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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Final Thoughts: RP 5
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-03-2017, 02:18 PM

I don’t know what is more pathetic, Gabe Reno making up false stories about me, my father and my family. Gabe Reno’s win loss record. Or Reno himself. When a man is backed into a corner and his only solace is an empty pistol without so much as one in the chamber, he resorts to a bluff.

Gabe Reno is bluffing.

There is no super duper secret Duke family success potion. No stupid grease or whatever the hell he calls it. I don’t know what the hell that grease he has is, but maybe he can use that along with his tears after he loses to me as lube when he masturbates in the corner of his hotel room Wednesday night all the while staring at pictures of his mother.

It is an undeniable fact that, everything released by the Radical Gabe Reno this week has been a 100% lie. If you’re keeping score at home, my good people, that means that Gabe Reno has wasted every single viewers time with his nonsensical falsehoods.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The man lacks any sort of substance and he’s so desperate to generate any kind of reaction from the fans and so desperate to get back into the win column that it’s like he’s throwing spaghetti at the wall and just seeing what sticks. What he fails to realize, is his spaghetti is not even cooked. So he throws it at the wall and all that uncooked spaghetti shatters into a thousand tiny little pieces.

He has nothing.


Gabe Reno would like all of you viewers to believe that there is some sort of magic or witchcraft or supernatural power to the long line of success forged by my family in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. I’ve said it before, and let this be the last time. There is no secret to be had. What drives our success in this business is not something that can be touched or manipulated physically. What we have is a natural ability combined with the right training and the willingness to do whatever it takes. What we have is a burning fire within us to be the very best.

I’ve wondered recently, how Gabe Reno will react when he loses yet again and falls in the rankings while I rise ever higher. Then it hit me. Gabe Reno is actually a little smarter than I gave him credit for. See, it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point that Gabe Reno loses and Thaddeus Duke wins. The writing is on the wall and it has been ever since the card for Warfare went public.

Gabe Reno knows he’s losing to me, so what does he do? He begins to weasel his way into a match with the Universal Champion Chris Chaos. Oh its non-title so that in that Radical mind of his, if he’d win, and he won’t, he’d get a shot at the top title in the company.

Enter my old friend, and I use that term very loosely, Thomas Nixon. He and I don’t agree on a lot, but nevertheless I feel like there’s a little mutual respect between us. Nixon pointed out that Reno should probably try defeating me before trying to move on to someone else he’s proven that he couldn’t beat. Sounds pretty fucking smart to me.... but I digress.

Enter the champ.

Chaos invoked… well… chaos. He offered up a triple threat. If Reno could beat either one of Chaos or Nixon, and he’s already proved that he can’t, he’d get a shot at that mans title.

Are you following along at home?

Reno has given up the fight, and in public mind you, for the Xtreme title because he knows without a doubt, I’m going on to victory Wednesday night. So what is a man to do? I’ll give him credit. It’s certainly a bold move. To publicly give up a fight and go after something else, while not unexpected out of a man with such a fragile ego like Gabe Reno, is undoubtedly bold.

It’s also very much transparent.

No one buys the bullshit you’re selling, Gabe. Chris Chaos and Thomas Nixon are so into that match because no matter who wins that match, you’re still the loser. And let me make it clear, there are so many people, the boys and girls in the back, fans in the seats, fans at home, the powers that be in Vinnie Lane's pink dildo tower, they all love watching you lose week, after week. And you know why everyone loves watching you lose? Because they’ve never seen a man so oblivious to the fact that he’s in so far over his head. You’re so far in over your head, Reno, that the Mariana Trench is no longer the deepest known place on the planet. It’s wherever you are.

Wednesday night is fast approaching, Radical. I hope you can live with your next loss.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

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