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Anybody have Dead Rising 2?
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TheXtremist"Bryce" Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

05-05-2013, 07:35 PM

I have both DR2 and DR2 off the record as well as DR1 but this thread only pretains to Chuck Greene in DR2? Ok so I have got every ending except 1 ending and here is my question

Does anybody know what Ending E is to this game? (note do not read past this point if you play this game and haven't got all these endings)

I have gotten

Ending S-the best ending where you finish the whole game and walk off with Stacey and Katey

Ending A- Basically the same as ending S except you don't give TK his zombrex, you will be seen going to the chopper with Stacey carring Katey, Katey will drop her backpack and Chuck will go retrive it, the elevator door will open and TK zommbie and two other zombies will pull Chuck back in, Chuck will throw the backpack to Stacey first, the chopper leaves Chuck (this is the ending you must get for the beginning of DR2 Case West to make any sense)

Ending B- You get this if you fail case 6-4 but complete all the ones before it, it is basically the firebombing

Ending C- In order to get this you must be in the safe house when the military arrive, Chuck, Stacey and Katey will be happy to leave when gunfire is heard as well as shrieks in the safehouse, Chuck will open the door and be shot supposedly by Sullivan

Ending D- You must either fail a case and not be in the safe house or must not be in the safe house or on the roof top, you will wake up in a military truck still being accused of starting the whole thing, the back of the truck will open with a mysterious green gas outside

Ending E- Unknown currently

Ending F- Fail to give Katey anyone of her zombrex dossages, the safe house will be overun and you will let yourself die

Win/Loss records

The Xtremist Bryce- 3-5

Sophia Sanchez- 0-0

Overal Record- 3-3

The Fallen

Crimson Dong
Josh Woodrum
Stalker Knight
King Nothing
Masked Warrior
Thomas Matthews

Next Victim(s)
Jason E. Smith

Bryce:2x X-Treme Champion
2x Heavymetal Weight Champion
Sophia Sanchez:
1x North Korean Champ
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