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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Backstage 24/7
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A fellow colleague
Author Message
Dr.Psycho Offline
The Demon Doctor

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-06-2017, 02:43 PM

On the titantron a man hidden in shadow stands there in his laboratory and drinks a strange concoction and as he downs it so too does he go down as soon the man is no more as in his place a demon transformed from the man now stands wickedly laughing and fades away.

As this happens the next thing to follow is the lights around the arena are blood red and flashing along to the sound of a loud heart beat which is heard followed by the beep beep of the E.K.G machine before flatlining and the lights go solid red.

Then you hear a mysterious voice say a strange unintangible incantation as smoke fills the stage and and a few seconds silence the music plays and it is catch your breath by CFO$ the very theme of the newest XWF Member Dr. Psycho who parts his way through the smoke and begins a long, slow walk down the ramp to the ring where he enters.

Taking a Microphone he begins to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen....the Doctor is in! I am Dr. Scott Errin Herjavec but you may refer to me as The Demon Doctor: Dr. Psycho."

"Speaking of this time I wish to call upon Dr. Louis D'ville to join me in this ring if you would be so very kind! for I have a proposition for you as a fellow Colleague"
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Jane Carver (04-07-2017), Jefferson Jackson (04-06-2017), Tommy Gunn (04-08-2017), Vincent Lane (04-06-2017)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-06-2017, 03:50 PM

It isn't long before the lights are back out again and the XWF arena is black. The fans in the crowd go bonkers, only assuming the arrival of the XWF Tag Team Champion, the one and only, Doctor Louis D'Ville.

The arena remains dark for only a few moments, no music, no fire, no eerie red glow, then suddenly come back on. Doc has appeared and is sitting on the corner turnbuckle with one leg crossed over the other. He smiles and holds his own microphone up to his mouth.

"Hello, my friend!"

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
Dr.Psycho (04-06-2017), Jane Carver (04-07-2017)
Dr.Psycho Offline
The Demon Doctor

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-06-2017, 04:29 PM

Impressed no doubt by his quiet short and sweet entry into the arena and to the ring under cover of pitch black darkness silent as a ghost the only giveaway of his arrival being the crowd's reaction to it. he takes time to breathe before he speaks again into the microphone as he then looks in the Dr's direction at the corner ring post on which he sits.

"Greetings doctor...what an honor it is to meet you, someone whom I've come to watch and respect and admire greatly I'll happily tell you"

"I am hardly new to the squared circle myself it is like a second home. my own operating room where I am the surgeon and my would be opponent is both my patient and my latest victim and here I am no stranger to the gold around my waist and the strange effects it has on people very curious indeed don't you know.

But when I heard of this place and heard you were here when I sought the desire strongly to return to the ring and show my skills once more... you, being an Idol of mine. I decided that right away this was fated to be my new place to set up my practice but I knew I did not want to go into this alone...not yet

I needed help to find my footing here and what better way than with someone with whom I felt a kindred common ground with and that is you Dr. D'ville.

Thus for the time being if you will accept my offer Dr. I would like to learn all that there is to know here under your guidance and would like for the two of us as Dr.'s to form a tag team together you and I with you as the lead and I the follow."

"will you accept my offer?" he asks as he extends his hand
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Dr.Psycho's post:
Jane Carver (04-07-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-06-2017, 06:34 PM

oh god what's next DR. SATAN?

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(04-06-2017), Dr.Psycho (04-06-2017)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-06-2017, 07:08 PM

Doc hops from the turnbuckle and approaches the newcomer with his hands bound in one another behind his back.

"I appreciate the kind words, Mister Doctor... I never shy away from a true fan."

Doc leans down and sniffs the extended hand Dr. Psycho then pulls his hands out from behind his back. In one hand is one half of the XWF Tag Team Championship and in the other hangs a limp, lifeless Unknown Soldier with the other half of the Tag Team Titles in a death grip in his right hand.

"... But I am a bit pre-engaged already, wouldn't you agree?"

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
Dr.Psycho (04-06-2017), Jane Carver (04-07-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-06-2017)
Dr.Psycho Offline
The Demon Doctor

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-06-2017, 10:05 PM

"hmm" mutters the Doctor as he listen's to Dr. D'ville and considers the at hand current dilemma but then quickly comes up with a solution to the that can benefit all parties involved in a great and mighty way.

"well, so it seems...but I am never without a plan b and your friend there with the tag title has given me an idea based on the old rule the more the merrier and what better an idea than if we the three of us then team up
you, myself, and your partner as a trio in a quest to take on those who stand in our way in our journey to become the next XWF Trio tag team champions."

"with the help of both you and your partner I can get my career started off on the right foot and have hardware around my waist to boot and i can prove quite essential to the both of you in helping you to attain more for yourselves so indeed a mutual symbiotic relationship between us three from which we all can benefit would be a spectacular start to my career and an even greater way to advance both of yours yes?" he asks the doctor as he himself ponders the very thought of their teaming up as a trio.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Dr.Psycho's post:
Jane Carver (04-07-2017)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-07-2017, 03:14 AM

"...someone here is in wayyy over their head.

"It certainly isn't me, right Louie? It's not you either, D'Ville. Hell for once in his life it's not Pete McPeterface.

"And that just leaves one."

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-07-2017, 03:35 PM

"Thaddeus, if I wished for a second opinion I wouldn't ask an onion... I would ask a pear...."

"Mister Dr. Psycho, as I said previously, I appreciate that you look to me as a kick start around here, but I'm not really sure how my partner 'Soldier would feel about having a third wheel wobbling along with us...."

Doc looks down at Soldier who still has the death grip on the title.

"Lemme ask...."

Doc props up Unknown Soldier on his ass in the middle of the ring.

"Hello, my friend!"

Doc pulls out his dick and shoves it into his partner's mouth like a toothbrush. Doc proceeds to shove his index finger in his mouth to mimic what someone would sound like if they tried to talk with a dick in their mouth.

"Hi Doc!"

"How would you feel about having a --------------"

Doc, with his dick, proceeds to go in and out of his completely lifeless partner's face.... Mouth, nose, eyes, ears.....


........ until Doc let's go of his lifeless partner who falls to the mat. Doc buttons up his pants and stares at Dr. Psycho shrugging.

"Did you catch any of that?"

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
Dr.Psycho (04-07-2017)
Dr.Psycho Offline
The Demon Doctor

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-07-2017, 08:39 PM

"hmm.." the doctor says in muttering

"well, unless I miss my guess I'd sadly wager he's not exactly on board with the thought which i'll say is indeed quite sad to be completely honest with you" he says to Doctor D'ville

"none the less I suppose it best we end this now and I not trouble you further nor your partner but all the very same it was an honor in and of its own to meet one of my idols in you Doctor D'ville

i shall bid you a good day my friend that we meet each other again soon under these same good or better circumstances" he then says as he then prepares to leave the ring.
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-08-2017, 04:47 AM

...D'Ville I have no idea what the hell you're talking about...

Also that's just rude. What have I ever done to you for you to just dismiss me so.... Disrespectfully."

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Dr.Psycho Offline
The Demon Doctor

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-08-2017, 11:20 AM

just as doctor Herjavec (Dr.Psycho) was about to leave he had heard Duke's words and just as with D'ville he too had just about had quite enough of him and decided to return to the ring entering back in

"correct me if I"m wrong but does it not seem that we have a rather mutual annoyance in the person of Thaddeus Duke?"

"fortunately I have just the cure for that!"

without warning Doctor Psycho spins Thaddeus Duke forcefully towards him delivering a sharp below the belt kick to stun Thaddeus before finishing by performing the Psycho Driver on him with the authority of a slam dunk contest style. This end result comes much to the cheer of the crowd as Duke is sprawled out between both Dr. D'ville and Dr.Psycho on either side of him.
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Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-08-2017, 11:43 AM

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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-08-2017, 12:16 PM

OOC: In the future you might want to save your attacks for the television shows. For real.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-08-2017, 12:38 PM

(04-07-2017, 03:35 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said: "Thaddeus, if I wished for a second opinion I wouldn't ask an onion... I would ask a pear...."

"Mister Dr. Psycho, as I said previously, I appreciate that you look to me as a kick start around here, but I'm not really sure how my partner 'Soldier would feel about having a third wheel wobbling along with us...."

Doc looks down at Soldier who still has the death grip on the title.

"Lemme ask...."

Doc props up Unknown Soldier on his ass in the middle of the ring.

"Hello, my friend!"

Doc pulls out his dick and shoves it into his partner's mouth like a toothbrush. Doc proceeds to shove his index finger in his mouth to mimic what someone would sound like if they tried to talk with a dick in their mouth.

"Hi Doc!"

"How would you feel about having a --------------"

Doc, with his dick, proceeds to go in and out of his completely lifeless partner's face.... Mouth, nose, eyes, ears.....


........ until Doc let's go of his lifeless partner who falls to the mat. Doc buttons up his pants and stares at Dr. Psycho shrugging.

"Did you catch any of that?"

[Image: i-5.jpg]

The fuck...

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Doctor Louis D'Ville (04-08-2017), Dolly Waters (04-08-2017)

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