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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Pay Per View Boards » PPV Results
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XWF Presents: March Madness 2020
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-29-2020, 03:59 PM

[Image: 8uvlY9m.png?1]



From !!!

[Image: TMobile-7.jpg?itok=jG0aZOua]


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Red X, Brian Storm, Kieran Overton & Phantom Panzer

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Shane . Peter FN Gilmour, & The Hired Guns

This is a 4 on 4 Elimination Match. The last member(s) left standing is declared the winner.



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Noah Jackson and Fuzz ©



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MATCH #10:
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As "X-Men Theme" by Powerglove begins to play over the PA system, spotlights begin to shine all over the arena of a 'D'. After a moment, Big D walks onto the entrance ramp. He puts his arms in the air, before heading down the aisle, focused on the ring. He then walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring, before walking over to a corner, climbing to the second rope, and putting his arms in the air once again. After that, he hops down and waits.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional Latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million-dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

- vs -

PC: “It looks like it’s time for one of the semi-final matches between Big D and Hanari Carnes!”

HHL: “Whoever wins will have an increasingly difficult task in the next round!”

PC: “Two fights in one night is no joke, but here we go with the first match!”


The bell sounds as these two circle around the ring. They both know what it at stake with the winner moving on into the finals against either Mastermind or Madison Dyson. They lock up in the center of the ring, but it’s Big D who gets the upperhand for a moment with a wristlock before pulling the wrist around the back of Hanari. Carnes reaches back with an elbow, but Big D ducks it before pushing Carnes roughly into the corner turnbuckle with his arm pinned behind him. Big D begins drilling shots into the midsection before taking a step back. He rushes towards Carnes for a clothesline, but Carnes slips out underneath at the last second. Big D slams into the turnbuckle and turns around. Carnes is there quickly leaping off the second rope with a kick straight to the side of the head!


HHL: “If you listen closely, you can hear Big D’s brain rattling around in his skull.”

Big D staggers forward before hitting the mat. Big D is rolled onto his back where Carnes covers and hooks his leg!



TH-NO! Kickout by Big D!

PC: “A close call, but Big D knows what is at stake!”

Hanari lifts up Big D and sends him into the ropes. Big D bounces off the rope before coming back with a clothesline attempt from Carnes! Big D ducks the blow, hits the other side of the ropes, and comes back with a huge SPEAR! Carnes is lifted from the mat and driven into the mat. Big D quickly yanks him up to his feet and sends him back into the ropes. Carnes comes back before being lifted up into a high angle spinebuster!

Carnes cries out in pain as Big D slowly lifts him up by his arm and turns him around into an Unprettier driving his face into the hard mat.


HHL: “He dropped the D on him!”

Big D goes for the cover!



TH-KICKOUT! Carnes manages to get a foot on the bottom rope.

HHL: “Hanari is ready to go! It’s going to take more than that to put him out of this tournament.”

Both men slowly get back to their feet and begin trading blows. Big D goes for a big haymaker, but Carnes manages to parry the blow and catch him with an enzuigiri! Big D is out on his feet before Carnes lifts up Big D and drops him backwards with a Samoan Drop! Carnes begins slapping his forearm as he’s motioning for the end of the match.

Big D staggers to his feet just as Carnes wraps his legs around his arm! He begins yanking back on the arm as Big D falls to the ground. Carnes is trying to pull his arm right out of his socket! Big D is reaching out for the ropes, but the cross armbreaker is expertly applied!


PC: “Big D better hurry up and get out of this hold!”

Big D begins pulling himself towards the ropes, but a heel of Carnes comes down and catches Big D right across the nose!

Blood spurts out from the impact as Big D is really in a bad way! Hanari grabs the wrist of Big D and begins twisting it while keeping the hold applied. Big D slumps back onto the mat as the referee slides into position.

HHL: “Oh my god, that’s so much blood!”

PC: “Big D may be losing strength due to all of that blood loss!”




NO! Big D got a shoulder up at the last second.

Big D rolls onto his hip and begins pulling himself up to his feet! Hanari is really wrenching up and to the side on his wrist and arm, but the Iowan man won’t be deterred! He lifts up Hanari and shifts him in air before driving him down with a modified Mark of Excellence!


Big D slumps down on top of him!



THR-NO! Hanari gets a foot on the bottom rope.

HHL: “A close call for him!”

Big D looks exhausted as he goes to grab the arm of Hanari for the Face Crusher! As he reaches down and grabs it, Hanari’s legs wrap around his arm and pull him to the ground into another tight cross face! Big D begins to squirm, but he catches a boot right to the nose again further damaging his face. Blood is spurting everywhere!

And Big D has no choice, but to tap out!

PC: “Hanari Carnes is moving onto the next round!”

Winner and Advancing To The Finals: Hanari Carnes

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldnt be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind. Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn. Mastermind jumps into the ring and awaits his opponent.

"BLOODMONEY" by Poppy hits the sound system as the main screen is flush with images of Madison Dyson in action interspersed with fascist imagery from Nazi era Germany including dramatic rallies, that fade into more modern scenes of right wing upheaval. These scenes are cut with shots of her bathed in a white light looking messianic, as well as her name in Fraktur font colored blood red.

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PC: “Hanari Carnes has already secured his place in the finals, but who will join him?!”

HHL: “Dyson doesn’t look as concerned as she probably should be.”

PC: “We will find out if she has the answer to Mastermind right now!”


The bell sounds as Madison Dyson is leaning back on the ropes smirking at the Master of Minds. Mastermind looks a bit confused on how just to approach her, but she’s just making motions for him to approach. Mastermind slowly approaches as Dyson strikes out with a kick. Mastermind steps back to avoid contact as Dyson just laughs.

The two lock up in the center of the ring, but Dyson slips out of the hold before giving a fierce tug on the hair of Mastermind! A few hairs come out as Dyson just blows them back into the face of Mastermind who is growing more and more uncomfortable. Mastermind quickly hits a kick to the midsection before whipping Dyson into the corner. As soon as she hits, she turns to receive a spear!

Madison slams to the mat as Mastermind quickly grabs her legs and begins to turn her. Dyson realizes what is going on and quickly flips her body the opposite way to send Mastermind into the ropes. He bounces off and comes after her only to receive a kick right to the shin followed by an up kick right to the chin! Mastermind is holding his chin as Dyson rolls to her feet and nails him with a series of open hand shots to which Mastermind begins just covering his head to avoid.

Dyson sees an opportunity, grabs his head, and nails him with a jawbreaker! He is out on his feet as she hooks his head and twists for a swinging neckbreaker! Both go down as Dyson quickly covers him up for a pin!



TH-NO! Mastermind kicks out!

Madison looks almost thrilled that Mastermind kicked out as she quickly lifts him up to his feet and nails an armdrag! Mastermind gets back up before catching a second one. He comes for presumably a third, but Dyson kicks him in the midsection before grabbing his hair and begins to spin! Mastermind is lifted off his feet as he’s circling around her before being slung across the ring! Dyson is grinning largely as she lifts up Mastermind and holds him up for…


The impact drives the head of Mastermind down into the mat as Dyson covers him!




HHL: “Did she…?”

PC: “The fucking audacity of her! Dyson just lifted up Mastermind’s head before the three count could hit!”

Dyson laughs as she lifts up Mastermind to his feet and just begins smacking the Hell out of him. She kicks him in the gut before pushing him away.

HHL: “Is she just toying with Mastermind?”

PC: “She should know better than this…”

She turns back to Mastermind.


She’s taken off her feet as her eyes are filled with a bit of shock. She rolls to her feet as Mastermind leaps from the second rope! RKO! Her face is planted into the mat. She staggers up once more before being hit with a back body drop! She gets up once more finding the hands of Mastermind wrapped around her waist before hitting a huge release German suplex! She tumbles head of feet across the mat before slamming into the bottom corner turnbuckle.

HHL: “She’s seeing stars!”

PC: “This is why you don’t disrespect the Master of Minds! He’s losing it!”

Mastermind begins pulling at his own hair in delirium before rushing towards her and just cannonballing his whole body into her. He pulls her out from the corner and quickly grabs her legs and pulls her over into a vicious Boston Crab!




Mastermind is really wrenching back on the hold as Dyson is reaching out in vain towards the bottom rope.

She can’t reach it though!

Instead, she rolls through and manages to get back onto her back. Mastermind leans down to try and reapply the hold, but Dyson hooks his head and pulls him down into a small package!

The referee slides into position.




PC: “She let Mastermind get ramped up, but some quick thinking helped her in securing the victory!”

Winner and Advancing To The Finals: Madison Dyson

Backstage, we see Red X, Brian Storm, Kieran Overton & Phantom Panzer, and they seem to be going over some kind of plan to win tonight. A figure approaches them from the shadows.

"Hello, pigs. Looks like the boys club strikes again, not letting any girls play, huh?"

All four men turn and see Vanessa Gibson. Red X and Brian Storm walk away as they notice she is holding a hammer...

...a ballpeen hammer.

"Run and squeal piggies!"

Unawares, Kieran Overton and Phantom Panzer are quickly overtaken! Gibson hits Overton in the testicles with a ballpeen hammer! Overton falls to the floor in a heap, cradling his testicles in his hands in complete agony! Phantom Panzer still hasn't noticed what's going on!

"Right in your PP, you pig!"

Panzer turns around, picking his nose. Gibson kicks him right in the dick! Panzer doubles over, and Gibson goes around and hits him right in the tailbone with the hammer! Panzer drops to the ground, the bone right near his ass broken, and Gibson lines up her shot.

"Womyn will play too!"


Oh no, Vanessa Gibson just attacked two members of the team competing next!

Right in the dick!

Vanessa starts spraying both men with Lysol, eliminating the effects of any healing potions other wrestlers in the XWF seem to pull out of their ass.

Docktor Trust enters like a shadow with no fan fare in secret even to myself. But no one could ever deny I have arrived when I am here.

All three brothers emerge, with Donovan Blackwater, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the Donovan participant for the fight slides into the ring. Donovan then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits the opening bell.

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Donovan Blackwater and Docktor Trust meet in the center of the ring and right away, Trust disrespects Blackwater, when he spits in Donovan's face. The saliva hits Donovan in the eye and very obviously irks, the normally calm and cool, Blackwater. Wiping his eye, Donovan locks in a stare with Docktor Trust and then, quickly grins but this smile is not a friendly one. No, what it states in volumes, far louder than any words could ever utter, is this threat... "You're going to regret that." Donovan's gaze never falters from Trust's either and remains eerily in place, as the ref signals for the bell and this match... BEGINS!

Docktor Trust immediately charges at Donovan and catches him with a Spear! Straight into the ringpost, Donovan's back slams against it hard and Trust starts treating Blackwater's ribs, to a few shots from his knees. Donovan doubles from the pain and Doctor Trust pulls him up and delivers an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex! Blackwater slams against the canvas and Docktor Trust spins around, stomping him in the ribs several times before dropping down with an ElbowDrop. Getting to his feet, Trust runs and bounds off the ropes, then speeds back to Donovan, where he delivers a BodySlam! Following this, Trust maneuvers into a quick Figure Four Leg Lock!

"Docktor Trust seems like a man possessed for this match."

"That he does H!"

Blackwater yells out in pain and reaches for the ropes. But they are just ever so slightly, out of reach! His fingertips nearly touching them, Donovan glares at the ropes and then, the bottom rope, comes to him. By the power of Greyskull! The rope pulls forward a bit and Donovan grabs onto it tight! Thus breaking the hold!

Docktor Trust punches the mat in frustration and both men rise to their feet. Trust goes for another swift Spear but this time, Donovan moves out of the way, seconds before impact. Trust's momentum causes him to careen forward and soar through the ropes. Where he crashes outside of the ring and smacks his head against the fan barricade. Yes, that's how fast he was going, he was able to travel far enough, in order to crack his own head, into the fan barricade. Donovan strolls to the ropes and smirks, looking out at the arena of screaming fans, he raises his hand and Trust lifts up into the air. Till he's high enough to hang a few inches, over the ring.

If you thought the cries of the crowd were near deafening before, they only get louder and more frenzied as Donovan moves Trust through the air. Summoned by an unseen, invisible force. Docktor Trust floats back to the ring and hovers over the center of it for a moment. Blackwater looks up at the good Docktor, smiles broadly and waves. The audience literally eats up Donovan's antics and roars with excited approval, when Donovan yanks Docktor Trust downward, crashing him chaotically into the center of the squared circle.

"I always appreciate this little magic shows mid match."


From there Donovan rushes to the ropes and ascends them swiftly, perching himself on the top turnbuckle, he appears to wait but what is he waiting for? Slowly Trust stirs and begins to get up. Yet Donovan does not change his position. What the heck is this crazyass Blackwater up to? Gradually and a tad groggily, Docktor Trust picks himself off of the mat. Only then, does Donovan act. Leaping into the air, he comes down hard, a mere inches from Trust and when he does, he lands an epic, Iron Man style landing. Fist straight into the canvas, with a huge wave of force emanating from it that not only sends Trust straight back down to the canvas but it also knocks over the ref, the official bell ringer, several camera men and a few crew members. A great majority of the audience, also gets pushed back into their seats, sorta like what must happen to astronauts when they blast into orbit.

"Donovan looks poised to end this one now!"

Rising to his feet, Donovan saunters over to Trust and bends down, looking him directly in the face he reaches out and pats Trust, on the head. Then places Trust into an instant Sharpshooter. Doctor Trust shrieks in agony but that just causes Donovan to snicker and pull the hold tighter. With pain virtually radiating from Trust's eyes, he is practically begging for mercy, alas he finds none. Outside of the ring, the arena cries out for destruction and Blackwater answers their plea by yanking the hold even tighter still until Doctor Trust has no choice but to submit.

Winner - Donovan Blackwater

'X Gonna Give it to Ya" hits, and the lights are overcome with a dark, blood red hue. The x-tron is hijacked, static quickly invading the screen.... The lights around the ring are cut off, leaving a spotlight on the entrance. The fans are left in silent bewilderment.... The Tron is now overcome by a big, flashing, crimson cross. The fans begin to give a mixed reaction, eventually taking out their cell phones to snap pictures... before ALL of the lights are cut out. Then??

The voice of DMX fills the speakers;

"You against me, me against you,
Whatever, whenever, What the fuck you gon' do?
... I've been doin' this for nineteen years,
Wanna fight me? Fight these tears."

The XWF Galaxy is truly beginning to come unglued... A spotlight shines in the middle of the ring, where a figure descends via a cord, landing in the center of the squared-circle. Red-X holds his trademark black baseball bat. Red drops the bat next to the corner post, and climbs upon the top turnbuckle, lifting his arms in an 'X'... the song slowly fades as the x-man prepares for war..

Comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start.

Beast by Puppy plays over the sound system as there's massive amount of boos when Kieran Overton walks out as he screams on top of his lungs with his hands in the air on top of the ramp, wearing shorts, shirt, gloves and boots before walking down as he ignores each one of the fans before he goes up the steps and goes over the top rope and places his hand on his left arm, basically not giving a damn about them before he turns to anger, while he goes to sit in the corner, waiting for his opponent to come to the ring.

He slowly walks out as the lights dim. Then they light up on the ramp only, and he walks out and as he walks along the lit ramp, blood seemingly follows his every step, coating the ramp. As he reaches the ring, the ring is lit up and before he enters, and as he steps foot inside the squared circle, the effect rushes from all four corners. After a minute, he throws his arms out fast upwards, and the lights brighten as bloodied confetti shoots out and into the crowd.

We cut to the back where we see SUPER SHAMELESS SHANE with his team of The Hired Gun, The Hired Gun 2, and Peter F'n Gilmour!

Peter: Not now bitch I'm working.

That was, of course, Peter turning away some random hot woman that had approached him backstage.

Shane: How do they keep finding you? We're about to walk out for our match and random whores are trying to get a taste of the super dick.

Peter: I've had to deal with this shit my whole life, Shane. They can't get enough of this sexy ass GOD that stands before you!

Shane: Well, let's get a move on. I have a strategy in mind to gain the early advantage in our match....... you know, because we need that so bad.

The Hired Guns both nod in agreement.

The (OG) Hired Gun: Thank god you've got a plan. I was worried. Our opponents went hard as fuck in their promos!

Hired Gun II: True, these boys got me shook, Shane.

Shane puts one hand on each of the Hired Guns' shoulders and speaks calmly...

Shane: It's alright... I think we can do this. I think we can find a way to gain the advantage but we're going to need the element of surprise on our side. Let's go!

Shane, Gilmour, and the Guns go sneaking around the corner and they approach what many in the industry refer to as the "gorilla position" or "scat spot" which is basically an area wrestlers wait backstage right before they're announced for their entrance. Shane peeks in and sees his opponents already there, waiting to be announced for the match!

Shane: ATTACK!!!!!!


Red X, Brian Storm, Kieran Overton & Phantom Panzer

- vs -

Shane . Peter FN Gilmour, & The Hired Guns

This is a 4 on 4 Elimination Match. The last member(s) left standing is declared the winner.

Peter Gilmour and the Guns rush in for the kill! Gilmour hits a cross body block to Phantom Panzer onto a table, crashing through it! The Hired Gun 2 is cracking a crowbar over the head of Kieran Overton! The OG Hired Gun just hit that ol' Rock Bottom to Brian!

Shane finally comes running up and hooks Red-X up for a suplex! Gilly and the Guns look on in horror as Shane has trouble finding his grip on Red-X's waistband, and then struggles to even get him up a few inches off the ground. Shane lets out a primal scream and somehow muscles Red-X all the way up to the vertical suplex position! Gilly and the Guns let out a massive roar, and even some of the stage hands and officials backstage are cheering Shane on!

Shane: Oh shit!

Shane started losing his footing but Hired Gun was ready for this moment, rushing over and basically accepting the pass. Shane hands the upsidedown, vertical Red-X right over to Hired Gun who easily keeps him held up in that suplex position. Shane lets out a sigh and catches his breath as Hired Gun 2 and Gilmour both stop on the others a few times to keep them down.

Shane: Alright, pass him over there now.

Hired Gun walks over and passes Red-X over to Hired Gun 2, who continues keeping him held up for the suplex. Red-X's head must be filling up with so much blood by this point.

Shane: Let's head to the ring! Let's get this match started!

Shane grabs Phantom Panzers legs and starts to drag him out from the back, down the ramp and toward the ring. Hired Gun drags Brian while Peter drags Kieran. Hired Gun 2 manages to walk Red-X all the way out to the ring while still holding him up in the stalling suplex.

Peter Gilmour gets in the ring and calls for Red-X to be passed to him. Hired Gun 2 walks up the steps and gets onto the apron so he can pass the upside down Red-X over the ropes to Peter.


HHL: And as soon as one person from each team is in the ring, the ref calls for the bell to start the match!

PC: I must say those entrances were a lot more entertaining than most entrances go. Maybe every match should start like this.

Shane walks up to the ref and discretely asks him something we aren't supposed to hear, but we still hear it.

Shane: Hey so, uh, you don't really care if we follow any rules or tag in and out right? We can pretty much just do whatever?

The ref just kind of shrugs and nods?!?!?

PC: Oh great. Ref's just like "whatever man". This is going to be bad.

Shane smiles and turns to Peter, who is STILL holding Red-X upside down in the suplex position! Shane just starts throwing boxing jabs to Red-X's face while he's being held there and Peter starts talking shit to Red-X and telling him to suck his dick. Shane lands a few rapid fire jabs to Red-X and then dropkicks him in the face!!! The force sends him crashing down sooner than Gilmour expected, causing Gilmour to basically deliver his own version of a botch plex!

Shane: YES!!!! Is he dead?!?!?

While Red-X did land awkwardly on the back of his neck, he seems to be alive as Shane and Gilmour put the boots to him. Red-X tries to block some shots and somehow manages to roll under the bottom rope to the outside.

Around the other side of the ring at ringside, Hired Gun 2 has just delivered a back body drop to Kieran Overton into the fans! Many of them start to freak out as Hired Gun 2 tells them Kieran has "THE BUG" and he starts pretending he's choking to death while telling all the fans they're going to die. The fans send Kieran back over the railing where HG2 was waiting and caught him with a hangman DDT with the assist from freaked out fans!

The original Hired Gun runs past HG2 and gives him a high five before continuing his jog around the ring, where he eventually returns to a waiting Phantom Panzer who HG sends THROUGH the barricade into the fans with a running dropkick! HG2 yells something over to his comrade...

Hired Gun II: Tell them he's got the bug and they'll freak the fuck out on him!

The OG HG gives a big thumbs up back to the product of his "loinage" and proceeds to do exactly that, telling all the fans how sick Phantom Panzer is. The fans, however, seem unphased. It's as if they expected someone like Panzer to be sick as fuck, whereas when it was Kieran, they seemed a bit more shocked.

Hired Gun yells back over to HG2.

Hired Gun: It's not working! They probably already expected this piece of shit to have much worse! Remember what we encountered in the hospital with Shane last week?

HG2 yells back. Keep in mind they're both at ringside but on totally opposite sides of the ring during this whole exchange.

Hired Gun II: Oh fuck you mean the C.Diff.20 virus that almost kizzilled us all?

Hired Gun: Fuck yizzeah I mean that shizzit!



PC: What the hell?!? Brian, out of nowhere, just went crazy and hit a big powerbomb to Gilmour!

Brian runs toward Hired Gun and clotheslines him! He keeps running around the ring and meets up with Hired Gun 2, also taking him down with a big clothesline!

HHL: Brian looks PISSED!

He looks around at his own team mates and finds that he's the only one standing.

PC: He looks disgusted with his own team!

HHL: He's the only member of his team to get any shots in! He SHOULD be disgusted with them!

Shane and Brian finally lock eyes...

Shane: What a bunch of losers, huh? Just think how great you guys could have been if Red-X lived on this planet, and if Phagtom Panzyboi wasn't the epicenter for every disease known to mankind, and if Kieran Over-a-ton's fat ass DIDN'T weigh over a ton. Just think how powerful you could have been if they weren't all pieces of goddamn shit!!! THEY'RE SHIT!!!!

Brian looks at his fallen partners and sighs.

Brian: Well damn, I guess you're right. This is why I love you man.

There's a brief moment of silent as Shane walks a little closer to Brian.

Shane: You know what you have to do... don't you?

Brian: Aye. Let's get this over with. Come here you losers!

Brian turns and grabs Kieran Overton, his own partner! He pulls him up to his feet!

BLAST!!! Brian kicks Kieran in the balls!

Shane runs up and catches Kieran with a follow up nut-shot just to make sure both nuts get it!

Brian next walks over to Phantom Panzer and kicks him in the balls, then delivers a back breaking suplex across the barricade! Then Brian rushes toward Red-X and DROPKICKS him in the groin!!!!

Shane is clapping his hands and yelling for joy. By now, the Hired Guns and Gilmour have all recovered and have joined Shane in applauding this turn of events.

Peter: Hey, you're not so bad after all Brian! Fuck those pussies up!

Brian spits on Panzer and walks to the back in disgust, leaving his broken team.

Hired Gun pulls Kieran up to his feet and shoves him toward Shane...

Shane hoists Kieran up into a torture rack with ease!!!

HHL: Holy crap!?

PC: He actually got him up in one try! And Kieran's a BIG boy! I'm impressed with Shane here toda...uh, uh oh...

Shane can't hold him up there though! Shane's legs give out and he collapses, with Kieran landing on his head and getting knocked out cold instantly.


Shane isn't even back up to his feet and he's already laughing as EMTs rush over to check on Kieran and bring a stretcher over for him. They start loading him up onto the stretcher...


Hired Gun 2 with the most beautiful swanton bomb ever sends Kieran through the stretcher!!!

Peter grabs Phantom Panzer and sends him over to Shane...

PC: BOTCH PLEX!!! Shane botched it perfectly!!! Panzer is screwed!!!

Blood is leaking from Panzer's head after Shane's fucked up move nearly kills him and EMTs rush over to him. They load him onto a stretcher but this time they're keeping an eye in the sky to make sure nobody comes diving through... and that's when OG Hired Gun strikes! Rising uppercut from UNDER the stretcher, straight up into Panzer's ass!!!


Panzer is popped high into the air after the uppercut and lands on his already bloody head with a loud crack.

HHL: Wait! Red-X has recovered while everyone was paying attention to Kieran and Panzer!

Red-X begins to mount an offense to Peter Gilmour, sending him reeling back and then taking him down with a quick legsweep!

Red-X turns his attention to Hired Gun 2 who is flying toward him with a cross body block, but Red-X ducks and HG2 misses by a mile! Red-X starts to pump his fists and his momentum builds as he turns to the OG Hired Gun and...


Well, that didn't last long. Red-X is down and out!

Shane goes over to Peter and whispers something to him. Peter nods. The two of them walk over to Red-X and pull him up, both hooking an arm up and around Red-X's neck?

PC: Oh no! They're going for a DOUBLE GILLY CUTTER!!!

HHL: But Shane literally botches EVERY move!!!

Hired Gun and Hired Gun 2 both look at each other, and despite being fully masked, you can just sense the worry on their faces. They look at the camera and grab it! They smash it!

They run around taking out ALL the cameras!!!

Everything is pitch black to the viewers at him for several seconds...

Meanwhile, the fans witness something so disturbing it makes them all begin to cry...

When the cameras come back, Shane and Gilly are standing over the severely fucked up looking body of Red-X! But what happened?!? How bad did Shane botch his half of the double Gilly cutter?!?

That's it!

The ref has seen enough!

PC: He's waving the whole thing off!

Ref: You guys know this is an elimination match but you haven't gone for one pinfall yet. Do you think I get paid by the hour here? Screw it! You guys obviously win!


Shane starts jumping for joy, leaping into the arms of Peter and the Guns like they just won the Superbowl!

PC: Great showing by Shane and his boys tonight, but one has to wonder if these four would see the same luck against a more challenging set of opponents. What do you think, Heather?

HHL: If it gets too challenging, PC, Shane will probably duck the challenge altogether so we'll never really know...

PC: Incoming!!!!

Shane spits in Heather's face after overhearing that shitty comment from her.

HHL: Aaaah! Disgusting!!!!

PC: Haha, can't say you didn't have that one coming!

HHL: Ugh! Shut up! I need to go get cleaned up!

WINNERS: Shane , Hired Gun 2, Peter Gilmour, and The OG Hired Gun

Ruby makes her way to the ring.

Geri Miller appears and the crowd goes crazy. A myriad of green lights, accompanied by blasts of emerald fireworks and puffs of a mysterious yet calming smoke, fill the arena as Geri walks to the squared circle. Her eyes set and focused on the ring, where Ruby awaits her. This does not stop her from slapping hands with fans along the way. Climbing the steel steps, Miller enters the ring, via stepping between the top and middle rope. She then hurries to the ropes, climbs them and mounts the top turnbuckle, striking a pose that invokes a generous pop from nearly everyone in attendance. Backflipping from her place on the turnbuckle, she lands perfectly and hops to a standing position. While a chorus of cheers becomes her soundtrack.


- vs -


"This should be a good one."

"Definitely one of my favorite matches of the card."

Both women meet in the center of the ring. Everyone's favorite Super Dear-O vs the illustrious goddess of ganja. Two very strong and empowering women, in their distinctly own unique ways. Tonight should prove to be an exceedingly awesome event and with a signal from the ref to the official bell ringer... this match begins!

Geri Miller takes control of the fight, right off the bat, with a series of backhand chops that serve up some serious destruction. But Ruby manages to counter when she thwarts one of the chops. Catching Geri's arm within her gloved hand, she holds it tight and pulls Geri towards her. Delivering an epic Headbutt that sends Geri stumbling backwards, holding her nose. Ruby then follows that up with a (Springboard) Dropkick! Which drops Geri straight to the canvas! The crowd gasps as Geri's body thunders upon the mat and Ruby rushes to the ropes. Ascending them with ease, she executes a Double Leg Drop! Connecting the move with extreme accuracy.

"That double leg drop had a little something extra on it."

From there she mounts the pretty pothead and begins to pummel the green goddess right in the face. Over and over again, Geri is hit with an onslaught of devastating blows. Each more mightier than the last and at one point, Ruby actually grabs Geri, by either side of Miller's skull and proceeds to slam it against the canvas as hard as she possibly can. Releasing Geri's head, Ruby smirks as she looks upon a very dazed Geri Miller, yet somehow in the queen of cannabis' clearly befuddled state, she still manages to strike back. Suddenly and quite brutally, she catches Ruby with a Headbutt! The Super Dear-O falls to the side, holding her nose and Miller slowly gets to her feet.

"Ruby might have a broken nose right now!"

Stomping on Ruby's mid-section a few times for good measure, Geri pulls Ruby from the canvas, by her hair and backhands her; hard, across the face. Then Geri hip tosses Ruby to the ropes, where Ruby bounces off. Ruby soars back towards Miller. And Geri introduces the masked crusader to the mat with a Superkick! Ruby crashes onto the canvas and Miller kicks her in the face, right before she covers for the pin!

"Could this be it?"




Both women rise to their feet and begin trading rights and lefts. Yet Ruby breaks up the cycle when she grabs Miller by the head and delivers Headbutt! How many damn Headbutts are we going to see here tonight?!?! Geri staggers back and Ruby kicks her in the mid-section, causing her to double over. Double Axe-Handle! Geri Miller slams onto the mat. Ruby isn't done though. She grabs Miller up by the back of her hair and throws her towards the corner of the ring. Where Ruby meets Geri with a Spear. Catching Miller before she crumples to the canvas, Ruby performs a Ruby Cutter! And covers for the pin!

"Excellently timed move by Ruby there!"



Shoulder up!

"Just in the nick of time!"

Once more both ladies get up and instantly clash within the squared circle. Rocking each other's world with rights and lefts.This time it's Geri's turn to end the cycle, when she drops down abruptly and sends Ruby to the canvas with a Leg Sweep. Ruby topples back onto the mat and Miller pops up and greets Ruby there, with a Standing Senton. The crowd goes wild and they only get louder and crazier, when they see the goddess of ganja, jump up to her feet and run to the ropes. Climbing them quickly, she leaps off and executes an exquisite Miller's Tale! Geri Miller hooks the leg for the pin!





"She did it!! Geri Miller is now the XWF's Internet AND ANRCHY Champion!"

"Extremely entertaining match just as I expected."

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall… and is for the XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!”

There’s a thunderous ovation from the rabid crowd when the lights abruptly dim to darkness causing the crowd to get more tumultuous. As a series of images flashes over the X-Tron.

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

A solitary spotlight hits the top of the ramp where thick haze beings to cover the top of the entrance ramp where Adam Barker is standing dead center with his arms crossed sporting a sadistic grin. There’s a clasp of Thunder inside the area as we see Robert "The Omega" Main raise from underneath the entrance ramp, his head lowered not moving a muscle. Robert leers out upon the sea of fans under a merciless mask. Robert cracks his neck as "Chronic" Chris Page rises from the dept's wearing his own twisted version of his alter ego mask, arms folded, teeth clenched. The crowd goes insane as Page and Main meet Adam Barker in the middle of the ramp all now walking through the knee-high fog.

” For the first time ever we see Robert Main and Chris Page enter an arena as a collective unit and it seems like they’ve undergone some sort of transition.”

” These two are certainly not the CCP and Robert Main of two weeks ago for sure. They’re under those creepy masks, and to think I didn’t think either of them could get any uglier.”

Thunder again fills the arena as Adam Barker starts to make the walk to the ring before Main and Page methodically turn their attention towards the ring leisurely walking behind Barker. They start to make the walk down the ramp to an awaiting Adam Barker who stands at the foot of the ramp staring at the masked duo as they slowly saunter towards the ring. Main and Page stop as they reach Adam Barker. Adam reaches up to each man where he yanks their masks off their faces to reveal the Painmaker painted faces of Page and Main. Both men walk past Adam Barker climbing up on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes and into entering the ring.

” I don’t think I’ve ever seen Main or Page like this.”

” There’s certainly a different feeling in the arena as both of these two are dead set on leaving Las Vegas with the XWF Tag Titles… and I don’t think The Sick C*nts are going to be able to stop them.”

Main and Page gaze up to the top of the ramp as the house lights come back up and the music starts to fade away leaving a mixed reception from the stunned crowd.

'Down with the King' by Run DMC plays and from the back steps Noah Jackson and Fuzz, they both make their way to the ring where they wait for their opponents.


Noah Jackson and Fuzz ©


Noah rushes Page with a head full of steam but he's dropped immediately by a hellacious clothesline from Page! The crowd pops as Noah falls and Page hits the ropes dropping a big leg onto the hardest worker’s neck. Noah stumbles to his feet and takes a strike at Page but it's gracefully dodged and Page stands fixing his hair before bitch-slapping the taste out of Noah's mouth!

Noah is dazed and walks away holding his cheek, on turning around Page strikes!

"A powerful gut kick from Page!!!"

"Page and Main are in full control in the early part of this match!"

Jackson falls dramatically into his corner and Fuzz rolls his eyes before smacking his partner's back and entering the ring.

The crowd goes wild as Fuzz and Page circle one another.

The two trade positions and Fuzz sprints forward but Page dodges out of the way but Fuzz keeps going?

"Fuzz slides out of the ring and then right back!"

Fuzz ducks under a clothesline from Page and runs the ropes as Noah slaps his back tagging in.

Distracted Page runs at Fuzz who again ducks under as Page is nailed with the King Hit!

"Noah looking to end things early!"

Noah leaps on Page for a quick cover!





Jackson shoves Page away and they both get to their feet. Page goes for a low sweep but Noah jumps up and stomps down onto Page's ankle! Noah then follows up with an enziguri and drops the Stoned one! Page kicks his feet holding his head in pain as Noah calls out that he's going for a moonsault and the crowd pop!

He heads to the corner.

He climbs the turnbuckles.


Jackson flips through the air!

"And he eats canvas!"

Page just rolling out of the way. Jackson lies flat on the mat clutching his face in agony.

Page taunts to the crowd and stomps a foot onto Jackson's crown before picking him up by the hair and...

"Page Plant!!!"


Noah fights his way out of the hold and hits his very own...


Noah hits the Omega Driver and covers!


The crowd pop!


As someone enters the ring!


"Looks like Main was Just waiting for his moment!"

Main grabs Noah by the hair and levels him with a huge power slam . Fuzz runs back into the ring and gets Main’s Attention. Fuzz runs right at Main who backdrops the Afterthought Out of the ring! Fuzz lands knees first on the concrete floor and bellows in pain , as the ref tries to call for order!

Noah goes to the apron and looks over at the carnage as he catches his breath. Main grabs Noah and hurls him into the corner. He stirs Page awake and points to Noah sitting against the turnbuckles. The two smile and fist bump.

Main runs in first and hits a running big boot! He moves out the way quickly and runs back to the corner as Page hits a huge lariat causing Noah to slither Down to the mat! The crowd goes wild.

“Looks like Page and Main are looking to end this"

“Where’s Fuzz? Is he still on the outside?”

The camera finds Fuzz still laying on the ground grasping his knee as a few members of the medical team are around him. One of them throws their arms up in an “X”.

Main rushes back in, bouncing Noah’s head against the bottom turnbuckle a few times! Main leaves and an excited Chris Page runs in and slams his knee into the face and jaw of Noah as well!

Noah slowly begins to drag himself towards his corner. Page stalks behind him letting him get there. Only for Noah to reach his hand out and no one was there. Noah rolls over onto his back and flips Page off, who viciously begins to stomp on Noah!

Page lifts Noah up by the hair as Noah wobbles on his feet. Page reaches back and swings, but Noah on instinct ducks, but Page was one step ahead. Page grabs Noah and plants him right into the canvas.

“Smart move by Noah….”

“An even smarter move by Page. Always one step ahead.”

Main goes to the apron and calls for the tag which Page walks over and tags Main into the match. Main lifts Noah to his feet as Page begins to cause a commotion on the apron distracting the ref, Main pulls out a chain and wraps it around his fist. Noah begins to pull himself up using the ropes.

Main swings, as Noah ducks again. This time he dropkicks Main in the knee, as he buckles to the mat. Noah then hits a quick step up knee to the face of Main. Noah gets up and looks over to the medical staff who are still tending to a Fuzz on the outside. Noah slaps the ropes in frustration, and turns around to see Main towering over him.

Noah swings wildly at Main, but it doesn’t seem to affect him. The blows are just bouncing off of him. Noah throws a kick but it’s caught by Main, who sweeps Noah’s leg. Noah falls flat to the mat, while Main wastes no time in delivering an elbow to the knee of Noah.

Main gets to his feet and begins to drag Noah to his corner as if he was weightless, and tags in Page. Page takes one look over to Fuzz who is still grabbing his knee and gives Main a quick nod. Main whips Noah into the ropes. Noah rebounds and is lifted up into the air by Main, as Page leaps up grabbing Noah and driving his knees into the face of Noah as they both crash to the mat. Page leaps on top of Noah for the pin. A massive SHATTER MACHINE!!!


Fuzz tries to pull himself up on the apron…


Fuzz gets to his feet, but quickly crumbles to the floor grabbing his knee….



[align=center]Fuzz drags himself into the ring and pulls himself next to Noah. Page and Main grab their titles and stand above the both of them. Suddenly…..


Hello Doves appears briefly on the X-tron in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd goes pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage as Atara appears from backstage in a full grunge walk to centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, she blows a kiss before throwing off a silk robe to reveal her attire for the night.

She full on grungewalks to the ringsteps and stops at the top to posture once more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring very Stacy Kiebler-ish and shoos Page and Main out of the ring. Atara rolls Noah out of the ring, as Fuzz slowly pulls himself to his feet. He hangs his head as he leans on his good leg. A ref comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring.

“Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Career versus Championship match for the XWF HART CHAMPIONSHIP!”

“Introducing first, being led to the ring by SHANE … he is the fastest Triple Crown winner in XWF history…. “THE” TRISTAN SLATER!”

Attention diverts to the top of the ramp where Shane is shown leading THE Tristan Slater out to the top of the ramp. Tonight Tristan is dressed in MMA style attire as a throwback to the days of ruling the XWF with an iron fist. Shane steps to the side giving Slater center stage as he simply starts to make the walk towards the ring.

”It’s all on the line if you’re “THE” Tristan Slater as his back is against the wall and it’s a must win situation.”

”Slater is focused, he’s determined and tonight he’s going to knock off Centurion.”

Slater reaches ringside where he turns towards Shane and gives him a nod of the head before turning towards the ring where he climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes and into the squared circle. He walks to the center of the ring where he turns towards the entrance ramp and takes a seat Indian style on the mat with an intense look in his eyes as he waits.

“And his opponent….”

“About to make his way to the ring, he is the XWF HART CHAMPION… CENTURION!”

The crowd responds with a huge ovation for the XWF legend as he emerges out to the top of the ramp with the HART TITLE securely around his waist. Centurion stands at the top of the ramp soaking in the ovation before slapping his left hand on the front gold plate of the Hart Title. He starts to make the walk towards the ring with his eyes intently locked on Slater who is still seated Indian style on the mat watching Centurion’s every step.


- vs -


”I have a gut feeling that’s telling me this is going to explode.”

”There’s been heated words between both Centurion and Slater leading into this encounter and I have no doubts they’re about to hit a home run.”

Centurion reaches ringside where he looks over towards Shane throwing him a middle finger before climbing up on the ring apron. It’s then Slater gets up off the mat and stares directly into the eyes of Centurion who is on the ring apron. The intensity from each man is so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. Centurion removes the Hart Title from around his waist before stepping through the ropes where he walks up to Slater hoisting the title in the air above their heads. Eye contact isn’t broken as Centurion passes off the title to the referee.


”We’re underway with this Career versus Title match up between THE Tristan Slater and Centurion.”

”If Slater doesn’t win he’s done.”

The crowd is firmly behind Centurion as we see both men walk out from their corners and out to the center of the ring where they are each talking a fair amount of shit back and forth before Slater yanks Centurion in and blasts him with a stiff European Uppercut that rocks Centurion back several feet. Centurion is shown rubbing his jaw as he smirks at Slater before nodding his head. Slater motions for Centurion to “bring it” with both hands which causes Centurion to walk out towards Slater looking to lock up, Centurion ducks out of the way where he catches Slater with a stiff European Uppercut of his own which rocks the challenger back and into the ropes to a roar from the crowd.

”Some stiff blows being passed from both Centurion and Slater.”

Slater rubs his jaw as well as Centurion tells Slater to “bring it” to another roar from the crowd. It’s Slater now who smirks at Centurion before nodding his head in approval. Slater comes off the ropes with a forearm smash to the jaw followed by a boot to the midsection that doubles Centurion over, Slater lifts Centurion back up where he laces him across the chest with a stiff knife edge chop that echoes throughout the building as we see Slater force Centurion back into a neutral corner. Slater laces Centurion across the chest with a second knife edge chop that echoes even louder throughout the building as we see Slater whip Centurion across the ring and into the opposite buckles, Slater charges in after Centurion where he eats a reverse elbow from the Hart Champion that staggers Slater out towards the center of the ring which allows Centurion to explode out from the corner where he takes a go behind waist lock and delivers a German Suplex with a Bridge!




Slater escapes the near fall as he rolls out to the floor under the bottom rope where Shane joins him and starts to talk over some strategy as Centurion stands back letting the referee execute his count.

”Slater’s got to be incredibly careful because remember his career is at stake so every move has to be meticulous.”

Shane and Slater finish conversing before Slater climbs back up on the ring apron before stepping back through the ropes and into the ring. Centurion hasn’t taken his eye off Slater. The two men circle around each other before locking horns in the center of the ring. Slater and Centurion start to jockey for positioning with Centurion gaining the upper hand with a side headlock. Slater drives a forearm into the ribcage before backing Centurion up against the ropes where he’s able to shoot him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Centurion bounces off the near side as Slater drops down to the mat on his stomach, Centurion bounces off the near side where he leaps over Slater and bounces off the far side as Slater pops back up to his feet where he sends Centurion over to the mat with a Japanese arm drag! Slater pops back up to his feet followed by Centurion and it’s Slater who charges towards Centurion and Centurion ducks under a clothesline attempt sending Slater bouncing off the near side and into a Japanese arm drag by Centurion! The crowd pops as Centurion nips up to his feet!

”It’s like a game of anything you can do I can do better in the opening moments of this Hart Championship Match!”

Slater quickly gets to one knee as he gazes towards Centurion who is eager to continue. Slater stands to a vertical base where he and Centurion start to circle each other in the ring where they look to lock up only to see Slater gouge Centurion in the eyes to loud boos from the crowd. Slater is admonished by the referee as he moves in on Centurion as he drives a stiff kick to the upper right thigh of Centurion followed by second stiff kick that drops Centurion to one knee for Slater to deliver a Shinning Wizard to the front of Centurion’s face! Slater presses the cover hooking the near leg.




Centurion kicks out to a pop from the crowd as we see Slater immediately lock in a rear chin lock. The referee is in position asking Centurion to surrender which he refuses. Slater cranks back on the pressure for the chin lock as we see Centurion reach up towards Slater’s interlocked fingers under his chin. Centurion starts pulling the fingers apart before countering and transitioning into a Japanese arm bar submission! The crowd pops big as Centurion locks it in and the referee is shown asking Slater to surrender! Slater quickly scurries to the bottom rope where he grabs ahold forcing the referee to call for the break. Centurion gives a clean break as Slater once again rolls out to the floor.

”Neither of these two have been able to get a distinct advantage and I can honestly say this is not what I was thinking I was going to see from both of these two when you think about how all of this came together.”

Shane joins Slater as they push away the cameraman on the floor before having another discussion as we see Centurion back to his feet pacing back and forth like a caged animal waiting to strike. At the referee’s six count we see Slater climb back up on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes. Centurion and Slater lock up once again with both men fighting for position only to shove off each other with a stale mate! Slater immediately comes forward with another stiff kick to the upper right leg of Centurion only to see Centurion come right back with a stiff kick of his own to the right leg of Slater! Slater comes back with a knife edge chop across the chest which see’s Centurion answer with an open handed chop across Slater’s chest! Slater fires back with a European Uppercut only to see Centurion try the same only to see Slater counter the European Uppercut with a back slide stacking Centurion’s shoulders to the mat.




Centurion escapes the near fall as both he and Slater are quickly to a vertical base where Centurion rocks the jaw of Slater with a European Uppercut knocking Slater back into the ropes. Centurion explodes towards Slater only to have Tristan duck down and yank the top rope down in the process which sends Centurion spilling over the top rope and out to the floor! Shane looks to make a move only to stop once he notices the referee is paying attention. In the ring Slater gets back to his feet where he measures Centurion before sling shooting over the top rope delivering a flying cross body block down on to Centurion taking both men down to the floor.

”Shane almost got caught with his hand in the cookie jar…”

Slater is the first to his feet where he picks Centurion up off the floor and hurls him back into the ring. Slater climbs up on the ring apron where he sling shots over the top rope delivering a leg drop across the throat of the Hart Champion! Slater quickly transitions into a Triangle Choke on Centurion! The referee is in position keeping an eye on Slater’s shoulders making sure they don’t hit the mat as Tristan grinds down on the Triangle Choke! Centurion refuses to surrender but slowly starts to fade.

”Slater’s got a Triangle locked in on Centurion! Centurion’s fading!”

Centurion suddenly uses a jolt of energy as he hoists Slater up off the mat with the Triangle Choke locked in only to drive Slater down into the mat with a sit out powerbomb that breaks the Triangle Choke! Both men are down as the crowd is solidly behind the defending Hart Champion as the referee starts to lay the ten count to both men.

”Both men are down here. The first to their feet can shift the momentum in their favor.”

The referee reaches a five count before we start to see both Slater and Centurion start to work their way to their feet with Slater getting up first and swings wildly at Centurion who ducks down and locks both arms of Slater before snapping off a Dragon Suplex stacking the challengers shoulders to the mat.




Slater escapes the near fall to a loud gasp from the crowd. Centurion starts working his way back to his feet followed by Slater. Centurion latches on to a front waist lock where he delivers a Belly to Belly Suplex before working his way back to a vertical base where he calls for the 1,000 Mile Slam to a huge pop from the crowd as he positions himself behind Slater as we see Tristan roll over to his chest and start pushing himself up off the mat and as he reaches his feet Centurion comes forward looking to deliver the Olympic Slam which see’s Slater counter as he lands on his feet and looks to drive a boot to the midsection of Centurion only to have it caught! Slater quickly delivers an enziguri to temple which drops Centurion to both knee in the center of the ring. Slater is back to his feet where he delivers a stiff right kick to the chest cavity of Centurion! Slater delivers a second stiff kick to the sternum followed by a third and a fourth and finally a fifth before Slater takes several steps back to gain more force before throwing a kick at Centurion’s head! Centurion ducks and avoids contact and quickly gets to his feet where he spins Slater around delivering a snap mare take over before planting a stiff kick between the shoulder blades of Slater!

”They are beating the crap out of each other!”

Centurion lands a second stiff kick across the shoulder blades of Slater before picking him up off the mat where he locks in a front face lock before delivering a Suplex! Centurion floats over into a cover hooking the near leg.




Slater kicks out as we see the wheels turning inside the head of Centurion as he works his way back to his feet. He reaches down picking Slater up of the mat before driving him back into a neutral corner with a shoulder block smashing Slater’s body against the buckles before Centurion reaches down and hoists Slater up to the top turnbuckle to a seated position. Centurion decks Slater with a right hand before stepping up to the middle ropes where he locks a front face lock thinking about a Superplex. Slater latches on to the top rope with his free hand as he blocks the attempt, Centurion tries a second time with the same result of the block by Slater only to then see Slater start throwing rapid fire fists to the ribs of Centurion which breaks his grasp and allows Slater to headbut Centurion across the nose before shoving him backwards and down to the mat!

”Slater’s got a shot at some high risk offense after knocking Centurion down to the mat!”

Slater gathers his thoughts as he is shown standing up on the top rope sizing Centurion up before coming off the top with a Shooting Star Press that’s landed to perfection! Slater makes the cover hooking the near leg of the Hart Champion!




Centurion escapes to a roar from the crowd

as Slater cuts his eyes towards the referee almost wanting to complain about a slow count but thinks otherwise as he stands back to his feet pulling Centurion up by the hair in the process. Slater delivers another stiff European Uppercut that rocks Centurion back and into the ropes. Slater comes forward with a boot to the midsection before shooting Centurion across the ring with an Irish Whip, Centurion bounces off the far side and ducks under a Superkick attempt from Slater before suddenly putting on the breaks and as Slater turns around he eats a V-Trigger to the jaw causing Slater to crumble to the mat! Centurion quickly executes the cover on Slater!




Slater escapes to a massive gasp from the crowd and a look of utter shock on the face of Centurion as he thought this one was over after getting all of that V Trigger to the face. Centurion gets back to his feet where he reaches down picking Slater up off the mat. Centurion lays in an open handed chop across the chest of Slater echoing throughout the building followed by a second as Slater’s chest starts to turn purple as Slater cringes in pain. Centurion takes Slater back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring, Slater bounces off the ropes and into a Black Hole Slam from the Hart Champion! Centurion makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Slater escapes once again to a gasp from the crowd as Centurion gets to both knees starting to show some signs of frustration as he reaches his feet.

”Centurion has got to be questioning himself on what he’s got to do to put THE Tristan Slater away.”

Centurion reaches down picking Slater up off the mat only to have Slater counter with a jaw breaker that staggers Centurion backwards several feet and allows Slater to get back to his feet, he runs towards Centurion ducking under a wild clothesline where he spring boards off the middle rope catching Centurion with a spring board cutter! Both men are down in the center of the ring as the referee starts to count both men out.

”Spectacular showing by both Centurion and Slater in this hard hitting Hart Championship match.”

The referee reaches a six count before Slater starts to stir and begins working his way back to a vertical base followed closely by Centurion. Slater takes control with a stiff kick to the right quad before driving Centurion back into a set of buckles where he shoots him across the ring and into the opposite buckles. Slater charges in after Centurion delivering a running knee to the jaw before following it up with a running bulldog driving Centurion face down into the canvass! Slater works his way back to his feet where he backs up into a neutral corner and climbs up on the middle turnbuckle as he measure Centurion who rolls over to his chest and starts pushing himself up off the mat and as he stands back to his feet Slater leaps off the middle turnbuckle delivering a Block Buster neck breaker to a pop from the crowd as Slater makes the cover hooking the near leg of Centurion.




Centurion kicks out to another massive ovation from the crowd as Slater once again cuts his eyes at the referee before demanding a quicker count. The referee argues his point back as Slater gets back to his feet before reaching down and picking Centurion up off the mat. He positions Centurion for his Flip Piledriver which see’s Centurion counter with a double leg take down! Slater pops back up to his feet swinging wildly at Centurion who ducks and counters with his 1,000 MILE SLAM! The crowd pops huge for the Hart Champion as he negotiates the cover hooking the near leg with a back press.




Slater kicks out to the loudest gasp of the night from the crowd as Centurion can’t believe it!

”Tristan Slater is still alive!”

Finally a chant of “THIS IS AWESOME!” starts to echo towards the ring. Centurion starts to stand to his feet where he backs up into a neutral corner in front of Slater. We see Tristan start to push himself up to his knees and as he raises his head Centurion explodes from the corner looking to deliver another V-Trigger which ultimately see’s Slater duck out of the way at the last second avoiding the contact and as Centurion spins around Slater lunges up taking a front waist lock and delivering a Northern Light Suplex that Tristan transitions into a Cross Arm Breaker! The referee is in position as Centurion tries to bring his fingers together looking to interlock them but Slater kicks him in the face with a short kick knocking Centurion head to the mat and effectively allowing him to lock in the Cross Arm Breaker to a mixed reception from the crowd! Shane cheers on from the floor as the official starts asking Centurion to surrender!

”Slater’s got Centurion in a dangerous spot!”

Centurion is in the center of the ring as he refuses to surrender as Slater continues to cranks back on the right arm. The official asks again and again Centurion refuses to surrender and instead he attempts to pull his left arm towards his right a second time! Centurion manages to get his fingertips touching before interlocking them and as the crowd rallies behind Centurion as he works for the counter we see Slater roll through which ends up seeing Centurion on his belly and locked in a Labelle Lock!

”Seamless transition from Slater into another submission attempt!”

The referee immediately gets into position as he asks Centurion to surrender once again with Slater effectively locking down the right arm and cranking back on the head and neck with a crossface! Centurion shakes off the referee as Slater screams at Centurion to “TAP OUT!” while continuing to crank back on the head and neck! The referee asks Centurion to surrender and again the Hart Champion refuses to let the title escape his grasp for now as he refuses to surrender yet visually starts to fade.

”Centurion’s fading! We’re going to have a new Hart Champion!”

Centurion starts fading faster as the referee grabs his free hand and squeezing it before raising it up in the air before releasing it and it falls towards the mat only to see Centurion catch it which brings the crowd to there feet! Centurion places his hand on the mat before pushing up off with all he’s got and manages to roll over on top of Slater into a pinning combination.




Slater escapes the near fall and is the first to get to his feet and Centurion tries to push himself up off the mat but the right shoulder can’t take it as he falls back to the mat. Slater like a shark that smells blood in the water immediately starts stomping away at the right arm and shoulder of the Hart Champion with such intent it’s scary. Slater reaches down picking Centurion up off the mat before driving him down with an Arm Bar DDT which is immediately transitioned into a CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!

”Another submission from Slater!! Centurion is in a bad, bad way here.”

Slater continues to crank back on the crossface as the referee finds himself in familiar territory as of late as he asks Centurion to surrender. Centurion shakes off the referee as Slater is like a pitbull with his grip. The referee asks a second time and again Centurion refuses to lose as he waves off the official before slowly starting to inch his way towards the ropes! The crowd is solidly behind Centurion as he gets close and closer towards the bottom rope to the point he is fingertips away and is able to latch on to the bottom rope which forces the referee to call for the break.

”Break the hold! Come on referee!”

Slater refuses to break the hold which forces the referee to lay the count to him and it’s at the four count we see Tristian release the hold and slide away from Centurion. The referee is all over Slater who simply holds up both hands and audibly states… “I GOT TIL 5!”…

”Technically… he’s right.”

Centurion clutches at his right arm and shoulder as Tristan is shown getting back to his feet. Tristan walks over to Centurion and picks him up off the mat before holding him by his jaw as he screams out at him.


Slater stands Centurion up before looking to deliver a Judas Effect style spinning elbow that Centurion ducks out of the way off and as Slater spins all the way around he is met with a Superkick by Centurion which sends Slater back into a neutral corner! Centurion comes forward where he turns Slater around so that Slater’s front is against the buckles where Centurion runs backwards back across the ring before charging forward with a violent V-Trigger to the spine of Slater! The crowd erupts with the impact as the smack of Centurions knee meeting Slater’s back echoes throughout the arena! Slater falls backwards to the mat as Centurion side steps him letting him fall to the mat as he continues to clutch at his right shoulder showing the damage that’s been done over the last several minutes.

”What’s the next move if you’re Centurion?!?!”

”It’s to stop wasting time and make the cover…”

Centurion starts to shake the right arm before coming out of the corner where he picks Slater up off the mat and delivers a stiff right kick to the quad which drops Slater to one knee and allows Centurion to immediately follow up with a standing enziguri to the temple of Slater! Centurion makes another cover.




Slater kicks out once again to the shock of the crowd! Centurion is in a state of shock as we see Slater roll towards the ropes. He rolls under the bottom rope and out to the ring apron as Centurion starts to work his way to his feet. Slater us shown using the ropes to pull himself to his feet and as he does Centurion explodes towards the ropes where he dives through the top and middle rope with a Spear to Slater sending both men crashing down to the floor! The crowd explodes with a thunderous ovation as Centurion and Slater lay motionless on the floor!

”I’m at a complete loss of words with what we’re seeing! Centurion and Slater are putting on a performance of a lifetime tonight in Las Vegas!”

The official starts to execute a count as both remain laid out on the floor. Shane comes around the ring where he tries to will Slater on. The referee reaches the four count before Centurion starts to stir. Slater starts to stir at the six count while Centurion reaches one knee!

I’m not so sure that they’re going to make the ten count!!!”

The referee hits his eight count as Slater is to one knee and Centurion is using the ropes to pull himself up to a vertical base. At the nine count Centurion rolls back into the ring with Slater lunging and diving under the bottom rope a mere moment before the referee’s ten count!

”This match is going to continue!”

Centurion in the first to his feet before reaching down and picking Slater up off the mat where another stiff European Uppercut is delivered that rocks Slater back into a neutral corner, Centurion charges in after Slater only to eat Slater’s right boot to the face which staggers Centurion backwards and allows Slater to jump up on the middle turnbuckle where he jumps off the middle ropes and into a FLIP PILEDRIVER that spikes Centurion head first into the mat!

”Slater connects with the Glorious Flip Piledriver!”

”But he can’t make the immediate cover!”

Shane is heard pounding the mat as he rallies Slater on who in inching his way towards Centurion where he manages to roll him over and make a cover with a back press and a near leg hooked!




There’s a collective gasp from the crowd followed by a huge pop as Centurion fires the shoulder up off the mat at the very last second!! The thunderous ovation shifts into another “THIS IS AWESOME” chant directed towards the ring as Slater and Centurion are leaving it all in the ring. Slater starts to slowly work his way back to his feet. Slater makes his way towards the ropes where he steps out to the ring apron before walking towards the nearest set of buckles where he starts to climb to the top turnbuckle while in the ring as see Centurion starting to push himself up off the mat as Slater is perched up on the top rope where he leaps off looking for a dropkick which see’s Centurion catch the legs of Slater on the way down where he then turns Slater over into a Wall’s of Jericho!!


The referee is in prime position as he starts asking Slater to surrender as Centurion has a high angled Fall of Rome locked in on Slater! Tristan refuses to surrender as we see Centurion crank back harder on the submission!

”Slater’s got a LONG way to go to get to the ropes because Centurion has the Fall of Rome locked in on Slater in the middle of the ring.”

The crowd starts a massive “TAP! TAP! TAP!” chant towards the ring as Centurion continues to crank on the Fall of Rome as the referee once again asks Slater to surrender and again Slater refuses when suddenly we see Shane jump up on the ring apron distracting the referee and taking Centurions attention causing Centurion to drop the hold and stare across at Shane .

might have just saved this match for Slater!”

The crowd boos intently as Shane mocks Centurion as Centurion slowly approaches. starts having words with Centurion which leads to Centurion slapping the shit out of Shane sending Shane moonsaulting down to the floor! Shane bounces up off the floor swinging at thin air before falling backwards over the security railing and into the crowd!

”Cent’s been waiting MONTHS to return the favor!”

Slater has gotten back to his feet where he comes up behind Centurion latching on to a back waist lock where he snaps off a Bridging German Suplex that folds Centurion up!




Centurion escapes at the very last second to a roar from the crowd. Slater is slow to get back to a vertical base as this hard hitting exchange continues. Slater clutches at his lower back selling the Fall of Rome as he walks towards a downed Centurion. Slater reaches down picking Centurion up off the mat where he delivers a 1,000 MILE SLAM to Centurion!


The crowd is stunned as Slater hurries into the cover hooking the near leg of Centurion!





The crowd erupts with a huge ovation for the nearest fall of the contest!

”It doesn’t get closer to a victory without the bell ringing…”

Slater sits on the mat with a look of utter shock etched across his face as he thought for sure this one would be over! He starts to work his way back to his feet where he calls for a second Flip Piledriver. The crowd is split in response as Slater is shown sizing Centurion up who is shown rolling over to his stomach where he starts to push himself up off the mat.

”We’re going to crown a new Hart Champion!”

Slater waits for just the right moment to come forward where he looks to deliver a second Flip Piledriver! The crowd pops as Centurion counters with a back body drop! Slater crashes hard on the canvass before quickly trying to get to his feet only to have Centurion come up from behind where he hoists Slater up on to his shoulders looking to deliver a One Winged Angel but it’s Slater who slides down the back of Centurion backing up several feet looking to take Centurion’s head off with a Superkick as he turns around! Centurion ducks and takes Slater up on his shoulders in a seated position before driving Slater into the mat with a One Winged Angel!!!

”Fabula Nova Crystallis!!!”

Centurion has the cover!!






”What a freaking match!!!”

The crowd pops big time as Centurion reaches both knees as the referee awards him the Hart Title which raising his left arm up in the air.

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles's face on them fall onto the crowd.


The crowd pop as Noah Jackson strolls lazily from the back and basks in the glow of sick cunt energy washing over him. He slowly puts his right foot forward and glides down the ramp on his heelies, rhythmically raising and lowering pointed fingers to the sky as the crowd chants.


Until he reaches the apron where he gracefully rolls under the bottom rope and goes straight to the corner continuing his motions and the chants until his music is rudely cut off.


- vs -


PC: “It’s a battle for the Television Championship up next as Noah Jackson defends against Thunder Knuckles!”

HHL: “Not only that, Pip! It’s an I QUIT MATCH!”

PC: “Let’s see what happens with the gold is on the line!”


The bell sounds as these two circle around the ring looking for an opening. They meet in the center of the ring before Noah catches Thunder with a side headlock. He wrenches on the hold with a grin on his face as he wrenches more and for down on it. Thunder quickly lifts him up from behind and drops him onto the back of his head with a belly-to-back suplex! Thunder quickly wraps his arms around the neck and head of Noah from behind before lifting him up for a Full Nelson slam! Noah hits the mat hard clutching at his head. Thunder quickly grabs him up and sends him into the ropes before catching his rebound with a scoop slam.

Thunder Knuckles rises to his feet and beckons for Noah to follow him. Noah slowly rises to his feet and is pushed back into the ropes by Thunder. Noah stops there before being clotheslined over the top rope to the floor below. Thunder slides out of the ring, but Noah rushes him and rams him into the ring apron. He grabs Knuckles and nails a big roundhouse kick. He slides into the ring and leans over the top rope before slowly falling down onto Knuckles!


PC: “He’s so brave!”

HHL: “No one would dare take that leap!”

Knuckles actually is knocked to the ground slowly, but the move doesn’t seem to have quite the effect that Noah was hoping for. He begins celebrating only to turn around to a standing Thunder Knuckles.


Noah is blasted by the blow before falling right onto the apron. Thunder lifts him up and rolls him into the ring. He climbs up into the ring just as Noah is staggering to his feet. Thunder Knuckles pushes Noah into the corner before charging him with his knees raised with both knees slamming into his chest!


Noah falls to the mat as Thunder Knuckles climbs to the top rope and leaps!


PC: “This is just a brutal beating from Thunder Knuckles!”

HHL: “He’s really trying to just brutalize Noah! That Xbux must have been a hot topic for him…”

Noah Jackson is in a world of pain as he’s now spitting up blood from the impact! Thunder Knuckles quickly grabs him and wraps his hands around the head of Noah!


PC: “Noah is not looking good!”

HHL: “Noah is spitting up so much blood!”

Noah is spitting up blood, but he’s throwing elbows and hands back to try and break the hold!

After a few moments of fighting, the sleeper hold finally brings his opponent nearly to unconsciousness.

Noah spits up blood and then motions to the referee to bring him a mic.


His words trail off as he begins just spitting up mouthfuls of blood from the apparent internal bleeding from the knee barrage!

WINNER AND NEW XWF Television Champion - Thunder Knuckles

The arena lights dim and shift color casting the venue in a purple haze while simultaneously the ramp and stage lights turn pink. Hello Doves appears briefly on the X-tron in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before Venus by Lady Gaga hits the speakers. The crowd goes apeshit crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage as Atara appears from backstage in a full grunge walk to centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, she blows a kiss before throwing off a silk robe to reveal her attire for the night.

The crowd takes apeshit crazy to new heights. Roses and flowers of every kind are tossed to the stage and ramp. Boys discover erections for the first time, erectile dysfunction is cured, closet lesbians call their parents and come out, it's hysteria.

She full on catwalk struts to the ringsteps and stops at the top to posture once more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring very Stacy Kiebler-ish and awaits the start of the match.

Fuzz makes his way to the ring.


- vs -


The bell rings. Fuzz hops towards Atara who just takes a step back. Fuzz continues forward one hop at a time.

“JUST DO IT!” Fuzz shouts!

Atara runs at Fuzz and attempts a spartan kick, but Fuzz catches her leg, Atara leaps with her free leg but Fuzz somehow manages to duck, causing Atara to fall flat on her face. Fuzz let’s go of her leg, and turns around. Atara quickly leaps to her feet, and chop blocks Fuzz in his bad knee.


"That didn't look good."

Fuzz crumbles down as Atara grabs his leg without any hesitation, and locks in a Kneebar…. she cranks back…..Fuzz is grinding his nails into the mat….. Atara pulls back harder……

Fuzz raises a hand back and tries to grab Atara, but can and has no choice. FUZZ begins to tap out furiously on the mat.


"Well that was uhhhh....something."

"Something smells fishy."

Atara gets up and looks down at Fuzz. He’s grabbing his knee. She extends her hand down to him. Fuzz looks at it and grabs it. She pulls him up to his feet, as the ref drapes the X-Treme title over her shoulder. Fuzz smiles and hobbles out of the ring. Atara follows behind as he stops at the top of the ramp. He turns around and gives the fans one last wave before they both disappear into the back.

I've just gotten word that something is happening backstage! We are going live there now!

The shot cuts to the back where we see Peter Gilmour and Madison Dyson attacking....Atara Themis?!

Peter picks Atara up by her hair and throws her brutally against the wall! She starts to rouse and Madison pulls out a taser! She fires it and the prongs sink deep into her flesh. Atara screams and goes down as Gilly has a good laugh about it! Madison lights her up again for good measure, causing poor Atara to writhe about on the floor in agony! Madison finally relents, as Atara groans and looks like she can barely move. Gilly walks up to her and grabs her head, proceeding to rub her face in his crotch!

Gonna suck my super dick now, aren't you?!

Gilly, stop wasting time! We gotta get her back!

Looking disappointed, Gilly complies and picks Atara up, putting her over his shoulder, but not before taking a leering look at her ass and giving it a slap!

The shot goes back to the announce position.

What the hell prompted THAT?

I don't know and....oh! Something else is going down now!

Dizzyingly, the shot once more goes to the back, and we see the door open to The Sick Cunts locker room! There is shouting coming from inside, and the sound of things being tossed around and broken. The camera ventures inside and all hell has broken loose! Noah and Fuzz are there, but they're both getting the shit kicked out of them in an all out gang assault by The Engineer, Tristan Slater, Shane , and The Hired Guns!

We hear the announce team chiming in via voice over.

Oh my God! Shane and The Engineer's entire faction are waging all out war on The Sick Cunts! What's the meaning of this!

The Hired Guns are working Noah over bad! They're both armed with collapsible batons and they are absolutely decimating Noah, who is trying to hold his arms up to defend himself but it's just too much! One of the Guns lands a final brutal blow upside his head, and a bloody wound is opened immediately!

Meanwhile, Shane, The Engineer, and Tristan are putting the boots to Fuzz! Fuzz tries to crawl towards Noah to protect him, but Shane grabs Fuzz by the foot and drags him away! Enraged, Fuzz tries to mount some offense by spinning onto his back and kicking out at Shane, but that just opens him up to more boots from Tristan and The Engineer!

Get the briefcase! Get the briefcase! Shane barks out.

The Engineer goes over to Fuzz's things and plucks out his 24/7 briefcase! Hold him up! The Engineer gestures for Tristan and Shane to force Fuzz up! They manage to get him vertical, but Fuzz elbows Tristan in the head and starts fighting again! One of the Guns then leaps over and clobbers Fuzz in the back of the head with the baton! Fuzz sinks down to his knees only to be forced up by Shane and Tristan again. The Universal Champion then measures Fuzz and drills him right in the forehead with the briefcase!

This was supposed to be Fuzz's final night with the company, and they're taking a hefty dump all over it!

I just don't get this at all!

Just then, Madison and Peter Gilmour arrive with Atara! Gilly dumps Atara unceremoniously on the floor.

Oh, it looks like the gang's all here. The Engineer gestures at Atara with the 24/7 briefcase. Atara, groggy, starts to try to push herself to her feet and Madison stomps her on the back of the head!

Meanwhile, Fuzz has been busted open by the briefcase shot, and Noah is a bloody mess himself!

Shane reaches down the front of his pants, making a show of doing so and gyrating a bit, and pulls out three sets of hand cuffs. He tosses one pair to The Hired Guns and another pair to Madison. The Guns then proceed to hold Noah down and cuff one of his wrists, while Shane and Tristan hold Fuzz down and cuff one of his wrists. Madison and Gilly do the same with Atara. With The Engineer directing traffic, Noah, Fuzz and Atara are then dragged to the center of the room where they are all handcuffed to each other!

This doesn't look good for them.

Fuzz starts to try to pick himself back up again, and the Guns set in on him with their batons, beating him back down to the floor!

The Engineer then approaches the three of them, with Fuzz's briefcase still in hand.

You think I didn't know? Hmm? You think I didn't see the writing on the wall? Noah starts to rouse a bit and Gilly quickly walks over to him and punches him in the head until he stops moving.

They're helpless like that....not a good spot to be in.

I mean, sure, there's an off chance I was wrong Fuzz and that you didn't actually intend to cash in on me tonight and ride off into the sunset with your ill gotten gains. But I doubt it. And what's the worse case scenario if I made the wrong call? The Engineer chuckles. I get to make you look like a BITCH again?! Still seems like a solid win for me. He looks at the briefcase. And make no mistake Fuzz, you are a BITCH. It was a BITCH move to avoid me all these months, refusing a shot at my title and then acting like the division you wanted nothing to do with was a weak division with no challengers. It was a BITCH move to waste all that time we could have spent building to something great by airing out your borderline personality disorder ad nauseum all over Twitter like anybody actually give a fuck about your incessant relationship drama with Atara. And Atara....oh Atara.... He turns his attention to her. You know, this almost hurts. It does! But honey, you made a bad call. I hope you learn from this experience. And I hope you learn from the experience of maybe taking bad people at face value and not getting suckered when they make nice with you on social media. Viva la Smoke Tricks.

Madison cackles and flips Atara the bird.

Then, refocusing on Fuzz, he continues crowing. I had you MADE, asshole. I had you made the moment you started this charade! You should have taken the shot when you had the chance. But no. You decided to take the coward's route. The route that even Ned Kaye had the stones to say “no” to. Think about that. The biggest fucking cuck in the XWF stood up to me like a man while you hung in the shadows looking to STEAL my PROPERTY out from under me like a snake. Well...NO! NOT YOURS, FUZZ! Never yours! Never!

The Engineer blasts Fuzz in the head with the briefcase again!

Eat shit you whiny little bitch. And stay in your fuckin' place. The champion spits on Fuzz and then looks up at his squad. You got this?

Shane salutes. They're going nowhere for the rest of the night. Have fun with Neddy!

All the fun. He smiles maliciously. I want to thank you all for your help here in this noble endeavor. My victory here tonight is just as much for you as it is for me.

The Engineer holds his arm out for Madison, and she links arms with him and tosses one last baleful glance back at Fuzz, Noah, and Atara before they walk out of the room. Before the door is shut behind them, we see the gang set in on continuing the beating! Then, outside the dressing room we see that a horde of The Engineer's eerie hooded cultists have assembled. In unison, they each pull out a knife!

If Fuzz, Noah Jackson, or Atara Themis somehow make it past this door....stab them to fucking DEATH!

The cultists nod in unison and form a ring around the door, wicked looking blades at the ready. Madison and The Engineer continue to walk arm in arm down the hall. The Engineer takes note of a garbage can in passing, and without missing a beat he tosses Fuzz's 24/7 briefcase into it before the shot cuts back to the announce desk.

Wow! A brutal assault and a potentially halted 24/7 cash in!

But was Fuzz actually going to cash in or was this brutality all for nothing?!

Oh come on! Of course he was, and The Engineer had him dead to rights!

Well, if that was the plan, I can't see how Fuzz could do it now. He's been beaten bloody, on top of the rest of the punishment he took earlier tonight.

And now he's handcuffed to Noah and Atara in a room full of wolves looking to tear him to pieces with the slightest provocation. And even if he somehow manages to beat all of that, he's got a slew of deranged knife wielding cultists to deal with right outside the door. It's bloody brilliant!

MATCH #10:
- vs -

PC: “It all comes down to this! The man who literally busted his opponent’s nose open earlier in the night and the woman who almost took her opponent too lightly!”

HHL: “Or you could look at it as the two people who have earned their way all the way into the finals, Pip.”

PC: “What I mean to say is that it’s all on the line here in this final match! Who will be the King of the Ring?!”


As soon as the bell sounds, Madison Dyson rushes Hanari Carnes and blasts him with a big right hand. He takes the shot and delivers one right back to Madison! The two lock up in the center of the ring trading blows as this match is starting off hot and heavy! Madison ducks one shot from Hanari and reaches forward before just raking his eyes! He staggers backwards clutching at his eyes before catching a huge one hand slap to the back of his head knocking him forward into the corner turnbuckle.

Hanari is pulling at his eyes trying to recover from the blatant cheating. The referee admonishes Madison who just smirks and raises her hands and apologizing very sarcastically. Finally, Carnes comes out of the corner and rushes at Madison with a running kick right to the gut followed by a step-up enzuigiri! She slowly gets back up, but Carnes just takes her out at the knee with a chop block! Carnes grabs her by her hair and brings her over to the bottom rope and begins just putting his full weight on her back. Her neck is pressed against the rope as she coughs out in pain!

PC: “That’s just disgusting!”

HHL: “A vicious side is coming out of Hanari! Everything is on the line here!”

PC: “There are still lines that shouldn’t be crossed though!”

The referee begins his count and Hanari releases her at the four count as he’s not trying to get himself disqualified. It seems his frustration might be getting the best out of him. Madison slowly pulls herself up with a grin on her face. Hanari steps forward, but Hanari is grabbed by the tights and pulled through the ropes to the floor on the outside of the ring! Carnes hits the ground hard as Madison quickly pulls herself back up with a grin.

Dyson climbs out onto the apron and steps down. She points at the steel barricade surrounding the ring and picks up Hanari before whipping him forcefully into it. He slams into it shoulderfirst before crumpling to the ground. She reaches underneath the ring and begins pulling out a weapon! She grabs a steel chair and raises it up!

But the referee removes it from her hand! He reached down from inside of the ring and begins scolding her for it. Hanari raises to his feet as the referee turns around to dispose of the steel chair.


PC: “That’s deplorable!”

HHL: “You shouldn’t really be surprised by anything she does at this point, Pip.”

PC: “Still, Carnes looks like he just got hit by a truck.”

Hanari Carnes crumples to the floor from the impact as Dyson quickly chunks the brass knuckles into the crowd who begin fighting over the piece of the experience. Dyson quickly grabs Carnes seemingly lifeless body and slowly rolls him into the ring. She slides pushing him further into the ring before hooking his leg!





HHL: “He kicked out!”

PC: “And that’s why cheaters never prosper, Heather!”

Hanari managed to power out at the very last second! Dyson looks a bit irritated as she grabs him up, but he’s not going with her. She’s a bit frustrated, but she just grabs his leg and begins to apply a leg bar. Hanari quickly sits up, hooks her head, and rolls her up quickly!



TH-NO! Madison manages to kick out at the very last second!

HHL: “That would’ve been a bit of justice for Mastermind if that had gone through.”

PC: “Excellent job of Hanari really using her own devices against her.”

She gets to her feet and quickly begins just drilling Hanari with vicious stomps aiming at his head and chest. She almost lost the same way she won earlier in the evening. She grabs the head of Hanari and pulls him up to his feet before going for the jawbreaker. Hanari grabs the rope and holds himself up as she falls onto her ass. Hanari springs off the bottom rope and connects with a low kick sending her careening across the ring. He quickly grabs her up and sends her into the corner. He rushes towards her and springs off the bottom rope to the top before connecting with an enzuigiri kick!


Madison falls to the mat as Hanari pulls her to the center before hooking both legs.




Dyson managed to kick out!

PC: “Going to need more than one big kick to send Madison home packing!”

HHL: “He really needs to go for the arm if he’s going to defeat her.”

Hanari grabs her arm and begins dropping knees into the elbow pit trying to soften it up. Dyson is reaching out in pain at each shot. He stops, grabs her hand and rears back, but Dyson manages to hook her hands, but Hanari is really wrenching back on it!


PC: “Excellent call, Heather! It’s like you knew!”

HHL: “Something like that…”

Dyson’s eyes are closed in pain as she releases her hold! Hanari is really ramping up the impact of the move by wrenching things back. Dyson manages to roll onto her side and pin the shoulders of Carnes down for a count!



KICKOUT! Carnes gets a shoulder up, but he doesn’t release the hold.

PC: “Another intelligent move by Dyson even if she didn’t get out of the hold.

Dyson manages to roll him over so that she can grab the bottom rope!

HHL: “Just like that, she’s out of it!”

The referee pulls Carnes off of her as he comes to his feet. Dyson rushes at him with a huge kick right to the shin followed by an elbow shot right to the eye socket of Carnes! He staggers back as blood begins pouring above his eye. Carnes swings out wildly.

Madison catches his arm and quickly keeps it trapped as she transitions into a neckbreaker!


She quickly covers holding both legs!




PC: “She may have a vicious and carless method, but she managed to pick up the win and the tournament victory! She is the new King of the Ring!”


“The following contest is a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE match and is for the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP!”

“Introducing the challenger, cashing in his 24/7 Briefcase, “NOCTORIOUS” NED KAYE!!!”

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

“And his opponent….”

“About to make his way to the ring… he is the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION…. THE ENGINEER!”

The arena goes antiseptic white, almost blindingly so, as the ominous opening notes to “Botanica de Los Angeles” hit. The main screen goes black though with nothing but the words “run engineer.exe” on them in blood red lettering that looks like computer code. Suddenly, that gives way to a strange inverted triangle, a brief flash of the words “Vox Aeterna”, and then as the music starts to kick into higher gear the Engineer appears at the top of the ramp as the bright white light starts to get pock marked with specks of red that race over the crowd. Madison Dyson appears next to him, jawing with fans and generally being a huge bitch. The main screen intersperses shots of The Engineer in action in the ring, cut with red lines of computer code, that strange triangle mark, and the words “Vox Aeterna” flashing like a subliminal message.

The Engineer walks calmly to the ring, title slung over his shoulder with Madison in tow. He will usually be wearing black lipstick, a trace of red or black eyeliner, and his curly hair will be pulled back from his scalp. When he gets to the ring, he'll slide in under the bottom rope, crawling towards a camera at apron level. When he gets close to it he'll smile playfully and whisper “How do you want me?” in time with the music before kipping up to his feet and waiting for the action to start.


- vs -


”Here we go with our Main Event of the evening and the Universal Championship up for grabs in this Falls Count Anywhere match!”

”This thing can end on the Vegas strip! It can go anywhere!”

Engineer and Ned stare across the ring from each other before they start to circle around the center of the ring before looking to tie up which sees Engineer duck the attempt and dart past Ned with a smirk on his face. The crowd boos intently towards the ring as Engineer taunts Ned who simply shakes his head.

”Not even seconds into this and the champ is already trying to play games.”

Engineer comes out from the corner where he and Ned circle each other around the center of the ring where they look to lock up when Engineer evades a second time to louder boos from the crowd. Ned rolls his eyes as the Champ taunts the crowd. Ned rushes Engineer from behind shoving him forward towards the ropes causing both men to spill out to the floor! Ned lands on top of Engineer and hammers down with right hands to the face and jaw of the champion as the crowd roars!

”Ned isn’t playing around for sure!”

Ned pops up off Engineer where he picks him up off the floor and takes him where he hurls him into the security railing! The fans are solidly behind Ned as he charges towards Engineer where he eats a reverse elbow. Engineer takes Ned by the head before turning and sending Ned smashing face first off the ring post! Ned drops to one knee as we see the Engineer pick up excess camera cords where he wraps them around the throat of Kaye where he starts pulling back choking Ned!

”There’s no rules, anything goes!”

Engineer continues pulling back on the choke which forces Ned to turn towards the body of the Engineer where he delivers a Side Suplex on the floor! Ned takes advantage of the stipulation and quickly looks for a cover with a front press and a leg hook.




Engineer kicks out. Ned takes a moment to recover as he reaches a vertical base. He shifts his attention towards the SPANISH ANNOUNCE table. The crowd pops as Ned clears the top of the table sending the Spanish Announcers packing before turning and picking Engineer up off the mat. Ned drives Engineer face first off the Spanish Announce Table before rolling Engineer on top of the table. The crowd pops big as Ned springs up to the ring apron. Ned looks down at the Engineer before coming off the ring apron with a frog splash! Engineer rolls off the table sending Ned crashing through the Spanish Announce Table!

”These two aren’t wasting any time in trying to wrap this up early.”

Engineer recovers and starts to work his way to his feet where he see’s Ned getting to all fours. Engineer charges forward with a vicious running knee to the head! The Champion makes the cover on the broken table debris.




Ned kicks out to a pop from the crowd. Engineer gets to his feet where he reaches down picking Ned up. He hammers Ned with a right hand sending him staggering towards the ring. Engineer comes forward with a surprise throat punch to Kaye before hurling him back into the ring. Engineer slides back into the ring and is back to a vertical base where he measures Ned and as Ned gets up Engineer charges forward delivering a leaping knee to the face which drives Ned back into a neutral corner. Engineer backs up into the opposite corner across the ring where he charges forward to deliver the Helluva Kick! Ned drops to the mat which causes Engineer to crotch himself on the top rope! The crowd pops huge as Ned gets to his feet and Superkicks Engineer sending the Universal Champion free falling down to the floor!

”I didn’t expect this much brutality in the opening minutes, so much for feeling each other out.”

”This is the biggest opportunity of Ned Kaye’s career and thus far he’s seizing the moment!”

Ned climbs the turnbuckles from the inside of the ring while out on the floor Engineer starts to work his way back to his feet and as he does Ned flies off the top rope with a Cross Body Block down on to Engineer! Ned has a cover as the referee slides out to the floor to make the count.




Engineer kicks out to a gasp from the crowd as Ned doesn’t waste time and starts hammering down with right hands to the forehead of the Universal Champion. Ned lands five solid shots before getting back to his feet where he picks Engineer up off the floor and shoots him into the barricade surrounding the ring. Ned charges forward only to be elevated over the barricade and into the crowd from Engineer! Engineer climbs over the railing and into the crowd as he delivers a spinning back fist on the money to Ned’s jaw sending him backwards several feet. The referee is in close pursuit as Engineer takes Ned by the head and up a concrete walk way towards the lower bowl of the arena. Engineer snatches a soda from a kid and drills it into the face of Kaye!

”They’re out in crowd.”

”They can go where ever they want too.”

Engineer hammers Ned with forearm smash knocking Ned to the floor. The crowd around them boo Engineer and as they do the Universal Champion notices a fan with crutches nearby. He walks over and appears to make nice before snatching one of his crutches from his hands. Ned gets back up to his feet where he’s jabbed in the ribs with the crutch from Engineer which doubles Ned over for Engineer to dent the crutch over the back of Ned sending the challenger crumbling to the floor. Engineer drops down into the cover hooking the near leg.




Ned kicks out to a huge ovation from the crowd as Engineer spouts off at the referee as he reaches his feet. Engineer reaches down picking Ned up off the floor before taking him back towards the security railing where he locks in a front face lock before looking to Suplex Ned back into the ringside area! Ned lands on his feet and as Engineer turns around he’s met with a Enzuguri to the temple of the Universal Champion! The crowd pops as Ned locks a front face lock on the Champion before hoisting him up in the air vertically before taking several steps backwards where he drops down spiking Engineer down into the floor with a Brainbuster!


The referee climbs over the security barrier as Ned makes a cover on the Universal Champion!




Engineer shoots a shoulder up off the floor to a massive gasp from the crowd!

”The Engineer is superhuman!”

Ned is to both knees with his hands on his hips as he looks at the referee before he gets back to his feet. He reaches down picking Engineer up off the floor before hurling him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Ned climbs up on the ring apron where he climbs up on the top rope where he measures Engineer who is working his way by pushing himself up off the mat. Ned comes off the top rope with a Scissors Kick across the back of the neck of The Engineer to a massive ovation from the crowd!

”That was the damnedest scissors kick I think I’ve ever seen!”

”Smart by Ned to stay on the head and neck following that sick brain buster on the floor!”

The move takes a toll on Ned as he isn’t able to immediately follow up with the cover. Several seconds pass before Ned is able to make the cover.




Engineer fires a shoulder up off the mat moments before the fatal final three count!

”We almost crowned a new Universal Champion!”

”Ned is really showing me something with this performance thus far.”

Ned starts to work his way back to his feet. He reaches down picking Engineer up off the mat where he hurls Engineer across the ring with an Irish Whip, Engineer bounces off the near side ropes where he ducks under a clothesline from Ned and gains more momentum as he bounces off the near side delivering a running STO to Kaye as he turns around! Both men are laid out with the referee pretty much helpless to do anything but look on.

”Running STO by the Universal Champion which gives him a little bit of time to recover from that onslaught by the challenger.”

Several seconds pass before we see Engineer start to push himself up off the mat and to his feet. He reaches down picking Ned up off the mat before unloading with a series of forearm smashes to the head of Ned with alternating strikes with both arms before landing another spinning back fist that sends Ned sailing backwards into a set of buckles for Engineer to charge forward with a Helluva Kick to Ned! Engineer, quick as a cat is out to the ring apron as we see Ned crumble to the mat before rolling out towards the center of the ring. Engineer scales the turnbuckles reaching the top rope as he measures Kaye who is slowly pushing himself up off the mat and as he does Engineer comes off the top rope delivering a twisting neck breaker to Ned!

”What a flurry by the Universal Champion. Three high impact moves from the Running STO to the Helluva Kick to the twisting neck breaker off the top rope and now he’s looking to put it away with the cover!”




Ned kicks out to a HUGE pop from the crowd!

”I can’t believe he kicked out!”

The crowd rallies around Ned as they start chanting his name. The Engineer is to both knees before standing back to his feet where he reaches down picking Ned up off the mat. He rocks Ned with a forearm smash before taking him back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring, Ned bounces off the ropes ducking under a round house kick attempt by Engineer, Ned bounces off the near side as Engineer drops down to his chest, Ned leaps over Engineer and bounces back off the far side as Engineer springs up to his feet delivering a Dropsault to Ned! Engineer hurries into a cover with another hook of the leg.




Ned pops a shoulder up off the mat once again to a huge ovation from the crowd!

”Ned is refusing to die tonight in Las Vegas!”

Engineer shows a little frustration as he starts to get back to his feet. He reaches down picking Ned up off the mat where he hammers a stiff right hand knocking the challenger backwards into the ropes once again. Engineer charges forward looking to blast Ned with a clothesline only to have Ned send Engineer sailing up and over the top rope with a back body drop sending him crashing down to the floor!!! The crowd responds with a huge pop for Ned!!

”Ned might have just shifted things back into his favor!!

”He’s got to hope he’s got something left after that last exchange from The Engineer.”

Ned turns around facing the ropes and he measures the Engineer before spring boarding off the top rope and crashing down on top of Engineer with a Forearm smash! Engineer is sent flying backwards landing on the entrance ramp! Ned is laid out on the floor as we see the referee roll out to the floor. Ned starts to crawl towards the ramp where The Engineer is face down. Ned crawls closer and closer to the Universal Champion before turning him over and shooting the half with the cover.




Engineer kicks out to a massive gasp from the crowd with the near fall. Ned gets to both knees looking up at the referee who shows him two fingers and inches away from defeating the Universal Champion. Ned stands back to a vertical base where he reaches down picking The Engineer up. Ned hammers Engineer with a vicious right hand rocking the Champion back several feet up the ramp! Ned comes forward connecting with another hard right hand knocking the Engineer several more feet up the ramp before coming forward with a boot to the midsection where he doubles over the Engineer . Ned takes Engineer by the head and takes him back through the curtain!

”Ned’s taking it backstage!”

Camera’s follow the action through the curtain with the referee. Engineer hammers Ned in the ribs breaking his grasp before driving Ned face first off a table in gorilla sending producers scrambling to not be seen on television. Engineer snatches a folding chair where he waits for Ned to raises his head up and as he does Engineer blasts him in the skull with a vicious shot that dents the chair and sends Ned crumbling to the floor! Engineer tosses the chair to the floor and its heard bouncing off the concrete. Ned’s been busted open with the chair shot as Engineer makes a cover.




Ned kicks out to the shock of the Champion and roar from the crowd inside the arena! Engineer starts reigning down with hard right hands to the open wound above Ned’s right eye. Engineer hammers down repeatedly before working his way back to his feet. He reaches down picking a bloody Ned up off the floor before hurling him through an opening that leads to the loading area of the arena where there’s a black town car that’s seen in the not too far distance running with tinted window. Engineer takes Ned towards the trunk of the black town car where he looks to smash him head first into the trunk! Ned puts on the brakes with his hands before countering and introducing Engineer face first off the trunk of the car! Ned smashes Engineer face first of the trunk of the car a second time before flinging Engineer down to the concrete floor.

”Ned’s in a position to put this one away!”

Ned looks back at Engineer who is downed and then shifts his attention towards the car. The crowd roars as Ned walks around the car to the driver’s door. He opens the door and as he does a white powder is thrown into his eyes! Ned staggers away from the car as we see SHANE get out of the driver’s seat. Ned staggers back towards the trunk of the car where he unknowingly staggers toward Engineer who spits BLACK BLOOD in the face and eyes of Ned before following it up with a vicious MORTE NOIRE!! Ned crumbles upon impact! The Engineer makes the cover as the referee drops down making the count.






”Engineer retains the Universal Championship over a game Ned Kaye!!”

Immediately Shane runs off camera only to return seconds later with the XWF Universal Championship while Peter Gilmour and Tristan Slater emerge from the back of the black town car where they make their way to Engineer and help him up before taking him to the town car. They load Engineer in the car before getting in themselves as Shane is shown getting in the driver’s seat with the title in hands. He closes the door and turns the keys to start the engine...



NO CLICKING...............


NO SPARK OF ANY KIND...............

"What the potato loving fuck is going on?" Shane shouts as he opens the car door and lifts up the hood to look inside.


"What the hell was that?"

The hood of the car slams shut on the top of Shane's dome forcing his face into the car's engine block making him slightly dazed and confused.

The camera pans around to see both Vincent Lane and Theo Pryce standing there.

"Looking for this?" Lane asks Shane as Theo Pryce holds out his hand to Shane revealing that he's holding the car's spark plug.

"Sup dudes?" Lane says as he removes something rather large from inside his coat pocket. He reaches into the car with it and starts prodding The Engineer with it....



The Engineer's body starts involuntarily contorting from the electrical charges being shot into his body.

Tristan Slater and Peter Gilmour both emerge from the car and converge on Lane when suddenly XWF"s head of security TOMMY GUNN magically appears. He spears Slater into the side of the car creating a large dent in the door frame.

Peter Gilmour turns around completely shocked at what he sees when the most unexpected and magical thing to ever happen on XWF television happens, Peter's greatest enemy and Tommy Gunn's little 13 year old nephew Christian Gunn leaps off the hood of the car and delivers a DEVASTATING GUNNER CUTTER OUTTA NOWHERE To Peter Gilmour.

"Miss me Petey?" The kid says as he looks down at Peter.

Vincent Lane looks back down at Shane who is still seated upright at the hood of the car trying to shake the cobwebs off..."Sorry to spoil your getaway Shane but we have it on good authority that your chosen champion is needed for one final thing tonight. But don't worry. Me and MY HIRED GUNNS will take it from here."

Tommy Gunn pulls a still convulsing Engineer from the car and throws him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and slowly walks him through the back of the arena into the ring arena where he drops the Engineer on the ring apron and then with both hands rolls the Universal Champion into the center of the ring as Vincent Lane and Christian Gunn also make their way out from the back.

Fuzz appears from behind the curtain, with Atara Themis beside him as The Engineer lays in the middle of the ring his body still twitching ever so slightly. Atara is holding a manila folder and a bag draped over her shoulder. Fuzz hobbles out to the cheers of the fans, while Atara takes in everything. . Holding himself up with a crutch under his arm. He waves to the crowd and slowly makes his way to the ring. A grimace of pain on his face every time his left foot touches the ground. The Engineer starts to stir as Fuzz tosses the crutch on the apron and lifts himself up gingerly. Fuzz pulls himself under the ropes and lifts himself up, steadying himself with the crutch. Atara climbs up the steps and gets into the ring standing between the two of them.

Fuzz smiles and gives The Engineer a quick wink. Fuzz is tossed a microphone. The fans are beginning to chant.


The Engineer uses the ropes behind him to help pull himself up and as he does shakes his head and points to Fuzz’s knee. The Engineer scoffs and begins to stumble towards the ropes.

“Ummmm excuse me….. where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

The Engineer looks over his shoulder and turns around. With a puzzled expression on his face he shakes his head and tosses the Universal Title over his shoulder.

“Great I’m glad I’ve got your attention. You can rest easy there buddy. I’m out here for my speech and then you can go back to your….. whatever the hell it is you’re doing.

Fuzz then asks for the folder from Atara. She hands it to him and then leans up against the corner turnbuckle.

“What I have right here are my official retirement papers. I haven’t signed them yet because well, I wanted all of you out there to be a part of this.”

Fuzz pauses for a moment.

“I wanted everyone in the world to know that FUZZ is no longer a part of the XWF. I’ve been here for longer than I care to imagine. It’s time for me to move on. It’s time. Yet I’m going to say a few words and then I’ll be on my way.”

Fuzz turns towards the ramp and points towards it.

“I came back one year ago today. I never thought in a million years I would still be standing here in this ring. All it took was one call and I was back. One man said hey if you wanna do this, welcome back. Then the others got on board pretty quickly. Letting me come back, and just be here again. So Raven, Vinny and Theo, thank you for this past year. You guys won’t have to worry about me barging into your offices anymore.”

Fuzz smiles and then turns back towards the hard camera.

“Noah…. I’m sorry that tonight didn’t turn out the way you wanted. It looks like both of us are going to be out of commission for a while. The difference is, you’re going to come back tenfold, while I’ll just be at home watching. I’m going to need Vita to keep an eye on him. I know he’s a handful, but if anyone can do it, it’s you. And finally there’s you….”

Fuzz turns to Atara who saunters up towards him. She opens the folder and hands Fuzz a pen. He quickly scribbles his name on the first page, and then hastily flips to the last page. He pauses for a moment, and looks at Atara, who gives him a small smile. Content Fuzz signs the paper and then turns back to the crowd.

“I need to thank you Atty. You’ve allowed me to be myself. You’ve allowed me to become a better man, person and human.”

Atara grabs Fuzz’s hand and places something in it. Fuzz looks down at it and shakes his head. He tosses to object to the ground, as the camera zooms in on the needle. Fuzz turns towards the Engineer.

“That right there is a sign. Nothing is going to happen so you just need to relax.”

Fuzz holds his hands up showing they are empty.

“No tricks, just a broken Fuzz out here. You can look at the papers if you want. Fuzz is done here man. You don’t have to worry about him.”

Just then Atara walks up behind Fuzz and whispers something in his ear.

“Well if that isn’t interesting.”

Fuzz hobbles towards The Engineer who doesn’t back down and holds his ground because of Fuzz’s weakened state.

“You see what I find interesting is….”

Fuzz slides an object out of his sleeve away from the view of The Engineer.

“Despite your crews best efforts to the're out here alone.”

Fuzz swings his loaded hand towards The Engineer who on instinct ducks under and kicks the crutch out from Fuzz, as he falls to the ground in a heap. Engineer looks at the fallen Fuzz and as he turns around is met by a massive Spartan Kick from Atara, sending the Engineer to the ground. Atara grabs Fuzz by the hand and lifts him up. He braces himself against her.

“*snickers* Nice try kid.”

Fuzz gently pushes Atara away, and stumbles for a moment and then flexes his leg. Then he does a fucking Fortnight dance, but is stopped when Atara smacks him in the back of the head. Fuzz quickly bends down and grabs the needle. The Engineer is beginning to stir.

“Ahhh Ahhh aaaaa….”

Fuzz jams the needle in his neck and depresses the plunger. Engineer’s eyes roll back in his head as his body goes limp. Fuzz sits down right next to him, cross legged.

“What an interesting turn of events.”

Fuzz smacks the Engineer in the face lightly a few times.

“I know you can hear me, if your eyes were open you could see me, but you’re paralyzed. I know I’ve been there. I’ve felt the effects of these needles. So just act like the good little bitch you are and listen.”

Fuzz begins to rock back and forth, as Atara grabs the folder and tosses it in Fuzz’s lap.

“You see since you’ve won that piece of tin, you’ve been what I like to call an undesirable jackass. You somehow made that title meaningless. I always knew that this was going to happen, but I waited. And I waited. I wanted to see how you’d deal with being the top dog.”

Engineer begins to stir a little bit. Atara reaches into the bag and hands another needle to Fuzz who has his hand up waiting.

“You are nothing more than an arrogant prick. You think that you are the greatest thing in the whole wide world. You think you’re untouchable….”

Fuzz reaches out his index finger and taps Engineer a few times right between the eyes.

“You’re not. You see you asked for this. This is what you wanted right? No, no, no. You wanted an actual match. You wanted me to cash in the hard way…. well how did that work lit for Ned?”

Fuzz looks around the ring and laughs. Engineer begins to move his arm towards Fuzz, but his wrist is stomped on by Atara. She pins his wrist to the mat. Fuzz once again jams the needle into his neck. Soon his body is limp once again.

“I fucking hate you…. no that’s not enough. I loathe you… I abhor everything you stand for. You expect people to believe a word you say? You galavant around with the Nazi, the two idiot hired guns, and the joke known as Peter…. yet you say we as the general population have low standards.”

Fuzz stands up to his feet and begins to pace the ring back and forth.

“No, what I really don’t get is…. where is the mystic? Where are all of your powers now? No you’re just a ma… little boy playing with people you don’t want to be around. Look at you now. I mean fuck Man, in the same time you’ve had that title I’ve made two divisions more popular and prestigious than the Universal title…”

Fuzz stops suddenly, and looks towards the fans.

“I know what you’re all thinking…. I should just get to the fucking point already…. fine…..”

Fuzz walks up to Atara and takes the bag from her and sits down next to the Engineer. One by one Fuzz pulls out a needle and stabs a needle in his body, until there are over a dozen protruding from him. And one by one Fuzz depresses the plunger. Fuzz the peels open Engineer’s eyes and holds the folder up to his face.

“The first page is in fact my retirement. The last page on the other hand…guess I’ll make this title relevant again…...”

Atara begins to wave to the back for a ref. One comes running from the back as Atara snatches the folder from Fuzz who is still laying down in front of the Engineer. Atara exits the ring, as Fuzz stands up and picks Engineer up with him.

The ref calls for the bell.

- vs -
The Engineer
Universal Title Match

Fuzz let’s go of the Engineer as he wobbles for a moment, but before he could fall over Fuzz boots him in the stomach and levels him with a Futureshock DDT. Fuzz quickly rolls the Engineer over and covers.




"HOLY SHIT! How did Engy do that?"

"Super human maybe?"

"I have no idea and from the look on Fuzz's face neither does he."

Fuzz sits up looking completely astonished, so too does Atara. Fuzz gets to his feet and immediately reaches down and pulls The Engineer up to his feet. Fuzz rears back with his right arm and then launches that arm towards The Engineer's face but Engy blocks it with both arms at the very last second and then instantly smashes his head forward into Fuzz's cutting the man open right at the bridge of his nose.

"Looks like The Engineer has some fight in him after all."

Fuzz stumbles backwards as blood starts to flow from his open wound. The Engineer lunges forward and starts throwing violent haymakers at Fuzz, connecting with some and missing with others. The Engineer whips Fuzz into the ropes and on the rebound tackles Fuzz to the ground and starts pounding at Fuzz's face over and over again. Fuzz tries to block as many as he can but there are just too many of them coming in too quickly to catch them all. It isn't until The Engineer's arms start to show signs of slowing down that Fuzz is finally able to show The Engineer off of him.

Fuzz crawls backwards a bit to try and create some separation between himself and his opponent. Fuzz get's to his feet first as Engy, using his fists tries to push himself up but his arms give out and he collapses to the ground.

"Looks like the drugs may finally be kicking in."

Fuzz cautiously walks over to a downed Engineer, he grabs him by his hair and lifts his head ever so slightly. He looks directly into The Engineer's eyes. "Corey is that you?" Fuzz asks as he shoves the head back down to the mat and lays atop The Engineer for the pin.




Winner by Pinfall And Nnneeewwwwwww UNIVERSIAL CHAMPION-

Shawn quickly hops off of the Engineer and has his hand raised by the ref. Shawn grabs the title from him as Atara rolls in under the ropes. Shawn puts his hands down and raises her arms high into the air. Shawn once again calls for a mic, he stands over the body of the Engineer.

“It’s not the title that makes the man…. it’s the man that makes the title…”

Shawn drops the Universal title over the body of Engineer. Atara and Shawn both leave the ring walking up the ramp as medical personnel rush towards the ring. The camera pans over to Shawn’s face as he flashes a crooked grin as the camera cuts.

Special Thanks To:
Chris Page
The Brothers Blackwater
The Engineer
The rest of the GM team
And all of you who wrote roleplays and submitted segments

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 10 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-29-2020), Atara Raven (03-29-2020), Barney Green (03-30-2020), bRiaN sTorM (03-30-2020), Chris Page (03-29-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-31-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (03-29-2020), Shawn Warstein (03-29-2020), The Brothers Blackwater (03-29-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-29-2020)
Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-29-2020, 05:23 PM

[OOC: I am gonna do one as Hanari after the event as well, but I wanted to get this out first.

Just wanted to say hell of a pay per view to everyone involved. To the new champs, congrats. To the retaining champs, good job. To my opponent Big D, I loved working with ya. Madison....congrats. I wanted this so bad but I didn't have much left and your last promo was off the chain. Look forward to the future of XWF and working with all of you in the future as well.

Also, hell of a show and getting it put together that quick?! Can we get a hand clap for the management team as well! Bravo!
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[-] The following 5 users Like Hanari Carnes's post:
bRiaN sTorM (03-30-2020), red-x (04-09-2020), Shawn Warstein (03-29-2020), The Brothers Blackwater (03-29-2020), Theo Pryce (03-29-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-29-2020, 06:36 PM

Just want to drop a quick thank you to everyone who participated here. There was a lot of great work done and it was awesome to see.

Also thanks and great job to Theo who really did a ton of work here.

That cash in was the subject of a lot of convt over the weekend and leading up to the PPV. Usually these sorts of things are a surefire title change. This one was really dissected and talked over and measured... at the end of the day I think we made the right call, but I personally have not seen an instance of it being so close before.

Fuzz, I loved your stuff. Engy, yours too. You called it and knew what was coming, and your writing is some of the best I've seen in fedding. It was genuinely a pleasure to read this matchup, even though it was a serious pain in the ass to decide the right outcome.

Anyway, congrats to everyone, not just the winners. You all did great.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
bRiaN sTorM (03-30-2020), Shawn Warstein (03-29-2020), The Brothers Blackwater (03-29-2020), Theo Pryce (03-29-2020)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-29-2020, 07:11 PM

(03-29-2020, 06:36 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Just want to drop a quick thank you to everyone who participated here. There was a lot of great work done and it was awesome to see.

Also thanks and great job to Theo who really did a ton of work here.

That cash in was the subject of a lot of convt over the weekend and leading up to the PPV. Usually these sorts of things are a surefire title change. This one was really dissected and talked over and measured... at the end of the day I think we made the right call, but I personally have not seen an instance of it being so close before.

Fuzz, I loved your stuff. Engy, yours too. You called it and knew what was coming, and your writing is some of the best I've seen in fedding. It was genuinely a pleasure to read this matchup, even though it was a serious pain in the ass to decide the right outcome.

Anyway, congrats to everyone, not just the winners. You all did great.

I mean I did some work for sure but this PPV is a prime example of how great results can be when the roster steps up and helps with writing matches. and getting them in on time. Because when the GM's don't have to write the entire show or large portions of the show we can focus on other things, segments, angles, tweaks, things that often get lost when rushing to put a late show together.

So a BIG thank you to all the various roster members that helped make this a great show. Not just in the results but in the roleplays leading up to the show itself.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 5 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
bRiaN sTorM (03-30-2020), Phantom Panzer (03-31-2020), red-x (04-09-2020), Shawn Warstein (03-29-2020), The Brothers Blackwater (03-29-2020)
The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-29-2020, 09:14 PM

OOC - This was a fantastic event, from start to finish and the effort shows, I really enjoyed reading it. All the twists and turns and crazy, madcap, hijinx... this is what I love seeing when I read results and MM exceeded my expectations, tenfold. So kudos everyone, you did an amazing job and the proof is right here, for all to see. Well done.

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Brothers Blackwater's post:
bRiaN sTorM (03-30-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-31-2020, 08:46 PM

fuck fuzz.. fuck atara (literally she sucked my dick).. fuck tommy scum and his f a g son and fuck vinny and theo. i smell a stinky cum stained rat!

u will all pay dearly!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Griffin MacAlister Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-01-2020, 03:15 AM

(03-31-2020, 08:46 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: fuck fuzz.. fuck atara (literally she sucked my dick).. fuck tommy scum and his f a g son and fuck vinny and theo. i smell a stinky cum stained rat!

u will all pay dearly!!

"Fuck off dude. Ain't anyone willing to suck that microdick of yours. No one except that fugly ass man that you married. And how do you know what a cum stained rat, smells like? Have you busted your nut onto a rat or some shit? Then picked it up and sniffed it? That's fucked up."

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Griffin MacAlister's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-01-2020)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-01-2020, 04:07 AM

(03-31-2020, 08:46 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: fuck fuzz.. fuck atara (literally she sucked my dick).. fuck tommy scum and his f a g son and fuck vinny and theo. i smell a stinky cum stained rat!

u will all pay dearly!!

Fight me Peter.

Then you can say you can brag to your one friend about how you lost to two members of the Gunn family. My at the time 8 year old NEPHEW and me.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-01-2020, 04:40 AM

“Sorry Peter, Atara and I couldn’t hear you from way up here.... What was that again? Right we will pay dearly? Yup. Let me tell you if a child can get one over on you....”

“Yeah, we aren’t worried.”
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Shawn Warstein's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-01-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-01-2020, 05:13 AM

Who shit on Gilly's waffles?

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-01-2020, 01:53 PM

(04-01-2020, 04:07 AM)Tommy Gunn Said:
(03-31-2020, 08:46 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: fuck fuzz.. fuck atara (literally she sucked my dick).. fuck tommy scum and his f a g son and fuck vinny and theo. i smell a stinky cum stained rat!

u will all pay dearly!!

Fight me Peter.

Then you can say you can brag to your one friend about how you lost to two members of the Gunn family. My at the time 8 year old NEPHEW and me.
Your son is a f a g. And cant truly beat me without help from his gay friends and u sir are jyst like him

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-01-2020, 01:54 PM

(04-01-2020, 05:13 AM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Who shit on Gilly's waffles?

They were some good Belgian waffles man.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Griffin MacAlister Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-01-2020, 02:18 PM

(04-01-2020, 01:53 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said:
(04-01-2020, 04:07 AM)Tommy Gunn Said: Fight me Peter.

Then you can say you can brag to your one friend about how you lost to two members of the Gunn family. My at the time 8 year old NEPHEW and me.
Your son is a f a g. And cant truly beat me without help from his gay friends and u sir are jyst like him

"Damn Tommy Gunn, I bet you didn't realize you had a son that beat Peter Gilmour too."

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-01-2020, 09:26 PM

his son is a dicklicker

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Griffin MacAlister Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-02-2020, 01:01 AM

[Image: 53ce1062-e6da-4d15-853b-0e81a370a82e_text_hi.gif]

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Griffin MacAlister's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-02-2020)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-02-2020, 03:28 AM

(04-01-2020, 01:53 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said:
(04-01-2020, 04:07 AM)Tommy Gunn Said:
(03-31-2020, 08:46 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: fuck fuzz.. fuck atara (literally she sucked my dick).. fuck tommy scum and his f a g son and fuck vinny and theo. i smell a stinky cum stained rat!

u will all pay dearly!!

Fight me Peter.

Then you can say you can brag to your one friend about how you lost to two members of the Gunn family. My at the time 8 year old NEPHEW and me.
Your son is a f a g. And cant truly beat me without help from his gay friends and u sir are jyst like him

Try me. Stop running like the scared little bitch that you are and actually face me in the ring. I asked you 6 years ago and you declined, but you were quick to accept a match with my NEPHEW figuring you could beat an 8 year old...but ya didn't.

So how about you stop talking and start fighting? Do I need to ask your new best friend Shane if you're allowed to come out and play?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-02-2020, 10:51 AM

Shane can be the ref and screw u over

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-02-2020, 02:17 PM

"Cause that's the only way you could beat, Tommy. Boom. There I said it, and I don't even know Gunn but I know you, Gilly. You literally just admitted it too. Haha! Fucking priceless. Why else would you suggest Shane as the ref and mention Gunn getting screwed over? Because that's the only way you would beat him, thats why."

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-02-2020, 02:45 PM

(04-02-2020, 10:51 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Shane can be the ref and screw u over

Shane as the ref? Fine with me. You see Pete what you don't seem to get but everyone else does is that you are so bad your own mother could be the special ref and you'd still find a way to lose.

So go ahead. Get Shane as the ref, let him bring on The Hired Guns and Tristan Slater, get every single fucking friend you have because it won't matter.

You've already lost and you are the only one here who doesn't know it yet.

Pick a date and let's do this once and for all.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-02-2020, 07:58 PM

Sure thing. Ill just lay down and let u pin me then u can stfu and leave again. Gtfoh and theo fuck u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Griffin MacAlister Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-02-2020, 09:19 PM

"What the fuck does Theo, have to do with anything?"

[Image: Teg4zqi.jpg]

Title History
3x X-Treme Champion
1x (and 1st ever) North Korean Champion (Now the Television Title/X-Bux Championship)
1x Tag Team Champion (Longest reigning tag team champion @273 days. 231 w/Sebastian Duke and 42 solo)
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-03-2020, 03:46 AM

His comment wasnt needed

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-03-2020, 04:04 AM

IC: What comment?

OOC: What comment?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Theo Pryce's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-03-2020)
Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

04-03-2020, 04:23 AM

Don't pat us on the back dare you!

[i[Image: vEWm3Pg.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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Theo Pryce (04-03-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Atara Raven's post!
drezdin5788 (04-03-2020)

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