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Saturday Night Savage 10/19/19
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-19-2019, 06:30 PM

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Jim Jimson
- vs -
- vs -
Melanie Crayzee Childs
Triple Threat

Thunder Knuckles
- vs -
Wylie Sinclair

Brian Storm
- vs -
Jake Avery
High As Fuck Shane Match
Shane will be dangling on a wire over the ring
First man to release Shane and use his help to beat his opponent wins
Optional: Shane may RP under normal Savage Rules to state his intentions and thoughts, if any.

Sarah Lacklan (w/ Kenzi Grey)
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
Xtreme Rules
Optional: Kenzi Grey may do ONE 1000 word RP

Fuzz ©
- vs -
Kieran Overton
Special Guest Referee: Noah Jackson
Special Guest Time Keeper: Vita Valenteen
Honolulu Rules Street Fight
Like your average street fight with falls count anywhere but both competitors must wear a Lei to start the match.
Optional: Noah and VV may do ONE 1000 word RP

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
Big D
15 Minute Time Limit
Cage Match
Pinfall & Submissions Only

Thaddeus Duke had just arrived on Savage, and was heading to his locker room, with the Television Belt, all shiny and sparkly, wearing it proudly over his shoulder, when he turned a corner and came face to face with Mastermind.

All Mastermind had time to say: "Remember me Boi?" before he let rip with one massive right hook that catches Thad square on the jaw. As Thad's head whip lashes backwards from the full force, Mastermind follows up with a knee to the gut, and as Thad bends over in pain, Mastermind follows up with a knee to the face.

Mastermind quickly then puts Thad in a DDT hold and executes it. Thaddeus Duke hits the cold hard concrete of the stadium floor.

Referees arrive on the scene only to be chased away by the angry look in Mastermind's eyes. Some stay back at a distance while others run to get further help.

Mastermind looks down at the fallen Thaddeus, and grabs him, and pulls him to his feet. He then sends him crashing into the concrete wall front first. Thad slides down the wall, and ends up crumbled in a heap.

Mastermind looks around and sees a green door. It has the sign:


Mastermind smirks, and bends down and picks up the fallen Television Belt and places it over his shoulder. He then grabs Thaddeus's arm and drags his body towards the green door.

Just before he gets to the door. Co-owner and Thaddeus's uncle, Theo Pryce comes running up. He puts himself between Mastermind and the door.

For a few seconds which seems like minutes, Theo stares down Mastermind. Mastermind is the one who speaks first.

"Get out of my way PRYCE. This is between ME and YOUR NEPHEW. He EMBARRASSED me, so he needs to have a taste of what it's like,"

Theo continues to block the way for a few more seconds but he could tell Mastermind wouldn't be backing down for anyone or anything.

He finally speaks.

"As much as I would enjoy beating the shit out of you as an owner, and I very well could, I need to make sure I can fill out my roster. So you get a reprieve, for now. But let's be very cleat, if you continue.... there WILL be CONSEQUENCES. "

Mastermind stares back at Theo.

"FINE... So be it"

Theo is about to move, when Mastermind takes the Television Title from his shoulder and hands it to Theo.

"This needs looking after, at least I'm not the others who either steal a title or put it in the trash. I'm too respectful for that,"

A wry smile appears on Theo's face as he accepts the belt and moves out of the way.

Unaware that he had let go of Thad, who while he was staring Theo down, crawled out of the way. Thad had managed to stand. His face was all bloodied.

Mastermind turned around and was shocked to see Thadd standing. Thad ran at him, and tackled him right through the Green doors.

They go scrambling to the ground, Thad tries to get on top of Mastermind, but the injuries he had already suffered were enough to slow him down drastically. Mastermind was able to fight him off, and after a slow arm clothesline, regained control.

Thad was back on the ground in a heap. There was a trash dumpster nearby. Mastermind grabs him by the hair and drags him closer to the dumpster. He then sends him careering into the side of the dumpster head first. The noise of the impact was severe.

Mastermind walks slowly up to Thad, as if he was stalking him. He stops and bends down and grabs him by the hair and as the cameras jostle to get into place, he slaps him. Then he lets Thad's head drop back down to the floor.

Mastermind then sits down in front of the fallen Thad and crosses his leg and the camera shows Mastermind staring intently at Thad.

"I told you no one gets away with embarrassing me Thad, and that includes you. What happened to you in the bahamas was just the start. What's happening to you tonight I hope ends things.

"I will warn you now. You had your fun. I have had my fun tonight. When I walk away from here I hope you have seen the error in your ways, as I'm the last person to be messed with. Truce maybe?"

The camera picks up Mastermind's infamous smirk as he places hand on Thad's hand, and he makes him shake.

Mastermind then stands up and stretches. He turns to leave. But then he stops and looks at the dumpster. He bends down and picks up Thad and then he walks around to the front of dumpster and then everyone is shocked to see Mastermind dump Thad Duke, the television champion, into the dumpster.

"Now I'm done. Smell you later Thad!!!!"

Mastermind walked away leaving everyone who was standing around watching, and also viewing on the tv, shocked at what he just did.

Jim Jimson
- vs -
- vs -
Melanie Crayzee Childs
Triple Threat

Random starts in the ring because of course he does. Tig O'Bitties doesn't even bother announcing him.

'Ocean Man' hits the sound system and Jim Jimson makes his way to the ring.

TIG: "Ladies and gentlemen, on his way to the ring. The King of Seaworld, JIM JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!"

PC: "WOO! Go Jim! He's my boy, Heather!"


'Too Much' by the Spice Girls starts playing and then Melanie Crayzee Childs steps out onto the ramp, and in time with the music skips to the ring. She jumps up on the ring apron. Turns around and starts laughing. She then makes her way inside the ring, followed by her Manager Antony The Jerk

HHL: "Well, Vita's number one fan sure seems enthusiastic!"

All competitors are in the ring, the ref looks between all three and calls for the bell.


As soon as the bell sounds, Random lies down on his back and accepts his fate leaving the two actually good wrestlers to fight over who gets the pin.

Jimson and Childs look at Random prone on the ground and then back to one another. The two charge over to Random for the cover but collide, Jimson charges Childs with his shoulder and knocks her onto the apron under the middle rope. Jim hooks Random's leg and the ref goes for the count.


Melanie stands on the apron


And she leaps over the top rope with a leg drop!

BROKEN UP as Melanie's leg lands hard onto the back of Jimson's neck.

Childs does a backwards roll to her feet as Jimson angrily gets to his feet holding his neck. The two square off Melanie rushes in for a clothesline but Jimson runs under her arm and digs into his jocks. On Childs' turn, Jimson throws out his hand and sand flies into her eyes!

PC: "POCKET SAND! Classic maneuver."

HHL: "Really harkens back to the XWF Golden Age..."

Melanie screams in pain as she holds her palms against her eyes. Jim takes a few steps back and stomps hard on the mat, Melanie snaps her head and blindly sprints flailing her limbs towards the sound. Jim tiptoes around and goes back to Random for a sneaky pin attempt. The ref slides in and goes for the count.


Jimson's eyes bulge as the ref slaps the canvas with such force.


Melanie hears the sound and charges towards it.

THR-NO! As Childs accidentally boots Jimson in the ribs and disrupts the attempt.

Jimson is furious as he smacks the mat and stands back to his feet, throwing a haymaker into Childs' temple. Melanie is knocked to the ropes but comes back with a burst of insane laughter, her eyes wide and bloodshot she unleashes a hail of blows and slaps against Jimson's bald head, wearing down the Prince of Pinecones.

HHL: "Jimson's on the ropes!"

PC: "Oh god! Oh fuck! Fight, Jim! You can do this!!!"

Melanie boots Jimson in the chest and he falls into the corner. Her eyes light up.

PC: "Melanie Childs hits the opposite corner and returns with a sprint! And using the momentum destroys Jimson with an ample buttock strike!"

HHL: "Jesus, Pip! She did a Hip Attack!"

Or as it's known, CRAYZEE TIME!

Jimson withdraws, in great pain in falls under the bottom rope and retreats. Melanie turns her attention to Random who is comatose from being such a burden on society, Childs goes for the cover!!!








Thunder Knuckles
- vs -
Wylie Sinclair


TIG: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall, currently in the ring… WYLIE SINCLAIR!”

The crowd applauds WYLIE who throws one arm up in the air.

TIG: “His opponent… about to make his way to the ring, THUNDER KNUCKLES!”

A giant wall of flaming pyro burst through the ceiling as Thunderstruck RuMbLeS through what remains of the arena! Thunder Knuckles marches down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He isn't wasting any time getting into this fight!


WYLIE and THUNDER KNUCKLES lock up center ring with WYLIE snatching on to a side headlock! He cranks on the head of KNUCKELS only to see THUNDER KNUCKELS use his we height and weight advantage to take WYLIE back into the ropes before shooting him across the ring with an Irish Whip, WYLIE bounces off the ropes where he’s caught and driven into the mat with a Rock Bottom! THUNDER KNUCKLES is quick to make a front press hooking the leg!




SINCLAIR kicks out from the near fall!

PC: THUNDER KNUCKLES nearly putting WYLIE SINCLAIR away in under a minute!!

HHL: There’s nothing that says he still can’t!”

THUNDER KNUCKLES pops back to his feet where he picks WYLIE up off the mat where he drives boot into the midsection where he looks to deliver a Stunner! SINCLAIR shoves THUNDER KNUCKLES away! THUNDER KNUCKLES turns around where he catches the boot of WYLIE who looks for a Superkick, THUNDER KNUCKLES throws the boot down to the mat before delivering some Sweet Chin Music of his own to a pop from the crowd sending WYLIE dropping to the mat.

PC: WYLIE might have lost a few teeth with that one!

THUNDER KNUCKLES measures WYLIE who is slow to push himself up off the mat and as he does he turns around and is scooped up by THUNDER KNUCKLES who then positions SINCLAIR before spiking him down into the canvas with a Tombstone Piledriver!

HHL: THUNDER KNUCKLES bust out the Tombstone!

THUNDER KNUCKLES stands back to a vertical base where he makes his way towards the ropes, he steps out to the ring apron before making his way up to the top turnbuckle as the crowd cheers him on. THUNDER KNUCKLES stands up on the top turnbuckle before leaping off the top rope and driving an elbow into the midsection of SINCLAIR!

PC: This one smells like it’s just about over.

THUNDER KNUCKLES isn’t done as he reaches down picking SINCLAIR up off the mat where he fires him into a neutral corner! KNCUCKLES charges in after SINCLAIR where he drives a set of running knees into the gut of WYLIE where he brings him out of the corner and delivers the THUNDER STRIKE! THUNDER KNUCKLES makes the cover hooking the leg.





Brian Storm
- vs -
Jake Avery
High As Fuck Shane Match
Shane will be dangling on a wire over the ring
First man to release Shane and use his help to beat his opponent wins

Comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start. Shane is swinging high above the ring trying to call the horse back.

Jake makes his way to the ring, looking up awkwardly at Shane as he dangles from above, still trying to call back the horse Brian rode out there a few moments ago.


Jake Avery and Brian Storm both look up at Shane as he sways above them in the gentile breeze created by the bodily winds of the audience. Shane has a big back pack strapped to his stomach with all kinds of goodies inside. He tosses down some PCP, weed, meth, beer, and crack. Somehow it's Brian who all the drugs float to and he selfishly does them all while Jake is forced to look on. Shane throws a big lump of his own shit at Jack but he misses!

Jake springs into action while Brian is high off his ass from Shane's drugs. He hits a huge dropkick to Brian that takes him off his feet and sends drug paraphernalia in all directions.

Shane is really fucked up. He's blown. His eyes are bulging as he cuts himself from his string and releases himself!


Shane fell on top of Jake and Brian! It's a mess of drugs and body fluids!

Shane snorts some coke off of the floor while Brian rolls a giant blunt.

Jake surprises Brian with a jumping knee strike into a belly to back drop. He keeps on the stoned fighter while Shane is over in the corner snorting some white powder.

Jake keeps Brian down with a few elbow smashes before pulling him up into the Ragnarok DDT!

He makes the cover and a ref rushes to the ring...





Jake is announced the winner as Shane sheers him on between desperately lapping up spilled cocaine from the canvas.

Sarah Lacklan (w/ Kenzi Grey)
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
Xtreme Rules

TIG: "Introducing first, accompanied by Kenzi Grey, she is the Queen of the XWF, Anarchy Champion and Tag Champion. SARAH LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!

The lights flicker in the arena as “Burn” by The Cure begins to play. Kenzi and Sarah Selena Lacklan walk out together. The sound of a screeching hawk is heard throughout the arena as the two execute their signature fist bump. An explosion of pyro erupts as the pair head down to the ring together.

PC: "Might as well just pour gold over the girl with how much she's wearing."


HHL: "Not much to say about Griffin except that he is a hunk."

PC: "Keep it in your pants, Heather!"

These Two Boots Of Mine by The Bruisers starts playing on the sound system and Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring.

PC: "Hey, Heather, wanna play a game?"

HHL: "Sure!"

PC: "Let's see who can hold there breath for the longest amount of time."

HHL: "Why?"

Pip shrugs.

HHL: "Fine, why not!"

And both commentators hold their breath. Somewhere in their mind knowing that the match was sent in without commentary and the GM was too lazy to add any. Oops, fourth wall break, just ignore this part.


As soon the bell had rung, Sarah gets a pep talk from Kenzi on the apron. Then they kiss one another, but Griffin blindsides her with a punch to the back of her head. Then he smashes her head on the top turnbuckle, then she falls on the mat. He drags her to the middle of the ring, and runs to the ropes and gives her a Fist Drop. He goes for a cover, but Sarah kicks out quickly, and Griffin picks her up and Headbutt her to the corner. He chokes her with his foot on his throat until the ref broke it up. Griffin and the ref argue, while Sarah goes to Kenzi who fans her.

After about a minute, Sarah focuses on Griffin by kicking his left leg. Then she starts a string of Martial Arts Kicks, until Griffin is on his one knee. She runs to the ropes to hit a Shining Wizard, but gets it countered into a Sitout Powerbomb, and goes for the pin. Sarah kicks out, and Griffin then locks in a seated chin lock on Sarah. As he locked it in, Kenzi is smacking the ring for her to get up, and Sarah slowly regains her strength. Sarah gets on her feet, and Elbow’s Griffin in the gut, and Whips him to the ropes. Kenzi ended up pulling the rope down for Griffin to fall over, and she stomps on him.

Sarah goes outside, and double stomps on Griffin. While Kenzi and Sarah were “celebrating” Griffin slowly gets on his feet, creeps towards the couple. As Kenzi runs away from Griffin, Sarah tries to plea for his forgiveness, but Griffin grabs her by the hair and tosses her to the barricades. Kenzi tries to hit Griffin on the back, but he turns around Headbutt for her troubles. Sarah surprises Griffin with a Palm Strike to his jaw, which reeled him, and she tosses him into the ring. She then turns him on his back and covers him….




Griffin kicks out, and Sarah starts shouting at the ref over the count. Griffin gets on his feet, and Roundhouse Kick Sarah. He runs to the ropes, and hits a Stiff Clothesline. He then does a few stomps on her, until he started to tune the boots as crowd started booing. As he stomps the ring, he noticed Kenzi trying to into the ring and the ref stops her. As Griffin was taunting her, Sarah pulls out a Brass Knuckle of Dollar Signs and strikes Griffin, and she places it back into her gear.

As the ref turned around, she was already covering him…



Griffin rolls up to his feet, and both of them glare at one another, Sarah tries to Palm Strike but he grabs her wrist and hits a Arm-Trap Swinging Neckbreaker. Then he goes for the BOOT PARTY! but before he can even Curb Stomp her, Kenzi drags her out of the ring. Griffin goes for the Suicide Dive on both of them, and grabs a beer bottle from a fan and smashes it over his head. Griffin then picks up Sarah and throws her into the ring, and he climbs to the top rope. He goes for a Leg Drop…

But she rolls out of the way…

Sarah gets fired up, and she does a combo of Martial Arts Kicks and finishes off with a Spinning Heel Kick. She hits a Brainbuster on him, and she goes for a Cross Arm Breaker, which Griffin put his foot on the ropes, and she held it tighter until the ref counted to four. As she breaks the hold, Giffin is holding his arm in pain. She puts him in a sit up position and the camera pans to Kenzi saying…TOTES!… as she kept on repeatedly kicking him on the back as everyone in the crowd said OOOOOOOO!

Sarah then lifts Griffin on his feet, and she Whips him to the ropes and connect with a stiff Corner Knee Strikes. As Griffin was groggy coming off the corner she ended up locking him in….


PC: "YES! PIP WINS AGAIN! Woo, I'm dizzy."

Lacklan has the hold locked in tight!

MacAlister tries his best to fight the pain.

Until a pop is heard!

And he has no choice but to tap!


Fuzz ©
- vs -
Kieran Overton
Special Guest Referee: Noah Jackson
Special Guest Time Keeper: Vita Valenteen
Honolulu Rules Street Fight

Beast by Puppy plays over the sound system as there's massive amount of boos when Kieran Overton walks out as he screams on top of his lungs with his hands in the air on top of the ramp, wearing shorts, shirt, gloves and boots before walking down as he ignores each one of the fans before he goes up the steps and goes over the top rope and places his hand on his left arm, basically not giving a damn about them before he turns to anger, while he goes to sit in the corner, waiting for his opponent to come to the rin

Fuzz makes his way to the ring, the Xtreme title draped over his shoulder. He is accompanied by Noah Jackson and Vita Valenteen who hype up Fuzz as he makes his way stonefaced to the ring.

Tig O'Bitties places traditional Hawaiin leis over each competitor which immediately come off. Vita takes one though.

TIG: "Ladies and gentleman, the scheduled match will be under Xtreme Rules and is for one fall."

"ONE FALL""Cunt."

TIG: "And it is for the XTREME CHAMPIONSHIP!"

The crowd cheer.

TIG: "Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at-"

Suddenly Tig is interrupted by Noah snatching the mic.

NOAH: "Hold up, cunt. Why the fuck are you doing this!?"

VV: "Yeah! This match is about US, get lost!"

VV threatens Tig by getting in her face as Noah gives Fuzz the finger guns. Fuzz relaxes against the corner with a smile and a nod. Noah clears his throat.

"Cunts and cuntettes, introducing the fat fuck over here who somehow managed to get a title shot despite being a bigger disappointment than The Phantom Menace. Weighing in at a shit ton, hailing from a school shooter's diary. The diabetic bitch, Kieran Overcunt."

The crowd pop, with a mix of cheers, boos and laughter. VV gives a boo and a hiss as Overton tries his absolute hardest not to break Noah in two.

HHL: "Oh man, gotta give credit to Kieran's restraint."

PC: "If he's smart he'll use that anger of Fuzz."

"Silence, cunts!"

Noah says raising a palm. The crowd just continue hurling insults and chanting.


The crowd grows silent. VV and Noah fist bump.

NOAH: "And now, introducing the living legend himself, weighing in at a perfect weight for his age, hailing from Chicago, Iowa!"

VV leans in and whispers to Noah.

VV: "Illinois."


The crowd pop as Fuzz just takes all the hype in. VV playfully punches Noah's shoulder and makes her way to the timekeeper's area. Noah adjust the collar on his referee shirt as he retrieves a presumably warm can of beer from his back pocket and cracks it open.

HHL: "... So why are Noah and Vita a part of this match. Hi, VV by the way."

Heather waves to VV sat a few feet away.

VV: "OH EM GEE! Hi Heather!"

PC: "Well, apparently Fuzz was able to get them into the match due to him being champion."

HHL: "And Atticus Black just agreed to that? Despite Fuzz and Noah constantly whining about management?"

Pip shrugs.

PC: "What do you want from me, Heather?"

HHL: "Some insightful commentary would be nice but I know that's asking too much."

Noah sits on top of the turnbuckle drinking and lazily calls for the bell to start the match.


Kieran bursts from the corner with inhuman speed and splashes Fuzz, squashing the veteran in the corner. Fuzz gets the wind knocked out of him and is caught off guard, Overton driving a knee into Fuzz's jaw and violently ripping him away from the corner, tossing his body into the center of the ring. Fuzz can't catch his bearings in time as he gets on all fours giving Kieran the perfect opportunity to sprint towards the champ and punt kick him in the ribs. Fuzz flies onto his back sucking in air, holding his side. Overton huffs like a raging bull as he stomps over to Fuzz, deadlifting him in an amazing feat of strength and slamming him down rib first onto an extended knee. Fuzz's eyes bulge out of his socket as Kieran pushes Fuzz's body off his knee. Noah swirls the beer around in his mouth looking down at the action.

PC: "Fuzz is looking pretty sluggish tonight."

HHL: "He's most likely distracted with Noah, thinking this would just be an easy win."

VV: "Actually! Fuzz is defending his title 24/7 and he just had a match with Mastermind on Anarchy, which he won, bee tee dubs."

Kieran refuses the pin and instead rolls to the outside. Noah quickly sneaks over to Fuzz and pours some beer in his mouth.

NOAH: "Like Popeye's spinach, cunt, just like Popeye!"

Overton searches under the ring

Fuzz fills his mouth with the beer and claps Noah's shoulder. Jackson moves away as Kieran returns to the ring with an aluminium baseball bat; Fuzz gets to his knees as Overton takes aim. Before letting loose with a mighty swing, Fuzz spits the beer in a fine mist in Kieran's eyes and causes the beast to flinch. Fuzz then gives a mighty low blow to Overton's Undertons! And a wave of sympathetic pain falls over the crowd.

The bat drops to the mat with a clang as Kieran holds his groin. Fuzz moves up with a palm strike to Kieran's chin; Fuzz retrieves the bat as Overton stumbles back. Fuzz jabs the tip of the bat into Overton's gut, causing the big man to double over, Fuzz then takes the bat with both hands and swings down onto Kieran's spine! The sound of metal hitting bone echoes through the arena as Kieran drops to the mat, Noah gives a thumbs up to Fuzz as he kicks Kieran over and goes for the pin!




Noah with a cheap quick count still isn't quick enough as Overton throws Fuzz away with a mighty roar. Either way, Noah holds up three fingers to the crowd and VV but no bell is rung. Instead, Vita is too busy arguing with a fan about how genuine her Anarchy title is! Jackson tries to grab her attention but to no avail. Kieran holds the base of his back as he stands to his feet, mad dogging Noah and shoving him aside.

NOAH: "The fuck did I do, cunt?"

Fuzz quickly grabs the bat again and makes a wild swing which is ducked by Kieran and goes for Noah! But Fuzz stops short and doesn't obliterate his boy. The two share a look and a slight chuckle which is interrupted by Overton with a textbook German Suplex with a bridge!

Overton pins Fuzz's shoulder to the ground, the veteran's neck crashing hard against the canvas.

Noah slowly leans down and examines the pin, sliding a flat hand over the mat and forcing it under Fuzz's shoulder. Noah shrugs and shows an inch with his fingers to Overton, making the pin invalid.

HHL: "Oh c'mon, Noah! That's a legit pin and you know it!"

VV: "Don't question the official! Especially one as handsome as Noah!"

PC: "Yeah, Heather! You cunt!"

A heavy slap is heard from the commentator's table and rightfully so.

Kieran breaks the pin and squares up to Noah, Jackson threatens to throw Overton out and not wanting to risk the chance of losing the title, Kieran steps back. Fuzz picks himself up using the ropes and shakes the cobwebs; Overton throws a right hook but his hand is pulled back by Jackson warning of the use of closed fists which is met with boos.


Overton's face turns red with anger and Fuzz uses the distraction to hop onto the middle rope and nail a springboard Tornado DDT! Overton dome hits the mat, Fuzz orders Noah to grab something 'fun' and the Aussie obliges, making his way out of the ring. Fuzz raises Overton to his feet by his neck and throws him against the ropes. On the rebound, Fuzz goes for a big boot but Kieran ducks underneath the attack and hits the ropes again. Overton returns with a clothesline but Fuzz telegraphs it and the two go down with a lariat from each!

The ring shakes as both men go down; determination takes over as they both stumble to their feet. Noah looks up from his long search and tosses a cheese grater into the ring before going back under and searches deeper, Fuzz reaches down but Kieran drops an elbow onto the back of Fuzz's head and the champ drops to a knee. Overton grabs the grater and swings up wildly, shredding Fuzz's cheek and shaving away flesh!

Fuzz recoils onto his back, holding his mangled cheek as blood oozes through his fingers. Overton throws the grater at Fuzz who dodges the oncoming appliance in the nick of time; Fuzz in a rage stands to his feet and sends a forearm into Kieran's jaw and sends him away. Fuzz turns to Noah and shouts for him to hurry. Noah looks back into the ring, a bundle of light tubes in his left hand, a bowling ball in his right and an icepick between his teeth. Noah hastily places the light tubes in the corner and rolls the bowling ball to Fuzz.

As Overton advances on Fuzz, The Afterthought places his fingers in the holes and throws the heavy ball up and smashes it against Kieran's chin, knocking a few teeth loose as Overton stumbles into the ropes, covering his now busted maw. Noah gets back into the ring and places the ice pick in Fuzz's hand. Fuzz then prison shanks Overton's thigh to a huge reaction from the crowd!


Overton howls in pain but instinct takes over as Overton unleashes a mighty headbutt into the bridge of Fuzz's nose! Blood splashes against Kieran's face as Fuzz is knocked onto his ass. Kieran covers the small, piercing wounds on his thigh as he hobbles over to a dazed Fuzz.

The champ tries to regain his bearings, egging Kieran to come forward as he spits blood at the challenger. Overton throws a heavy boot into Fuzz's mush and a spray of blood arcs away as Fuzz falls prone on the ground. The Destructive Beast falls down onto Fuzz and places two thumbs over the champ's two black eyes and begins to dig them deep.

PC: "Shit! Overton's gonna pull a Mountain!"

Nice GoT reference the crowd think as they chant.



As Fuzz flails in pain, trying to grab at Kieran's wrist, Noah intervenes and throws Overton away from his pseudo-father. Noah goes to throw a punch but a raging Overton blocks the blow and wraps both hands around Jackson's neck! With ease, he picks Jackson up off his feet and bombs him into the light tubes into the corner! Noah lies in pain within the broke glass as Kieran almost falls over once more, blood trickling down to his feet. He pulls a thumb across his neck looking down at a blinded Fuzz in a heap.


Overton slowly grabs at the back of Fuzz's neck to pick him up but Fuzz swings around quickly!


Fuzz throws down the bloody cheese grater as Kieran falls to his knees holding the huge gash across his face. Fuzz with a huge amount of desperation grabs Overton!











Noah is almost in tears trying to give an exhausted Fuzz a hug. VV rings that bell in celebration with a huge smile on her face.

HHL: "Wow, at one moment I thought we'd have a homicide on our hands."

PC: "YEAH! It was awesome!"

Savage slowly fades to commercial as Fuzz is handed his Xtreme title.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
Big D
15 Minute Time Limit
Cage Match
Pinfall & Submissions Only

"Falling Apart" by Trust Company hits over the PA system as the fans begin to boo. Big D walks out onto the ramp and takes in their reaction, as if it was driving him. He begins to walk down the aisle towards the ring.

PC: "Another TV Title shot for Big D."

HHL: "Despite the fact his last match with the Champion ended under questionable circumstances, this shot wasn't earned, but rather BOUGHT."

PC: "At least he didn't have to throw me across our table for this one, so that's a plus."

Big D reaches the ring, where the Cage has been lowered, and climbs up the steel steps before entering through the door. D then walks over to the opposite corner and climbs onto the second rope, raising his arms in the air. He grabs the chain link of the Cage, as if testing it's durability, before hopping down and waiting for his opponent.



GUITAR! White light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from the ring posts illuminating the vertical Illuminatus Iron Cross banners (white field, blue cross,) hanging from the lighting rigging above each corner of the ring. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown with his TV Title, wearing a white Duke hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

HHL: "You've got to imagine Thaddeus wants to show Big D he CAN beat him without Mastermind's help, and that he deserves to be Champion."

PC: "Regardless of the circumstances surrounding HOW he won the belt, Duke successfully retained it at Relentless, showing he's more than just a one and done Champion. Can't say the same about his opponent, however."

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in blue and white colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before climbing into the Cage through the door.

HHL: "Big D hasn't taken his eyes off Duke since he walked onto the ramp."

PC: "Duke doesn't seem to notice."

Thaddeus goes to the three corners Big D isn't in, making the Bret Hart 'I love you' pose. He looks over to Big D, who dares him to come over and do it in his corner. Duke happily obliges, doing the same pose right in D's face. He doesn't retaliate, rather laughing at Thad as he steps back and into his own corner.

HHL: "You know that absolutely killed Big D, seeing the belt right up in his face."

PC: "Well, here's his chance to take it. No help, no excuses."

The ref takes the TV Title from Duke and holds it in the air. He shows it to Thad, before taking it over to Big D. D points to it and then himself, confidently nodding at Thad. The ref takes the belt over to the door and hands it to the timekeeper, before locking it up and calling for the bell.

TIG: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest will be a cage match scheduled for one fall!"



Big D grasps his hands together and throws them up left to right with loud cheers from the crowd.

TIG: "And his opponent, hailing from Old Saybrook, Connecticut, also standing at 6ft 1" and weighing in at 210 pounds. He is YOUR TELEVISION CHAMPION! The past, present and future of the XWF, THADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEUSSSSSSSSSSS DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKKKKEEE!!!!!"

Thaddeus gives a cocky two-finger salute to the crowd and is met with a mixed reaction.



Big D goes to lock up with Thaddeus Duke, who ducks under D's arms and gets behind him. D responds with an elbow to the head, followed by an Irish Whip to the ropes. On the rebound, Duke tries a Flying Elbow but Big D catches him and places him on his feet before delivering a Belly to Belly Suplex. Though Thad is sent halfway across the ring, he quickly rolls back up and gets on the defensive.

PC: "Fast paced action to start off the bout."

HHL: "That Belly to Belly may not have done much damage, but it shows Duke the power of Big D."

Big D charges at Thad Duke who, once again, ducks under him. D turns around with his back to the corner and is met with a right from the TV Champion. Thaddeus delivers a few more before whipping Big D to the other side. Duke charges at D, who bounces off the turnbuckles like it was nothing. Thad is met with Big D's open arms, who does another Belly to Belly Suplex, this time sending Duke into the turnbuckles and awkward on his head.

PC: "Guarantee you he felt that one!"

HHL: "Big D's wasting no time bringing the Champion back to his feet!"

Big D delivers a powerful German Suplex, keeping his hands locked. He gets back up, along with his opponent, and nails him with another one. D doesn't let go, once again, and he brings Duke with him. Instead of attempting a third German Suplex, Big D abruptly yanks Thad to the mat by his arm.

HHL: "He's going for the Big D Face Cruncher already!"


As Big D struggles to lock it in, Thaddeus Duke does a forward roll, turns around, and knees D right in the face. He immediately releases the hold and grabs his face as Thad stands up. Duke brings Big D to his feet and walks him over to the Cage where he presses his head against it. Thaddeus grinds D's face like cheese to a grater, as the challenger screams out in pain. The Champion then leans Big D on the second rope, face against the Cage, before running to the opposite side. After bouncing off the ropes, Thad runs at his opponent and hits a Dropkick to the back of his head that sends his face crashing against the Cage. He rolls onto the mat, clutching his face.

HHL: "Oh wow! It didn't take long for the Cage to come into play as a weapon!"

PC: "It looks like we've got a little crimson dripping onto the mat."

Thaddeus backs into a corner and awaits his opponent to rise up. Once he does, Dude charges at him and attempts his Better Than You(Sweet Chin Music) finisher. Big D ducks Thad's leg and slips behind him. D takes advantage of the situation and lifts Duke above his head, before spinning him forward and hitting the Dan Slam!

HHL: "He hit it already! We could have a new TV Champion right here!"

PC: "Big D with the cover!"




HHL: "I think Big D's regretting not hooking the leg."

PC: "That dropkick against the Cage could've rattled some marbles, hence why he only draped an arm over Duke."


Big D gets up and shakes it off, before lifting Thaddeus Duke above his head. D walks over to the side of the Cage and lawn darts Thad, head first, into it. Duke's chest bounces off the top rope, before he collapses to the ground. Big D covers.




PC: "Big D's been tossing Duke around so far."

HHL: "We knew it'd be a physical one."

Big D picks Thaddeus up and goes to Scoop Slam him, but Thad escapes beside D and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Both men rise at the same time, but Duke meets Big D with a kick to the midsection. He then swings, but his opponent blocks and whips Thad to the ropes. On the rebound, Big D ducks down and Thaddeus Sunset Flips over him, but cannot bring D down. Big D grabs Duke by the shoulders and pulls him through his legs to his feet. The TV Champion retaliates by shoving the challenger back a few steps. Big D takes a step forward and is met, HARD in the jaw with a Sweet Chin Music!

HHL: "Better Than You! Thaddeus Duke could retain right here!"


Thaddeus Duke falls on top of Big D for a cover.




PC: "Big D refuses to stay down!"

HHL: "Both men have kicked out of the other's finisher, a testament to both of their toughness."

Thaddeus Duke looks up to the Cage and points before heading over to the corner. He begins to climb the turnbuckles, as Big D slowly begins to stir.

PC: "What is he doing? This match is pinfall and submission ONLY."

HHL: "Thaddeus Duke could be looking to fly."

Duke begins to ascend the Cage, as Big D stumbles to his feet and over to the corner. Thaddeus sees this and climbs back down to the ropes. D climbs up to the second rope and begins to hammer the Champion on the back. He then wraps his arms around Duke's waste, as the fans rise to their feet. Big D thrusts Thaddeus Duke backwards for a German Suplex attempt, but amazingly, Duke rotates enough to land on his feet as D hits the mat. He turns around and stares at what Thad has done, mouth wide open. A cocky TV Champion steps forward and holds his foot out towards Big D and yells 'Kiss It!' He then steps up onto D's thigh and attempts a Shining Wizard, but Big D ducks the knee. As Thad rotates over his opponent's head, D wraps his arms around Duke's waist, pops up, and hits a German Suplex.

HHL: "Both men are out on the mat!"


PC: "Big D's own move took alot out of him."

Both men take a moment to collect themselves, before Big D makes his way to his feet, a step ahead of Duke. D swings at the TV Champion, who blocks and delivers a right of his own. Thaddeus hits a couple more shots before attempting to whip Big D to the ropes, only to be reversed. On his way back, Duke meets Big D with a Flying Elbow that ends with both competitors down on the mat. After a second or two, Thad does a kip up and heads back to one of the corners where he climbs out onto the apron and ascends to the top rope.

HHL: "His first flight was cancelled, but that's not gonna stop him from trying again!"

PC: "Apparently."

Once at the top, Thad does his best Macho Man impersonation, showing off for the crowd for a moment, before jumping off and hitting Big D with an Elbow Drop.

HHL: "Too Sweet To Be Sour! I don't think Randy Savage could've done it any better himself!"

PC: "Duke's got him covered, the fat lady could be ready to sing!"




HHL: "How?! What's it gonna take to put the challenger down?!"


PC: "I don't know, but it seems the Champion DOES."

Thad stays on his knees, looking all the way to the top of the Cage for inspiration. He points to it as the fans go nuts. Duke stands up, walks over to a corner, and begins climbing the ropes. Once he's made it to the top, he begins to scale the Cage slowly as the entire audience gets to their feet. Thaddeus makes it all the way up and stands atop the Cage.

PC: "Welp, someone's gonna die."

HHL: "At this point, it looks like its gonna be Big D."

Thaddeus takes a deep breath, looking down at his opponent. With the roar of the crowd behind him, he jumps off the Cage and does a Shooting Star Press as he plummets down. To the shock of everyone in the arena, Big D uses whatever strength he has left to roll out of the way, causing Thad to narrowly miss him and crash into the mat. The fans begin the obligatory 'Holy Shit!' chant.

HHL: "If that didn't just win Big D the TV Title, I don't know WHAT will!"

Neither man moves for a minute, as the match has taken its toll. Finally, Big D slightly stirs enough to see Thad out. He slowly crawls over and flips him onto his back, draping his body over Duke's as the ref makes the count.




PC: "But....... he's supposed to be dead!"


HHL: "Dead men don't kick out, Pip, Thad Duke is still alive and so are his hopes of remaining Television Champion!"

Big D rolls off of his opponent and looks up to the sky. As blood drips down his face, he closes his eyes and shakes his head in absolute disbelief. He turns over and glares at Thad, who doesn't show any sign of being conscious, despite kicking out of D's pin attempt. Big D gets to his knees and grabs Thad by the hair, before limping to his feet. D drags the TV Champion over to the corner and slowly begins to climb up, bringing Thaddeus with him.

PC: "I don't know what Big D has in mind, but it's rather unconventional of him."

HHL: "Not very often you see HIM on the top rope."

With the corners of the Cage to his back, Big D pulls Thad Duke onto the top rope, too. Very carefully, D gets behind Duke and lifts him up in Dan Slam position as the crowd, once again, rises up in awe. Knowing everything else has failed, Big D jumps off the top rope and rotates Thad around, delivering a scary looking top rope Dan Slam. D's arm covers Duke's chest as they both crash against the ring.







And the timer freezes.


HHL: "I don't believe it."

PC: "Neither do I. I don't know how EITHER man expects to leave the Cage on their feet."

The referee unlocks the door and is handed the TV Title, which he walks over and lays across Big D before raising his hand. D rolls onto his back, hugging the Championship, as he visibly begins to cry.

HHL: "Big D looks overwhelmed over this victory."

PC: "OR maybe he realizes he's never gonna walk again?"

And with that Savage slowly fades to black on Big D's emotional celebration.

Special thanks to

Big D
"Chronic" Chris Page
John Black
Noah Jackson

And everyone who RPed and sent in segments.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
B.O.B. D (10-19-2019), Corey Smith (10-20-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-20-2019), Theo Pryce (10-20-2019)
Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-19-2019, 06:39 PM

Excellent show guys. Congrats to the winners. Awesome match writing.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
Banner Made By: @reinventiongfx
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[-] The following 2 users Like Shawn Warstein's post:
Atticus Gold (10-19-2019), B.O.B. D (10-20-2019)
B.O.B. D Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-19-2019, 07:08 PM

(Big D is shown backstage, his newly won TV Title over his shoulder. He is breathing heavily, but looks like he just won a million bucks.)

"Thad, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can lose at times throughout your career, but people always remember the big wins. And THIS is probably the biggest of my career. But I'll tell you what......... You proved to me you have what it takes. The circumstances of you winning this belt may have been questionable, but you fought like a true Champion tonight and I commend you for it."

(Big D clutches his belt and walks away in victory.)

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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[-] The following 1 user Likes B.O.B. D's post:
Ned Kaye (10-19-2019)
Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-19-2019, 07:20 PM

You see BigD? He sure looked like ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND xbux didn't he.

Thunder Knuckles applauds BigD while saying...

Congratulations Champ.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Thunder Knuckles™'s post:
B.O.B. D (10-19-2019)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-19-2019, 08:08 PM

Let's not pretend we didn't know how this was gonna go. You can only rail against management so much before "things happen" and you "just didn't have it this week."

I hope you have a rather large supply of chapstick Daniel. They'll expect you to keep kissing their ass.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post:
Noah Jackson (10-20-2019)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-20-2019, 05:38 AM

(10-19-2019, 08:08 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: Let's not pretend we didn't know how this was gonna go. You can only rail against management so much before "things happen" and you "just didn't have it this week."

I hope you have a rather large supply of chapstick Daniel. They'll expect you to keep kissing their ass.

You are absolute right Thad. It was totally managements fault that you laid in the middle of the ring and let BigD pin you.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
(10-20-2019), B.O.B. D (10-20-2019), Unknown Soldier (10-20-2019)
Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-20-2019, 06:15 AM

Congrats to Big D

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Chris Page's post:
B.O.B. D (10-20-2019)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-20-2019, 06:42 AM

I have to hand it to you, Big D. You're not the same man I faced all those months ago.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Corey Smith's post:
B.O.B. D (10-20-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-20-2019, 05:20 PM

congrats to big d

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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