The Blue Tango
XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)
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07-16-2021, 08:57 PM
The world went still after the death of Jake Paul following the self-defense attack from Wesley Stripes. Some say an extremely small portion of the internet, including the Paul-Bros. fan-base, are having a tough time, but overall it wasn’t national news. Two people did however try their best to reap whatever benefit from the altercation…. Jake’s own brother, Logan. And, of course, that bitch Carol Baskin.
Paul immediately went to YouTube and posted a video challenging Wesley Stripes to an exhibition (no mauling or biting allowed) which immediately brought some other unwanted attention.
It wasn’t long after the video went viral that tiger authorities showed up under the order of the Carol Baskin Tiger Sanctuary and apprehended Wesley Stripes. Not because of the mauling of Jake Paul, but because security footage outside of the gym showed Wesley Stripes being held in Calypso’s car without care for over an hour and that bitch Carol Baskin had something to say and do about it. Just as life was slowly getting sewn back together for poor Calypso, his best friend, side-kick, and partner in solving crime was taken away from him. It took everything he had not to lose it and break down, so he went to an old abandoned factory and had an angry dance montage. After a lot of thought, and dance, he knew it was time to recover a part of his past that he locked up a long time ago.
Sometimes the past comes back to haunt us……. but every so often, it comes back to help us. No one cared who Calypso was before he put on the mask, and they still don’t but it’s cool. The symbol he stands for goes beyond all of that. His mission goes beyond all of it. What matters now is finding a way to get Wesley Stripes back and it was all going to start with one man…
The night was dark as the mayor stepped out onto the balcony from his office and took a deep breath. He sipped at the last little bit of bourbon in his glass before resting it on the rail and reaching into his chest pocket for a smoke. A shadow lurking in the background emerges from more shadows and coughs out loud so he’s noticed. The mayor looks over his shoulder and is shocked by what he sees.
“Huh? What the-- Who’re you? What are you--- How did you get in here?”
“We have a major problem, Commissioner…”
“I’m not the commissioner, I’m the mayor. Who are you? What do you want?”
Blue Tango takes another step forward and narrows his eyes under his mask.
“The name’s Tango. The BLUE Tango.”
The mayor cocks an eyebrow and tosses the rest of his bourbon out over the balcony.
“There’s a storm brewing and I’m not ready to stand by and watch it happen. I can help, but I need something from you, too.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Joe Exotic. The Tiger King. I need him released from jail.”
The mayor scoffs.
“His name isn't Joe Exotic and the man is a convicted felon AND has already gone through plenty of appeals. His sentence might get reduced but not by much… He’ll still be looking at 15 years. What do you want with him?”
“I had something taken from me… And he may be a way to get it back.”
Tango goes on to explain everything to the mayor. He laughs, he cries, and pours his heart into the story. From the exhibition that never happened with Jake Paul… To Wesley Stripes getting big cat-napped. Abducted. Taken. The story touched the mayor so deeply that it convinced him to pardon Joe Exotic in order to help with the rescue mission.
“I’m trusting you know what you’re getting yourself into, Tango. This guy is a wild animal. He’s nuts. Are you sure you can even get him to help you?”
“I have my ways.”
Joe Exotic, the Tiger King, stands in his cell over the toilet in the corner stirring up some toilet wine to sell later on when he hears whistling coming from ust outside. At first he ignores it and gives the concoction a taste test with his finger. He puckers his lips a couple of times before approving the batch with a nod. Behind him, two guards approach the door.
Guard 1- “Time to go, Joe.”
He turns around to see them and smiles.
Guard 2- “Flush the wine. You ain’t gonna need it.”
The Tiger King says nothing and turns the water and flushes the toilet. The cell opens and the two guards surround him and place him in a pair of handcuffs.
“Where we going today, boys?”
The guards say nothing more and escort him down several hallways to an interrogation room with no windows, no cameras, no see through mirrors…. Just a long dark room with a single table and chair. They sit the Tiger King down and leave him, slamming the door and locking it as they leave. He sits for a moment and looks around… Nothing to see here.
“So, uhh…? Can I get a menu?”
Tiger King says out loud without an echo in return. The room was dense. It was quiet. Until from the shadows…
“Kitchen’s closed….”
A raspy voice gurgles from the dark and then out steps Blue Tango. He huddles behind his cape and slowly steps towards the table. The Tiger King is not left speechless.
“What in the fuck are you, Dracula? What is all this?”
Tango reveals himself and leans down over the table.
“I’ve requested your release, Tiger King.”
“Who. Are. You.”
Tango leans in a little further.
“I’m the Blue Tango.”
He leans back up.
“I need your help.”
“MY help? What the fuck do you want from me?”
Tango proceeds to explain the whole story and manages to hold back tears this time, but ends up on his knees pleading at the end.
“Please, PLEASE, TIGER KING! Help return Wesley Stripes to his rightful home! You know the villain more than anyone! Her strengths! Her weaknesses!”
“So, I’m getting released from prison to go back after that bitch Carol Baskin who I have been convicted for allegedly hiring two people to murder?”
“Uhhhhhh, sorta. This is a rescue mission…. Not revenge.”
Tango rises up from the floor and reaches out to the Tiger King’s bound hands and reveals a key.
“Can I count on you, Tiger King?”
Tiger King smiles ominously and it can’t be helped but to think there’s a more sinister plan already going through his head. Can the Blue Tango really trust him? Can he really rely on him to help and follow through with the rescue mission? Is Tango so caught up in his loss of Wesley Stripes that he’s blind and naive to a potential threat and could put Wesley Stripes in even more danger? Some answers and definitely more questions in the next edition of….
Logan Paul- “I will stop at nothing until I get my exhibition. That tiger thinks it's so bad ass because it killed my brother? I beat Money Mayweather! I beat the best of the best! That tiger doesn’t know what’s coming to him!”
Logan Paul rants on YouTube to his followers and swears that it’s not over. Blue Tango watches from his cell phone within his HQ. He looks at Tiger King who is sharpening a large machete while getting a massage from a shirtless, toothless, 18+ methboy.
“We’re going to have to watch our backs, Tiger King. It looks like the Paultourage are going to be some trouble…”
“Wouldn’t be the first little boy I’ve had to slap around.”
He reaches up and open-hand slaps the guy rubbing his shoulders.
“Ain’t that right?”
Carol Baskin sits in a chair behind a desk. She opens a small envelope and pulls out a letter. She reads it and sighs with grief.
“Everything alright?”
A voice asks from across the room. Carol slowly shakes her head before placing the letter back in the envelope with a sniffle.
“No… War is coming.”
“War? But there’s been peace for years… What do you speak of war?”
“He has returned.”
A tear rolls down her cheek.
“The Tiger King... He is back.”
Tiger King is shown on top of a lifted truck shooting an AR-15 from the bed at a bunch of scarecrows set up dressed like that bitch Carol Baskin.
Tango is seen watching from a distance with a somewhat concerned look before he turns his back and walks away.
“I hope I did the right thing….”
The Paultourage are seen ambushing the Tiger King and his meth-posse in an alley where they surround them.
Logan Paul- “Going somewhere?”
“This has been a long time coming, bitch.”
Logan Paul straps on a pair of boxing gloves while Tiger King unsheathes a machete that shines in the sunlight. The Paultourage and meth-posse charge each other...
President Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office when the phone rings. A very decorated man standing next to the desk answers it. He looks at the president and hands it towards him…
"It's 'Iron' Mike Tyson, sir… He says its a matter of national security."
President Joe Biden frowns and takes the receiver.
"Uhhhh. Th-this uh is uh the President…."
"Mither Prethident? Ith Iron Mike. How are you today?"
Blue Tango and Carol Baskin stand alone in a field like two samurais just preparing to engage in battle. They say nothing as a strong wind blows and a ton of leaves swirl all around them. The scene is black and white, too, just to add to the effect. The last scene is of the two pairs of eyes staring back at each other.
What fate awaits the Blue Tango in the next exciting edition of
![[Image: KXK20Kt.png]](
"Some people might look at my situation right and say… 'Dang! Here's a perfect opportunity to get some redemption. Some revenge! Some payback! Here's chance for Calypso to stand back up, fight back, and prove that he's still got what it takes to be on top!"
"Last Savage, I was nearly eaten alive by two hungry lions after taking a loss to Talia Areano in a Lion's Den Match. This week, Calypso returns to Savage to face Talia once again along with Geri Vayden… So, of course, there's an opportunity there for me to show that just maybe there were some forces of nature working against me and that is what mainly led to my loss. I could say that… but I won't! Calypso is better than that, ya'll! I can't take anything away from Talia! A win is a win and a loss is a loss. The books don't lie! And I suppose I could be to blame for the whole lion thing anyway… They either A) smelled Wesley Stripes on the scarf I was proudly wearing in his honor or B) the cologne I was wearing was not cologne and was a kitty pheromone called, 'Pussy LeFleur'. Regardless, whether A or B, this Saturday Savage is going to be different! Calypso will be prepared THIS time and just like in my days as TV Champion I will walk out of this Savage the winner! Shark Tank Match, you say? I'm ready! Look! I've even got shark repellant! It says it right on the bottle, see??"
"So with the sharks handled and no outside interference, Calypso will have nothing standing, or swimming, or floating, or biting, between him and victory! Geri Vayden and Talia can fight over who the bigger loser is going to be in this one because today we embark on a new journey to the top! It'll start here…. Head to Warfare… and then blow in all our faces come Anarchy! Ya'll never witness something like this again and will never, ever forget the name…. Calypsoooooooo!!!!"