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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Skinning and Gutting the Competition
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"The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler Offline
Oceanic Cowboy

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-29-2019, 01:09 PM

Hanging high in the sky with a blueish grey tint is a full moon. Coyotes howling off in the distance through a thicket of small to medium size evergreens. None no taller than twenty feet. BWP walks slow and smooth as if he is back in the sand box getting ready to clear homes of terrorists. On his head is a very bright 1300 lumen head lamp with red lens capability. Resting across his woodland camouflaged arms is a lever action Winchester 94’ model thirty, thirty. Nothing fancy about it, just plain jane iron sights and loaded with five lever revolution Hornady rounds. His side arm, a Smith and Wesson forty caliber SVE is tucked between his left armpit resting in a shoulder holster.

Not knowing the precise number of Coyotes running in a pack together on his ranch, he wants more protection than five rounds in a lever action rifle. Especially since the Coyotes in Michigan have been becoming more and more like wolves, hunting viciously, and less scavenging. Just the other day, Pig was reading an article on Facebook about a hunter being attacked by a pack of Coyotes in Northern Michigan not so far from BWP’s home ranch. One can never be too precaution, something Pig was embedded with from fighting in a WAR that most don’t even recognize as a WAR but a conflict.

Running around with fully automatic weapons, shooting other humans, being shot by other humans, blowing shit up, and being blown up. War. Having to face Jenny Mist and some newcomer in a STIP match at Warfare, minor conflict. Especially since the Motherfuckers had won their return match against two very well known and competitive singles superstars in Azrael Erebus and one of the contenders for the Universal Championship Lux. One might assume XWF is just toying with the Motherfuckers, having them face teams who have no experience in the ring together or much in tag teams’ period. Almost like most of the undefeated teams in the NFL as of now, very simple and easy schedule.

Good thing, Pig and Bourbon aren’t ones to let their heads get inflated with hogwash. Not that winning doesn’t make them feel good, they just understand the realm of our universe where it can be anyone’s time any given day. The Motherfuckers aren’t going to slack just because their opponents might not know how to operate as a unit or know the difference between boosting one another and using each other as a steppingstone to look better themselves. Something Jenny Mist most likely won’t have any problem doing, with an egotistical track record like hers…

Pig slowly takes a knee right before the tree line and begins to scan the area with a red light beaming from his custom black with white lettering Motherfucker’s beanie covered forehead. No sign of Coyotes yet but a few birds perched for nighttime rest almost at the tops of the small to medium evergreen jungle. A few deer hooves imprinted in the soft but slightly hardened soil from the cold temperatures. Pig not hearing anymore howls or yelps turns to an XWF camera.

“Damn it feels good to be free and out of that fucking hell hole the Deep State tried to keep the Motherfuckers from spoiling their evil plans for the United States of America. Ya’ll already know we aren’t taking our time to get back into the swing of things. Like here on my ranch the XWF is filled with predatorial vermin. So, like I am out here tonight quickly and swiftly ready to eradicate the problem, Robbie Bourbon and myself have laced up our boots and are ready to do the same inside the squared circle. It’s what the XWF universe needs. When good men aren’t out hunting down the darkness and filth of the world that filth accumulates quickly and endlessly. Luckily when we are out ready and willing to fight and kill men who need to be killed, others quickly and endlessly step up as well.

We are just two men, but when we start showing the people what we stand for and just how much heart, dedication, and violence when necessary can do. I have faith many others will follow in our footsteps. Hell, our special forces and a very good boy, just eliminated one of the top tier ISIS fucks just the other day. Yeah, some evil tried to spin the grand news and make it seem like we killed some religious prophet for all the wrong reasons. All because they are emotionally fueled by hate. Same as one of our opponents for Warfare. Jenny Mist ever since I can remember her debut here in XWF that woman has hated on everyone and everything. Hell, she even had hatred for her man Chris Chaos at one point.

Jenny Mist your hatred won’t help you in this endeavor against the Motherfuckers. Nope not one single bit, we are going to spread so much love and glory all over that ring come Wednesday. You’ll have no option but to forget all the disappointment the men in your life have left you. We will break through and show you exactly how real men of a free world should act and treat a women. Now just because you are a woman, we won’t be taking it easier on you, just ask Lux, we are all about equal opportunities and equal ass whoopins. If woman want to compete in a violent and physical sport, well we will welcome them with violence and physical strength and endurance as if you where one in the same as us.

I have nothing but the upmost respect for woman who compete in our world. That is why I don’t hold back, to me, taking it easier on a female opponent than I would a man, would be a slap in the face. Pure and utter disrespect. Something I attempt with all my might and will to stray from. Not saying I’ve never disrespected someone, because hell I am human and we all have our slip ups here and there, but when you are actively seeking to disrespect follow gladiators, is when you develop insecurities and loneliness. Traits I don’t desire to allow to my surface. Traits that will cost you matches here in the XWF tag team division, traits, that will poison the bond between you and your partner. Traits I hope one day you can overcome. Maybe when we the Motherfuckers show you just how crushing, accepting one another and hoping your partner does better than you can achieve greatness!

I’m sure most of this will go through one ear and out the other, but, at the end of the day, I’ll be able to say I tried. Something I hope you and your partner can figure out together, we need a great fight, we want the best of the best until we get a Tag Team Championship match! Nothing like great competition to spark the fire that once burnt bright enough to engulf the whole XWF universe. I know I was rusty as fuck in our return match.

Hell, I’m not afraid to say Robbie Bourbon was much of the reason we won. But my in-ring experience hadn’t completely faded because I was aware enough to spear the fuck out of Lux when she attempted to try and break up the three count. Something I fear you won’t be to concern with, if you aren’t the one who is pinned Jenny, because of your selfishness, if you have an excuse as to why you lost the match, you’ll be content. Hopefully you will surprise the XWF universe and show us all that you’ve changed. Doubtful. One can hope and wish though. If you want to have the slightest chance of beating the Motherfuckers, you better put all your pride and ego in the past. Quickly learn the greatness of selfless acts! For once in your miserable life, just attempt to be the hero of a story!”

Howling begins to erupt from inside the wood line, the coyotes are coming closer. Pig stands up hunched over in the grouch-o stance (term used in the military for the proper movement stance with weapon shouldered in the ready) his thirty-thirty aiming down his eyesight as he begins to maneuver toward his prey. Coyotes continue to howl at the smell and sounds of a wounded chicken, BWP set out earlier as bait. Moving smooth and flowing toward the engagement like water. Pig finds himself within seventy yards of the pack of meat hungry wild dogs. Taking a knee Pig flicks his red light to white light catching the attention of the coyotes.

Without hesitation or any delay, Pig aims his barrel right toward the very front Coyote. Taking a deep breath on his final portion of his exhale, his pointer finger squeezes the trigger gently with the meaty portion of flesh and muscle. His three fingers tucked in the lever extend downward toward the ground and then back up into the rifle, ejecting the expended round out of the rifle and a fresh live round into the chamber. Pig takes aim at the next Coyote as they begin charging toward him willing to die for food. Repeating the procedure until Pig’s thirty-thirty is empty, there are still seven coyotes heading his way.

BWP quickly removes his Smith and Wesson from his shoulder holster which holds fourteen rounds in a magazine. Sliding the slide back Pig stands up and begins charging toward his enemy like any real Marine would. Blasting Coyote after coyote until he reaches the last one, which stops dead in its tracks. Still growling and hungry for some Bearded War Bacon, they both begin to circle around one another like old school wrestling match. BWP holsters his firearm and pulls a buck knife from a sheath on his belt. Pig smiles as he begins twirling his knife around like someone who knows what they are doing with a blade. Peering into each other’s eyes Pig begins to growl back at the Coyote showing he is not scared and attempts to establish dominance.

Both the coyote and BWP charge toward one another. Teeth sink into Pig’s forearm as he spins and slams the coyote onto the ground, he quickly thrusts the blade into the side of the Coyote’s neck and rips it forward slicing a large gash. Blood begins to pour from the wound, as the coyotes jaws relax, Pig removes his arm from it’s grasp and quickly begins stabbing the coyote repeatedly in the head until the wild dog is lifeless. Pig then stands up wiping the blood from the knife on his camouflage trousers. Once the blade is clean, he slides it back into the sheath, with a smile on his face, knowing his ranch animals will be safe once again.

“Now that is how you take out the trash. Fuck that was an adrenaline rush like no other. If our match against Jenny and Hanari is half as thrilling as that was, shit I’ll be satisfied. Most of the XWF roster is in it for the glory and the wins, myself I just want to be thrilled with adrenaline. I want our matches to be lively, something that really makes you feel alive, gets the blood flowing. We all Jenny only gives a shit about her record and making a name for herself, so she most likely will be a letdown… How about Hanari Canary? Are you fierce and violent like a tiger?! Hopefully you aren’t a soft and subtle songbird. We really do need a challenge; we want to better ourselves with each match and the more our opponents dish out the more we can strive to be better.

We are coming for the tag team championship belts and we welcome all and every team before we get the shot. Nothing better than beating down men, women, aliens, and whatever else the XWF has to offer before taking down the 5’2” Mafia… They maybe the long goal of ours but understand you and Jenny Mist are the priority right now! We are going to stomp both of you into submission and make you really bring every bit of energy and skill you have. Our people deserve the best and well that is exactly what we will give them, we are professionals at bringing out the very best our enemy has to offer. We strike with skilled and precise tactics.

Hopefully you’ll make up for what your ally lacks. Selflessness. She will throw you under the bus as quick as the bell rings if it would make her look good. She doesn’t give a flying fuck about you or how you look in this tag match. Jenny will use your skill and strength. If you are showing out and leading toward victory she will be right behind or beside you. Once you slip up and make one mistake and the Motherfuckers capitalize on it, she will drop you like a sack of potatoes and leave you to defend for yourself. It isn’t a matter of if, but when, we are surgical in the squared circle and no matter how skilled or experienced you maybe. We will pull out a flaw of yours and make sure to leave you in the stockade for the people to judge.

Honestly it really isn’t in your favor, you might as well be in a three on one handicap, because Jenny Mist is no partner of yours. Hell, she might be more of an enemy then Robbie or myself are. Not to mistake that we won’t rip your limbs off and beat you with them. It’s just we will do it face to face, Jenny Mist is the type of cunt that will pretend to be lovey dovely and then bam, you have a steak knife in your back! Before warfare if you can, I’d surgically get some eyes that function placed in the back of your head because you’ll need them!

I’m assuming you are new to the XWF and well if you didn’t catch last Warfare where we disposed of two very talented singles competitors, this is the XWF tag division. You maybe skilled solo dolo, but when it comes to unity and team building skills well Robbie Motherfuckin’ Bourbon and Bearded Fuckin’ War Pig are the fucking standard. You will very soon realize if you want to even be relevant in our division, well you might want to find a different partner. I’m almost positive you nor she chose one another, but that is just the way the cookie crumbled. Which is a very strong disadvantage for you and her, because Robbie and I are basically Siamese twins, we can basically read each other’s thoughts.

We’ve taken legends too the limit, we’ve fought against all odds. We have berated A plus superstars. Making some of the greatest singles wrestlers look like they weren’t nothing but amateurs, so I would recommend, walking now. At least before Jenny Mist leaves you hanging high and dry. Alone to face the wolf pack by yourself. Robbie and I are like Steak and Eggs, you and Jenny Mist are like a Newborn and Aids, not a very likely successful combination. I’ll leave you with one last statement, before I get to gutting and skinny these Coyotes, Oink, Oink, Motherfuckers!”

Pig then flips off the camera before he begins to gut and skin the pack of coyotes lying in a mass grave on his ranch.
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