Jim Jimson
- vs -
Greggo Dolphin on a Pole Match(the winner will be whoever can climb the turnbuckles and retrieve the dolphin hanging from a pole. That man may do with the dolphin whatever they choose)
"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the fans in the US Cellular Center go absolutely crazy for their hometown hero. Pyro falls and fireworks shoot up from the stage as Big D slowly steps out onto the ramp, wearing an iowa Hawkeyes Jersey and the Internet Championship around his waist.
HHL: "The fans are losing their minds for Big D!"
PC: "Considering he only has to compete with Zach Johnson and Kurt Warner, that's not saying much!"
HHL: "Do you even know who Kurt Warner is?"
PC: "No............... that's my point!"[/red]
A very emotional Big D makes his way down the aisle, taking the time to touch as many hands as he can, before heading towards the ring. At ringside, D walks over to the time keeper's table and grabs a mic, doing the best he can to hold back tears. With a Joker-sized grin on his face, Big D climbs onto the apron and into the ring.
HHL: "It's always something special when a wrestler comes back home, not even the worst of the worse get booed in their hometown!"
[white]PC: "This isn't one of those video crowds, is it? Maybe Big D planted audio and those cheers aren't even real!"
HHL: "If they were cheering YOU, maybe!"
The crowd showers Big D with praise, cheering for him and doing a variety of chants. The whole time, D just takes the moment in, nodding his head and looking at the mat in disbelief. Finally, after the co-General Manager has to use his hands to quiet them down, Big D speaks.
D: "You guys have no idea how glad I am to be here!"
The crowd loses it's mind, once again, making a raucous before Big D can even get a sentence in. He chuckles to himself, wondering what kind of reception Atticus White would've gotten had he come out, instead. Finally, the fans appreciation does down, allowing the Internet Champion to continue.
D: "After everything this town has been through, you guys deserve a break!"
D: "You all deserve a little break from the devastating reality of some of your lives................."
D: "I wanted to come out here and tell you all I know exactly what y'all are going through. Not only did my house take damage, so did my parents' house, as well as the ENTIRE neighborhood! What I see on my street, is exactly what I see on your street, and YOURS!"
Big D points to a couple random members of the audience.
D: "But, do you know what else I tonight?"
He pauses for a moment, as a few random people yell out random stuff.
D: "I see unity! I see people who aren't gonna let a little derecho tear their town apart! Moms, dads, grandparents, men, women, and everything in between! You're ALL bigger than that storm thought you were, you're the TRUE Champions tonight! When they hit you, you hit them back twice as hard! When they push you down, you rise above it and come out stronger than you were before! THAT is Cedar Rapids! THAT IS MY HOMETOWN!!!!!!!"
The place begins to shake as the crowd shows their love and support for Big D, who looks overwhelmed by the reception he's received. After a bit of time to soak it all up, the Savage co-General Manager switches gears.
D: "Well, Cedar Rapids, what do you say? Should we get this show on the road?!?!"
The fans continue to cheer as "X-Men Theme" begins to play. Big D tosses his mic into the crowd and makes his way up the ramp, a smile on his face as he heads to the back.
Princes of the Universe blares throughout the arena.
PIP: Woah! The Warfare MVP is in the arena tonight?
HHL: What's he doing here on Savage?
Robbie Bourbon, Warfare MVP, steps out onto the entrance ramp and the crowd goes bananas. He kisses the MVP Medallion around his neck, raises his arms at 45 degrees, and plods down to the ring. He makes sure to slap a few hands along the way, and stops to pose with a group of fans, taking a selfie while doing so. He makes his way into the ring, and is handed a microphone. The fans all chant in unison.
Robbie pumps his fist along with the fans chants. He then puts the microphone to his lips.
What's up Cedar Rapids?
The crowd goes wild with a cheap pop.
Hold up, hold up, wait a minute.
I don't think they heard you in Des Moines.
The crowd goes even wilder, and the camera shakes with the sheer volume.
PIP: This is nuts!
HHL: What did you say?
Robbie grins from ear to ear and looks at the camera.
I love y'all too, Universe.
The crowd roars.
Now, I know we got another amazing night of action on Savage Saturday night, and I don't want to be the one to hold up the proceedings. The greatest talent in wrestling today is here in the building, and y'all came to see it. But, I have to admit, there's something that's been on my mind, and since I'm not busy getting ready to whoop someone's ass tonight, I figured I'd bring it up with all of you.
Robbie lowers the microphone and looks around. Another round of chants kicks back up.
Robbie puts a hand up and nods, and the chants die down.
HHL: These fans are like sheep to him!
PIP: These fans care what he has to say because he cares about them, Heather!
So, I really gotta ask, I'm really actually super curious.
Nobody else is pissed that some asshat coughed up the Hart Championship to a half-brained mongoloid in a third-rate promotion?
It's been over a fucking month, and nobody has said a damn thing about it?
I've been keeping an eye on Revolting One wrestling, no lie, and not a sight of anybody calling out big-for-nothing Baby Huey? Centurion is wandering around there collecting whatever food stamps they pay people in, Lacklan didn't bother to bring Greggo over there with her, surprise surprise, and neither of them seem to want to put Pasha the Pantload down and bring the pink and gold back home.
Am I the only one left with a sense of pride?
Oswald, you could go knock that doofus's teeth down his throat and bring the Hart back home.
None of the suits wanna get anybody over there?
Vinnie? You seemed upset at the onset, but I guess the days of mimosa blurred it a bit.
Theo? Has Chaos really been that intriguing?
Jimbo? Too busy finding the next box of Kleenex to finish in after you jerk yourself off?
Whatever happened to the XWF I used to know?
Whatever happened to the mean, nasty, vicious, and downright badass motherfuckers who would crush anybody who showed up and dared call us out in our house?
Did y'all get tired of that?
I don't care how awesome, how incredible, how tough you claim to be, I feel like a fucking laughing stock that a piece of garbage from a shithole of a dump came into OUR ring and took one of OUR championships.
And you think it'll end there?
Robert Main, you think it's a pain in the ass that TK, Dyson, and Graves are hounding you, wait until some turd from Revolting One Wrestling shows up and decides the Xtreme Championship belongs there too.
Chris Page, you got a legacy, a history, some name recognition? What happens when a gang from there shows up and steals the TV Title from you?
The crowd roars at the mention of Main and Page.
Fuck, what happens if they send bodies over for y'alls tag team championships?
Robbie circles the ring. The crowd boos at the notion of more Revolution wrestlers coming.
I know, I know people. I don't like it one bit. But, since you're the diehardest of the diehard, the best fans in the Universe, I'll go to work for you!
The crowd roars. Robbie glares at the camera, almost as though he's looking through the lens at every member of Revolution.
They want a revolution? You wanted to spark a war? I'm the god damned MVP of Warfare. You wanted a rivalry? You got decimation coming.
I will bring the promised end. I will bring back the Hart Championship. I don't care if I'm going alone or bringing friends. Hopefully, some of you boys in the back heard what I had to say and see the point I am making here.
They attacked us.
We need to show them that nobody hits back harder than the XWF.
Fucking right! Time for an Xtreme ass whooping to come down and I'm just the wrecker to tear their house down brick by fucking brick with my bare fingers if I have to.
The crowd goes wild.
HHL: He's insane!
PIP: He's got heart, Heather, and a spine, and balls to spare. If I were a member of that other company, I'd start praying.
Jim comes out with a sign saying "Kill all Dolphins" people come out with him handing out Dolphin Rape Awareness Month, pamphlets, making sure that people know, just how evil dolphins are.
Halloween III plays over the speakers as Greggo makes his way through the crowd, occasionally stopping to make out with or grope various people in the audience; both male and female.
Jim Jimson
- vs -
Greggo Dolphin on a Pole Match(the winner will be whoever can climb the turnbuckles and retrieve the dolphin hanging from a pole. That man may do with the dolphin whatever they choose)
As Greggo and Jimson stand in the ring, getting an uncertain response from the crowd, Jim stares at the set up for this pole match, a dolphin in a tank precariously placed atop a thin steel pole atop one of the turn buckles. Rage for this creature's life burning in his soul.
PC: "The competitors are in place and ready to start this match! Although, the bell's taking a little while to ring... Don't know what the timekeeper's doing, but it's not his job..."
HHL: "Give the guy a break. I think he's new..."
PC: "Well, he sure as hell isn't qualified. He even has a douchey hat! Ring the bell, moron!"
PC: "Finally."
Jimson immediately rushes towards the pole, planting his feet on the ring ropes to get a good foundation to start climbing, only for Greggo to ambush him from behind and smash Jim's face into the steel! Water splashes from out of the tank above, soaking some of the camera men and audience below. Jim loses his grip, allowing for Greggo to scoop him up and slam him towards center ring!
PC: "It's a good thing Greggo stepped in so quickly. We all know what Jim would have done if it was his choice."
Greggo looks up and waves at the dolphin, blowing kisses and giving it a very... suspect glare.
HHL: "I'm gonna be straight with you, Pip, I don't think that dolphin is going to have any luck regardless of who wins."
PC: "Maybe that timekeeper had the right idea..."
Greggo turns his attention to Jimson, holding his head, still dazed by his skull kissing steel as Greggo grabs his right foot and starts ripping Jim's shoe off! Greggo opens his mouth wide, looking to bite Jim's toes, only to begin to suck and lick on them instead. Jim is visibly confused and shaken, struggling to free his foot from Greggo's grasp! He kicks Greggo in the jaw with his other foot and stands up! He headbutts Greggo, knocking the insurance salesman back into the ropes, snap suplexing him as he bounces back into Jim's arms!
Jim lifts Greggo up, bringing him closer to the pole and puts him in a full nelson, smashing Greggo's face into the pole before transitioning into a piledriver, landing the poor pervert smack dab on his head.
HHL: The repeated blows to that pole have left it in a bad way! I'm not sure it's gonna hold up its own weight soon enough!"
Jimson inspects the pole, doing his best to strategize a way up, when Greggo somehow forces himself up and persues Jim! Greggo manages to arrange himself just right and lands a Canadian destroyer from the top rope!
PC: "Jim had to feel that one! Hell, he's crawling towards the wrong turnbuckle! He's all turned around!"
As Jimson crawls towards the opposite end of the ring, Greggo begins climbing up the pole! He's getting higher and higher!
Closer and closer...
Greggo: Mmmmm, mmmmm, here dolphy dolphy. Cum to papa Greggo. Cum get dat Greggo yolk. Mmmmmm!
Greggo has a visible erection at this point as he attempts to approach the dolphin. His erection can be seen grinding against the pole as he gets ever so closer..!
Suddenly, the pole bends from Greggo's weight, the tank's water splashing over Jimson, landing the dolphin right into his hands!
The bell rings as Jimson lifts the defenseless dolphin over his head and slams it over his knee, the camera cutting away as quickly as possible.
PC: "Jesus Christ... We'll-uh... we'll be right back folks!"
HHL: "I'm not sure we're ready for THIS lawsuit..."
Winner by Acquisition of Dolphin:JIM JIMSON
The X-TRON goes black and so does the arena before The X-TRON comes back on in a distorted scene before it becomes clear. The scene is a rainy night of Steve SAYORS running into a bar with broken neon lights. STEVE SAYROS walls in and stands a moment at the door, searching the bar for his meet up. At the end of the bar is a light skinned black man, he is wearing tight braids that run short to his neck, a purple button up shirt and some black jeans; in front of him is a semi full glass of whiskey. He looks over to the door as the drenched gentleman steps in. STEVE SAYORS pauses as their eyes lock and he reluctantly walks towards the sitting gentleman.
STEVE SAYORS: You’re Infamous, right? (extends his right hand to shake.)
INFAMOUS: I don’t shake wet hands, and yeah, I’m Infamous. Have a seat. I was waiting for you longer than I’d like.
STEVE SAYORS: Sorry about that. The rain has made travel a pain in the…
INFAMOUS: I don’t really give a sh*t. Let’s just get to it. I want you to make sure you get all this down.
STEVE SAYORS: (Searching in jacket pocket for phone) Ok, let’s do it then. (hits record on phone).
INFAMOUS: See, this isn’t something out of the blue and I’m not some fly by night wannabe. Before there was an XFW Champion there was an NFW Tag Team god!. I’ve slayed giants both real and imaginary. I’ve buried my brother and resurrected a demon. I’ve built empires and destroyed destinies. When I come to XWF it will be the coming of something old, something great, something evolved.
I don’t want to just climb the mountain of XWF, I want to demolish it and build a monument in my name. For now, I’ll just keep watching and waiting until I’m ready to make my presence known. When it’s all said and done, I won’t just be famous, I’ll be infamous.
STEVE SAYORS: Wow, ok, I’ll get this back to the people in charge and I’ll let you know…
INFAMOUS: (A cold stare) You’ll let me know when to come in. Period.
STEVE SAYORS: (Nodding nervously) Ye….yeah, exactly.
INFAMOUS: Cool, guess I’ll be seeing you again soon. You may want to leave now; it’s getting late and this isn’t exactly the best hood for newbies.
STEVE SAYORS: I was thinking the same thing.
The man walks out and Infamous orders another whiskey from the bartender. The X-TRON goes black and the arena lights go back on.
Suddenly the house lights dim out to darkness as a spotlight hits the top of the ramp. Thick white smog engulfs the top of the ramp and several seconds later seen walking out through the smoky haze with a Tag Title over his left shoulder and the TV Title strapped firmly around his waist is none other than “Chronic” Chris Page.
Chris is without Robert Main or Adam Barker as he starts to make the walk towards the ring to massive boos from the crowd as he saunters down the ramp with a sly smirk etched across his face.
”Chris Page making his inaugural walk towards the ring as the new XWF Television Champion capturing the title just two short weeks ago.”
”Over the last several weeks twitter has been blowing up with that man’s name attached; the more they talk the more they’re selling for him.”
Chris Page reaches ringside where he climbs up on the ring apron where he steps through the ropes and into the squared circle where he unstraps the Television Title from his waist with his right hand where he hoists the TV Title up with the right hand and the Tag Title up with his left hand.
”Like him, love him or hate him there’s no denying the results he produces at nearly fifty years old.”
Chris lowers the titles resting them on each shoulder as he walks across the ring calling for a microphone. He’s handed one by the time keeper before he takes center ring. “Freebird” starts to fade away as Chris raises the microphone as he looks into the camera.
”Not say I told you so…”
Chris glances over at the gold plate of the Television Title over his right shoulder before directing his attention back towards the camera as he then states.
”I told you so.”
There’s a brief pause from Chris before he continues.
”Two week ago in this very ring I did exactly what I said I would do and took away what rightfully has belonged to me when Thunder Knuckles got his ass served before Leap of Faith; and now that I am the Television Champion I officially occupy the marquee spot on Saturday Nights!”
There’s another sly smirk from Chris as he continues.
”But there’s no rest for the weary because tonight I will thrash the newest XWF darling known as The Wizard, oh yeah, it’s happening.”
Boos ring out from all over the building as Chris Page continues.
”Contrary to popular belief I’m not out here to talk about last week or tonight for that matter; I’m out here to talk about what lays in front of us all… I’m out here to talk about Relentless.”
The crowd starts to quiet down as Chris continues.
”We all know that Robert and I will be defending our Tag Titles over the course of the weekend against Centurion and Ruby, that’s happening, and as we all saw on Anarchy they’ve bitten off a little more than they can chew.”
There’s a pause from Chris before he continues.
”I’m not out here to promote that affair; I’m out here to address who I will face for the Television Title… because there’s not a chance in hell that this title is coming off my shoulder tonight.”
Chris gazes into the camera as he states.
”You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t engage in Twitter battles or get suckered into twitter exchanges because I don’t have to hide behind a computer or a cell phone; instead I’m the guy that’s going to stand in this ring and issue a challenge of my own. You see, there’s someone lurking in the shadows playing stupid little games hiding behind a keyboard that actually has something that belongs to me…”
Chris take a moment before he states.
”Isn’t that right… THUNDER KNUCKLES.”
Chris continues.
”Congratulations numb nuts because your number has been called, and after I dispose of The Wizard a little later tonight I’m looking for you to step in this ring with me at Relentless… and to make it just a little more appealing…”
Chris raises up the XWF Television Championship.
”I’m giving you fifteen minutes of my time to try and take this back.”
Miss Fury walks out to the top of the stage alone. She stands there for a moment staring down at Chris Page in the ring.
PC: "Miss Fury challenges Ruby for the Anarchy championship this Thursday, so what is she doing out here on Savage!?"
HHL: "It looks like Chris Page is asking himself the same question!"
The music fades out as Fury begins to speak.
"The audacity of you. For you to stand in that ring and assume that you carrying that belt somehow gives you the right to handpick your challengers? That's not how things work around here. The most worthy challenger is who gets the shot! Now, what if I were to tell you that I have already spoken to the powers that be, and they agree, BOB has earned the right to challenge for the TV title at Relentless?"
PC: "What!? Miss Fury has been politicking backstage!"
HHL: "Probably not the worst thing she's done this week."
"As far as which member of BOB… Well, let's see if you can get past the Wizard before we show all of our cards...
Fury exits behind the curtain.
PC: "Miss Fury has already lined up a challenger for Super Relentless, but who is it!"
HHL: "Please don't let it be Graves!"
Chris runs his left hand down his face as he spouts out.
”And who the in blue hell are you?”
Ms. Fury raises her microphone to answer only to be cut off by Page.
”Don’t care, and unless your name is Thunder Knuckles do yourself a favor and get off my stage because you’re irrelevant to the cause. I don’t have time in my schedule to make you or anyone associated with the little group you’ve referenced remotely relevant.”
Suddenly Chris states.
”But you can tell Graves he’s next.”
Chris winks at Ms. Fury before brushing her away with a motion of his hand. He centers himself as he turns to address the hard camrera.
“Well alright… now it looks like we’ve gotten all that squared away there’s one last piece of business I need to address before I shift all of my attention to retaining the Television Title… and that’s Thaddeus Duke.”
Chris once again gazes towards the camera.
”It seems that Thaddeus has an issue with defeat because this little prick has issued yet another challenge to get in the ring with me at Relentless….”
Chris rolls his eyes before he continues.
”The simple answer for you Mr. Duke, nope.”
There’s a very brief pause from Page.
”You had your opportunity to show you had what it takes to be on my level, and you failed. Thad, you may or may not understand that when you’re name is Chris Page your dance card fills up rather quickly, so unfortunately for you you’re going to have to take a number and I’ll get you back into the rotation.”
The U.S. Cellular Center falls dark. The X-Tron flickers to life but its dimly lit. Thaddeus Duke stands in a hoodie covering his face. The crowd cheers loudly for their hero.
Slowly, he reaches up to his hood, then quickly throws it off.
PIP: Heather, I don't think that's Thaddeus.
HHL: It's his foster kid you moron!
PIP: Oh that makes more sense.
"That's right Chris Page! A nine year old is about to drop this bomb ass promo on you!
"Tell us Chris! Tell the world why your breath smells like Robert Main's farts!" Frankie scrunches his nose and waves his hand in front of his face.
"Damn bro! Use some mouth wash after or something!
"Do you even shower bro? You smell like if a dog took a shit, and then another dog took a shit on that dogs shit, and then all the shit got dumped in a bowl full of more shit!
"Seriously! It's been like a week since Thad challenged you and you're out here saying NO!? You scared bro? You scared to go face Thad at the...."
Frankie looks up to his right, off screen.
"What's it called again?"
"Relentless," Thad answers him from off screen.
"You scared to face Thad at Relentless?
"Chronic Chris Page?
"More like Chronic Chris BITCH!
"Since you won't fight him! Maybe you wanna piece o' dis!"
Chris simply shakes his head as he covers his mouth to hide the laughter that’s unfolding underneath at the verbal display that’s come his way. He gains his composure before raising his microphone.
”Hey kid, how’s your mother? Oh yeah, she’s dead.”
HHL: Oh, that's cold!
”Do yourself a favor and tell the grown folks in the room that this failed attempt to lure me into a rematch at Relentless is about as non-existent as your mother. How did you spend Mother’s Day? Putting flowers on her grave? I spent it pissing on it! Thad, this is pathetic. Admit you got outsmarted and it cost you. It’s not complicated… but parading around throwing out challenges, using a nine year old only makes you reek with desperation because you can’t take the fact that I am BETTER THAN YOU.”
"Okay kid, times up." Thad says as he steps into the screen.
"Relax man! I got this!"
"No, you owe the swear jar enough as it is."
Thad turns to face the camera, Frankie at his side.
"Alright Chris, this is real simple. You challenged me to speak to you like a man and this is me being a man and accepting. It's a shame really."
"A shame?"
"Yeah, it's a shame because here I am extending you the courtesy and you don't have the balls to do the same!"
Chris Page is about to reply, but Thad cuts him off.
"You want me to admit you outsmarted me? I've already done that. I've never ran from my failures in the ring, Chris, and I'm not starting with you. So, I'll humor you and admit publicly on Savage that Chris Page took my idea that I used against him and Robert Main a month ago on this very program and used it against me.
"That's the truth of it.
"I made you both look like idiots and you returned the favor and won the ladder match."
Chris smiles as he holds the Television title high in the air.
"Yes. Proud man! Proud of being a second tier singles champion and claiming to be better than me, but here's the thing Chris. In your heart of hearts man, you don't honestly believe that."
HHL: For what it's worth folks, Chris Page is no longer smiling.
"If you did, you'd have accepted my challenge to prove it. You're afraid you can't and that's why you refuse. Like I said on Warfare, Chris. You winning the ladder match proved nothing other than you were smart enough to take advantage of the distraction. Nothing more.
"You can do this the easy way and accept, or we can do this the hard way and I make your life a living hell until you give me what I want."
”Let me make sure I understand… You’ve issued a challenge, I refused, and with very good reason. You don’t accept the fact my time is money and fight your way back up the ladder just like everyone else; nah, you expect a handout, you expect me to cater to your request like I actually have something to prove to you.”
Chris lets out a deep sigh before he states.
”Bruh, you’re on a whole nother level of stupidity. I hate to break the news to you… you’re not worth that kind of time or energy. I’ll say this one more time… My dance card is full; take a number like everyone else.”
Thaddeus Duke's typically happy demeanor fades. Paul Heyman steps into view catching Thad's attention for a second.
"You tried it your way," he says to his young protege. Paul looks into the camera. "Now Thaddeus, let's try it my way."
Thad nods at Heyman as he slinks away back off screen and the look in the young Lionheart's eyes is a look of pent up rage begging to be let out.
"Okay, Chris," he says stoically as the camera slowly zooms in on him. "Play time's over. The hard way it is then."
The X-Tron fades to black.
Lights fall with small torches lighting the ramp to the ring. Lights rise and we see the ramp lined with men in Viking garb on bended knee, honoring their king. Njal makes his way clad in his furs, to the ring, ascending the apron, stepping over the top rope, and stepping to the center of the ring. Once there he raises his hand, torches light on each turnbuckle and an eagle cry is heard.
A thick fog rolls onto the entrance ramp as the opening riff of Unholy blares throughout the arena. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the stage and in the flash, Micheal Graves appears seemingly out of thin air. Graves walks down the ring to a mixed reaction. At the bottom of the ramp, he takes a running start and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Graves stands up and raises his arms out to his sides like a cross. He slowly lifts his head up, looking to the sky as the lights fade in.
- vs -
Michael Graves Singles
The bell rings as the two circle each other, feeling the scene out. Neither one quite knows how how to approach the most effectively.
It is Njal who makes the first move, swiping at Graves with a big bear paw. Graves sidesteps it, and slides behind, wrapping his arms around the waist of Njal. Njal is aware of this predicament, however, and begins to throw back elbows to get himself out of it. Graves eats a couple of these before he finally lets go. This time it is Njal who slides behind and wraps the arms.
Pip: Two men with size and strength here who don't get super technical often have switched it up on us here in the early going.
Graves now tries the same back elbow technique, but Njal ducks it, and throws Graves back in a suplex with a bridge.
Graves kicks out before the ref even gets down for the one count.
Njal pops up and smiles.
Heather: A few mind games here from Njal. He knew that wasn't going to keep Graves down but he just wanted to show him how easy it could be.
They circle again. Graves this times goes for the swing and Njal ducks, flipping the veteran over his back and onto his back before coming off the ropes and dropping the hammer fist onto the top of the head.
He then locks in a sleeper on Graves from a sitting position. Graves is trying to fight out of it, but the big man has it locked in tight. Graves can feel himself fading a little and begins to wiggle his body, trying to use his size and strength to get out of it as well. Finally he finds an opening and is able to turn, fighting out of the hold and the two are in a locked position standing face to face.
Now comes the test of strength as the big man tries to bend Graves backwards. Graves isn't having it, and fires a shot to the gut which doubles Njal over then drives the knee into his face, making him stumble back. Graves stays on the assault and goes for the clothesline that would put Njal over the ropes but he ducks, executing a drop toe hold and causing Graves's torso to fall over the top rope. When Graves stumbles back gasping, Njal locks him up from behind and hits a reverse DDT (scorpion death drop). He grins and goes for the pin.
Graves gets a shoulder up.
Pip: Very impressive start here from the newcomer. It's been all Njal early, Graves just hasn't has an answer.
He picks Graves up by the head and tosses him into the corner. Running for a splash, the heady Graves is about to get out of the way, however, and Njal crashes into the turnbuckle. He doesn't go down, however, but spins and stumbles back out into the middle. Graves his a standing dropkick which brings Njal back to the corner but still not off his feet. Graves runs and splashes Njal, then begins to fire off a series of punches and forearms to the big man. He whips Njal into the other corner and when he bounces out Graves charges him, and the two collide but Njal is able to adjust and hit a tilt-a-whirl-slam which takes both men down.
Njal pops back up, Graves doesn't. Njal shakes off the contact a little, and then grabs Graves, standing him back up. A few shots to the face and he whips him into the ropes. He goes for the inside-out clothesline but Graves ducks it and comes off the ropes the other way with a flying clothesline.
Pip: Graves finally takes the big man down, and he had to leave his feet to do it!
Graves comes off the ropes again with a leg drop.
Njal gets a shoulder up.
Graves stays on the assault, however. He comes off the ropes again and drops a knee across the neck/chest of Njal.
Graves picks him up by the head and punches him twice in the face then knees Njal in the gut, delivering a spike DDT.
Graves covers again.
Njal gets a shoulder up.
Graves slaps the mat.
He grabs Njal and lifts him up. Another few shots and he whips Njal off the ropes again. The two meet in the middle and Njal is able to reach deep and lift Graves in the blink of an eye, dropping him with a spinebuster!
Both men are down in the center of the ring, and Graves feels the impact and Njal tries to catch his breath. Both men raise to their feet at the same time and charge at one another.
Pip: Looks like we are going to be joined by Chaotic Inc here.
Heather: Ugh.....just when this show was going good. No Queen's Court and now...him. Yuck.
But its not the full group, it is Chaos and Ares creed only. They walk to the ring and the blue and white strobes flood the arena. Chaos has a shirt with Theo's face on it, two red X's over each eye and an X overhis mouth. Ares is wearing a shirt with a picture of Ned Kaye on it.....but inside Ned's eyes are pictures of his mother tied up.
The back of Chaos's shirt says "EYE OF CHAOS" on the back of Ares is says "THROUGH YOUR EYES". Both have jeans on and tennis shoes.
Chaos grabs a mic.
"For three days at the end of September, XWF puts on massive event that features nearly everyone on the XWF roster in nearly any kind of match you can think of. An event that makes Wrestlemania look like a cable TV broadcast, and an event where careers are shaped, defined, altered and broken. I told Chaotic Inc that they could have whatever matches they wanted. Mandii, spread your wings girl, go face whomever your heart desires. Same with you Hanari, and you Peter. Go on and have your legendary Relentless moment, because we all KNOW I am having mine. This little thing between Theo and I, this stopped being business a long time ago. This now, this is personal. This is more than just a shot at Lacklan, this is a chance to prove a point that I have been aching to prove for 3 years. That point WILL be proven, and XWF may never be the same again.
Speaking of Relentless moments, this man, Ares Creed. People have been asking all week long, whining and moaning and bitching, 'why Chris, why Ned, why did you have to go after Ned?' We didn't do this to Ned, you see, Ned did this to himself. Ned sits there on the sidelines, perfectly healthy mind you, and continues to pull in XWF paychecks while the rest of us break our backs for this business all because of his little "agreement". His "word." His "principal." All because he is afraid of failure. He didn't get the job done and now he sits home sulking and wallowing in his own self pity while these dim bulbs in the XWF look at him as a legend. He's no legend. He's a scared little boy who is hiding from the bullies on the playground instead of standing up and facing his demons.
Ares doesn't like you. He doesn't like your stupid face, your stupid hair, your stupid smug look of undeserved self entitlement. He wants to be the one to really give Ned Kaye a reason to be scared. He wants to be the one to really give Ned a reason to continue hiding. Ned, Ares is even willing to let you choose the stipulation. That's how confident he is that he'll turn your facial bones into a jigsaw puzzle.
Come on Ned, you don't wanna turn this one down, do ya? You don't wanna disappoint............."
He grins a sick grin as his lip curls up over his teeth.
Chaos continues to grin as the crowd erupts. NED'S MUSIC HITS
PC: "The Notorious One is here!!!!!!"
HHL: "Be careful what you wish for, Chris, because sometimes it comes true!"
The fans go wild for Ned Kaye, only to have their hopes dashed as Big D walks onto the ramp, instead. Being the hometown hero, though, they still cheer him, despite their disappointment. Chaos looks towards D, confused as to why he'd be there. He goes to speak, but the co-General Manager raises a mic over his Ow. to his lips and talks over the Chaotic One.
D: "I've seen, and heard, enough, Chris! So have the fans, and so has Ned!!!"
The fans cheer as a curious Chaos decides to let the Savage GM speak.
D: "What you've done to Ned and his family over the past couple of months is absolutely disgraceful. You run around with the rejects of XWF and torture the ONE GUY who hasn't done anything to anyone in this company...............................and for what? Because you think we still pay him?!?! Chris, we barely pay guys like TK and Jimson, do you really think we're gonna shell out unnecessary cash to someone who doesn't even have a contract?!?! HELL NO!!!!!"
D: "Because that's the Cold Big D Truth, Chris..................... Ned hasn't been under contract since March Madness! His vow was that he wouldn't resign if he lost, and he's been able to hold himself to that promise........................................ so far. But I'll tell ya what, if you and the people at home could all turn your attention to the X-Tron, I've got somethin' I think you'd all like to see..........."
Big D motions towards the X-Tron, as Chaos and the audience look on.
The X-Tron swiftly cuts to different footage, revealing Ned Kaye sitting in Big D's office! The crowd jumps to life, giving him a huge cheer!
PC: "There's the man of the hour! I was almost convinced that we'd just see D again."
The Notorious One raises a finger, prompting the crowd to simmer down before he speaks.
Ned: "Hello, Chris. You know why I'm here. You know what I think of you. I remember sitting across from Jenny at my second interview with her and I gave you a warning. I made it crystal clear what was in store for you if you kept pushing me. But you know what, I tried to be the bigger man. Thought you would get tired and move on after causing stress and pain to my family, my friends, this company, and me. But defacing my father's grave wasn't enough for you. Dumping his ashes over my head? Too pedestrian for the level of slime that Chris Chaos holds himself to be. No, you went and abducted my mother, trashing her home in the process. And for what? So you could lure me into a match? Bring me back into the XWF? Well..."
The camera pans down revealing a contract.
Ned: "The fans have been asking for it! My friends have been asking for it! Management has asked for it! And Chris... you've been asking for it most of all. What do you say, D? Should we give it to 'em?"
D: "That sounds like a FINE idea, Ned!.............."
Kaye pauses for a bit as the crowd cheers on, reaching a crescendo as Ned yanks the contract towards him and gives it a big signature. In the ring, Chaos dons a wicked grin stretching from ear to ear.
Ned: "Oh, and Chris?"
The sound of the crowd begins to quiet so Kaye can be heard, Chaos watching on with interest.
Ned: "Did you really think I was going to pass up on a chance to kick your ass just for a surprise contract signing?"
Confusion spreads through the audience as the camera pans up on the X-Tron revealing a clock.
PC: "Wait a second... that clock's set for before Savage even starts! That can't be right..."
The timekeeper runs into the ring, behind Ares and Chris and rips off his hat, revealing himself to be The Notorious One himself! He spears Chaos to the ground and starts landing a few punches on him as the stadium nearly explodes!
HHL: "IT WAS PRERECORDED, PIP! Ned just got the jump on Chaos! He and D must've planned this!"
PC: "Then no wonder the timekeeper started out tonight rough! It was Ned all along!"
Ares dashes to Ned and deadlifts him up, throwing him down onto the mat as Big D rushes down to provide some aid! The four men begin to brawl wildly as the rest of Chaotic Inc run like hell to surround Kaye and D!
HHL: "It's looking bad for these two... they're gonna have to find a way out!"
PC: "You'd hope they're smart enough not to bet on five against two!"
HHL: "Wait, look! Somebody's coming down the ramp! It's... it's... IT'S JENNY MYST AND SARINA HAZARD!"
As Chaotic rushes the ring to beat down on D and Ned, Jenny and Sarina leap in and start throwing blows themselves! The audience roars in approval, though Chaos has managed to get some distance between himself and the actual combat, smiling sadistically as Chaotic Inc. begins to gain some momentum!
PC: "Ned and co. are still outnumbered! It's not looking great for them..."
Then, the audience pops one more time as Theo Pryce makes his way down the ramp, eyes squarely focused on Chris Chaos! Chaos turns around to see him, jumping out of the ring as the two men swing wildly at each other before their match at Relentless!
HHL: "A preview for Day One of Relentless right here! If you haven't preordered it now, I don't know what you're waiting for!"
Chaos whips Theo into the ring apron and orders Chaotic Inc. to start falling back as Ned and D pull Theo up into the ring, staring daggers into the retreating Chaotic Inc! Chris grins psychotically as he walks back up the ring as Theo and Ned stand looking onward, Jenny, D, and Sarina watching from behind them. The crowd can't contain their excitement, erupting with cheers at the sight!
The live feed cuts backstage as we see Savage’s resident interviewer Steve Sayors standing in front of a door that has a piece of paper duct taped to it. The camera zooms onto the piece of paper and it reads “The Incredible One”, as the crowd gives another multipolar response to the XWF newcomer. Sayors knocks on the door, with the microphone close to his mouth, ready for the interview. Several moments pass and no one answers as Sayors knocks once again.
???: Shame, isn’t it?
Taken aback, Sayors turns around to see none other than the Incredible One standing behind him, cleaning a pair of sunglasses.
TIO: That.
The Incredible One points to the makeshift plaque, the piece of paper with his name on it, taped to the door.
TIO: To think, XWF signed one of the best wrestlers on the damn planet and they do not have the common courtesy to even give me a proper locker room to myself and a plaque for it. Tsk tsk. Anyways, here you go!
TIO hands Sayors the sunglasses that he was cleaning, but then yanks it back before placing it himself on Sayors head. The camera zooms in on the pair of shades, that has in the bottom corner of the left lens a small “TIO” symbol.
STEVE SAYORS: These are nice, thank you, but I have a pair of sunglasses.
TIO: Steve! This pair of sunglasses is superior in every way to whatever useless pair of glasses you have. For one, you need them immediately to bask in the glow that I currently have, the glow of a wrestling legend. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that TIO sunglasses, like the one on your head, will be available--
???: Stop!
TIO and Sayors both look down the hall as a very curly haired spectacled man in a green buttoned shirt and dress pants comes running towards them both. He takes a few deep breaths, laboring his hands on his knees before talking between breaths.
???: Sorry, TIO, sir, but we don’t have the merchandise deal yet! Oh, I am your agent by the way, Ben Rosenberg, sir.
TIO cocks his eyebrow, first glancing at Sayors confused, before turning his attention back to Rosenberg.
TIO: First, when did I hire you? And wait, secondly, we can’t sell these beauties yet? I was going to give the audience freebies!
The crowd from Cedar Rapids cheers for free XWF swag as TIO chuckles for a moment before staring into the camera.
TIO: Of course I remembered we are in the most boring state, Iowa, so no fucking glasses for you, you bunch of cow-fucking farmers!
Massive boos rain down on TIO as he closes his eyes, as if the boos were the warm water to a perfect shower, as he focuses back on Rosenberg.
BEN ROSENBERG: You hired me when you needed help with this merchandising deal, firstly, and secondly, you wanted more help with your finances and finding a valet.
TIO: Ah yes! A valet! You see, Sayors, I used to have this near seven foot tall monster of a man named Knux and he was my bodyguard. Not that I needed a bodyguard but who doesn’t want help every now and again? He basically just made sure people didn’t fuck with me when they weren’t supposed to.
STEVE SAYORS: Where is this Knux now?
TIO: He and I have gone our separate ways… for now… but I’m really not the kind of guy who likes coming to the ring alone. And we can’t have Rosenberg come, he’ll certainly die and cry to me about it, so I thought a beautiful, sexy, girl who can cheer me on and maybe help once and awhile would do the trick… Ben?! Do you have any of them lined up for tonight?
TIO: Are any of them from Iowa?
BEN ROSENBERG: You were clear to tell me, and I quote, ahem, ‘None of those filthy Iowan skanks.’
TIO: Thank you! Now let me see the eye candy!
Rosenberg clears his throat, a signal of sorts, as from behind a curtain forming the set out walk three women of different colors, sizes and fashion. TIO stares at all three of them for a moment before focusing on the first one. She is on the bigger side, with dark long curly hair and a cute smile to compliment her flowery dress and blue eyes.
TIO: Uh… no. This isn’t Hairspray on Ice, holy fuck. Ben… what the fuck is this?
BEN ROSENBERG: I thought variety, ya know?
TIO: I get it… but she’ll probably eat the ring…
The crowd boos heavily as the first woman looks at TIO with disgust and walks off. TIO shrugs his shoulders as he comes to the second girl. She’s an African American in a professional looking pink dress, with long brown hair with purple at the bottom.
TIO: The look is off to a good start, but, what can you tell me about yourself, love?
WOMAN #2: My name is--
TIO: Whoa, hold on! Is that… a British accent?!
WOMAN #2: Yes, is that an issue?
TIO: I cannot stand the fucking British. You make these farmers look like angels. GET OUT OF HERE!
Once again, the crowd boos TIO’s treatment of the first two women, as the second woman scoffs, flips her hair back and walks away. TIO finally approaches the last woman, she has her short blonde hair combed to a side, with large gold necklaces on top her black dress that exposes the side of her upper body. She has her hand on her hip, as she eyes TIO too.
TIO: What’s your name, love?
WOMAN #3: Jordan Jarrett.
TIO: Not bad… I’m going to call you JJ for short.
Without warning, Jordan knees TIO in the privates before squeezing his cheeks.
JORDAN JARRETT: No, you will not. My name is Jordan, and you will respect me and call me by my name. Ms. Jarrett is also acceptable.
TIO whines, holding his package as he looks up as Rosenberg, who had a smirk on his face but he quickly hides it.
TIO: Feisty, aren’t you?
JORDAN JARRETT: You don’t know the half of it. Can I make one suggestion? Lose the Eminem theme song. Makes you look like a hot white trash Stan… similar I’d say to the audience watching us. How about something, heavier, like this?
The crowd, which initially cheered TIO getting kicked between the legs, quickly turns on Jordan. She smirks, grabs her phone from her small purse that has earbuds in it, and offers one to TIO. He places the earbud in and listens, bobbing his head slightly to the music.
TIO: Ben, draft up a contract, she’s hired. Let’s celebrate!
TIO takes a gentle hold of Jordan’s hand, kissing it, as he escorts her away from the set. Rosenberg shuffles his way in TIO’s direction as the camera fades to commercial break.
Jenny enters the arena when the Drums hit for the first time in her entrance music, Around the 20 second mark. She is usually taunting the fans or pretending to give high fives and the pulling away at the last moment with a sarcastic smirk and an eye roll.
"BLOODMONEY" by Poppy hits the sound system as the main screen is flush with images of Madison Dyson in action interspersed with fascist imagery from Nazi era Germany including dramatic rallies, that fade into more modern scenes of right wing upheaval. These scenes are cut with shots of her bathed in a white light looking messianic, as well as her name in Fraktur font colored blood red.
HHL: "Does this seem a little excessive to you Pip?"
PC: "I guess it shows that Atticus can hold a grudge."
HHL: "And I thought he was just a sweet old man."
And both wrestlers begin to circle one another before locking up, Myst takes advantage wrestling Dyson into a headlock and dragging her into the center of the ring before knocking Madison back with a hellish knee to the face; Dyson raises up cradling her nose. Myst spins around going for a lariat but Dyson counters with a jawbreaker! Myst now back up and the two rush one another; Myst gets Dyson with a forearm to the throat but doesn't get the Queen of the XWF down who retaliates with a thumb to the eye; Myst covers her soon to be black eye and Dyson takes advantage with a front kick knocking Myst into the ropes; Dyson hits the ropes and rushes Jenny with a clothesline but Myst was waiting sending Dyson hurling over the top rope where she lands precariously on the apron!
HHL: "We might be seeing some fireworks!"
Madison hangs on the edge with the explosives below her. Myst goes for a kick but Madison grabs the leg and locks in a bar as she falls back onto the apron, using the ropes as extra leverage. Myst screams in the lock as Dyson punches in the knee, rubbing salt into the wound.
Myst flails wildly and begins to kick out at Dyson who is inches away from falling from the ring, a strong boot to the face gets Dyson away! Madison falls to the ground!
Barely away from setting off the flashbangs around her! She slowly and surely gets to her feet at a snail's pace and when she's fully standing and that's when Myst soars through the air taking Madison out with a suicide dive!
Blinding lights go off around the ring as loud ear ringing explosions sound off, the front row doesn't seem too excited. Myst and Madison are in agonizing pain, blinding and disorientated as they scramble around trying to feel for each other. Myst gets a hand on the ring squinting her eyes; Madison falls against the apron beside her holding her ears in pain. Jenny rolls into the ring as Madison delicately steps around the ring to find the steel steps. Myst rests on the mat and blinks slowly to regain her vision, she slowly sits up and barely dodges an attack from Madison as she wildly swings a light tube. Myst dodged the first but Madison manages to blindside her on the backswing and glass bursts in Myst's jawbone!
PC: "Aw man! Not the face!"
Myst falls into the corner covering her now bloody face as Dyson rubs her red eyes to regain her vision; she reaches out of the ropes to grab another light tube and eggs Myst to attack. Jenny snarls and grabs a light tube of her own from the apron and stands to her feet; Myst swings and so does Dyson both competitors hitting one another in the midsection and both double over; Myst grabs the now broken tube and jabs it into Dyson's shoulder and twists. Dyson gets to a knee and Myst pulls her into a headlock blowing a kiss to the crowd!
Perfect Twist of Fate knocks Madison down for the count! Myst steps up heading to the corner to scale the rafters! The crowd goes berserk! Myst gets up the scaffolding and begins to slowly make her way to the center where her prize awaits!
PC: "This could be it! Just a short dangerous walk to gold!"
Myst steadies herself on the tight walkway but a strobe light flashes in her eyes and she loses her footing, blinded she wobbles precariously on the rafter. Dyson crawls herself up to the ropes and yells at Greggo and Mercy to do something! Greggo licks his lips and charges forwards!
A flashbang explodes in his face and Greggo falls back in a heap looking like Yamcha after getting destroyed by a Saibaman. Mercy's gaze never leaves Myst atop the rafters; Dyson's eyes dart back and forth as she growls and makes her way up after Myst.
Jenny regains her footing finally and begins to make her way to the title but she's stopped short by Dyson grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around before slapping the sense out of her! Myst wobbles and almost teeters over the edge; Dyson full of rage kicks at her knee to get her down! Myst barely stays on ad Dyson grabs her hair but Jenny counters with a low blow! The two back up a little from each other but Dyson is the first to strike!
But a strobe light goes off blinding Dyson and she falls twenty feet below! Crashing onto the mat!
Jenny's feet almost fail her!
But she turns a fall into...
The crowd goes wild giving Myst the energy to keep moving forward, to pull herself up the ropes and back up the rafter!
Dyson lays still looking up at the lights as she sees Myst above her maker her way closer and closer towards the Shooting Star Championship!
HHL: "What a win for Jenny Myst! Madison tried but in the end she could only watch as we crowned a new champion here tonight on Savage!"
The music hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the entrance ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the passion of the Christ. He seems absolutely unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience. As he nears the ring he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.
Shaman’s harvest begins blaring throughout the arena. Robert walks through the curtains after the instrumental “I make them for you”! He then looks to the crowd to his left and then right rolling his shoulders. He smiles shaking his head and slowly walks down the ramp. He stops at the ring steps looking to the crowd once more before slamming his hands on the ring steps entering the ring.
PC: "Well, coming up next, we've got Robert Main making his first official Xtreme Title defense against Charlie Nickles."
HHL: "That's right, Pip, and based on Charlie's first few matches, it has the potential to be quite a good one..........."
"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove fills the arena, as the fans begin to cheer as loudly as they did the first time the co-General Manager of Savage came out.
PC: "Haven't we seen enough of Big D already?"
HHL: "Apparently not."
Big D walks out onto the ramp, still decked out in his Hawkeyes Jersey and Internet Championship, before making his way down the aisle. As he approaches ringside, rather than climbing into the ring itself, D heads over to the announce table, where he greets Heather and Pip with a handshake.
D: "Pip................. Heather.............."
Big D shakes hands with both announcers before putting on a headset and sitting down beside them.
D: "Hope you don't mind if I join ya, I wanted a front row seat for this one!"
PC: "No.............. not at all."
HHL: "Glad to have you with us, D."
"Bullet With a Name" by Nonpoint hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the entrance ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the passion of the Christ. He seems absolutely unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience. As he nears the ring he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.
D: "Alot of people are writing Charlie off as an easy first defense for Main, but I'm not one of those people! He absolutely deserves this opportunity and we could see one of the biggest upsets since The Arm Collectors dethroned Apex of the Tag Team Titles."
PC: "That's actually a pretty good reference!"
D: "I figured I better do some homework so I don't look completely out of place next to the professionals."
HHL: "I don't know if I would necessarily call Pip a PROFESSIONAL."
"Broken Dreams" by Shaman’s Harvest begins blaring throughout the arena. Robert Main walks through the curtains after the instrumental “I make them for you!", with the Xtreme and Tag belts attached together, hanging around his neck. He then looks to the crowd to his left and then right rolling his shoulders. He smiles shaking his head and slowly walks down the ramp. He stops at the ring steps looking to the crowd once more before slamming his hands on them and entering the ring.
HHL: "It should be noted that Robert isn't wearing his mask tonight."
PC: "I wonder why that is?"
D: "Masks have many meanings in different cultures, if I were to venture a guess, the mask represents a personality of his. If you notice, Main seems a bit more arrogant than he usually does."
HHL: "Good call, D."
PC: "Why don't you ever commend ME on MY good calls?"
HHL: "Because you never make any."
As Heather and Big D laugh at Pip's expense, Robert Main and Charlie Nickles come face to face in the center of the ring. The referee nervously grabs at Main's belts, holding the Xtreme Title up before making his way over to the side of the ring and calling for the bell.
Before the ref can hand the belts to the time keeper, Robert Main hurries over and snatches the Xtreme Title from him, before charging at his opponent and laying him out with a devastating shot to the face with it. Main grins out of the side of his mouth, tossing the Championship aside as he gets down for a cover.
PC: "Main almost snuck away with a quick one right there!"
D: "You'd think with what he's gotta go backstage to, he'd try to make this one nice and slow."
HHL: "You may be right, at least out here you don't have to worry about being surprised by an opponent every 5 minutes."
Robert Main brings Charlie Nickles to his feet and Irish Whips him hard into the corner. Charlie's back bounces off the turnbuckles, sending him into a Kick to the Gut from Main. Robert then puts Nickles' head between his legs before hoisting him up and Powerbombing his opponent against the top turnbuckle.
PC: "That was a hell of an Omega Bomb!"
HHL: "It's still early, but so far this match has been ALL Robert Main."
D: "That's exactly right, Heather, it IS still early. Charlie's pain tolerance is some of the best in the Fed, and I expect these first few moves are merely flesh wounds to him!"
A dazed Nickles holds himself up in the corner, as Main hammers away with multiple Closed Fists to the stomach, followed by a few to the head. He then whips Nickles to the opposite side and follows close after, connecting with a Heavy Clothesline. Main follows it up with a Northern Lights Suplex, keeping it bridged for a pin attempt.
D: "Robert Main is absolutely having his way with Charlie Nickles!"
HHL: "But Charlie's not giving up, yet!"
PC: "If he wants to live to see his kids again, maybe he should!"
D: "He's not gonna do that, Pip; Charlie doesn't wanna go back to them as a loser, he wants to hold them in his arms as Champion!"
PC: "Well then he better start using those hams of his!"
Robert Main gets back up and stomps the shit out of his opponent, frustrated that his prey is still breathing. He then lifts Charlie Nickles onto his shoulders, setting up for his finisher.
D: "He's going for the Dead Man's Hand! This doesn't look good for ole Charlie one bit!"
As Robert goes for the move, Charlie Nickles manages to shift his weight forward and drive his opponent's face into the mat with a DDT.
PC: "What a reversal!"
A winded Charlie hurries to his feet, but his opponent's just one step behind him. Nickles delivers an ineffective Elbow to Main's face, forcing him to follow it up with an Uppercut. When that doesn't work, Charlie Rakes Robert's Eyes, finally buying a second as the Champion backs up against the ropes. Nickles then charges at Main and Clotheslines them BOTH over the top rope, out to the floor.
HHL: "This could be exactly the opportunity Nickles needs!"
D: "Absolutely, Heather; it's no secret that Charlie feels right at home with all the potential weapons scattered around ringside!"
PC: "One might say they're like children to him."
D: "Damn, Pip, that was a good one!"
HHL: "...................yeah, it actually was.............for ONCE!"
Charlie Nickles hurries up, bringing the Xtreme Champion with him and walking him over to the barricade. Nickles lifts Main up and let's him go, causing him to drop, neck first, over the top of the metal guard rail. His opponent doesn't let him fall to the ground, though, as he holds him in place and applies pressure on the back of his head as he gasps for air.
PC: "Charlie Nickles is a madman! He's trying to kill Main with that choke hold!"
D: "Well, considering a dead man can't kick out, I'd say that's pretty smart!"
HHL: "Hopefully we've got 911 on standby, 'cause we're gonna need an ambulance AND the police in a minute."
A desperate Main tries to fight out of it, but he's losing air fast. He reaches out and manages to grab hold of a standing fan's chair, which he bashes into Charlie's face. Nickles screams from the blow, but refuses to let go, forcing Robert to repeat this three more times. Finally, Charlie let's go, taking a few steps back as he grabs his face. Main takes a moment to gather a few breaths, before chucking the chair right at his opponent's face. The challenger stumbles forward as Robert Main runs and grabs his hand, Irish Whipping him, shoulder first, into the steel steps.
PC: "Charlie Nickles could have a separated shoulder after that one!"
HHL: "His night could be over already; and who knows about Relentless?!"
D: "Regardless of what happens here tonight, I expect to see Charlie at Relentless! Even if they have to drag his carcass to the ring, he'll be there!"
Robert Main lets Charlie writhe in pain for a moment, walking over and picking up the chair he threw before heading towards his opponent. The Champion grabs the challenger's injured arm and rests it on the cold, hard steel of the steps. Main then raises the chair above his head and brings it down on Nickles' arm, smashing it between itself and the stairs.
D: "OK, THAT might keep him off the Relentless card!"
PC: "I think I heard some bones break!"
HHL: "And it doesn't look like Main's finished, either!"
Omega lifts a curled up Charlie from the floor and leans him against the side of the ring, grabbing his arm and bending it backwards across the post. Nickles cries out in pain, but it only makes his opponent pull harder.
D: "There's a reason the term 'eye for an eye' is such a brutal one!"
PC: "After nearly being strangled, I'm sure Robert Main wouldn't mind snapping Charlie's arm in two."
Eventually, Main lets go and turns his attention to the steel steps, as Charlie slowly melts to his knees, his chin resting on the apron. The Xtreme Champion picks up the steps and walks over to his opponent. Robert helps Nickles to his feet, setting him against the ring post with his bad arm/shoulder out. Main then charges at Charlie, swings the steps at him....................................... but Nickles manages to dive out of the way at the last second, causing Robert to collide with the post, causing him to drop the stairs. He then turns around and is met with a very ugly Scoop Powerslam by, a visibly worn out, Charlie. Both men lay out on the floor as the fans cheer the action.
D: "Robert Main's not gonna stay down for long, Charlie needs to take advantage of this!"
Charlie Nickles crawls over to the side of the ring and begins searching under it, eventually coming up with a wooden 2x4. He uses the ring skirt to pull himself up as Main slowly gets to his hands and knees. Nickles takes a step forward and raises the 2x4 above his head, before breaking it across Robert Main's back.
PC: "I could feel the impact of that shot over here!"[/red]
HHL: "No you couldn't!"
PC(defeated): "You're right, I couldn't............"
D: "......................................well, I certainly could!"
Charlie tosses the broken piece aside and helps Robert to his feet, before rolling him into the ring. Nickles slowly climbs up on the apron, grabbing his arm gingerly as he does so. This allows a desperate Main to get up quickly and grab the injured arm of his opponent, dropping down and extending it as he does so. Charlie falls down onto the apron, clutching his shoulder in agony as Robert Main gets back up, laughing.
[red]HHL: "I've never seen the Xtreme Champion focus so much on a single body part like he is here!"
PC: "You gotta wonder if he's punishing Charlie for fighting back?"
D: "I'm sure that's part of it, but I imagine the rest of it's him taking out his frustration with Dyson and her cronies,"
PC: "Poor Charlie!"
Robert Main drags Charlie Nickles under the bottom rope, into the ring. He then sets Charlie's arm out on the mat and delivers multiple stomps to it. Nickles rolls into a ball, trying his best to hide the injured limb as he does so. Robert rolls him onto his back and hooks a leg for a cover.
HHL: "The Champion doesn't look too happy about that kickout!"
D: "Something's tellin' me Charlie's beatdown is about to get alot worse!"
PC: "Maybe you should go throw in the towel for him, as General Manager you're responsible for all of your wrestlers' safety!"
D: "That's what waivers are for, Pip; besides, I'm not gonna rob the fans of an Xtreme Rules match jusf because it got a little barbaric, do you know how ridiculous that sounds?!"
Robert Main gets to his feet and delivers another swift Kick to Charlie's shoulder, before heading to the ropes and climbing out onto the apron. He grabs hold of the top rope with one hand and motions for his opponent to get up with the other.
HHL: "Looks like he's setting up for the Omega Line!"
PC: "This will finally put Charlie out of his misery!"
Nickles finally makes it to his feet, causing Main to springboard onto the top rope and launch himself at his opponent. Charlie turns around and sees Robert flying at him, causing him to sidestep the Champion and deliver an Oblique Kick. Robert lands on his feet, hunched over, allowing Charlie to deliver a Double Arm DDT in the center of the ring.
PC: "Devil Hook Drop!!!"
HHL: "Oh no! It doesn't look like Charlie can capitalize with a cover!"
D: "Main's taken alot out of him, at this point he's gotta be running on fumes!"
Both men lay sprawled out, with neither one showing any signs of movement. All of a sudden, Thunder Knuckles bursts through the curtain, a sign in his hands that says MADISON DYSON SENT ME! as he makes his way down the aisle.
HHL: "What the hell is Thunder Knuckles doing? We're in the middle of a match!"
PC: "24/7 is 24/7!!!!!"
D: "I don't believe it, TK's gonna try to steal the Xtreme Championship right here!"
Knuckles tosses the sign aside and slides into the ring, running over to the Xtreme Champion and laying over him for a cover. The referee looks a bit hesitant, but knowing that rules are rules, counts the fall.
D: "We were VERY close to crowning a new Xtreme Champion right there!"
PC: "And it wasn't even someone in the match!"
The arena lights goes dark in the Main/Nickles bout, and suddenly the fans see Culty James at the entrance of the ring once the lights come on. As he stands there with his pimp cane, he smiles at them both, and even cheers them on.
“What is Culty doing here?”
“Whatever he’s up too, is no good for these men.”
Then Culty comes up to the apron, and leers around the ring as the continue to fight in the ring. Then he taps his cane on the floor, and the arena lights goes light green with smoke fuming in the ring. Then The Freak comes out of the ring floor, and he stands at the corner, breathing heavily as he focuses on both men.
“What is going on here tonight?... something seems kind of fishy here.”
“It seems to me that The Freak is just observing the fight.”
Then The Freak grabs Main by the head, and slams him on the corner buckle. Then he drags him to the middle of the ring, and was about to lock in The Jenny Myst’s Song (Mandible Claw) on Main, but Nickels clocks The Freak with a barbwire bat to stop him. Nickels kept on whacking him with the bat until The Freak grabs the bat, and strikes him with it.
As he kept swinging at him, the ref tried to escort him out of the ring, but he ended up getting shoved away from him. He then unwraps the barbwire, and wrapped it tightly on his hand. As he looked on his wrapped hand the fans started to boo, as the camera cuts to Culty telling him to “DO IT! DO IT NOW!” at him from the outside.
“Oh my god, I think he’s about to…”
As Nickels is struggling to break the hold, The Freak kept on locking it in tightly and kept moving his head as if he wanted to rip his jaw off. About ten minutes of that hold, the lights shuts off again then once it came back on, the fans see both men laid out.
PC: "What in the hell was that!?"
After a few minutes both men regain consciousness and lock up once more.
Robert Main tosses Thunder Knuckles off of him as he kicks out. Knuckles hurries back in Main's direction, but the Xtreme Champion is one step ahead of him, hoisting TK up onto his shoulders and driving him into the mat with a Deadman's Hand!!!! A frustrated Main picks the former X-Bux Champion up and tosses him over the top rope.
HHL: "Poor Thunder Knuckles."
D: "I like TK, but sometimes the things he does for X-Bux remind me all too much of a crack addict sucking dick for a fix."
[white]PC: "Has................ has TK done that?!"
D: "Not to my knowledge........................ yet, at least."
After disposing of Thunder Knuckles, Robert Main turns around and is met with a Low Blow from Charlie. Main grabs at his crotch as Nickles hoists him up in Suplex position, before running and hitting him with a sloppy looking Steiner Screwdriver as the whole crowd goes silent in shock.
PC: "Steubenville Screwdriver!!!!!We could have a HUGE upset on our hands!"
D: "What a moment this would be for Charlie's XWF career!!!!"
Charlie Nickles manages to crawl over to his opponent and drape an arm over him, prompting the ref to count the fall as everyone looks on in anticipation.
HHL: "Someone just hopped the barricade!"
PC: "It's Sarah Lacklan!"
D: "What the hell is she doing?!??!"
Before the referee can count the 3, the Universal Champion slides in the ring and breaks up the pin with a chair shot to Charlie's back.
D: "Sarah has no business being out here, she's ruining a Title match!"
HHL: "You wanna go tell her that?"
D: "Not while she has that chair, no."
PC: "Well, I'm always happy to see the Universal Champion!"
Sarah drives the top of the chair into Charlie's spine, before walking over and helping the Xtreme Champion to his feet. She then hands the chair to Main and watches with delight as he smacks Nickles in the shoulder with it.
PC: "The top two Champions in the company are laying the woodwork to Charlie Nickles!!!!"
HHL: "We were wondering if he would make it to Relentless BEFORE this, but with every chair shot the answer becomes more and more clear."
D: "That's our main event for Relentless in the middle of the ring!"
Robert hands the chair to Sarah and drags Charlie into the corner. Main rolls to the outside as Lacklan heads over to Nickles and places his already injured arm through the chair, before ascending the turnbuckles. With the Universal Champion perched at the top, Robert Main slaps on a Ringpost Figure Four Leglock. All of a sudden, Sarah jumps off the top turnbuckle as high as she can, before landing with an Elbow onto the chair, smashing Charlie's arm between it!
D: "Jesus Christ, the match is over, pin him and be done with it, already! There's no need to break the guy's fuckin' arm!!!!!"
PC: "Why are you so mad, it's not like it's Ned or anything!"
D: "As a member of management, I hate seeing the Relentless Main Event. ring flushed down the toilet like this!"
HHL: "Well................ maybe Charlie will be alright! You said it yourself, he's one of the toughest members of the roster!"
Main keeps hold of the Figure Four as Sarah begins to berate Charlie and slap him multiple times across the face. Finally, the Xtreme Champion lets go of the hold and joins Lacklan in the ring, where they both stand over Nickles triumphantly.
HHL: "Main still technically DOES need to pin Charlie to end the match."
PC: "Something tells me he's not going to just yet."
D(annoyed): "Mmhmm."
Robert Main brings Charlie Nickles to his feet and holds him from behind as Sarah sarcastically blows him a kiss. She then takes a step forward and spits a mouthful of mist in his eyes, causing him to scream and grabs at them. The blinded Charlie stumbles around for a moment, before walking right onto the Xtreme Champion's shoulders and get nailed with a Deadman's Hand!!!!! Main smiles sadistically, putting two hands on his opponent's chest for a cover.
PC: "Well, this one's finally over."
HHL: "But it doesn't look like they're finished with Charlie!"
D: "You have GOT to be kidding me!"
The Xtreme Champion holds his hands out towards Charlie, essentially "presenting" him to Sarah. She smiles before heading over and locking in the Pidgeonwing as the bell gets rung over and over again. After another minute of this, a frustrated Big D gets up from the announce booth, walks over, and grabs a mic.
D: "Sarah, that's enough.................................. I said THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!"
Lacklan doesn't break the hold, but rather, looks in the co-GM of Savage's direction. Robert shakes his head at the audacity of Big D, leaning against the ropes with his Championship.
D: "I'm serious, Sarah, you guys have done enough damage! If you don't stop, I'll come in there and MAKE YOU............. and something tells me you won't have as easy of a time against a fresh opponent!"
Robert and Sarah, who still has the hold applied tight, look to one another and start laughing. An irritated D lets out a sigh, before going for a different approach.
D: "Oh, this funny, is it?............. well, something tells me neither of you will be laughing when you're both stripped of your Titles and barred from competing at Relentless!"
The smiles on their faces disappear as the fans give a variety of reactions to Big D's threat. A reluctant Sarah Lacklan breaks the hold and stands up.
D: "Good, save it for Relentless.............. now, as for you Robert, I don't know if you were in on this or not, but I'll tell you what, if I see more bullshit like this out of you; Madison Dyson won't be the only person sending people to pin you............... got it?!?!"
Main gives Big D the bird, who ignores him and tosses the microphone aside. As D walks around the side of the ring to leave, both Robert and Sarah open the ropes, inviting him in, but he declines. Big D makes his way up the ramp and to the back as the two top Champions look at the damage they've caused, before leaving, too, as the medical staff rush out to check on Charlie.
PC: An absolutely grueling X-Treme Rules match there! I can hardly believe it!
A worn down and battered Charlie Nickles rolls out of the ring and down to the floor, chest heaving as he attempts to catch his breath. He stumbles over to the Time Keeper’s Table to retrieve his Heavymetalweight Championship, but just as he reaches for it, the belt disappears over the edge of the table as if pulled under by some unseen hand.
HHL: What in the hell is going on Pip?
Charlies blinks, and looks at Nipsey Russell, who turns and looks down then suddenly leaps out of this chair, bounding over the table in a panic. Nipsey displays the agility of a man several decades his junior as he bowls into Charlie, who swats him away, sending him sprawling to the floor. Nipsey doesn’t stop, he continues crawling away, the color draining from his face.
PC: Something strange is happening! Nipsey really freaking out!
Charlie is perplexed, but that doesn’t stop him from going to reclaim his prize. He grabs the table and flips it over, only to recoil himself, nearly falling ass over tea kettle as his eyes grow as large as saucers. On the floor, a large tiger playfully licks the face of his championship. Charlie looks around for help, but everyone backs away, not wanting any part of what could be a man eater.
Charlie nervously scratches his beard, then decides to reach over and take the belt from the massive cat. As soon as he reaches for the belt, the cat snatches it up in its massive jaws and bolts under the ring with it. Charlie dives for the belt, catching the strap and holding on for dear life as he is pulled under the ring. His legs kick and flail as he pulls and manages to drag himself from under the ring, calling for help as he plays a deadly game of tug of war. For a moment it seems that no one will come, but finally someone does…an expert in the handling of Big Cats! Charlie looks up, his face falls as he realizes too late that he’s been had.
Charlie’s head recoils after smacking the concrete floor and Kenzi Grey stands over him, dressed in her Tiger King Queen attire from Thursday Night Anarchy. Kenzi snatches off her blonde mullet and tosses it down onto the unmoving man. As the wig brushes against him, he flinches, then Kenzi backs up and…
PC: This has to be a receipt for his appearance on Anarchy on Thursday night!
Again his head meets the floor with a sickening thud. Kenzi gives a vile grin as she retrieves a microphone and squats over Charlie, snapping her fingers as Tony the Tiger crawls from under the ring and lays the Heavymetalweight Championship at her feet. She strokes the cat’s fur as it licks at Charlie’s bloodied and bruised face.
Kenzi Grey: Heeeeeey Charlie Boy! I’m gonna be dead-ass with you bro, I have NO idea what your problem is, but to be honest…I don’t care. The shit you pulled at Anarchy could have cost me my match, so that’s all that matters. I’m The Face of Anarchy…a place of pure chaos where X-treme rules…
Kenzi pauses, her fingers playing lightly on the face of his championship as the wheels seemed to turn in her head.
Kenzi Grey: …maybe that is what Vinnie has been trying to teach me.
Kenzi puts the belt over Charlie’s head, disrupting Tony’s love affair with his face. She stands up, taking a few steps back.
Help comes charging down, but the sight of the large tiger at her side gives them pause. Little Feather holds out his hands, imploring her to stop…but it’s too late.
Kenzi Grey: I can’t be The Face of Anarchy without willing to be X-treme, now can I?
Kenzi drives her foot down on the title and Charlie’s head a third time. The crowd gasps as Charlie Nickles is left quivering on the floor. She kneels over him, brushing the braids from her face.
Kenzi Grey: Don’t come to my house unannounced again…I probably won’t be this nice next time.
She smiles, malevolently as she brushes her fingers over his championship…pausing to tap the face of it before stepping over him and leading Tony away. Little Feather and his band of brave men give her and her tiger a wide berth as she walks back towards the entrance way.
We cut backstage as we see two old friends turn their attention away from the TV and back to their game of checkers. The crowd explodes in cheers as the camera passes by the familiar mask of Gator and the worn grin of Doctor Louis D'Ville.
D'VILLE: "Is it just me, my friend, or does everything seem tamer than it used to be?"
Gator takes a puff from his cigarette as he places one finger on his red piece and moves it forward one space on the board.
GATOR: "I blame all this political correctness stuff y'know mate, back in our day it wasn't extreme until Shane pulled out a guillotine."
D'VILLE: "Nothing like a little attempted murder to get the blood throbbing."
Gator gives a short chuckle as D'Ville takes one of Gator's pieces.
[b]GATOR: "I gotta say, I'm excited to set up my little Virgil booth at Relentless for autographs and pics. Great times Relentless, where you gonna set up?"
D'Ville smiles sipping from a tumbler of whiskey.
D’VILLE: ”Oh, you know, just inside the VIP entrance near the bar.”
Makes sense.
D'VILLE: "The pay never mattered to me as long I could have some fun while doing it, am I right?"
Gator taps his fingers on the table staring ahead, blowing a pillar of smoke away.
GATOR: "For sure, mate. Wait… What? Pay?"
Doc pulls a large drag from his cigar and flutters his brows before looking back at Gator with a surprised look.
”You think Mister Loverboy, President/Owner/CEO of this FINE federation can just click his high heels together and summon Doctor Louis D’Ville? I ain’t here to pander playin’ fiddles, my friend.”
Gator’s eyes narrow as he reaches down without looking and hops two of Doc’s pieces and lands in the last row. He snidely picks up Doc’s black pieces one-by-one and tosses them across the room. Doc looks down at the board in confusion.
”What’d you just do there?”
Gator takes another puff from his cigarette and speaks as he exhales.
”Just ‘King Me’, bitch.”
Doc chuckles and takes one of Gator’s expired pieces and places it, “Kinging” him. Doc then studies the board for a moment before jumping three of Gator’s pieces and also landing in the far row.
”’King Me’, as well, Jacob.”
Gator stares at the board for a long time. Doc reaches for his glass, but it is quickly snatched away by his opponent. Gator pours the liquid over the checker board, produces a lighter, and lights the board a blaze.
”Now where am I to get more gasoline at a time like this? Siphon it from that silly little van you showed up here in?”
Staff is close by and puts out the burning board before it sets off any smoke alarms. Gator smacks it across the room and points a finger at Doc.
”That’s Todd’s van!”
”It looks ridiculous with all of that nonsense on the side and what not.”
”You’ve never heard of Rush?”
”Yes, they’re terrible.”
Gator freezes in place.
”You. Take. That. Back.”
Doc stands up from his chair and slams his cigar to the ground.
”I have heard the most blood curdling, hellish screams and would prefer that compared to one note from Geddy Lee!”
”You would you sick twat!”
Gator reaches back and slaps Doc across the face! Doc grabs Gator by the throat and tosses him across the room into the flat screen they were watching. Gator bounces back to his feet, picks up the 46” television and throws it like a spear at the doctor! It explodes on impact and the two clash together in the middle of the room! Security isn’t enough to pull them apart as the scene fades to a commercial!
The following contest is you Saturday Night Savage Main Event and is a Pure Wrestling Rules Match for the XWF Television Championship!”
”Introducing the challenger, THE WIZARD!”
Suddenly a massive smoke bomb goes off in the ring! As the smoke clears we get a glimpse of The Wizard standing in the ring ready to get this party started!
”A lot of attention cast on the Wizard, a guy who arguably has the biggest match of his XWF career on deck…”
”Wizard is going to have to do the impossible because he’s got both members of Cataclysm in the building and if you think for one second they’re not going to use tonight to make a massive statement before Relentless than you’re sadly mistaken. Thursday Night they showed up on Savage and left both Ruby and Centurion laying… tonight it’s Wizards turn.”
”And his opponent…”
”Being led to the ring by Adam Barker and Robert Main; he is one half of the XWF World Tag Team Champions and the current reigning, defending XWF Television Champion…. “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!
Adam Barker walks out to the top of the ramp with a smirk on his face as he’s followed by Chris Page and rounded out by Robert Main. Page takes center stage as he walks past Barker and locks eyes with The Wizard; a championship belt over each shoulder as he starts to make the walk towards the ring.
”One has to wonder with Relentless right around the corner, should Page retain tonight he’s going to have THREE matches over the course of the weekend as opposed to two matches. My question, is he burning the candle at both ends?
”Only time will tell if that’s the case, but Page isn’t looking at Relentless, he’s looking at the man in the ring The Wizard, and the Wizard has made an awful lot of noise lately and has the potential to leave here tonight the new Television Champion!
Chris Page reaches ringside where he turns towards Robert and hands him his Tag Title while keeping the TV Title as he puts it on the ring apron before climbing up on the apron itself. He picks up the TV Title before stepping through the ropes and into the squared circle. Page walks across the ring handing the title to the referee as he and Wizard are face to face.
”Wizard has over a one hundred pound weight advantage over Chris Page, will that play a factor, we’re about to find out.”
”Can I just point out every show Page is coming out to different music… trolling himself per usual.”
The music fades away leaving nothing more than for the opening bell to be rang.
Wizard and Page are shown talking some shit back and forth before they lock up. Wizard uses the size and weight to his advantage as he drives Page back into the ropes. The official is on the spot calling for the break before starting to make his five count before Wizard slowly backs away giving the clean break as he backs out to the center of the ring while Page walks towards his corner and leans through the ropes where Robert has some words for him. Page ducks back in the ring before shifting his attention back towards a waiting Wizard.
”I think Chris was just given a rude awakening because Wizard isn’t a slouch.”
Chris and Wizard start to circle each other in the ring before they look to lock up, Page ducks under while taking a back waist lock, Wizard immediately breaks free of Page’s grasp which shocks the Champ!
”Chris wasn’t expecting that out of the challenger.”
”This is the first title defense since winning the title two weeks ago, how embarrassing would it be if Wizard does take the title away?”
Page rushes towards Wizard who side steps him sending Page bouncing off the ropes where he looks to deliver a running shoulder block that ends up seeing Page bounce off Wizard and land hard on the mat! Wizard looks for a kick to the temple as Page sits up, Page ducks the kick sending Wizard spinning around giving him the time to pop back up to his feet where he catches Wizard with a thumb to the eye! Page follows up with a flurry of right hands backing Wizard up into a neutral corner where he laces him across the chest with a stiff knife edge chop across the chest! Page brings Wizard out of the corner with a snapmare take over and follows it up as flips over Wizard snapping his neck forward! Page hurries into the cover hooking the near leg.
Wizard kicks out.
”The first pinfall of the contest not successful, not like we expected it to be anyway.”
”Page is trying to get the larger Wizard to use as much energy as possible in the early goings.
Chris is back to his feet where he stomps away at Wizards upper body. Page reaches down picking Wizard up off the mat where he laces him across the chest with a stiff knife edge chop echoing throughout the arena that sends Wizard back into a neutral corner. Page charges forward looking for a clothesline only to have Wizard side step which sends Page crashing into the buckles sternum first! Page turns around eating a boot to the midsection before delivering a knee lift that drives Page through the ropes and out to the floor!
Adam Barker comes around the ring to aid Chris only Robert Main comes around after Adam and snatches him by the blazer and shirt collar yanking him back and out of the equation. Adam yanks away shoving Main drawing a reaction from the crowd!
”The tension between Main and Barker seems to be growing.”
Wizard rolls out to the floor where he picks Chris the rest of the way up to his feet before hurling him into the ring under the bottom rope. When Main spins around he’s face to face with his opponent at Relentless.
”You can feel this thing is going to blow up at any moment.”
Wizard rolls back into the ring as Page looks for an elbow drop across the back, Wizard rolls away sending Page crashing and burning into the canvass. Wizard is back to a vertical base where he sizes Page up and as Chris starts to get to his feet Wizard uncoils as he charges forward delivering a running boot to the face of Page dropping the TV Champion where he stands! Wizard drops down making the cover!
Page escapes the pinfall attempt as Wizard starts to get back to his feet. He picks Chris up off the mat before scooping him up and slamming him down to the mat. Wizard takes several steps back before falling forward delivering a headbut into the collar bone of Page! Wizards presses a second cover!
Page escapes the pinfall attempt with another kick out.
”Wizard knows time isn’t on his side as he looks for another pinfall attempt as we’ve got less than ten minutes remaining.”
Out on the floor Main and Baker are on separate sides of the apron on each side of the ring post trying to rally Page as Wizard is back to his feet. He reaches down picking Chris up off the mat where he rocks him with a forearm to the jaw followed by a second before backing Page up against the ropes where he sends him sailing across the ring, Page bounces off the far side ducking under a clothesline attempt while latching on to a back waist lock! Page manages to deliver a German Suplex! He rolls through while picking both himself and Wizard up off the mat where a second German Suplex is delivered! Chris rolls through picking himself up off the mat where a third and final Release German Suplex is delivered !
”Vintage Chris Page right there…”
Chris works his way back to a vertical base where he looks to size Wizard up calling for the Page Plant!
Wizard rolls over to his chest and begins pushing himself up off the mat and as he reaches one knee he then stands up allowing Page to come forward with a boot to the midsection which doubles over Wizard. Page under hooks the arms but before he can deliver the Angles Wings Wizard counters with a back body drop! Page works his way back up to his feet where he walks into the right hand of Wizard wrapped around his throat!! Wizard hoists Page up into the air before driving him down into the mat with a thunderous chokeslam!
Wizard drops down making an immediate cover as he hooks the near leg!
Page escapes the near fall popping his left shoulder up off the mat! Wizard gets to both knees as he looks towards the referee before getting back to his feet while Page rolls towards the ropes.
”Close but no cigar for Wizard.”
Page starts to use the ropes to pull himself back to his feet and as he reaches a vertical base Wizard comes forward looking to deliver a Codebreaker only to see Page locks his left arm around the top rope effectively blocking the attempt and sending Wizard crashing down into the canvass!
”Excellent ring awareness shown by Page as he blocks the Hocus Pocus attempt from Wizard.”
Page picks Wizard up off the mat before hurling him across the ring and bouncing off the near side ropes with an Irish Whip before capitalizing with a devastating spinbuster slam! Chris floats over into a side press while hooking the near leg.
Wizard escapes the near fall!!
”We’ve down to five minutes! Both men better put on a full court press to avoid a draw.”
Chris Page reaches down picking up Wizard up off the mat where he locks in a front face lock where he hooks Wizard up perhaps for a Hangman’s DDT! Page looks to hoist up Wizard only his back give out! I opens the door for Wizard to deliver HOCUS POCUS!
Wizard makes the cover on Page!
Page is close enough to drape his left foot across the bottom rope catching the eye of the official which breaks the count to a collective gasp from the crowd.
”Freakin’ ring general!”
Wizard reaches both knees as Page rolls to the outside. The official starts to lay the count to Page on the floor as he gathers himself while Wizard rolls out to the floor where he spins Page around only to be met with a thrust to the throat by Page! Chris takes Wizard and hurls him back into the ring under the bottom rope before Page climbs up on the ring apron where he spring boards off the top rope delivering a diving headbut to the collar bone of Wizard! Page scurries into the cover making the cover on Wizard!
Wizard escapes the near fall before the fatal three count!!
Page works his way back to his feet where he reaches down picking Wizard up off the mat. He hooks him up looking to deliver a Page Plant! Wizard spins out and looks for a Cutter, Page counters by showing Wizard forward into the ropes, Wizard bounces off the ropes where he and Page collide with a double clothesline taking both men down!
”We’re down to nut cutting time for Wizard…”
The referee starts to lay the count to both men as they lay on the mat.
”First man to get up is going to have one last shot!”
The referee reaches the six count on both Page and Wizard when both men start to stir. It’s at the eight count that both Page and Wizard reach a vertical base with Page landing a right hand that rocks the challenger only to see the challenger come right back with a right hand rocking the champion! Page comes back with a right hand, Wizard lands a right hand, Page comes back with a right hand that’s blocked by Wizard and countered with a European Uppercut that rocks Page back several feet only to see Page come right back with a stiff knife edge chop echoing throughout the building!
”Champion and Challenger are slugging things out down the final stretch!”
Wizard comes back with a huge right hand to Page! Page comes back with another stiff chop across the chest…
”That’s it!”
Wizard and Page continue trading blows when Robert Main slides into the ring blindsiding Wizard!
”And now the numbers!”
Page holds Wizard by the arms as Robert starts to unload with right hands to the exposed sternum and ribs! Page shoves Wizard towards Main who hoists him up and delivers a Dead Man’s Hand to his challenger for Relentless! Main and Page stand over Wizard when suddenly there’s commotion from behind….
Thaddeus Duke jumps the railing and slides into the ring behind Cataclysm and its Page who turns around and eats BETTER THAN YOU SUPERKICK TO THE JAW! The smack of the foot meeting Page’s face echoes loud enough for Main to spin around in just enough time to see Duke escape back through the crowd!
”Duke hit and ran!”
Main is livid as he watches Thaddeus celebrate in the crowd. He turns around and is met with HOCUS POCUS from Wizard! Saturday Night Savage fades with Wizard looking down at a fallen Robert Main. Wizard throws both arms up in the air and suddenly a massive cloud of smoke surrounds Wizard and once it dissipates Wizard is gone and Cataclysm are shown working their way back to their feet. Chris Page demands a microphone as we see him reach through the ropes and take one from the time keeper.
Page looks around the arena spotting Thaddeus at the top of the lower bowl of the area.
”Page accepts! Page will not wrestle THREE times over the course of Relentless weekend!
Page and Thad stare down each other as Saturday Night Savage fades to bl-NO IT DOESN'T!
Miss Fury storms out to the stage.Page turns his attention from Thaddeus to Fury!
“As I said earlier, I already have a challenger lined up for Relentless!”
Without raising alarm, Graves manifested in the ring behind Page! Fury smirks as she motions for Page to look behind him. CCP cautiously looks to his side, seeing Graves he hits the ropes and tries to blindside Graves with an elbow smash!
PC: “CCP can’t see a thing!”
Graves scoops Page up and drops him with “The Final Nail” crucifix piledriver!
HHL: “Micheal Graves is challenging for the TV title!”
PC: “It sure looks that way!”
CCP is down, but not out. That tough son of a bitch is up to one knee daring Graves to bring it! Suddenly Robert Main charges past Miss Fury and straight to the ring.
“Not so fast! Hold it right there!”
Main ignores Miss Fury and slides into the ring and goes straight for Graves. The two begin brawling and quickly spill out of the ring as Page struggles to wipe that green crap out of his eyes.
“Page, you think you’ve got it all figured out huh? No, you’re not facing Micheal Graves at Relentless. While Micheal may want to chew off your arm and feed it to your buddy Main, BOB has someone that wants to do FAR WORSE!”
THUNDER FUCKING KNUCKLES STORMS OUT TO THE STAGE LOOKING MAJESTIC AS FUCK IN HIS NEW BOB jacket! TK takes the microphone from a giving Miss Fury and peers down to the fallen CCP.
[b]”Hey, Look at this mother fucker, right here. Chronic Chris Page, you think your little challenge means shit? You see, Miss Fury and her BOBs have been fucking vetting me for months to join their little supervillain gang. At every God damn turn, I’d say fuck you, no. It wasn’t until I took some time off that Miss Fury did what no other mother fucker could do. Get. Me. Paid. AND she guaranteed me a shot at the TV title, at Relentless. She already made the plan. It was happening regardless. I am glad it made you feel fucking important though. It never fucking matter if it was you, Page, it didn’t fucking matter if it was The God damn Wizard. At Relentless I’m taking back what’s mine, you sniveling bitch. When I wore that belt, with far more class than you, for the fucking record. You couldn’t beat me for it. Now I’m planning on showing your ass exactly how it’s fucking done. Oh yeah, one more thing, for the XWF fans around the world, Join BOB, it pays!”
Thunder Knuckles drops the mic and throws up double duces towards CCP to the crowds’ delight as he walks backstage side by side with Miss Fury!.
Special thanks to everyone who wrote matches and submitted segments
Big D
Jenny Myst
Kenzi Grey
Charlie Nickles
Ned Kaye
The Incredible One
The Freak
Robbie Bourbon
Sarah Lacklan
Michael Graves
Thunder Knuckles
Thaddeus Duke
It has just been announced that a match has been added to Relentless Day 3! We will see two old foes, Doctor Louis D'Ville and Gator battle it out once again in a Barbed-Wire Death Match, as requested by BOTH participants. Wow! What an amazing match added to an already superb 3-day event! I can't wait!
The following 1 user Likes Jefferson Jackson's post:1 user Likes Jefferson Jackson's post Ned Kaye (09-12-2020)
Hey look it's Jefferson Jackson. Hey EVERYONE complaining about not getting your xbux. JJ is our finance guy. Feel free to PM him to lodge your official complaints.
The following 2 users Like Theo Pryce's post:2 users Like Theo Pryce's post Atticus Gold (09-13-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (09-13-2020)
(09-13-2020, 04:46 AM)Theo Pryce Said: Hey look it's Jefferson Jackson. Hey EVERYONE complaining about not getting your xbux. JJ is our finance guy. Feel free to PM him to lodge your official complaints.
Through this global pandemic and steep, swift drop in XWF stock; I have been working tirelessly to keep the XWF a prosperous and rewarding experience for both the competitors and the fans.
During these uncertain times, I assure that all active members of the XWF roster competing on any XWF event WILL be compensated in full for their participation. Do not allow fake news and propaganda from fellow staff members make you think otherwise.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
Chris Page
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Thu Apr 25 2019
Posts: 422
Likes Given: 503
Likes Received: 1,232 in 340 posts
Hates Given: 35
Hates Received: 87 in 68 posts
Hates Given: 35
Hates Received: 87 in 68 posts
99 X-Bux: ✘50,000
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion