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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-23-2023, 08:20 PM

[The scene opens up to JB sitting alone in his room in their hotel that they booked due to their hockey match that took place earlier thus week. We see T trying to knock on his door, and he didn't open the door.]

T: Hey JB why aren't you coming out of the room?

[JB pretty much doesn't open his room door and Reg looked at T, and shook his head as a way to leave him alone. Then T and Reg head out for the afternoon, as JB sits in his bed alone as he lays on the bed he stares at the ceiling. Then he heard a knock on his room door, and he opened to see a woman who looked like Daffney (rip) in spandex pants and a white shirt coming into his room who jumped on him.]

???: Ah John Black!! I am a fan of you!!!

JB: Who the blue hell are you and how did you get in our hotel suite?

???: I told the front desk that I was your personal massage therapist under the thugs name.

JB: Is this a joke?? Did they put you up to this??

[Then she starts to mess around in his room, and even picked up the painting that he drew of the super dorks he fought last anarchy. ]

???: this is a cool portrait you made, kinda reminds me as a painter myself.

JB: Oh so you paint in your spare time? I feel like with all those tats on your body looks pretty good on you.

[Then she takes off her shirt to show her back tattoo that had an eagle on her back, he takes notice of it. Then she shows her arm sleeve tats with various designs on it. He looks at her, as she gets something from the mini fridge.]

JB: Oh hey, why are you rummaging in my fridge?

???: Oh you hush, can't a girl like me drink something? So much for hospitality!!

[JB rolls his eyes as he lays back down on his bed and she jumps on to his bed with him. Then she really starts to jump on his bed, and screams as JB rolls off the bed confused. Then he looked at her, and he got on his feet trying to talk to this loon.]

JB: why are you jumping on my bed like a child?

???: Don't you like to see people jump on the bed?

[Then she kept jumping on the bed, and he wanted to call security but she jumped on top of him, then he just dropped her on the floor. He leaves his room, and he sits on the living room couch to be away from this spazzy woman, then she comes towards him and she screams at him in his ear for no reason. He puts her hand on his face, and she licks his hand and he looked at her like he wanted to punch her as he wiped his hand on his shirt.]

???: Here’s the deal John, you are going to join me in a gothic rock show here tonight, if don’t come with me, I will stay in your hotel room until you guys leave Canada.

JB: Is that a threat? I can send you out of here, i aint got time for no games. I don’t need to go anywhere with you, so leave me alone aight?

???: Uh no!

[JB then tries to get up from the couch, and this girl decides to jump on his back demanding him to give her a pony ride on his back, he then opens the door to their hotel room, and drops her off on the floor outside of the room. Then she started to scream out loud which caused some of the hotel guests to take notice, then he quickly dragged her back into his hotel before the guards came to figure out what was going on.]

JB: Look, you need to calm the hell down… almost got me in trouble here!

???: Then I demand you to GO to the show with me!

JB: Alright fine, I'll go to the damn show with you and once it’s done we are through!

???: Alright then, pick me up by 10pm ill send you my address…

[She screams in his face for the last time, and she finally leaves his hotel. Then time passes, it was half past ten at night, and he paid off someone in the hotel to go to the event with the girl. Then he sees T and Reg with some pizza and sodas they brought into the hotel room, then Reg gets the paper plates and red solo cups to eat and drink up as they hang out. As they were eating, they hear a knock on the door and Reg opens it to see the same chick who he stood up storming in the place screaming at JB.]


JB: Who cares, I told you I wasn't interested.

Reg: Who’s this chick?

JB: I don’t know here… you know her T?

[T then takes a look at the girl, from her gothic attire to her flats on her feet, with her hair in a ponytail. He then nodded his head at JB, as the girl decided to give herself a slice of Sausage Pizza that was on the hotel kitchen countertop. Then she comes up to T, who then hugs him and she sat beside him, as JB looked on with confusion with this whole thing.]

JB: Yo, this girl you know… was buggin the fuck out!

T: Oh of course she would be that type to bug out, well to tell you the truth I met her at one of the bars last week, and she was trying her best to be down with us. She even had an eye on you, champ.

JB: Oh so now you tell me this, you could have told me her name before she strolled up in our hotel. Got me freaked the fuck out!

[Then the girl fixes her hair, and her black dress, and she speaks to the crew.]

???: Well Tommy, my name is Annie Thraxion… Or Ann Thrax for short.

[JB's eyes lighten up when hears the name of a former wrestler of XWF who passed away in mysterious fashion over a decade ago. Then he shook his head, and gave his hand out to the girl but she refused. Then she starts to snuggle under T’s arm, much to JB and Reg’s chagrin when it was supposed to be thugs nite in.]

JB: Look you two, T i know you are the casanova of pussy and shit but please make sure you both take it elsewhere while we watchin the movies. I know you are on that shit that will make you go crazy.

T: Mane, it isn’t like that at all… I've been out all day with Reg and I haven’t made a eye contact with any Canadian fluseys at all.

[Reg then smirks at that line.]

Reg: Chico, you were out there in the low temps of the 60s hounding the mamacitas as we were tryin to go to places. I’m surprised we didn’t get kicked out of place due to your antics, perro de caza sucio!

T: Ah hush up Reg, don’t act like you aren’t down for the cause either, just because you have a daughter and an on and off affair with your baby mama doesn't give you carte blanche to judge me with the ladies.

[As Reg and T were blabbing about nothing, he looked at the flat screen and picked out some rando films to help pass the time. Then he stumbled upon “Spiritual Arithmetic” that stars a guy who could pass off as Goth’s stunt double. The film was about 2 hours and 30 minutes long and they all decided to watch the film. After the film was at the end credits, all three men looked at the screen with disdain and “What” type of reaction, as Ann Thrax looked on with tears that’s messing up her mascara.]

Ann: That movie was soo brilliant and made me cry, who knows how much a man is willin to sacrifice for what he loves! He’d do anything to get back from the clutches of that hardcore dragon.

JB: Nah, that movie sucked assss! It was the worst film i’ve seen in my time watchin film I would have rather seen a Flynn stand up show then this garbage.

T: Although there are a bunch of Tarantino esque feet shots… and maybe some light gore… not much else to write home about.

[Reg didn’t bother to contribute as he was ready to head into his own bedroom to crash, which left Ann, T, and JB in the living room at 4 in the morning. Then T offers to send her a taxi back home, but she decides to stay at the hotel for the night. As JB was cleaning up the place, Ann made herself comfy by laying on the couch, and T comes up to JB whispers something in his ear. He quietly said “hell nah” as she was on dreamville ave, then T and JB go to their own rooms and pretty much call it a night as the scene fades.]

“Fuck, that girl was somethin odd and off… but, I guess i somehow attract crazy ass chicks, because I have no clue, but what does seem to be bothering me is the fact that I had to see that movie that the Goth’s stunt double was in, because it reminded me too much of the real guy whom I have to deal with this coming Sunday from now, a man who feels the need to stretch his hands far and wide to grab something that he knows he can’t catch. But not to downplay on his own merits, he's been in the scenes longer than me, and he fully knows how to play the long con of wrestling.

I don’t feel the need to bring his name up to protect the identity of those who're already outchea with a reputation. An alcoholic man who had no bounds to give up the ghost, a man who gotten outshined by a cleaner and no i anit talkin Omega from Japan, and not in outer space. A man who should be back at Sin City Wrestling instead of playing territory journeyman in XWF who can’t even bother to get one over for the X-Treme championship. He can pretend to feel like he’s dead, because that’s how he sees himself, a cold, dead inside, bitter man who feels entitled to the world just because he demands it, which makes me more sick to my stomach then seeing me hold this championship.

Goth, you say that you suck, you say that you want that false adoration to the masses who could care less about you, and I know full well that even if you beat me for this championship it isn’t going to make much of difference, because they still see a man who’s all down on his luck and me against the world mindset. I anit not therapist, but i can hook you up with one once i beat that ass in Texas where anything fucking goes. If you want to cave in that “Goht Sucks” mantra in your time here in XWF, then be my guest and you will look back another 20 years of your in ring career as a blur of sucking and fake adoration. Let me as you this, do the fans at Sin City Wrestling fuck with you, or they don’t? Look into the mirror and ask that question to yourself Goth, and you will find that answer you are looking for, and if you want to live your life under false pretense of scrutiny than man, you really need to see a fuckinf therapist or somethin to get your own head out of your own self sabotaging ass.

I ain't afraid of anyone or anything, and if you want this belt so badly then you know what you gotta do mane, like Bonecrusha said “I AIN'T NEVA SCARED!” with a challenge, and you bringing in those death threats acting like if it will be some comeming type of theory of you taking this belt off me is a goddamn joke, because I already know that they will want you to run the division to the graveyard shift with your mindset, Goth. They would rather have some guy who has a conflicted personality who feels the need to be superior at everything he does, all just to throw it all away for somethin much worse and worse at the end of it. Ever since I fucked up Cashe up at the convention, I neva scared of my own actions and repercussions at the end of it all sometimes, because i’ve grown out of this fear of being “the better man” in things I have to deal with.

Truth be told, if you somehow beat me for this belt, then great for you… i’ll never show myself here again, you’ll be the man who made me leave XWF on his own accord. That’s not a joke, this is some real shit i’m puttin outchea for the world to know, and that’s why I am going to make sure to fuck you up sideways and hellways under the heat in that fucking dome area to defend this belt, because i’m not going down without a fight, and if you want to claw and scratch me to victory, then you better make sure your black painted glee nails are ready, because i finna bite them shits off and stick em in your mouth and make you famous in the streets of XWF.

So Gothman, just so you understand that isn’t going to be some red rover type shit or some kinda easy going broadway to the finish, this is some street shit that I will get grimy with so I hope you get grimey too because I want you to bring you all against me, come hell or Chris Page’s bongwater I will make something out of you, Goth. You will understand what it means to be thuggin and bugggin to the end of the road, this coming March Madness.

The End Is Nigh fa you… sucka!”

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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