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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Curious Case Of Vampirism (Part 2 of 2)
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Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-17-2021, 10:01 PM

Somewhere and nowhere at the same time. Oswald sits patiently on a seat of nothingness in a meditative state. A red portal opens not too far in front of him and out plops Vampire Vita who bobs up and down in the nothingness around them while simultaneously dry heaving (because she's dead) from the teleportation experience. As Vita stabilizes in the air, she also regains control of her gag reflex. With an annoyed glare, she shouts at the still motionless Oswald.


“I was told that you wished to speak with me. The way you came in was the only way for this to happen. Now, what is it that you need of me?”

Vita wipes her mouth, but it’s bone dry. No barf!

”I need to know exactly what it is that Miss Fury did to me!”

Oswald opens one eye to take a peek at Vita who looks beyond annoyed at the moment.

”And what makes you think that I would know anything about that?”

”Well… You worked with her! It was your lab and resources that she used for every evil plot that she attempted to hatch! I figured if anyone had any idea what… THIS is, it would be you!”

Oswald closes his eye and responds with a dismissive tone.

”Well, you thought wrong. Besides, I thought that you were a little vampire know it all?”

Confused by his quip, Vita responds. “What do you mean by that?”

Oswald doesn’t immediately respond.

“Dude, come on! What do you know!?”

Oswald calmly opens both of his eyes. He and Vita share a quiet moment as he leaves her on the edge of her seat.

”Let me ask you, child, how many vampires have you encountered in your life?”

Vita doesn’t have to think about it for long before firing back.

”Well, there used to be a few in the XWF over the years, but beyond that… None. Why does that matter?”

”Vampires are a rare species these days, and they aren’t too keen on breeding just anyone. They keep their numbers small for a reason. So how would Miss Fury manage to lactate a vampire in the first place, much less find one willing to break coven law just to play a childish prank?”

Vita struggles with the information. What does this mean? If she’s not a vampire-like she had thought, then…”

”Exactly what in the fuck am I!?”

The F-Bomb, very out of character, or at least it used to be. It seems these days Vita finds herself cursing more often than not. Oswald remains calm in his reply.

”Come.” He says as he motions his hand to draw her near. ”I will show you.”

Oswald places his palm on Vita’s forehead and she is instantly transported through space and time to another dimension pararenal to our own. Here she witnesses all sorts of demonic parasitic bug-like creatures covering every inch that she can see. She looks on in horror at the infestation below her as she wonders if this is what she is to become? That’s when she notices the giant creature in the distance staring at her as if it can feel her presence. It lets out a roar and all of the parasites begin to shriek much louder than before!

[Image: cthulhu.jpg]

Suddenly she is snapped back into the nothingness with Oswald. Vita looks utterly defeated as her head hangs low causing her hair to obstruct Oswald's view of her face.

"It would seem that you are not a vampire at all, at least not in the traditional sense. Instead, it appears as though you have fallen victim to an interdimensional space parasite whom from what I can tell shares some basic survival tendencies with our universe's vampire race."

Oswald's dry delivery of this news could almost be found humorous if not for what happens next. Vita snaps to attention, her eyes locking firmly with Oswald's as his calm demeanor gives way to shock and horror at the sudden transformation of an innocent girl into a monstrous beast! Vita lunges for Oswald with evil intent, but she floats in nothing and her efforts are futile.

"Get ahold of yourself woman!"

Oswald waves his hand and in an instant, the beastly Vita falls to a slumber. Oswald uses this time to study her immensely. Not just physically, but into her very being. This is when he realizes exactly what is happening, and with merely a snap of his fingers, Oswald brings Vita back into consciousness not as the hideous monster from before, but as the super cute, hyperactive, A.D.D. riddled dreamer that we all know and love, but as she awakens to the nothing around her, she struggles to cope with the horrors that she had seen. Oswald is not about to help matters as he realizes that he is only now speaking to Vita.

"I have good news and bad news."

Vita doesn't immediately respond as she finds herself too busy trying to process everything that she saw before blacking out.

"Which one would you prefer first?"

In an almost trance-like state, Vita slowly looks towards Oswald before calmly and quietly responding with, "The bad..."

"You're infected with an interdimensional space parasite that shares similarities with vampires, but ultimately will lead to the erasure of your very soul as the parasite takes over and you become part of the hive mind."

Vita doesn't even question how he knows all of this. He is an interdimensional space wizard after all. Or, maybe she just heard someone call him that before. Either way, she takes his word without a second thought. Given a moment to process the information laided out, she looks up to Oswald and asks him. "What's the good news?"

Again with the driest of deliveries, Oswald replies, "I figured out what Miss Fury did to you."

Vita just stares at him dumbfounded for a moment before quipping back. "REALLY!?"

With a shrug, Oswald responds. "I figured that you would ask for the good news first, all things considered." He then waves his hand, opening a portal behind her. "Now you must go, but try not to sleep or do anything that may weaken your grip on your consciousness. Otherwise, you may find yourself not being yourself."

"Wait, how do I stop it!?"

"You don't, you can only try to prolong it."

Vita starts to ask another question, but Oswald does not afford her the opportunity. With a flick of his wrist, Vita flies backward into the portal. She looks super pissed just before it seals up behind her.

A few days have passed, and Vita has struggled to cope with the news that her time on this earth, at least as herself is coming to an end. Oswald claims that there is nothing that she can do about it, but she can't accept that. She'll find a way, and if she doesn't, then she will have a backup plan in place to ensure that whatever she turns into will never have the chance to hurt someone again, but that's the last resort because Vita Valenteen is not a quitter! She has faced nothing but adversity since entering the wrestling business! Her first ever match was a Tag Team championship match. Micheal Graves had challenged. No, begged for a shot. A shot that was granted only after Graves agreed to not only put his career on the line but also allow the competition to choose his partner. Vita was chosen as a joke, a handicap that would ensure that the career of Micheal Graves came to an end. It worked, for the time being at least since you know, Vita's kinda watched Graves career end about a half a dozen times in her few short years here in the XWF, but it didn't work on account of Vita, who shocked everyone watching when she wrestled two-thirds of the match herself and nearly won it all on her own!

Or that time that she triumphantly returned to Anarchy to single-handedly chop the head off of BOB by winning the Anarchy Title away from Miss Fury just a few short weeks after first claiming the prize?

Or most recently, finally scoring the killing blow on the former Brotherhood and helping wipe them from existence with the help of a few members that had a sudden change of heart after both watching beloved colleges die at the hands of the very same woman that Chris Page was pressuring her to leave her so-called family behind and disband BOB, which with Fury, we all know likely wouldn't have included a severance package.

Vita isn't the best wrestler, as much as she may aspire to be. She's also not the strongest trash talker, but that's mostly due to her tendency to show her opponents the same respect she would expect. One thing that Vita does have in spades, however, is heart. Resilient to the end, Vita will show up every day and fight a losing battle only because she knows that it takes the losses to push her to change, adapt, grow as a competitor. This match will prove to be no exception. Charlie Nickels is going to do and say everything in his power to discredit and humiliate Vita Valenteen. She knows that she's in for a hell of a fight. Charlie has something to prove in the here and the now. Well so does she! Vita isn't going to fade quietly into the night. Not only will she find a way to overcome this new plague on her very being, but she will do so while clawing her way back to the TV title! It's not an obsession. She doesn't NEED this belt, but she does need to satisfy an internal need to prove to herself that she's not just destined to be a traditional champion for the rest of her life. She came to Savage to make a splash. To move past all the start-stop BS that plagued her while working opposite of BOB on Anarchy. In the grand scheme of things, it may seem crazy to be so laser-focused on your performance in a combat sport while the fate of your very soul hangs in the balance, but THIS is her life, and without the XWF, she'd feel an emptiness that she fears even death, true death, couldn't compare to.

That's what leads us to this.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang throughout the apartment. After a moment, Vita answered the front door to find Steve Sayors holding a suspicious brown paper bag.

"You got it?"

Steve motions towards the bag in his hand. "Yeah, I got it."

Vita reaches for the bag, but Steve pulls it back.

"Whoa, tell me again why I'm doing this?"

"Because I'll give you an exclusive scoop after I win!"

"Yeah, but you still haven't told me what this scoop even is!"

Vita smirks before snatching the bag out of his hand with her (interdimensional parasitic) vampire speed!

"Relax, it'll totally be worth the wait!"

Steve raises his finger to make a point, but Vita quickly slams the door in his face and turns her back to it as she begins to dig into the bag, but something odd happens as her body goes limp for not even a second before she snaps to attention, her eyes now with a fiery red glow. The skin on the lower half of her face pulls away and she transforms before our eyes into the same mysterious beast as before! She drops the bag and a spore falls out onto the floor as Vita crashes through the door and zips over to Steve Sayors car in a flash. He screams as she latches her many fangs around his neck and sucks him dry, leaving only a withered husk behind as she moves on to the next person she sees, sucking them dry and leaving nothing more than a husk behind. She continues on, one after the other. People see her and run. It makes no difference. Guns, fire, garlic, and magic. None of it proves effective in preventing the end of the human race as we know it.

Fast forward hundreds of years into the future. The world has died. A victim of irreversible global warming. The world is on the brink of death, but the parasite that was once known as Vita Valenteen still roams the earth feeding on any and all remaining humans that she finds.

That is, until one day when a ship from a far-off planet decides to make contact with our dying plant.

The ship touches down in what was once one of our planet's biggest and boldest cities. It's now overtaken by decay. A large alien creature exits the ship via a retractable ramp.

"PEOPLE OF EARTH!" He says in an artificially amplified tone that somehow defies our known science by traveling hundreds of miles in every direction without being too loud, but also being perfectly clear to understand. "WE MEAN YOU NO HARM! ANY HUMANS THAT STILL REMAIN ARE INVITED TO LEAVE THIS PLANET WITH ME AND MY MEN! COME NOW, SAVE YOURSELVES!"

Along with the message comes the location of the ship. It's almost as if it were beamed directly into the minds of the people within range.

Unfortuneytlyu for the aliens, the first being to answer the invite is the parasitic vampire Vita.


The alien drops to his knees as Vita sucks him dry. She shoves the brittle husk away and wipes the green blood from her face. As the sound of the first aliens screams, more appear at the ship's door and look down in horror at the sight before them! Before they can react at all beyond their initial terror, Vita leaps into the doorway and attacks all three in succession, crippling them so that they can not run before systematically draining every living being on the ship in a matter of minutes.

Now at the pilot's seat, Vita places her hand over a glowing orb that seems to allow her to control the ship. How she knew to do this is a mystery unless you consider the possibility that she takes more than just blood when she drinks from a victim. Regardless, the ship takes off into the air and is out of our atmosphere in mere seconds, its destination? One for the many charted civilizations across the cosmos primed to become lunch.

Thus marks the end of all life as we know it.


Vita awakens in her gym/home with a splitting headache.


She sits up, realizing that she's on the hard floor. How did she get here? The last thing that she remembers was killing the whole universe.

"Oh my God!"

The thought of ending all life ever really has a toll on her, and as such, she pukes up some bile and blood.

"What a nightmare!"

"It wasn't a nightmare."

Vita looks over to her left to see Oswald calmly sitting on the couch across the room. Vita looks to Oswald puzzled by what he means, and what he's doing here. Especially with her just having been unconscious for who knows how long. WEIRD!!! (Not as weird as Charlie though. Not in the creeper way, just in general.)

"What do you mean it wasn't a nightmare. Also, W-T-F are you doing in my house anyway!?"

"What I mean to say is this, you were right to test if the spores would affect you the same as a human. Unfortunately, they do and whatever fever dream that you just suffered was a direct result of breathing in their gases."

A look of relief seems to fall over Vita.

"So I'm totally NOT an interdimensional parasitic vampire!? THANK GOD! I put on a strong exterior, but it's REALLY been hard enough just being a regular vampire and not letting the world see just how frickin shattered and broken I really am on the inside! I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if everything I just dreamt was actually real!"

For a moment Oswald considers telling her the truth, but he figures she doesn't have too many happy days ahead of her and decides to keep her true fate a secret for now.

"Just avoid the spores and kick Charlie's ass for me. It's been a while since I've had the honor."

Maybe it's incorrectly assuming that she isn't an interdimensional space parasite, or maybe it's the complete lack of human affection she has received in such a long time, but Vita springs to Oswald's lap and greets him with a big hug.

"Consider Charlie's butt TOTALLY kicked my dude!"

Oswald cracks a slight smile before catching himself.

"Just don't let yourself breath the spores..."

"For the love of God." Oswald thinks as he considers what may happen if she does...

[Image: Vampire-Lovecraft-VV.jpg]

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

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Doctor Louis D'Ville (10-18-2021), JimCaedus (10-18-2021), Marf (10-18-2021), Mr. Oz (10-20-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-17-2021)

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