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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Federweight Championship
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Time To See Yourself
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The Freak Away
The Mystic One.

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-14-2020, 08:43 AM

The scene opens up to Charlie holding his newly reclaimed HWM belt, he see's someone in hoodies putting a sack over his head and takes him to a room. Then we see Charlie in a room, with a projector playing his greatest hits.

"Glad you won your HMW belt, Charles."

Then they sit him down on a chair, with straps..clockwork orange style... with all his pervious HWM pin attempts playing on a loop. As the looped footage kept playing, his eyes start to bleed. Then the video stops, and we see Freak looking at him.

"Well well well, if it ins't soon to be possibly fired from this company Charlie, the man who gotten himself accidental heat with Omega and Ash with the sneak attacks, the man who managed to flood his own pin attempts against Knuckles and Job Guy. The same man, who once almost had a shot at dethroning Sarah's Universal championship belt, but couldn't get the job done. Charlie, you gotten lucky to be the last man standing in that New Gen battle royal, but lets keep it real... you know that you are bounded by these 24/7 belts that most people wouldn't even want on their records.

You seem to be only one to fiend for these trinkets, and expect to be the most hot shot in this place, when you are nothing more than a worthless piece of trash in the world, there was a time I wanted to be your friend.. but you never got back to me on that opportunity to work with you, there was a reason why I had to attack you, I wanted to see how much you aren't much worth in this place. I hate you for not letting Job Guy have his moment with the belt, when you had to loop yourself over over and over AND over again just too fuck with his mind.

Maybe I should have looped your failed Universal title reach until you go mad... well, Charlie... you had your chance at this belt, and now I want it back."

Then we see repeated loops of Charlie getting strapped on the chair, then Freak comes in to break the loop of himself by giving him repeated roll up until the ref breaks the loop as he counts...


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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (10-14-2020)
Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-14-2020, 08:19 PM

Be real with me Freak, are you using that mask to hide your mongoloid features? What makes you think the heat I got with Ash and Omega is 'accidental'? Do you think I 'accidentally' dented that bitch's skull with a steel chair? Do you think I 'accidentally' smashed Omega's knee? I bet you probably think I 'accidentally' won both the main event and opening battle royale on the last Savage Saturday Night, doncha'?

You think I'm the only one going after these trinkets? Man, you'd be hard pressed to explain why your mongoloid ass is all over this Federweight belt and your boy John Black is trying his darndest to scoop up my other belt. You're not really in the habit of explaining shit though, are ya? You just go from stupid gimmick to stupid gimmick with no idea as to what you're doing or why you're doing it. All you know is to lay on your back and look up at the bright lights when the match is at it's end.

Your color is green because you're jealous. Jealous of what I have accomplished in two short months. Jealous of the fans I have. Jealous of all the accolades, opportunities, and title matches being showered on ol' Charlie when lil' Freak bitch doesn't get any love. No one in your entire faction, or 'former' faction, has ever main evented a single show, let alone a pay per view. Your jealousy, your petty insults: they're meaningless. They are simply symptoms of your jealous nature. Of your unfulfilled hopes and dreams.

Keep trying, lil' man. One of these days you may just beat ol' Charlie. But that day is not today.

And it won't be tomorrow, either.

Charlie kicks out.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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The Freak Away
The Mystic One.

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-14-2020, 09:08 PM

"Here's what I like about you Charlie, you such a confidant man who knows what he wants to be. You are such a role model to the youth, who follow your every single word. They are the same ones who would dive off the roof into their backyard and claim that "see even Charlie can do it" when in reality that isn't good for them. You are nothing more than a negative influence on the highest degree, Charlie.

Such a negative man, you had to be questioning your actions on Ash and Main, you think that is going to get these conceptualized idiots to vouch for you? I guess so, since you believe in your own hype of no good. So what if you won two main matches in a row on Savage? That doesn't mean much, since you gotten a partner who gotten his assed ripped to shreds by me last August. Hell, from the way the match looked on TV, Knuckles and Legends could have turned it into a 2 on 1 handicap, that would have made you look even worse than before.

Oh, I so to look at the lights and think..."man, why I haven't been masquerading as an obsessed man to Sarah's non-advances last two months ago?"... then I close my eyes knowing that I haven't gotten what I wanted, maybe you were the one who kept blowing her DMs long ago, or the one who kept thinking you can get inside her head, like if you had a gimmick of a "mind reader" who kept begging for attention from her. What ever it is, it didn't work out for you.

Yes, I am so totally jealous of a man who repeats his pin attempts like an onboarding train to hell. I am jealous of a man who had be bashed constantly by Greggo, to the point he referenced that you were in the 1st grade or something to the effect. I am jealous of a man who lives in a broken home with no wife and kids, and the same man who ended up claiming someone else's non-kid at the end. I am jealous that I am not in line for a shot a title, that nobody in their right minds want to see you have on and ruin what Warfare stands for. I am so jealous..

No not really...

I am more realistic with how I view things, while you live in your own world, thinking that people want you to succeed, knowing full well they want you to fade away..."

Freak then hits the O.T.A on the floor and pins Charlie..


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Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-15-2020, 03:01 AM

Charlie kicks out of the pinfall attempt, pushing the man in the mask off of him with immense force. Charlie shoots back to his feet in an entirely different outfit. Charlie is dressed from head to toe as a ninja with a black bandana. He strikes a karate pose as the camera zooms in on him and the entire scene transforms into an anime.

"oiiiii FREAKY-CHAN! You have awoken the master within me. The belt of the great Feder shall remain around the waist of the double (soon to be triple) champion! There is nothing you can do to overcome me. You can try time and time again, but each of your failures will end the same! Nickle-san is unbeatable!

The master needs no vouchers! Ashie-san and the Omega-Roach are wooden boards needing to be cut in half with a mighty blow!"

Charlie demonstrates his moves as a wooden plank comes flying out of nowhere. Charlie slices it in half with a chop.

"You worry too much about what others think, what others say. That is why you will never take this belt off of me.

Every child should look up to me as a role model. As a master of the art of professional wrestling. As the chief architect of the hardcore style. Will they get hurt trying out my moves? I don't care."

Charlie shrugs nonchalantly.

"See I may be your daddy, lil' Freak, but I ain't the daddy of all those kids out there!"

Charlie drop kicks the freak with immense force, sending the animated drawing of The Freak through multiple walls. The anime Freak finally falls to the ground in what appears to be a boiler room half a hallway away from Charlie.

"Did you think I was going to let you get away that easily, sonny?!"

Charlie naruto runs towards Freak, delivering a diving elbow to the groin of the masked man! Charlie pushes himself up to his feet, grabbing Freak by the legs and swinging him up to the next floor! Freak's body goes flying through the ceiling tiles, winding up in the floor of a bathroom stall! Charlie jumps up incredibly high, landing in the new room! Anime Charlie looks down at his opponent before letting out a hearty guffaw.

"You and I are not the same. We're never going to be the same! I'm a man who has come into this federation and in just a few short months I've risen to heights you could never even dream of. Now, you've never climbed the mountain of success, so you don't know what it's like. Let me clue you in: that mountain is a slick son of a bitch. It's like a slip and slide all the way up, you bet your ass. You're gonna backslide, you're gonna lose your spot, and you're gonna fall down a few times. Everyone that ever reached the peak knows this experience. I embody this experience. But you? You can't even imagine it."

Charlie pins the Freak!



[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-16-2020, 09:42 AM

Nickles retains!

Still Champion - Charlie Nickles

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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