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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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The Auld Farmer's New-Year-Morning Salutation to his Auld Mare, Maggie, on giving her
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Maxine Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-03-2019, 06:11 AM

Maxine, the mountainous woman of very few words, is walking through the hallways of the XWF when it becomes painfully clear that she is, in fact, hopelessly lost.

She turns down the Federweight Hallway and sees an old friend, Sarah Lacklan, and knows she'd be able to help her. She walks up to the newly crowned Anarchy Champion, jostling her six two-gallon jugs of protein supplement in her arms until she can expose her face enough to catch Sarah's attention with her eyes.

"Oh, and THEN the waitress was all like, ma'am, we don't HAVE squab here" and I LOST it... oh hey Max. I'm kinda busy right now, bb."

Maxine nods, not wanting to bother her friend much. She just needs directions. So she opens her mouth to ask which way to go in order to get to the onsite gym.

" - "

"Sorry Max, SO busy right now. Text me, K? Anyway, Ash, I was SO mad. I immediately demanded a manager, who was USEless. Oh, AND ANOTHER THING..."

Realizing Sarah isn't going to be much help, Maxine shrugs and heads back the way she came. She takes a left and then a right, finding herself in a wide hallway built in an anomolous gothic style, as if it were much older than the rest of the building. Flickering torch sconces line the walls, which appear to be constructed from damp stone. Maxine heads deeper into the descending hallway, struggling to keep the supplements balanced in her muscular forearms as the decline becomes steeper.

Then, she sees Steve Justice. He seems just as lost as she, as it's clear he has no business in this part of the building. She thinks he may be able to help her find her way out, or at least to a lavatory. Maxine's bladder control was getting worse in recent years, after all. Max stumbles as she approaches Steve and her pile of protein collapses on top of him, pinning him to the floor just beneath an intricate tapestry of Peter Gilmour during his third X-Treme reign.

Maxine isn't stupid. She knows what an opportunity this is.

After clearing away one of the barrels of powder, she lifts it in the air and sends it crashing into Justice's temple, knocking him stone cold unconscious. She then covers him with a lateral press, hooking the leg in picture perfect form as referee Lawanda Sass appears from a false wall secret entrance and drops to her knees to make the count.


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Steve_Justice Offline
The Anarchist

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

08-03-2019, 03:36 PM


Steve sat bolt upright knocking over some empty beer cans. What happened last night? And why was he craving protein powder? To be continued!

[Image: zdU7TYol.png]
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