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Saturday Night Savage 7/3/21
Author Message
MrBig Away
XWF Management
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

07-05-2021, 03:52 PM

[Image: V3i33MC.png]


St. Louis, Missouri

- vs -
Talia Areano
LION'S DEN MATCH - Competitors are locked inside a Hell in a Cell like structure within the lion enclosure where the lions are roaming around the outside. Don't touch the sides! Pinfall/Submission.

Thias Watts
- vs -
Geri Vayden
1 RP 3K WORDS - STAMPEDE MATCH - The ring is placed within a live stampede consisting of zebras, gazelles, Somali wild asses, warty pigs, giraffes and more! Something has these hooved beasts agitated and they're not going to stop until we have a winner! Pinfall/Submission.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Miss Fury
- vs -
- vs -
Betsy Granger
- vs -
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Dick Powers
- vs -
Corey Smith
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST - Elimination Chamber style match where all competitors start and every 5 minutes a wild beast is released from one of the four chambers around the ring. Elimination Match - Pinfall/Submission. The winner of the match will decide their position in the draft (1st or 6th) and the rest will be based on how eliminations go.

The camera looks upon the entrance of the St. Louis Zoo where a ring sits surrounded by a strong attendance of fans! It switches to Pip and Heather who are at their commentators booth up away from the action.

Pip- Hello fans and welcome to Saturday Night Savage! We have a very special show for you all tonight here at the St. Louis Zoo! We'll start off with a Lion's Den match where the returning Talia Areano takes on Calypso! The two competitors will battle within a Hell in a Cell within the lion exhibit while two hungry lions will be roaming freely outside the cell!

HH- We don't hold back here in the XWF, Pip.

Pip- We do not. Why don't you tell us about our second match tonight, Heather?

HH- Gladly, Pip. We have the Stampede Match! Thias Watts versus Geri Vayden! Picture your stander lumberjack match, only the lumberjacks are a stampede of hooved beasts.

Pip- And, of course, there's our Main Event! Six captains, elimination rules, Survival of the Fittest. All competitors will start together in an elimination chamber style match-up where every few minutes a wild beast will be released from one of the chambers... Are you all ready for this?

HH- I'm ready!

Pip- We're going to take you straight to the Lion's Den Match now fans where Talia Areano and Calypso are already in the cell and the lions are about to be released....

- vs -
Talia Areano

The scene cuts and opens within the lion's exhibit where Calypso and Talia Areano are already within the cell that was placed.

Pip- Well, fans… This could get bad really quick.

HH- You think someone is going to get eaten?

Pip- It would be pretty pointless to have this type of match if not, wouldn't it?

HH- They look hungry!

Calypso moonwalks across the canvas and shows off for the many, many booing fans in attendance. The bell rings and Calypso looks to Talia and charges her! He swings a forearm looking for a clothesline, but Talia ducks the move. Calypso bounces off the ropes and is met with a stiff roundhouse kick that flattens him on the mat. Talia circles her opponent and readies herself as Calypso attempts a kick up from the mat and fails. He then begins crawling back to his feet from his hands and knees.

Before Calypso gets his feet planted, Talia cracks him in the jaw with a super kick that sends him tumbling to the outside of the ring. He rolls around on the ground towards the side of the cell until one of the lions pounce on the side of the cage and scares Calypso half to death. As all of his attention is one the lion, Talia bounces off the ropes and baseball slides into Calypso's back which sends him into the cage and into the grasp of the lion. He shrieks loudly as its claws rip at his clothes and scratch gis hairy, fleshy chest.

HH- It's happening!!

Pip- Cover your eyes if you have a weak stomach fans!

Calypso manages to break free from the lion's grasp and crawls away now slightly bleeding from his front upper body. His eyes roll into the back of his head when he notices the blood and starts dry heaving until he passes out. Talia looks through the ropes down at Calypso who is lying motionless halfway under the curtain for the ring apron. She looks back to the official Chaz Bobo, who happens to be a part time lion-tamer, and he shrugs to Talia not knowing how to handle the situation in this no count out no disqualification match up. Both lions are now sitting outside of the celm staring at the fallen, maimed Calypso.

Talia exits the ring, the lions pay no attention to her, and grabs Calypso to throw him back into the ring. When she grabs him, he rolls her up into a small package!!!!

Pip- Uh, I don't think Calypso knows where he is right now.

HH- Yeah, you still have to get the fall INSIDE the ring!! Who is this guy?

Talia immediately kicks out of the hold, rolls to her feet, and kicks Calypso across the head, sending him back half under the ring. The lions both lick their chops and watch as their apparent prey attempts to squirm away.

Pip- I don't know who Calypso needs to worry about more here…. The lions outside the cell of Talea Areano inside the cell!

HH- I don't think Talea wants to EAT Calypso….

Talia has a hold of Calypso's boot preventing him from escaping under the ring until it slips off and he manages to get away. She flips up the curtain and looks under, but there’s no sign of him. Frustrated, Talia goes around the ring and flips up the curtain again looking for Calypso, but he’s not there. She tries another side and gets blasted in the face with a fire extinguisher!

HH- She found him!

Pip- Yeah, she did…

Talia falls back against the cell after getting blasted. Calypso crawls the rest of the way out, but is superkicked by Talia over the ring steps!

Pip- Calypso’s offense isn’t working so well.

After Calypso falls over the ring steps he falls to the ground. The two lions are still following him around from the outside of the cell. Talia manages to rub the powder out of her eyes after she connects with her blind kick and stays on him. She jumps up onto the apron and up the turnbuckle!

HH- Uh oh!

Pip- Talia looking for something big here. Calypso is just coming to…

Talia moonsaults off the top rope down to the floor, but Calypso moves out of the way! She overshot a little bit and hit the side of the cell breaking out the wall!

HH- UH OH!!!

The wall doesn’t fall but it is busted up enough that an intrusion or escape can happen! One of the lions pushes its way through until it enters the cell! It jumps over the downed Talia and has a stare down with Calypso!

Pip- Oh no. Calypso’s in trouble now!

He takes off around the ring and the lion quickly follows in one or two pounces. He slides into the ring and makes his way back around where the opening on the cell is. He squeezes through to be met with the other lion. It lets out a roar and Calypso rolls backwards and leaps several feet up and latches onto the cell and begins to climb! Talia is stirring and makes her way through the opening to the outside as well. The lion ignores her and just watches Calypso climbing the side of the cell until he finally reaches the top and rolls onto it. Talia doesn’t hesitate and follows Calypso up, as well as the lion beside her.

Calypso spends the short time it takes Talia and the lion reaching the top to catch his breath. When they reach there pretty much at the same time, Calypso Lion King’s the lion off the cage where it lands on its back on the ground, hardly scathed but more angry. As Calypso was doing that, Talia was circling him and aiming up another superkick to Calypso’s jaw… but he ducks and rolls out of the way… very awkwardly because the cell is nothing like a gym or yoga mat…. Talia keeps her balance and turns around to face Calypso and takes a kick to the stomach!

Pip- Calypsonator!!!

HH- No!! Talia slips out and jumps onto Calypso and lands a Tornado DDT on the cell!!

Calypso’s head bounces off the cell and he holds his face in agony which now has impressions of the cell on his face. Talia goes after him again, but takes a kick to the head! She stumbles back which allows Calypso the time to reach his feet. He leaps in the air looking for a dropkick but misses! He lands on the same spot his head did and the panel of cage breaks and Calypso falls through the cell to the mat!!

Pip- Down he goes!

HH- That HAD to hurt!

Talia carefully climbs down through the hole and drops an elbow on her way down! She picks Calypso up and takes him to the corner….

Pip- Slice of Heaven!! This could be it!!

Talia makes the cover and….




Winner - Talia Areano

Talia springs up in celebration as Calypso rolls away while the lions continue stalking him.

Pip- Congratulations to Talia Areno tonight in her return! And good luck to Calypso in not becoming something's dinner tonight....

We cut to a shot of Charlie Nickles standing in front of the cage of the only anaconda at the St. Louis zoo. The snake and the man with short hair and a graying beard stared at each other through the glass wall of the massive cage. The anaconda stuck it’s tongue out at Charlie as it tried to catch a scent from him. The anaconda recoiled as it failed to detect any scent at all radiating off of Charlie’s cold body. Charlie brought his hand up to the glass wall as he spoke softly to the slithering serpent.

Charlie: מה הבעיה, אסמודאוס? האם אני זקן מדי בשבילך?

PC: What the hell is he saying…

HHL: No idea. I never have a clue.

The snake slowly circles back to the glass wall as Charlie speaks to it. The snake elevates itself as it stares at Charlie once more.

Charlie: אז אחרי הכל אתה שם.

Charlie withdrew his hand from the glass wall as he turned away from the hefty reptile. As Charlie walked away from the scene the camera zoomed in on a small blob of peach colored fuzz dripping down the space on the wall where Charlie’s hand once was.

HHL: Ewwww he’s disgusting.

PC: I’m not sure if he’s ever bathed. Charlie, Demos, Dimes, Thrax- I don’t think any of them have had a shower in their lives!

Thias ducks his head under the base of the XTron and steps out onto the ramp. Shirtless and wearing only black jeans and black boots, Thias scans the crowd mean-mugging everyone. He ignores the boos from the crowd and walks to the ring, reaching the top rope from the floor and pulling himself up onto the apron before stepping over the top rope.

The former follower of The Left Hand "Corrupt" Geri Vayden makes her way down to the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Thias Watts
- vs -
Geri Vayden

A bell rings faintly to start the match as Watts and Vayden both take a wary look at their surroundings. At the moment, the menagerie of animals seems to be at rest. A few giraffes graze lazily a few feet away from a group of lions being lazy in the shade. Over by the watering hole, three hippos and two rhinos splash around as exoctic birds of all varieties fly about around them. Off in a field, plant eaters of all kinds were grazing and trying to beat the heat. Zebras, antelope, gazelles, wickedly large donkeys, and other remarkable creatures all mill about peacefully, everyone minding their own business for now. Near a stone structure, warthogs nose at the grass near a cave entrance. Hyenas, Tasmanian devils, and coyotes all linger about, tongues lolling as they pant. Even though none of the creatures have stirred, there’s tension in the air; one wrong move could set the entire lot off within seconds.

A fact that Vayden and Watts are all too aware of as they finally lock gazes in the center of this impossible scene.

Pip: How long are these two going to spend looking around, Heather?

HHL: How eager would you be to start a match surrounded by all of that?

Pip: I take your point, carry on then.

The two competitors walk towards one another on tentative feet, still looking around instinctively to make sure the animals haven’t moved. When Watts allows himself to become distracted by a tiger slinking listlessly towards the field, Vayden moves in. Grabbing a handful of bone dry dirt, she throws it into his eyes. Watts bellows and grabs at his face, allowing Vayden to work in a flurry of practiced blows to his legs, seeing as that’s about all she can reach right now. Watts throws out a tree trunk of an arm, swinging it around in an attempt to bat Vayden off of him. Vayden jukes out of the way, tucking into a neat little roll to avoid his swinging onslaught. Backing away on quick toes, Vayden looks around her surroundings in earnest.

HHL: That’s only going to work once or twice, Geri! You better figure something out and fast, or this Golliath is going to squash Vayden like a bug!

Pip: What could she possibly do? I know that size difference can play a part in these things, but this is ridiculous! The woman barely makes it past his knees, how is she supposed to set up a workable offense?

Watts rubs his eyes and looks around, his vision still a little blurry. Realizing this, Vayden is careful to move in sync behind him to avoid being seen. Feeling the sudden relief of shade on her back, she looks over her shoulder and observes the shady trees. There’s enough plumage to conceal her for a sneak attack, but only if she moved now. As Watts blinks rapidly to clear the last of the dirt from his eyes, Vayden rushes over to the trees and shimmies up the nearest one. She’s barely out of view when Watts regains his vision and spins around to look for her.

Pip: Thias Watts has no idea that Geri Vayden has taken the high ground! Don't go towards the trees, it’s a trap!

HHL: Too late, Pip, I think his spidey-sense told him Geri was hiding in there!

Watts, upon not seeing Vayden in his initial scan, completes a turn, this one slower than the first. When he misses her again, he lifts his thumb and forefinger to his chin and ponders for a moment. He does another rotation, his eyes landing on the trees this time. A slight tremble from the top makes his lip curl into a grin. Pretending to look around some more, he begins to walk towards the trees, keeping a close eye on the lions stretched out all around them. When she thinks he’s distracted enough, Vayden drops from the tree onto his shoulders and wraps her legs around his neck. As she attempts to swing him into a hurricanrana, Watts uses his power to counter; catching Vayden, he hauls her back upward before sending her body back to earth with a power slam. There is a sickening thud as her body hits the ground. Thais casually sprawls himself over on top of her as the ref makes the count.




Somehow, Vayden finds the strength to get her shoulder up, even though her face betrays the effort it took to do so. Pushing himself off of her by digging his shoulders into her chest, Watts grabs Vayden by the hair and forces her up. Desperately, Vayden covers both of her hands over Watts’ giant one and doing a clean pull-up, sinks her teeth into his wrist. Howling with pain, Watts drops her as he jerks his arm away from her mouth. Vayden stumbles away and hides behind some of the rocks to catch her breath.

HHL: This match went one-sided fast when Watts got a hold of Vayden; luckily for the Ganja Goddess, some quick thinking got her out of a worse situation.

Pip: If Vayden can dash and dodge enough times, she could figure out a way to get the big man off his feet long enough to secure a victory!

Watts recovers from the bite and crashes his way towards the rock wall he knows Vayden is hiding behind. Leaving subtlety behind him, he veers around the corner, but Vayden has vanished! His eyes immediately fly upward, anticipating a repeat of the trees. As soon as he looks up, Vayden appears from the mouth of the cave, several rocks in her hand. Taking a pitchers stance, Vayden launches one of the bigger rocks at Watts’ head. It connects to the side of his face, leaving a small scratch behind. A droplet of blood squeezes from the tiny scratch, but it’s enough to set Watts off. He charges towards Vayden, who heaves another large rock at the rushing giant. Watts bats it away; it smashes against the side of the cave from the force of his swing. Seeing this causes Vayden’s eyes to widen; dropping all but one of the rocks, she rushes towards the savannah where she ducks among a group of zebras.

Watts catches her up, but loses her the moment she drops from view. He attempts to use his great height to see through the animals below him, but Vayden has managed to crawl far enough away to escape his view. Keeping on her hands and feet, Vayden crawls to the otherside of the savannah, exiting the collage of animals via a group of antelope. Nearby to the left are a group of hyenas, licking their lips and inching closer. To the right are the tigers, crouching and stalking, staring at the antelope ravenously. A wicked grin spreads across the face of Vayden as she chances a glance behind her towards Watts. He is in the midst of this grouping, forcefully pushing the peaceful creatures out of his way. Looking back towards the predatory animals flanking her, Vayden scoots carefully out of the way of the animals and taking aim, heaves the last rock at a nearby gazelle. The rock hits the creature square in the ass, sending it into a panicked frenzy. This sets off exactly the chain reaction Vayden had hoped for.

HHL: Did Geri Vayden just start a stampede with Thias Watts still in the middle of all those animals?

Pip: This is absolutely genius, Heather; now Vayden doesn’t have to wear herself down to take the big guy off his feet.

HHL: This goes beyond winning a match, Pip, this could kill him! Those animals kick hard, and then you mix in the lions and tigers and warthogs…

Pip: Oh hell!

The gazelles scream as they kick and buck in their attempt to run from their invisible assailant. One of them kicks a nearby zebra, proving once and for all that they do make a sound. The zebra rears up on its hind legs, kicking at the air and setting off the rest of the herd. Now all the animals begin to grow restless, causing Watts to stop dead, smack dab in the center of the danger zone. Vayden gets to her feet now, safely out of reach and grinning smugly as the hyenas and tigers charge their way into the melee. This causes even more of a riot and the sudden charge in Watt’s direction nearly sends him off his feet! Slinking away, Vayden disappears towards the watering hole, never taking amused eyes off of Watts. His eyes widen as he meets Vayden’s smug expression before cold fury settles into his face. Despite the chaos swirling around him, rage fuels Watts now; he begins plucking the agitated beasts up over his head and throwing them mercilessly out of his path.

Vayden’s expression falls as she watches Watts slowly, but surely, pick his way through the melee. He approaches a tiger who has latched its jaws around the neck of a flailing donkey, but it turns its attention to him as he gets closer. The tiger snarls aggressively, warning Watts to back off of it’s prey. Watts bares his teeth and snarls back, challenging the tiger to mess with him. The tiger pounces; Watts catches it by the neck in midair and throws it towards Vayden. She yelps as the tiger is sent flying into the air in her direction; unfortunately for her, as soon as she turns around to run, she finds herself flat on her back after having run into the rear-end of a rather large rhinoceros. By now, Watts has finally made his way from the frenzy and is making a bee-line for Vayden. Vayden looks between the charging Watts and the angry rhino, which is now turning towards her, snorting it’s rage. Letting out a terrified scream, Vayden runs around to the rhino’s flank and using the momentum, leaps up onto its back!!

HHL: IS SHE OUT OF HER MIND?! This isn’t exactly a bull in a rodeo, that’s a fully grown, full sized rhinoceros!

Pip: How long can Geri hang on, though!

Vayden clings for dear life as the rhino kicks and bucks underneath her. Planting her legs as firmly as she can on either side, she hangs on to it’s neck tightly. As it tries to throw her off it’s back, the rhino turns and catches sight of the arriving Watts. It stops suddenly, crouching down low as the Behemoth skids to a halt. A sly smile lights up Vayden’s face as she and Watts realize at the same time what’s about to happen. A frightened, high-pitched yelp escapes Watts as the rhino leads the charge on him. Vayden almost slips right off, but manages to regain her grip as all of the hippos and rhinos begin to charge at Watts.

Desperate, Watts rushes back into the middle of the feeding frenzy. By now, all the other animals in the exhibit have either run for cover or joined in the madness. As one, the large group of assorted beasts create a mass wave that nearly takes Watts off his feet. Vayden yells from atop her rhino, encouraging the beasts to maim her opponent as much as they please. Suddenly, another sound joins the cacophony of screams, roars, and growls: the unmistakable heavy tread and horn-like wail of elephants. This seems to stop every single living creature in its tracks. Vayden and Watts both look in the direction the sound came from and both their eyes pop from their skull as they see a herd of about thirty elephants charging right for them!

Pip: … Where the heck were they hiding all of those elephants, Heather?!

HHL: I don’t know, Pip, but it doesn't look like good news for either of these two right now. Whoever set those elephants free in here made sure they were good and agitated first.

Suddenly, another camera by the employee entrance to the exhibition catches the spirits of celebrity PETA activists Fred Willard and Cloris Leachman lingering nearby. Fred was ushering another round of elephants through while Cloris threw canisters of elephant hormones towards the stampede. Fred realizes that the camera has found them and he throws up a middle finger before beaming. He nudges Cloris, who looks up and grins as she throws another canister. They wave one more time before disappearing *poof* into thin air.

HHL: … What did we just see?

Pip: I mean it looked like… But that can’t be, can it? Both of them are dead, right?

HHL: Things around the XWF just never seem to stop getting weird and I’m here for it.

The cameras pan back to the competitors, both of whom look utterly bewildered. Watts recovers first, rushing through the packs of animals towards Vayden on her rhino-steed. Through the commotion and the distraction of the celebrity spirits, Vayden never notices him coming until she’s yanked roughly from atop the rhino. Carrying her over his head easily, Watts begins kicking every animal in his path out of his way until he makes it to a relatively clear spot just outside of the stampede zone… for now. He throws Vayden like a ragdoll to the ground; she rolls away to put some distance between them before getting to her feet. She remains in a crouching position as he lumbers towards her, arms out ready to catch her. Vayden uses the speed advantage and ducks under his arms as he approaches; as he stumbles forward, she plants a dropkick to the back of his knee that sends him crashing down onto it.

Even on his knee, doubled-over, Watts still towers over Vayden. Only now, she has better access to his upper body. Wasting no time, she delivers as many strikes and blows as she can manage. Working her way through his midsection, she aims a hard kick at the patella. It connects with a sickening crunch, causing Watts to sink down to his other knee. Vayden throws her arm back and brings it swinging forward, landing a slap across his face with all her weight behind it. Watts sways on the spot as Vayden follows it up with a brutal Southpaw.

HHL: Vayden is finally picking up some momentum now! If she can stay on Watts like this, she may very well walk out of this match with the victory!

Pip: As long as she can keep this up, Vayden has a fighting chance here!

Watts is swaying dangerously now as the animal's direction switches again, heading towards the back of the exhibit. Stamping her foot several times into the dirt, Vayden rushes at Watts. Using a large boulder on the way for added oomph, Vayden stretches her leg as high as it will go and slams it home into Watts’ exposed jaw. He sways several more times before falling with a loud crash onto his back. Vayden rushes over and tries to hook the leg, but it’s dead weight. She climbs on top of him and holds his shoulders down instead as the ref hurries from his hiding spot and begins the count.




Watts kicks out, sending Vayden flying in the process. She lands hard on her left shoulder as she rolls away. When she gets to a knee, she clutches the shoulder as it spasms with pain. Meanwhile, Watts sits up slowly, rubbing his jaw and trying to get the Tweety Birds to stop dancing circles around his head. Vayden, still nursing her shoulder, gets to her feet while Watts is still prone.

HHL: Vayden almost had it there, but the Giant still has some fight left in him!

Pip: That could mean certain doom for Vayden. If she allows the big guy to get to his feet again, this match is over. You can see the fatigue setting in.

As Watts attempts to shake the cobwebs from his brain, Vayden stalks her prey. Circling like a vulture, she waits until he tries to sit up. When he does, she leaps forward and attempts to capture in her trademark move, The Leaf. Unfortunately for her, Watts seemed ready for the move; as soon as he felt her hands, he rolled away instinctively. Vayden stumbles slightly, landing hard on her knees. Watts takes the opportunity to roll himself back up to his feet. Looking around, he notices the stampede seems to have cooled off quite a bit. Lions are feasting on their kills and the survivors have regained their distance and were once again grazing peacefully. Looking around, Watts looks at Vayden just as she attempts to slide in with another kick. Sticking out his big boot, he catches her right in the face! Vayden drops in a heap to the ground.

HHL: Uh oh, Pip, this is exactly what Geri was trying to avoid!

Pip: The tables are turning quickly on Vayden; if she can’t regain control quickly, she hasn’t got a prayer!

Vayden realizes this as well; springing to her feet, she dodges several long-armed swings from Watts. Rage seems to take over all functions as Watts lets out a bellowing roar and begins to chase Vayden around the compound. Screaming, Vayden is able to outrun him due to her smaller size; without thinking, she runs towards the docile elephants and attempts to hide among them. This halts Watts, who has no desire to try and tangle with the mammoth, albeit friendly beasties. He looks around him for another strategy to draw her out and his eyes land right on it. A canister of the elephant hormone that had never gone off. A malevolent smile crosses his face as he begins to shake up the container, walking slowly towards the group of elephants. Popping off the top to the stinking fumes, he tosses it between the legs of a few elephants, right into the center where Vayden was attempting to hide.

The results are instantaneous: at the first whiff of the hormone, the males in the group got restless and began to shriek loudly. The females were soon riled up as well; soon, the entire area was a mass of grey leather, running about in a tight space, screaming and bumping into one another violently. Vayden’s screams of terror and pain could be heard from the very center of all this bedlam, making the smile on Watts’ face grow wider.



Somehow, Vayden, bloodied and bruised, manages to crawl on hands and knees out from the middle of the horny elephants. Watts is right there waiting, grabbing Vayden by the hair and dragging her a safe distance away from the chaos. Picking her up high into the air, he holds her upside down for a full minute before letting her drop in a release German suplex. Vayden falls to the ground limply; Watts approaches and with a smug smirk of his own…


… brings his big boot right down onto her skull. Flipping her lifeless body over with the toe of his boot, he drops casually to his knee and lifts her leg for the cover.




The referee calls for the bell as Watts lays draped across Vayden for a moment, catching his breath, before getting to his feet. He shakes off the refs attempt to lift his arm, choosing to lift both of them on his own as Ned Kaye comes out, applauding him on a job well done. Allowing Ned to lift his arm in victory, the two men celebrate and gloat as the referee and medical staff rush over to Vayden.

Winner - Thias Watts

HHL: Ned Kaye comes out to celebrate a sickening win with his buddy. He must be very proud of how Thias conducted himself this evening.

Pip: Hey, he got the job done, right? At the end of the day, isn’t that all that matters?

Heather says nothing as the camera switches back to gruesome sight one last time before switching to commercials.

HHL: You saw that right folks. The XWF's very own Them No Good Bastards will be going Across Enemy Lines as they enter the Lion's Den of OCW to take on their resident tag team champions in a titles vs titles match. Them No Good Bastards vs Byson Kaliban and Krayzie on July 13th. You aren't going to want to miss it.

PC: "Coming up next is our Main Event, a 6 Way Elimination Match with a bit of a twist."

HHL: "A bit of a twist is right, Pip! Not only will this match determine the Draft Order for War Games, it'll also take place inside an Elimination Chamber!"

PC: "But wait, there's more! Unlike your typical Chamber Match, this one will have ALL the competitors in the ring at once from the start, with a variety of animals being released from their blacked out pods every 5 minutes!"

HHL: "PETA won't like it, but our fans certainly will!"

Miss Fury's music hits as the non-bWo fans begin to boo. She makes her way out onto the ramp, accompanied by "Chronic" Chris Page, before heading down the aisle.

HHL: "You gotta think Fury's gonna be looking to Draft an entire team of BOB."

PC: "Absolutely, and considering BOB's popularity, she just might be able to do so regardless of what position she ends up picking from!"

Fury and CCP reaches the Chamber, where Page wishes his woman good luck with a kiss before turning and heading to the back. Miss Fury climbs in and tries to look into one of the pods as her next opponent makes their entrance.

The music hits as Demos steps onto the entrance ramp. The crowd pops, but boos are mixed in with the cheers. The masked man gets halfway down the entrance ramp before stopping and turning to his side. He turns his head so that he is looking behind him. Demos stands still for a few moments, then, he starts yelling at the air behind him. Demos point an accusatory finger at nothing in particular before abruptly turning around and making his way to the ring once more. Demos walks up to the steel steps of the Chamber before gracefully ascending them. The former Television Champion ducks underneath the top rope as he steps into the ring. Demos plays to the crowd for a few moments before walking over to the corner. He stands still in the corner as he directs his gaze at Miss Fury, waiting for the other competitors to come out.

HHL: "This match is gonna be right up Demos' alley."

PC: "Why, because he's basically a wild animal?"

HHL: "I was thinking more about the hardcore aspect of it, but sure!"

As the opening notes begin, the lights go out, save for a single spotlight on the top of the stage. Betsy comes out, but she’s only a silhouette at this point. Just as the drum strikes it’s second note, Betsy dabs and the lights come back. The song starts from the refrain as Betsy starts dancing down the ramp.

“Sin City’s cold and empty
No one’s around to judge me
I can’t see clearly when your gone-one-one”

Arms out, Betsy begins twirling around wildly, blonde ponytail whipping about with her, as she slaps hands with fans on both sides of the ramp. The chorus hits just as Betsy climbs into the Chamber.

“And I said ooooh, I’m blinded by the lights
I can’t sleep until I feel your touch
And I said ooooh, I’m drowning in the night
Oh, when I’m like this, you’re the one I trust”

As the chorus chimes on, Betsy bounces up and hops up onto every ring corner, pumping her fist and bobing her head in time with the song, getting the fans amped up for the upcoming bout. When she finishes playing up the fans, she starts bouncing in place, preparing mentally for the bout.

PC: "Betsy's coming off a controversial loss that can be blamed just as much on TV's Bones as it can North Korean War Criminal."

HHL: "It was a tough loss, but Granger's a tough girl and she's gonna be looking to bounce back in a major way!"



Lion roar.

BASS! Gold light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from beneath the stage illuminating a lion banner above the entrance way. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Lionheart hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in gold colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the Chamber steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose.

PC: "Thad is one of two Champions in this match, the other being former Continuum ally, current TV Title holder, Mr. 24/7 Corey Smith."

HHL: "It'll certainly be interesting to see how things play out between the two of them, who've BOTH been on quite a roll since Leap of Faith."

The beat kicks in and "I Invented Sex" echoes through the arena, the crowd cheers and parties! Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling as Dick Powers saunters onto the ramp with a rose between his teeth and bounces his head smiling followed by his manager Riley Reed who smiles nodding his head to the rhythm. Dick drops to his knees and opens his arms wide, flaunting what he's got to the crowd as his pyro goes off behind him. He hops to his feet clapping, dancing and high fiving fans on his way to the ring. He jogs up the steps and climbs the top turnbuckle singing along to his theme as he poses to his adoring fans.

PC: "What is there to say about Dick Powers other than DICK POWERRRRS?!"

HHL: "There's alot I COULD say, but won't."

PC: "Do you know about the power of Dick, Heather?"

HHL(angry): "Ask me that again, and you'll be losing YOURS."

PC: "*gulp*"

The arena is pitch black and the melancholy opening tunes to “Someone Else” begin. But as the song starts to pick up in intensity, down in the entry way, you see a Jericho-esque light up jacket glow brilliantly. Then, twin explosions emit from either side of the ramp and the lights turn on in a swirling red and blue pattern that throb in sync with the beats of the song. Corey comes down the ramp, the jacket now flashing intermittent heart and lightning bolt patterns. On the 'Tron you see images of Corey/Lux pulling off fantastic moves, intercut with blur effects on Corey's face that obscure his features in an eerie way.

Corey climbs into the Chamber and gets on the ring apron, throwing his arms over the top rope as the jacket keeps flashing. He looks pumped as hell, and starts pointing out at the fans before rushing to the top rope, surveying the crowd from on high, before dropping down to the canvas and handing off his jacket. He paces the ring now, waiting for the match to begin as the music and lighting effects wind down.

PC: "You gotta think Corey's the favorite to win this one."

HHL: "That may be true, but this is the kind of match where five people can gang up on one person and dispose of them just like that!"

PC: "The same thing could be said about Leap of Faith, and it turned out alright for him there."

With all 6 wrestlers ready to go, the referee calls for the bell.


[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Miss Fury
- vs -
- vs -
Betsy Granger
- vs -
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Dick Powers
- vs -
Corey Smith


Dick Powers immediately approaches Betsy Granger, sneaking behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Rather than do anything, though, he just stands there enjoying the moment as Granger cries out in disgust.

PC: "It looks like Dick's gettin' to know Betsy a little better!"

Thad and Corey approach the two and simultaneously Kick in their direction, causing Betsy to duck so that both their boots connect with Dick's chin, sending him flying into the ropes. When he bounces back, Betsy grabs hold of him and locks in Tuez les étoiles as everyone else stands there, watching with approval. Much like his promo and Vinnie Lane's sex life, Powers doesn't last long, tapping out almost the instant she locks it in.

Dick Powers has been eliminated!

PC: "I can't believe nobody CAME to Dick's rescue!"

HHL: "I can."

Corey and Thad clap for Betsy, before turning around into a Double Clothesline from Demos, who drops down on Granger afterwards. He begins hammering away at her as Miss Fury perches herself on the top turnbuckle, in no hurry to get involved.

PC: "This is smart on Fury's part! Let her opponents kill each other and pick up the scraps, after!"

HHL: "That might work for now, but eventually she's gonna have a pack of wild animals to deal with!"

PC: "Hey, for all we know, they could've joined BOB!"

Demos brings Betsy to her feet before Irish Whipping her towards the ropes. On the rebound, Granger ducks a Clothesline, causing Demos to turn around into another pair of Superkicks from the former Continuum duo. As Charlie drops to the mat, Corey turns his attention to his former partner, striking Thad with a couple of rights that back him into a corner.

HHK: "It didn't take long for that to happen."

PC: "I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner!"

Corey goes to toss Duke to the other side, where Miss Fury just so happens to be sitting. Before Thad can hit the corner, Fury extends her boot and connects with his face, sending him stumbling backwards. Smith heads in their direction as Fury dives off the second rope at Duke. Thad manages to duck down at the last second, allowing Corey to connect with a brutal Face Pain De-Lux that knocks Fury out upon landing! Mr. 24/7 drops down and hooks both legs for a cover.




Miss Fury has been eliminated!

PC: "And that's why they call it high risk!"

HHL: "Not gonna matter if the animals are BOB, now!"

PC: "Speaking of which, we're moments away from the first one being released!"

Thad gets up and looks at Corey, followed by Miss Fury's limp body as the countdown goes from 3 to 2 to 1, BEEEEEEEP!!!!!!

PC: "Here it comes!!!"

One of the blacked out pods opens up, but there's nothing there.

PC: "Is this some sort of rare invisible rhino?!"

HHL: "No, Pip, look!"

Thad and Corey turn the attention to the open pod, where we finally see a snake slither out! With the two of them distracted, Betsy AND Demos are able to sneak up behind each of them and roll them up for a Schoolboy; which the ref counts simultaneously!





PC: "We almost had a double elimination right there!"

HHL: "Just goes to show how much of a difference these animals are going to make."

Duke and Smith hurry to their feet, where they each kick the wrestler who tried to pin them in the gut and Irish Whip them towards the ropes. Demos reverses Thad and pulls him into Doublearm DDT position as Corey connects with a Hurricanrana that sends Betsy flying through the ropes out onto the metal grate. Before Charlie can connect with the Devil Hook Drop, Duke is able to escape and reverse it into a Swinging Neckbreaker! Nickles immediately rolls away from his opponent, leaving Corey and Thad all alone, once more.

PC: "The showdown everyone's been waiting for, the Clash of Continuum!"

HHL: "Two men who were Champions together, are now Champions apart, who's going to be the one to get the better of their former partner?"

Duke and Smith stand across from each other, feeding off the crowd that has now risen to their feet. The two of them begin circling the ring, neither one of them wanting to make the first move. Eventually, Thad steps forward and reaches for Corey, who manages to step back just out of Duke's reach.

PC: "They're sizin' each other up!"

HHL: "Corey's trying to keep his distance, doesn't wanna get into a wrestling match with Duke."

The pair circle the ring a little more, with Thad getting more aggressive and trapping Corey in the corner. He holds him there for a moment, only for Smith to reverse roles and deliver a Knee to Duke's ribs, which he follows up with a flurry of Elbow Strikes before Irish Whipping him to the other side. Unfortunately for Corey, Thad is able to reverse it into a Slingblade that doesn't do much hurt his opponent as it does catch him off guard. Smith quickly gets to a knee and looks up at Duke, who confidentially smiles and applauds himself.

PC: "These two have been dead even, so far, which I don't think comes as a surprise to anyone!"

HHL: "No it doesn't but, don't forget, they're not the only ones in this match!"

As Heather says that, the camera reveals Betsy Granger standing atop one of the pods as the fans go nuts. Thad and Corey don't notice until it's too late and she's diving off, connecting with a Crossbody that lays all 3 of them out on the mat!!!!!!


HHL: "Holy shit is right! They could all have seriously injuries after that dive!"

PC: "Betsy Granger reminding everyone that this isn't the Corey & Thad show!"

With all his opponent's out, Demos heads to the center of the ring and stands between them with the snake around his neck. He doesn't bother trying to pin any of them, instead getting the serpent and talking to it as the countdown, once again, reaches 3, 2, 1, BEEEEEEEP!!!!!!

PC: "Demos is about to gain one more opponent!"

HHL: "They ALL are."

One of the unopened pods lifts up and a great, big lion jumps forward with a ferocious "ROOOOOOOAR!!!!!" that fills the arena.

PC: "It's a giant kitty!"

The unstable Demos heads over to the animal and reaches his hand out in an attempt to pet it. The lion bites at his fingers, causing Charlie to retract his hand JUST in time. He scolds it for being a "Bad kitty!" before turning his attention to Betsy Granger and wrapping the snake around her throat.

PC: "Betsy's choking on Charlie Nickles' snake!"

HHL: "I thought we got ride of Dick Powers..........."

PC: "You can NEVER have enough Dick!"

HHL: "Didn't know you were into that, Pip."

The referee checks to see if Granger wants to give up, but she refuses despite the fact the snake is tightening it's grip around her throat on it's own, now. Her face slowly begins turning purple, with the violent Demos laughing at the prospect of her passing out. Before that can happen, though, Betsy is able to lift her legs in the air and use the momentum to flip over Charlie, pinning his shoulders to the mat as the snake continues to strangle her.




Demos has been eliminated!

HHL: "That's Betsy's second elimination; she's on fire!"

PC: "That may be so, but she's still got that snake wrapped around her neck, choking the life out of her!"

Granger struggles to her feet, gasping for air as it looks like her head just might pop. She stumbles over to the side of the ring where the lion sits on the outside, eyes fixated on the suffocating superstar. All of a sudden, to the amazement of everyone in attendance, the lion swipes at Betsy, tearing the snake off of her and sending it splattering against one of the unopened pods. Granger leans against the ropes, gasping for breath, as the lion gently rubs it's face against her's, receiving some "Awwwwwwww"s from the live crowd.

HHL: "I guess you were right, Pip, it IS just a giant kitty!"

Betsy gives the lion a pat on the head before turning around and getting hit up with a Devil Hook Drop from an unstable Demos refusing to leave.

PC: "What a cheapshot from Charlie Nickles! He has NO business being here, anymore!"

HHL: "You said it, Pip! Demos was eliminated fair and square, but that doesn't seem to click in his mind!"

The referee forces Demos to leave as Corey Smith crawls over to Granger and lays over top of her for a cover. Upon getting Charlie Nickles out of the Chamber, the ref drops down and counts the fall.




PC: "I don't believe it! Betsy kicked out!!!!!"

HHL: "Believe it, Pip, she belongs in this match just as much as anyone else!"

Corey gets to a vertical base and goes to bring Betsy with him, but a recovered Thad turns him around and swings. Smith manages to block the shot and responds with a right of his own. Duke goes to punch Corey once more, but Mr. 24/7 ducks under it and hits Thad with a Running STO, keeping his arm over top of him for a cover.




PC: "The lion just saved Duke from elimination!"

On the grate outside the ring, the lion aggressively shakes Smith's leg, but Corey manages to escape before any real damage can be done. He tuns away from the beast and back into the ring, where Thad catches him off guard with a Heat Seeker Superkick that instantly drops him! Before Duke can cover Corey, Betsy Granger sneaks up behind him and tries to lock in Tuez les étoiles!!!!

PC: "What the hell is Betsy doing? Thad had Corey beat and she stopped him!"

HHL: "Maybe she's trying to get two for the price of one? Tap Duke out quick and cover Corey after."

PC: "Well, she's gotta make the Hart Champion tap out, first, and every second he doesn't, is more time for Corey to recover!"

Granger struggles to get the hold on Duke, who does everything he can to prevent it. Eventually, he's able to slip out of it and get Betsy into a Backslide Pin attempt.




PC: "Impressive counter by Duke!"

HHL: "And an equally impressive kickout by Betsy!"

All three wrestler's take a moment to catch their breath as the countdown to the next pod being opened hits 3, 2, 1, BEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!

PC: "What's it gonna be NOW?!?"

The pod lifts up, revealing a gigantic bear sitting on it's butt. Seeing it's free to leave, it does so, immediately beginning a brawl with the lion!

HHL: "I can already hear the phones ringing off the hook from the fine folks at PETA!"

PC: "What do they have to complain about?! A lion fighting a bear is nature!"

A dazed Corey Smith gets to his feet and sees the epic clash of animals, causing him to jump back abruptly. Unfortunately for him, Betsy Granger and Thaddeus Duke just so happened to be in perfect position to catch him with a Double Backdrop, which they both keep bridged for a cooperative cover.




PC: "I would've expected that kind of teamwork from Corey and Duke, not him and Betsy!"

HHL: "In these type of matches, someone's only your enemy until they become your friends........... and then your enemy again!"

No sooner does Heather say that, when Thad slips behind Betsy and tries to roll her up for a Schoolboy but Granger is able to roll through it and lock in a modified Armbar on the Hart Champion! As she applies pressure, Corey walks over and covers, pinning her shoulders to the mat as she continued to apply pressure to Duke's arm!




PC: "Betsy had to let go of Thad's arm in order to kick out of that one!"

HHL: "You gotta wonder if Corey regrets. making the attempt, now?"

PC: "I doubt it, he's Mr. 24/7! If he doesn't win the match now, he'll do it later!"

Corey brings Heather to her feet, but the former Shooting Star Champion pushes him off and connects with a Karate Kick to the chin. She runs to the ropes and back, only to get stunned by a Roundhouse Kick. Seeing both his opponents light on their feet, Thaddeus Duke does between 'em and drags them BOTH down for Schoolboy pins!!!




PC: "Business has certainly picked up over the last couple minutes!"

HHL: "It sure has! And that doesn't even include the two wild animals killing each other on the other side of the Chamber!"

At this point, the bear has the lion pinned down, but the referee pays no mind to their match, allowing the lion to make a comeback. Unfortunately for him, it was just a false one as the bear grabs hold of the ferocious feline and tosses him against the chain link of the Chamber. Before the lion can get back up, the bear tackles him and locks in some sort of Sleeper Hold!

Back in the ring, Thad gets to his feet, only to be met with a pair of Kicks from Smith and Granger. The two of them drop for the ropes and back in Duke's direction, where he responds with a pair of Clothesline attempts. Before he can hit either of them, Corey and Betsy slip underneath his arms and work together to get Thad into a Schoolboy!!!!!




HHL: "What's it gonna take for these three to finish the others off???"

PC: "The final pod, Heather........... the final pod."

All three competitors get to their feet, but none of them seems willing to make the next move. They circle the ring for a bit as the countdown to the final animal's release reaches 3, 2, 1, BEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!

PC: "And here comes the last one!"

Before the pod can even open, a massive black fist punches through the glass, followed by another one. All of a sudden, a giant gorilla bursts through the rest of it, pounding it's chest furiously while it fills the arena with it's battle cry.

PC: "Are you tellin' me they could've broken out of those pods the entire time?!"

HHL: "I guess so."

With Thad, Betsy, and Corey locked up in some crazy three-way tie-up, the gorilla charges over to the lion and bear. He begins pounding his fist into both their faces, absolutely smashing them to mush. The gorilla then turns towards the competitors in the ring, grabbing hold of the top rope and using it to fly itself it the air! He stays in the air for what seems like an eternity, before gravity finally brings him down overtop the wrestlers!!!!! Upon flattening all three of them, the gorilla rushes over to the Chamber entrance and rips off the door like it was nothing before proceeding to storm out of the arena, pummeling various members of the audience as he does so.

PC: "I wonder what PETA has to say about THAT!"

HHL: "Probably aLOT!"

All three competitors lay on the mat, trying to recuperate from King Kong's Flying Leap. By some crazy coincidence, all of them are laying on their backs with some sort of body part overtop someone else. Seeing this, the ref drops down and counts all three of their shoulders to the mat.






Betsy Granger has been eliminated!

PC: "Such a shame for Betsy, after the way she hung in there with Thad and Corey, you hate to see her leave under these circumstances!"

HHL: "It's the risk that comes with competing in a match like this! We knew these animals would be a factor, we just didn't know how MUCH!"

A beat up Corey Smith uses the ropes to pull himself up as an exhausted Thad Duke does the same thing on the other side of the ring. The two of them take a moment to recover before meeting up in the center of the ring.

PC: "Well here we are, down to the final two; 1st pick for War Games on the line!"

Corey makes the first move, kicking at Duke, only to have his leg caught. Thad takes advantage of this with a tie-up, grabbing hold of his opponent and whipping him towards the ropes. On the rebound, Smith jumps in the air and attempts a Hurricanrana, which Duke catches and, in one fluid motion, reverses into a Piledriver!!!!!!

HHL: "What a reversal by the current Hart Champion!"

PC: "He's going for the cover, it could be all over!"




PC: "I don't believe it, Corey's still in this match! How the hell does he have any brain cells left after that one?!?"

HHL: "Maybe he doesn't, could explain why he kicked out in the first place."

Thad stands up and allows Corey to make it to his knees before rushing towards him. As Duke goes for the Running Waters, Mr. 24/7 is able to lean back and avoid it, Matrixing his way back to his feet. The TV Champion turns around and gets rocked with a Face Pain De-Lux that drops him to his knees. Corey goes to follow it up with an Extra Face Pain De-Lux, but Duke ducks it and responds with a Shell Shocked attempt. Smith blocks it and pushes Thad towards the ropes, which he bounces off of and turns Corey inside out with a Heat Seeker from out of nowhere, sending the fans into a frenzy!!!!!! Duke drops down on his opponent, barely having enough energy left to cover him.




Winner of the Match, and recipient of either the #1 or #6 Draft pick, Thaddeus Duke!!!!!

PC: "The Hart Champion just pinned the TV Champion, proving once and for all that Warfare is the superior show!"

HHL: "Did you HAVE to say that on a Saturday night?"

Thaddeus Duke gets to his knees as the referee raises his hand and gives him the Hart Championship. He clenches his fist, shaking it in victory as Corey rolls towards the exit. Duke heads to a corner and climbs to the second rope, raising his belt high above his head.

HHL: "Thad may have gotten the better of Corey tonight, but you know their paths will cross again, soon enough."

PC: "Absolutely! You'd be a fool not to think these two won't meet again at some point in the near future, if not at War Games!"

The show fades out as Thaddeus Duke continues to celebrate his victory in the ring.

Special Thanks To
Betsy Granger

And all of you who submitted a segment.

The draft for War Games will take place via podcast recording and uploaded to YouTube and the site later this week. All Captains will be in attendance.
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[-] The following 14 users Like MrBig's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-17-2021), ALIAS (07-05-2021), Atara Raven (07-06-2021), Corey Smith (07-05-2021), Derrick Diamond (07-05-2021), Dolly Waters (07-05-2021), JimCaedus (07-08-2021), Marf (07-05-2021), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (07-06-2021), Talia Areano (07-05-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-06-2021), Theo Pryce (07-05-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-05-2021), Vita Frickin Valenteen (07-05-2021)
Talia Areano Offline
Once broken, now reborn!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

07-05-2021, 04:16 PM

ooc: First win for a long time in XWF. It feels good!

[Image: fdfUSnQ.png]
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[-] The following 12 users Like Talia Areano's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-17-2021), ALIAS (07-05-2021), Atara Raven (07-06-2021), Dolly Waters (07-05-2021), JimCaedus (07-08-2021), Lycana (07-05-2021), Marf (07-05-2021), MrBig (07-05-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-05-2021), Theo Pryce (07-05-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-05-2021), Vita Frickin Valenteen (07-05-2021)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-05-2021, 06:29 PM

Y'all didn't think "Lionheart" was a gimmick did you? That lion was a good boy.

Real talk: that was a fun match. Didn't expect to win and now I have to decide things. Thanks a lot judges... dicks.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 5 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:
ALIAS (07-05-2021), Atara Raven (07-06-2021), B.O.B. D (07-06-2021), JimCaedus (07-08-2021), Vita Frickin Valenteen (07-05-2021)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-06-2021, 06:46 AM

Congrats Talia, told you on twitter but I'll tell you here too. Welcome home.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:
JimCaedus (07-08-2021), Talia Areano (07-07-2021)

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