only to be elevated over the top rope where she lands on the ring apron. Ash turns swinging at Tula who blocks and counters with a forearm to the jaw rocking Ash backwards several feet backwards towards the center of the ring.

Tula springboards of the top rope with a blockbuster neckbreaker!

Both ladies are down as the crowd erupts showing appreciation to the hard hitting nature of this contest.

” Tula has the opportunity to put Ash away.”

Tula works her way back to her feet where she starts to size Ash up as Quinn rolls over to her stomach and starts pushing herself up off the mat. Tula explodes towards Quinn looking for a running V-Trigger style knee that Quinn who evades contact and counters with a School Girl!




Tula kicks out of the near fall as both ladies get to a vertical base before taking each other down with a double clothesline! Tula and Ash are laid out as the referee starts to lay the count to both participants.

” And just like that we’re back to square one and whoever is the first to their feet will have the advantage.”

The referee’s count reaches five before both Ash and Tula begin to stir and begin to start finding ways to their feet and at the seven count they’re both back to a vertical base. Ash lands a hard forearm to the jaw of Tula that rocks her back only to see Tula come right back with a hard forearm smash of her own that rocks Quinn back!

Quinn comes back with a knife edge chop across the chest of Tula! Tula comes back with a chop to Quinn followed a forearm smash, and then a European Uppercut knocking Ash back into the ropes! Quinn bounces off the ropes delivering a pump kick to Tula! Tula falls back into the opposite ropes where she comes back with a flying forearm smash to Quinn that sends Quinn down to the mat!

Tula comes forward, picking Ash up off the mat, and whips Ash into the ropes. She bounces off and comes back, and Tula is ready coming to meet her halfway, snapping Ash around and locking in the Aloha! Ash squirms, trying to break free but to no avail. Tula wrenches her arms, trying to get Ash to settle down but she refuses. Ash gathers all her strength, slowly dragging both of them across the ring in hopes of getting her hand on the ropes.

Ash stretches an arm out, straining to get ahold, only inches away when Tula hauls them both back, fighting a still determined Ash back into the center of the ring. Nowhere to go now, Ash keeps up her fight but she is being to fade. She droops, the ref checking in on her. She shakes her head, trying to power herself out one more time, but failing. She sinks slowly once more as Tula squeezes stubbornly.

The ref lifts Ashs hand, letting it drop.


He repeats the motion.


He lifts it once more, letting it go.

3..... NO!

Ash lets out a shout of defiance, a surge of adrenaline causing her to flip up and over, taking them both backwards onto the mat. She kips up to her feet, dropping a quick elbow onto Tula. Ash gets Tula up to her feet, setting her up for the Malevolence. She steps back and performs a handstand, wrapping her legs around Tulas neck. She flips off, sending Tula off her feet, hovering in the air for a moment before slamming down onto the mat.

Moving quickly, Ash leaps on top of her opponent, sitting on her chest. The ref slides in.




Winner- Ash Quinn via pinfall

Ash leaps up, striding around the ring, clearly pumped at her victory. Tula, slowly sits up, looking shocked at what had gone down. Ash hops on the ropes, raising her arm into the air. She twists and leaps back down onto the mat, throwing both arms up, a huge smile on her face. She runs across the ring but slows before she reaches the turnbuckle. She stops, her eyes closing. She takes a deep, measured breath, arms coming back down to her sides. Her eyes open, and her gaze is cold, dark. She lowers her head, before bellowing a fiery roar like a triumphant dragon.

Big D is shown backstage, roaming the halls with his briefcase. He walks by a variety of people, coworkers and fans, shaking the case excitedly as he continues on his way. All of a sudden, Steve Sayors steps out from behind a corner, stopping D.

SAYORS: "Big D, I gotta ask: what's in the case?"

D(chuckling): "Come on, Steve, I can't spoil the surprise!"

SAYORS: "You did for Ned!"

D: "That's because I trust Ned enough to keep his mouth shut! You think I'm gonna let someone who has a camera follow them around, while carrying a microphone in on a secret?! Come on, Steve, you know me better than that! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some more hyping to do!"

Big D turns and hurries down the hall, continuing to show the outside of the case to random bystanders, leaving Sayors alone to shrug before walking off himself.

: Pip: So this one should be interesting, Heather. Two old friends dating back to 2017 have an X-Treme rules match.....the Queen and current Shooting Star Champ Jenny Myst takes on Rebel Star.

Heather: Jenny's been on quite the roll lately, and with that creepy video on Anarchy it appears she has drawn some rather...powerful attention.

Pip: And she's got a major defense coming up at Snow Job....Jenny has been the top target of all the champions in recent weeks and its only going to get more intense as the weeks roll by leading up the the Pay Per View


The crowd pops and gets to their feet shouting in near total unison a single word.


Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose Atara emerges from the back taking spot centerstage atop the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.

Heather: Whoa!

Pip: Looks like we are going to be joined by the challenger for the Shooting Star Title at Snow Job, Aphrodite Incarnate!

Heather: Jenny was on commentary for Atara's match at High Stakes, it's only fair she return the favor but you can't help but think Ms. Themis has something up her sleeve here!

Atara makes her way around the ring and to the commentary table.

There is a small static while she puts on the head phones.

Pip: Ms. Themis! Thank you for joining us!

Atara: No problem Pip! So great to be here in Las Vegas. I'll tell ya what, the "Crush" bar here at the MGM Grand makes a mean Cosmo! And its ironic because that is exactly what I am going to do at Snow Job....crush the Queen's hopes and dreams of ruling this prestigious women's division!

Rebel's music hits.

A blast of hot pink fireworks erupt throughout the arena as Rebel Star, emerges on the scene. With a sarcastic sneer on her lips and that glimmer in her eyes that makes the boys swoon, she descends the ramp. Paying no mind to the hoards of screaming fans. The women who want to be her and the men who want to be with her, if only for a moment of flesh on flesh contact. She sees through them like glass. Rebel climbs the steel steps and glides through the ropes.

Pip: So, this is Rebel Star, what do you think of our blue haired challenger in this match?

Atara: I don't know much about her. Honestly, I never paid much attention to her. Why should I? It's our raging bitch of a Queen that has what I desire......

Heather: Speak of the she is!

Atara: Devil is correct.

The hometown crowd goes wild for their Champion.

Pip: We've seen her once already tonight towards the beginning of the show with Queen's Court. Now we get to see her in action. Christmas has apparently come early!

There is a heavy dose of sarcasm in his voice.

Heather: The Queen has already made waves earlier on Queen's Court when she KISSED CHRIS PAGE!

Atara: I guess her and Duke have something in common now.

Jenny makes her way up the steps and into the ring. She smiles when she sees Rebel.

Her mood changes, however, when she notices Atara at the announce table. She immediately puts on an intense look as she slowly takes the belt off.

Pip: She is flaunting that title in your face, Atara. So cocky is the champion.

Atara: She's keeping it warm for me during these cold times. I appreciate that.

Jenny Myst
- vs -
Rebel Star
Xtreme Rules

Jenny and Rebel circle as the bell rings.

They lock up and almost immediately break off. Both are smiling. They lock up again and break off. On the third lockup, Rebel delivers a knee to the gut of the champion.

Jenny backs off, a disgusted look on her face.

Rebel smiles with a shrug.

The two circle again, and lock up, and this time Jenny flips her over with an arm drag take down and Rebel pops back up. They both laugh.

Pip: They said they were gonna do exactly this. They are making a mockery of the bookers here. This is supposed to be X-Treme rules and neither of these ladies is taking this seriously!

Jenny shoves Rebel, but not very hard. Rebel flops like a fish out of water. Jenny belly laughs. She looks at Atara with a scathing look, then flips her hair and turns back towards Rebel who shoves Jenny. The champ drops and flops around. Rebel laughs.

Pip: This is disgusting. Atticus has to have broken something on his desk by now! And I can't imagine Karen's opinion...its probably very....Karen-ish.

Heather: Thats what they get for pittng these two long time friends against each other!

The two stand back up and say something to each other. They turn towards the X-Tron. They both wave then hug.........


Rebel scoots to the corner, a shocked look on her face. Jenny gives the come on hand gesture, but still has a competitive smile on her face.

Rebel gets up and charges, Jenny ducks the clothesline, Rebel comes off the ropes the other way and Rebel leaves her feet and hits a cross body on the champ. Rebel flips off the ropes, going for a moonsault but Jenny gets the knees up. Rebel holds her mid section as she rolls towards the middle of the ring. Jenny gets up, brushing off her shoulders.

She looks over at Atara again.

Atara: Someone needs to smack that smirk off her face. Can I volunteer? Is there a sign up sheet somewhere?

Jenny turns back to Rebel and walks right into a drop toe hold. The champ face plants. Rebel now has a competitive look on her face as well as she drops a fist into the small of the back of the champion. Standing over her, it is Rebel this time who winks at Atara before going to a Boston Crab. Jenny wiggles, and as Rebel locks it in Jenny grabs onto the ropes. The ref makes her break the hold.

Rebel is annoyed with the ref, but doesn't see Myst playing possum. She takes a step towards her, goes to pick her up by the hair but Myst locks in the guillotine choke!

Rebel is fighting to get out of it and uses her strength, size advantage to lift Jenny up. The champ still has the hold on, but Rebel drops her hard on her back. Myst lets go. Rebel shakes off the effects and looks at her.

"What the hell?!"

The champ smiles.

"You still got it Rebs? Come on!"

Rebel goes for a punch, the Queen ducks, Rebel spins and Myst hits a basement drop kick.

Pip: I know this is a "friendly spar" between these two, but the champ has dominated this matchup. Remember, Rebel Star beat Vinnie Lane, she was the original King of the XWF tournament winner, she's no slouch!

Jenny jumps from a standing position and brings a double knee drop down across the abdomen of Rebel, then a backflip cartwheel into double knees the other way .

Atara: Rebel is allowing this. She wants to take the punishment. She wants to put Jenny over. Its sickening. I thought she would should up and shock the champ.....I guess our "Queen" has her talons deep into this one.

Rebel is back up, Jenny hits and over the shoulder arm drag. Once again Rebel pops back up. Wiping off some sweat she signals Jenny to bring it again. The champ delivers a mat slam backbreaker, dropping her over her knee while grabbing a handful of blue hair.

Rebel winces, clearly in some discomfort, but gets up. Jenny grins.

She takes a step and walks right into an STO from the champ.

Jenny arrogantly pins by putting one foot on Rebel.

Rebel kicks out at 1 and a 1/2, as expected.

Myst is a tiny bit frustrated now though that her friend won't stay down.

Pip: Myst is hitting some moves here, but nothing super high impact. You can tell she is not trying to finish Rebel but rather trying to show Atara here her assortment of moves.

Atara: I'll show her my foot up her ass.

She whips Rebel into the corner. Jenny goes outside the ropes to the apron, and climbs to the top rope. She locks in a top rope chinlock, as the ref counts. She stares directly at Atara.





Just before Myst breaks the hold, Rebel flips her over her back, off the top rope.

Rebel comes off the top with an elbow. Connects. Myst, holding her face, rolls away. Rebel, who now looks rather upset at the attacks from her friend, picks the Queen up, and hits a suplex in the center of the ring. The comes off the ropes with a legdrop. She doesn't cover, however. Myst is using the ropes to pull herself up.

She turns right into SHUT THE FUCK UP!

The sweet chin music to the face, and the champ is down!

Pip: Rebel got all of that one! She's running off pure adreneline here, fight or flight! I don't think she meant to do that!

She doesn't cover, instead she looks concerned. She gets on her knees and checks on Jenny, asking if shes okay and demanding the ref check.

Atara: You guys don't have a bucket out here, do ya?

Heather: Need to pee?

Atara: Other hole.

Heather: Oh....gross.

Atara rolls her eyes with a sigh.

She helps Jenny to her feet. The champ is a bit woozy. Rebel has tears flowing. She didn't mean to hurt Jenny, she just got carried away. As the ref checks on her, so does Rebel, but Jenny shoves her away. Rebel tries to plead her case, but Jenny isn't having it. She rolls out of the ring and walks over to time keeper chair. She rips her belt away and begins to walk away around the side of the ring. Rebel is in the ring looking distraught.

Atara: Where does she think she's going?

Pip: I guess playtime is over. The Queen is figuratively taking her ball and going home here!

Jenny gets to the bottom of the rampway when the crowd stirs. Atara's tag partner, Betsy Granger, the same woman who made Myst tap out at the High Stakes, walks out onto the ramp.

Pip: Uh oh.

Jenny is trapped between the ring and the ramp.

Atara: Thanks guys, its been fun, but, we have a snake to skin.

There is some static as Atara takes off the head set and drops it on the announce table.

Betsy begins to walk down the ramp. Jenny is backing up a little. Atara slides into the ring behind Rebel.

Rebel sees Jenny backing up. She senses something is wrong. She turns around into a right hand from Atara. Rebel hits the mat. Jenny turns around towards the ramp into a right hand from Betsy. Jenny and Betsy begin to trade blows on the outside. Rebel is getting up.

Judgement of Paris!!

The jumping bicycle knee to the face and Rebel is down. It's 2-on-1 now.

Pip: X-Treme rules, heather! This match wasn't/isn't over! There is no DQ in an X-Treme rules match and now these two ladies have the Queen cornered!

Jenny slides into the ring to get away from Betsy, but she is face to face with Atara now.

Heather: Get out of there Jenny! Run!

Atara and Jenny stare each other down as Osira enters the ring from the crowd behind Jenny. She gets down on all fours as Atara shoves Jenny, who tumbles over Osira. The two then begin to stomp on the Queen. They have Jenny up in the corner, firing off shots. Chops, punches, slaps, kicks, more chops. Betsy is in the middle of the ring when Atara whips Jenny into her grasp. Betsy is in the ring now. Atara whips Jenny to the mid ring, right into her partners grasp.


Atara points to the ring post. "DO IT!"

Betsy goes to drag her over, but Osira says she wants it. She steps in front of Betsy, who looks a bit taken aback. Osira drags Jenny towards the ring post as Atara asks for a mic. Rebel is getting back to her feet, and Atara lays her out again with a kick to the head.

Osira, now outside the ring, wraps Jenny's leg around the ring post in the same move Betsy Granger put on her at High Stakes. Jenny is frantic, saying no, but Betsy wraps it and locks it in. Jenny's back arches as she begins to flail, trying to get out of it. She's trapped. Betsy is looking at what is transpiring, and seems agitated.

Jenny is pounding the mat, as Atara leans in with a microphone.

Atara: You conniving little bitch.

Heather: Whoa! There are children watching this program, come on now!

Atara: You wanna agree to give that shot to Geri? What so one of these petty bitches like Ash Quinn can screw you out of it and mess up my shot? No. Hell to the NO! It has to be you Jenny. You and no one else at Snow Job. Roxy handed me that title at Leap of Faith and she told me, on the spot, in front of the world, it's name, it's conception, the whole point of the division's revival was because of me!

Jenny is pounding the mat, in obvious pain. Tears welling in her eyes from the brutal hold. Atara gets down on all fours, getting right in her face.

Atara: It's my title Jenny. My legacy, my mark on this business is the Shooting Star Title! That's what it means to me.

I had to go through you to earn that recognition and that belt and I refuse to go through anyone else to get it back!

She looks up at the X-Tron, seeing Jenny's pain magnified for the world.

Atara: If this match has to happen before the PPV, best believe I WILL be involved one way...or keep that in mind, Queeny!

Osira pulls hard on the hold. Jenny arches further, crying out.

Atara: Oh, you have something to say?! You have something you wanna say to me?

She puts the mic right up to Jenny's lips.

Jenny (panting): "F.......fuuuckkk yoouuu....."

Atara grins, she looks down at her sister.

Atara: Do what Betsy shoulda done at High Stakes. BREAK HER DAMN LEG!

Jenny yells NO! as Osira wrenches harder, contorting the champions leg. Just then Sarina Hazard, Jenny's best friend, hits ringside. She hits Osira in the side of the head with what appear to be brass knuckles, breaking the hold and knocking her out. Jenny curls up, holding her leg, crying. Trainers rush out to ringside to attend to the champ while Sarina, Betsy, Atara and a revived Rebel all do battle in the ring.

Heather: The Queen is in obvious pain here. Betsy really did some damage, attacking that same leg she hurt at High Stakes. How is Jenny supposed to defend that title against Geri now?!

Pip: They knew what they were doing! This was all a plan, a set up from the House of Themis and Granger!

Heather: Sounds like a cheap law firm.

Osira is stirring. Sarina and Rebel have fought them off, as Atara collects her sister and her and Betsy back up the ramp. Sarina runs over to check on Jenny.

Jenny is up, barely able to put pressure on that leg. She rolls slowly into the ring, against the trainers advice.

Rebel, who looks concerned and upset, helps Jenny to her feet. She wipes her hands of it, and holds Jenny's arm in the air.

Out of nowhere....


Sarina gasps, looks shocked. Jenny sits into a cover.


Heather: Myst is a wounded animal right now! She's in defense mode!

The ref reluctantly counts.


Pip: NO!




The ref, with a frown on, calls for the bell. Jenny gets up and limps over to him, ripping her belt away. She stands over Rebel, yelling, as the ref tries to get her away.

Pip: Jenny Myst is enraged! She's lost it! I think all of this pressure is beginning to get to the champion!

Heather: A wounded animal is most dangerous, Pip! The champ knows she's a target, she can't trust anyone right now!

Sarina tries to help her out of the ring but Jenny slaps her hand away. She puts the title over her shoulder and limps up the ramp, Sarina following behind.

Pip: The champ can't afford any more enemies! Oh my god what a match at Snow Day this is gonna be!

Savage goes to commercial as they set up for the Main Event mud match.

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer. Pyro falls from the titantron and fireworks shoot up from the stage as Big D emerges from behind the curtain, briefcase in hand.

HHL: "Are we gonna finally get to see what's in there?"

PC: "I'm not sure, but I'm just as curious of its contents as you are! Is it another major contract signing, dirt on Atticus White, or perhaps a raise for yours truly???"

HHL: "I wouldn't count on that last one, Pip."

Big D holds the case up as more fireworks go off behind him. After a bit of posing, he makes his way down the aisle, giving fives to random fans as he does so. Once at ringside, D uses the second rope to pull himself onto the apron before climbing on in.

PC: "We've been waiting in anticipation all night, will this finally be the moment he reveals whatever it is he's been bragging about?"

HHL: "What if it's your walking papers?"

PC: "Mine?!? More like yours!"

Big D scans over the crowd, a grin on his face, as he walks over and grabs a mic. He heads back to the center of the ring and basks in the aura of the crowd, hugging the briefcase with his eyes closed.

HHL: "God, maybe he's giving HIMSELF a raise!"

PC: "Highly unlikely; afterall, this is the man who burned $50,000 in the middle of that ring like it was nothin'!"

HHL: "Gives you a real sense of job security knowing THAT GUY is a General Manager......................"

PC: " might be time to dust off the ole resume."

Eventually, Big D opens his eyes and holds the mic to his mouth, finally speaking.

D: "First off, I'd like to apologize to the fine people of Las Vegas, as well as all the viewers at home.................... if they're still watching, of course. I know that as much as it's your fantasy to watch Atara Themis and Betsy Granger roll around in the mud, that fantasy DOESN'T involve Charlie Nickles OR Jim Jimson. I also know you didn't turn on your TV, or pay $50 for some nosebleed seats, to watch Greggo, Ash Quinn, or Jenny Myst make asses of themselves on national television, but what can I say? Sometimes the card books itself................... which is good, because God knows I'M not!!!!"

The fans gives management of piece of their minds, cheering in agreement with Big D.

PC: "But what's in the briefcase???"

HHL: "I'm with you, I've heard enough of Big D's whining for the year!"

D: "When I requested this job title be added into the match stipulation at Leap of Faith, I wanted to make a difference................... I thought I could make a difference. But it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for a Democrat to pass a bill in a Republican controlled Congress, and that Congress is Atticus White."

The fans boo the very mention of D's co-General Manager, making him laugh a bit.

D: "You guys know what I'm talking about! Big D doesn't book these shitty shows, which have ironically gotten worse since I stopped competing on them. If it were up to ME, the Main Event would've been Charlie Nickles vs Thunder Knuckles in a rematch for the TV Title; not some trashy Jerry Springer bullshit you would've seen in the Shane Era!"

PC: "How DARE he call Atara trashy!!!"

HHL: "Atara? What about Betsy???"

PC: "What about her?"

D: "Since the moment I took office, Atticus White has done EVERYTHING in his power to ensure that I have none....................but I've managed to find ways around it! He can't stop me from signing people to contracts, which is a good thing, too, 'cause if it weren't for ME, Blubber Bourbon would still be the Hart Champion! He can tell me I'm not allowed to compete in the Battle Royal because we can't have a member of management as the Universal Champion, but he COULDN'T prevent me from asking Champ Sportsman to win it on my behalf! And while I can admit THAT may have been a mistake on my part, at least I'm willing to hold myself accountable for it................. when has ATTICUS ever done that?!? He's had a target on my back ever since I returned from my post-March Madness retirement. One of his most talented, loyal guys and he was willing to slam the door in my face like I was red-X! And was HE ever held accountable for HIS actions?! Did the other GMs ever tell him maybe it's NOT such a good idea to have the Internet Champion pinned in the middle of the ring by a fuckin' security guard?!?!? NO!!!!!!!!!"

The fans cheer along with Big D, who's face is now bright red with a combination of emotion and frustration.

PC: "He's REALLY throwing Atticus under the bus, huh?"

HHL: "As much as I hate to admit it, he's not entirely wrong."

PC: "Atticus, if you're listening, I do NOT agree with her!"

D: "It doesn't matter, though, because no matter what my co-GM does, I'm right there with a counter punch! Which is exactly what I have right here................."

Big D pats the briefcase as the fans get hyped up.

PC: "Just open it already!!!!!"

D: "I was pretty disappointed when they wouldn't let me compete for the Universal Championship at High Stakes, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was actually a blessing. Think about it: how much value does that Title ACTUALLY have?!? Now, that's not a knock on Thad because I think he's the best Champion we've had in a while, but look at the rest of them before him!

Sarah Lacklan, surprise cash-in.

Shawn Warstein, surprise cash-in................... one I can l admit was funny, at the very least.

Lux, beat the vacant shell that remained of the former Champion.

Unknown Soldier, Robert Main, "surprise" cash-ins!!!! Eventually, not only does the element of surprise cease to exist, so does the prestige of the belt you're cashing in on!!!!"

PC: "Dear God, now even I'M beginning to agree with him!"

HHL: "It's hard to argue against some of those points."

D: "The fans deserve better than a bunch of screwjob finishes for the company's top prize, they pay to see classics over a belt that MEANS something! And with that being said, by the power vested in me by the XWF............................................

I present to you..................................."

Big D unlocks the briefcase and tosses it aside, holding up the object behind all the hype.....................................

[Image: 88hdfp0.jpg]

PC: "Oh my God! That's the XWF World Heavyweight Championship!!!!!"

HHL: "What in the world is he doing with it?!"

The fans go absolutely apeshit over seeing the Title once again, as Big D holds it out for the camera.

D: "That's right! As of this moment, I hereby declare that the XWF World Heavyweight Championship is, once again, an active Title of the Federation!!!!"

HHL: "I don't believe it! Big D just reinstated the XWF World Championship!!!!!

PC: "Can he even DO that?!?"

D: "The paperwork's done, signed, and submitted, its official: the XWF now has TWO active World Titles!"

The fans go ballistic, cheering the loudest they'd been all night.

D: "Now, this raises the question: who's the first Champion gonna be? Do we put it up for grabs in a Ladder Match? Hold a Tournament? Another Battle Royal, perhaps?"

Big D pauses, a devilish grin on his face.

D: "No, we're not gonna do ANY of those things.................."

PC: "I don't like where he's going with this................."

D: "You see, there's no reason to search for a Champion, as I have already selected one......................"

HHL: "Who do you think it could be?"

PC: "Names like Robert Main, Chris Page, and Corey Smith certainly stick out as front runners."

D: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the NEW XWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION......................................................................................."

The Savage co-General Manager points to the stage as everyone turns and watches in anticipation. After a few moments go by, Big D moves his hand away from the entrance and onto himself.

D: "MEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!!!"

Big D holds the belt up above his head as if he'd just won it in a grueling Title match. The fans don't quite know how to react, as a few cheer while the rest look on, completely stunned.

HHL: "He can NOT be serious!"

PC: "Judging by the way he's holding onto that belt, I think he is!"

Big D places the Title over his shoulder and goes to speak but, before he can, Atticus White walks out onto the ramp, interrupting the newly crowned Champion.

ATTICUS: "This is a God damn joke, right?! PLEASE tell me you aren't THIS vain!!!"

D: "You brought this upon yourself, Atty. You could've let me into the Universal Title Match, or tried harder to work with me to make Savage the #1 Show, but you constantly pushed me away........................... well now I'm pushing back!"

Atticus begins fuming, trying everything he can to keep from exploding.

ATTICUS: "You know I can't let this pass, right?! This is a blatant abuse of power and I will NOT stand for it!!!"

D(laughing): "Abuse of power? That's funny coming from someone who did everything in THEIR power to hold one of his biggest stars down.................. but I don't care, fire me! I've already got what I want, nothing else matters at this point! I've already got my World Title, there's nothing else I can do as GM. Not with you around, at least. So go on, take away my false sense of power, I don't need it anymore!!! Just know that if you do, everyone will know that you're the biggest hypocrite in all of the XWF!!!"

Before Atticus can say anything, however, "Spiderwebs" by No Doubt fills the arena as the fans look around in confusion. Out from the curtain emerges none other than...........................

[Image: 9AUWc9R.jpg]

KAREN HUNT!!!!!!!!

D: "I'm sorry, but who the hell are you?"

ATTICUS: "THAT is Karen Hunt................. my new co-General Manager!"

The fans gasp in shock at the news, but it doesn't seem to phase Big D.

D: "ANOTHER GM??? So what, we're gonna three way this or somethin'?"

K. HUNT: "No, Big D, we're not "three-waying" this................ I'm replacing you!

The crowd boos the new General Manager as Atticus White laughs maniacally. Big D rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disgust.

D: "I can't say I didn't see this coming..................... I'd wish you luck, but I doubt you'll need it. The two of you are perfect for each other..........................."

Big D holds up both his middle fingers, one for each of them before climbing out of the ring. He hops the barricade and heads into the crowd, where he turns and poses with the audience. D holds the World Heavyweight Championship up as cameras flash and fans pat it. Karen and Atticus look at each other and smile, before heading backstage.

PC: "What a night! Not only did Big D bring back the XWF World Championship, he declared HIMSELF Champion!!!!!"

HHL: "You don't actually believe he's Champion, do you?"

PC: "He filled out the paperwork, Heather, it's as legit as attacking someone after a match for a free Title reign!"

HHL: "Well, we'll find out in the coming weeks what exactly Big D plans to do with it, but coming up next is our Main Event as Jim Jimson and Charlie Nickles take on Atara Themis and Betsy Granger in a Mud Match!"

PC: "Just when I thought this night couldn't get any better, we get Betsy and Atara wrestling in the mud! Stay tuned, folks, you're not gonna wanna miss this!"

The honeyed rasp of Atara's voice blares over the facility's PA in unison with those words appearing on the multitude of screens and displays littering the arena.


The crowd pops and gets to their feet, shouting in near total unison a single word.


Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose, Atara Themis & Betsy Granger emerge from behind the curtain as the fans go crazy.

PC: "They're................... wearing their normal ring attire...................."

HHL: "It's a match, Pip, what else did you expect them to wear?!?"

PC: "Something a little more skimpy!"

HHL: "You're such a pig."

The Goddess and the Impossible Traveler get the crowd pumped up on the stage for a moment, before heading over to the special Mud Ring set up next to the stage. The two of them pose on the apron, where they stay and wait for their opponents.

As the music begins to play, Jim Jimson & Charlie Nickles make their way out onto the ramp, each of them wearing an article of swimwear that is WAY too revealing; with Jimson's specifically being made of the skin of all the dolphins he's murdered over the years.

HHL: "Is THAT skimpy enough for ya?"

PC: "My eyes!!!!!"

Charlie and Jim head over to the Mud Ring, without a care in the world, as we see various shots of audience members averting their eyes, or crying out in horror.

PC: "Big D was right, NOBODY wants to see THAT!!!"

HHL: "I don't know, I'm pretty entertained!"

Like a couple of teenagers trying to impress some girls at the pool, Jim & Charlie dive right on into the ring of mud, splashing a little bit on Betsy & Atara as they do so. The two of them roll their eyes, before climbing on in. With all four of them in the mud, the referee calls for the bell.


[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Atara Themis & Betsy Granger
- vs -
Charlie Nickles & Jim Jimson
Tag Team Mud Match
Standard Tag but in a mud pit
Winners will receive a Tag Title shot to be used in the future

Atara climbs out onto the apron, leaving Betsy in, while Charlie convinces Jim to let him start.

Jim doesn't appear to like the mud, whereas Charlie is relishing in the opportunity to get a little.....dirty.

Betsy however seems right at home as she charges the bigger man. Charlie is ready and scoop slams the newcomer into the mud. He laughs as she gets up, slipping a little. She slips again as she goes for Charlie, her arms wrapping around his waist. He grins through the gap in his teeth and clubs her in the back, dropping her back down, face first into the mud.

Betsy, in true fighting fashion gets back up. Charlie smiles again and points to his junk, claiming this is turning him on.

Betsy scoffs. She charges again shoulder blocking him but not quite taking the larger man down. She goes for another shoulder block, but he stands his ground, bracing. Betsy, quick thnking on her feet, drops to her knees and low blows Charlie!!!!!

"You turned on now?!" She yells. Atara laughs. Jim grimaces.

Pip: These ladies are in a fight to survive here. This element certainly favors Nickles and Jimson, but these are two tough broads that you can't discount.

Heather: It's 202, Pip. You can't call them broads on TV.

Pip: Jesus, I thought we only had one Karen on this show.

Betsy tags in Atara, who has a frown on her face. She is not looking forward to being in the mud. Charlie is getting up, holding his nuts. Atara kicks him in the gut. She throws him head first towards Jim. Jim slaps Charlie's back and dives into the mud. He goes under it for a moment.....



Atara begins to search around for Jim, who stll hasn't come back up from the mud. Finally, we see a hand come out of the mud, and it grabs Atara'a leg. She trips, and falls into the mud, getting it in her hair. Jim explodes out of the mud and lands on top of Atara. He begins to slap her, her head going side to side with each one, then grabs a handful of muddy hair. He slams her head down into it several times.

Tagging Charlie back in, he licks his lips. Charlie picks up where Jim left off, only.....this time....Charlie holds her head under the mud. After about 10 seconds Atara begins to kick. After 15 she begins to claw at Charlies arm.

Heather: Holy shit he's gonna drown her! He's gonna drown her in the mud!

Pip: And get DQ'd! Come on!

25 seconds, and Atara is frantic. Betsy jumps down to break it up but Jim tackles her into the mud.

At the 40 second mark, he lifts her up. Atara is coughing like a maniac..........

Charlie licks the mud off of her, causing to Atara headbutt him. It backs him off, long enough for Becky to put him in a sleeper.

Jim chop blocks Atara's wobbly legs and she falls into the mud again. Charlie flips Betsy over his shoulder, she lands back first in the center of the mud.

Charlie picks Jim up over his head in the gorilla press and throws him on top of the two ladies. Jim lays on top to cover be he's not the legal man. Charlie throws Betsy out of the mud pit.

He lifts Atara up by the hair. He begins to taunt her. She's had enough and halls off and decks Charlie. Sill coughing a little from being under the mud, Atara decks him again. And again. Big right hands. The big man is wobbling. Atara ducks a counter punch and then flips him over her shoulder.

She looks up at the stage for a split second.


She then goes off the the screen goes black.

Atara shakes her head and turns around to a big boot to the face from Charlie, followed by a Steubenville Screwdriver!!!




Winners- Charlie Nickles & Jim Jimson via pinfall

Jim Jimson and Charlie Nickles splash around in the mud, victoriously.

Pip: "Jenny Myst just screwed Atara!"

Heather: "She's not the only one who got the short end of the stick, Betsy did, too!"

Pip: "Regardless, Jim & Charlie are getting shots at Duke & Doc."

Heather: Jenny's been all over the place tonight, thank God the show's over....."

All of a sudden, Tommy Romeo makes his way out from the back.

Romeo: "HELLO LAS VEGAS!!!!! My name is Tommy Romeo, and I own the production and promotion company, RMI. That's Romeo Management Incorporated. We are here to represent XWF superstars, take them to the next level, and give them the benefits we have worked hard to be able to provide both inside and outside of the ring. So far, I have been able to provide my services for XWF superstars like Shawn Wylde and Evan Blane. Two young up-and-comers with all the potential in the world. But, we needed more. We needed that splash. We needed a big name to put us on the map here, and to reap the benefits we can provide. To give XWF a taste of just what we are cooking here. We needed a champion.

Pip: What's he getting at here........

Romeo: "We needed to make an impact, and there is no better way to make an impact, and no better person, than the one we are about to sign here in front of all of you. I have been in negotiations all week with this person, they are more stubborn than any of you may think, but they have come around. They have seen the light! In the end, I had to shell out some cash.......I had to spend money that I didn't have but our hope is that this person, this champion, will bring RMI to the forefront of XWF attention. So.....without further ado.....allow me to announce the next signee to RMI..........


Heather: Oh my god! This may be that big announcement Jenny said she had!

[Image: BjTmI5v.gif]

Jenny gets into the ring, a big smile on her face. She is oozing confidence.
They shake hands as Jenny grabs a mic.

Jenny: "Tommy...lets not get too ahead of ourselves. The ink isn't on the paper yet. I don't want you leading these people--my people--on just yet."

She smiles.

Jenny: "Remember that deal we talked about? That deal that was contingent on me signing with you? I am to assume that this was negotiated?"

Tommy: "Your attorney's are as stubborn as you are, Miss Myst, but yes the deal is done."

She motions to see the clipboard. She flips through a few pages, and her face beams.

Romeo: "So, whattya say.......did we meet all of your specifications?"

Jenny: "It looks as though you have....."

Romeo: "So, we have a deal?"

Jenny looks through the contract once again. There is tension in the air as she turns her nose up. She huffs a little. There is a small frown creeping across her face.

Pip: Uh oh.

Jenny puts her hands on her hips, looking down at the mat.

Heather: She must have just caught something in there that she didn't like! This is the biggest moment of Tommy Romeo's career and he may have just blown it here with the Queen!

Tommy's face is white. Not only did he potentially screw up, but on national television.

Romeo: "I.....everything is there....everything you told us you......Miss Myst, Jenny, talk to me!"

Jenny bites her lip, still looking down and shaking her head.
The crowd is getting on Tommy.


Tommy fixes his tie nervously. There are visible sweat marks on his shirt.

Heather: Whether it is yes or no.....she's making him wait for it!

He is flipping through the pages anxiously, searching for anything that might be amiss.

She turns away, her back to Tommy. Biting her lip still, she is looking at the mat.

Tommy is fumbling with the clipboard.

Romeo: "I'm sorry Miss Mys---"

She turns around with a big smile on her face.

She extends her hand. Tommy is almost jumping up and down with excitement, but also relief.

Pip: She just wanted to make Tommy her subservient here. She wanted him to bow down on national television! What a witch!

Heather: That's why she's the QUEEN, Pip!

He goes to provide her a pen, she refuses. She pulls a pink pen out of the interior pocket of her suit coat.

She grabs the clipboard from him, signing it officially.

[Image: nHiDgt5.png]

He goes for a hug, she turns it down. Bringing the mic to her mouth, she grins.

Jenny: "Now, thats over with.......time to show them.........ahhhh........time to show them MY VERY OWN SHOE LINE! MYSTique!"

They both turn towards the X-Tron as the video plays.


The lights suddenly drop down, swathing the arena in shadows, only outlines able to be seen in the dim setting. The fan’s cheers fade, turning to hushed confusion, low murmurs rippling through all assembled. We can vaguely see Jenny storming around the ring, pointing at the screen.


Romeo: "...... I don't think was part of the deal..."

An upside-down pentagram with a white hand in the middle materializes on the screen as Lycana and Ash Quinn appear on the stage. They stare silently at the ring as another figure appears behind them, The Baphomet coming to stand in between the two women. The crowds muttering turns to boos as the trio slowly start making their way down to the ring, each striding with purpose.

Pip: “This new group is pretty creepy if you ask me.”

Heather: “They call themselves The Left Hand, and do you see Ash Quinn?! We have never seen her look like this before! She’s embraced this darker side.”

Pip: “An ominous presence. There’s a lot of history between her and Jenny Myst.”

As the Left Hand reach the ring, sliding in, Jenny Myst smartly gets herself over to the ropes on the other side, ready to make a break for it. However, the three members surround Tommy Romeo who refuses to back down. He steps closer to the Baphomet, telling him to get out of the ring, threatening him. His answer is a fist closing around his throat. Romeo’s eyes widen as The Baphomet's hand squeezes, lifting him to his tiptoes as he claws the cult leaders' arm, trying to loosen the grip. Lycana and Ash take their places guarding Baphomet from any one fool enough to rush in to help, as the big man drags Romeo closer, drawing their heads close together, whispering into his ear as the management company owners' eyes grow larger.

Baphomet abruptly releases Romeo, who falls to the mat coughing and wild-eyed staring up at the three. Baphomet's arm rises, pointing his finger at Jenny Myst, all while never taking his eyes off the figure on the ground. Lycana responds first, rushing Jenny who was ready for her. A quick European uppercut sends Lycana off her feet. Ash Quinn runs in, looking to clothesline but Jenny ducks, nimbly turning around to nail Ash with a dropkick. Both ladies hit the ground.

Jenny kips up to her feet, ready to dish out some more, turning only to be met with Baphomet's palm crushing her larynx. The crowd gasps. Romeo leaps in, heading to defend his client, only getting a hand onto the Baphomet's shoulder before Lycana is there with a bulldog, preventing him from accomplishing anything. Ash capitalizes, nailing a prone Romeo with a standing moonsault, fully taking him out of commission. Jenny struggles in the Baphomet's grasp, kicking wildly in the air, determined to get free. She lands a few sharp blows with her foot, but he doesn’t flinch. The crowd’s hisses and jeers turn to cries of excitement once more as Geri Vayden explodes from behind the curtain onto the ramp, flying towards the ring, eyes on The Left Hand.

Heather: “Its Geri Vayden!”

Pip: “She's here to show the XWF won't take this nonsense!”

The Baphomet unceremoniously drops Jenny Myst, turning to meet Geri face to face as, Jenny, maintaining her feet, clutches at her neck, gasping air into her oxygen starved lungs. Geri slides into the ring, storming up to the Baphomet, staring daggers at him. Baphomet and Vayden glare at each other as Lycana and Ash lurk, tense and at the ready. Geri raises her left hand, before spinning and throwing a vicious fist into the face of Jenny Myst, sending her against the ropes. Ash Quinn is there in a moment, wrapping her own hands around the abused neck of Jenny, mercilessly squeezing the life from her.

Tommy Romeo has roused enough to rise to all fours, he starts to get to his feet but Geri Vayden stops him in his tracks with a boot to the face. Lycana moves in to hold him steady as Geri rakes at him with the sharp nails on her left hand. He manages to break free, turning to face Lycana, jabbing out but she dodges, grabbing his outstretched arm, dropping her head and latching ahold with her teeth. He yells in pain as they pierce his flesh. Geri wraps an arm around his neck, slamming him down with an implant DDT. Lycana casts her an admiring glace, before straddling Romeo, dropping her knees down onto his abdominals, earning a grin from Geri. They take turns inflicting punishment on their victim.

Meanwhile, the Baphomet simply surveys the carnage, his gaze focused on Ash as she chokes Jenny Myst. Her struggles finally paying off, Jenny manages to get her own hands around Ash’s neck, returning the favor as she begins to squeeze. Ash appears to weaken, her hold on Jenny slipping as the blond starts to overpower her. Geri Vayden and Lycana, leaving a battered Romeo on the ground, rip Jennys arms away from Ash, each locking one of her arms against the ropes, securing her in place no matter how hard she tries to break free. The Baphomet moves to look down at the pummeled body of Tommy Romeo, planting a boot hard into his stomach before turning to face the women once more. He slowly reaches into his jacket, pulling out a microphone, offering it to Ash Quinn. The crowds, once rising, but now dead, boo wildly. Ash looks around the area with a sneer before focusing on Jenny.

"What's a matter, Jenny?" Ash taunts, "For a 'queen', you sure don't look very triumphant. And to think, with our history... you always seemed to come out on top. It was so frustrating! But you know, Jenny, every time you knocked me down, I was right back up and back at your throat, even someone as self-centered as you can respect that."

Romeo has struggled back onto his feet, he slams a shoulder into the Baphomet, heading to protect his new client with ferocity in his eyes. He almost makes it to Ash Quinn, when Baphomet smashes into him with a flying knee, sending him crashing onto the mat on his bad knee, disabling him completely for the moment. Jenny watches, her eyes spitting venom at everyone around her, she struggles harder, hissing out that they had better hope Romeo wasn’t dead before her shoe line was up and running.

"Of course,... like always, all Jenny can think about is herself..." Ash taunts her, "but you're going to shut your stupid mouth for ONCE and listen. You and me... we've had our back and forths and our history over the last couple months had left me in a place of self-reflection... but you know what, I have finally seen the light! Who knew it would take turning to the dark to find it. Now, on behalf of the dark... your reign is coming to an end. I'm going to burn your entire castle to the ground... and as you watch your throne collapse into dying embers... you'll no longer be the queen of XWF. And like Tula said... I wasn't in the club... so, I should just burn it down... and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to burn everything down... and Jenny, there will yet again be a queen in the XWF...Me... even if I'm the queen of the ashes."

Ash Quinn grabs under Jenny's face, squeezing her chin cruelly as she glares at her, forcing her to meet her eyes.

"But I just want you to know that I'm not done with you yet..." Ash promises, "I'll never be done with you, Jenny... not until your world has been shattered... and your ego has been humbled... and we're going to do it... we're going to bring you and the XWF to their fucking knees."

Ash lets go, starting to step back away from Jenny. Her eyes go to the Baphomet, who nods to her. Ash hesitates, her brow creasing for just a moment before it is replaced by a devilish grin. She extends her hand, reaching into his jacket the Baphomet retrieves a small map gas blowtorch, placing it in her palm. The crowd gasps in horror, their boos rising sharply in panic as they realize what is about to happen.

Pip: “Oh my god! Is she going to do it? Is she going to use that blowtorch on Jenny Myst?!”

Heather: “No Ash! No!”

Ash approaches Jenny, tilting her head as she lovingly strokes the blowtorch. "You see, Jenny... like I said, I've found my flame... and now, I'm going to burn you down..." She coos at Jenny as she ignites to automatic torch. With a fiercely determined look, she aims it at the champ, whose eyes widen in alarm. “But first... let's take care of something that means almost as much to you, as you do.” Ash goes to grab the Shooting Star belt, holding it high for all to see. She sets it on the mat, flashing Jenny a sadistic wink as she lowers the torch towards the belt which begins to smolder as a flame starts to lick along its edge. Finding more strength deep inside, Jenny wrenches herself free from Geri and Lycana, doing a forward tumblesault to grab the belt, going to roll out of the ring. She knocks an attacking Vayden off her feet as she does so. She is almost at the edge when her head is jerked backwards, Ash’s hand firmly in her hair. The belt goes flying to the floor outside the ring, where it sits and smokes.

Ash drags Jenny back, hauling her to her feet and shoving her back to Lycana who takes over, fighting her back against the ropes where she had been, a waiting Geri grabbing her other arm once more. They grip her cruelly, hooking her elbows under the ropes this time around. An angry Ash approaches with the blowtorch, ready for retribution against Jenny for spoiling her fun with the belt. She moves in, bringing the torch nearer and nearer to Jenny’s face. The three female Left Hand members begin to laugh maliciously as Jenny cries out, fighting to get away. Ash’s smile turns sinister as she comes even closer, taking her time to torment her captive, Jenny’s hair beginning to singe from the heat. Quickly thinking, Jenny Myst flips herself backward, somersaulting over the top rope breaking the grasps of Geri Vayden and Lycana.

She hightails it away from the ring, sweeping her belt up as she goes, turning to face it once she is on the ramp. The Baphomet, Lycana, and Geri all in the center of the ring, stand over a broken and unconscious Romeo, silently watching as Ash leans on the ropes pointing the torch at the woman backing up the ramp. She smiles and nods, promising Jenny that she was coming for her. Behind her, the three other members lift their left hands.

Heather: “Oh my god, what have we just witnessed?”

Pip: “This is insanity!”

Jenny Myst backs up to the top of the ramp, breathing heavily watching the scene before her, horror on her face, hugging the Shooting Star belt close to her body as Savage goes off the air.

[Image: bliss_scared.gif]

Special Thanks To:
Big D
"Chronic" Chris Page
Thaddeus Duke
Ned Kaye
The Left Hand

and a special thanks to Jenny Myst for helping to ensure the show comes out on time
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[-] The following 15 users Like Karen Hunt's post:
(12-13-2020), (12-12-2020), ALIAS (12-12-2020), B.O.B. D (12-12-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (12-12-2020), Finn Kühn (12-17-2020), Lycana (12-12-2020), Marf (12-12-2020), Misty Waters (12-12-2020), Ned Kaye (12-13-2020), nope (12-12-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-17-2020), Rebel Star (12-12-2020), Theo Pryce (12-14-2020), Tommy Romeo (12-13-2020)
ALIAS Offline
Space Jesus

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-12-2020, 10:16 PM

OOC: That show was fucking packed! Special shout out to Ash Quinn. I told you that your work this week was fire! Congrats on being the definition of bouncing back.

Do you have a light?

[Image: 7qdASxF.jpg]
(Banner courtesy of Atara Themis)
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[-] The following 5 users Like ALIAS's post:
(12-12-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (12-13-2020), Lycana (12-13-2020), Misty Waters (12-12-2020), nope (12-12-2020)
Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-12-2020, 10:38 PM

Well hot damn! Fun read as usual but that ending holy shit!

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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[-] The following 2 users Like Marf's post:
Lycana (12-13-2020), nope (12-12-2020)
Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

12-12-2020, 11:27 PM

Bitch torched my belt, set Jenny on fire you fucking nitwit my the belt!

I need a necromancer, theres an offer I'd like to accept...

[Image: XV49e2j.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-13-2020, 05:43 AM

[Image: JLjmE86.gif]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-13-2020, 06:58 AM

What have I been saying this week! Tell me Jenny! The Queen of the Ashes has risen like a fucking Phoenix!! The Left Hand is coming for everyone. Oh and Atara you might just get what you are looking for, or at least some work done on that pretty face
[-] The following 2 users Like Ash Quinn's post:
Lycana (12-13-2020), nope (12-13-2020)
Tommy Romeo Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

12-13-2020, 08:54 AM

“The things you do for people and then they just leave you in the ring. Shouldn’t have expected anything different.” Tommy shrugs his shoulders and walks off supporting himself with his cane.

[Image: ultimate.png]
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Doctor Louis D'Ville (12-13-2020)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-13-2020, 09:52 AM

Ending a program with Jenny Myst is an excellent way to point out the "B-Show". No worries, the ratings will POP for Savage Solstice when the good doctor Main Events and it ends with your Television Champion bottoms up in a tight chimney.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
Michael McBride (12-17-2020)
Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

12-13-2020, 05:08 PM

(12-13-2020, 06:58 AM)Ash Quinn Said: What have I been saying this week! Tell me Jenny! The Queen of the Ashes has risen like a fucking Phoenix!! The Left Hand is coming for everyone. Oh and Atara you might just get what you are looking for, or at least some work done on that pretty face

It's going to take more than a rejected Buffy cult Dove.

[Image: XV49e2j.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Atara Raven's post:
Melanie Crayzee Childs (12-13-2020)
Melanie Crayzee Childs Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-13-2020, 05:41 PM

For once I agree with Atara. Your win was a fluke. A flimsy fluke there Ash. And you were lucky too after Scarlet and I easily accounted for you before the match. Keep thinking that you are the best Ash. That's just plain crayzee.

[Image: misfits.png]

'How crazy can someone be?
When crazy is just
Another form of emotion.'


[Image: Melanie-Chisholm-melanie-chisholm-22381727-1024-768.jpg]



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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-13-2020, 06:26 PM

(12-13-2020, 05:41 PM)Melanie Crayzee Childs Said: For once I agree with Atara. Your win was a fluke. A flimsy fluke there Ash. And you were lucky too after Scarlet and I easily accounted for you before the match. Keep thinking that you are the best Ash. That's just plain crayzee.

I’ve said this before girlie and I will say it again. The last time you were relevant in this place Jesus was in diapers. The Left Hand is the future. My inclination is to tell you to put your money where your jacked up mouth is and get back in that ring against the new Queen, the Queen of Ashes. If your game so am I. I’m already sick of smelling your cum guzzler.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ash Quinn's post:
nope (12-13-2020)
Melanie Crayzee Childs Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-13-2020, 07:50 PM

(12-13-2020, 06:26 PM)Ash Quinn Said:
(12-13-2020, 05:41 PM)Melanie Crayzee Childs Said: For once I agree with Atara. Your win was a fluke. A flimsy fluke there Ash. And you were lucky too after Scarlet and I easily accounted for you before the match. Keep thinking that you are the best Ash. That's just plain crayzee.

I’ve said this before girlie and I will say it again. The last time you were relevant in this place Jesus was in diapers. The Left Hand is the future. My inclination is to tell you to put your money where your jacked up mouth is and get back in that ring against the new Queen, the Queen of Ashes. If your game so am I. I’m already sick of smelling your cum guzzler.

Three things.

One: Girlie..... that's funny

Two: Queen? You are no Queen. Wait a second. Yes you are a Queen.... Queen of Losing....

Three: I will get back in the ring when I want to get back in the ring and when I'm ready. We will meet when I'm good and ready. But until then. Have fun losing.

[Image: misfits.png]

'How crazy can someone be?
When crazy is just
Another form of emotion.'


[Image: Melanie-Chisholm-melanie-chisholm-22381727-1024-768.jpg]



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Brooke Hernandez Offline
Your Fucking Nightmare

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-13-2020, 07:57 PM

The Misfits... just another group for the Left Hand to vanquish. Melanie, you were my first win here and I will rid this place of you again!
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Brooke Hernandez's post:
nope (12-13-2020)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-14-2020, 05:09 AM

(12-13-2020, 07:50 PM)Melanie Crayzee Childs Said:
(12-13-2020, 06:26 PM)Ash Quinn Said:
(12-13-2020, 05:41 PM)Melanie Crayzee Childs Said: For once I agree with Atara. Your win was a fluke. A flimsy fluke there Ash. And you were lucky too after Scarlet and I easily accounted for you before the match. Keep thinking that you are the best Ash. That's just plain crayzee.

I’ve said this before girlie and I will say it again. The last time you were relevant in this place Jesus was in diapers. The Left Hand is the future. My inclination is to tell you to put your money where your jacked up mouth is and get back in that ring against the new Queen, the Queen of Ashes. If your game so am I. I’m already sick of smelling your cum guzzler.

Three things.

One: Girlie..... that's funny

Two: Queen? You are no Queen. Wait a second. Yes you are a Queen.... Queen of Losing....

Three: I will get back in the ring when I want to get back in the ring and when I'm ready. We will meet when I'm good and ready. But until then. Have fun losing.

If you’re going to talk shit you need to back it up. I threw down a challenge and you just come off like a little bitch if you run from it. Telling me you will get in the ring when you are ready is running, trust me. I think you are covered in ring rust and are scared of me. One win may be a fluke to you “seasoned vets”, but I look at it as a new beginning. Like I said run your mouth come and back it up.
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-17-2020, 12:19 AM

the inmates are now running the asylum

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Michael McBride Offline
Whiskey, Cigars and guns.

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-17-2020, 02:41 AM

"Clever name for a group of goths or whatever."

XWF Achievements
1x Hart Champion
2x Xtreme Champion
1x Television Champion
2x Tag Team Champion w/ Peter Gilmour-Purebred Killers
Quadruple Slam Champion
[Image: svR0kd1.png]
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