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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery V RP Board
Story Time with Atara
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Atara Raven Online
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

11-22-2019, 12:42 AM

[Image: rqMhoZl.png]

"Hello Doves...."

Week by week fans were becoming more intimate with the maidenly and yet slinky voice coming through their speakers at this present moment. Even if they didn't care to hear what she had to say, they were just as content to watch Atara say it. Gathered round televisions, laptops, and mobile devices world wide, her doves watched as she manifested onto screens and into homes of the XWF faithful. She had a special treat in store today.

The full attention they had given her over the last few weeks had not been returned in kind. Promotional appearances kept short, late arrivals, and half hearted performances in the ring had been their reward. Atara had fallen short of the promises made at her debut and tonight she intended to make good her side of the bargain. The only one who could turn off the TV in disappointment tonight would be her opponent, Jessalyn Hart.

"....ardent stewards of my fandom, it's been a while since have made an unbidden intrusion on your time. What is it they say though, good things come to those wait?" She spoke amorously and remained nestled in the confines of her crimson cushioned throne.

"And wait you have, so here I am, and with little time for dalliance. We have much to discuss doves, first and foremost this little dilemma with certain promotional items." Poking out her bottom lip, Atara feigned a moue and her voice took a whimper, "I was absent in both name and likeness."

Feigned sadness dissolved into a reassuring smile, "But don't worry, for those collectors of mine, a poster featuring myself will be available in short time. Please, I urge you to be respectful and refrain from vandalizing Jessalyn's image. Hitler moustaches and phallic shapes are bad taste." pointing a scolding finger at the camera, Atara's torso lifted upright. Sat up, it was now time for business.

"Because Doves, as insipid as she is, as abhorrent as she is, lowering yourselves to her level would be a waste of your time and energy. Leave her chastisement to me. Reprimand by hand alone. There is no castigation like that brought forth from the wrath of Aphrodite incarnate and Jessalyn Hart hath hearten me into a livid distemper." The last of Atara's words squeezed through clinched teeth and grimaced lips.

As the fans would soon hear, it was not the loss to Jessalyn that had tied Atara's panties into a proverbial hemorrhoid sized knot, but the utterance of a single word.


"My loss to Jessalyn Hart last Savage, that rest on me Doves. After an encounter with Vlad the Impalar, a serial murderer in Mercy, and witnessing a tiny man near decapitate himself with his...with his...little dictator! I was overwhelmed, I was distracted and Jessalyn as a veteran capitalized."

It shouldn't have ended any other way....but Jessalyn...

Hands at her side, Atara's fingers clinched the couch's edge. She inched forward and leaned in piercing the camera with a malifnant glare, " almost did. It took a last ditch effort. A doe-eyed cliche with her head in the clouds nearly toppled you Jessalyn, and then you have the audacity to suggest your victory had anything to do with the 'has been still having' it. You imply that I am the one who should hope for luck. You reduce to me a dog!"

Knuckles had turned white while a scowl and furrowed brows had contorted Atara's expression into a permanent glower.

"Arrogance and hubris Jessalyn. Arrogance and hubris. You're not getting the same opponent come Lethal Lottery. You've won the entirety of my assuidity at Savage. To quote every erotica novel since Fifty Shades, you awoke my inner goddess. Johannesburg, Jessalyn, the full weight of Aphrodite's wrath lands on your head."

"Laugh, dismiss it, it doesn't matter. When I say Aphrodite I don't mean the idea of the topless statues of antiquity your angels pleasure themselves to when God's not looking."

"Astarte, Queen of Heaven. goddess of fertility, sex, love, and war. Innana, Queen of Heaven. Goddess of fertility, sex, love, war. Venus, goddess of fertility, sex, love, victory. In every incarnation the power to create and take life. To bend the hearts of mortal and divine alike, to make beauty and to create monsters."

"The divine loathe nothing more than arrogance and hubris, Jess. It doesn't matter the faith, each and every time, someone is punished severely. Lethal Lottery, that one word will cost you."

You will bend, you will break, you will scream, and you will bleed. It will not stop until you apologize. Vita can not help you. Your past title reigns can not help you. The entirety of the celestial hierarchy and all the demons of hell can not help you."

"I hope you enjoyed the homecoming. Those where the last days of relevance you'll ever have again."

"Til next time Doves..."

All the screens around the globe transition out for a commercial break. Morgan Freeman's voice resonates in the eardrums of America while a famous duet plays in the background.

This is XWF superstar Atara Themis
[Image: yvNQGCY.gif]

This is Not XWF superstar Atara Themis
[Image: 0O1lufc.gif]

This is the America You Want
[Image: nQnlY9Z.gif]

This is the America You Have
[Image: 7scZVzG.gif]

This is a America under Drezdin
[Image: EFsDtDU.gif]

This is a America with Anyone Else
[Image: gLGl0r1.gif]

Don't Be the Reason We're Ugly
[Image: cOf4tyQ.png]

As the music fades out the voice of XWF's Thunder Knuckles chimes in.

I'm Thunder Knuckles and I approve this message.

[i[Image: vEWm3Pg.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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[-] The following 5 users Like Atara Raven's post:
Corey Smith (11-22-2019), Noah Jackson (11-22-2019), Theo Pryce (11-23-2019), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-22-2019), Vita Frickin Valenteen (11-29-2019)

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