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Author Message
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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12-12-2016, 05:32 PM

[Image: EqJANhs.png]

LIVE from Boardwalk Hall in ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY... XWF presents:


- vs -
Brandon Moore
- vs -
Dawud Tha Bully
- vs -
Cadryn Tiberius
Newcomer Fatal Fourway

One Fall.

XWF Television Championship Match
[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]
Jakob Davis
- vs -
Thomas Nixon
- vs -
Barney Green
- vs -
Broken Hart
Savage RP Rules Apply - 3 RPs each, 2000 words max. No time limit in this match. Elimination Style.

Winner will claim the vacant Television Championship and defend on the next Savage.

XWF Hart Championship

Alexis Riot
- vs -
Dolly Waters

Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
Thaddeus Duke
Send You To Hell Match

Competitors face off on a high scaffold after the ring is moved, revealing a pit below leading to a fiery inferno. Winner throws the loser down from above and sends his opponent into the bowels of Hades.

XWF Universal Championship Match

Unknown Soldier
- vs -
Bearded War Pig
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon
- vs -
- vs -
Chris Chaos
- vs -

Elimination Chamber

Two men start in the ring, with the other four in chambers at each corner. Every Five minutes, a chamber opens allowing someone new into the ring. Last one standing after the rest have been eliminated by pin or submission will be the Universal Champion.

As pyro and laser lights flash across the arena, the cameras pan to show a sold put crowd losing its mind and cheering like teenagers at a One Direction concert!

After movin around the arena a time or two, the scene eventually settles back thee announce booth where the three man team of Dewey Gobblecoque, Gaylord Cockshafer, and Mike Stump all sit grinning like idiots.

Dewey Gobblecoque: What an amazing night of action took place in Las Vegas! We crowned brand new Federweight and Trios Champions! Congratulations both to Snow as well as PATROL!

Gaylord Cockshafer: And conogratulations as well to the NEW X-Treme Champion, former Universal Titleholder Scully!

Mike Stump: Tonight's even bigger guys! I'm hype!

Dewey: As you should be! The vacant TV Title will be determined in a four-way match!

Stump: Dolly Waters is defending her Hart Title against the treacherous Alexis Riot too!

Cockshafer: And of course the main event! Six men entering the elimination chamber for the coveted Universal Title!

Dewey: Without any further ado, let's start Wild Card's Second Night with a newcomers' match!

"Making his way to the ring, standing at Five Ten and weighting in at 170 pounds, from Morgantown West Virginia. The Italian Cowboy, Cadryn Tiberius

The Italian Cowboy walks out from the back munching on some cereal and gets into the ring smiling as he kept eating out of his cereal box.

"And now making his way to the ring. From Miami, Dade County, standing at Six Two and weighting in at 220 pounds. Dawud Tha Bully!

Mexico working like Im from Mexico

The lights dim and smoke arises from the stage as the beat drops from the song "Used To This" by Future and Drake. Dawud Tha Bully arrives on stage with his Gucci shades on, Gucci designed wrestling singlet and gold choker chain around his neck similar to the one Michael Jordan used to wear in the 80's. He looks side to side basking in the boos that are raining down on him as he just smirks and shakes his head. He starts to strut down the ramp and to the ring as about midway he gets into it with a fan. As the fan is screaming obscenities at Dawud, 'Tha Bully' stops, pulls down his shades at his nose then pretends to go for a backhanded slap which makes the fan jump in disbelief. Completely amused at what he just done, Dawud slides his shades back on, laughs at the fan and continues his way down to the ring. As he gets into the ring, he steps foot at the center of ring, drops down to his knees, outstretched arms as gold confetti starts raining down from the rafters. After that he takes his shades off, hands them to a cameraman shouting out orders of "You'd better take care of that or that's your ass!" ending his entrance.

"On his way to the ring, from Omaha, Nebraska, USA, standing at Six Two and weighting in at 212 pounds. Brandon Moore!"

The opening lines of Cemetery Gates begin. Once they end and the thrilling guitar piece begins, Brandon Moore emerges onto the entrance stage. He turns his back to the ring and points his thumbs to the back of his jacket. The words "Just Plain Better" are displayed. Brandon then turns around and strolls his way to the ring, ignoring the fans along the way. Once he gets to the ring, he runs up the steel steps, and slingshots himself over the ringpost into the ring. Brandon lands with a roll forward and a smug look on his face as he begins to remove his entrance gear and prepare for the upcoming contest.

"And the final opponent, from portales, new mexico, standing at Six Three and weighting in at 210 pounds. Mysery!

The Gothic looking man walks from the back and down the ramp before walking up the steps and stepping in between the ropes and into the ring.

Ding ding

The four men looked back and forwards at each other. They were all ready to attack, but no one was making a move just yet, they studied who they should go for, who was the weakest. It didn't take long for one of the men to attack, it was Dawud Tha Bully who went for Mysery, the other two, Cadryn and Moore started to duke it out. Dawud Spartan kicked Mysery hard in the chest before stomping him over and over again and again, Dawud smirked down at his work and picked up the Gothic man, Dawud Irish whipped him into the corner post with so much force, Mysery rolled over the turnbuckle and fell to the ground outside the ring. Dawud got out of the ring and started to beat the shit out of Mysery, he picked the punk up over his head and tossed him to the ground hard.

Meanwhile in the ring, Cadryn and Moore were going at it hard. Cad caught Moore's fist and answered with a headbutt to the dome of Moore, who stumbled back a bit, Cad followed up with a clothesline that sent Moore to the ground then jumped into the air and hit a hard elbow drop to the chest of Moore, who showed the pain from the impact on his face. Cad smiled as he got up, reached into the from of his pants and pulled out a handful of cereal and threw it down at Moore, laughing and pointing at the man. Moore was not happy and replied with a kick to the knee of Cad, which made his knee buckle. Cad fell right on his ass. Moore got to his feet and started to kick the shit out of Cad before getting the master of cereal upright, only to kick him in the gut to plant him to the mat with a DDT. Moore went for the pin.


Tw-Fuck not, KICKOUT!

Back to Dawud and his victim who he just forced into the ring and got in himself. He grabbed the poor little shit and lifted him up in a gutwrench and walked around the ring showing off his power. Could this dude be the Dovahkiin? GUTWRENCH POWERBOMB! Dawud covered Mysery for the pin.



THRE-The pin was broken up by Cereal Killer, The Bully was pissed and charged The Italian Cowboy and speared him to the ground. Mysery was getting his ass handed to him by Brandon Moore. Who performed a deadly flipping neckbreaker on the man. Cad and Da Bully were outside the ring duking it out, Dawud got the upper hand when he ducked Cad's clothesline and kicked him in the gut and hit a Suplex and made the Cereal man hit the apron, right on his back. Fuck that had to hurt like a mother fucker.

Mysery still wasn't getting anything in as Moore unleashed a combo of punches and finished off his ULTRA COMBO! With an European uppercut that sent Mysery over the the top rope, he landed on top of Dawud and Cad, the three men were down. Brandon Moore took a breather for a moment, Dawud, Cad and Mysery were getting to their feet and as soon as they did, all three of them started to attack one another, punches and kicks were flying left and right, Moore had enough ran to the ropes and hit them before bouncing off of them and headed straight for the trio battling it out, he leaped through the air over the ropes and took down all three men. Now all four men were laid out on the outside of the ring!

Slowly but surely, Dawud and Brandon Moore get to their feet. Mysery and Cadryn still down, having taken the most of that impact.

Brandon Moore rolls into the ring and runs the ropes, he looks to throw a wild suicide dive at Dawud... but Dawud has it scouted and knocks Moore silly with a european uppercut from outside in the ropes!

Brandon staggers backward and collapses, allowing Dawud to roll into the ring as well... Moore gets to his feet...


Brandon Moore is laid out with that high impact pedigree move! Tha Bully with a cover!



Broken up by Cadryn Tiberius!!

Tiberius rips Dawud off of Moore and goes for a cover of his own, but before there's even a one count Dawud is on him, burying elbows into the back of the Italian Cowboy's dome!

Mysery re-enters the ring just as Brandon Moore is getting his wits about him. Mysery lifts Moore to his feet and pushes him into a corner, sending some punches and kicks into him for good measure!

Dawud has tosses Cadryn into the opposite corner... HARD! The Cowboy's bones are shake as he hits those buckles, and Dawud doesn't waste any time following it up by pulling Cadryn up and setting him into a sitting position on the top!

Dawud climbs up after him... he's setting him up for a big superplex!!!

Cadryn is fighting back! Headbutt! Again! Again! Dawud is dazed!

Dawud stumbles off out of the corner and falls to his back just as Mysery whips Moore across the ring - REVERSAL BY MOORE!

Mysery is sent running into the corner with Cadryn Tiberius, hitting him crotch first with his own head! Both men are in pain!

Dawud manages to shake off a few cobwebs, but he seems to be confused to where he is... Brandon Moore sees his chance and gets behind him...


Dawud is locked in tight to that Koji Clutch, and Moore drags him down to the mat without hesitation! Dawud is in excruciating pain in the center of the ring!

Cadryn pulls Mysery up... he's still on the top turnbuckle, but he's got Mysery upsdie down...


What a move! Mysery is out COLD and Tiberius drops on top!


Dawud is about to tap!


Dawud's hand is coming down!


The referee finished the three count and calls for the bell just as Dawud starts to tap out! Brandon Moore never saw the pin, he thinks he's won by submission!

Winner by pinfall - "The Cereal Killer" Cadryn Tiberius

Brandon Moore raises his hands, but the referee lifts Cadryn's up instead! Moore looks pissed!

The crowd doesn't have time to come down from the energy of the opening match. The action is set to continue as Ronnie Cage and David Stone suddenly appear. Bad Attitude hits the ring, causing the four men from the opening contest to quickly put their guards up. It looks like Bad Attitude is here to make a statement on the newcomers and they are banding together! The four new members of the XWF roster aren't going to take it lightly and let Bad Attitude make an example out of them.

Mysery, Dawud, Cadryn Tiberius, and Brandon Moore all raise their fists, ready to defend themselves and take the fight straight to Bad Attitude if they must. It looks like Bad Attitude has bitten off more than they can chew...but think again! Brandon Moore rushes Cadryn and lays a clubbing blow to the back of his head. Ronnie and David take this opportunity to both rush Mysery and Dawud “Tha Bully.” After a hard fought match, they can barely put up a fight against Bad Attitude. Ronnie lays some vicious hits into Mysery, sending him to the ground, as David does the same to Dawud.

Meanwhile, Brandon is stomping a mudhole into Cadryn in a corner. Ronnie and David make easy work of their targets, both landing their finishing maneuvers. Brandon is choking Cadryn in a corner with his boot as David and Ronnie line up Dawud and Mysery. Simultaneously, David lands the Stone Cutter and Ronnie connects with the Van Zant. Both are variations of the superkick, sending Dawud and Mysery to the mat and rolling out of the ring.

Brandon notices that they have been dispatched. He grabs Cadryn Tiberius and throws him to the middle of the ring. Brandon, Ronnie, and David all lay stomps into Cadryn. It's time to take out the trash. Ronnie takes his turn first. He gets Cadryn to his feet and hooks the full nelson. He looks right, he looks left, then BAM! Alabama-Rama! Cadryn is out, but comes right back to as David Stone lays in his ankle lock, the Stone Crusher. Cadryn screams, but that is soon muffled as Brandon and Ronnie stomp on him some more while he's trapped in the Stone Crusher.

Lastly, it's Brandon's turn to do some damage again. Ronnie and David lift Cadryn to his feet and send him over to Brandon. Brandon hooks in a full nelson of his own, but Ronnie and David aren't out of the equation just yet. Cadryn gets a taste of the Van Zant and the Stone Cutter now, as well. In a smooth motion, the superkicks land, and Brandon flips Cadryn back with a brutal Dragon Suplex. The momentum and the impact send Cadryn out of the ring just like Dawud and Mysery.

As his opponents for the night writhe outside of the ring, Brandon Moore, along with Bad Attitude, bask in the glory of the destruction they have caused. Brandon lifts his arms as to say, “Look at what we've done.” Ronnie and David bump fists and make the same gesture. Before the segment ends, they all look towards the camera. In unison, they shout three words signifying the newly formed unity between them.

Brandon Moore/Ronnie Cage/David Stone: We are Havoc!

Chris Chaos stretches and warms up for his match back stage in the XWF locker area. He does his normal routine while other performers walk in and out behind him. He does left arm, then right, hamstrings, touches his toes. He looks up for a moment, squints, then looks over his shoulder. A masked luchador head is popping into the doorway looking at him. He shruggs it off, stretches left leg, then right, he looks over his shoulder again, the luchador head is on the other side of the door. A few guys exit the steamroom and walk by in towells, Chaos loses the head visually as they pass. He hops up and does a few jumping jacks, then pulls out his favorite jump rope. He turns to start jumping, and the luchador sits politely cross legged on a bench by the door, waving at him. Chris dismisses the weirdo, and takes five or six quick jumps over the rope to loosen up for his gigantic Wild Card match. While he jumps the luchador never breaks eye contract, slowly walks over to the water cooler, knocking off half the cups because he is not looking, then pours water, first on his hand, then finally into the cup. He gestures toward Chris, as if to offer him water. Chris shakes his head not wanting any distractions, and turns to put the rope back in his bag. A few XWF development talents walk by exiting to see their first PPV event. Chaos turns back, face to face with the luchador. Chris smiles in his face, which quickly vanishes with the sound of an electricial pulse. He tries to stay up, but another pulse is heard, and he convulses and falls to the ground. The luchador kicks him in the stomach, dropping the stunhun next to him.

The camera cuts back to the ring, where Barney Green is already standing in. He has his hands on his knees, looking at the ramp, waiting for the other 3 competitors.

"My Sacrifice" by Creed booms through the arena, and the crowd cheers in anticipation for the beloved Thomas Nixon.

Tig Ole: Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.....sanding 6 feet tall weighing 205 pounds....Thomas Nixon!

As Scott Stapp's voice plays over the PA, Nixon appears on the stage wearing his black trunks and cape. What stands out to the crowd most is the green lizard insignia on the back of the cape that represents what Thomas is truly fighting for. Nixon races down the ramp, as the crowd applauds him and his cause, whether he is completely insane or not. Nixon hops on the and climbs up the far turnbuckle. Taking off his cape, he then holds it like a flag and gestures at the insignia. The crowd roars in approval, before Thomas enters the ring.

Tig Ole: Introducing Next, from Phoenix Arizona, Standing 6 foot 2 inches tall and weighing 200 lbs......Jakob Davis!

Kings begins to play over the loudspeakers as the fans begin building up in anticipation for the match that is to come. While the music gets rolling, a man wearing a long and black hooded jacket comes out, his face looking towards the ground. As soon as he reaches the stage he begins to kneel on one knee. Then, as soon as the song hits the chorus, the man bolts back up into a standing position and removing his hood, revealing himself to be Jakob Davis. Jakob then starts moving to the ring with purpose, shedding his jacket. He then quickly enters the the ring and gets ready for the upcoming match while Tim heads to ringside.

Tig Ole: The third competitor, from a place unknown........Broken Hart!

"6 Underground" strikes up on the speaker system, before a heart appears on the X-tron. It spins a couple of times, blood red liquid pouring down... Red pyro rocks the ring and ramp, before red sparks fall down upon the stage. The lights darken, with red hues filtering through. Broken Hart rises from the stage, along with his girlfriend Chastity, as the fans voice both disdain as well as excitement. B.H. and Chast sprint down the ramp, before sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. They then leap onto opposite posts, Chast raising an index finger to the air, BH raising the heart symbol. As the power couple hop down and prepare, the Sneaker Pimps fade out.

The bell rings. It will be Hart and Davis starting. After a few punches, Hart walks over and tags Barney Green in. Green looks confused, but Hart seemingly wants no part of Jakob Davis.

So Barney Green comes in, in all of his pudgy glory, only to get clotheslines by Davis. Green back to his feet, Davis hits a European Uppercut that staggers Green before lockin in a DDT and dropping the big man.

Stump: Davis on fire early here.

Dewey: We'll see how long this lasts.

Davis pulls Barney up and throws him into the corner where Thomas Nixon tags his back, goes to the top rope. As Davis goes for a splash Nixon hits a flying dropkick on Davis, putting him on his back. Green comes out of the corner, and Nixon whips him into the ropes and delivers a big boot. He gives the just bring it hand gesture to Hart, who shakes his head. Davis shrugs and turns around as Hart explodes into the ring, grabbin Davis from behind and dropping him with a neck breaker. The ref ushers Hart out of the ring after the cheap shot. Barney Green rolls out to the mat on the outside. Davis is up, and Nixon is on the assault.

Nixon goes for another big clothesline, Davis counters it and drills Nixon with an exploder suplex.




Nixon with the shoulder up!

Davis stomps on Nixon before jumping over and drilling Hart off the apron with a punch. Davis sizes Nixon up, and bounces off the ropes for a springboard clothesline but Nixon counters into a sidewalk slam!

Cockshafer: Fast paced match so far, these two men are really giving us a show!

Barney Green tags himself and covers Davis.



Davis kicks out again!

Davis grabs the ropes and pulls himself to his feet. Nixon runs the apron and tags himself in by slapping Davis's back. Using the ropes he springboards and hits a dropkick on Barney Green.


Broken Hart is on the top rope. He goes to break up the pin with a frogsplash.



Nixon moves and Hart Splashes Green! Hart is up and Nixon boots Hart in the face and Hart falls on top of Green!

Nixon lays on top, pinning both!




Stump: Thomas Nixon just killed two birds with one stone! This 4 corner match just became a 1 on 1 contest!

Cockshafer: Smart move by Nixon. But Davis is smart too. This should be a great finish!

Davis is back up and fires some shots to the face of Nixon. Whipping Nixon into the corner Davis begins to chop Nixon's chest. 1 ...... 2 ...... 3......... 4.....hard chops. Nixon grabs Davis and throws him into the corner. He begins to chop Davis 1......... 2...........3.........4........ Nixon climbs on the second rope, then begins to punch Davis.......1........2.........3.......4........the crowd chants with them until he hits 10. Davis, however, grabs Nixon by the inner thighs and walks him out to the center of the ring. Nixon is firing shots to the top of his head to break the hold but Davis drops him into a spinebuster.

Davis signals, he is going for the Death Valley Driver!

Nixon is back to his feet! Davis grabs him to set him up, but Nixon counters, reverses, VICTORY ROLL!

Stump: Nixon has the legs pinned!

Cockshafer: He has the tights!

Dewey: No he doesn't, Clean pin!





Winner and NEW XWF Television Champion - Thomas Nixon!

Stump: Nixon dominated! He has eliminated all four men at this match, and 2 at one time! Now we will see him on Savage defending this title!

Dewey: Good luck with your title, but its time to see a REAL title match, like what you see on Warfare.

Stump: I'll take Nixon over anyone. Dude is the real deal.

Dewey: Yawn

Nixon has the title belt, and he poses for the camera, holding it above his head! Grabbing a TV camera from the camera man, he takes a "Selfie" of himself--an up close shot of him with the belt--while posing with the belt on his shoulder with a thumbs up.

Dolly Waters is walking through the corridors, headed for the ring to defend her Hart Championship. Suddenly, the lights flicker out... before they return, only in a very dim, orange glow. We can see Doll's face flashing in the light as it flickers consistently... A voice rings out;

"Ah, so we meet again my darling. Only 13 years old, are we? But oh so grown up..."

Dolly looks worried... but the voice rings with a familiar tone. It presses on, looking to scare the 13 yr. old prodigy.

"You're a legitimate threat to anyone on the roster, including myself. But, everyone has their dark days, their off weekends, their losses and failures... you are not cut from the same cloth as the pack of inept so-called 'stars' here...

"'re different. I promise you, my dear.... the two of us will meet. Soon."

A *THWIP* resonates throughout the hallway, as an arrow with a lit tip hits a bulletin board behind Dolly. The lights return, and Dolly turns around, finding a paper attached to the arrow. She reads the message--

'Dear Dolly,

Good luck in your match with Miss Riot... go get 'em Tigress.

Sincerely Yours,
Broken Hart"

Dolly rips the letter apart before tossing it to the ground, frustrated and furious. She storms toward the ring clutching the Hart title... looks like B.H. just lit a fuse, and now Alexis is about to feel the burn.

Dewey: Ladies and Gentlemen, day two of Wildcard Weekend has already been exciting; but things now are about to get even hotter as our next match will be a battle for the XWF Hart Championship![/color]

Mike: Oh, oh, wait a second Dewey… I think things are getting hotter for another reason!

Dewey: Indeed, Mike! Joining us now to help call our next match is none other than XWF’s resident voluptuous vixen, Shelby Cobra!

Gaylord: The wicked bitch of the west is here! Oh, my! Mama-Mia!

Mike: Compose yourself, Gaylord; this is completely unbecoming of you!

Dewey: Please Mrs. Cobra, have a seat…

Shelby: Thank you boys, it’s nice to add some appearance to this booth.

Dewey: Shelby, you’re adding so much more than just appearance… so please, let us know what your thoughts are on this match up?

Shelby: Match up? This won’t be a match up at all; Alexis Riot doesn’t even deserve this opportunity. This should be a laugher.

Mike: Really? You actually believe that Dolly Waters is going to retain here?

Gaylord: Right, we all know Dolly is talented, but this is by far the biggest stage she’s been on thus far, and Alexis is a former X-TReme Champion. I think Riot’s experience is going to serve her well tonight.

Shelby: You three don’t respect Dolly enough. She’s done more than the three of you combined! Dolly is a special, once in a life time type of competitor, and I wanted to make sure I was front row to watch her continue to make history tonight.

Dewey: Great stuff Shelby! Well we will see… let’s turn our attention to Tig O’Bitties.

Shelby: Stop looking at my chest, Stump!

Tig O’Bitties: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall… and is for the XWF HART CHAMPIONSHIIIIP!

Kiss My Eyes begins to play over the loudspeakers as dark blue lights begin to flash on stage. Crimson Words then display on the X-Tron, reading,

"You Will Respect Me"

Pyro then goes off on stage and suddenly Alexis Riot appears. She scans the crowd with a look of disdain before walking down the isle. She keeps eye contact with the opponent in the ring all the way through, paying no attention to the jeering fans around her. When she gets to the ring, she climbs the top turnbuckle and, after removing her hood, stretches her arms in a Chirst-like pose; taking in the hate of the crowd.

Mike: WOW! Alexis is looking good tonight!

Shelby: You think Alexis is good looking Stump? Are you fucking blind? Dumbass.

Dewey: Indeed there is Alexis Riot, former XTreme Champion who essintially lobbied for this match with a cowardly attack on an unsuspecting, Dolly Waters.

Shelby: Alexis Riot. What a fucking joke. She's lucky I wasn't there when she hurt Dolly, she wouldn't be in this match.

Gaylord: Shelby, you've seemed to be taken a liking to Dolly Waters here as of late, what is it about Dolly that draws her to you?

Shelby: I mean think about it, Dolly Waters is thirteen years old and is kicking grown men's asses routinely. Just imagine if she were older, and stronger, I don't think anyone in this business could go toe to toe with her. So she's an inspiration, I can look at my children one day and let them know that just because they're young doesn't mean they can't be the best at whatever it is they want to do. Alexis though? She's garbage, she's the epitome of what you DON'T want to be; she attacked a Dolly because she's too big of a bitch to go out and earn her shots the right way.

Just as the lyrics: I AM THE FIRE wail through the loud speakers, a huge fiery explosion of pyro engulfs the flame followed by a heavy cloud of smoke and as the smoke clears we see Dolly Waters. She’s wearing a black hoodie with a zipper down the front, the hood covering her face, and a pair of black and pink athletic shorts that go down to the top of knees along with a pair of matching pink and black boots.

She looks up from the floor, starring Alexis Riot directly in the eye as a slight grin appears from the corner of her mouth. Dolly removes the Hart Championship from her waist and raises it into the air as the crowd roars with excitement.

Dewey: The atmosphere in this arena is thick, and abuzz. Our Hart Champion, Dolly Waters, as Shelby pointed out, is the epitome of hard work and sacrifice. Our Phenom of the XWF!

Dolly charges the ring, sliding under the rope and walking right up to Alexis, yelling in her face as she raises the title in the air as official Mika Hunt struggles to separate the two.

Finally, Hunt gets the two wrestlers to their respective corners. Dolly removes her hoodie showing her taped up ribs and a black sports bra.

Tig O’ Bitties: Introducing first, the challenger, from Chicago, Illinoi… weighing in at one-hundred thirty-five pounds… ALEEEEXIS RIOOOOOOOOT!!!

Alexis stands in the middle of the ring her arms raised as she reacts to chorus of boos from the crowd.

Tig O’ Bitties: And her opponent… from Pikeville, Kentucky, weighing seventy-nine pounds, she is the XWF HART CHAMPION! THE PHENOM! DOLLY WAAAAAAAAAAATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dolly turns back to her corner and scales the ropes while holding the title in the air, as the crowd mostly cheers for the young tweener.

OH! From out of nowhere Alexis Riot attacks Dolly Waters before the bell is even rung, pushing her off of the top rope, causing her to flips forward and smash back first onto the arena floor!

Alexis climbs out of the ring and immediately kicks Dolly right in the face before she can stand to her feet, splitting Dolly’s lip open.

Dewey: My goodness! A brutal attack by the challenger and the match hasn’t even begun!

Alexis grabs a chair and smashes it right over Dolly’s head, now leaving a huge gash on her forehead as blood begins to spill everywhere.

Shelby: FUCK THIS!

Dewey: Shelby Cobra has thrown down her headset and is running toward Alexis!

Just as Alexis raises the chair above her head to strike Dolly again, Cobra grabs the chair from behind and kicks Alexis in the stomach as she turns around, causing her to bend over as she gives Alexis a taste of her own medicine with a brutal chair shot of her own. Shelby helps Dolly to her feet and hands her the chair.

Dolly stands there for a moment, wiping the blood away from her eyes and throwing her hair back, she unfolds the chair and sits it down while Mika Hunt screams at the women to get in the ring and start the match. Shelby looks up at Mika, winks, smiles and blows her a kiss as the official’s face turns red…

Shelby rejoins the commentary team.

Dewey: Guys, wait, you wouldn't think that… nahhh, surely not.

Mike: God I hope so!

Gaylord: SHELBY! Have you been dyking it up with Mika Hunt?

Shelby: Mind your own business, Gaylord!

Dolly sits Alexis’ head on the unfolded chair, and takes a few steps back…

Dewey: What do you think Dolly is planning to do here? A little payback I’m sure!

Gaylord: I don’t know, but it almost looks like she has Alexis Riot in position to take her own finishing move, The Riot Control Curb Stomp!

Dolly charges toward Alexis and leaps in the air, but just as she comes down with her leg ready to decapitate Alexis she moves out of the way, causing Dolly’s leg to mangle between the back of chair and the seat. Alexis fumbles her way into the ring as Dolly stands back up limping and chases her.

Finally the bell rings!

Dewey: All right ladies and gentlemen, this match is finally official!

As soon as Dolly slides under the bottom ropes and goes to stand, Alexis charges her with a short arm clothesline, but Dolly ducks underneath hitting the ropes on the opposite side and as she rebounds Riot tries grabbing her, but Dolly elegantly avoids the attempt by sliding between Alexis’ legs. Just as Riot turns around Waters sends a forceful knee to her gut, causing her opponent to cripple over in pain.

Dolly grabs Alexis by the back of the hair, just staring at her with disgust as gasps for air. Dolly then sends her palm directly into Alexis’ nose. And again she sends her palm into Alexis’ nose as blood begins to rush out and all over the center of the ring. Riot is wobbly, sitting on her knees as Dolly looks on still shaking her head now; Dolly hits the ropes and…


Alexis is flat on her back, blood splattering upward as she coughs and hacks while gasping for air. Dolly turns back to the fans with her arms open as she gives a bow to a standing ovation.

Dewey: I think it’s abundantly clear now, that Alexis Riot was completely overmatched!

Shelby: Exactly! That’s what I was trying to tell you all, that’s why she had to attack Dolly before the bell rang. Look at Mike and Gaylord’s dumbass, they’re in shock! I told you boys!

Dewey: And Dolly is taking her time, soaking all of this in as the crowd loves watching the Phenom do her stuff… Alexis still hasn’t moved!

Alexis begins crawling her way toward Dolly, pulling herself up to one knee on Dolly’s shorts. Riot looks up, a glazed over look in her eyes as she tries muttering some unintelligible words.


Waters rears her arm back and smacks Riot across the face, then runs and hits the ropes again, connecting with a second Running Waters that lifts Riot up from the mat as she crashes back down on her neck.

Dolly covers…




Dolly lifts Alexis up by her hair, prolonging the sickening beatdown.

Gaylord: Now this is just sick! Dolly should end this match now!

Shelby: I happen to be enjoying this!

Dolly lets out a maniacal laugh as the crowd continues to roar with approval. Waters drags Riot’s lifeless body to the ring apron, to where only her head is hanging over the edge of the ring. Dolly then climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off, smashing down on the back of Alexis’ head with a diving knee drop. The jarring impact cause Alexis to stir as she rolls around the ring in pain for a moment, slumping herself in the corner.

Dolly climbs back into the ring, standing in the opposite corner from Riot…
She charges at full speed and smashes a third running knee directly into the mouth of Alexis as her head snaps back and smacks the turnbuckle post. Dolly takes a few steps back as Riot slowly collapses face first from the corner.

Waters looks over her lifeless body and spits a gob of blood on her.

Outside the ring, Shelby Cobra has a chair... she tosses it up over the ropes and Dolly catches it, getting a sinister look on her face.

Dewey: What's Waters going to do? No! Dolly, you could kill her!

Dolly rests the chair on top of Riot's head, then scales the ropes in the corner, measuring her opponent...


A spurt of blood shoots out from beneath the chair, but other than that Riot is completely motionless as Waters rolls her onto her back and places on foot on her destroyed face for a pin!




Winner and STILL XWF Hart Champion - Dolly Waters

Cockshafer: Well at least one title stays where it started!

Stump: Look at the EMT's flooding the area... Riot might be permanently disfigured!

Dewey: She may be crippled, Mike! This is serious!

The show grinds to a halt for several minutes as Dolly Waters and Shelby leave together, the Hart Title over Dolly's shoulder.

Medics carefully get a neck brace onto Riot and slide her onto a back board, then move her onto a gurney before rolling her to the back.

A drum beat and horns begin to sound. Thun Thun, Thun Thun, Thun Thun. Thunder sounds, but the horns continue to play with the drumroll.

White strobe lights follow the drum beat. Then, the arena goes black.

March or Die begins and the arena darkens. White spot lights ignite on the entrance stage. Thaddeus Duke steps out into the white hot light. He has a golden warrior helmet on. Throwing his hands up, he waits several seconds, soaking it in. Thaddeus slaps some hands of fans as he walks the aisle and also stops to take selfies with them and his shit eating grin before reaching the ramp leading to the scaffolding. Walking slowly up the ramp, he reaches the scaffold. Turning and looking towards the ramp way. March or Die continues to play as he removes the golden helmet and sets it next to him. The arena goes black as March or Die fades.

"Hello, My Friends". The creepy voice comes over the loudspeaker in Atlantic City's Boardwalk Hall.

The lights go to a mix of red and white, but dark in the audience portion. Smoke appears at the rampway, seemingly getting thicker. House of 1,0000 Corpses by Rob Zombie begins to play. Then, as if out of nowhere, two black shadow figures appear. Then three, then four. Out of the mist comes three "orderlies", dressed in white. They are pushing a dolly. On said dolly is Dr. D'Ville, wrapped in a straight jacket with a Hannibal Lector Mask. He is being wheeled out from the back. There is one orderly with a clipboard.

Stump: Creepy. Eerie. The Doctor, with the mind games.

Cockshafer: He is a master at that.

The orderlies wheel the Doctor to the ramp. As they begin to ascend up the ramp Doc's eyes are locked onto Thaddeus through the mask. Unwavering. Un blinking. Piercing.

Dewey: This is just plain epic. Nobody does it like the Doctor. I've got goosebumps.

When they reach the top of the ramp, they stand the dolly upright. Unstraping the Doc and removing the mask, he never takes his eyes off Thaddeus Duke. He has a small smile on his face.

The orderlies make their way down the ramp as the ramps are removed. These two men are now above where the ring once sat, with nowhere to go but down.

A large metal box sits on the scaffolding with a master lock on it.

The two stand and stare at each other for about a minute and a half, both occasionally glancing down at the firey inferno which lay beneath. Doc blows Duke a kiss and Duke explodes, hittin Doc with a Lou Thez press and punches. Doc reverses, rolling on top of Duke. He begins to punch. Duke shoves him off and gets to his feet. The two exchange blows, and Doc gets the better of Duke early. Duke wobbles, getting scary close to the edge. Just before his back foot slipped off he lowered his shoulders and put his head onto Doc's gut, driving him back. He drives Doc's back into a low hanging light above the scaffolding. Duke stays on the assault. Body shots to Doc, then a russian leg sweep, dropping Doc face down on the scaffold. The crowd let out an audible "ohhh".

Duke stomps away at Duke, who tries to grab a nearby light fixure to lift himself to his feet. Duke steps back. Looks like he is going to try to punt Doc in the head. Lining him up he runs and kicks, Doc is able to avoid it, grabbing the leg of Duke and spinning him around.

Stump: Hell of a counter from The Doctor.

Doc runs him head first into the same light, knocking him back. Getting on top of Duke, Doc begins to choke him. Doc gets off, looking for something. After breaking off what looks like a piece of electrical wire, he goes back to choke Thaddeus. Thaddeus counters, however, and chokes the Doc with it. Doc reaches and reaches and finally reaches what looks like a trash can lid and slams Duke over the head with it, breaking the choke.

Stumbling back Duke his the metal floor hard as Doc tackles him.

Dewey: This is a very unorthodox match. You aren't going to see a lot of moves like you would see in a ring. This is an all out street fight.

Stump: A street fight favors Doc.

Cockshafer: Don't count the kid out, he is tougher than he looks.

Doc is back up. He walks over the the chest, and looks at the lock. "what the" he says, kicking it. Obviously frustrated, he turns around just in time to see Duke coming at him. Doc is able to catch him mid lunge, grabbing his head and forcing him face first into the chest. Wobbling back Doc lifts him and drops him with a sidewalk slam. Doc stumbles around looking for something. He NEEDED to know what was in that chest.

Duke was getting back to his feet. Doc walked over and stomped him a few times before lifting him up and planting him with a DDT. Duke was out.

Doc stumbled around, hand on lower back. He was looking for something. Just then he saw it. A sack attached to one of the lights that was hanging over the scaffold. He opened the sack. Inside there was a folding up piece of paper. It had a key in it. It was a letter from Vinnie Lane. It just said...."Merry Christmas---Vinnie."

Doc walked over to the chest and began to work on the lock. Duke stirred. He gets the chest open and inside lies weapons. Lots and lots of weapons.

Doc smiled a wicked grin and he grabbed a hammer. Duke was back up. He charged Doc, Doc swing the hammer. Duke ducked, kicking Doc in the gut and causing him to drop the weapon. Duke hits The Legacy! But there is no pinning, you have to throw your opponent off! Doc is out cold. Thaddeus begins to roll the veteran towards the edge. Doc gets to the edge and suddenly comes to life. He grabs the leg of Duke, who tries to kick him off, and trips him over him. Duke is scary close to the edge. So close he can feel the heat from the inferno below.

Stump: Duke close to the edge here.

Cockshafer: Too close.

Doc grabs Thaddeus by the head and tries to throw him off, Thaddeus counters and hits a suplex on Doc, bringing them both away from the edge a bit. Thaddeus now sees the chest. He grins walking over and pulling out a lead pipe. Doc is on one knee. Thaddeus walks over and levels the Doctor with the pipe, busting him open. He hits Doc 2 or three more times in the leg and mid section, then goes to a knee himself to catch his breath.

Scene cuts to Dolly Waters, watching the match from a TV in the back, biting her nails.

Then, as if awakening from the dead, Doc sits up and looks at Duke. He face covered in blood he says, "Hello Friend". Duke kicks him in the face. Doc sits up. Duke kicks him again, Doc sits up. Duke swings the pipe, and Doc rolls out of the way, hitting Duke with a low blow!

Dewey: Veteran move by Doc there!

Stump: Cheater....

Down goes Duke, holding his underage manhood. Doc walks back over and smiles, grabbing the hammer. He dumps out the weapons chest. Doc walks over to Duke, and puts the chest on his head. Duke is completely blinded. Doc shoves him, sending him, arms flaling, towards the edge. Stepping off the edge, Duke drops. The chest falls into the inferno below. Duke, however is holding on to the scaffolding with both hands.

Doc laughs a sinister laugh. He yells HAIL SATAN! Then gets down on his knees, staring at Duke. Smiling, he brings the hammer down on his hand. Duke screams, pulling his hand off. Doc looks at the other hand with a grin. He takes the hammer and puts the back side into each nostril of Duke (it is one of those ones that has the double edge backs), and pulls him face to face.
"I am going to send you to hell now, young Thaddeus. Tell Hades I said Hello."

He pulls the hammer out of Duke's nose and holds it high above his head, aiming for his one remaining hand.


It was Dolly Waters. She had a microphone.

"Doc think about this, is this something you really want to do?"

Doc grins, tapping Duke's pinkie with the hammer as he slips a little more.

"IF YOU STOP YOU CAN HAVE A HEART TITLE SHOT" She said really fast, as if she was in a speed speech competition. Doc turned around to look at her, licking his lips and signaling for the belt. This was the opportunity Thaddeus needed. He grabbed the scaffold with his other hand and propelled himself up. He launched at Doc, who saw him coming but it was too late, and plated him with an RKO seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oh yeah.....Doc.....Silly me. I wa just kidding! Blonde moment....sheesh......" Dolly smiles a girlish smile and skips back to the backstage area.

Both men, covered in blood, are down on the scaffold.

Slowly, Thaddeus Duke crawls over to D'Ville. He stands astride the body of the former Universal Champion, then reaches down and clutches the older man with both hands around the throat...

Doc's eyes pop open wide, and he's grinning!

That certainly seemed to catch Duke off guard, as the young prodigy stumbles briefly, giving the doctor all the chance he needs to slam his fist upward, jamming his fingers right into the mouth of Duke!

Doc has his jaw! He's got him in a mandible claw!

Duke is waving his arms around, trying to free himself without going over the edge...



Duke falls

all the way



down into a flaming pit!

Winner - Dr. Louis D'Ville

As the camera pans back up to the scaffold, we see that the doctor has completely vanished.

Trax is stretching a bit backstage, preparing for the big time main event which is just about to kick off. He grabs up his entrance trench and smiles to himself;

Trax: Tonight is the night, six men enter, only one will walk away with the big gold belt, and you BETTER believe it's gonna be me, MISTER DOMINANCE. Ain't no doubt, no doubt at all!!!

Footsteps are heard, when from around the corner walks Kid Kool, XWF rookie with a big broad smile on his face.

[Image: Dolph-Ziggler-WWE.jpg]

KK: Hiya, the name's Kid Kool! I hear you're about to step into battle for the big one!! How's it feel, daddio?

Trax: Man, it's been too damn long since I held that strap, it's gonna be a BIG celebration when my hand's raised. I hope your career is a good one, man.

KK: Thanks bro, MUCH appreciated. Rock that Chamber tonight.

Trax: Oh you KNOW I will, bruh. Bodies broken and my hands holdin' that twenty pounds of precious metal. Seeya 'round.

KK: Peace.

Trax heads out, as the Kid turns his head to watch Mr. D walking off.... KK's smile glistens in the light, as we fade out.

Tig O'Bitties: The following contest is your WildCard Weekend main event, and is for the XWF Universal Championship!!!

All six men are in the Chamber, and Bearded War Pig & Peter Gilmour stand toe to toe with eachother, as the ref shows them both the belt--WHAMMO! Gilly grabs the title and STRIKES BWP down with a nasty shot to the face, busting him open. Pete drops the belt, the ref signals for the bell and Peter goes for the cover........1.......2........3!!! Pig is outta here!

Eliminated - Bearded War Pig

Unknown Soldier's pod opens and the Devil's Chosen Bastard SPEARS Gilmour to the canvas, before the two tussle on the mat. Soldier rises, grabs Gilmour up and kicks him in the testicles, in a very demonic fashion. Soldier lifts up Pete once again and hits the short arm clothesline.......... Gilly rolls over, slaps the mat out of frustration, before standing and meeting Soldier mid-ring. The two begin a back and forth dual of the fists, one from Soldier, one from Gilmour, one after the other till both men are tired and worn out. Soldier boots Gilmour in the gut, and snaps off a quick hurricanrana...

Gilmour rolls to the outside, lifts himself up using the ropes, and glares at Soldier. He signals to Soldier 'Just bring it', and Soldier obliges..... he springboards off the top, heading for a flying clothesline, but Gilmour picks the arm out of the air, sending Soldier crashing to the metal floor. Gilmour then locks on the Crippler Crossface..................Soldier taps!!! Gilmour keeps the hold on till the referee forces him to release the hold. Pete stands and spits on Soldier, before lifting him up and sending him CRASHING into the same plastic pod he exited from. The official checks on Unknown Soldier as Peter heads back into the ring, awaiting the entrance of another challenger.

Robbie Bourbon's pod opens, and in comes the man himself, making a beeline for the champion. Bourbon gores Gilmour into the corner, and the big man nails Gilly with forearm after brutal forearm, before chucking the champ out of the corner, splattering against the canvas. Bourbon beats his forearm against his chest.... Gilmour stands..... WICKED clothesline straight outta hell! Gilmour drops like a sack of potatoes, and Bourbon goes for the pin........kickout!

Soldier stagger out from his pod, and he's gushing blood! More than ever!

Dewey: Oh my god! He has a shard of glass sticking out of his stomach! I'm going to be sick!

Stump: I can see his innards!

Soldier collapses to his knees, then gestures for Gilmour to come get some!

Soldier falls forward, then rolls onto his back squirting blood everywhere! Gilly crotch chops and tea bags Soldier right on the FACE! Gilly don't give no fucks!

Gilmour with a cover!




Dewey: Oh my god! Gilmour just pinned Unknown Soldier!

Eliminated - Unknown Soldier

The Lights Go Out.......

What the hell?!

A spotlight comes on the entrance way with a man standing with his back turned toward everyone.

He turns around...

:10 x Fucking Better Seth Feder:
This fuckin' pay per view just got......... TEN......... TIMES.............. BETTER!

The lights slowly come up. The crowd isn't sure what to make of this as Seth Feder has returned to the XWF. He opens his jacket and reveals... A PETER GILMOUR SHIRT!

Is Seth Feder cheering for the defending champ!?

Robbie lays Peter's shoulders down against the mat and goes for another pinfall...............denied! Gilmour slugs Robbie with a precision-placed fist, knuckles meeting face, and Robbie's down. Peter climbs to his feet and begins to rail on the challenger with boot after boot. Gilly slaps the taste out of Rob's face, before pulling the big guy up to his feet..............STONE COLD STUNNER!!! Gilmour goes for the cover--1,2,kickout~!!!

Bourbon is aching, and Peter is crouching down in the corner..........Robbie standsSPEAR,SPEAR,BY GAWD SPEAR!!! Robert is driven back first into the ring post, and Gilmour begins to lay in the boots as Robbie is sitting. Peter pulls Robbie out of the corner and whips him into the opposite corner........STINGER SPLASH!!! Stinger Splash to Robbie Bourbon, and Gilmour's aiming for the stratusphere, looking to keep that big gold belt wrapped firmly 'round his waist. Gilmour sends a few knife edge chops to the chest of Bourbon, before hitting a perfectly placed european elbow to Rob. Rob stumbles out and drops to his knees......... Gilmour NAILS Bourbon with a stinging kick to the back of the head....

Another pod opens, and here comes Chris Chaos! He simply stands outside, waiting for the other combatants to tire themselves out. Inside the ring, Bourbon is motionless on the canvas, as Gilmour heads up top.................Bourbon gets up........FLYING EURO UPPERCUT, nearly busting Bourbon's jaw open! Bourbon drops flat to the mat, and Gilmour is winded. Chris Chaos comes in......Gilmour stands........OLYMPIC SLAM, RIGHT on target!!! Cover.........1.........2..........3, and Peter Gilmour is.....

.....wait, Gilly kicked out JUST before the three, and the ref caught it! Peter's still in this one!!! Robbie is up, and he tosses the much smaller Chaos over the top rope. Rob focuses on Peter, aiming his own 'Arsenal' on the Universal Champion. He grabs Pete up, before hitting a dicus clothesline, knocking Gilmour's block off! Robbie goes for the pinfall............... TRAX IS IN!!! He punts Bourbon in the head, sending him falling off the champion...... Trax has saved Peter?!

Trax lends a hand to Gilmour, pulling him upPIMP HAND!!! Trax just jaw-jacked the one and only master of the Gilmour Cutter~! Trax follows up with a Gilmour Cutter of his own....1.....2....KICKOUT! By gawd, Gilmour is staying in this thing till the end if he has any say so! Trax punts Gilmour in the cut, before turning around--CODEBREAKER!!! Robbie Bourbon just JAMMED that mutha fukka!!! Trax is laid to waste by the big bad mamma jamma himself, Robert Bourbon. Bourbon goes for the cover, but only picks up a two.

Seth is sitting in a chair at the entrance ramp, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. He seems to be cheering for Gilmour. He can't sit still. He stands up and... is walking toward the ring!

Seth is cheering in Gilmour at ringside! Peter doesn't seem to like what's going on.

Remember folks that Peter Gilmour, Unknown Soldier, and the original Feder, Sid, were friends and trio champs. Could this be a reunion of sorts?

Gilmour grabs Robbie by the back of his mask and swings him around......Knee to the gut! Rob's doubled over..... Peter rebounds before hitting a mean, mean knee shiver, ala William Regal! Robbie falls, and Gilmour readies.......Rob stands back up, turns toward Gilmour, Gilmour lunges.... Swinging Sideslam, ala Big Boss Man!!! Robbie just caught Gilmour with a big slam, and Peter's down again! Robbie taunts the fallen champion, smiling to himself with pride. Robbie kneels and begins to send elbow after elbow to the back of Peter, as Pete attempts to shield himself. Robbie stands back up, before hopping into the air and hitting a HUGE elbow drop, with authority!

Gilmour rolls to the comes Chris Chaos into the ring! He goes for a superkick to Robbie, but Rob rolls out of the waySUPERKICK-TO-TRAX!!!!!! Robbie heads out for a breather, while Chris Chaos goes for a pin...two count only! Chaos reigns supreme, raining fists down on Trax. Trax lifts his legs up! He wraps them around Chris' head... Trax uses all of his muscle strength to bend himself, pulling up toward the upper body of Chris Chaos........Trax hooks his legs around Chaos' head, and rests in a position usually associated with a powerbomb, only with Trax on the offense. He swiftly pulls off a tilt-a-whirl style maneuvre, cracking Chris Chaos' head against the canvas. Trax smiles to his fans, knowing he's got this one on lock...

Trax heads up top....before climbing atop one of the pods.....he SAILS through the air, before crushing Chaos with a flying shooting star press into a WICKED codebreaker!!!!!! Chaos is out like a light, and Trax is signaling that he's out to put the poor white boy out to pasture. Trax goes for the pinfall..................................kickout!!! Trax bitch slaps the sprawled out Chris Chaos, before hooking him by the leg.....before falling backward and planting Chaos' foot into the canvas with authority. Trax goes for ANOTHER pinfall........kickout, once again! Rob heads in..........Gilmour returns on the other side........

......Robbie slams his big fists into the back of Chaos, just as Gilmour uses a well-placed discus elbow to knock Trax for a loop. Trax and Chaos roll out, and Gilmour takes it to Bourbon. Pete DROPS Bourbon with a sick Death Valley Driver......... Bourbon grabs at Peter's ankle, trying to pull himself up, but to no avail. Peter drops a leg across Rob's throat, and Peter follows up with a pin cover..............1...........................................2................​........................................






Robbie kicks out to Peter's aggravation!!! Peter runs into the ropes, bounces off, and hits a running 360, knocking the wind out of the challenger.....TRAX!!! The former champ holds the Universal Title, cuz the timkeeper's cool with him like that. Trax just STRUCK that bitch ass Gilly-Gilly-Gill-Mo down to the muh-fukkin' GROUND! Trax goes for the cover on the champ.....................1..............................2......................​..................................






Eliminated - Peter Gilmour

The Universal Champion himself is out! We've got a GUARANTEED new champ on this night! Peter Gilmour is beside himself, and is unwilling to leave! As Pete is arguing with the ref, Robbie turns him around..........ROCK BOTTOM!!! Spine on the pine, and Gilmo's done fo'.

Trax lays the title out over Peter's face before RAMMING a boot into the belt, crushing Gilmo' below. After a few moments, the ref helps Gilmour up to his feet....Dimallisher is there, clapping his hands together, before Gilmour's old friend helps him out of the pod, Dimmy congratuling Sweetie Petey for a reign well earned. Tony Santos stands on the outside, leading the fans in a chant of 'THANK YOU PETEY!' A decent capper on a well-deserved title run.

Seth gets on the microphone. He can barely walk straight. He's completely drunk.

:10 x Fucking Better Seth Feder:
Hey Pete. Peter. I havea meshegh. I have a message from Sid, from Pops... FUCK.....YOU!

Seth is completely wasted. He drops the microphone and is laughing his ass off at Peter. Gilmour doesn't seem thrilled about Seth's presence or his words.

Gilly is practically dragged to the back by security, who manage to keep Seth Feder at bay fairly easily due to his inebriated condition. Both of them vanish into the back as the action continues in the chamber!

Trax heads for Robbie Bourbon, but Chris Chaos cuts him off at the pass, nailing him with a running bicycle kick, grounding him. Robbie yanks Chaos by the arm, pulling him into a Torture Rack. Chaos thrashes around, trying his best to break free... Rob swings Chaos into a TKO!!! Pin cover.... not even a one! Chaos nips up, SUPER MUDDA FUKKIN KICK BITCHEZ!!! Chaos paintbrushes Rob, before Trax returns and cracks Chris' back with a BackStabber!!! Trax goes for the pin on Chris.....nothing! Chris springs back up and brings Trax down with a belly-to-belly. Chris gazes at the fans with a cocky grin, relishing in his work...

Robbie returns, and lifts Chris from behind......ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP~!!! Robbie pulls Chris back toward the middle of the ring by his legs.... Robbie rebounds and BY GAWD, AVALANCHE SPLASH!!!!!! Rob hangs around the three count-- one, two, but no three. Robbie lays in the boots, but Chaos slowly gets back up......FLATLINER!!! Chaos goes for the pin, and gets a two and a half! Trax comes up from behind, shoving Chaos toward the rope...... Chaos bounces off, stil facing away from Trax.... GERMAN SUPLEX!! Chaos cracks his neck against the canvas, and Trax goes for a pin.......




Trax is losing his shit, but he calms down as he sees a perfect shot line up when Chaos gets back to his feet...

TRAP SILENCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RIGHT INTO THE FACE OF BOURBON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robbie Bourbon takes that kick FLUSH to the jaw, and he falls into the ropes. Trax just shrugs and turns away from the big man.


Chaos justspeared Trax all the way through and back into the body of Robbie Bourbon! all three of them crash into one of the empty pods and glass shatter sprays everywhere!

Chaos takes a few seconds to get his bearings, then leaps on top of Trax for a cover!



Kickout by Trax!

Bourbon is up!

Chaos throws a haymaker at Robbie, but it's blocked! Bourbon thrusts his fingers into the larynx of Chris Chaos!!!

Chaos is coughing and choking, but before Robbie can take advantage, Trax is back!


Trax crashes and burns, and Robbie grabs him.... he brags Chaos too!

DOUBLE NECKWRECKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robbie lays out both men in a true holy shit moment! Bourbon with a cover on Chaos!



KICKOUT BY CHRIS CHAOS!!!!!! ROBBIE CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robbie jumps onto Trax instead!




Bourbon is incensed!

Robbie is climbing up the chains of the chamber! He punches the roof off of one of the pods and scales the cage links... what the hell is he doing???

Cockshafer: It looks like he's pulling apart those chains at the very top, right over where Trax and Chaos ore still trying to compose themselves!

Dewey: Dear.... god....

Bourbon makes a nice sized hole in the top of the chamber, then seems to take a moment to meditate on what he's doing.

Robbie closes his eyes.




Bourbon landed hard on top of Trax, and both of them look like they might be DEAD!

Bourbon sits up, but quickly passes out, slumping backward onto the supine body of Mister Dominance! That's a pin!


Wait! Chris Chaos leaps on top of Bourbon while he's on top of Trax, shoving Robbie's shoulders to the mat as well!




Eliminated - Trax and Robbie Bourbon


Cockshafer: What an incredible match! What a finish!

Winner and NEW XWF Universal Champion - Chris Chaos!

Stump: That was the greatest thing I've ever seen! Robbie Bourbon... FLYING!

Dewey: Crashing, more like it! That's all the time we've got ladies and gentlemen! Goodnight from Atlantic City!


After an epic battle for the ages that will be remembered for all of time, Chris Chaos walks down the hallway, half mangled from his match, and still fighting off the stungun incident from earlier. He hears a faint "cha cha cha". And turns, paranoid after all he has been through on this unholy Wild Card night. He walks further, avoiding the lockers and just heading straight for his car. Entering the parking lot... behind him a row of cars... a green civic stands out, because the luchador is in the passenger seat staring at Chris Chaos. But Chris doesn't see it, looking back over his shoulder and walking quickly, wondering why he parked on the third floor in a complex with no elevator. "CHA CHA CHA". The sounds echoes again, he picks up the pace running by a red hummer and failing to see the Luchador sitting cross legged on top of the roof. Entering the third level he cautiously slows down, still hunched over a bit from previous injuries. He see's his car, and frantically puts in the key and gets in, slamming and auto-locking the doors. He looks in the rearview mirror at himself and sighs deeply, putting the key in, turning on the radio, and starting the ignition... finally ready to go home. "CHAAA CHAAA CHAAA". He whips looks again in the rearview and the Luchador is sitting in the seat behind him waving. Chris turns furious but before he can get all the way around the Luchador raises his hand and sprays the contents of a small cannister in his eyes, Chaos grabs the door handle and rolls out holding his eyes in pain. The Luchador gets out and kicks him in the stomach. Dropping the "pepper spray" cannister as it rolls by the furious but incapacitated Chaos. The Luchador mask falls onto the can, Chris looks up and hears this before being kicked in the forehead.


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[-] The following 4 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
Guppy Parsh (12-12-2016), Kid Kool (03-30-2019), Mr Killjoy (12-12-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-12-2016)
Brandon Moore Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-12-2016, 05:44 PM

Brandon Moore is backstage after his match and the beatdown delivered at the end of the newcomer showcase. He's speaking to his new Havoc stablemates and just about anyone who will listen.

-Brandon Moore-
"They got what's fucking coming to them, but seriously? I had that Bully bastard fucking tapping! I was screwed and you're damn right I'm going to whine about it! Cadryn's fucking dead next time I see him!"

[Image: 1z3ulj6.jpg]
CURRENT Federweight Champion
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The Essence Of Excellence

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-12-2016, 06:52 PM

Cadryn is backstage, cleaning himself up after the vicious beating he received from Brandon Moore and his cronies. Out of the corner of his eye Cadryn notices the camera.

Cadryn turns to the camera, smiling.

CT: You gentleman have made a grave mistake...

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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Saving the Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

12-12-2016, 07:19 PM

"Tonight, PATROL will celebrate! We aren't just four men; we're four champions! We should enjoy ourselves now, before we have to prepare to defend our gold. To us and to the lizards!"

OOC: Dolly vs. Alexis was the best squash match ever. Gilly made Unknown Soldier tap and he pinned him, I didn't realize Unknown Soldier had to be eliminated twice...haha

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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[-] The following 3 users Like Thomas Nixon's post:
Dolly Waters (12-12-2016), Guppy Parsh (12-12-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-12-2016)
Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-12-2016, 07:40 PM

OOC: congrats to all of our new champions!

Round of applause to Labe and the match writers and the judges for giving us a great show.

4x XTreme Champion    (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Dolly Waters's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-12-2016, 07:44 PM

Bitch way to eliminate me.. all I'm saying

Congrats chris desecrate the belt till I return

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019)
Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-12-2016, 08:36 PM


I am proud to have competed against the best in the business and the best RPers I have ever faced.

I am going to be the best Universal Champion I can be! So humbled.....even though I am the only champion who hasn't been changed on the main page ;-P

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[-] The following 2 users Like Chris Chaos's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019), Thomas Nixon (12-12-2016)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate Chris Chaos's post!
Doctor Louis D'Ville (12-13-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-13-2016)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-12-2016, 09:28 PM

(12-12-2016, 08:36 PM)Chris Chaos Said: GREAT MATCH

I am proud to have competed against the best in the business and the best RPers I have ever faced.

I am going to be the best Universal Champion I can be! So humbled.....even though I am the only champion who hasn't been changed on the main page ;-P


I usually wait until it isn't a spoiler to change them.

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Vincent Lane's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

12-12-2016, 09:32 PM

We see Trax backstage, sitting on a large metal box clutching his ribs, Trax's is grinding his teeth and his eyes are closed as Steve Sayors approaches him. just came out of an epic chamber match, unfortunately you came up short getting pinned by Robbie Bourbon with Chris Chaos capitalizing to become the NEW Universal Champion... do you have any comments regarding the...Trax...TRAX you OK? I think you may need a Doctor.

Trax just grumbles still clutching his ribs before shaking his head.

I'm fine....don't need a DOCTOR....I can...HEAL...myself just focus and... FUCK...

Trax opens his eyes and they're glowing amber, Steve Sayors takes a cautious step back as Trax continues to clutch his ribs.

I told them they'd have to KILL me to pin me tonight and well, Bourbon the fool, he almost killed both me and himself. THATS what it took to eliminate me... I admit I wasn't expecting that. Bourbon, heh, he actually pinned me, highlight of his career so far most definitely.

Trax jumps off the box and places one hand on the top while still clutching his ribs with his other arm.

Congrats to Chris Chaos, I knew he had it in him to be a Champion, I just didn't think he was ready to be a Champion YET. IS he ready? For the pressures and challenges that await him? We shall see, because my mission isn't over, I'm not going anywhere, I'm still coming for that Universal Belt. When the time comes for us to meet again I hope he's ready, I will be.

Trax finally lets go off his ribs, his eyes stop glowing and he straightens up from his slightly crouched over position indicating he's now fully healed. Trax pats SS on the shoulder and walks to his locker room as the scene fades.

OOC: Great match and show overall guys! Congrats to Chris! Well deserved.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr Killjoy's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019)
Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-12-2016, 10:33 PM

Ooc: Hahaha I hear ya vinnie.....was only kidding.

And Trax hell of a battle man....probably the most fun I've had in efedding ever
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[-] The following 3 users Like Chris Chaos's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019), Mr Killjoy (12-12-2016), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (12-12-2016)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

12-12-2016, 11:59 PM

We see Robbie Bourbon slumped over on a slab in the medic room backstage. Blue walks in.

Honey! Are you okay?

Robbie slowly looks up, his eyes glassy. He smiles, coughs up a red wad of blood and mucus, and hocks the filth to the floor as the red spittle drools down his lip.

Golden. Did we do it?

Did you do...

Honey, Chris Chaos is the champion.


Robbie glances towards the floor slightly as his smile fails to dissipate.

You need a vacation.

I need to kick some more ass for the people.

Robbie coughs again and more blood flies out of his mouth onto his mask and chest. Blue gently caresses the big man's head.

That was amazing out there.

The people liked it?

They loved it.

Blue kisses Robbie on the forehead.

I love you.

Robbie looks right back at Blue. He takes a deep breath, obviously in the throes of a concussion.

I know.

You quoted Han Solo.


[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Kid Kool (03-31-2019), Vincent Lane (12-13-2016)

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