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The Death of The Green Circle
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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06-04-2013, 04:32 AM


The first thought or ambition that filled young Daniel Richmond's head before he could escape the parallels of death that lay before him. After all, he had just witnessed the host of the massive teenage party he was attending get decapitated by a bullet through her forehead. The blood and death. Their was so much blood that he immediately vomited and shit himself. With the urine in his pants from an earlier incident, he was literally walking around like an old man wearing his Depends. The stench and warm trail of disgust running down his leg was ignored as an escape route was his destined natural sense at the moment.

More bullets rifled past him as he bolted through the windowpane on the sliding glass door, he cut himself in this process visibly and in a very painful and gore infused manner. Dripping shards of glass and blood oozed from the tip of his head and a piece of glass went completely through his left forearm. His lack of attention to the glass screen doorway in such desperate times has caused an even larger problem besides just bullets of our bi-racial friend. This is definitely not the ending he could have foreseen for such an uptight little richy bitch boy that he was.

The pain was harsh; however the will to live and testosterone that fueled his body to survive was at a peak as he watched another head go flying that was running next to him. More shots were continuing to be fired at the crowds surrounding the building and trying to escape the premises.

'The Woods!' Daniel thought to himself. He made a break for them, which was only about five hundred yards to the left of the direction where he was running to begin with. He wasn't finished running when he came into the woods abruptly, because he knew he had to develop space between him and the aggressors. He ran for what seemed like over a half a mile before he collapsed into a gully to nurse his wounds. The pounding of gunshots still echoed in the back of his head as they continued to shoot and destroy all those exiting escaping the Ahler's household. Naturally; the sound of guns was muffled with screams of terror and fright from those witnessing the chaos and fleeing with their own instincts of survival. Panicking and catching his breath Daniel Richmond rolls over in a ditch to find the eyes of a sadistic blood thirsty freak. It's obvious who this is by his long blonde and nappy hair cut along with his ferocious grin and sinister laughter.
The main star in this film and my faithful companion... UNKNOWN SOLDIER!

Daniel can only let one good squelch of a scream come limping out of the side of his mouth before Soldier has already engulfed half of his face by his incisors on the front of his teeth. Just like a snake striking it's prey, Soldier had Daniel's face munching in his mouth like it was a fried gizzard. A lot more cartilage in the nose area can be a bit chewy at times.

It wasn't long before the entire body was consumed like a pack of wolves ravaging a small creature. Soldier, seeming very pleased with himself smiles over a small pool of blood that had filled in the cavity of the ditch where Danie's Richmond's remains were located. The small bits that were left of him anyway. Unknown Soldier dips his face into this small pool by shoving his entire head deep into the soil to soak up all the blood and after finally doing so...

Unknown Soldier: "Burp!"

A bone comes flying out of his mouth after the belch that is abnormally large and he's quite lucky to not have swallowed.

Dante Kyllen: "How was he Soldier?"

Unknown Soldier: "He kinda tasted like shit?"

Dante Kyllen: "I told you to stop scaring the living you know what out of them before we feast!"

Which now brings us backtracked to the story of Gregory 'Gay' Gunderson (G3).

The shots were loud and almost earth shattering as he watched his friend Karen die in his arms. Gregory always had a strong affinity to Karen because she helped perform the ritual on the Bong and lure the kids into the basement. That's why she wore the long dress to perform the massive blood sacrifice ceremony that was now overrun by gun wielding murders. The plan had backfired that the two secret entities thought would be flawless!

Not of his main concern at this particular moment as he held deeply in a massive bear hug his deceased friend. He reached out to touch her lips but of course we all know they were long gone as we see the back of her eyes roll into her head that was laying by Gregory's left knee. Yet; the poor boy cried and wept uncontrollably as the chaos and mayhem unfolded behind him. It was as if he were in the middle of shell shock in a battlefield as the slow motion vision begins to formulate from his eyes to his brain.

Something else had caught his eye that was so astonishing to him that it caused him to immediately drop Karen's body and forget any sense of events that was taking place. G3 looked like he just got done bangin' some cocaine through his veins and got a shot of amazing in his ass as he stare across the room at none other than...

[Image: 1okqwx.jpg]

His longtime idol and favorite wrestler, The Crimson Dong! None other than the man he longed to meet throughout the history of his life. This couldn't be a more dream filled day for G3 as he ran towards his role model with arms outstretched. The Crimson One reciprocated with the same action and they both embraced in the middle of the kitchen area while others tried to escape the gunfire. This now meant nothing to G3 as he was loocked in the trance of the eyes of The Crimson Dong. Before he knew it he was being Donged to death through every single one of his body cavities by the largest dong in the history of mankind. So large that it could only be described in similarity to a boat oar in length with the girth the size of a baby whale. Eventually the size and strength of Dong's thrust took Gregory's life... and he loved every last minute of it...

Next on our list, as you might have already guessed, was the most anticipated story of the night. How will SATAN! kill the dirty whore and what sexual and deviant act will she be performing in the process. Well let's keep all you perverts happy now. Wouldn't want you to go tuning in to some shitty promo from the missing character in The Godfather by some Scarface wannabe.

Slutz McKenzie did what all stupid whores do in panic situations. Flail their arms aimlessly and hope that screaming at the top of their lungs will somehow not alarm the attackers. This is exactly what Slutz does before making her escape out the door after Daniel smashed his way through the glass. Slutz god a genius idea to avoid gunshot and inf shelter. She did so by running towards an outhouse that was sitting near the front of the house that was just for mere decoration. Some type of stupid cowboy gimmick I guess. It was an actual out house, but it was never used by anyone... until the party that night it had one very pleased customer indeed. For you see, one sick, sick bastard of a man hid himself underneath this toilet during the entire party when random people would naturally think this was a place to relive their bowels and/or bladder. That sick bastard being of course...

[Image: avatar_3.jpg?dateline=1357045190]

Yes, it was Greggo who watched the private parts of each sex, man or woman, using the bathroom and found great pleasure in watching them perform their nasty deeds. Miss McKenzie attempted to hide inside this waste disposal box and sat on top of the toilet seat screaming. This coaxed Greggo out from his hiding spot to witness his next tugjob project as his hand slithered down his pants. Mckenzie felt the hideous breath of this pervert scathing on the back of her ass crack in her tiny shorts. She turned and screamed so fucking loud that the glass windowpanes of the old fashioned outhouse shattered to pieces. The biggest and most devastating shard took an abrupt turn towards her neck and ended up slicing off her head for our second decapitation scene this evening.

But it's just the first skull fucking scene of the evening after the head of 'Super' Slutz McKenzie travels down the shit receiving porthole and lands in Greggo's lap.

Which we will gladly show you now....


This SATANic segment of our film has been interrupted to bring you back down to reality while Unknown Soldier discusses the death of Green Circle Member #4

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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