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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Unexpected Surprise: RP #1
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-07-2017, 12:04 PM

Saturday, December 24, 2016 | 9:57 PM Local Time | The Illuminatus Compound | Old Saybrook, Connecticut

Delays. They’re an unfortunate side effect of very busy people. Add in the aspect of Thaddeus Duke being a professional wrestler while simultaneously orchestrating plans to retaliate against the Islamic State all the while waiting for the Church to get off their ass and send their man to meet him at the Compound, and you get delays. Lots of them.

A meeting that was scheduled to take place five weeks ago and was pushed back to two weeks ago and again pushed back- it almost seems as if this meeting and this new campaign will never begin. Surely the Illuminatus King would be satisfied if that were the case. He’s none too pleased with this new budding alliance with his mortal enemies within the Catholic Church.

What’s the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Thaddeus Duke, the Prince of the Illuminatus paces anxiously within the library at the Compound. For years, this library setting was the keystone of the Illuminatus. Every plan they ever hatched started right here in this room. Years ago in this room, an Illuminatus Brother named Jonathan was outed as a Catholic plant with his ultimate goal being the assassination of the High Priest Asmodeus and his son, the leader of the then Brotherhood of the Illuminatus.

Jailed and tortured in the dungeon, deep within the bowels of the Compound, Jonathan was eventually dumped into an ancient drainage canal beneath the dungeon. This proved to be a grave miscalculation for the Illuminatus. A few days after Jonathan was dumped, it was discovered that there was actually a way out of those canals. Since then, those canals have been sealed.

The damage was done though as Jonathan escaped and proved to be a worthy adversary to Sebastian Duke and his Illuminatus. It all began with an antagonistic phone call from Jonathan. Later that day, he unleashed a plan that would cause a brutal car accident. Stingers placed strategically in the road caused the SUV carrying Asmodeus to slam into a tree. Asmodeus was now hostage to Jonathan in an attempt to lure out the leader. The driver was named Lucas. He was a devoted and highly trusted member within the King’s inner circle. He was also the blood brother of the King’s closest friend and adviser, Jacob. Lucas succumbed to his injuries and as a result, created a rift between Sebastian Duke and Jacob.

The rift deepened. As time went on, Jacob began secretly working with Jonathan to bring down the Illuminatus. Due to Jonathan’s undoubtedly effective power of manipulation, Jacob along with no less than 200 of Sebastian’s followers left the Illuminatus and joined forces with Jonathan.

Its fair to ask why a man so beloved by the King such as Jacob could be so manipulated. It’s very simple. Jacob was a human being with deep emotions concerning his brother. Jonathan drilled it into his head that Lucas didn’t have to die and it never was part of the plan. The plan was only to incapacitate him in order to secure Asmodeus. Jonathan claimed it was Sebastian Duke’s fault that Lucas was dead. Sebastian’s stubbornness and unwillingness to see Jonathan as a legitimate threat is what caused it. The leader could have ordered additional security, but neglected to do so.

With the help of a mysterious new brother named Silas, Asmodeus’ return, in tact, was guaranteed.

Jacob came home only after a failed siege of the Compound put him in a coma. Sebastian Duke saddened by his friends betrayal of him, stayed by his side at Boston General. Coincidentally, Boston General is where Sebastian Duke met Thaddeus’ mother. She was Jacob’s nurse. Caitlyn Nguyen. A blonde Goddess adopted as a child by an Asian couple.

Fast forward a little, and Jacob is awakened from his coma. The pieces are fragile, but sticking together. Jake reaffirmed his commitment by disclosing the location of Jonathan’s safe house. A plan was hatched, within the Compound library, to take down Jonathan and the former Illuminatus men. Sebastian Duke led his men into a firefight and at the end of the night, Jonathan was again captured. This time he wasn’t getting away. In quick order, Jonathan swung by his neck from the gallows. Jacob pulled the lever with tears in his eyes, finally avenging his brothers untimely demise.

”Why are you pacing so much?” James asks of his Prince, watching the young man wear tracks in the rug near the fire place.

”I don’t know. I just really want this meeting to get underway.”

”Pacing isn’t going to get him here any faster.

“Relax my friend. Have a seat.”

Thaddeus stops pacing and looks at James before the door opens. The guard at the door stands at attention. Momentarily confused, Thaddeus bolts for the door to greet his guest. As he reaches the doorway he stops dead in his tracks.

”Holy shit!” he yells, seeming startled. Thaddeus backs up into the library and his father, the Illuminatus King, enters. James immediately jumps to his feet and stands at attention.

”Relax. Sit down.”

”What the hell are you doing here?” Thaddeus asks as Sebastian Duke walks past him and plops down in an antique arm chair.

”It’s nice to see you too, son.”

”No, I just mean, I had no idea you were coming.”

”We have the Vatican, Thaddeus. I have literally nothing to do. I’m bored.”

Thaddeus makes his way toward his father and his friend.

”That’s it? You were bored?”

Sebastian Duke taps his forehead with his finger tips, almost as if he just remembered something.

”Oh yeah, and I kinda missed my only son.”

Thaddeus, not used to being shown affection of any sort isn’t quite sure how to react. He just smiles, albeit a noticeably uncomfortable one. Knowing affection is a rarity, Thaddeus immediately thinks its just a ploy. A disguise of sorts.

”You missed me? Or you heard the meeting with the Church’s agent was today and you didn’t trust me?”

The King rolls his eyes. ”Thaddeus, I trust you with this shit more than I trust myself. You’re less stubborn… well sorta… and you’re way more level headed,” he pauses. ”I’d just as soon kill the guy rather than have this meeting.”

A moment of silence, then the phone rings from its position on an antique end table between the chairs where the King, and the Prince’s friend sits. The King hits the speaker button, ”go ahead.”

Another moment of silence before the caller speaks, ”King Sebastian, I’m surprised by your presence there,” says the unmistakable voice of the Catholic Pope.

The King mutters to himself, realizing he should not have answered the call.

”I just came to see my son, Father. What is it?”

”Is the Prince available?”

”I’m here, Father,” Thaddeus chimes in as he steps closer to the phone. James relinquishes his chair so that the Prince may sit.

”It’s good to hear your voice, young Thaddeus. I was calling to alert you to the presence of our agent. She’s en route from the airfield and should be arriving within the next thirty minutes.”

Almost in unison, the trio of Illuminatus men mouth the word “she?”

”Hello?” the Pope says, after not hearing any sort of response.

”Very good, Father. She’ll be met with dignity and respect, I assure you.”

”I’m very pleased to hear it, but I’m confidant she can handle herself.”

”Very well, Father. Thank you for the courtesy call and we’ll be in touch.”

Thaddeus ends the call as the trio look at each other, dumbfounded that they’d send a woman.

”What the hell good is a woman?” Thaddeus asks, almost rhetorically.

”I could think of a few things you could use her for.”

Thaddeus laughs, more on instinct rather than understanding what he meant. Then he realizes. ”Ohhhhh.

“Shut up, Jim.”

”Be on your best behavior Thaddeus. I’m not really happy about this. Working with the Catholics is one thing, working with a woman is an entirely different animal altogether.”

”Both of you are overlooking something.

“Something kinda big.”

The two headed snake of the Illuminatus looks at James, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

”The Pope knows that the Illuminatus King is not at the Vatican.”

Thaddeus looks a bit bewildered. Sebastian is stoic as usual.


I don’t know what more I must do to prove that I belong within the halls and walls of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Each and every time that I compete, I am pushed over and shoved aside. The doubters come out in droves. I get overlooked by my opponents, but to their own peril. It is seen as egotism to come out and flaunt ones own winning ways. Yet I feel I must do so in order for the world to take notice. The notion that I am somehow just Sebastian Duke’s kid is maddening, but at the same time almost satisfying. Each and every time I win, more and more doubters are silenced. Each and every time I win, it’s another notch in the very extensive Duke family win column. The most successful wrestling dynasty the Xtreme Wrestling Federation has ever seen.

Anyone else in my position would have been the main event already. Yet here I am filling my midcard duties and kicking ass. Thomas Nixon gets main events. I’ve defeated Thomas Nixon. Reno sucks his way into main events. I’ve defeated Reno. I went toe to toe with Doctor D’Ville in a great, show stealing extravaganza at Wild Card Weekend while the billed main event flopped harder than a Nicholas Cage film. Yes, I lost. I’ve owned that loss. I’ve learned from that loss. I’m better for it.

This past Warfare I defeated Reno to become the number one contender to the Xtreme title. The loser of that match, goes on to main event, while the winner goes on to face Micheal Graves in a card filler match.

Needless to say, I’m not happy about it.

Mind you I have no personal issues with Graves, or for that matter anyone else in this company, but I fail to see the justice here. I just fail to see the logic.

Jake Davis tried and failed.

Ghost Taint tried and failed.

Luca Arzegotti tried and failed.

Thomas Nixon tried and failed.

Gabe Reno tried and failed.

The other Michael Graves tried and failed.

No one has been able to defeat me. Yes, Lou D’Ville won our match, but he didn’t pin me. He didn’t make me tap out. I just fell first. Still a loss, I know. But the world knows that match could have gone in either direction.

Where’s my shot? Where’s my main event match?

Maybe I should just lose week after week like Gabe Reno. Maybe then I’ll get a fucking shot at the headliner. Maybe I should just win by countout and barely escape losing my title like Thomas Nixon does on a weekly basis to get my fucking golden moment in the sun.

Oh right, I don’t have a title because Thomas Nixon wears the gold I should already have.

That’s going to change. As number one contender, I have a guaranteed shot at a time in the near future. That is an opportunity I don’t plan on failing at. Sooner or later, my name will be associated with championship glory. It still boggles my mind that a man like Scully, who proved his worthlessness as Universal champion, was allowed to compete for the Xtreme title without earning it and coming off of a loss. He wins the title from Mikey McFuckhead and once more he’s no where to be found.

Scully is in for some disappointment though. I’ll be cashing in my title shot and I am going to become the Xtreme champion. Unlike Scully, I will defend my title regularly. Unlike Scully I’ll earn a 24/7 briefcase. Unlike Scully who fluked his way to the Universal title, I’ll earn mine.

You can put money on it. In the history of this company, anytime a Duke smells gold, they take it. This won’t be any different.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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