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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Sweet Cheapshots Offline

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07-17-2013, 07:33 PM

Sweet Cheapshots is walking down the street when he sees Tony Santos standing in front of a barbershop window.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Sweet Cheapshots runs over and hits Tony in the face with Sweet Chin Music sending Tony crashing headfirst through the glass window.

Sweets runs inside, kicks off Tony's fannypack and covers.

Cue the ref--!

[Image: 3169gerjpg_zpsb0cc2993.png]
Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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07-18-2013, 04:37 AM

Tony, utterly stunned at being clocked by the move of his fantasy daddy, does not pull a Marty Jannetty and consider a life full of illicit drugs and a shattered wrestling career. No no. Tony reaches for his fannypack, pulls out a cheeseburger, and clocks Sweet Cheapshots right across the cranium, knocking him out cold. Before the ref can even put his hand down for the count of one, Tony whips out a big, black dildo from said fannypack (a present from Crimson Dong), jams it up SC's throat, and catapults him in the air, KICKING OUT in the process.

Tony then proceeds to catch SC by the mouth, with said dildo, and spins him around like a horizontal pinwheel. He then rockets SC all the way to Mexico, where Sweet Cheapshots joins a mariachi band that moonlights as male prostitutes for the Mexican cartels. Sweet Cheapshots, happy with this situation, is not heard from for ages, but his gaping wide butthole can be seen from space, thanks to constant poundings by Mexican drug lords.

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