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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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Author Message
Ann Thraxx Offline
Fuck the fuck off!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-13-2013, 11:14 AM

(The events of the last -insert however long it was- minutes/hours haunt Ann)

"Must............... Write..................... RP......................."


*wakes up*

"Aaahhhhhhhh..... Whaaaa? AH, SON OF A BITCH!?!???!?!?!!!!???! THREE MINUTES TO RP? FUCK THAT............. FUCK. THAT."


Sorry to everyone, but mainly Mystery. Didn't want it to end up so heavily relying on your RP. Obviously, I'd be relying on yours anyway, but meh....

The good news is, it's not like it'll kill ya...... Allthough.... Could definately kill me. :L

I have plans for the character. I do have and idea for a short RP in my head for if Ann does end up dead, explaining some things after Ann dies. Mainly that badly timed Char Dev RP-type-thing I put up.... Not gonna leave you entirely empty-handed. Besides. I have about 20 previous characters I can bring in or even back (but mainly in) to the XWF.

One in particular...

So, sorry to everyone about that, and I hope Ann doesn't die. XD

[Image: 2lv1fme.png]

How come all the weird kinky stuff in the world reminds you people of me!?
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(04-13-2013), C Y R E N (04-14-2013)

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