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Savage Saturday Night - 1/28/17
Author Message
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

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01-29-2017, 11:19 AM

[Image: D8KGAs5.jpg]
JANUARY 28TH, 2017

LIVE from the Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, California... XWF brings to you SAVAGE SATURDAY NIGHT!


Justin Sayn
- vs -
Cadryn Tiberius

D. Shadows
- vs -
Minka Arzegotti
Capture the Flag Match!

Each wrestler's corner will have a pole with a flag on it. Winner retrieves the flag of their opponent from the pole!

"The 4-20 Kid" Aldo Nardozzi
- vs -
Talia Areano

John Black
- vs -
Tables Match!


Television Championship Match
Jim Caedus
- vs -
Nico Lavey
15 Minute Time Limit!


Hart Championship Match
Robbie Bourbon
- vs -
"The Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Steel Cage Match!

The camera pans the crowd as the pyros blast for another opening to Savage Saturday Night!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome! We are LIVE! at the sold out Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, California to bring you another edition of Savage Saturday Night! I'm Gaylord Cockshafer! This next to me is the one, the only, Mike Stump!

Mike Stump: Gaylord, I can-not wait for this shit to get going here. We have one HELL of a night planned.

Gaylord Cockshafer: We sure do, Stump! Not only is the Television Title on the line tonight, but Robbie Bourbon will defend his Hart Championship against the "Dark warrior" Michael Graves in a steel cage!

Mike Stump: Yeah, I'll admit I'm looking forward to that one, but back to the Television Title match. New champ, people! Jim Caedus is defending against Nico Lavey!

Gaylord Cockshafer: The action never slows down here in the XWF fans! Let's get on with our first contest!

DIE MF DIE by Dope begins to play as steam fills the rampway.

Mike Stump: Or NOT!!

Chris Chaos emerges from the smoke, with Jenny Myst at his side. He has on a his XWF=Chaos tee and she has on a blouse and designer jeans. The belt is over his shoulder.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Well, fans, it looks like we're, first, going to be joined by our very own XWF Universal Champion, CHRIS CHAOS!

The two walk slowly to the ring and Jenny snatches a mic from Tigs and hands it to Chris.

He lifts his sunglasses up and puts them on his head, he grins before bringing the mic to his mouth.

"For those of you who bought tickets to see me compete tonight, you may want to ask the box office for a refund....because I will NOT be in action tonight."

The crowd boos.

"I'm sure they will give you your money back. Now.....the reason I am out here gracing you with my presence is because I want to address the the state of the XWF, and to address Peter Gilmour. You see I am not fighting here on Savage because I have a Universal Title defense on Warfare. I have to get my mind right and McBride damn near killed me last week......"

He nods, taking a sip of water.

"Gilmour is in the long list of people who think they are worthy of a shot at this belt. You all saw Warfare a few weeks ago......all the people who wanted shots, all the people who stepped up.....Suddenly, every ass clown on this roster thinks they want a shot. All I hear is bitching and yammering. All I hear is people saying they should be considered for this and for that. Guys like Reno, Graves, name it. All they do is yammer and complain but nobody is proving anything. So I had an idea. I want to put to rest all of this. After my string of upcoming successful defenses.....after Lethal Lottery......I am going to host a Shove It! The winner of this shove it will recieve a no questions asked Universal Title Shot whenever they want it, at any show. But, it will be MY stipulation. Call me a generous person. I am giving anyone and everyone who opts in a shot at this belt, a fair shot. But I just want everyone to look closely at what I am going to do to Peter Gilmour Wednesday Night......then decide if this belt is really worth it........"

He drops the mic and laughs as him and Jenny embrace and leave the ring.

Cockshafer: He's trying to scare people the champ getting nervous?

Stump: No way! He just dropped a bombshell!

Cockshafer: He might not even be champ by then......he may not even after Wed--

Stump: Blasphemy!

Tig O'Bitties: “The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Tig O'Bitties: “Introducing the challenger, from Topica, I mean TOPEKA, Kansas and weighing in at 225, pounds... "JUSTIN-SAYN!”

Misery starts to play. Lights go out. A red spot light hits him.He is in a crouched position. He then rises slowly to his feet with his hands together in a praying position. He looks up with a very twisted grin on his face as he moves towards the ring. He steps up on to the apron wipes his feet as he enters the ring. He then stands in the middle of the ring with his hands in the praying position once again and again giving a twisted grin.

Mike Stump: "Oh my God! Look at this guys face!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "He claims that listening to Cadryn Tiberius cry about his childhood lead him to disfigure his own face."

Mike Stump: "That doesn't make any sense."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "That's because you're not a psychiatrist Mike! This is all part of the healing process. The next step is the beating that Dr. Sayn is about to deliver on Mr. Tiberius!"

Tig O'Bitties: “And his opponent...”

Tig O'Bitties: “...from Morgantown, West Virginia, and weighing in at 170 pounds... really?.. “XWF Undeniable Television Champion”, CADRYN TIBERIUS!”

Cadryn dances and struts down to the ring, tossing cereal into the crowd along the way. Once at the bottom of the ramp, Cadryn tosses the cereal box into the crowd and rolls into the ring. Standing up with his hands raised high as he soaks in the crowds praise.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "That so called championship that he is carrying, he didn't earn that, it's not official! It's just a piece of cardboard!"

Mike Stump: "It's undeniable Gaylord!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "No, it's just ]

[color=yellow]:DING: :DING: :DING:

Cadryn and Sayn circle the ring, eyes locked, neither willing to make the first move. Both men slowly approach one another in the center of the ring. Justin Sayn raises his hand and signals for Cadryn to lock up in a test of strength. Cadryn cautiously raises his hand to meet Justin Sayn's. They lock up! Justing Sayn with a kick to the mid section! Cadryn drops to his knees. Sayn slaps Cadryn across the face.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" Sayn screams.

Sayn bounces off the ropes and hits a hard Yakuza kick, knocking Cadryn dorn to the mat. Sayn lays into him with a few stomps before grabing Cadryns leg. Sayn hits a leg drop across the knee! Cadryn withers in pain as Sayn yells obscenities to the crowd.

Mike Stump: "You can see the pure hatred that Justin Sayn has for Cadryn Tiberius!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "I'm pretty sure that everyone hates Cadryn."

Mike Stump: "Not me!"

Cadryn manages to get back to his feet and sneak up behind Justin Sayn. Justin turns around only to catch a codebreaker! Cadryn quickly gets up and mounts Justin Sayn, laying into him with 10 quick punches to the head. Cadryn picks Sayn up, and whips him into the corner. Cadryn lifts Sayn up to the top and tries for a belly to back suplex, but Sayn hits him with an elbow, and another, and another. Cadryn releases his grip on Sayn, and Sayn pushes him to the mat.

Mike Stump: "Justin Sayn climbing to the top!"

Sayn flies off the top rope, connecting with a Frog Splash! Sayn rolls around holding his ribs for a few seconds before crawling over Cadryn for the pin.









Mike Stump: "Justin Sayn was so close to winning his debut match!"

Theme music comes on. RANDOM run out on stage out of breathe partially interrupting the match. He's wearing a black full body suit with a white question mark on his face.

[RANDOM]:" isn't my match who are these two?"

Puzzled and staring down at the ring and the combatants.

[RANDOM]: "Shit I am early."

RANDOM exits the stage allowing the match to continue.

Mike Stump: "That was kinda weird...."

Sayn is back to his feet first. He lifts Cadryn up by his hair. Sayn with a big right hand. Cadryn ducks it! Cadryn fires back with a a couple of snap jabs followed by a right hook, left hook to the body, and an uppercut that lands perfectly on the chin, sending Sayn down to the mat! Sayn quickly jumps back up, but is almost out of his feet. Cadryn with a DDT! Cadryn pulls Sayn's limp body up from the mat and lifts him up for the Italian Driver!

Mike Stump: "Italian Driver! This could be it right here!"

Justin Sayn fights his way free, landing behind Cadryn.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Not so fast Mike!"

Cadryn quickly turns around and is met with a jaw shattering superkick! Sayn rolls out of the ring and begins searching under the apron. The ref tells him to get back inside of the ring, but is ignored by Sayn.











Sayn stands up, holding a cheese grater high above his head as a sadistic smile forms oh his half face.

Mike Stump: "What is he going to do with that thing!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "I'll give you one guess Mike."




Sayn slides back into the ring and goes straight for Cadryn. The referee blocks Sayn's path. Sayn tries to push through, but fails. The referee grabs the cheese grater out of Sayns hands and tosses it back outside of the ring. The referee yells at Sayn to not try something like that again. Suddenly Cadryn springs off of the ropes, over the referee and lands a neckbreaker on Justin Sayn!

Mike Stump: "Sayn wasted too much time!"

Cadryn whips Sayn into the ropes.


Cadryn hooks the leg!




Mike Stump: "You have to give Justin Sayn credit, he's one tough customer."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "The guy removed half of his face with a cheese grater. I don't think that his toughness was ever in question. Maybe his intelligence, but not his toughness."

Both men take their time getting back to a vertical base. Justin Sayn rocks Cadryn with a big right that causes him to stagger back. Sayn lifts Cadryn up, and brings him down hard with a Brain-buster! Sayn grabs Cadryns legs, and locks in the Sharpshooter! Cadryn yells out in pain as Sayn wrenches back on the submission. The referee gets into position to call for the submission.

Mike Stump: "This could be it!"

Cadryn is hovering his hand about a foot above the mat. Shaking, and trying to fight through the pain. It looks like he is about to give it up.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "He's going to tap out Mike!"

Cadryn reaches out and barley gets a grip on the bottom rope. The ref informs Sayn to break the hold! Sayn releases the hold, and jumps right into stomping a mud hole in Cadryn. Sayn mounts Cadryn and delivers a few hard shots to the head, busting Cadryn open! Sayn lifts Cadryn up, and whips him into the ropes. Cadryn bounces back and ducks a clothesline from Sayn. Sayn turns around, and END OF THE ROAD!

Mike Stump: "My God, that came out of nowhere!"

Cadryn lifts Sayn up into the crucifix position.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Come on Sayn, wake up!"


Cadryn hooks the leg for the pin!




Tig O'Bitties: The winner of the match....... CADRYN TIBERIUS!!!!


Saturday Night Savage comes back from Commercials to see Minka Arzegotti standing in the ring with Tig O'Bitties.

Tig O'Bitties-"The following match is a Capture the Flag Match! The first person to capture their opponent's flag is the winner! Standing in the ring, she is Luca Arzegotti's sister. Minka Arzegotti!"

As David's theme hits over the P.A. System, he makes his way out from the back. He stands up at the top of the ramp as he takes a fat rip from his blunt. As he walks down to the ring, he shakes peoples hands and hugs them before walking up the steel steps and steps between the ropes. He takes another drag from his blunt before he sits up on the turnbuckle and continues to smoke away.

Tig O'Bitties-Making his way to the ring. Standing at Six foot four and weighting in at 210 pounds. Hailing from Huntington Beach California, DAVID MOSIER!"

Stump-"Damn, I can smell that from here. Smells pretty dank"

Gaylord-"How can he smoke so much? Is he made of weed?"


The David hopped off the turnbuckle and walked to the center of the ring and smiled at Minka, who just looked at him, then looked down at the floor. David frowned before walking over to her, he placed a hand on her shoulder, which caused her to look up. He smiled once more and then gave her a hug, he had whispered something into her ear and stepped back. Once he was a few feet from her David gave her the thumbs up. Minka puffed up and ran at David who looked shocked as she speared him to the ground and started to punch and scratch David's face. He moved his face away from her attack. He was able to take a fat drag from his blunt, then blew the THC filled smoke in Minka's face with his dragon attack. Minka started to cough from the thickness of the smoke.

David pushed her off of him and got up to his feet quickly, He saw Minka coughing up a lung, he walked over to her and brought her upright, but Minka countered with a fist to the gut of the stoner, this caused him to drop his blunt, Minka punched him again and again in the gut. David fell to one knee, as soon as David did, Minka took off right to David's flag, but the stoner was able to react in time, he wrapped his arms around her waist and tossed her behind him with a sloppy German suplex.

Gaylord-"He almost fucked that one up."

Stump-"Fucking stoner. Minka has to pick up her game."

David got up and stumbled over to Minka's flag and climbed up the turnbuckle and reached for the flag, he almost had it but Minka hit David with a wicked low blow. David fell backwards onto Minka, both hit the mat and now were tied together like a knot. David was holding his bawls due to the pain. Minka rolled David off of her and slowly got to her feet. She was a little dazed from the bigger male landing on her. She shook her head to get straight. Minka saw David on the ground still. She started to stomp and kick the fallen stoner. She grabbed him and some how got him upright, she Irish whipped him into the ropes, David hit the ropes, on his way back. Minka had ran and jumped into the air to dropkick David but he duck under the attack, Minka hit the ground. David followed up with an elbow drop to the back of Minka, who grunted in pain. David rolled over and with the help of the ropes, got up. Minka didn't waste time and she too was back to her feet. Her back was in pain but she wasn't going to give up.

Stump-"It doesn't look like Minka is going to quit anytime soon."

Gaylord-"I wonder what David whispered to her? It might have lit a fire under her."

Minka rushed David and swung at him, trying to hit with with her lefts and rights, but David was able to dodge them all, He kicked her away, she fell back and landed on her ass. Minka just sat there looking up at David. Her eyes started to water and soon she was crying. David knew why she was. In her promo she said that the man that kidnapped her would let her go if she won. This was weighting heavy on David's heart. He couldn't stand, what was worse. There was nothing he could do. Or was there? David took out a blunt from his pocket and placed it between his lips before lighting it up. He took a fat drag followed by blowing out the smoke.

David Mosier-"Oh shit, I just remembered that the new episode of Dragon Ball Super is on tonight. Welp, I got to get going or else I'm going to miss it. Yeah, see you later Minka."

David smiled down at Minka who was looking right at him. He waved at her before stepping between the ropes then to the floor below. David kept puffing on his blunt as he walked up the ramp.

Stump-"What is going on? Why is he leaving?"

Gaylord-"He's letting Minka run."

Stump-"What the fuck are you talking about Gaylord?"


Minka watched as David left. She made her way to David's flag, she climbed up the turnbuckle and reached for the flag pole and took it out of it's stand. The ref called for the bell.

Tig O'Bitties-"Here is your winner! Minka Arzegotti!"

Winner-Minka Arzegotti

"My Sacrifice" by Creed fills the arena causing the crowd to burst into cheers. Fan favorite and former XWF Televison Champion, Thomas Nixon, walks onto the stage. He's dressed in street clothes, a gray t shirt and blue jeans, and he begins to make his way to the ring.

Although he garners a positive reaction from the fans, Nixon doesn't seem like he wants to play to the crowd. He doesn't give out any high fives, instead, he walks directly towards the ring with a visible limp in his step. Nixon grabs a microphone from the ring side attendant, and he enters the ring. The music cuts.

Nixon: "MCBRIDE!"

Nixon yells emphatically, an angry expression on his face, as he paces around the ring.

Nixon: "McBride, you son of a bitch, come out here and fight me like a man!"

Nixon stops himself, facing the entrance area. The crowd cheers and starts a "Nixon! Nixon!" chant.

Nixon: "Don't be a coward! Meet me face to face, and let's settle this!"

Nixon drops the microphone and takes off his t shirt, revealing his wounds from last week. His ribs are covered with bandages, wrapping around the entire lower half of his torso. Also, his left shoulder is dressed with athletic tape.

Instead of McBride’s music filling the arena, Jefferson Jackson makes his way onto the stage, getting a horrid reaction from the crowd. He enters the ring with a microphone in hand. Nixon avoids the glance of Jefferson, unhappy that his rival hasn't accepted his challenge.

Jefferson Jackson: "Now, now, Tommy boy, You know that you aren't medically cleared to compete this week. We kept you off the show at the recommendation of your doctor, and now it is my responsibility to make sure you don't get more severe injuries."

The crowd bursts into a "Let them fight!" chant. Nixon nods his head in agreement with the crowd.

Jefferson Jackson: "Now, now, now! I'm JUST DOING MY JOB, people! And I'm hearing you, Thomas, and I understand that you want revenge, but that doesn't mean you can get McBride right now. You're off this week."

Nixon grabs the microphone.

Nixon: "Then give me him next week! Nixon vs. McBride with no rules! That’s what I want, and that’s what the fans want!"

The crowd roars, but Jefferson shakes his head side to side.

Jefferson Jackson: "Nixon, you're already booked. Remember? You're going to wrestle the Television Champion next week-"

Nixon: "I don't want Caedus! I don't want Nico! I want to settle the score, and you can give me that! Put me against that prick next week! Throw someone else in my place, I don’t care. I don’t want to let that scumbag walk around backstage unpunished-"

Jefferson Jackson: "Nixon, the shareholders won't be happy if I put an injured wrestler in an extreme rules match. It’s in my best interest to keep you out of a heated, high-risk match up. You’re going to wrestle the winner of tonight’s main event, that’s final."

The crowd booed loudly, and Nixon stared at his boss with a look of disdain.

Jefferson Jackson: “But I’m not screwing over our fans. How about this, I’m aware that you have a buddy backstage. A friend that was there for you in the hospital, who would be more than happy to avenge you…So next week, we’re going to have XWF Trios Champion, Guppy Parsh, return to action to face off against Michael McBride!”

Nixon nods, a bit pissed off but at accepting of the compromise. On the other hand, the crowd roars hearing the name of the anti-rapist vigilante. Jefferson, happy with his decision, soaks in the crowd’s excitement as the scene fades to commercial.


"Till The World Ends" by Britney Spears is heard on the sound system. Talia comes out from behind the curtain. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her. She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms. She gets on the apron and enters the ring between the ropes. After that she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face.

Tig O'Bitties: In the ring first, from Buenos Aires, Argentina by way of Mexico City, she is TALIAAAAAAAAA AREANOOOOOOOO!

“Royal Blood” by Out of the Black fills the arena. Aldo walks out onto the stage with a blunt in his mouth after his music plays for 12 seconds. He looks at the crowd and stretchs his arms out while fireworks go off around him. He then walks to the ring and jumps through the ropes. He then climbs up to the top rope, blows smoke into the air, and tosses the blunt into the crowd.

Tig O'Bitties: And her opponent, from Rome, Italy, “THE 4-20 KID” ALDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NARDOZZIIIIIIIIIII!


The bell rings, and Talia charges at Aldo without hesitation. He sidesteps, and Talia continues to dash forward. She ricochets off the ropes, as Aldo hunches forward, looking for the back body drop. Talia leaps over Aldo going for a sunset flip, but Aldo remains steady on his feet, before reaching down and grabbing Talia by the head.

Aldo swings his much smaller opponent onto her feet in front of him, but she grabs his arms and sends him to the ground with an arm drag! Aldo rolls out to the floor, holding his neck.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Look at that fast paced exchange to start it off!

Mike Stump: Aldo may not be a big guy for wrestling standards, but he has a size advantage here! He yanked her to her feet by the head!

Aldo paces around the ring, not noticing when Talia exits the ring behind him. She starts to run towards Aldo, who turns and is met with a huricanrana! Aldo crashes down into the guard rail, as the crowd cheers for Talia. Talia poses, excited that she has the upper hand. She reaches down to grab Aldo, but she is shoved away. Talia quickly recovers and runs at Aldo looking for a crossbody.

Gaylord Cockshafer: The 4-20 Kid caught her in mid air!

Aldo leans back and recklessly tosses Talia over head and onto the hard floor. She curls up in the fetal position, holding her ribs. After the initial reaction to the big move, the crowd unleashes a chorus of jeers at Aldo.

Mike Stump: He tossed her like she was nothing!

The referee leans out of the ring, yelling at Aldo and Talia to return the action back into the squared circle. Aldo neglected the referee. Aldo posed while looking down at his fallen opponent. Eventually, he pulls Talia to her feet and tosses her back into the ring.

Talia slowly gets to her knees, but Aldo wraps his arms around her torso. Aldo lifts her up and flings her onto the canvas with a gutwrench suplex! Talia uses the ropes to reach her feet, but she is shoved into the corner. Aldo winds up and smacks Talia with a stiff forearm shiver!

Gaylord Cockshafer: That was brutal!

Mike Stump: It looks like Aldo has found his gameplan!

Talia hunches over in the corner, holding her throat with one hand. Aldo leans down and rams his shoulder into the mid section of Talia! Not just once, Aldo repeatedly thrusts his shoulder into his opponent, knocking the wind out of her. The referee yells at Aldo to get out of the corner, but he just straightens up Talia and slams his knee into her stomach!

The referee pushes Aldo away from her, as she collapses to the mat. Aldo holds both hands up, insisting that he did nothing illegal. After a brief lecture, he races to the mat and covers Talia.


Tw-No! Talia got a shoulder up!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Aldo is not letting up here!

Aldo yanks Talia to her feet, and whips her into the ropes. Off the rebound, Talia eats a big boot from Aldo that takes her off her feet! She sits up, holding her nose, and slowly getting to her feet. The 4-20 Kid lines up for a super kick, and Talia doesn’t even notice. She turns and ducks under the foot of Aldo! And she catches him with a school boy pin!


Tw-Aldo kicks out!

Mike Stump: That’s what Talia needs to do! Use her speed and catch Aldo off guard!

Talia and Aldo both shoot to their feet, after the near fall. Aldo swings for a big lariat, but Talia ducks under the strike. Instead, she delivers a quick kick to the mid section. She knocked the wind out of Aldo! She turned and bounced off the ropes, but ALDO TOOK HER HEAD OFF WITH A DISCUS CLOTHESLINE!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Aldo is an equal opportunity wrestler!

Aldo crawls to the rough with a huge grin on his face, while Talia recuperates from the massive strike she absorbed. Aldo realizes his opportunity, and he lines up behind Talia. As she raises to a knee, Aldo grabs her around the throat locking in a rear-naked choke!

Mike Stump: Aldo claims this was one of his finishing maneuvers, when he wrestled in Japan!

But before Aldo could fully synch in the hold, Talia bucks her hips and leans forward, tossing Aldo over her and onto his back. Talia falls back a few steps, and Aldo regains himself. Talia darts forward and catches Aldo in the head and shoulders with a dropkick! And Aldo falls to the floor! The XWF faithful shows is making their voice heard.



With a burst of adrenaline, Talia jumps onto the apron and poses for the crowd, as Aldo lies down on the floor.

Gaylord Cockshafer: That’s the high speed, high risk action that the XWF fans love to see from Talia Areano!

Mike Stump: She could keep up with any man in XWF!

Talia hops down onto the floor and rolls Aldo into the ring close to one of the corners. Instead of following him into the ring, she scales the turnbuckle. She jumps off the top looking for her signature double foot stomp! No water in the pool! Aldo rolled inwards toward the turnbuckle! Talia did a shoulder roll, as she landed. She turns towards Aldo, but SHE’S CUT OFF WITH A HUGE SPEAR!

Aldo gets to his feet, with a second wind of energy. He looks at Talia who is breathing hard on the mat. She sits up, and Aldo rushes forward and connects with a stiff PENALTY KICK! He drops down on Talia and hooks both legs!




Mike Stump: He knocked the wind out of her!


Talia got her shoulder up just in time! Aldo pounds the mat in frustration, believing that the referee could potentially change the verdict. Talia rolls onto her stomach and crawls towards the ropes. She drags herself to her feet, breathing hard and holding her abdomen. Aldo darts towards Talia, but he eats a drop kick to the knees! Aldo falls flat on his stomach, and Talia capitalizes by catching Aldo in a La Magistral cradle!


Gaylord Cockshafer: Look at that turn of events!



Tig O'Bitties: “The winner of the match... TALIA.... AREANO!!!!!


Savage comes back from commercial as the man known as Random is in the ring. Just then,the instrumental for OutKast Elevators hits and the lights begin to flicker.

Tig O'Bitties: And now....from Compton, California.....John Black!

Black walks down through the crowd as fans touch and slap at his arms and shoulders. He throws his arms up when he gets the the barricade before jumping over, and rolling into the ring.

Stump: This sould be a good one. This weird ass random dude and the hardest thug in XWF

Cockshafer: All I know is that someone is going through a table!

After some circling, they locked up in the center of the ring. Black gets the early advantage, whipping random into the turnbuckle. He follows it up with a splash. A series of elbows in the corner has Random woozy.

Black pulls him out of the corner and locks in the arms, delivering a huge German suplex. Black, however, doesn't go for the table but rather stays on the offensive with a series of punches and kicks. Lifting Random up by the head, he signals to the crowd for Blastarr.

Cockshafer: He wants to get rid of Random early here.

But the weird one slips out, bounces off the ropes and drop kicks Black in the back, sending him face first into the ropes, where he sits now with is neck and torso over the ropes. Random then, in a burst of speed, goes to the top rope and leg drops the head of Black from the top. Black flips over the ropes and to the outside, holding his neck.

Stump: My god!

Random goes under the ring and grabs a table. As he prepares to set it up, Black is back to his feet, holding his neck, but is able to shove Random towards the ring post outside. Random catches himself, but Black chages from behind. Shoving Random's head into the ring post, both men stumble as Black is still reeling from the last move.

Black sets the table up. Random is now on top of the barricade and jumps towards Black who catches him with a huge spinebuster onto the mat outside! Finally the table is fully set up. Black is setting Random back up, but Random again wiggles out and shoves Black away, knowing in the ring he is safe. Rolling back into the ring, he gets up to try to catch his bearings. Black soon follows, but Random runs ans baseball slides him out of the ring. Black is back up again and Random goes to the top rope.

Cockshafer: Here we go!

Stump: Table! Table! Table!

He jumps off the top, suicide diving and hitting Black as the crowd goes nuts. Random is back up. He tries to get the crowd going with some hand signals. He lays black down on he table. Random has a chair as well, and lays it on top of Black.....he crawls to the top rope. But before he can get there, Black rolls off the table. Into the ring comes Black, who hits Random in the back with the chair. He climbs to the top rope with him and the two exchange blows. They are teetering, as the table looms ominously below. Random throws an elbow up and strikes Black right across the face!! Another!! And another! Black is just barely holding on! Random wraps his arm around Black's head..... BULLDOG THROUGH THE TABLE!!! THIS ONE IS OVER!!!!

Tig O'Bitties: “The winner of the match..... RANDOM!!!!

Winner - Random

Tig O'Bitties: “The following match is for the XWF Television Championship, and is scheduled for one fall, with a fifteen minute time limit!

Tig O'Bitties: “Introducing the challenger, from San Francisco, California and weighing in at 260, pounds... "Nico LaVey!”

Nico starts walking out with his beloved Ophelia nearby him. As the two walk down the ramp together, Ophelia blows kisses into the crowd and Nico just stares intently ahead at the ring. The couple share n embrace before Ophelia goes back up the ramp. Nico gets in the ring, leans in the corner, and waits.

Mike Stump: "Nico LaVay looks to be in top form tonight, but does he have what it takes to defeat Jim Caedus inside of 15 minutes?"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Well if he does, he'll walk out as our new Television Champion."

Mike Stump: "Jim Caedus seems to think that Nico LeVay isn't up to the task."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Of course he doesn't. Even if he did, why would he admit it?"

Tig O'Bitties: “And his opponent...”

Tig O'Bitties: “...currently residing from The High Desert, California, and weighing in at 230 pounds... XWF Television Champion, Jim Caedus!”

"Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begins to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer introduces the party pooper; an extremely gentle euphemism. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates XWF Television Champion Jim Caedus, TV Title strap around his waist, steps out and the house lights come up.

His hair hangs freely, his eyes devoid of emotion. He glances around at the majority population of fools who have no idea who he is as small pockets of more experienced fans and smarks suddenly erupt with excitement and recognition. None of it, good or bad, seems to get anything other than a dead gaze from Jim Caedus.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps, places the Television Title lovingly upon it then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Now that's a real champion. Notice how his championship belt is crafted from only the finest leather, gold, and jewel?"

Mike Stump: "It's a fact that Jim Caedus is the current reigning XWF TV Champion, but that hasn't stopped Cadryn Tiberius from claiming that he is actually the TV Champion."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "He doesn't have a legitimate claim to the belt Mike! Cadryn lost last week fair and square!"

Mike Stump: "Technically he didn't lose."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Well he sure didn't win! Had he, he wouldn't need to carry around that belt that he made out of trash. "

Jim Caedus doesn't even wait for the bell, he rushes in and and attacks with a barrage of wild punches. Nico LaVey desperately tries to defend himself. Caedus slams LaVey to the mat and continues the assault as the referee tries desperately to seperate the two men. Caedus stands over a fallen Lavey and shouts.


Mike Stump: "What a viscous assault by Jim Caedus before the match could even begin!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "You heard the man, wrestling is all about opportunity, and he took his opportunity to put the odds in his favor!"

The referee checks on Nico, making sure that he is fit to continue. Nico waves the referee off, signaling that he wants this match to take place.

Mike Stump: "You have to admire Nico LaVey's heart."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Would you give up a shot at the Television Title just because you had a boo boo?"


Both men lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Nico uses his height and weight advantage to push Caedus into the corner. The referee calls for a break. Nico releases the hold and with both hands up, slowly backs away when Caedus blindsides him with a slap to the face. Nico rushes back in, but the referee positions himself between the two men, forcing Nico back as Caedus leans in the corner laughing.

Mike Stump: "Another a cheap shot by Jim Caedus"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Again, wrestling is all about opportunity. Caedus saw and opportunity to get in a free shot, and he took it."

Both men lock up again. Nico positions himself behind Caedus, but Caedus reverses and connects with a snap suplex! Caedus moves in, and quickly places a headlock on Nico. Nico fights is way back to his feet, and hits a few elbows to the midsection, forcing Caedus to break the hold. Nico whips Caedus into the turnbuckle.

Nico sizing him up.

Running knee levels Jim Caedus!

Nico quickly follows up with a pump handle neckbreaker!

Mike Stump: "Nico LaVey is gaining momentum early on."

LaVey drops quickly applies a headlock of his own. Jim Caedus trying to fight his way to his feet, but LaVey dead weights him, and they crash back to the mat. LaVey hits a couple of punches to the head, then tightens the headlock.


Caedus manages to get a thumb to the eye, causing LaVey to release the head lock. Caedus grabs LaVey by the hair and lifts him up.

Nico LaVey with a low blow!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "How did the referee not see that!?"

Mike Stump: "I imagine he was too busy yelling at Jim Caedus for pulling the hair."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "This is one sided officiating if I've ever seen it!"

Nico is fired up now! He kicks Caedus back to the mat, and then lays into him with a series of stomps. Nico springs off the ropes with a moonsault for the pin!




Nico stands up and argues with the referee. Nico turns around...


The powerful Yakuza kick hits Nico square in the chest and sends him between the middle and top rope, onto the apron, then to the floor!

Mike Stump: "Hey! Ouch! That doesn't look good!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Not at all, Stump! Nico needs to focus on his opponent here and not the refreree. Jim Caedus has proved in his short time here in the XWF that he's no one to turn your back on!"

Mike Stump: "Yeah! He proved it AGAIN with that Wrexus Plexus that probably broke three of Nico's ribs!!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "I think he's okay, Stump. Look, he's already picking himself up and the official hasn't even began the count yet!"

ONE!!!! TWO!!!!!!

The official made sure he stood between the champion and the challenger while making his counts, leaving Nico enough space to find his way back into the ring. Caedus sneaks out of the back of the ring...


As Nico, uses the corner steps to pull himself to his feet, Caedus drop kicks him in the face and lands on the steel steps himself!! LaVey flies back and Caedus holds his own mid-section after landing hard and unguarded on the steel! After the referee noticed Caedus on the outside he threw his arms into the air in frustration and restarted his count!!

ONE!!!! TWO!!!

He yells at Caeus on the outside to get his shit together and get back into the ring, but Caedus is using focusing all his attention on the challenger who's starting to stir in the aisleway just off the ramp. Caeudus finds the floor with his feet and makes his way over to Nico who just managed to find his balance as well. Nico buries an elbow into the midsection of the champ and then another to the face!!



Gaylord Cockshafer: "We've just past the NINE MINUTE mark here in this fifteen minute Television Title bout..."

Mike Stump: "LaVey should know that time isn't his friend in this one, Gaylord! He needs to get control of this and get the match back into the ring...."

Gaylord Cockshafer: "He definitely can't win the title out here, Stump!"

Nico pushes Caedus against the barricade then follows up by using Caedus's own knee as a step to smack him with an enzuigiri!! The smack from boot to face was so loud it almost quieted the capacity crowd in the Valley View Casino Center! Caedus falls in a daze to his side along the barricade. Nico plants a couple of boots to the side of the champ's head before lifting him back up to his feet and guiding him by the back of the neck back to the ring!

FOUR!!! FIVE!!!!!!

LaVey slams Caedus's head against the apron then throws him into the ring post!! Caedus manages to get his boot up onto the ring steps to black and throws Nico into the steps instead! Nico falls across the top of them and onto the arena floor where he tumbles and ends up sitting, resting his back against the barricade. Caedus climbs up on the apron, while the official barks in his ear, and makes the corner and walks away from the corner. He turns around, full sprint, and dives off the apron with a cross-body splash on the already proned Nico LaVey!!!!!

SIX!!!! SEVEN!!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "WHAT A MOVE BY CAEDUS!!"

Mike Stump: "Oh man! He just crushed Nico against that barricade!"


Caedus hurries and grabs Nico and throws him under the bottom rope into the ring.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "It looks like Caedus wants to finish this one in the ring!


Caedus slides into the ring behind Nico and picks his opponent up from the mat. He pushes him into the ropes and Irish whips him into the opposite side. LaVey bounces off, but wraps his arms around and holds on!! Without realizing it, Caedus spun around and was going for a Purgatory Punch, but missed and Nico countered him with a spinning backfish of his own!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "BLACK TIGER BOMB!!!!!!"

Caedus staggers backwards from the blow! Nico runs after him and lifts the knee!!!!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "SOUFFRANT!!!!!!"

Mike Stump: "GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!"

Nico LaVey plants the Television Champion with his huge flying knee strike, crawls over him, and hooks a leg!!!



Gaylord Cockshafer: "WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!!!!!"


Jim Caedus kicks out after two!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Jim Caedus somehow finds a way and hangs onto his Television Title a little longer!!"

Mike Stump: "That guy's head must be harder than a rock! He not only took that knee, but a Black Tiger Bomb RIGHT before! What a match!"

Nico corners the referee again and argues the call. Meanwhile, Jim Caedus finds a second wind and climbs quickly to his feet!


Gaylord Cockshafer: "Jim Caedus somehow finds a way and hangs onto his Television Title a little longer!!"

Mike Stump: "It looks like Caedus is ready to exchange the favor here! Turn around Nico!!"

Nico does just that and gets cracked a second time with Wrexus Plexus!!! He gets blasted back into the corner turnbuckle where referee Chaz Bobo was standing during the argument with Nico!

LaVey bounces off Bobo and Bobo gets crushed in the corner and falls lifeless to the mat!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Man down!!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Oh no! Chaz Bobo has been taken out of this match, with such a short amount of time left, we may not get a winner from this!!

After Nico bounced off the referee, he stumbled across the ring right into Caedus who lifts him up on his shoulders!!!

Mike Stump: "Jim Caedus looks to be setting up for Katabasis! This could spell the end for Nico LaVey!!"

Caedus drapes Nico Lavey over his shoulders and carries him towards the center of the ring.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "KATABASSIS!"

Caedus levels him with a burning hammer!

The champ makes the cover........

Mike Stump: "The ref's still down, Jim!! You're going to have to wake him up!!"

Caedus holds the leg even tighter as the crowd lights up!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: "What's this?!"

Mika Hunt, the one and only female official of the XWF is jogging to the ring!!

Mike Stump: "It's MIKA!!!"

She slides into the ring and checks the cover!!!




Gaylord Cockshafer: "UNREAL!"


Gaylord Cockshafer: "I DEMAND WE CHECK THE REPLAY!"


Caedus can't believe it. He doesn't waste anytime though and picks Nico up off the ground. Meanwile, Mika Hunt tends to the actual official of the match, Chaz Bobo, who is still knocked out in the corner.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Caedus showing a bit of frustration here for sure! He had the match one, but his own mistake and ring awareness could have cost him!"

Mike Stump: "What do you mean, Gaylord? Even if the time runs out here, Caedus still hangs onto the title!!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "I don't think Jim Caedus wants to repeat those circumstances, do you, Stump?!"

Caedus Irish whips LaVey into the corner turnbuckle hard and follows him in with a big clothesline! Nico's legs spring into the air and he falls to the mat. Caedus runs to the opposite corner then springs back!! He leaps into the air for a baseball slide, but Nico manages to duck out of the way just in time! Caedus still crashes into the corner against Nico, but took the worst of it for sure. Nico pushes him off of him and pulls him up to his feet. Nico shoves Caedus into the corner and buries a couple of fists into his chest before lifting him up, sitting him on the top turnbuckle.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "It looks like Chaz Bobo is back in action here, folks. That's certainly a relief..."

Mike Stump: "I'm jealous, Gaylord!!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Why's that, Stump??"

Mike Stump: "I'd love to wake up to those dreamy eyes looking down at me!! No matter the circumstances!! You probably wouldn't though, would you, Gaylord?"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "It looks like Nico is trying something high risk here to swing things back in his favor! He's looking up at the time on the big screen, fans, we've just reached the ONE MINUTE MARK!"

Mike Stump: "Nico's going to have to hurry up if he wants to walk away with the title tonight!!"

Nico pulls Caedus to his feet and wraps his arms around him, he tries pulling Caedus off, but the champ manages to wrap his legs around the turnbuckle! He lands a few punches to Nico, which throws the challenger off balance, but just before Nico falls off the turnbuckle, Caedus picks him up onto his shoulders......................





Gaylord Cockshafer: "THIS HAS TO BE IT!!!!




Tig O'Bitties: “The winner of the match and STILL XWF TELEVISION CHAMPION................... JIM.................................... CAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!”


Tig O'Bitties: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our MAIN EVENT and is a STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE XWF HART CHAMPIONSHIP, where the only way to win is by pinfall, submission, or escape the cage and have both feet planted on the arena floor!

The lights dim as the entrance stage begins to fill with smoke. The opening chords of "Mayhem" blast over the PA system as a large wall of fire engulfs the stage. As the fire fades away, Micheal Graves begins to rise up from a hidden lift at the top of the stage like a demon rising from the depths of Hell. The metal riffs of Halestorm continue to pound on as Micheal stands there for a moment, surveying the crowd.

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing first, the challenger! From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 255 pounds.... "The Dark warrior"...... MICHAEL ......... GRAAAAAAAAAVES!!!!!

Micheal slowly walks down the ramp as small burst of fire erupt at the sides of the stage. The lights slowly raise back up as Micheal rolls into the ring and takes a seated position leaning against the turnbuckle facing the stage.

Tig O'Bitties: And his opponent........

A series of fireworks fire off on the stage as Robbie's music starts to play throughout the arena. Across the X-Tron, we see the exact same thing as what is traditionally used as Robbie Bourbon's banner on the XWF website as Robbie steps out. He raises his arms to 45 degree angles while the X-Tron shows clips of Robbie standing on top of the Elimination Chamber followed by the massive dive through the top onto Trax, Robbie forcing Vinnie Lane to sign his contract mid-match, and Robbie delivering the final blow to Barney Green's career by way of Robbiebomb onto the hood of the car.

Tig O'Bitties: From Washington D.C., weighing in at 290 pounds!! He is the XWF Hart Champion...... RRRRRRROBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ............ BOURBONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

Robbie starts to calmly walk down to the ring, taking his time to get there. He climbs the ring steps, stands on the apron, and turns his back to the ring, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles while jawing to the crowd, which is singing along to I, Don Quixote. Robbie then enters the ring and points at the referee, jawing at him. He then spins, hops on the second turnbuckle, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles again.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Robbie hands the belt off to the XWF's very own Head Official, Old Man Johnson, and this contest is almost underway.

Mike Stump: Bourbon's had a long climb to this point, Gaylord. In his firs ever title defense, I'm sure he's bringing some heat!

Gaylord Cockshafer: I'm certain he will be, Stump! Michael Graves is no push-over, either, though. A former XWF World Champion in his own right...

Mike Stump: That's the past, Gaylord! A NEW era is upon us here in the XWF... And Robbie Bourbon's name is written all over it!

After Old Man Johnson places the belt on the time keeper's table, he climbs into the ring and shuts the door to the cage. He points to Nipsey Russel officially starting the match!


The two competitors circle each other inside the cage, Graves appears to be sizing up his super-sized opponent.

Gaylord Cockshafer: These two are standing eye-to-eye, but Bourbon obviously has a weight advantage here...

Mike Stump: A good fifty-pounds, Gaylord! Enough to crush any opponent!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Well, that fifty-pound advantage won't come in handy when it comes to escaping the cage, Stump!

Graves moves in and hits the champ across the chest with a big chop! Bourbon just looks down at his chest and laughs aloud as the slap barely penetrates. Graves moves in again and attacks with a forearm, but Bourbon pushes out and chest bumps Graves back into the ropes and power slams Graves as he springs back!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Big slam by the champ!

Mike Stump: You see, Gaylord?! Size does matter!

Bourbon picks Graves up by the hair and throws a headbutt staggering his opponent. He then grabs Graves by the back of the neck and throws him over the top rope and against the cage! Graves falls behind the ropes and rolls back into the ring only to be met by stomps to the head by the champion.

Robbie grabs Graves by the head and pulls him to his feet. He walks over to the side of the cage and drags Graves's face across the side of it! He goes the whole way across the one side, winds up, and slams the Dark warrior's head into the turnbuckle! He does the same with the next side! Graves's tries to resist, but Bourbon is able to overpower him for the moment and slam him once again into the next corner! He let's go of Graves as he throws him into the center of the ring where Graves takes a dizzy tumble to the mat. Bourbon chases him with a giant clothesline to an already kneeled Graves!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Bourbon is relentless. He's certainly come out here with a purpose!

Mike Stump: It's like he's on another level, Gaylord! He's a champion now! He's not only representing the people, but the XWF and the Hart Championship!

Bourbon jumps high into the air and drops a big elbow onto Graves's back and rolls off! He drops another, followed by another! Graves bounces up and down on the canvas as the heavy elbows repeatedly crash down on his back! Bourbon then grabs Graves by the head and guides him back to his feet, only to knock him back down again with a heavy clothesline!

Gaylord Cockshafer: The champ's definitely taking early control of this match-up folks!

Bourbon stands up and heads for the corner turnbuckle and begins climbing up. He reaches the top and begins finding his footing in the top of the cage! He throws one leg over, but Graves makes it to his feet and rushes the corner and meets Robbie at the top! They exchange blows at the top of the cage knocking it back and forth. Graves manages to pull the rest of Bourbon's heavy frame back to the inside of the ring and with a strong kick to the side of the head sending the champion back down to the canvas! Graves looks to the outside of the cage, then back down to Bourbon who's currently on his hands and knees. Graves finds some footing and dives from just below the top of the cage! He hits a missle dropkick!! Graves manages to catch the side of Robbie's head nearly decapitating Robbie Bourbon!

Gaylord Cockshafer: There's the fire!

Mike Stump: You know, Graves said this is his first title shot in, what? Twenty years?

Gaylord Cockshafer: Maybe not twenty, Stump, but it's been a loooong time! You seen the fire from him all week and I think we're seeing that now! 'The Dark warrior' is hungry for a title!

Graves pulls Bourbon to his feet and throws different kicks and punches at him as he pushes him to the corner. He throws a headbutt to the masked champion and tucks Robbie's head under his arm! He throws a couple of punches to the head of the champ before taking a trip across the ring! A running bulldog on Robbie Bourbon! Graves heads to one of the walls and begins slowly scaling it up on the side! Bourbon lies motionless for a minute, before springing up like a jack rabbit and grabbing the challenger half way up! Bourbon leans back and drops Graves on the flat of his back with a body-to-back suplex!

Graves grabs the back of his neck and rolls away as Bourbon continues his pursuit after him! He catches up with Graves and pulls him to his feet, Graves counters with several punches to the mid-section of the champion, followed up by one huge right hook to the jaw! Bourbon flails backwards a couple of steps, but catches himself and charges forward! Graves was ready and caught Bourbon with a dropkick to the chest! Bourbon again flails back a couple of steps, but charges forward once again!

Gaylord Cockshafer: The Hart Champion, Robbie Bourbon, showing great resiliency in this match-up tonight!

Mike Stump: He's worked hard, Gaylord! He's NOT walking out of this place WITHOUT that belt!

This time, Bourbon is met in the face with a superkick! That has Robbie reeling! Graves falls back into the ropes and jumps across the ring and catches Robbie across the face with his knee!


Bourbon appears out cold in the center of the ring as Graves quickly reaches his feet!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Graves with a big combination of maneuvers! He needs to take advantage of this opportunity!

Mike Stump: Bourbon is lying flat on his back, Gaylord! He's not moving!

Graves begins climbing the corner! Bourbon is still motionless in the ring! That knee must've hit him square in the melon! Graves looks down as he continues his climb to the top of the cage! He reaches the top and goes to throw one leg over the side... but looks down at a stirring Robbie Bourbon! The champ gets a quick second wind and is up to his feet again! He looks up and sees Graves high in the air, they lock eyes for a moment and Graves pulls his leg back inside the ring! He JUMPS FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE AND LANDS ACROSS ROBBIE BOURBON!!!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Flying cross body from the top of the cage! Graves just flattened Bourbon again!

Mike Stump: Did you see that though, Gaylord?! Robbie Bourbon ALMOST caught Graves in mid-air! That takes some awesome strength!! Graves isn't some little guy ya know! If it wasn't for him diving from fifteen feet in the air, I'm sure the champ would've made the best of that one!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Well, unfortunately for the champion, he didn't!

Mike Stump: It's not like Graves is in the best place either, Gaylord! He had a chance to end the match standing on top of the cage like that! He was a fool to jump down like that!

Gaylord Cockshafer: I'm not sure about that! Robbie Bourbon was RIGHT there and could have easily picked Graves off the cage!

The two commentators continue to argue about what their eyes had already seen while the two competitors in the ring try to find the strenght to regain their feet! Bourbon reaches his knees while it appears Graves took a harsh beating from the move, as he struggles to his feet using the ropes to pull himself up!

Graves gets to his feet first and swings a hard closed fist at his masked foe! Bourbon eats the punch and returns one of his own! The two exchange punches in the middle of the ring like two juggernauts! One right hook after another! Bourbon gains momentum and gets a couple consecutive hits in! Graves falls back, catches himself on the ropes, and spins around hitting Bourbon across the chest and face with a round house kick! Bourbon catches the leg and pulls it into the air! Graves does a standing back flip and lands on his feet countering the takedown! He knees Bourbon in the mid-section, bounces from the ropes, and flies into Bourbon with a spinning heel kick! Bourbon refuses to go down as he catches Graves mid-air and slams him down!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Again! The resiliency of the Hart Champion is unbelievable! Robbie Bourbon refuses to be taken down!

He picks up Graves from the mat and sets him up for... A Robbiebomb!

Mike Stump: Uh oh! It looks like Robbie's looking to take Graves out for good here! Here comes a Robbiebomb!!!!!

Bourbon picks up Graves into the air, but before he can slam him down, Graves grabs Bourbon's neck and holds on! He starts landing a series of punches to the face of the champion! Bourbon falls backwards and lands on his back with Graves on top of him! The challenger continues to land punches on Robbie Bourbon then stands up! He paces around the ring then stops in the center and waits for Robbie to reach his feet!

Gaylord Cockshafer: It looks like Graves is looking for something big here!

Mike Stump: Robbie better watch!

The Dark Warrior kicks the champion in the stomach and plants his head between his legs! He pulls Robbie's arms up........

Gaylord Cockshafer: What an AMAZING show of strength from Michael Graves! That's nearly three hundred pounds his pulling up right now!



Graves plants Robbie Bourbon on his head with his patented crucifix piledriver!

Gaylord Cockshafer: The champion is down!!!! What will Graves do now?! Will he cover the champion?! Will he try and make his escape! Wait a minute.....

The crowd's mood changes immediately as everyone's attention is diverted to the stage...

Mike Stump: What's going on, Gaylord?! Who is that?!

The Business/Financial Superintendent, Jefferson Jackson, is making his way down the ramp to a barriage of boos from the electric crowd.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Why... It's JEFFERSON JACKSON! What's he doing down here?!

JJ walks very casually to the ring and ignores the head offical as he begins to occupy the corner with the door to the cage. Graves watches JJ closely as the Business/Financial Superintendent pulls a key from his pocket! He unlocks the cage and opens the door!

Gaylord Cockshafer: What's going on here?! Jefferson Jackson just opened the door for MIchael Graves! What's his deal?!

Mike Stump: Bourbon needs to wake up!

Jackson motions for Graves to escape through the door, but Graves is very skeptical about the whole situation. He approaches the doorway and starts saying something with his head between the ropes when JJ slams the door shut on his head! Graves bounces back and is split open from the blow!


Mike Stump: He just imbedded that door into Michael Graves's skull!! Graves is bleeding all over the mat!

Gaylord Cockshafer: What's the big idea here anyway?! What is Jefferson Jackson's business being out here meddling in a title match!

Bourbon reaches his feet now after missing what had just transpired! JJ opens the door again and yells over to the Hart Champion! Bourbon stumbles over and steps through the middle rope, he stares at JJ for a moment, who returns a huge smile to Robbie Bourbon! He keeps motioning for Robbie to escape the ring....

Gaylord Cockshafer: This is it, folks! Robbie Bourbon is going to defend his Hart Championship in some strange turn of events here.... Wait!!!!

Bourbon smiles back at JJ and grabs the door and slams it shut!!!

Mike Stump: Bourbon's not letting it go down that way! What a champion!

Gaylord Cockshafer: For the people, Stump! As wiley as the Hart Champion has been known to be, he's not accepting the easy way out from Jefferson Jackson!

After Robbie pulled the door shut he marched back to the center of the ring and grabs Graves and sets him up for another Robbiebomb! He lifts Graves up.........



Graves's body contorts and bounces across the canvas! Robbie falls to his knees and covers the Dark Warrior!!





Gaylord Cockshafer: Amazing! Unreal how the Dark Warrior managed to kick out! Not only after a huge Robbiebomb, but after the steel door was bent over his head as well!!

Mike Stump: Graves knows what he's fighting for here, Gaylord! He knows what this win could do to his already resurrected XWF career!

Bourbon can't believe it and JJ is pulling his hair out on the outside! He pulls open the door again and starts slamming it off the side of the cage screaming at Robbie Bourbon. The Hart Champion makes his way back over to the corner and just stares at the Business/Financial Superintendent with a smug smile of his own! JJ throws his arms in the air, as if asking what the hell Bourbon wants?! JJ hopes up on the apron as Bourbon turns his back on him. As the champ turns around he's met with a SHINING WIZARD FROM GRAVES! If Graves flew any higher he would have completely missed Bourbon's head!! He caught Robbie right on the top of his skull sending him stumbling backwards towards the corner!! JJ ducks out of the way and pulls with all of his bodyweight down on the top rope!! There's nothing there for Bourbon when he falls against the ropes and he tumbles over the top!! He falls onto the apron, SQUASHING JJ IN THE PROCESS, THEN FALLS TO THE OUTSIDE!!!!!


Gaylord Cockshafer: IT'S OVER! IT'S OVER!

Mike Stump: Unbelievable ending! I'm not sure who to credit that one to!

JJ falls off the apron holding his knee in agony!


Gaylord Cockshafer: I think JJ's in some trouble here, that was three hundred pounds that came crashing down on top of him there.... He MAY need some medical attention!

Bourbon rises to his feet and looks back to the ring angrily and sees Graves pacing around distraught from his mistake in the ring.... He climbs back in when Graves isn't looking and rushes after him!! Bourbon knocks Graves to the ground with a big chest block! He picks Graves up and sets him up for another Robbiebomb!

Gaylord Cockshafer: It doesn't look like Robbie took too kindly to that second Shining Wizard he got across the face!

Mike Stump: I don't see why not, Gaylord! After all, it's what won him the match!

Robbie picks up Graves and slams him down to the mat!!!

EMT's begin making their way down the ramp with a stretcher for Jefferson Jackson, who still lies on his back, maimed from being crushed.

Robbie still doesn't appear to be finished and picks up Graves for ANOTHER Robbiebomb!

Bourbon lifts Graves high into the air again and...

The crowd lights up as "The Cereal Killer" Cadryn Tiberius runs down the ramp past the EMT's carting a moaning Jefferson Jackson up the ramp.

Mike Stump: "Cadryn Tiberius slides into the ring and smashes Robbie Bourbon in the back of the head with his cardboard TV title!"

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Robbie thinks it's a joke though!"

Robbie, still laughing, turns around. Cadryn hits him again with the belt. This time in the face. Robbie's laughter quickly changes to anger.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Robbie doesn't seem to find this joke funny anymore!"

Robbie Bourbon grabs Cadryn's cardboard TV title and rips it in half, throwing the two severed pieces to the ground. Cadryn seems frozen in fear as Bourbon quickly grabs him up...



Robbie Bourbon sneers at Graves and Tiberius before leaving the ring.

Gaylord Cockshafer: "Cadryn has been pushing to be Micheals friend, and it looks like they will have plenty of time to discuss their friendship while sharing a hospital bed."


Mike Stump: Who knows what next week will have in store, Gaylord! I can't wait!

Gaylord Cockshafer: And who knows the fate of our Business/Financial Superintendent, Jefferson Jackson! I'm sure we'll have our answers soon enough, but right now, we're all out of time! We'll see you next week fans!

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[-] The following 9 users Like Jefferson Jackson's post:
(01-29-2017), "The 4-20 Kid" Aldo Nardozzi (01-30-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (01-29-2017), Guppy Parsh (01-29-2017), JimCaedus (01-29-2017), Nico LaVey (01-29-2017), Talia Areano (01-29-2017), Thomas Nixon (01-29-2017), Vincent Lane (01-31-2017)
Talia Areano Offline
Once broken, now reborn!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

01-29-2017, 11:57 AM

Tally up another hard win for me. :)

[Image: fdfUSnQ.png]
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"The 4-20 Kid" Aldo Nardozzi (01-30-2017), JimCaedus (01-29-2017)
John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-29-2017, 11:59 AM

Random.... Just remember no one and don't get fucked over around here.

Congratulations Random, now you have the juice in XWF.

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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JimCaedus (01-29-2017)
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-29-2017, 12:21 PM

We catch up to a blood soaked Micheal Graves stumbling down a hallway while holding the back of his head.

Steve Sayors: "Micheal, would you like to address your crushing defeat at the hands of Robbie Bourbon tonight?"

Micheal turns around and leans up against the wall, exhausted from the match that just took place.

"Congratulations Robbie Bourbon, you get told hold onto that Hart Championship a little longer, but make no mistake. You may have won the match, but you didn't beat me tonight! And after that assault at the end of the match, our business is far from settled."

Micheal turns back around and slowly limos away.
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JimCaedus (01-29-2017)
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-29-2017, 12:53 PM

Jefferson Jackson is seen backstage in the medical wing being treated by numerous staff. Steve Sayors approaches the Business/Financial Superintendent with a mic in his hand. JJ is wearing a neck brace and a sling on his right arm with crutches under each arm....

Steve Sayors: Mr. Jefferson! Could I have a moment of your time, please?

JJ rolls his eyes back and cringes in pain at either the sight of Steve Sayors or the injuries he suffered in the Main Event tonight.

Jefferson Jackson: Can't you see I'm injured, Sayors?! What is it?!

Steve Sayors: Well, sir, the Universe is wondering, what business did the Business/Financial Superintendent have getting involved in the Hart Championship tonight?

JJ glares back at Sayors with a scowl.

Jefferson Jackson: What BUSINESS did I have? What BUSINESS did the BUSINESS and FINANCIAL SUPERINTENDENT have? Sayors, are you high?

Steve Sayors: N-No, sir?

Jefferson Jackson: The XWF? That's MY business. Savage Saturday Night? That's MY business, too! Anything that happens or transpires on said show? Guess what?

Steven Sayors: Your business?

Jefferson Jackson: EXACTLY EINSTEIN! And guess what? MY business is NO ONE else's! As for Michael Graves? He's got something coming to him. You're lucky I don't fine you, fire you, and destroy everything you've ever done here in the XWF after what you did pal!

Steve Sayors: Which is....?

Jefferson Jackson: He CLEARLY put an XWF official in MORTAL danger, Sayors! Look at me! I'm a damn train wreck!

Steve Sayors: Well, being at ringside, Mr. Jefferson, can put any non-athle--

Jefferson Jackson: Don't even say it, Sayors! Ya know what? Just get outta my face right now! I was just doing my job out there! Something YOU have no idea about! Graves, since you and the 'Cereal Killer' appear to be so close pals... We'll see how you two work together next week!

JJ looks at Sayors and down at the mic.

Jefferson Jackson: Didn't I say to get outta here? Scat! Go! Beat it! Hit the road!
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JimCaedus (01-29-2017)
Random Offline
New Season

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

01-29-2017, 06:33 PM

(01-29-2017, 11:59 AM)John_Black Said: Random.... Just remember no one and don't get fucked over around here.

Congratulations Random, now you have the juice in XWF.

JOHN!!! I want to thank you. First I want to thank you for showing up and giving my me first match, a hell of a match it was too. Secondly I want to thank you for the kind words. After everything I said to you, you still came out and congratulated me, sir are the bigger man and if you ever need any help around here I got your back.

[Image: iR3bFnl.jpg]

8===D ~~~~ RanDoM ~~~~C===8
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JimCaedus (01-29-2017)
Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-29-2017, 08:49 PM

Robbie hurt my butt.

News at 11.

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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JimCaedus (01-29-2017) [-]
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-29-2017, 10:10 PM

ooc: Absolutely badass show JJ, you guys killed that shit. A thank you to all of you for that card, a special thank you to whomever wrote Nico/Jim. That match mirrored the energy of our promos, a fuckin war all the way to the last minutes.

Nico this experience was intense. You're fuckin hardcore, bro, I respect the hell outta you. Thank you

Talia, nice job!

T brother, see you soon for round two!

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
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Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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Jefferson Jackson (01-29-2017), Nico LaVey (01-29-2017), Vincent Lane (01-31-2017)

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