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Author Message
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
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10-16-2017, 11:06 AM

[Image: jJi9SvQ.gif]

October 14th, 2017

[Image: HlnjFLL.gif]

LIVE from Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia!

- vs -
Standard Match

6 Man Leap of Faith Match
Jim Caedus - vs - Chris Chaos - vs - Danny Imperial - vs - Scully - vs - Gabe Reno - vs - Robert Main
The match takes place up in the rafters.
Winner is the first person to grab the case by taking a "leap of faith"

- vs -
John Samuels
Xtreme Title Match
X-treme Rules

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
If Peter wins he becomes The Kings Jester
If Cadryn wins he becomes the Hart Champion
John Madison as ref

"The Kings™" Doctor Louis D'Ville and Theo Pryce
- vs -
Tyler Cross and Barney Green
Tag Team Title Match
Xtreme Rules per Barney's request

Neville Sinclair
- vs -
- vs -
Phantom Panzer
Ladder Match

Miss Michelle
- vs -
Jenny Myst
Bombshell Title Match
Bra and Panties Match

Unknown Soldier
- vs -
Reeve Alexandra Gordon
First Blood Match

John Holiday
- vs -
- vs -
Finn Kuhn
Triple Theat - Winner picks between a Hart or TV title shot.

Opening Match Federweight Scramble
Calypso - vs - The Big Kahuna - vs - Drezdin - vs - Michael Cruise - vs - Asesino El Saddai - vs - MR WS - vs - Mini Morbid - vs - Grande Ricardo
15 Minute Time Limit

The show opens to total silence, blackness filling the empty Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia. The God’s-eye view dips down and moves through the scaffolding where the heralded Leap of Faith match is set to ensue later in the evening.

Slowly, the POV moves down through the rafters of the building, what little ambient light there is available glinting off of empty seats and railways. Eventually, the ring with its XWF logo in the center finds its way into view, and becomes the focal point.

The perspective continues to descend, as a lone spotlight illuminates the center of the ring, revealing a lone man standing there in a shadow.

The house lights gradually come up as the POV rights itself in front of the man, and we see his face as well as the crown on his head.

[Image: tumblr_nz9bi98F4a1toeirko5_r1_400.gif]

Vincent Lane winks and smiles, then raises a microphone to his lips.

“Ladies and gentlemen… welcome to XWF’s own… LEAP… OF… FAITH…”

The lights fully come on, revealing the full magnitude of the intricate scaffolding structure overhead.

“Tonight… the future of the XWF will be determined. Not only will we see the Universal Championship decided as Hall of Legends all-time great James Raven defends against a man who’s NEVER held the honor, Robbi Bourbon, but the Leap of Faith match itself will award its winner with the prestigious 24/7 Briefcase… the ramifications of tonight’s events will set the tone for months to come.”

Vincent smiles again, and pulls a briefcase of his own from behind his back. This one a leather attaché.

“But first… I have an award to hand out. Every month here in the XWF we honor one of our competitors with the recognition of STAR OF THE MONTH for their incredible performance. Today, I’m awarding that honor for the month of September, 2017… to the SUGAY SISTERS!”

The camera widens, and we see the two twin sexpots on either side of Vincent, twirling his hair and running their hands up and down his torso. Tala kisses him on the cheek while Jaslene raises a slender leg up around his waist.

Vincent grins from ear to ear as he hands the attaché case over to Jaslene, then gives her a kiss on the lips.

“It’s good to be the king.”

Opening Match Federweight Scramble
Calypso - vs - The Big Kahuna - vs - Drezdin - vs - Michael Cruise - vs - Asesino El Saddai - vs - MR WS - vs - Mini Morbid - vs - Grande Ricardo
15 Minute Time Limit

Tig O’Bitties: The following contest is a battle royal, and it is for the XWF FEDERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

Jim Ross: Luca, as you can see, we already have some of the competitors in the ring here to start this off. I see The Big Kahuna down there, along with MR WS…

Luca Arzegotti: God damn right you do Jim! Also in there is Asesino El Saddai, who is definitely a terrorist. Michael Cruise too!

Tig O’Bitties: Introducing next, from MINI MORBIDONIA…. OH MY GOD!!!


In a flash of motion, a tiny midget in a red mask comes flying down from the rooftop, smacking into the turnbuckles. A splash of blood spatters onto Tig, who goes into shock and starts sobbing.



Luca Arzegotti: Jesus, his harness wasn’t attached right! Mini was going to do a grand entrance from the rafters but instead he’s fallen all the way down… I… I think he hit the ring post…

Jim Ross: This is a very grave situation, ladies and gentlemen, you can see the referee throwing up the dreaded X symbol with his arms, and… oh my dear Lord, Mini Morbid isn’t moving… say some prayers ladies and gentlemen, this is serious. Please, please cut to something else for a moment.

When the show comes back on, someone is squeegeeing blood out of the ring. Tig has gotten some Prozac in her so she’s come out of her shock pretty nicely, and the other competitors don’t seem to really give a shit that Mini might have just died in the ring.

Tig O’Bitties: Um… introducingggg next… from uh… somewhere… weighing something… Grande Ricardo.

As My Dragon Pal and me plays, an Timothy Omundson's sweet voice drifts through the arena, Grande Ricardo walks down to the ring, calmly, and slides under the ropes.

Tig O’Bitties: Um… and next… that one guy with the hair? Drezdin! Yeah him.

The arena goes completely black for a moment, then the lights start to pulsate as the music starts to blare through the PA system. As soon as the pyro goes off the lights turn on, the people in the arena turn silent, the people are at awe and shock on how massive he is. He starts walking down the ramp, he yells out...IT'S GO TIME!, then he stops at the end of the ramp to take a deep breath. He approaches the ring, then he grabs the rope ring rope gets unto the ring aparon goes over the top rope then walks towards the middle of the ring. He raises his left hand as the pyro goes off.

Tig O’Bitties: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..

The arena falls into darkness.

Then, a spotlight looms high above. It falls upon a single violinist as he plays the opening strains to Bach’s Double Violin Concerto in D Minor… quickly followed by a second spotlight and a second violinist.

As more lights flood the ramp area, a full orchestra is revealed. They play through the motion with grace and delicate beauty. People in the audience begin to cry just as they finish the intro section, and then another set of lights reveals a full gospel choir.

The choir, led by a small black boy in a wheelchair, sing an incredible rendition of Amazing Grace. As the final verse is sung out, even more people in the audience weep with incredulous glory. A man proposes to his girlfriend. She says yes.

Then, Calypso walks onto the ramp holding his Federweight Title. He walks to the ring, stopping to kiss small babies as they are held out to him. He rolls into the ring and hands his belt off, and then finally the bell rings.


Luca Arzegotti: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!

Everyone in the ring converges on poor Calypso. They punch and kick him mercilessly, bringing him to tears in the center of the ring. Grande Ricardo kicks him in the family jewels, and a rolled up tube sock falls out of Calypso’s pant leg, bringing everyone in the ring to uproarious laughter.


Jim Ross: I should really retire…

Indeed, Calypso wees. His white khaki slacks are shadowed with the wetness, and he continues to cry while everyone beats the tar out of him.

Finally, Drezdin tosses Calypso into the ropes and hits a BIG BOOT! Calypso tumbles over the top rope and to the floor.

Calypso has been eliminated.

Jim Ross: Well there you have it folks, we will definitely have a new champion here tonight! It could be anyone!

The Big Kahuna has been eliminated.

Jim Ross: Well, not Kahuna, but it could be any of these other men…

Michael Cruise has been eliminated.

MR WS has been eliminated.

Luca Arzegotti: You were saying, Jim?

Jim Ross: I like this El Saddai kid, he’s got all the tools to…

Arsenio El Saddai has been eliminated.

Jim Ross: God damn it.

Luca Arzegotti: We’re down to two! Drezdin is really taking a beating, but… hold on… he’s shaking his head… he’s pointing his finger… DREZDIN IS ‘TARDING UP!

Drezdin starts to shake and gets to his feet… each punch Grande Ricardo throws into his face seem to only outrage him more! Finally, Drez blocks one and points right into Ricardo’s face! The whole crowd says YOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!

Grande Ricardo then punches Drezdin right in the balls, and Drezdin laughs like an 8-bit video game boss! HE GIVES RICARDO A BACK RAKE! THEN ANOTHER! HE’S BACK RAKING THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF HIM!!!

Jim Ross: Well there you go! Drezdin has this firmly in…

Grande Ricardo cracks Drezdin across the head with a baseball bat, splitting his dome down the middle. Drezdin staggers back against the ropes and Ricardo then drills him with a spear that’s fairly weak if we’re being honest here. Drezdin flips over backwards and falls out over the top ropes anyway, bouncing off of the apron and hitting the floor with a thud.

Drezdin has been eliminated.


Winner and NEW XWF Federweight Champion – GRANDE RICARDO!

John Holiday
- vs -
- vs -
Finn Kuhn
Triple Theat - Winner picks between a Hart or TV title shot.

“The following contest is a triple threat and it is for the number one contender's match where the winner can choose an XWF Television or Hart Title shot. Introducing first…”

“The Trooper” By Iron Maiden hits the P.A. system as the fans stand to their feet cheering when John Holliday appears on the top of the ramp.

“He hails from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, standing 6 feet, 4 inches, and weighs 240 pounds… JOHN HOLLIDAY!”

Holliday continues down the ramp while rotating his shoulder blade, glaring down at the ring. He walks pass the fans while the people are hanging over the barricades trying to touch him. Some fans pat him on the shoulder while he walks pass them. He makes his way to the ring apron and hops on it. He steps over the second rope and twirls around the ring. He raises his arms and looks over at the cheering fans. He looks up at the ramp when his theme comes to an end.

Jim Ross: “Luca, here’s a man who wants the Hart’s Championship more than anything right now.”

Luca Arzegotti “John Holliday believes he should be the new champion, but Peter cheated him out of the title by getting disqualified.”

“Now, introducing his opponent--billed from the Big Apple, he stands at 6 feet 3 inches, and weighs 200 pounds… FINN KUHN!”

No Mercy begins it's slow beginning, with all lights in the arena going out sans a lone spotlight at the stage. After a few seconds, Finn comes out with his head bowed, hands behind his back and a black hooded jacket being worn. Finn begins to slowly walk his way to the ring, the spotlight following him. As the song begins to say, "No Mercy..." for the first time, Finn kneels on one knee, hands going to the metal grate, and as the song revs up, Finn shoots up, removing his hood and runs into the ring. From there, Finn poses on the turnbuckle for the fans, and bounces on his feet as he prepares for the match.

Can You Feel My Heart starts playing as all the lights in the arena goes. A pure black X-Tron displays the following, in burning letters: "A-X-O-L-O-T-L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!"

Jim Ross: “Now Finn and Holliday are no strangers to each other, but Kuhn wants to show people he hasn’t hit his prime. This is the perfect match for him to do it.”

Luca Arzegotti “Are you kidding me? Finn Kuhn is over! He’s a done deal and it’s time to hang up the boots!

“And finally, their opponent—hailing from Portland, Oregon, he stands at 6 feet, 1 inch, and weighs 223 pounds… DRAKE!”

When the guitars kick in, there is a large amount of strobe lighting, when the beat drops, the word "Anti-Christ" is now there, and background of the image below is also there.

[Image: zC8iTe.gif]
Drake then walks out to a very loud chorus of boos, Drake himself smiles very smugly before lifting his spreading his arms like Bray Wyatt (if he has a championship, he'll lift that above his head instead), and begins to walk down the ramp (will pop the belt on his shoulder if he has a championship), flipping over several fans on his way down. He then steps between the ropes and crouches near the turnbuckle, staring for his opponents.

Jim Ross: “Drake is very well respected around here, especially by Holliday. Let’s see if he can prove them all wrong.”

Luca Arzegotti “He’ll do no such thing and it’s time they issue him his pink slip!”

(ding, ding, ding)

The referee signals for the bell and Finn Kuhn races across the ring, taking Drake down with a dropkick. Drake falls back in the corner and Finn drags his feet to the middle of the ring. He starts to sprint toward Drake, but Holliday nearly beheads him with a thunderous clothesline. Holliday turns around, but Drake with a discus clothesline. He covers Holliday: 1 – Holliday kicks out quickly!

Jim Ross: “This match seems to be very fast pace from the very beginning!”

Luca Arzegotti “You have three men who want an opportunity to challenge for the Hart’s Championship. They are going to leave everything in this ring!”

Drake is up to his feet and he pulls Holliday’s arm up. He whisks him into the ropes, but Holliday reverses it. Drake bounces off the ropes and Holliday lifts him up in the air with back body drop. He holds his lower back and as he climbs up to his feet, Finn with a running knee strike to the face! Holliday spins Finn around, but Finn catches Holliday with a toe kick to the midsection. He hooks the head and drops him in the middle of the ring with a DDT. He covers: 1 – 2 – Holliday kicks out!

Jim Ross: “I thought it could have been the end for Holliday right there. Finn is looking the best he has in recent weeks.”

Luca Arzegotti “About time, but Holliday is on a roll lately. He wants to redeem himself and dethrone Peter!”

Drake is slouched down, tapping his thigh and yelling for Finn to turn around. Finn stumbles around and Drake catches him with a superkick to the face! Holliday staggers up to his feet and Drake sprints toward him, but Holliday lifts him up off the mat as he’s planted in the middle of the ring with a spinebuster! Drake arches his back off the mat and Holliday grabs the legs. Finn comes running off the side ropes with a dropkick!

Jim Ross: “Drake is being treated like a rag doll this week Luca.”

Luca Arzegotti “You know JR, the power he alleged has isn’t doing him much good against these two.”

Drake is slowly staggering up to his feet as his back’s turned to Finn. Finn runs up from behind him with a double knee backbreaker!

Jim Ross: “Finn Kuhn has just connected with a Knife in the Back!”

Finn goes for the cover: 1 – 2 – Holliday runs in with a double axe on Finn, breaking the three count. Holliday grabs Finn up and whips him into the corner. Holliday follows it up with a running knee to the temple to a cornered Finn. He starts to stumble out from the corner and Holliday hooks the arms: butterfly suplex! He hooks the leg: 1 – 2 – Finn kicks out!

Jim Ross: “I think Holliday just scrambled Finn’s brains.”

Luca Arzegotti “Come on referee, learn how to count! That was a three count!”

Holliday is first up to his feet while he looks over at Drake, using the ropes to stand up. Holliday runs up from behind him and latches onto him with a back grapple. He connects with a snapping release German suplex!

Jim Ross: “Ka-Blam!”

Holliday hooks the leg: 1 – 2 – Drake races across the ring with a running elbow drop to the back of Holliday! Holliday holds the back of his neck as he gets up to his feet, but Finn hooks his arm as he connects with a quick snap suplex! He arches his back off the mat and gets up to his feet, but Finn hooks the leg—Holliday counters out of it with multiple kidney shots! He breaks the hold and holds his side. As Finn starts to stumble to the ropes, Holliday grabs him from behind with a reverse suplex!

Jim Ross: “There’s no love lost between these two men!”

Luca Arzegotti “Can you blame John? Finn has no respect!”

Holliday is up to his feet and he’s holding his arms up while there’s a mixed reaction from the crowd. Drake gets up to his feet and runs up behind Holliday. He tosses Holliday into the corner, as his shoulder hits the ring post. He aids his shoulder and Drake with a clothesline over the top rope. As Holliday fights up to his feet, still aiding his arm, Drake runs off the far ropes. Finn cuts him off with a running forearm smash to the face. He grabs Drake’s head and hooks him up. He connects with a Styles Clash!

Jim Ross: “Finn has just connected with the Lion’s Den, Luca!”

Luca Arzegotti “But what is he doing? He should go for the cover!”

Instead of going for the cover, Finn starts to stumble his way to the corner. Holliday rolls back inside the ring. As Finn scales the top turnbuckle, Holliday races across the ring and runs up to the second rope. He catches an unsuspecting Finn with a running Enzuigiri! Finn stumbles off the top turnbuckle and falls to the outside of the ring.

Jim Ross: “Finn has just been removed from the equation! There’s no getting back up from that.”

Luca Arzegotti “Now, Holliday has his eyes set on Drake.”

Still feeling the effects of the Lion’s Den, Drake staggers up to his feet dazed and Holliday grabs him up onto his shoulders with a fireman’s carry. He turns it into a pop-up European uppercut!

Jim Ross: “Go 2 Europe delivered by John Holliday!”

Holliday quickly slides down to the mat and leans his back on the mat. He hooks both legs:


Finn is back up on the apron!!!


He springboards off!!!!


Finn breaks up the count at the last second hitting To the Skies!!!!!

Oh!!! The springboard frogsplash from the outside!!! He hit both men with it!!!

Finn turns Holliday over onto his back and pulls the leg over.....




There it is!! It's over!! FInn Kuhn can now choose which title he would like to go for! Either the Television Champion, who is currently Neville Sinclair.... Or the Hart Champion.... Peter GIlmour!

Winner - Finn Kuhn

Unknown Soldier
- vs -
Reeve Alexandra Gordon
First Blood Match

Reeve looks around the ring nervously as the imposing presence of Soldier stands across from him. He knows how much of a legend Soldier is, and it makes him shiver a bit.

Jim Ross: It has been a while since we've seen Soldier in action, and it feels good to have the legend back!

Luca: Meh. He's probably high, Jim. He probably doesn't even know where he is!

Jim Ross: I thought he quit that!

Luca: Did you quit BBQ sauce?

Jim Ross: Valid point.

Solider and Reeve lock up, and the saavy veteran throws him into the corner with relative ease. Reeve's eyes go wide as he quickly realizes he is out matched. Soldier runs, and splashes Reeve in the corner, and grabs him in a head lock and walks him out to the middle of the ring. Reeve is wiggling to get out but Solider brings a series of knees to the face, dropping Reeve to one knee, then hitting what looked like a modified stunner, flattening Reeve.

Jim Ross: Soldier looks good here! Like he hasn't missed a beat!

Luca: Or......Reeve just sucks worse than we already thought he did.

Soldier rolls out of the ring, and quickly reaches under it. He pulls out a steel chair.

Jim Ross: Soldier looking to make quick work of Reeve in this first blood match!

Sliding back into the ring, Reeve pulls himself up on the turnbuckle. Unknown Soldier swings, but Reeve ducks at the last second and the chair collides with a thud on the turnbuckle. Reeve then clubs Solider in the back of the head, forcing him face first into the chair!

Soldier stumbles back, but isn't cut open shockingly. Reeve picks up the chair but Solider uses his quick wits and hits a Lou Thez press, sending the chair flying. He rains shots down on Reeve's skull before getting off and going back over to grab the chair.

Soldier bends down to pick it up and Reeve rolls out of the ring. Soldier grins.

Jim Ross: Smart move there by Reeve.

Luca: Meh.....

Reeve is pulling himself up by the barricade on the outside when Solider comes flying over the ropes, crashing into him and shaking the barricade on impact. That brought out and "ooooohhhhh" from this Vancouver crowd.

Soldier hurt himself in the process, and rolls on his back holding his ribs. Reeve is to one knee. Both men are a tad bit shaken up. Reeve gets to his feet first, and kicks Soldier in the ribs, once, twice, three times. He picks him up and goes to whip him into the steps but the veteran Soldier reverses and whips Reeve back first into the steps.

Taking a moment to get his barings, Soldier then runs and knees Reeve hard in the head, crashing it against the steps.

Jim Ross: Good god! I swear I heard his skull crack there!

Luca: But he wasn't busted open! He wasn't!

Soldier takes the head of Reeve and grins with a sick grin. He slams it off the steps repeatedly before letting go and allowing Reeve to crumble to the mat.

Jim Ross: My god......forget busting him open, that could have killed him!

Luca: Can't we be hopeful?

The ref slides out, trying to check Reeve. He has his hands covering his head.

Soldier is pissed that it is taking so long and grabs Reeve by the hair. Under the steps he had hidden a knife. He grabs it.

Picking up Reeve by the hair Soldier brings the knife to his nec, and begins to slice.


Luca: Whelp, there's your blood.

Winner - Unknown Soldier

Miss Michelle
- vs -
Jenny Myst
Bombshell Title Match
Bra and Panties Match

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a BRA and PANTIES match for the Bombshell championship! The only way to win is to strip your opponent to their bra and panties!

Oh good, the match our thirty year old virgin fanbase has been waiting to masturbate to all night.

[red]Hey, just because you may not enjoy the show.... But I will admit it's an unorthodox way to settle this championship.

Introducing first, she is from Miami Florida and weighs in at 130 pounds, your BOMBSHELL CHAMPION MIIIIIISSSSS MIIIICHHHHELLLLE!

In a very preppy and upbeat tone, "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful" is shouted over the p.a. system before the infamous "Queen of the Reich" by Queensryche plays over the sound system. The fans immediately stand to their feet and begin cheering as Miss Michelle's newly designed entrance video plays on the big screen. Miss Michelle walks out from the back and she kicks her right leg up as she slides her hands through her dark reddish hair. She shakes her head and starts strutting down the ramp as she's saying, "it’s time to get back what is my." Miss Michelle makes her way over to the ring apron and lifts herself up using the ropes. She kicks her feet against the apron and flips her hair back before diving under the third rope entering the ring, but pausing over the second. She wiggles her ass as she briefly closes her eyes and licks her lips. She steps over the second rope and jots over to the far corner, climbing to the second rope, and blowing a kiss to the cheering crowd before hopping off the second rope. She turns around and stares up at the entrance ramp as she glares at the curtains. Her theme comes to an end as the fans continue to cheer, but Miss Michelle is slightly stretching her arms against the ropes as she waits for her opponent.

This young lady nearly had to give up her title after a vicious attack by Madison's bodygaurd Mercy last month. I'm told she's doing much better now, but the after effects of that attack could still be a factor here tonight.

And her challenger, she hails from Las Vegas Nevada and weighs in at 100 lbs.....JEEEENNNNY MYST!!!

Enters the arena when the Drums hit for the first time in her entrance music, Around the 20 second mark. She is usually taunting the fans or pretending to give high fives and the pulling away at the last moment with a sarcastic smirk and an eye roll. When she gets to the ring she leans over the top rope, showcasing her assets before getting in the ring, staring daggers at Michelle.

Ya gotta hand it to this bitch right here, she's had the lady cojones to call this division hers since it's inception. Might not a worked out for her yet, but she could pull it off here tonight.

The match is about to be underway, but as Tigg is leaving the ring an official runs up to her, whispering something in here ear. She makes a confused face,and then gets back into the ring, mic in hand.

Excuse me everyone, I have just been informed that a last minute alteration has been made to the match....

Michelle and Jenny clearly both smell bullshit based on their expressions.

So allow me to introduce the RINGSIDE ENFORERS for this contest.....MADISON DYSON AND MERCY!!

Jenny Myst explodes, getting right in Tigg's face! But Tigg shakes her head and you can tell she's pleading off saying there's nothing she can do! Even the official, who's just gotten in the ring, looks confused. Michelle shoots a steely look at the ramp as Madison's music hits!

Madison and Mercy appear on the ramp. Madison flips off Jenny and Michelle as they walk down to ringside.


Madison's trollin' so hard right now!

Neither Michelle nor Jenny look pleased as Madison and her freakish minion stand at either end of the ring. Jenny demands answers from the ref now, but he can just shake his head. Finally, the bell rings and both ladies shoot a lingering glance at the threats ringside before locking up.

These girls are gonna need eyes in the back of their heads!

Michelle gets Jenny in a front facelock before transitioning into a rear waist lock and attemting a suplex, but Myst blocks, tags the champ with a rear elbow and surprises her with a quick stunner style jawbreaker! Michelle, dazed, falters back into the ropes, but comes to real quick when she sees Mercy there waiting! Jenny uses the disadvantage to her distraction by rolling up Miss Michelle and trying to pry her bottoms off!

Not wasting any time giving these lonely souls what they want.

You know, not everyone here is a virgin Luca.

You're right, women's wrestling is a magnet for people who get all kinds of ass. Speaking of ass, we might be seeing Michelle's!

Indeed, Myst has one of the champs ass cheeks partially exposed, but Michelle is able to kick out and get away, but she gets too close to the ropes and Mercy grabs hold of one of Michelle's legs and wrenches her out of the ring!

Oh come on!

Michelle gets up just in time to get tagged in the face with a big boot from Mercy. Jenny points and laughs at her from the ring. The ref barks at Mercy to get Michelle back inside. Mercy deadlifts Michelle and rolls her back in under the bottom rope. Jenny pounces on her, again trying to get her pants off. Michelle rakes Jenny's face to get her off and pulls herself up in a neutral corner. Jenny holds her face in pain, but now Madison is on the apron! She grabs hold of Jenny's hair and slams her face into the turnbuckle!

This is basically a handicap match!

I do believe that was Madison's intention here. I wonder who signed off on this.

I'm sure Madison's political pull may have played a role.

Pussy grabber FTW.

Michelle launches herself at Jenny Myst nailing her with a pele kick! Jenny goes down but is quick to roll away to get a breather. Michelle approaches her, but Jenny punches her in the midsection followed by a big time rising clothesline! Michelle gets up quickly so Myst wraps her hands in Michelles hair and snap mares her towards the ring apron where Mercy is waiting to punch her right in the head! Michelle crawls away from the ropes in pain. Myst jumps on Michelle's back takes hold of her top and wrestles it over her head! MISS MICHELLE'S BRA IS EXPOSED!


Michelle fights Jenny off her, and she looks down to realize she's now in her bra. She begins to step towards the ropes but remembers Madison is lurking right there! Myst stays on the offensive, locking up with Michelle and fighting her into a suplex! Michelle lands hard. Jenny moves to capitalize but Mercy tries to grab her boot! Seeing it coming, Jenny kicks Mercy's hand away and jaws at her. Michelle uses this to roll Myst up and try to work on getting her pants off but Myst is able to squirm out, but unfortunately gets close enough to Madison for the right wing mouthpiece to grab Jenny's hair and drag her to the outside! Jenny screams in rage and kicks out at Madison to keep her away, but Mercy gets behind Jenny and clotheslines her from behind! Madison then picks Jenny up and irish whips her into the ring steps! Jenny cries out in pain as her knee impacts on the steel and she goes up and over. The ref orders Madison and Mercy to back off, Madison raising her hands innocently. With the coast clear, Michelle goes outside to roll Jenny back in the ring. With Jenny's knee I pain, Michelle is able to get her pants off pretty easily. JENNY MYST's PANTIES ARE EXPOSED!

The champion looking a bit torn here....

Michelle throws Jenny's pants out of the ring and starts yelling at Madison to “get the hell out of her business”. Madison just laughs and shakes her head “no”. Michelle, scowling, grabs hold of Jenny and throws her into the corner which she then follows up with a big crossbody splash. Jenny falls out of the corner, holding her chest. Michelle then measures Jenny as she gets up, still nursing that knee, and nails a big time swinging neckbreaker! Michelle mounts Jenny, going for her top, but Jenny is not done fighting! She slaps Michelle hard across the face, and then gets a leg up and under both Michelle's arms, forcing her back down and giving Jenny ample access to her pants. Jenny starts to try working Michelle's pants off but Michelle kicks out. Both ladies get to their feet and lock up again. Michelle starts to get the edge until Jenny jabs a thump in the champ's eye.

Always a classic.

Jenny nails a Double Arm DDT on Michelle, and then she points to the top turnbuckle!

Not sure this is a good idea!

Jenny mounts the turnbuckles, still working out the kinks in her knee. But Madison gets up on the apron! Jenny sees her coming and pushes her back to the apron, but Mercy comes up from behind and knocks Jenny off the top. Jenny falls hard into the middle of the ring! Michelle, smelling blood, leaps on Jenny and starts wrestling with her for her top, but Jenny still has fire in her belly, and she fights Michelle off once more. Both ladies snap to their feet and have the same idea, a big time clothesline! They collide in the center of the ring, having knocked the piss out of each other.

The ref starts urging both of them up to continue the contest. Mercy and Madison pace on the outside of the ring, like vultures eyeing up fresh kill.

I have to believe these ladies have ruined a perfectly good Bombshell title match.

Mmmmm yes. A five star technical classic this bra and panties match would have been.

Both women rise at about the same time. Jenny throws a big time punch at Michelle, which lands. Michelle reacts with a chop to Jenny's ample chest, which echoes throughout the arena. Jenny fires back with another big punch! And then Michelle with a huge chop! Michelle then starts chpping through, again and again before working Jenny into the corner. Michelle then irish whips Jenny into the opposite corner, but Jenny puts on the breaks. Michelle runs at her but Jenny sidesteps, causing Michelle to face plant on the turnbuckle. Jenny then takes a running start and nails Michelle with a running butt splash! Michelle collapses into the corner and Jenny starts choking her with her boot. But Madison is also there with Jenny's discarded pants from before, which she entwines around Michelle's neck and she begins to pull! Jenny spits at invective at Madison, but doesn't exactly call off the assist. Finally, Michelle's eyes start to flutter.

This could be it for the champ!

Jenny grabs the champ's leg and pulls her towards the center of the ring. She begins to unbotton Michelle's pants, but seems to struggle with them a bit, which gives Michelle some time to rouse. Michelle, sensing she's in deep danger, slaps the ish out of Jenny forcing her to back off! Michelle slowly gets to her feet, but is unsteady and probably still seeing some spots. Jenny takes a run at Michelle but Michelle counters with an earth shattering STO! With Jenny down, Michelle goes for her shirt, but Jenny is able to fight out again!

Both women are now frantically tearing and clawing at each other in the center of the ring, grabbing at clothing and hoping for the best! Finally, the ref breaks them up. Both ladies get to a standing position with the ref still between them, and Jenny pushes the ref aside and tries to go for a surprise Pink Perfection!

She really can hit that thing from out of nowhere!

But Michelle pushes Jenny away! Jenny falls into the ropes where Madison trips her up, causing her to fall and land face first on the mat! Michelle then gracefully executes a cartwheel leg drop, and then tries to remove Jenny's top but Jenny still isn't having it. She reaches for Michelle's pants and both ladies start scuffling all over again rolling and grappling until they both spill out of the ring! Naturally, this draws both Madison and Mercy. Michelle and Jenny knowing what's coming, seem to reach an unspoken detente and they turn their backs to each other. Mercy comes at Jenny and Madison at Michelle and Jenny and Michelle start tossing punches at the enforcers! The fans pop as Michelle and Jenny actually manage to fight them both off before quickly rolling into the ring! But, peace accord over, Michelle has victory on her mind! Michelle goes for the Singing Chel-egram on Myst as soon as they get in the ring!

Myst ducks the Chel-egram......kick to the gut.........


Michelle is flat out in the center of the ring. Madison is sitting up against the barricade a Jenny looks her right dead in the eye. She points to the belt, the points to Michelle. Stomping the red head once in the back of the head she pulls down Michelle's bottoms, exposing her panties. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner And New Bombshell Champion - JENNY MYST!

" SHE DID IT! JENNY MYST FINALLY DID IT! She is the new Bombshell Champion!

"So does this mean she is gonna stop crying about it now?

Michelle does her best to try to cover herself quick, curling almost into the fetal position. Jenny grins, wiping a small amount of blood of the corner of her mouth while panting. Her ad Madison make eye contact as Jenny pulls her top off!

"She's fufilling the promise she said she would do! Win the match and give us a show!

"She's only a C cup now, JR, put your willy away!

The ref calls for the bell and goes for the title, but Madison slides into the ring, cutting him off before he can give it to the winner! She punches the ref in the balls and snatches the Bombshell title from him.

She just assaulted an official, she's out of control!

Madison turns on Myst with the title and decks her, forcing her to roll out of the ring. Mercy then takes care of {whoever lost} by dumping her unceremoniously out of the ring. Madison calls for a mic and gets one in short order.

Fuck this abortion of a match with a rusty spoon. I mean REALLY?! Bra and panties?! Did I drunkenly stumble into the and end up in 1999? This just goes to show that XWF has NO respect for women's wrestling because it knows these weak ass bitches can't draw flies to shit. I told you people, put Mercy in the match. Put Mercy in the match! At the very least it would have added some legitimacy. But no, you stuck with Princess Entitlement and the world's most generic flash in the pan.

Looks like Myst is up to something.

Indeed, the champ is getting to her feet at ringside, staring daggers at Madison as she holds up her rightfully earned Bombshell title.

So fuck this, fuck you, and fuck this title. I'm taking it home to burn it.

Myst slides silently under the bottom rope behind Madison.

Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, I'm not sure this is a good idea!

But Madison and Mercy are too distracted to notice she's there! Closer and closer and closer she edges to Madison!

I can tell by the fact that your pops are getting louder than all of you are in complete agreement and furthermore....

Myst grabs hold of Madison's pants and pulls them down! Madison's panties are exposed for the world to see!!!

Oh my lord!

Madison's face goes chalk white and she drops the Bombshell title. The champ picks it up and rolls out of the ring, leaps over the barricade and blends into the crowd! Mercy goes to the ropes, but her prey has already escaped! Madison hastily pulls up her pants, but the damage has already been done! She screams and kicks the bottom rope!

The champion getting some measure of revenge on Madison in the end! the end. Like an ass.

Sweet Jesus, how much do they pay you?

Enough to maintain a comfortable coke habit.

Neville Sinclair
- vs -
- vs -
Phantom Panzer
Ladder Match

“The following contest is a triple threat for the XwF Television Championship and it is for one fall. Introducing first…”

Phantom Panzer slowly walks out as the lights dim. Then they light up on the ramp only, and he walks out and as he walks along the lit ramp, blood seemingly follows his every step, coating the ramp. As he reaches the ring, the ring is lit up and before he enters, and as he steps foot inside the squared circle, the effect rushes from all four corners. After a minute, he throws his arms out fast upwards, and the lights brighten as bloodied confetti shoots out and into the crowd.

“Hailing from the Psyche of a Broken Mind, standing at 6 feet even, and weighing 242 pounds… PHANTOM PANZER!”

I Ain't Got No Home In This World Anymore - Woody Guthrie begins playing over the P.A. system to the fans cheering when Kropotkin’s entrance-TRON starts playing on the titantron. The lights dim as Kropotkin walks to the ring slowly.

“Hailing from the unknown, standing in at 1.96 meters, and weighing 103.4 kilograms… KROPOTKIN!”

Neville calmly makes his way to the ring, TV Championship around his waist. He sips from his glass of Scotch, which he sets down next to his title belt outside the ring, before stepping through the ropes as the bell sounds.

“And the current XwF Television Champion, hailing from Oxford, England, standing 6 feet, 2 inches, and weighing 225 pounds… NEVILLE SINCLAIR!”

(ding, ding, ding)

As the referee signals for the bell, all three competitors begin circling each other in the ring while holding their hands out to each other. They sprint in the middle, but Neville rushes back to the corner as Kropotkin and Panzer collide in the middle. He forces Panzer back with forearms to the face and reaches for his wrist as he whips him into the ropes. Panzer bounces off the ropes and flips him over with a wrenching knee strike to Kropotkin’s midsection. Clutching his stomach while on the mat, Neville runs up behind Panzer with a hard forearm to the back of his head. He grabs him from around the neck and drops him with a reverse DDT.

Jim Ross: “Luca, I have to say this has to be one of the toughest challenges Neville Sinclair has had for his TV Championship. Already he’s looking a little scarce in this match.”

Luca Arzegotti “Do you blame him, JR? He’s doing everything in his power to keep well rested while these other two animals tear each other apart.”

As Neville gets up to his feet and turns around, he’s knocked down by an incoming spinning heel kick from Kropotkin. He kneels up and grins while Neville is holding his mouth. Panzer is back up to his feet and Kropotkin sprints over to him as he takes him down with a hip toss. Kropotkin rolls up to his feet and Panzer lifts him up over his head with a gorilla press. He drops Kropotkin down with a gutbuster. Neville grabs Panzer from behind with a devastating German suplex!

Jim Ross: “Panzer thought he had the advantage over Kropotkin, but Neville is showing us all why he’s been champion for as long as he has had it.”

Luca Arzegotti “Neville has made this sport look like art work!”

Neville kneels beside Panzer and starts relentlessly choking at him while the referee does his part to break the two up. Neville arrogantly ignores the referee’s warning and continues to choke Panzer. The referee starts to count: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Kropotkin runs off the ropes and unsuspectingly catches Neville in the face with a hard leg lariat! Kropotkin rolls him over and hooks his leg: 1 – 2 – Neville kicks out. Kropotkin just barely gets up to his feet and Panzer nails him with a rising clothesline!

Jim Ross: “A close call on Neville, but Kropotkin has never looked so incredible in his XwF career like he does right now.”

Luca Arzegotti “He must have been taking lessons from real legends.”

Panzer leans down and lifts Neville up to his feet. He whips him into the ropes, but Neville manages to reverse it. Panzer rebounds off the ropes with a pele kick to the face! Neville stumbles back and Panzer grabs him with a big vertical suplex across the ring! Neville rolls out of the ring as he rests while Panzer looks over at Kropotkin. He helps him up to his feet, whipping him to the corner. Kropotkin runs up on the second turnbuckle and springboards off with a second rope moonsault! He hooks the leg: 1 – Panzer kicks out with authority.

Jim Ross: “Panzer powers out without any problems. Kropotkin should have known it was going to take more than that to keep the big clown down.”

Luca Arzegotti “Come on Neville, you can’t let these two guys have all the glory!”

Panzer is first up to his feet and Kropotkin stumbles into a high knee to the face! He flings back and dashes toward Panzer, but Panzer lifts him up with a double-A spinebuster! He mounts Kropotkin’s back on the mat and hooks the leg: 1 – 2 – Neville races in with a double axe to the back of Panzer to break up the three count. Before they get up to their feet, Neville latches onto the back of Panzer with a rear naked chokehold. He rolls over to his back. The referee notices Neville’s shoulders are on the mat: 1 – 2 – Neville rolls to his side while keeping the hold tightened in.

Jim Ross: “Neville almost lost himself the match while trying to choke Panzer out!”

Luca Arzegotti “Tap out Panzer! Tap out!”

Kropotkin uses the ropes to get up to his feet and runs off the ropes with a hard stomp on Neville, forcing him to release the hold. Neville staggers up to his feet, but Kropotkin is right there to connect with a snap suplex! He arches his back off the mat and Kropotkin sprints at him with a superman punch, but Neville rolls out of the way. Neville props up with a European uppercut! He stumbles back to the corner and Panzer runs toward the corner with a huge body splash on Kropotkin. Neville grabs him from behind with a schoolboy: 1 – 2 – Panzer kicks out!

Jim Ross: “Another close call for Panzer as Neville had a handful of tights with the schoolboy.”

Luca Arzegotti “That should have been a three!”

Kropotkin stumbles out from the corner and lifts Neville up off the mat with an atomic drop! Neville holds his back side while stumbling forward. Kropotkin with a leg sweep, dropping him on his ass! Kropotkin stands beside him and flips backwards with a moonsault! He kneels up, but Panzer with a running dropkick to the back of his head! Kropotkin holds his head while he pushes himself up off the mat. Panzer lifts him up by around the throat. He tosses him to the corner and lifts him up on the second rope. He starts to climb up and going for a superplex, but Neville comes up from behind him.

Jim Ross: “What an impressive stacked superplex! Kropotkin got the worse of that though, Lucas!”

Luca Arzegotti “Yeah, now who’s going to get the advantage since all three men appear to be down.”

Panzer is the first one starting to make movement toward the ropes. He reaches up and starts to pull himself up. As he is pulling himself up to his feet, Neville is making his way over to the corner and stumbling up to his feet. Panzer turns around and looks down at Kropotkin who is still shaken by the stacked superplex. He wobbles over to his fallen body and leans down to pick him up. Neville staggers over to them and grabs the other arm. They glance at each other before double teaming Kropotkin with a double suplex!

Jim Ross: “Now, it looks like both Neville and Panzer are working together against Kropotkin.”

Luca Arzegotti “Take out the one who has been causing the most issues.”

He arches his back off the mat and Neville with a falling knee drop to Kropotkin’s forehead. He goes for the cover: 1 – 2 – Panzer pulls Neville off Kropotkin, then goes for the cover himself: 1 – 2 – Neville grabs Panzer up to his feet. Panzer and Neville start to argue. Panzer shoves Neville after Neville proclaims himself “as the greatest TV champion!” With the shove, Neville with a bitch slap to Panzer! Panzer clutches his cheek. Panzer and Neville start to battle it out with forearms and jabs to each other.

Jim Ross: “The teamwork between these two didn’t last long.”

Luca Arzegotti “They are forgetting about Kropotkin as they continue to duke it out.”

Kropotkin is finally pulling himself up to his feet and he staggers over to Panzer and Neville. He grabs him both by the back of their necks. He collides their faces with each other. He throws Neville down into the corner while he catches Panzer with a spinning heel kick to the midsection! He hooks the arm and sets him down on the mat with sister Abigail!

Jim Ross: “Red Rosa! Red Rosa! Red Rosa on Phantom Panzer!”

Before Kropotkin gets up to his feet, Neville sprints out from the corner with a running knee drop, but Kropotkin rolls out of the way, and Neville hits Panzer in the forehead. He gets up to his feet and Kropotkin with a standing dropkick to the chest. Neville stumbles back against the ropes. Kropotkin races toward him on the ropes, but Neville reverses it in with a back body drop! Kropotkin lands on the apron and as Neville turns toward him: shoulder thrust between the second rope. He hops on the top rope and springboards over with a foot stomp on the spine of Neville!

Jim Ross: “Impressive athleticism from Kropotkin! Neville should be starting to sweat.”

Luca Arzegotti Never count Neville out because he’s somebody to look out for in XwF!”

Kropotkin turns down slouched over as he’s taunting Neville, who’s holding his back. He gets up to his feet and Kropotkin with a spinning heel kick, but Neville ducks and Kropotkin falls flat on his face. He gets up halfway to his feet when Neville runs off the ropes with a shoot kick to the face! Neville composes himself as he’s breathing heavily. He starts to dust himself off while bowing to the booing crowd. He holds his arms out while gloating, instead of going for a cover.

Jim Ross: “What the hell is he doing? He’s wasting precious time!”

Luca Arzegotti “See, he’s gloating! He has it all under control!”

By this time, Panzer has finally got up to his feet. Panzer is stalking Neville from behind and Neville doesn’t realize it. Neville starts to turn around and Panzer runs toward him, surprising him with a running hurricanrana! As he kneels up, Panzer runs over to him and quickly locks into the modified gogoplata submission hold! They are clearly in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross: “Oh my God, Panzer has the Gag implemented! Neville will have no choice to tap out or pass out!”

Luca Arzegotti “Who would have imagine this be what it came down to JR?”

The referee is kneeled beside Panzer and Neville while Neville is trying to fight out of it, but he has nowhere to go. The crowd look to be in shock as Panzer tightens the hold. He’s pulling on the neck and arm while Neville looks quite weak. The referee continues to ask Neville if he gives up, but Neville is showing his English pride. Kropotkin is stumbling up to his feet. He turns around in the corner and notices Neville is close to tapping out. He comes running out from the corner with a flying forearm!

Jim Ross: “Neville is very lucky Kropotkin just saved him and saved the match.”

Luca Arzegotti “Oh no, what damage has been caused to Neville?”

Kropotkin grabs Panzer up to his feet and whips him off into the ropes. Panzer bounces off the ropes and Kropotkin powerslams him in the middle of the ring! Kropotkin kneels up and holding the back of his head, as he is still feeling the effects of the match. He gets up to his feet and stumble over to the corner. He steps over the second rope and starts climbing to the top rope. He points down at Panzer before standing up. He leaps and hits the 450 degree splash!

Luca Arzegotti “That is what Kropotkin calls the Machine that Kills Fascists!”

Jim Ross: “Kropotkin doesn’t look to be in that great of shape right now. That move might have taken him out the rest of the way!”

As Kropotkin stands up, pumping his fists after the big move, he takes his eye off Neville. The Englishman comes off the ropes with a knee to the gut.

As he bounces back, however, the masked man drops under and rolls up Neville!!! Small package!

Jim Ross: Oh my! He's gonna steal one here! Neville is in trouble!



3-----Neville gets a shoulder up!

Kropotkin slaps the mat in frustration and Neville quickly hits him with a standing dropkick out of nowhere. Kropotkin stumbles back...Panzer grabs him by the head and tosses him out of the ring. He turns around and gets drilled by Neville!


The cover




Jim Ross: Neville does it again! By Gawd, what a TV champion we have!

Luca Arzegotti “He's the best ever, Jim. Get used to it because we will be seeing his bad-toothed English face for a long time to come!”

Tig O' Bitties: And here is your winner.................and STILLLLLLLLLL XWF Television Champion............Neville Sinclair!

Winner and STILL XWF TELEVISION CHAMPION - Neville Sinclair

"The Kings™" Doctor Louis D'Ville and Theo Pryce
- vs -
Tyler Cross and Barney Green
Tag Team Title Match
Xtreme Rules per Barney's request

“The following contest is an Xtreme Rules Tag Team Championship match for one falls! Introducing first, representing the challenging team…”

The arena grows completely quiet and lights completely go off. Some fans through the crowd light up their cell phones or lighters. Smoke starts to fill the entrance ramp area and then BOOM hits the P.A. system, followed by bright white lights radiating over the ringside area. "Timebomb" by Godsmack hits over the P.A. system and there's a mixed reaction from the crowd. A figure is slouched over on the top of the ramp and hidden behind the smoke. As the smoke starts to clear, the figure lifts himself up and removes the hood from over his head. He starts jolting down the ramp, removing the leather vest as he makes his way down the ramp. He hands over to a nearby fan and rallies the crowd up as he dashes sideways to the ring. He leaps up on the entrance ramp and runs over to the corner: climbing up on the outside of the turnbuckles. He bangs the sides of his fists together and throws his arms up in the air. The crowd roars. He climbs to the top rope and jumps off inside the ring. He kneels down and turns to the entrance. He grins. He arches his eyebrow and props up as he walks to the far corner. He grabs the top rope and starts pulling on it as he stretches. The theme song ends while lights flicker back on.

“Billed from Toronto, Ontario, Canada; he stands at 6 feet, 1 inch, weighs 190 pounds.... he is the Cross Inked Sensation... TYLER CROSS!”

He releases the grip off the ropes and flings himself backwards as he points up to the ramp. As he's pointing, he holds his forefinger and thumb out like a gun, squinting his eyes. He raises his right hand up and slides it through his hair and leans down as he taunts for his opponent to come out.

“And introducing his partner, hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, standing at 5 feet, 10 inches, and weighing 320 pounds… BARNEY GREEN!”

"Like A Prayer" by Madonna starts to play through out the arena as fans start to cheer slightly. A black Jeep, driven by John Lauriniaits, appears at the top of the ramp slowly driving forward as we see Barney Green standing in the back waving the Irish Flag. The jeep stops and Green leaps out of it. He waves the flag one last time and places it back into the Jeep. He walks down the ramp and high fives a couple fans. He enters the ring and waits in the corner as the music fades.

“And introducing their opponents, they are the XwF’s Tag Team Champions, at a combined weight of 463 pounds: the co-owner Theo Pryce and Doctor Louis D’Ville… THE KINGS!”

The big screen shows a video montage of Theo begins playing as the XWF co-owner walks out on stage. Doc steps out, standing with Theo, and the two walk to the ring. The tag team belts gleam over the shoulders of the Kings.

They have smug looks as they walk down the ramp, very confident. The crowd is buzzing hard as they make their way to the steps.

Theo and Doc stand in their corner while smugly holding their titles, staring across at Barney Green while conferring about him. The referee walks over to Theo and Doc, as they hand the titles over to him. He holds the belts up over his head while Barney and Cross admire them from afar.

(ding, ding, ding)

The referee signals for the bell! Barney and Cross start toward the Kings. All four meet in the middle of the ring while they lock up with hard front grapples. Doc takes Cross down to his knees with a tightened headlock. Barney and is whipped to the corner by Theo. Theo charges him in the corner, but Barney with a back elbow to the face. Barney sprints out of the corner and takes Theo down with a thunderous clothesline. Meanwhile Cross pushes Doc into the ropes. As Doc bounces off the ropes, Cross leans down and lifts him up with a back body drop! Doc holds his lower back while getting to his feet. Cross runs at Doc and both men spill over the top rope as Cross catches Doc with a vaulting body press!

Luca Arzegotti “Oh my JR, can you believe how Tyler Cross and Barney Green are holding their own against the Kings?”

Jim Ross: “You can’t take away anything from Barney and his heart. It’s still early and the Kings are able to turn a match around in the blink of an eye!”

Tyler Cross stumble to his feet and he grabs Doc who is climbing up to his feet, too. He whips him toward the steel stairs, but Doc reverses it and Cross crashes shoulder first into the steel stairs! Cross aids his bicep as he momentarily stays planted on his ass. Meanwhile inside the ring, Barney is attempting a body slam, but Theo slips down his back. He grabs him from around the neck with a sleeper slam! He hooks the leg: 1 – Barney gets a shoulder up!

Jim Ross: “Oh come on Theo, you have to give Barney more credit than that!”

Luca Arzegotti “Barney should have just stayed down, if he knew what was good for him!”

Doc rolls inside the ring and joins Theo as they pull Barney up to his feet. They whip him off into the ropes. As Barney rebounds off the ropes, they each lift his arm and flip him over with a hip toss. He stumbles up to his feet and Doc runs over, catching him with a lunging clothesline! He falls back into the corner and Theo catches Barney by surprise with a turnbuckle splash! As Theo staggers backwards, Barney starts to stumble out from the corner. Doc runs forward with Barney in a headlock, drilling his face against the mat.

Jim Ross: “The double team against Barney Green. Barney is in no man’s zone and where the hell is Tyler Cross!?”

Luca Arzegotti “The Kings have made it a fact that know how to divide and conquer better than any other team in XwF, period!”

Doc goes for the cover while Tyler Cross has a steel chair in hand. The referee slides down to the mat: 1 – Tyler Cross rolls inside the ring. 2 – Tyler Cross with a running chair shot to the back of Doc! Doc arches his back in pain while Theo walks behind Cross. He turns Cross around to only get a gut full of steel chair! Theo clutches down, holding his stomach. Cross drops the chair and he hooks the head. He drops Theo with an inverted DDT!

Jim Ross: “Cross got an equalizer and it looks like he’s bringing the heat to the Kings. I bet they are sweating now Luca!”

Luca Arzegotti “Why the hell did Barney have to go and make this an extreme rules match!?”

He checks on Barney as he helps him up, ignoring Doc and Theo. Doc is holding his back while he uses the ropes to get up to his feet. He’s eyeing both Cross and Barney.

Jim Ross: “Barney looks like he has a genuine friend through all this!”

While Cross is kneeled beside Barney, Doc runs off the ropes and catches an unsuspecting Cross with a swinging neckbreaker! He turns his attention to Green, who starts punching him in the midsection. Doc has the air knocked out of him while he slouches over. Green fights to his feet and follows it up with several more forearms to Doc. He wraps his head around Doc and falls backwards with a Russian legsweep! He starts kneeling beside Doc and punching away at his feet relentlessly!

Jim Ross: “Wow, look at Barney. He’s finally getting all that built up hostility out he’s been harboring for the Kings.”

Luca Arzegotti “Barney has no idea, but look Theo is back to his feet.”

Theo is back to his feet and he grabs Green by the hair. Pulling him up and throwing him back with a modified mat slam! He starts to stalk Green as Barney is dragging himself toward the ropes. Cross is up to his feet and he charges Theo. Theo turns around to the fans cheering as Cross catches him with a massive spear! The two-start brawling while they roll outside the ring, leaving Doc and Green inside the ring. Green walks over to Doc, but Doc with a hard knee to the stomach of Green!

Jim Ross: “Barney Green has just had the wind knocked out of him!”

Luca Arzegotti “I told you, Barney is like a fish out of water in this match.”

Cross and Theo are fighting up to their feet, but Theo breaks it up with an aggressive eye gouge! Cross holds his face and stumbles away, but Theo grabs him by the hair: slamming him face first against the top of the third stair. He throws him back first against the barricade as Cross lets out an agonizing cry. As Theo starts to uncover the concrete by throwing the mats back, Cross starts to crawl away from him. Theo walks over to him and grabs him by the back of his hair. He lifts him up and drags him back to the revealed concrete. He hooks the head between his arms: snap DDT!

Jim Ross: “Oh my God! Tyler Cross’ head was just drilled in that unforgiving concrete by Theo Pryce: the co-owner! That’s one way getting rid of talent, Theo!”

Luca Arzegotti “Now, the numbers gain are back in Kings’ favor.”

Doc has been holding Green steady while sending his knees crashing into Green’s stomach repeatedly. As Green is winded and clutching his stomach in pain, Doc throws him down to the mat. Doc with a beautiful standing leg drop across his throat! He holds his leg in place across the throat and the referee slides down to the mat: 1 – 2 – Green gets a shoulder up!

Luca Arzegotti “Stay down, you idiot!”

Theo is resting against the apron while Cross looks unconscious on the outside, after the painful DDT on the concrete. Theo pushes his way inside the ring and smirks while Green is floored.

Jim Ross: “It looks like Barney Green is going to be dissected by the Kings.”

Theo and Doc look over at each other before grabbing an arm each of Green. They lift him up and send him running into the corner hard. Theo runs at him, but Barney rolls out of the way. Theo hits the turnbuckle chest first and he holds his arm in pain. Doc runs toward Green with a running elbow, but Green pulls Theo in front of him! Doc hits Theo and Theo tumbles through the second rope while Doc looks down at him from inside the ring.

Jim Ross: “That’s one way of getting the odds back in your favor Barney, use the Kings against each other.”

Luca Arzegotti “Ugh! What’s happening here?!”

Green turns Doc around and kick to the stomach. He lifts him up across his chest and slams him down on the mat with a powerslam. Barney Green runs backwards off the mat with a running body splash on Doc! He remains there holding Doc down while the referee starts to count: 1 – 2 – Theo pulls the referee out and starts to argue with him.

Jim Ross: “Theo just saved the match and kept their title reign alive!”

Luca Arzegotti “Can you believe that fat ass is using his weight to hold Doc down?! Unbelievable!”

Barney cannot believe it as he kneels up. He looks over at Theo in disbelief. Barney gets up and starts toward Theo. Doc is getting up to his feet and sneaks up behind him. He grabs him from between the legs and dumps him over the top rope. Theo kneels as Barney gets on all fours. Theo with an arrogant slap across the face. Doc starts to step out of the ring while Theo picks Barney up. He whips Barney into the barricade. Doc runs as Barney arches his back off the barricade. Doc clocks him in the face with a running knee strike.

Jim Ross: “Luca, I think it’s fair to say this match is about over. There’s no way Barney will be able to overcome both Doc and Theo by himself.”

Luca Arzegotti “This is why Doc said, “good help is hard to find.” Cause where is Cross? Nowhere.”

Finally, Cross is starting to come to life as he pulls himself up with the apron. He lifts his leg up and pulls himself in the ring. Theo and Doc are towering over Barney as they continue to pummel him with forearms and punches as Green tries everything in his power to shield himself from the blows. Cross crawls inside the ring and makes his way to the far turnbuckle. He starts climbing to the top rope. As he stands up, Theo and Doc look up as he leaps off the top rope with a crossbody!

Jim Ross: “Tyler Cross has just leveled both Doc and Theo with that top rope crossbody to the outside!”

Luca Arzegotti “As well as himself, JR!”

The fans are going absolutely insane as chants of “Tyler Cross” start being roared through the arena. Cross sits up and holds the back of his head while Doc and Theo crawl away to pull themselves up to their feet. Barney gets up to his feet and stumbles over to Doc. Barney with a hard soccer kick to the rib cage of Doc! Barney grabs the ring apron and flips it open as he starts pulling things out. Pretty soon, he pulls out…

Jim Ross: “Barney’s trademark light tube!”

Luca Arzegotti “This isn’t good. Watch out Doc!”

He taps it down on the mat and begins yelling for Doc to get up to his feet. Theo uses the announce table to get up to his feet and Cross uses the stairs. Doc stumbles up to his feet and Barney Green swings with a shot over Doc’s skull: cracking the light tube over Doc’s head!

Jim Ross: “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!”

Luca Arzegotti “Is Doc out cold?!”

Barney tosses the broken tube to the floor and leans down to pick Doc up. He throws him back inside the ring and crawls in after him. He hooks the leg: 1 – 2 – Doc gets his foot on the bottom rope and breaks up the count. Meanwhile, Theo has a handful of Cross’ hair and he’s slamming his face repeatedly against the top of the announce table. He drags him over and throws him into the ring announcer. He runs over and leaps up as he attempts a curb stomp, but Cross moves out of the way. He holds his ankle after colliding with the steel chair. Cross grabs him from behind with a reverse DDT!

Jim Ross: “Tyler Cross returns the favor and nails a reverse DDT on Theo! Now, go help your partner young man!”

Luca Arzegotti “This is most sweat I have seen from the Kings, let alone the bloodshed! I can’t believe Barney made Doc bleed.”

Theo holds the back of his head after hitting the floor. Barney is inside the ring and he lifts Doc up to his feet. He whips him into the corner and Barney goes to run after him, but Doc with a big boot to the face. Cross walks over to the corner and as Doc stumbles out of the corner, blood rushing from his forehead, Cross drops him face first, by grabbing him his ankles. He gets on the apron and starts to climb up to the top rope. Theo quickly runs up on the apron and as Cross gets up to his feet—Theo shoves him off the top turnbuckle!

Luca Arzegotti “OH SHIT JR! Tyler Cross just got a face full of barricade!”

Jim Ross: “I think Tyler Cross might be out of it, but look at Green!”

He catches Theo Pryce off guard as he runs over to the second rope. He spears him through the second rope and Theo flies off the apron, hitting his face on the announce table! Doc is crawling to the ropes as he’s wiping the blood gushing down his forehead away. Barney turns his attention over to Doc once more.

Barney hammers away at Doc with clubbing blows. He is locked in with a determination in his eyes never before seen from the big man. Doc has no choice but to try to cover up as Barney lifts him to his feet. More shots from Barney as he throws Doc into the corner. Body shots, head shots. Finally, Doc slumps in the corner. Barney turns around and roars. He makes a belt symbol around his waist.

Jim Ross:"This is the most passionate I have ever seen Barney Green!

Luca Arzegotti: "Well, this time and that time when McDonalds brought the Szechuan Sauce for a day!"

Barney sees the carnage outside the ring and grins as he runs at Doc, going for a knee in the corner, but the saavy veteran moves at the last moment, sending the big man crashing into the turnbuckle with such force that it shakes the ring. Doc crawls away towards the middle of the ring. Barney is holding his legs and limping out towards the middle.

Cross is to his feet on the outside.

So is Theo.

Barney approaches Doc, who grabs him by the ankles and trips him forward. Theo whips Cross into the steps on the outside. He slides into the ring on the far side. He steps up behind Barney.

Pryce Check

Jim Ross:"My God! He could have just dislocated Barneys jaw!!

Luca Arzegotti: "Tyranny rules with an Iron Foot, JR!!"

Barney is bleding from the mouth as he stumbles back.......







Peter Gilmour
- vs -
If Peter wins he becomes The Kings Jester
If Cadryn wins he becomes the Hart Champion
John Madison as ref

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the XWF Hart Championship!

Introducing first, The challenger, weighing in at 200 pounds and hailing from Morgantown West Virginia, CAAAAAYDRYN TIBERIUSSSS!

The overhead lights in the arena go dim as strobe lights begin to flash in rhythm to the sound of thunder crashing in the distance. The crowd goes wild as the fog rolls thickly from the top of the ramp as Cadryn Tiberius slowly makes his way out of the back. He stands tall in the midst of the fog as a storm rumbles behind him. Cadryn begins walking down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans on the way down. Cadryn climbs the apron and enters the ring, pausing for a moment in the middle before tossing his white Stetson cowboy hat into the crowd.

And the Champion, weighing in at two-hundred and sixty pounds, hailing from Los Angeles, California, PEEEEEEETER GILLLLLLLMOUR!!!

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of COMANCHE by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his wife Maria Brink come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Maria as they wait his next victim.

The official holds the Hart Title high above his head showing it off to the crowd. He then passes out of the ring and checks that both men are ready to go.


They meet in the center of the ring, each man laying into the other with a right hand! Fist after fist slams into their skulls, neither man backing down from this exchange! The crowd gets on their feet, as John Madison tries to get control of the match! He tries to break them up, but they just shove him out of the way! Gilmour lands a hard right hand, stumbling Cadryn backwards.

Cadryn charges at Gilmour, and immediately they rush each other again! Again, they grab each other and pummel away! Cadryn lands a clean blow on Gilmour’s jaw that staggers him backwards, Cadryn charges Gilly but Gilly side-steps him. Gilly sends Cadryn to the ropes, catching him with a vicious running Forearm on the rebound. Cadryn pops back up, and clobbers Gilmour with a European Uppercut in response. The two men trade another series of hands, as Gilmour gets the better of Cadryn with a stiff open hand chop to his chest! Cadryn stumbles backwards, but responds with a leaping Forearm that catches Gilmour off guard!

Slick forearm by Cadryn there!

Again, Cadryn charges at Gilmour who sends his running to the ropes, Cadryn tries for a Spinning Roundhouse Kick but Gilmour catches his leg! Gilmour lifts Cadryn up, into a Powerbomb, but Cadryn is able to roll forward into a Sunset Flip position. Gilmour rolls backwards, getting to his feet and catching Cadryn with a dropkick! With Cadryn down for the moment, Gilmour goes to pick his back up, but Cadryn catches his with a leaping enziguri kick! Gilmour staggers backwards, as Cadryn knocks him down with a clothesline! Gilmour pops back up, but is taken down by another running Clothesline!

Cadryn grabs the head of Gilmour, picking him up to his feet, He throws Gilmour to the ropes with an Irish Whip. Gilmour rebounds, catching Cadryn in a wheelbarrow position. Cadryn lifts Gilmour up, as Gilmour tosses him across the ring with an Arm Drag! Cadryn pops back up to his feet, taking another Arm Drag from Gilmour! Gilmour races to the ropes, hopping over Cadryn as he flattens himself to the canvas. Gilmour makes his way to the other side of the ring, but it’s Cadryn who surprises him with an Arm Drag! Cadryn holds onto his arm, turning it into a wristlock. The hold is tight, but Gilmour spins around. He moves to his back, and kips up to his feet. With a quick turn, he reverses the hold on Cadryn! Cadryn doesn’t stay in the hold for long, as he drills Gilmour into the mat with a Backdrop Driver!

Cadryn tosses the champ! He looks to be in control early!

The crowd applauds, as both men are at a stand still so far in this match. Gilmour looks more annoyed by the backdrop, than anything. Both men get to a knee, as the crowd cheers for them both!

Cadryn and Gilmour stare at each other, as they get back up to their feet. Moving slowly, they soon meet in the middle of the ring. It’s a collar and elbow tie up, as they lock up in the middle of the ring. The collar and elbow tie up seems to be in advantage Gilmour because of his advantage in height and weight. Cadryn pushes forward, but Gilmour stands his ground. Gilmour attempts to push Cadryn backwards, but Cadryn surprisingly stands his ground! The two break the hold, neither getting an advantage over the other. The crowd begins to chime in, Cadryn Tiberius looking on as they chant.


Cadryn smirks, as Gilmour tells motions for him to try it. Gilmour extends one hand, an evil smirk on his face as Cadryn looks on. He slowly raises his hand, matching it with Gilmour’s. Gilmour outstretches his other hand, Cadryn being careful not to be tricked into anything. He slowly reaches out, but Gilmour snatches his hand and begins to push his down towards the mat! Cadryn tries to fight back, lowering his posture to gain leverage over his opponent. Gilmour starts to be pushed backwards, as Cadryn begins to tower over his. Cadryn pushes further and further, pressing Gilmour backwards into a bridge towards the mat. Soon, Gilmour is in a full bridge as the top of his head touches the mat! Cadryn continues to press down, but Gilmour places his feet on Cadryn’s thighs! Cadryn swings back, bringing Gilmour up off of the mat. In one quick motion, Gilmour twists and ducks as He rolls forward. Grabbing onto Cadryn’s legs, He pulls him into a quick rolling pin!

Oh My God no!!!




Not a biased bone in your body huh Luca?

Hey, I’m the president of Cadryn’s fan club, remember! Besides, it isn’t like I’m the official tonight!

Cadryn is able to kick out in time, Gilmour smirks as he quickly ties Cadryn up in a headlock. Cadryn struggles for a bit, as Gilmour keeps him seated on the mat. He wrenches away, squeezing away at Cadryn’s neck. After a few moments, Cadryn is able to break free as the two seperate from each other. Gilmour calls for Cadryn to try again, Cadryn looking a bit passive at the gesture. Cadryn gets up to his feet, as Gilmour sticks out his hand again. Cadryn looks around, the crowd not wanting him to do it. Gilmour has other ideas, as a lightning fast kick strikes the midsection of Cadryn. Cadryn doubles over, allowing Gilmour to connect with a Swinging Neckbreaker! Gilmour whips Cadryn fast, back first, into the mat. Gilmour tries to quickly cover Cadryn, but Cadryn wisely decides to roll out of the ring instead!

Gilmour looks as Cadryn tries to collect himself on the outside, He uses the opportunity to rush to the other side of the ring. As Gilmour heads towards the side Cadryn is on, Cadryn rushes under the ropes. The two cross each other, as Cadryn heads for the ropes. Gilmour rebounds on the other side, as Cadryn catches him clean with a Discus Lariat! The crowd cheers, as Cadryn stomps away at Gilmour. He grabs him, picking him up and into a standing Fireman’s Carry Neckbreaker! Gilmour floats over, the back of his head landing across Cadryn’s knee! He hits hard, as Cadryn quickly covers him for the pin!




What a neckbreaker there, not enough to get the pin though!

Going to take a lot more than that to beat the Hart champ, but I like Cadryn’s chances!

Gilmour gets his right shoulder up, which allows Cadryn to quickly wrap his up in an Armbar! Gilmour wants no part of that hold, thrashing and kicking on the mat as he tries to break free. Somehow, Gilmour is able to escape out of the hold, as he rolls to the outside. Clutching his right arm, he looks on as Cadryn smirks. Gilmour says something to John Madison, as he makes Cadryn step away from the ropes. The crowd seems to have swung fully behind Cadryn now, as they start a chant!


Gilmour doesn’t look very happy, he slides back into the ring to square up with Cadryn once again. Gilmour looks to tie up again, as Cadryn looks game. Cadryn comes in, Gilmour sneaks in an eye poke! John Madison is unable to see the action, as Cadryn stumbles backwards. Holding his eye, He tries to complain to Bobo, but Gilmour capitalizes! He grabs Cadryn, pulling him into a Northern Lights Suplex! Showing off his strength, Gilmour holds on and transitions it into another Suplex! Cadryn crashes hard, taking two Northern Light Suplexes in a row! Gilmour gets back up to his feet, mounting Cadryn as He rains down punches! The crowd boos, the eye poke giving Gilmour the advantage. Gilmour gets to his feet, taunting the crowd with a silly display. With an obscene gesture to the crowd, he turns his attention back on his opponent.

Gilmour picks Cadryn up, a stiff forearm staggers him again, Cadryn tries to fight back but is tossed into the corner. Gilmour quickly follows up, rushing Cadryn as he hits the turnbuckle. There is a split second between Cadryn colliding with the turnbuckle, and Gilmour clobbering him with a Clothesline! Cadryn’s head snaps backwards, as he falls to the canvas. Gilmour doesn’t let up, as he deadlifts Cadryn off of the canvas and into a Gutwrench Suplex! The crowd boos Gilmour, who mocks Cadryn as he lays on the mat.

Gilmour seems to enjoy their taunts, but his focus is back onto Cadryn. Cadryn tries to get back up to his feet, but Gilmour push kicks his back down. With Cadryn down on the mat, Gilmour grabs his opponent and locks his into a rather uncomfortable leg lock! It’s the right leg the hold is applied to, as Gilmour desperately wrenches away at it. He punches it with his free hand, but Cadryn seems to be holding on. Gilmour lets go of the hold, opting instead to drop an Elbow on it! It slams into Cadryn’s knee, allowing Gilmour to lock in a Single Leg Boston Crab!

Cadryn looks to be in pain now, but the hold is loose enough for Cadryn to escape through. He slips out, as Gilmour turns around. Gilmour tries for a right hand, but Cadryn catches his arm with a Superkick! Gilmour’s arm snaps backwards in an odd way, causing him to yell out in pain. Gilmour recovers, and turns around into another Superkick! Gilmour’s eyes roll back into his head, as he falls to the mat. Cadryn takes the opportunity to work his leg out, making sure there wasn’t severe damage done. The crowd cheers, trying to keep him in this match!

Cadryn gets to a knee, but Gilmour is now up on his feet! He charges at Cadryn, who is able to duck and toss Gilmour over the top rope! Gilmour spills to the outside, the crowd cheering as he does. Cadryn looks to have recovered, as he looks to the crowd. They build up in anticipation, as Cadryn sprints for the ropes! He rebounds, moving back towards his original position. Cadryn shoots through the ropes, connecting with a Suicide Dive onto Gilmour! Both men take a spill, falling to the mats on the outside!

John Madison calls for both men to enter the ring, as they try to collect themselves. It takes a moment, but soon enough both men are back on their feet again! Cadryn hammers Gilmour with a forearm, causing him to stumble backwards into the barricade. Gilmour connects with a forearm of his own, staggering Cadryn for the moment. Gilmour charges at Cadryn, who looks like he’s going to toss him face first onto the mat, but Gilmour turns it into a Tornado DDT ONTO THE APRON! Cadryn slams hard, face first into the apron as he falls to the floor! John Madison starts his count, as Gilmour takes a breather.





Gilmour rolls in and out of the ring quickly, promptly breaking the count. He looks to continue his attack, as Cadryn is getting back to his feet. He grabs Cadryn, who quickly slips out. Cadryn grabs Gilmour’s right wrist, bending it at an awkward angle! Gilmour looks to be in pain, as Cadryn smashes his arm against the ring post!




The count has started again, Cadryn looks to take control as Gilmour cradles his arm. He picks the Hart champ up to his feet, whipping him into the nearby barricade. Gilmour lands hard, and eats a running Yakuza kick from Cadryn! The move causes him to slump to the floor, as the fans cheer Cadryn on!




Cadryn makes his way back into the ring, again breaking the count. Gilmour stirs, climbing up onto the apron and into the ring. The two trade right hands, but a punch seems to hurt Gilmour’s hand even worse. Cadryn takes the moment, picking Gilmour up onto his shoulders! Gilmour quickly fights out of it, slipping down and dropping to the floor. Cadryn sees this, and looks to connect with a Superkick. Gilmour attempts to block, causing Cadryn to wait. When Gilmour looks up, he eats one fully!

The Road Less Traveled!

Gilmour falls to the mat, as Cadryn slips back into the ring. The two men take a breather, both starting to look tired as the match goes on.

Gilmour gets back up, after a few moments, and slowly gets back to his feet. Cadryn gets back up, he slams a forearm into the back of Gilmour. Gilmour winces, as Cadryn gets him up to his feet. With the champ in front of him, Cadryn’s face turns to stone, and levels him with another Uppercut! Gilmour falls to the canvas, as Cadryn looks to go to the top rope! The crowd cheers him on, as he slowly makes his climb. Cadryn gets to the outside, but Gilmour quickly shoots up! He rushes to the ropes, grabbing Cadryn! He starts to pull Cadryn up, trying to set him up for a Superplex! Cadryn slips through his legs, getting back into the ring! He grabs Gilmour’s head, trapping it against the turnbuckle! With nowhere to go Cadryn connects with another Superkick, the smack echoing throughout the arena! Gilmour stumbles out of the corner. Cadryn scoops him up and hits From Dusk Till Dawn and follows through for the pin!





- vs -
John Samuels
Xtreme Title Match
X-treme Rules

The entire arena is washed in sterile white light as the following words are spoken through the sound system:

Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill Is Dexter ill today?

On the main screen is a grainy image of an old television test screen. After the initial dialogue the sound slips into “Insect” by Die Warzau. As the offbeat tune picks up, the test screen fades and is instead replaced with a series of Rorschach ink blots. Each panel of ink blots at first looks innocuous, but soon slithers into the shadowy outlines of terrible scenes: a knife going through a head, a body with entrails spilling out before it, a bisected human torso, a figure whose face appears to be slipping off. Interspersed with the morphing inkblot tests are other images of rats flitting about in sewers and pictures of pleasant “whitebread” 1950’s families whose members have no faces. The white lights are now accompanied by small red lights panning all over the arena that look like droplets of blood in contrasts with the white lights.

The Engineer steps to the top of the ramp, and he takes in the crowd, the ring, everything. Slowly an unsettling smile bisects his face, and some black tar like liquid will spill from his mouth. He'll run his sleeve over it before stalking to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. He then picks himself up in a neutral corner,
remaining there with a dead eyed stare until the match begins.

Samuels makes his way down to the ring as his music plays, whether the fans cheer or boo him he pays absolutely no attention to them. He climbs up the stairs and hops over the top rope and immediately crouches next the turnbuckle, swaying back and forth waiting his opponent

The bell rings.

The Engineer looks locked in. He is like a dog on the hunt. John Samuels looks like he doesn't want to even be there. Very disinterested.

Engy approches, and Samuels rolls his eyes. Engy clotheslines him, and Sameuls eyes go wide. He realizes that shit, Engy isn't messing around. Samuels gets up and Engy locks him into a German Suplex. He delivers.

And another

And another.

And another

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd another.

Engy throws him into the corner and begins to ram his shoulder into the midsection of Samuels several times.

Samuels stumbles out

Engy hits Delirium Tremens!




"It's like John Samuels just doesn't even care anymore!"

Winner and STILL XWF Xtreme Champion - The Engineer

The match is over, but the Engineer stalks to the outside and grabs the Xtreme title. He rolls back into the ring behind John Samuels. Samuels wheels around just in time to get decked in the head with the title. Samuels goes down to one knee, but isn't out, so Engy viciously strikes him again.

Enough is enough, the match is over!

Yeah, but Engy said he wanted the man DEAD.

Samuels is motionless now. Engy rolls out of the ring and grabs the ring steps casually tossing them over the top rope. Madison looks on, a bit nervously. Engy then smirks maliciously and reaches under the ring. He draws out his sword KINGBREAKER!

Oh come on, he can't be serious!

Madison approaches Engy now, arms out but clearly unhappy.

Okay, game over buddy. We all get the picture. But you can't kill the guy!

Engy shrugs.

Why not?

Engy makes a move to get in the ring, but Madison grabs his shoulder. Engy shoves her away with his free hand. Madison looks aghast at his overt act of rebellion.

Are you fucking serious right now?! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!

Engy, ignoring Madison, gets in the ring. He grabs John by his head and drags him over to the ring steps, propping his head over the edge of the steps like a crude butcher's block.

Hooooooly shit, we're so getting fined for this.

By GAWD Engy! You've made your point! You can't kill this man!

Madison paces on the outside, looking frantic. She continues to try to plead with him, plead for sanity. But The Engineer has a hateful raging fire in his eyes. He picks up Kingbreaker. John Samuels is still not moving.


The Engineer raises the sword above his head. The crowd screams.....AND ENGY IS TAKEN OUT BY THEO PRYCE!

Where the hell did he come from?!

Theo spears Engy hard in the midsection, causing him to drop the sword. He rides the momentum right through the ropes, tacking the Engineer right to the outside! The fans pop! Theo lands on top of Engy and the XWF owner is like a man possessed, punching Engy in the face again and again!

Theo has clearly not forgotten what The Engineer did to his wife!

Ya think? I honestly don't think I've ever seen him this pissed!

The Engineer finally regains his senses and starts to fight back when security finally reaches the ringside area and starts pulling the two men apart. The crowd is chanting "let them fight! let them fight!" And for a moment, Engy does! He breaks free of the officials holding him back and starts laying into Theo. Theo tosses aside his own protectors and starts furiously punching Engy! Finally, the officials swarm the two raging men again, drawing them apart. Madison joins the men holding Engy and follows them up the ramp. Theo is still beside himself struggling to pursue.

That was intense! The Engineer seems to have made a mortal enemy out of Theo Pryce, not sure that's a wise idea.

By this point, a couple of the officials have broken off to tend to John Samuels, wh is slowly getting to his feet.

Folks, we'll be back in a bit!

6 Man Leap of Faith Match
Jim Caedus - vs - Chris Chaos - vs - Danny Imperial - vs - Scully - vs - Gabe Reno - vs - Robert Main
The match takes place up in the rafters.
Winner is the first person to grab the case by taking a "leap of faith"

Fans, it is time for the Leap of Faith Match....

JR, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. Seven of the top guys in the XWF today are going head to head to head to head----

We get it, Luca.. We get it. These seven men... will fight.... for something that some would consider next best to the coveted Universal Championship. Something that was lead to many Universal Championship reigns. Something that has broken many hearts.... The almighty and most feared, XWF 24/7 Briefcase!!

The following contest is the Leap of Faith Match!

The rules to this match are simple folks. A scaffolding has been built high-up in the ring. Next to that scaffolding hangs the most precious 24/7 briefcase. The competitors are to climb up this scaffolding and take the "Leap of Faith" to capture the prize.

Winning the briefcase is great, JR, but the risk in this match is high. To win the match these guys are literally risking their careers.

The now familiar opening notes to "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begin to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer plugs. The fans erupt. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Introducing first! From Naples Island, California... Weighing in at 230 pounds.... Jim Caedus!!

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates, the former XWF Universal Champion Jim Caedus, sadly sans strap, steps out as the house lights come up.

Jim Caedus knows exactly what it feels like to hold the 24/7 Briefcase folks and it lead him to the Universal Championship!

His hair hangs freely, emotion absent in his eyes. He glances around at the majority population of fans who now know exactly who he is. The small pockets of his smarks seem less enthused to be a part of the crowd but remain cheering nonetheless.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat). Looking to both sides of the crowd.

Now entering the arena, from Clearwater Beach, Florida.... Weighing 240 pounds.... Chris Chaos!!

He walks slowly to the ring until he gets about 3/4 of the way down, then jogs and slides into the ring (edge style)...When he gets into the ring he gets up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.

Chris Chaos, ladies and gentlemen... Definitely one of the quickest rising stars in the business today. A former Universal Champion, as well. If there is anyone more hungry than him to get it back, I don't know who it is.

I think he entered the arena just before Chaos, JR!

"Hail To The King" Blares through the speakers as laser multi-colored lights move haphazardly through the stadium. As the heavy guitar drops, two opposite flares shoot out from the base of the entrance. A crazed, grinning Danny Imperial walks out from behind the curtain. He runs a hand across his face, pulling back his hair.

Now entering the arena, from New York City, New York! Weighing in at 215 pounds..... “The King of the Jungle” ……… Danny Imperial!!

He strolls down the ramp towards the ring, smugly glancing from side to side, giving Betsys in the crowd a wink as he passes them. He slides smoothly into the ring, crawling up to the announce, Tig O' Bitties. Climbing up one of the turnbuckles. He sticks both hands into the air and licks his lips in anticipation.

Mr. Imperial looking for his first opportunity at a briefcase here tonight. After returning to the XWF after a several month absence, he has done nothing but impressive feats. Victory after victory, this man earned his shot in this Leap of Faith match!

He leaps off the turnbuckle, walking to the center of the ring as a blue light shines on him. He simulates a crown on his head, lifting the imaginary crown and placing it at the center of the ring.

Suddenly the arena lights go red and "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage. He looks around at the XWF Galaxy in attendance and smirks.

Now entering the arena, from Birmingham, England... Weighing 225 pounds.... Scully!!

The chorus of boos fill the arena in disapproval of Skull, he shrugs it off and slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring them. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and smirks once again at the crowd. He then raises his XWF Universal Championship in the air as the boos become louder. He walks up the steps and walks along the ring apron.

Scully is another former Universal Champion folks and has been a presence here in the XWF for years. Winning tonight will definitely boost him back up to the status he was when he was champion.

He turns to look at the fans whilst slowly moving both hands from his face to the floor, gesturing "A look at me" type taunt. Scully enters through the middle rope and into the ring. Skull walks over to the far turn buckle and climbs to the top. He holds his hands in the air, making sure the title is there for everyone to see and then does his "Look at me" taunt. The Scully Meister spins himself round and chills on the turnbuckle with his arms folded, his title put over his shoulder. His music fades out.

Golden strobe lights and dimming fill the area as "Golden Age" by Woodkid hits the loudspeakers. Mixed reactions of love and hate fill the mixed crowd as The Radical emerges in green and black tights reading 'The Very Best, Nothing More, Nothing Less' across the back.

Now entering the arena, from San Diego, California... Weighing 204 pounds... "The Radical".... Gabe Reno!

He smiles under a Black hood before sprinting and sliding into the ring, removing his hood and telling the ref to "start the fucking match already".

Another Universal Champion that's familar with the briefcase, Luca...

Yeah, but not in the warm, fuzzy way, JR! He got cashed in on!

So you could imagine his determination to once again be the Universal Champion. This could open that window wide open for him if he walks away with the 24/7 briefcase tonight.

And the final competitor in the Leap of Faith Match......

As "Broken Dreams" by Shaman's Harvest begins we watch as Robert "The Omega" Main slowly rises up from the depths of the stage, his back turned to the ring as he rolls his shoulders.

From Las Vegas, Nevada..... Weighing 220 pounds.... Robert... "The Omega" ....... Main!!!

Following Tig's introduction, he turns as the music begins to rise, and after the lyrics "I make them for you" hit the speakers, just as the sting hits, he raises his firearm to the sky, pulls the trigger and unleashes an automatic salvo that has his pockets of fans around the arena cheering enthusiastically.

Robert Main has seen ups and downs in his career here in the XWF folks. He is a former Hart and Trios Champion and has always been seen as a top talent around here. All seven of these men are and every single one has an excellent opportunity tonight!

He then hops off the small platform, passes his weapon to a crewman and begins to walk to the ring, avoiding the outstretched hands of the fans in disgust along the way. Once Robert reaches the apron, he eyes those in the ring, smirks, then ascends the stairs to his corner and steps between the ropes exuding confidence.

Seven men. One briefcase.

[dodgeblue]Hanging really, really, really high up in the air.[/dodgeblue]

Who's going to take it home?

All men are looking up the scaffolding and hanging several feet over from it is the briefcase. Robert Main looks around and quickly turns around to start climbing up the scaffolding. Scully slides in the ring to go after him, but grabbing him by the ankles is Danny Imperial! Danny pulls Scully back out of the ring and nails him with a forearm! Scully falls back into the barricade!

Main makes it up a couple of feet. Caedus slides in the ring now and goes after Main, Chaos thinks the same thing and the two men meet in the middle, share a stare then pull Main off of the scaffolding by his pants! Main slams his head off the mat and rolls to the edge of the ring. Chaos and Caedus share another stare then begin going to town on each other!

A fury of fists between two former Universal Champions!

Reno is lingering around the outside, he heads around the corner of the ring and goes after Danny Imperial who is still giving Scully the business in the corner of the barricade. Reno runs and jumps from the ring steps! He soars, but Imperial and Scully both see him coming and dive out of the way in opposite directions! Reno bounces off and lands on his head on the floor!

Imperial notices the battle going on in the ring and crawls under the bottom rope to join in the fight. As he does, Caedus and Chaos turn to him and start laying the boots and manage to fight him back out of the ring. They turn to each other again and begin battling it out once more! Reno hasn’t moved for a few minutes; a couple of officials have checked up on him and waved for the medics. The match continues while they remove Reno from the match.

You can't deny that out of the seven men in this match, those two have a long history here in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

Like fire and ice, JR! Oil and water!

Main rolls himself out of the ring and is after Scully now. He pushes him against he barricade where Scully has spent the first part of this match, but he battles back! He switches places with Main and starts pounding away! He pulls Main away throws him over his back with a T-Bone Suplex onto the entrance way! Main yells out in pain as he reaches around to his back after being slammed onto the hard floor!

There's no padding out in the entrance way folks. That was the hard floor the Main was slammed onto!

Imperial didn't last long outside the ring. He let Chaos and Caedus go back to fighting and slid back in. He rushes over to the two men and knocks them both down with a double clothesline! Imperial continues after Chaos, he picks him up and slams him into the corner turnbuckle and hits him with a big back hand slap across the chest! The crowd responds with the usual, "Whoo!", to accompany it. Caedus rushes up behind Imperial and wraps his arms around him, he lifts him up, and sends him flying and rolling backwards after a German suplex! He rises straight up to his feet and runs to the corner where Chaos still leans and drop kicks him in the chest! All of the air is taken from Chaos's body and he crumbles to the mat face first!

Scully remains in control of Main in the middle of the entrance way. He has him back to his feet and begins guiding him back to the ring. Scully throws Main's body towards the ring steps, but Main throws a boot up blocking it! He grabs Scully by the back of the head and throws him into the ring post! Scully's face bashes off of it and his head rings like a bell! He staggers away as Main looks into the ring to see Caedus beginning his first climb up the scaffolding!

There goes Caedus!

Jim Caedus ascending the very high scaffolding! He's got his eyes on the prize here!

I think he's going a bit early, Main is right on his tail, but Caedus is making good time!

Main reaches up to grab Caedus, but Jim avoids the grab! He lifts his leg up, then the other, then the other! Main can get him! He then starts climbing himself but gets a boot square to the face slamming him back to the mat! Imperial is back to his feet and has a try. In one jump he lands several feet up the scaffolding, but he gets the same treatment from Caedus and takes a boot just under the chin! He falls to the mat! Meanwhile, Chris Chaos got to his feet and climbed the top rope. He leaps off and tackles Caedus off the scaffolding!!


Everyone is down, JR!

Except Scully! He looks like a kid in a candy store!

Scully notices a chance from the outside and quickly slides into the ring and heads straight for the scaffolding. He starts to climb up! Chaos notices Scully climbing the scaffolding and and makes a mad dash to climb up the opposite side. Scully reaches the top first, followed by Chaos. Imperial and Main get to their feet and look like they are about to come to blows, but Main points to the scaffolding. Main and Imperial both start climbing up as Scully and Chaos begin exchanging blows. Chaos with a right, Scully returns the favor! Neither man is gaining the upper hand! Main and Imperial are almost to the top. Jim begins to show signs of life below.

”This match is complete madness!”

Chaos hits a DDT to Scully on the scaffolding! Scully is out cold, lying halfway off the scaffolding! Imperial reaches the top. Chaos balls up his fist and prepares to fight him off. Main comes up the other side. Chaos looks nervous with attackers on either side! Main and Imperial slowly make their way towards Chaos. With little options available to him, Chaos takes the leap of faith!


Chaos crashes to the mat!

Chaos missed the case!

He didn’t even come close!

Imperial and Main turn their attention to one another. The two men lock up and a struggle to gain the upper hand ensues. Imperial begins to outpower Main, but Main kicks him in the gut, gaining the advantage. Main tosses Imperial off of the scaffolding and to the mat below! With Imperial out of this way, Robert Main sees his opportunity to grab the case. He watches the case softly sway back and forth for a moment before finally taking the leap!

He got it!

Main latches onto the case and dangles in mid air.

He managed to grab the case, but he still needs to unfasten it to win!

Main struggles to get the case off of the cable while also holding on himself. Scully manages to get back on his feet and looks out to Main who is inches away from winning. Scully looks around nervously, trying to figure out what to do next. Finally he settles on a gameplan and leaps off of the scaffolding, grabbing onto Main and hanging from his waist. Main yells out and struggles to maintain his grip.

Desperation move by Scully, but it looks like it’s going to do the trick!

Main slips and slides down the cable. He tries to shake Scully, but Scully is holding on for dear life. Finally Main’s grip breaks, and both men tumble to the mat. Caedus is now back to his feet. He starts towards the scaffolding and begins to slowly climb it, but Chaos manages to grab him and pull him down. Jim turns around and fires off a big right. Chaos eats it and stumbles back before answering it with a fake out right hand and a kick to the gut. Jim is stunned as he doubles over. Chaos grabs him and tries to lift him up, but Jim manages to block the attempt and back body drops Chaos. Jim turns his attention back to the scaffolding and walks towards it. Imperial manages to get to his feet, as does Main. Imperial grabs Main and hits him with a slick DDT before he can even react.

This match has been pure mayhem thus far, fans. Several “Leaps of Faith”, if you will, have been made and neither man has been able to bring down the case with them.

Caedus begins to climb the scaffolding, but is attacked from behind by Imperial! He shakes him off with an elbow and backs him off. He makes enough room to smack Imperial with a running knee! Imperial takes it to the side of the head and nearly falls out of the ring! Caedus turns around to face the scaffolding again, but Chaos is already to his feet and picks Jim up!!!!!!

He’s going for the Equalizer, JR!!

This could be lights out for Jim Caedus!

Chaos turns around with Caedus on his shoulders and takes a spinning elbow from Imperial! He falls flat on his back, where he managed to pull off a Samoa Drop on Caedus at the same time! Caedus rolls out of the ring and to the floor and Chaos counts the lights from his back. Scully crawls to the scaffolding and begins pulling himself up to his feet. Imperial notices and rushes over….. Imperial Execution!!!!! Scully’s face bounces off the mat and he is out cold! Main is just starting to stir after taking the worst of the fall from his Leap of Faith and that quick DDT that planted him by the King of the Jungle! Imperial is alone on his feet! He looks up and stares at the 24/7 briefcase above his head then looks back down to Scully. Raising his arms in the air, he takes the invisible crown from on top of his head and rests it on the center back of Scully.

If I was Danny Imperial, I wouldn’t be wasting time JR. If he decides to start climbing, it’s probably going to take long enough to get one of these guys moving again.

I couldn’t agree with you more, Luca. With what is at stake here, Dan Imperial needs should already be half-way up the scaffolding.

Robert Main is on his feet now and makes his way across the ring to Danny. He goes to reach for him to turn him around, but Imperial seen him coming! He spins around and lifts Main in the air….. Imperial Insanity!!

Maybe he was just making sure he left no unfinished business down there, JR!

Imperial jumps straight to his feet and immediately goes for the scaffolding. He climbs as Jim Caedus is now pulling himself to his feet from the outside using the apron. Chaos is crawling towards the scaffolding as well! Chaos and Caedus share a stare once more before looking up to Imperial who is about half way up now. They seem to silently agree that reaching the top is a bit more important than fighting each other off the scaffolding. They both begin climbing together! Scully is pulling himself up and begins climbing with those two while Main is still out in the ring!

Five men are scaling the scaffolding now fans. This does NOT look good.

Someone gonna die tonight, JR.

Imperial reaches the top and turns around to see the two men close behind him and the one lagging behind them. He looks across to the briefcase hanging from the cable and begins measuring up his Leap Of Faith!!!

Imperial could end it all right now if he can reach the briefcase, Luca

Jump Danny!

He takes a deep breath and goes to step back, but his grabbed by the ankle by Jim Caedus! Imperial starts stomping Jim’s arm, but Chaos reaches up and grabs his other boot tripping him backwards! Chaos and Caedus both reach the top. Chaos tries shoving Jim right away and nearly sends him right back down off the scaffolding. Jim catches his balance though and looks like a baby bird flapping his wings frantically as he catches his balance.

That was a close one there!

Scully has reached the top now and pulls himself up. He goes after Imperial who is just reaching his feet and kicks him in the side of the head! Revenge for the curb stomp he took earlier! Scully turns around and is punched in the head by Chaos. Scully stumbles across the scaffolding….. Wrexus Plexus!!!!!

Oh my God!!!

Scully takes a Yakuza kick to the chest and sends him soaring off the scaffolding and down to the floor! Luca makes a whistling sound as Scully takes his fall….

That had to hurt, JR. Like, really bad.

Scully completely missed the ring and landed on the outside of it. The padding on the floor around the ring could hardly pad his fall from that height. Officials surround him and again, medics make their way down the ramp and begin giving Scully some attention. Robert Main is on his feet now. He looks up and sees the three men, Chris Chaos, Danny Imperial, and Chris Chaos, all standing on top of the scaffolding. He stares up at them, before looking around and sliding under the bottom rope under the ring.

Where is he going?!

You’re going the wrong way Robbie!

Main lifts the curtain around the ring apron and looks under the ring.

Uh oh, what’s he up to?! Oh no!

Main pulls a sledgehammer from under the ring.

Who put that under there, JR?!

Who puts ANYTHING under there, Luca?

Good point!

Imperial, Caedus, and Chaos all stand apart from each other on top of the scaffolding, measure each other up, all exhausted from the falls and battles they’ve endured throughout.

Oh no… What is Main planning to do with that sledgehammer?

Main slides into the ring and looks up to the three men, then around the crowd to a loud reaction, both negative and positive!!

Ho-ly shit.

Main swings the hammer against the side of the scaffolding shaking its foundation!! The three men stagger and try their best to keep their balance!! Imperial takes a knee to stay up while Chaos and Caedus both fall to their sides.

Main thinks he’s a lumberjack, JR!

By Gahd! What is he doing?! He won’t be able to reach the briefcase without the scaffolding! Why is he trying to bring it down?!

If he can’t have it, nobody can, JR!

Imperial goes after Chaos with a quick punch, but Chaos ducks and picks Imperial up on his shoulders!! Equalizer on top of the scaffolding!!! Main takes another whack at the bottom of the scaffolding shaking it again! Chaos begins falling backwards and almost off of the top, but falls forward and saves himself! The structure beings to wobble with every step the competitors make…..


Chaos and Caedus share a stare again…. Then both look at the briefcase……. The scaffolding begins to tip forward and collapse on one side…………

Jim Caedus and Chris Chaos take the Leap of Faith at the same time!!!!!!!!


I can’t believe Main did that! He just killed Danny Imperial!!!

The crowd reacts with a deafening ovation! More officials run from the back and to the ring to clear the wreckage.


As Chaos and Caeuds jumped together from the scaffolding…. THEY BOTH MANAGED TO GRAB THE CASE!!!



This could be the end here fans!! If one of these men can unhook the case, it’s all over!



AND ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!

Jim’s gonna fall!!! Jim’s gonna fall!!!!!




This is it, Luca!!!! Jim has to unhook it!!!!!![

Still dangling, Jim unhooks the case and lets go of the cable!! He lands on some scaffolding wreckage as well, but on his feet…. He lands hard, but on purpose and handled it better than everyone else when they were knocked off this last time. He falls onto his back where a few officials give him some attention as he holds his 24/7 briefcase tightly….

Jimmy did it!!!

It’s over fans! Jim Caedus has just won the Leap of Faith match to gain the second 24/7 briefcase of his career! What a slobber knocker this was tonight!

We still have our main event to go through, JR! Somebody better get out here and clean up this mess, ya know?!

Winner and NEW 24/7 Briefcase Holder – JIM CAEDUS

- vs -
Standard Match

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the XWF Universal Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at two-hundred and ninety pounds, from The nation's capital, Washington, DC… ROOOBBIEEEEEE BOURBOOOOON!!!

A series of fireworks fire off on the stage as Robbie's music starts to play throughout the arena. Across the X-Tron, we see the exact same thing as what is traditionally used as Robbie Bourbon's banner on the XWF website as Robbie steps out. He raises his arms to 45 degree angles while the X-Tron shows clips of Robbie standing on top of the Elimination Chamber followed by the massive dive through the top onto Trax, Robbie forcing Vinnie Lane to sign his contract mid-match, Robbie Bourbon scoring a pinfall against Chris Chaos, and Robbie delivering the final blow to Barney Green's career by way of Robbiebomb onto the hood of the car. Robbie starts to calmly walk down to the ring, taking his time to get there. He climbs the ring steps, stands on the apron, and turns his back to the ring, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles while jawing to the crowd, which is singing along to Nobody Speak. Robbie then enters the ring and points at the referee, jawing at him. He then spins, hops on the second turnbuckle, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles again.

And his opponent, weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-two pounds, and hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The XWF Universal Champion… JAAAAAMES RAAAAAVEN!!!

The entire arena slowly fades to black as the audience excitedly awaits the entrance of "The People's GOAT". The drum beat and guitar solo start and a series of white and blue spotlights come up and pan the crowd. Mike Shinoda's voice is heard on the speakers singing.

“Now here we go for the hundredth time, hand grenade pins in every line, throw ‘em up and let something shine, going out of my fucking mind… filthy mouth, no excuse, find a new place to hang this noose, string me up from atop these roofs, high and tight so I won't get loose.”

By now the fans are going wild and cheering as the spotlights slowly make their way to the top of the entrance ramp where a dim fog begins to form.

“Truth is you can stop and stare, rub myself out and no one cares, dug the trench out and lay down there with a shovel up, out of reach somewhere… yeah, someone pouring in, make it a dirt glass floor again, say your prayers and stomp it out when they bring that chorus in.”

The spotlights come together as one, and the fog fills the top of the ramp until the downbeat hits and a major blue and silver pyrotechnic display goes off and the rest of the arena lights turn up to full. When the smoke clears James Raven is seen on top of the ramp, his hands thrown up over his head and a huge smile on his face.

“I BLEED IT OUT!!! Diggin’ deeper just to throw it away, I BLEED IT OUT!!!”

James makes his way down the ramp, high fiving fans and posing for pictures with several of them until he reaches the base of the ramp. Then, he pauses for a few seconds and sprints for the ring, diving in under the bottom rope and sliding into the center of the mat on his hands and knees. He poses for a second, then gets up and runs for the turnbuckle, climbing up and posing yet again for the fans before doing a 360 degree spin off and doing the same on the opposite turnbuckle. As his music fades out he stretches in his corner, and then waits for the starting bell.

In the center of the ring, the official stands with the XWF Universal Championship in hand. Raising it high above his head, he then turns to each side of the ring, presenting it to the Vancouver crowd.


Stepping away from his corner, James Raven walks to the center of the ring while rolling his shoulders and keeping himself loose. Looking from side to side, Robbie Bourbon looks to the crowd as he leans against the corner with his arms draped over the top ropes. He then pushes himself upright and slowly approaches Raven until the two are standing eye to eye. After a short exchange of words, Bourbon cracks a smile before raising his right arm to his side and pointing to the crowd. Raven turns his head and right there in plain sight is a fan with a sign held above their head.

*Robbie eats Ravens*

An irritated look comes over Raven as he turns his attention back to Bourbon. After half a minute of back and forth banter, Robbie then extends his hand out to Raven. With his hands on his hips, Raven looks down at his hand before catching him off guard and swatting it out from in front. With his other hand, Raven then swings and catches Bourbon upside the head with a stiff right. Throwing another right and another, Raven lays into Bourbon with multiple punches, backing him across the ring. Robbie’s back touches the ropes and with nowhere to go, his breath is then knocked out of him by a knee to the stomach. Grabbing ahold of Robbie’s wrist and shoulder, Raven then throws him to the ropes across the ring and as he bounces off, Raven takes off for him at full speed. Leaping forward into the air, Raven drives his shoulder into Bourbons knocking him flat on his back with shoulder block.

The two race to their feet, Raven standing first and quickly moving in with a right over Bourbon’s head as he gets to one knee. Kicking his left leg up, Raven slams his foot into Bourbon’s shoulder before spinning in the opposite direction and leveling him with roundhouse. Pulling Robbie back to his feet, Raven ducks under his arm and wraps Robbie up low before lifting him off his feet and flipping him over to the mat with a Northern Lights Suplex. Bridging the suplex, he has Bourbon’s shoulders to the mat as the official quickly drops down beside them with the count.




Kicking out, Robbie pushes Raven off of him, breaking up the officials count. Raven pushes himself back to his feet quickly before laying into Bourbon’s ribs with a few rapid kicks. Stepping over him, Raven walks towards the ropes with his back turned to Robbie. Out of nowhere, Robbie leans back and grabs the back of Raven’s tights. Pulling him backwards and to the mat, Robbie rolls him up as the official jumps back down beside them.







































Robbie Bourbon almost captured the Universal championship with a roll up!”

”That just goes to show that James Raven needs to not take his eyes off of Bourbon for even a second!”

The two get back to their feet before circling the center of the ring. Raven begins yelling across at Robbie about the cheap attempt. Stopping in his tracks, Robbie then shrugs his shoulders as the camera zooms in to his lips saying “problem?” Furious, Raven charges Robbie and throws a wild punch for his head. Side stepping him, Robbie then takes him face down to the canvas with a drop-toe hold! Raven’s head bounces off the mat as he pushes himself up in a fluid motion, rising before Bourbon even. Stepping into Robbie before he stands, Raven extends both arms to grab onto him but is completely taken by surprise when Robbie wraps him around the waist and lifts him into the air. Taking a step forward, Robbie slams him down with an inverted atomic drop, stiffening his body as his posture straightens. Rushing forward, Robbie goes for a clothesline but misses as Raven ducks underneath. Stopping in his tracks, Raven then does a backflip just as Robbie turns around, hitting him right in the face with a pele kick. Robbie stumbles backwards across the ring before hitting the ropes and as he comes back, Raven pushes himself up and then charges towards him. Leaping forward, Raven flies through the air and collides into Robbie in the center of the ring with a flying forearm, but Robbie absorbs the blow and catches Raven in mid air. Raven struggles to free himself as Robbie takes a few steps grinning. Robbie lifts Raven up and runs across the ring, slamming him to the mat with a Powerslam.

”Robbie Bourbon is taking it to the champ tonight! Will this be the night that he finally captures the big one?”

Robbie stands up and dashes across the ring hitting the ropes. On his return he leaps into the air and crashes down with a big splash that flattens Raven. Robbie rolls off of the champ and sits up to his knees. He looks out to the crowd with a confident smile before grabbing Raven by the hair and pulling him to his feet. Robbie leads Raven towards the ropes. Raven throws a desperation punch, but Robbie blocks it and returns the effort with a headbutt of his own. Raven’s legs become unstable after the hit, but that doesn’t stop Robbie from throwing a couple of hard hitting body shots before continuing their way towards the ropes. Robbie grabs the back of Ravens head and presses his face into the top rope then jogs down the side of the ring, raking Raven’s eyes. Raven drops to the mat kicking and fighting in pain as he covers his eyes with his hands. Pulling Raven to his feet, Robbie locks his arm around his head before grabbing onto the back of his pants. Pulling him by the waistband, he lifts Raven up and over, dropping him flat on his back with a snap suplex.

Continuing his assault, Robbie rains down on Raven with rapid kicks to the head. He then pulls Raven up from the mat before slapping him across the chest with an open palm. Locking onto his arm, Robbie then goes to throw Raven to the ropes but before he can release, Raven reverses and sends Robbie racing towards them instead. With Robbie bouncing off the ropes and coming back on the return, Raven takes off for him, meeting him in the center of the ring with a running high knee. The shot to the head spins Robbie around to face the opposite direction. Stepping in behind him, Raven hooks his arms underneath Robbie’s before lifting him off his feet and dropping him on his head with a dragon suplex. Bridging the suplex, Raven holds Robbie in place with his shoulders down to the canvas. Dropping in beside them, the official begins his count.




Back on his feet, Raven kicks him in the ribs with a stinging front kick. He then grabs ahold of Robbie , pulling him to his feet. Holding him in place, Raven hits Bourbon with multiple knees to the body. He then ducks down and wraps Robbie up, lifting him up and over, before dropping him flat on his back with a bridging Northern Lights suplex. Sliding in beside them, the official begins his count again.



Pushing Raven off of him, Robbie frees himself. Robbie and Raven make it to their feet. Raven steps forward with a snap jab, but Robbie catches his fist out of the air and pulls him in for a big clothesline! Turning to the nearby corner, a sadistic look comes across Robbie’s face. He pulls Raven back to his feet and leads him into the corner. Robbie perches himself on the top rope as he pulls Raven in closer.

”Oh my God, ROBBIEBOMB from the second rope!”

Robbie slams Raven down, but twist his body while doing so, causing Raven to hit the ropes back first! Raven’s back bends in an unnatural way over the top rope and then he is launched high into the air, crashing down on the outside beside of the barricade. Robbie hops off of the top rope and rolls to the outside. He stands over Raven who is showing no signs of life. Robbie leans over to pull Raven up as the ref stars his count.


But Raven is out cold, so Robbie powers him up and tosses his lifeless body over his shoulder.



Robbie walks over to the announce table and lays Raven across the top as the announcers rush away. The referee can be heard yelling for Robbie to get back into the ring, stalling his count. Robbie half hazardly throws monitors, papers, and other clutter off of the table before climbing up himself. He pulls Raven up and places his head between his legs setting up for a powerbomb.



Robbie leans over and grabs ahold of Raven’s waist, but Raven stands up, back body dropping Robbing to the cold hard cement floor below!



Raven rolls under the ropes to break the count. He then grabs Bourbon and rolls him onto the announce table before climbing up himself.



Raven signals to the crowd for “Flight of the Raven”. He leans over and grabs Robbie by the head, pulling him up to his feet.


Suddenly Robbie comes to life, kicks Raven in the mid section and lifts him high into the air for a powerbomb!

Robbie slams Raven down, but not on the table, Raven’s lower back hits the guardrail, leaving a nash indention in it as Raven crumbles to the floor.


Raven wallows in pain. Robbing jumps down off of the table and grabs him, lifting him to his feet and…




“Come on, get back in the ring!

Robbie scoops Raven up onto his shoulder and dumps him back into the ring.


Robbie rolls into the ring and begins gloating to the crowd about becoming the new Universal champion. As he turns around, Robbie is shocked to see signs of life from Raven on the mat. Robbie walks over and forcefully yanks Raven up. He then lifts him up and dashes toward the corner.


Raven hits the corner hard and flies back like a rag doll, hitting the canvas and tumbling across the ring. Robbie hooks the leg.




It's over!!!! Robbie Bourbon has done it! Robbie Bourbon is the NEW Universal Champion!!!

An unbelievable moment, JR!!! What a night!!!! WHAT A NIGHT!!!

Winner and NEW XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION - Robbie Bourbon!

Here is your winner...... AND NEEEEEEEEWWWWW XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION........................


Robbie's theme blares over the loud speaker as the crowd reacts as he is handed the XWF Universal Championship for the first time in his career. He looks down at it as he crosses the ring and with one hand lifts the title in the air. The copyrights display on the bottom of the screen as flashes from cameras are enough to give a person a seizure.

That's all the time we have for tonight, folks!! We'll back back to action this Saturday for Savage!! I'll see you then and Luca, we'll see you on Wednesday!! Goodnight everyone!!!

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[-] The following 15 users Like Jefferson Jackson's post:
(10-16-2017), "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (10-17-2017), Barney Green (10-16-2017), Dolly Waters (10-16-2017), Drake (10-16-2017), drezdin5788 (10-17-2017), JimCaedus (10-16-2017), Neville Sinclair (10-16-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-16-2017), Phantom Panzer (10-16-2017), Scully (10-16-2017), The Engineer (10-16-2017), The Sugay Sisters (10-16-2017), Unknown Soldier (10-16-2017), Vincent Lane (10-16-2017)
Phantom Panzer Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-16-2017, 12:01 PM

"There ya go, Neville Longbottom. You beat me! Someone who barely gave a fuck! WOOO! Congrats chump! Maybe your bruised ego will heal, now that you beat a being that showed he doesn't give a fuck about you or anything else about this match.

Good on ya, ol' boy. Quite the impressive lad, are ya not?

I'm just fuckin' with ya. You're a fucking terrible wrestler.

Peace the fuck out,, Fucko!"

Panzer disappears without a sign, fucking off to his dimension.

OOC: Good shit, everyone. Enjoyed everything put out.

[Image: hvu6R0Z.png?2]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Phantom Panzer's post:
JimCaedus (10-16-2017), Neville Sinclair (10-16-2017)
Neville Sinclair Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-16-2017, 01:34 PM

Panzer, just wanted to say a huge congratulations on this match. I mean, really, it was an honor just to step in the ring with you, and you can still claim to be the only one who's ever beaten me in the XWF ring.

That being said, I wanted to get you a gift to commemorate this great PPV match.

Neville holds a wrapped book in his hand.

It's a Thesaurus

Maybe if you actually used this, people might find listening to you speak sufferable. This is for your own good Panzer, right now you sound like a meth addict asking for money outside of a 7-11.


Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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[-] The following 3 users Like Neville Sinclair's post:
(10-16-2017), JimCaedus (10-16-2017), Vincent Lane (10-16-2017)
Neville Sinclair Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-16-2017, 01:46 PM

OOC: Great show everyone. This was one of the most enjoyable PPV's I've been a part of. Exciting to have some new champs! I'm excited to see where things go from here!

So I'm actually from Vancouver-area, and on Friday night I was in Rogers Arena for a Jimmy Buffet concert. I couldn't help but actually picture the ring. So yeah, this event was a little more special to me than others, I'm glad it was as awesome as I'd hoped.

Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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[-] The following 3 users Like Neville Sinclair's post:
Finn Kühn (10-16-2017), JimCaedus (10-16-2017), Vincent Lane (10-16-2017)
Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-16-2017, 02:08 PM

"Hey.. No need to worry, I'm fine. I'm currently in a hospital bed after that fall having my cat scratches looked at... It was fun. Congrats Jim on the win, you're still an inbred Cunt though. Say hello to your Sister-Wife for me. Fight me for your briefs? I don't want ya undies really... Skidmark Jim. I meant, Briefcase? Yeah?"
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[-] The following 2 users Like Scully's post:
JimCaedus (10-16-2017), Vincent Lane (10-16-2017)
The Blue Tango Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-16-2017, 02:47 PM

Figures it would take seven other dudes to take out the FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME....... F--FIVE TIME FEDERWEIGHT CHAMP!! You guys are all pussies and didn't deserve the chance you were given! Bunch of fuckin' nobodies anyway....
As for you champ.... I'll be back for my title... AND my dignity. You piece of shit.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Blue Tango's post:
JimCaedus (10-16-2017)
Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-16-2017, 02:56 PM

I'd just like to say thank you to my late husband Derek.

Without him I wouldn't be the man I am today.

The man that spanked Gilly's ass to become TWO TIME Hart Champion.

The King™ of Hart's is back, y'all!

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
Hate Post Like Post
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Cadryn Tiberius's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-16-2017)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-16-2017, 03:00 PM

(10-16-2017, 02:56 PM)The Jester™ - Cadryn Tiberius Said: I'd just like to say thank you to my late husband Derek.

Without him I wouldn't be the man I am today.

The man that spanked Gilly's ass to become TWO TIME Hart Champion.

The King™ of Hart's is back, y'all!

"Yes, the King of Harts has returned only to get destroyed by me in the ring."

"Keep that belt warm for me, Cad."

"I'm coming for it on the 25th."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Finn Kühn's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-16-2017)
Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-16-2017, 04:33 PM

Maybe my time has truly passed me. Maybe it is time I hang up the boots and focus on my outside ventures instead of wrestling. Even at my best, I let everyone down. I let my partner down. I am just a loser. a big fat loser.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-16-2017, 04:52 PM

(10-16-2017, 04:33 PM)Barney Green Said: Maybe my time has truly passed me. Maybe it is time I hang up the boots and focus on my outside ventures instead of wrestling. Even at my best, I let everyone down. I let my partner down. I am just a loser. a big fat loser.

And losing to the KINGS™ made you realize this? If you haven't noticed, NO ONE has beaten us Mister Green. Leap of Faith shoulder hardly be a deciding factor of whether you still have it or not.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
JimCaedus (10-17-2017)
Samuel Madison Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-16-2017, 05:13 PM

(10-16-2017, 04:52 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
(10-16-2017, 04:33 PM)Barney Green Said: Maybe my time has truly passed me. Maybe it is time I hang up the boots and focus on my outside ventures instead of wrestling. Even at my best, I let everyone down. I let my partner down. I am just a loser. a big fat loser.

And losing to the KINGS™ made you realize this?  If you haven't noticed, NO ONE has beaten us Mister Green.  Leap of Faith shoulder hardly be a deciding factor of whether you still have it or not.

Cause y'all ain't face us yet!



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[-] The following 1 user Likes Samuel Madison's post:
JimCaedus (10-17-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-16-2017, 06:18 PM


::Steve Sayors and the lens behind which stands XWF hot new hire cam-chick Cammy (Cameron Salmon), awaiting since the colossally calamitous conclusion to the Leap of Faith Match, catch Jim exiting back out of the hall leading to the gorilla position clutching the 24/7 briefcase.

When Steve says nothing, our p.o.v swings to him, his eyes having taken on a frowning edge.

The view swings back to Jim as he approaches, apparently noticing Steve's expression, frowning in confusion. He stops before Sayors, nodding in greeting and, with slight upward tone of "what's up?", says::



Nodding to lens."Cammy."

"Jim. Floyd."









"Psh. Pussy."

Recovered. "_Shock_."




"Cammy. Floyd."

Both: "Cadryn."



With distaste, "...Floyd."


Mutual distaste, "...Steve." He glances at Cammy behind our p.o.v then back at Steve. "Really?"

::Cadryn and Jim look from Floyd, to Steve, to Floyd, then to eachother::










"You don't wanna know."

::Cadryn looks to Jim, down to the 24/7 briefcase. Jim looks to Cadryn's Hart Title. He offers his hand, Cadryn takes it, they shake::

"Congrats, Cady."

"Congrats yourself, Jim. I heard Scully talking about wanting to challenge you for that."

"Granted, it'd be an honor to face him in singles."

::We see Cadryn suddenly cinch in with the ol' "hand-crusher" and chuckles::

"Good luck keeping it. Scull' ain't no joke."


::Jim shouts up at the ceiling above where Cadryn poofed::

"Oh _yeah_!? Well good luck when my boy Gilly whips your ass in the rematch! Dammit, I don't have time for this."

::Jim walks hastily off towards his lockerroom::

"Jim wait! What title are you going after?? The Uni??"

::Jim ignores him::


[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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[-] The following 2 users Like JimCaedus's post:
(10-16-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (10-17-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-16-2017, 06:35 PM

ooc: That was a fuckin' killer ppv, thank you to all involved for putting this together! Whoever wrote the Leap of Faith Match, that was insane, thank you!

Chris, Main, Danny and Scully that was intense af! It was an honor to work with all you guys again. Gabe, I know you would've brought the pain.

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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[-] The following 3 users Like JimCaedus's post:
(10-16-2017), Imperial (10-16-2017), Scully (10-17-2017)
The Sugay Sisters Offline
Double Trouble!

XWF FanBase:
Men and Lesbians

(physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

10-16-2017, 08:23 PM

"This is why Jimmy is the King of XwF and I'm the Queen, hunties! Watch and learn how talent handles their business!"

"I'm torn about the tag team title match. Happy that the Kings retained because now the Queens on the rise can be the ones to dethrone the Kings. New Monarchs are rising in XwF, watch babies!"

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[-] The following 4 users Like The Sugay Sisters's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (10-17-2017), Finn Kühn (10-18-2017), JimCaedus (10-17-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-16-2017)
Chasm Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-16-2017, 08:33 PM

(10-16-2017, 04:33 PM)Barney Green Said: Maybe my time has truly passed me. Maybe it is time I hang up the boots and focus on my outside ventures instead of wrestling. Even at my best, I let everyone down. I let my partner down. I am just a loser. a big fat loser.

I am glad you are finally realizing that you are nothing more then a big fat loser and that your partner would have been better off teaming with pretty much anyone else on the roster then you.

So how about you finally do us all a favor and retire for good this time, so that we never have to see your waste of space sweating all over an XWF ring again.

[Image: pupKDGC.jpg]
might as well throw another pin in here as well
Deserves To Be In The Hall Of Legends

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate Chasm's post!
Doctor Louis D'Ville (10-17-2017), Imperial (10-16-2017)
Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-16-2017, 08:39 PM

OOC: Death is beautiful.

The Unchained Prince

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Imperial's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-16-2017, 09:10 PM

Fuck u caddy. Sandbags me. Great job guys smdfh.

Id like to ref the match on warfare so i can laugh when finn beats caddy. Paper champion. I want my rematch!!

Ooc: great show

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Finn Kühn (10-17-2017), JimCaedus (10-17-2017)
The Engineer Offline
Man of Peace

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-17-2017, 03:47 AM

(10-16-2017, 08:33 PM)Chasm Said:
(10-16-2017, 04:33 PM)Barney Green Said: Maybe my time has truly passed me. Maybe it is time I hang up the boots and focus on my outside ventures instead of wrestling. Even at my best, I let everyone down. I let my partner down. I am just a loser. a big fat loser.

I am glad you are finally realizing that you are nothing more then a big fat loser and that your partner would have been better off teaming with pretty much anyone else on the roster then you.

So how about you finally do us all a favor and retire for good this time, so that we never have to see your waste of space sweating all over an XWF ring again.

"I bitched out facing Peter Gilmour and didn't even put up a fight because I actually wanted to face Engy. And then when I actually faced Engy I bitched out and didn't put up much of a fight then either."

Who am I?


You are in absolutely no position to being calling someone else worthless. Your name is literally synonomous with nothing. You're the one who should stay gone.

Eat a healthy portion of shit.

[Image: 9QBn3eQ.jpg]

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[-] The following 2 users Like The Engineer's post:
D.A. James (10-18-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-17-2017)
drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-17-2017, 08:44 AM

the best show so far

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like drezdin5788's post:
Jefferson Jackson (10-17-2017), JimCaedus (10-17-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-17-2017, 10:33 AM

(10-16-2017, 04:33 PM)Barney Green Said: Maybe my time has truly passed me. Maybe it is time I hang up the boots and focus on my outside ventures instead of wrestling. Even at my best, I let everyone down. I let my partner down. I am just a loser. a big fat loser.

"Fuck that, Barn', you ain't no loser. Doc's right, you can't use losing a match to The Kings to gauge yourself. You've let NO ONE down bro. You bring the fire, you speak from the heart, you're Barney Motherfuckin' Green and I'm proud to be on a roster with your name on it."

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

Hate Post Like Post
[-] The following 2 users Like JimCaedus's post:
Barney Green (10-17-2017), The Sugay Sisters (10-17-2017)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-17-2017, 10:56 AM

(10-16-2017, 09:10 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Fuck u caddy. Sandbags me. Great job guys smdfh.

Id like to ref the match on warfare so i can laugh when finn beats caddy. Paper hampshire. I want my rematch!!

Ooc: great show

"Glad to see someone agrees with me in that it's only a matter of time until I win that Hart Championship."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-17-2017, 02:34 PM

(10-16-2017, 09:10 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Paper hampshire.

I think I've been there.

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Vincent Lane's post:
The Sugay Sisters (10-17-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-18-2017, 06:38 AM

Ive been inside roxys pussy too.

I fixed the post lol

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Hate Post Like Post
Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-18-2017, 09:10 AM

Y'all so hateful towards me.

It's a shame that you can't back up any of it cause you're awful.

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Cadryn Tiberius's post:
Finn Kühn (10-18-2017) [-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Cadryn Tiberius's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-18-2017)
D.A. James Offline
Can we get much higher?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-18-2017, 09:25 AM

(10-18-2017, 09:10 AM)The Jester™ - Cadryn Tiberius Said: Y'all so hateful towards me.

It's a shame that you can't back up any of it cause you're awful.

This fuckin twink is goin off. Real Biggs shit right here.
Hate Post Like Post
[-] The following 2 users Like D.A. James's post:
Finn Kühn (10-18-2017), Vincent Lane (10-18-2017)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-18-2017, 09:37 AM

(10-18-2017, 09:10 AM)The Jester™ - Cadryn Tiberius Said: Y'all so hateful towards me.

It's a shame that you can't back up any of it cause you're awful.

"Try me. Guarantee you can't hang with me in that ring."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Finn Kühn's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-18-2017)
Roxy Cotton Offline
Head of XWF Shooting Star Division


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-18-2017, 09:41 AM

(10-18-2017, 06:38 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Ive been inside roxys pussy too.


I have never touched you, nor would I ever touch you. I wouldn't fuck you with Maria Brink's dick. If you needed CPR and the only person in the room was me?

You'd die.

I expect an apology for the comments above or you'll be booked exclusively in the Bombshell Division for the rest of your career.

And you'll still lose.

[Image: pdAMRjn.png]
Hey there daddy...

Roxy's Backstage Pass?
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[-] The following 4 users Like Roxy Cotton's post:
(10-18-2017), Chasm (10-19-2017), Finn Kühn (10-18-2017), Phantom Panzer (10-18-2017)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Roxy Cotton's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-18-2017)

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