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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Green Circle
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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06-03-2013, 09:51 PM

Welcome to the circle...

The Green Circle...

[Image: green-circle-md.png]

not to be confused with that stable that includes maggots feeding off John Madison's end trails. By end trails I mean swallowing the feces that drops from his anal cavity.

Today is not like any normal day in the circle. We have brought forth a number of random individuals to join us in our escapades deep down inside the minds of abysmal insanity. The usual circle of Buddah, Jesus, SATAN!, and Allah has taken backseat to a random crew of observers who think they can hang with the Northern Lights smoke that our dark lord has offered. Once you join the circle, a world of differentiation will subside inside the mind of those who are easily tempted into a sinful rejection of norms that our society has chosen to deem illegal and immoral. This is the first step towards sin and debauchery, as far as mind altering substances go. The first step any normal drug induced addict must indulge. That's what they tell us at least, not realizing that goat meth was and still is the chosen elixir of 'high' for the SATAN!ic army.

The four newcomers to aforementioned circle have a story of their own as they approach the bong together at the same times during the evening. It was a massive party you see, with alcohol, drugs, and sex spread out across a display of indignity and disrespect for their parents of Karen Ahlers. The high school senior who was lucky enough to have her parents disappear for the weekend while the rest of her classmates insisted she throw a party. That's where I come in... Yes, Luca... This is where SATAN! takes a group of teenage party goers in the middle of my own bumfuck nowhere imagination land and rape, torture, and destroy every last bit of self dignity any man could have. That's why I'm SATAN! after all?

The party was banging on an early June night, before the sun set it's normal destination in the west. The last strip of light dissipated deeply over the horizon as a random drunk idiot named Tim McGrew yelled out in the middle of the party on the top of the diving board of the Ahler's pool in the back yard. Right before he took his leap into the pool he took a long drink of Miller Lite and screamed...

Tim Mcgrew: "Truck Yeah!"

Nobody knew why this drunk buffoon was screaming such nonsense all night during the party, many just ignored him and concentrated on gorgeous host Karen. She really decked herself out for her party in the massive mansion that her parents built with their fortunes in the internet stock business. She had to impress everyone because that's what snooty little rich bitches do. That's why she wore a stunning white gown laced with gold trim and flowed like a King's robe behind her every step. Many told her she must overdressed for the occasion, due in part that the rest of the party was dressed in steel toe boots, spurs, and the biggest fucking cowboy hat you can ever imagine. Like that one Burt Reynolds wore when he was portrayed in that Saturday Night Live skit.

The party was rocking, the beer was flowing, and the teenage sex was running rampant as we enter the inside of the house. It was like a mix of that movie "Can't Hardly Wait" and "From Dust till Dawn." The Quentin Tarrantino movie where the vampires take control of the strip club and George Clooney has to fight his way through a bloody mess inside. This was no ordinary party after all, since the likes of the crowd were influenced by the bong of SATAN!...

Before our Green Circle can make it's pace towards this object located downstairs in the basement of the Ahler's household, they must first wade past the slue of indifferent nonsense that takes place in our scene. Like I said before, it's a mix of murder and teenage debauchery. Let's meet our Circle now, as it begins to take shape on the porch. Where by some motive of chance or predetermined destiny has brought them to enjoy a cigarette on the porch while four random party-goers would meet and make the fatal decision to indulge in SATAN!s crop.

The porch is well fortified by thick pieces of wood and a rain deflecting coat that rich people have on their decks in order to keep the wood from fading. The sun had just disappeared over the western horizon as a damp and chilly wind blew for the south. It blustered quickly and dosed the flame from the lighter that Daniel Richmond was trying to use to ignite his Camel wide cigarette.

Green Circle #1 - Daniel Richmond

[Image: teenage-male-student-in-classroom-thumb18037806.jpg]

As the name sort of already implied, Daniel came from a rich family. Can't you tell by the shit eating smile he's got on his face? You may be asking yourself how a tan colored, brownish, half Arabian, but then again could be Mexican looking kid is rich. That's a simple answer you see. Daniel's real name is Achmed-Muhammed Juan-Martinez Valencia. He's both an adopted immigrant from Pakistan and Guatemala. At least that's what it says on his birth certificate, but not yet impossible once we delve deeper into this story. We will refer to him by his American adopted parents who are filthy rich white people and good friends with the Ahler's parents.

Daniel Richmond: "Fucking wind! I wish we could smoke inside!"

Gregory 'Gay' Gunderson (G3): "Have you ever smoked before?"

Green Circle #2 - Gregory 'Gay' Gunderson; or otherwise known as G3.

[Image: tumblr_lyyvvyjtdT1qhjxr5o1_500.jpg]

We once again pause on this exact picture of Gregory staring back at you in a very flirtations manner while I give you a background of this child deviant. As his name implied; he was in fact a homosexual, but kind of one of those closet ones that always acts heterosexual around his peers to be cool. That's all that matters in high school anyways right... to be cool... In fact, peer pressure is going to bring all of these folks together here real soon.

Gregory; or as will call him G3 for the most part, was in his private time the Gayest Gaylord of all the Gays; hence the nickname G3. It was hard to hold this position at such an early age, but among the Gays he was superior and to prove this point to you I will give you an example that could not possibly refute the point in question. G3's room was covered in wallpaper of his favorite wrestler of all time; The Crimson Dong. So not that we have established his gayness, let's discuss his demeanor and character. The boy was the most confident in the circle and probably most deviant of the bunch.

He obviously has already been tempted by SATAN! anyways since he was a homosexual. He would often kidnap people and dare them to pronounce his name without using any G's. If they failed, he would rape them. You see, G3 was a teenage rapist serial killer freak. Tonight he was under cover hunting for his next prey. He saw an opening with Daniel Richmond while he was smoking and helped our idiot rich boy Daniel turn it around so he was lighting the proper end.

Daniel Richmond: "Dude, I was so drunk I didn't realize it!"

Obviously G3 knew this wasn't true and responded by saying.

G3: "Drunk off the 2 Mike's Hard Cranberries you just drank?"

'Super' Slutz Mckenzie: "Did somebody say wine coolers?"

The Green Circle #3 -- 'Super' Slutz Mckenzie

[Image: frCkfnuuFsEzPSu-556x313-noPad.jpg]

We all know a little bit about a 'Super' Slut before I even begin to give the background of our suspect #3. Three beers deep and she's ready to get dicked in all three holes, preferably at the exact same time. Could this be why she has tagged along with three other male specimens on the porch smoking cigarettes. Enticing the group to gang bang her? Most likely... Her Clothes certainly told that story as she wore nothing but a pair of short shorts and a white tank top with no bra underneath. Her nipples clearly visible and focused hard and upright.

'Super' Slutz McKenzie: "Hey boys! Can all three of you help me find the bathroom?"

LA-Douchebag: "Definitely babe, I'll do anything for dat ass."

McKenzie slaps Circle Member #4 in the face and a picture of him getting hit and looking like a total bitch freezes while we give you his background. We really don't know much about this loser. We know him to talk a lot of ridiculous things and try to act like he's something important when he's really not. In fact, he prefers when people call him a douchebag... HE ENCOURAGES IT! He's from the west coast and thinks he's some kind of trench coat mafia tough guy or something. That's why he is just known as LA-Douchebag.

LA-Douchebag: "So can we hook up or what."

Although his desperate attempts to get pussy are always shattered because he is nothing but a weak man and arrogant super-mega huge douche that he totally admits to being might I add.

The story takes an ultimate twist when a goofy looking male with an untwisted smile facing up slowly walks past the foursome. Only his dark red eyes and twisted smile faced out ,while the rest of his head and facial figures were shrouded behind a black hooded sweatshirt. It bear an odd resemblance to a scene with the Cheshire Cat in an Alice in Wonderland cartoon.

Creepy Dude on the Porch: "If you were really cool you would smoke SATAN's bong down in the basement. They say if you smoke it you'll get possessed by demons or something weird.

Daniel Richmond: "Possessed by demons?? Sounds like a load of horseshit to me!"

The four teens laugh before realizing that now they had to prove to each other they weren't pussies and actually find this 'Bong of SATAN!' Peer pressure can be a bitch for four desperate attention seeking young teenagers.

G3: "Well, you know what we have to do?"

Super Slutz Mckenzie: "I have to warn you guys I get really, really horny when I get drunk."

LA-Douchebag: "Where's this bong at again?"

The four step inside to a floor covered in urine and beer from those enduring through the early hours of the party. Three teens lay in a pool of blood in the kitchen where some type of crime must have taken place. The witness of a murder scene is still not enough to stop the foursome from descending into the basement into what could only be described as Willy Nelson's play pen. The black light only lighted by neon green leaves of grass glowing off the end of the stem of the bong pipe. This green sticky substance only known as the finest Northern Lights Kush of all the powers of doom and evil. The only way it could get the massive neon glow off the end of the stem as if it were Kryptonite in a Super Man movie or something.

The crowd gather in the neon green room shrouded with inverted pentagrams and absolute silence. Hippie bead strings woven from the ceiling and a disco ball emancipating glowing lights on the ceiling and walls. The foursome gather around the already pre-loaded marijuana smoking instrument. It was if it were prepared for the circle of friends as they gathered around. Most of the group looks obviously confused at how to use the device as they never had in their past done this before. But our previously tempted SATAN! worshiping homosexual Gregory knew just what to do.

G3: "Listen gang, let me show you how it's done."

The gayest gaylord of the gays takes an enormous rip off the tube on the end after igniting the flame off the end of the bubble where the green leaves sat off the edge. The popping, cracking, and bubbling begins as he breathes in heavily on the edge of the tube. Sucking his lips around the cupped edge like a puffer fish on a glass window. The smoke travels through his lungs and releases a euphoric sense of amazing that burns in the back of his throat and lungs like a wisp of fire and ice combined to give the greatest sensation ever felt as it rushed through the back of his brain and throughout his bloodstream. He could feel the intense pleasure overtake him and fainted...

Daniel Richmond: "Wake up G3! What the hell happened?"

G3: "I... I don't know? I just felt suddenly overcome by some unseen force that caused me to collapse!? All I know is that I want to hit it again!"

Our deviant teen quickly reaches back towards SATAN's bon,g but is interrupted by Slutz McKenzie who saw how much fun he was having and had to be the needy and grabby attention whore that she was.

'Super' Slutz McKenzie: "My turn."

She tried to mimic the actions she saw from G3 previously, but was too stupid to figure out how to hold the lighter upside down without burning herself. She was such a stupid slut that all she did was throw the lighter on the ground and act like a baby. Thankfully our good friend Captain LA-Douchebag had another and was quickly behind the slut. He wasn't going to get any play, but he was going to continue trying because that's what douche bags do! He stood behind her with a half chubby shoved between the crack of her ass. He could have light the bowl standing on the opposite side but yeah, he's self proclaimed KING! of women's contraceptives and thought it might impress her.

The slut takes in a huge bowl that she obviously can't handle or could have prepared for. She then proceeds to gags like she just got done with inserting Ron Jeremy down her tonsils. The douche bag grabs the bong and inhales the rest of the enormous hit that she left inside the chamber. He clears it and also proceeds to cough like a chain smoker.

The last turn... It's all up to you Daniel...

The richy rich boy refused to disobey and let his parents down. How would this re pay them if they had found out he smoked marijuana. They gave the poor boy a home. He can't do this...



It was too late, because although his devote love to his adopted home was present, he could not beat the temptation and succumbs to peer pressure.

Daniel Richmond just took the step from cigarette to weed in a matter of minutes. What next? What destination of extreme would Daniel have in his near future? Murder? Probably? Yes!


The gunshots sprayed throughout the room and Daniel immediately lost his composure as he was already phased with nerves by taking his first inhale of SATAN!'s perfect green. It startled him so fast that he not only dropped the bong, but also pissed himself as well. It wouldn't be much longer until...


Three more shots echoed through the basement. The group of four hit the ground faster than the bong did. Which miraculously did not break I might add. In fact, the bong was sitting upright with a full new bowl ready to be smoked. This was obviously ignored as each of their brains now kicked into survivor mode. They rushed past the doorway leading to the basement and made their way together towards the front of the house. Millions of screaming party goers are trying to escape. Most of them naked because it was starting to get late and at this point in the party many of the young gentlemen were either sealing the deal or already in the process.

Karen; the host of the party, was standing at the front of the doorway while everyone was trying to make quick exit out of the house. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. The group made it just a few feet in front of her before...


A bullet comes flying between her forehead and travels in slow motion directly between the heads of all four of our green circle. Karen's head severs from it's spine and falls off completely with tons of blood gushing into the ceiling like a red rainstorm. This terrifies the gang and splits them into four separate escapes. Where will they all go? Who is shooting at them? When do we get to see some tits? Stay tuned all night for our first ever Horror-Porn movie that we will be streaming online for all you sick bastards to see. Who? When? Where? and how many cocks will Slutz McKenzie take?

[Image: Bong%252BSmoking%252BJesus.jpg]

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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