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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes (May 25th) PPV RP Archive
Raise the Dead
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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05-21-2013, 10:49 AM

Inside the wooden casket Jack was fading away from lack of oxygen to the brain. Surviving was almost out of the question as he now had to accept death as his vital organs began to shut down. Most of his life had already flashed before his eyes. That took place over the time when the initial rush of fear and animosity overtook him back in the realization process. The pounding in his chest of his heart exploding when he first realized he had been buried alive. The rush of blood through his veins penetrated his mind and activated the life flashing sequence. This was all just a memory now that was very short, due in part that Jack Thompson's life was very short lived. He should not have died so young, and nobody should have to die in this way. It's no secret to anyone that being buried alive may be one of the worst ways to die.

Jack managed with his last ounce of strength to wrestle in his back pocket and pull out from his wallet what he knew to be a picture of his family. It was a picture that sat in a small frame at the front of his wallet and closest to him for his own viewing pleasure. Whenever life got hard for Jack, he reached for his family to pull him through his dark and dreaded fears. It was such a happy little perfect picture of Jennifer, Maggie, Rachel, Half Amy, and Jack. The entire Thompson family visiting the North Pole on vacation... The picture was a bit odd indeed ,and not only because a family was actually vacationing in the North Pole. It was how the family interacted in this picture with the natural surroundings of the North Pole. Jennifer was being pile driven ass fucked upside down by Santa Claus, Rachel and Maggie were ice skating with penguins, Jack was arm wrestling the abominable snowman, and Half Amy was being eaten by a polar bear. That's why we call her Half Amy and never mentioned her in this story before, due to copyright licensing agreements in the North Pole concerning pending cases on polar bears. Although Jack still could not see the picture due to the immense amount of darkness surrounding him in his eternal pit of black. He still clutched it directly across his chest above his heart before it made it's last few beats that signaled the demise of Jack Gregory Thompson....

Chapter 3: Resurrection

The night air grows thick with ambition and darkness as the hours progress deeper and deeper towards the witching hour. For those of you who never watched 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' let me make you aware that 3 am is the time in which demons, spirits, and the evil occult creatures and their satanic practices thrive. It is the exact opposite of 3 PM, in which the savior of light was born. Opposite that; naturally, is the sinister beings that oppose and lurk at the polar opposite. This massive amount of black magic power is relinquished in darkness, and all that power is directed precisely inside this small cemetery in the middle of the city of Las Vegas. The clouds above the air conglomerated into a thick mold of black that looked like a ball of clay hovering over the cemetery. Lightening and fire emancipated in strokes of immense energy that lit up the midnight sky sparingly across the shroud of it's darkness. The wind circulated like a tornado around the grave where the XWF's own Unknown Soldier had victimized yet another innocent soul. We pick up with the spell casting satanic warlock as we left him just a day ago. There he stood amongst the mass destruction and storms formulating above him, debating with Dante Kyllen over the likelihood that life still existed in the shallow grave he filled just hours earlier.

Unknown Soldier: "Is he dead yet?"

Dante Kyllen: "No."

Unknown Soldier: "Is he dead yet?"

Dante Kyllen: "No."

Unknown Soldier: "How about now?"

Dante Kyllen: "No."

Unknown Soldier: "You think maybe we should check?"

Dante Kyllen: "And start the whole process over again???"

Unknown Soldier: "Well, we could rape him first and then maybe he'll die faster."

Dante Kyllen: "Raping someone won't help them die quicker."

Unknown Soldier: "It will if you fuck their mouth and plug their nose."

Dante Kyllen: "Touche; however, in order to construct the precepts for the ritual of undead initiation it is important that we let him die all slow like. These are basic things I have learned from my satanic witch mother."

Unknown Soldier: "I know. I know. It's just that slow and painful isn't fun to me. I like fast and bloddy like jackrabbits on their period."

Suddenly from out of the dirt underneath the grave, a small wisp of some estranged and unnatural smoke rises through the air and out into the sky.

Dante Kyllen: "Alright, he's dead now."

Unknown Soldier can hardly hold back his excitement as he begins jumping around the grave like Smegol on crack.

Unknown Soldier: "Ding Dong the In-No-Cent is dead!"

Shadows begin dancing in the background as Unknown Soldier reaches for his trusty Naturom Demonto book which he carries with him at all times. With the lack of clothing Soldier was wearing you might wonder where he pulled this book from and your guess is right, from directly out of his ass. He must recite the passages from the book in order for the ritual to begin. The pages open miraculously by themselves as Soldier releases the book from his hands, yet it still continues to float in front of his face while he narrate the words vocally in a high pitched shrilling voice.

Unknown Soldier: "Kali MA Endario Trallalim Den Sario."

Dante Kyllen: "Yankshmen Rendario Kim Salido."

The ground begins to shake as Soldier's arms flail aimlessly in different directions like one of those blow up balloon guys in front of a used car sales lot.

[Image: 1232083783092_f.jpg]

Unknown Soldier: "Rise.... Rise.... Rise...."

Underneath the soil a hand emancipates through the thick and damp granules of dirt and the fingers stretch on this hand towards the sky one at a time before coming back together and balling back up in a fist. The man... No... The hideous creature pulls it's face over the dirt to reveal the undead demonic zombie creature that once was Jack Thompson. Yes, he did just die minutes ago; however, his body is fully decomposed like it were decaying for years. Soldier gleefully laughs as his Frankenstein rises from the grave and howls in the moonlight like a werewolf. The satanic necromancer responds with a loud hackle as well into the air, before barking out commands to the undead zombie he just created.

Unknown Soldier: "Get Jiggy Wit It, my zombie!"

Jack is taking no orders from his creator; and immediately begins walking out the front of the graveyard and into the street. A car swerves and nearly misses him and crashes into a side street.

Dante Kyllen: "How do we make him do things?"

Unknown Soldier: "I dunno."

Dante Kyllen: "Look back in the book, is their instructions on how to control him?"

Unknown Soldier: "No, just how to resurrect him."

Dante Kyllen: "What a rip off. We better stop buying our books from that fake Harry Potter shop and start investing in the real deal."

Soldier then chases after his monster as it tears through the streets aimlessly. Oddly enough the creature ignores anyone passing by him and seems focused on a predetermined path. Soldier can do nothing but follow closely behind his abomination that resembled Shrek (Steve Davids), but rather it was a dark red color that hued his skin and not green. You know, from the blood and all of his decaying face.

It didn't take long before we realize just exactly where his direction was pulling him in like a vacuum cleaner. It was Jack's home. Do you remember the little red house with white trim where this whole debauchery began? Inside that house was little Maggie still distraught over her missing father hours ago. The family had done most of their crying and mourning together in the hours immediately preceding his disappearance and now was a time of separation. Jennifer and Rachel managed to fall back asleep not long ago while Maggie however, was still in tears in remembrance of her father. They were the closest out of the family as lay evident that they slept together every night. The door to Maggie's room slammed open to reveal to her the missing piece of her heart that was gone all night. She turned her head and wiped her tears before exclaiming with a high pitched satisfied voice.

Maggie Thompson: "DADDY!?!"

Before she could rush to him, he had already made his way towards the end of the bed where she sat crying out the window where he disappeared. The first thing he does is reach for her shoulder, but seems to miss and can only manage to catch his finger on the top of her night blouse and pull it off her top. This causes her to fall to the ground with no shirt on; to which she responds with a playful smile and says...

Maggie Thompson: "Oh Daddy!"

Except for this time his reach was accurate, and instead of pulling off her shirt he managed to rip off her left arm; to which he decided to feast upon. Like a chicken wing he inserts the entire arm in his mouth and pulls the skin and fat off the bones while pulling the arm back from out of his throat. He tosses the bone aside and he's closing in on Maggie to finish his meal. She lets out a blood curdling scream that alerts her family counterparts in the adjacent room across the hallway. The two come rustling into the room to realize what was going on and unleash a pair of screams of their own. The horrific scene captures their attention so intently that they fail to notice the saliva dripping ghoul, Unknown Soldier, that was standing behind them. The blood has triggered his salivary glands to automatically respond and the only thing we all know is coming up next, an immense bloodbath orgy of epic proportions. Which is exactly what transpires in front of our scene as Soldier bites into the shoulder of Rachel while Jack brutally rips off his wife's face and wears it before devouring the rest of her head. Between the shoveling of organs and flesh in his mouth, Unknown Soldier manages to utter a few words for his unworthy opponents this week.

Unknown Soldier: "Luca... Dupa.... Duppity Doo... Longer you wait; more pathetic are you! HA! I've been sitting back and watching... Waiting for someone to have something to say but instead you all wither and cower like muskrats in the sewer on a rainy day. That's why I've sent out my team of detectives to find out what the hell each and every single one of you are doing instead of cutting promos... Let's see what conclusions we've come to? Shall we?

Luca -- It's most likely that Sebastian Duke is keeping him busy by making him film his promos. From what I gather not only does Duke carry his leash, but also allows him to fondle his balls. That's right; Duke didn't ask for it to be done, Luca volunteered his services out of the goodness of his mouth and tongue. Personally I prefer self oral pleasure, I mean who knows better on how to pleasure than yourself. Right?

Shrek -- My dark demonic sources tell me that Davidson Stevens has also taken a licking and a liking to Duke's scrotum sack. It must be tough for him to realize that he's second rate to the current champion of his show and then look up to the man whom has beaten Duke twice already. I'm sure he's just done the math and discovered he doesn't stand a chance. If he does decide to show up and actually say something though I'm sure he'll be quick to bang on his chest a few times and release a few grunts that might conform to some type of sentence in cave man prehistoric talk. So that's something we might have to look forward to. Until then I guess I'll just watch as he meagerly attempts to be second in line for everything in his life.

Fruitcakes -- I can only assume that if both Luca and Shrek are fondling Duke's balls that Franklin Fruitcake is also involved in the process. He's probably just a little bit nicer about it and wants to cuddle with Duke a little big longer and more often than the others as soon as he's done his job. I call the man a fruitcake and what does he do? Print a t-shirt with a tomato on front to solidify the name..

Dante Kyllen: "Tomatoes are a vegetable, Soldier."

Unknown Soldier: "Exactly; and every time I watch a Franklin Fruitcake promo I feel like I should be watching an episode of Veggie Tales. Everything is just so 'Hunky-Doory" and peaceful. Look at me Dante! I'm eating a human foot! Watching Franklin Fresh has got to be the most torturous half hour of my life. It's like being forced to watch Mr. Rodgers on Saturday morning while waiting for an episode of X-Men. It may be worse than that time Sid Feder tied me up and forced me to listen to Christan Rock music!"

Unknown Soldier: "Sad and pathetic. All three of you. Oh well, I wasn't really expecting much of a challenge anyways... More like just another casual Saturday evening snack."

The scene fades out to a pool of the Thompson family blood rising to the ceiling as the two monsters continue tearing the family apart limb from limb. Darker and darker the red and thickness of the blood transpires over the scene until it is so thick that nothing else can be seen behind it.

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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